March 4, 1921 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 4, 1921 |
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• RIDAY, MARCH 4, 1921
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.... ' ..... :-':JLYCERINE MIXTURE
Am,rlcan farmers and stockmen heard the cry from central Europe of depleted breeds andl
despair of dairymen. Like the American corn growers who gave freely to tbe starvin,, nations so the cat-'
'tlemen and dairymen of Kanm, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Texas ha'no given and oday in 'the dstr,t I
erouno snout Bremen, uermany, graze a thousand American cows and calves, their gift to the unfor-
tunate dairymen tlere. Thirty American farmers' sons cared for the cows en route, which we6
shipped from Galveston bout six weeks ago. The picture is of a part of the herd before shipping.
Ofeoe of the State Kighway Board,
Olympia, Wash., Feb. 8, 1921. !
Scaled bds will be received at t's
office until two o'clock, Msrch 28,
'1!!21, and then opened for clearing, !
gra(iing, dr.%Inlng and pavlnff wlib one
et)tlrso eoncr(le aboul' 3.17 lnii!s or the
()13nlpic lIighway between the Thurs-
ton County llnc and Kanlllche In {eson
1Gach bid musi he aeeolnpanicd by a
(':ertilhd ebcak payable to the State
Trc!asln'cr for five per ccnt of tile
amount bid. The right is reserved to
reject ally and all bids. The cheek of
all unsuccessful bidders will be return-
ed after tile contract Is awarded and
the bond given.
Plans and specifications are on file
in tile olllce of lim county of
Mason County at Shellon, Wash.; tile
Pacific Builder & Engineer, Seattle;
Daily Journal of Commerce, Seattle
the Iqmploycrs' Association of the In-
land Empire, Spokane; the Employers'
Assoc'lation of %Vashington, Tacoma;
Associated General Contractos of the
Paeillc Northwest, Portland, Oregon,
where lhey may be inspected.
Plans and specifications may be ob-
tained from this office by depositing
$2.00 for eacl set of plans required
to insure tile return of them on or
before tile day the bids are opened.
The Island Belle Grape Growers'
Union held tbeir annual meeting at
Detroit February 20th, to compare
notes over the results of last sea-
son and elected new officers. Vine-
yardists from the vicinity gathered
at the Eckcft faith, and each
brought most encouraging reports.
The 1920 crops brought the highest
pmces on record, and in one in-
stance yiehled 6,2 tons to the acre.
Growers on the average netted $160
a ton, and the greatest net returns
from one acre was $1,000.
The following officers were elected
for 1921: Adam Eckert, president;
Ed. C. Suiter, vice-president; Chas.
Seiners, Jr., secretary; J. F. Raus-
chert, Ed. Wilson and J. Wingert,
The Union urges quantity produc-
tion aml offers encouragement to
growers by inspection of land to be
planted, demonstrations of pruning
in producing vineyards, and by fur-
nishing plants an*d cuttings at cost
fore, not strange that apple orcbards
are being pulled out and new clear-
ings being made ,for the extension of
our leading industry.
"While this is all as it shouhl be,
I must again iinpress upon you the
necessity of diversifying and not
placing your sole reliance on the
gTapes. (h'apes have been grown
here for more than forty years
without a single toa] fail.ure, xvhich
is ahnost be.Fond belief, yet tllerc is
a "first time" for all things.
"We hear of great injury in many
places to the loganberry plant
through freezing. I have yet to
learn of one single instance in our
vicinity of any injury th/'ough freez-
rag, or any other cause, to any of
:he loB'anberry or any other of the
)erry plants. Last season therewere
myers here from Olympia, Puyallup
and Baker canneries at Sumner, all
wanting grapes, currants, gooseberry,
strawberry, Montmorency cherry and
and other fruits. We are also reli-
ably informed that the Phez.Company
of Olympia and Salem, Ore., the
largest producers of Loganberry
Juice in the world will open their
large plant at Olympia for the man-
ufacture of Loganberry Juice, prey-
ided a sufficient acreage is planted
to produce at least 30,000 tons at an
estimate production of five tons per
acre.; this would mean 6,000 acres.
What better assurance can you have
or ask for, a market right here at State Highway Commissioner.
to new growers in the district, whic home for .our product.
......... -- - Secretary of the Highway Board.
embraces ne mmniana, vordermg on Report Weather Mild 3 4 25 4t.
Pickering Passage and North Bay "So *: ......... "- ., -" "
a i c " " mc umle ago, I Wl•Oe tO lle
nd n ludlng Harstine and Stretcl t .......
.... ,overnment weather bureau at Se-
Island, which territory is ramdlv be- late ......... : ...... No aS5
. ,, .- ¢ , , ,, *,l-,xg a corn aralve sme- ' ' '
coming known as Puget Sound s lment of our localit- th t h+ r +i.^ IOTICE TO CEDITOB
Gpe Belt. ..... I surroundin • Puget Sound Stations, In the Superior Court of the State of
ouny Agent ri. E. Drew came notably Waconm, Seattle,' Olympia, %Vashington for Mason County, in
' from Shelton for the meeting and ]Puvalup and other stations This re- Probate.
recommended the planting of berries lpo:t I have just received" and ahve In the matter of the Estate of William
in addition to grapes, and especially{not had time to analyze it, but to, H. Maxwell. Deceased.
xrom untimely rosts in the district of tile eight sta+i ........ ---, ___ I y given. 'l'na tne
loganberries on account of freedon ]use the words of the Chief Observer l Notice Is here .........
and of favorable growing con]itions seem to hive n ,, lPl''e'-*n°lunderslgn°d has been appointed and llas
. , . .v,.,,, ,a u Lnrozt, qualified as th e ,
and marketln facilities wit e xeeutrlx of the estate
• g .... h compet-]Station, in general averages. It iS, of Wliliam H hi "
lnf cannerie o ............ u^__ U ..... . , . axwell deccas¢,(l' that
' ouszt wtlll[ l|el-e I, IID.D a[ anv o fl !-*" -- ' '
"" . ., or "tll CPSOnS n *
Letter From Paulhamus ]station reportfd and seldom are there dec -. a.lng claims against said
any fo s { cttseu are nereoy required to serve
. A letter of appreciation was read l ;'I o.. ..... , .... I the saree, duly verified on said exe.
from W H Paulhamus. rridnt n I a lnuucea o make nis ln-lcturl or ho .€+----- ", - :.
"" --- " " . ' - --.'" ...... '-ui--- $rom the fa-t "--" ..... . .. , x ......... u,ucy or recora at the
me Western Washington Fmr, con-rs"Vand rn* - ,ny V!Sl/addrcss below stated and file the same
gratulating the growers for the show- Seattle ll a,'.:-=--J2=[-2° n [ with the clerk of said court, together
]ng made at the last fair, which in- ]east two weeks in advance f'our/w th proof of such service, within
, eluded Island Belle, Vergennes, Ee- -rowin- cro-s o ......... l six (0) months after the date of first
g p vet cnose o eacle, ubll
lipse, Niagara, Green Mountain and Tacoma and othe- '-^^-" {p cation of this n'otice or same will
Eton grapes; and the excellence of ' s v,=, l be barred..
the product. He also expressed the "OUR BEST {Date of Ilrst publication, Mch. 4, 1921.
• wish for frequent baskets for home " I MARY B. MAXWELL.
use, and these were sent while the We talk of great things we have done [ Executrix of said Estate
": 'eS°eilaested'Eckert .. . --Of success that we have won-- ! CHAS. R, LEWIS, " "
...... , ......... " ,.reported. ne Of other things we are going to do, [ : Attorney for said Estate
d;;ss? wP]Icrell2xn, nls annual aa- _ in time, Rooms 7 and 8 Lumbermen's I]ulld
"W- ---.; ...... 7" , _. . Of the marvels at our han(l ] ing, Shelton, Washington.
,. many e 2Oennavetooo oror a sl Without any magic wand-- 18"4-25-4t.
pleased" lock-'and sm]}[ng'facrs n 7 JUStoCOnnemn-sense, without chalk l
God forgive us our wild talk I CALL FOR ROAD BIDS
And lead us that we walk
every grape and berry grower in our
ditrlct, for the past season has sure-
ly far exceeded our most extravagant
expectation not only in yield, but in
prices received Thy will,
"H--" " Else our dignity exceeds
_. =a any member of our Associ- The value.of our deeds---
auon ever expressed' the thought of We are only little 'children still.
getting 75c to 85 c for his 6-pound And make us know that all /
basket of grapes he would have been That We can do is call
udgedwmentally unbalanced, yet On Heaven for the higher plains
tnese re ne average prices re'
ceived and best of all, is the fact
that not only were numerous ]ettm
received from merchants asking for
our grapes, but buyers camped here
for days buying and arranging for
shipments ,to their respective houses.
The new rads opened, but not com-
pleted also brought many. buyers,
many doing their own picking and
ful]shing their on packages, and
pleased to pay at the rate of $200
per ton.
Booking Big Orders
"With this experience we are nat-
urally all prohibitionists. We have
had several inquiries for prices and
amount of grapes to be had for the
coming season, and we have booked
one order for a thousand pounds at
8c a pound. This is at the rate of
$160 per ton, no rading, or pactdng
or packages furnished. It is, there-
8tats of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucal
of rest;
Then onward with a will
To do and dare all, still,
And help us to do our very, very
best: Hattie L. Innmn.
Bisnlarck, N. D., Feb. 24.Chief
Justice Robinson of the state su-
prenle court in a statement tonight
likeng the Bank of North Dakota to
a "modern Jonah."
"On our ship of state," he said,
"there is a -modern Jonahthe
state bank. The Lord has sent out a
great wind and there is a mighty
tempest in the seas and the ship is
likely to be broken unless Jonah be
And toe tbe mark according to Notice is hereby given that the
Board of County Commissioners of
Mason County, Washington, will re-
ceive sealed bids for the construction
of the Matlock-Satsop Road, from St.
0 plus 00 to 91plus 00, Sees. 28 and
33, Twp. 20 N. R. 6 W., a distance of
9100 feet. Bids to be opened Satur-
day, March 12, 1921 at 10 a. m.
Plans and specifications on file with
the County Cdffstruction Engineer
and County Auditor at Court House
in Shelton, Washington. Certified
check for 5 per cent of the amount of
bid must accompany each bid. Com-
missioners reserve the right to re-
ject any and all bids.
Date of first publication, February
18, 1921.
Frank J. Cheney maks oath that he is thrown overboard.
lien lot parynr_o.f the fl.rm of I. J. Cheney "This same Jonah, without any
_.o.. uomg usLness m the City of To- means of his own, has posed as a
!ao, .-o_un,,ana .ette a,oresaid. d that
Iu I11111 w,*,t gJ na SU
--EDDO--.dRS" m or ONE HUN- banker and gotten into his coffers
Z zor at1 cas o
qhat cannot, be cured sfCatarrhuse of all the public moneys from every
][. CATARRH MEgICINE. county and corner of the state. He
-- " " f FRANK J. CHENET has put a large part of the money
mwern o e o • mo "ano auberib '. into long time loans on land and into
myresenc thl 6th ay of De-m-b' the coffers of bankers and parties
lD D. 1881, _ '
lead I. ', Glealon, Notar Publlo that will never repay and into build-
1FIALL'B CATARRH .MEDIqIN is take ings, mills and elevators.
in internally and ac.ts tnroug ths Bloo&
@_.ths Mucous mu_raeu Og tni IIFitll-
• urqgglstl. Se. TesUmo.nlall frse.
r. j. Chehe7 & Co, Teieao, Ohio.
"Now the depositors demand their
money and there is no payment.
Jonah is several millions short and
' he will neithet" fish, cut bait, nor o
-- __ A ' ashore, so tlae chances are he will
l'q1" r]' have to be {hrown into the sea.
JFJ[JJL ,JJ[- I = "But' the treasury department ap-
appears to be a tame wlale with ca-
11' A 'NkT I)acity sufficient to swallow and liqui-
$5.00 per acre and up. Wrlte for dent, as the friendly whale.
map giving all information. The chief Justice was elected with
Ill , m* , n I non-partisan indorsement and has
O.D?ROI|IMP limp been mentioned as one of the stat Lo. I _..
, * I omclals against whom the indepen-
.... Taeoma, WasMngon [ dents are planning a recall election.
" (Seal) IONE W, DOYLE,
2-18-3-11-4t Auditor Mason County•
Notice is hereby given that on Tues-
day, ttie 5th day of April 1921, be-
tween the hours of tern o'clock in the
forenoon and four ocock in the after-
noon, commencing a ten o'clock iu the
forenoon of said day, in front of the
main entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
of Mason, State of Washington, elthe
by the County Auditor of said county,
or by a member of the Board of Sate
Land Commissioners of the State f
¢ashington. the timber on the follow-
ing dearlbed state land will bs sold at
public auction to the highest bidder
therefor, to-wit:
Simple glycerine, buckthorn bark,
etc., as mixed in Adler-i-ka relieves
ANY CASE gas on stomach or sour
stomach. It acts on both upper and
lower bowel and removes all foul
matter which poisons the stomach•
Often CURES contipation. Prevents
appendicitis. The INSTANT pleas-
ant action of Adler-ika surprises both
doctors and patients. One man who
suffered five years from indigestion
and cdnstipation was helped by ONE
dose. Fir Drug Store•
Netiee is hereby given that on Tues-
d:y, the 5th day of AprIL 1921, be-
tween the hours of ten o'clock in the
forenoon and 4 o'clock in the afternoon,
commencing at ten o'clock in the fore-
noon of said day, In front of the main
entrance door to the County Court
House in the City of Shelton, County
of Mason, State of Wmshington. either
by.the County Auditor of said county.
or ny a memner of the Board of State
Land Commissioners of ths State of
Washington, the following doribod
state lands, together with the improve-
mots situated thoreon, will be sold at
public auction to the highest biddor
therefor, to-wit:
Application o. 11279.
Lot 2, section 31, township 28 north.
range 1 west W. M., containing 41.20,
acres more or leas, aCcording to the
government survey thereof appraised
at $824.00.
Said lands will be sold for not lss
than the appraised valus above stated
and upon the terms and condiUons fol-
Terms and Oo&itions of Bals.--ot
1 than one-tenth of the purchase
pice must be paid at the time of Itale
to tbe officer nlaking the sale. The
purchaser. If he be not the owner of
th'e improvements, must forthwith pa,
to the officer making the sale the full
amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
tenth of the purchase price must be
aid annually thereafter with interest
on all deferred payments at the rate
of six per eentum t)cr annum, together
with acerued interest on any balaace
at the same rate: Provided, Tilat any
purchaser may make full payment ot
principal interest and statutory fees at
any time and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchaser of ]and contain-
ing timber or other valuable materia
le prohibited by law from cutting ot
removing any such timber or materlals
without first obtaining consent ofthe
Commissioner of Public Lands or the
board, until the full amount 9f the
purchase price has been paid and deed
All sales ot state lands axe made
subject to ths reservations of oils,
gases, coal, ores, mlnarals and fossils
of every name, kind and deserlptlon,
and to the additional terms and con-
ditions prescribed in the act of the leg-
islature approved March 20. 1907, being
section of vhapter 256 of the Laws
Of 1907•
Said land will bs sold sulte¢.t to
the terms, conditions and reservations
of ahapteT." 109 of the Session Laws
1911. relatmg to eaemsnts for
of-way and .the earylnl of
stone, mxnerat and other
the same.
The above described lands ar oered
Pay by C00eck
and Check Your Payments
Paying bills by check is the modern method of
doing business. It indicates the careful, con-
servative, successful man, and the world judges
people by what it sees.
Open a checking account and identify yourself
with the alert business men of the community.
Pay your bills by check and keep a check on
your payments.
The State Bank of Shelton
Cigars, Tobaccos and
High Grade Candies.
Guns, Ammunition &
Sporting Goods
Try our fresh
roasted peanuts
W. !1. SMITI!
All the Daily Papers
Auto Stages
i i iii i i
( Daily Schedule
effective on and after Sept. 15.
Leave Shelton-- Leave Olympia
7:00 a.m. 9:00 a. m.
11:00 a, m. 1:00 p. m.
8:00 p.m. 5:30 p. nh
Shelton to Old Kamilche.$ 0
Shelto to Snideffs Prairie .... 75
Shelton to Mud Bay ...... 1,00
Shelton to Olyrnla ...... 1.5
Leaving Shelton'from Ho,l
Shelton. Phone 42l.
Olympia to Snider's Prairie...50
Olympia to Old Kamilche...75
Olympia to Cushman's .... 1.00
Olympia to Shelton ....... 1.25
Leaving Olympia
from Braeger's Place. Phone 27
Qwnera and Operators
for sale in pureuancs of an order of
tho Board of Stats Land ommlsaion-
ers, and an order of sale dttly Issued
and certified by the CommtmMoner of
,-..: ,.,. o, =...,o.. F0untai
on now on nis In the ofitce of tbe a n
county auditor of said county.
Commlssionsr of Public Lands --
is a favorite place for the
OTXCm O SA'-,, O STATm -- meeting of friends. Your
flqotlee Is hereby given, that on Tues- money's worth of the most
dy, the 5th day of April, 1921, be- delicious and satisfying
tween the liours of ten o'clock in
the forenoon and four o'clock in the soda and plenty of room for
a2terboon, commencing at ten o'clock a quiet chat. Have you been
t the forenoon of said day, in Sront
o the main entranoe door to the in to see us? If not, come
County Court House kn the city of
_hOlton, County of Vason State of right along. We have many
waallington, either by tte county
auditor of said county or by a member varieties of thirst quenchers,
o. ths Board of State Land Commie. , i,
moner or the State of Wemhlngton,
the' following described state lndm,
tOgetheP with the Improvements situ- ' PA00S0N'S SOFT DRINK STORE
ated thereon, will be sold at public
to-wit:auctl°n to the highest bidder therefor, "
AppUcaton IWO. 7S31, • m.
All tide lands of the second class, a
defined by section 1 of .chapter 36 of
front*,u_ vv.asIngton, situate in
.... , a,.ijaeenL o or abutting aport
l°t 1, seetlon 22 township 21 north, W BARRETT
range 2 west W.' M., .with a frontage
or 14.26 lineal chains, more or less, r
measured along the meander lino ac-
cording to a certified copy of the gov- I $
ermnent field notes of the survey there-
of on fllo In tho office of the Commis- THE PIONEER HARDWARE STORE ,,' . ;
sioner of Public Lande at Olympia,
Washington appraised at $8.00 per lla-
al chain, or 11114.08.
Appl.toaton 'o. 78a& Stoves, Ranges, Hardware, Paints, Oils, Varnishes and Brushes,
Picture Frames, Curtain Poles ancl Easels. All plumbing
guaranteed as to work and material for one year.
All tide lands' of the second class, as
lned bY section 1, of chapter 86 of
u qeamon aws of 1911, owned by
ne tate of Washington, situate in
nt of, adjacent to or abutting upon
a Part of lot 1, section 20, township
north, range 1 west, W. M., measur-
es alox4g the meander line as follows:
]leginning at the meanuer corner to
factional sections 17 and 20, township
Z! north rango 1 west. W. M., and
rannlng thence S. 12 ° W. 6.33 chains
- 1 ° 45' W. 8.86 chains and S. I6 ° 06
I General Repair Work
I PIONM tti Mhop at llftb lultl
I. 11.10 chains to the true point of
teginnlng of this des ertption and run-
fling thenc.o S. 1{) ° 06 V..63 chain to
t .e terminal point of this description,
v'lth a frontage of .63 lineal chain,
measured along tile meander line ac-
COrding to a certified eo|)y of the gov-
ernrl_ent field, notes of tho survey
,,rtO on II10 In the olnce of the Coni-
missioner of Public I,ands at Olympia,
Washington appraised at $25,00.
Said |ands will be sold for not less
than the appraised vaiuo aboye stated
and Upon the terms and conditions fol-
Tems and Condiflova of Balo.Not
less than one-tenth of the purchase
prlee must .be paid at the time or sale
to the officer making the sale. The
purchaser, if he be not the owner of
the Improvements, must forthwith pay
to the officer making the sale the full
amount of the appraised value of the
improvements, as above stated. One-
tenth of the purchase price must be
Daid annually thereafter vltll Interest
on all deferred payments at the rate
of six Per centum per annum, together
With &ccrued interest on any balance
at. the same rate: •ProytdsL hat any
purchaser may. maae l"ull payment of
principal, interest and statutory fees at ]
any time and obtain deed or state
patent. The purchaser of land contain-
!ng timber or other valuable materials
Appl$cstion o. 10803. Is prohibited by law from cutting or
Timber on the SW, of SE of sec- removing any such timber or materials
tion 86 township 23 north range 4 without first obtaining consent of the
West Vv . M., containing 40 acres, more Commissioner ef Ptblic Lands or the
or less according to the government voard' until the full amount of the
sUrvey thereof,, appraised at $2,590.50.
PUrchase price has been paid and deed
Said timber on said land will be sold issued.
faor :2t less tbau the appraJs0d value, All sales of stats lands are made
L__ ppramea n y ins .oar.a or tate subject to the reservations of oils,
=nu uommlssloners In tnc manner gaes coal ores minerals an e..lio
provided by law, a statement of whleh [of ew.rv .. ',Is ,a a=..="?
is now on file in the office of the land t 2 %-;'-;"',.:?:'-;", 'T-"--Y"': v .... ....
a.udltor of said ountv " l as V ClIO UaULALItYIltl LrlIl anl *on*
T - •--" uxuons preicrtbed in the act of the leg-
- .em of sale are. Cash to be paid ]islature ....... a r..^ .. ,^. ._,__ it I i
-- "" Settle '"
.... " ....... ! n $ of chapter 20 of the Lawll
. ±.e tlmoer oil the shove oesrll:o I of 190
lanus Is, offered for sale In pursuance I _,.'•. ...........
u,nmlslonr n. ...-- . .o,. O[ an °taler °f th" B°'" "e "'°' r''4i"''ti I&n" will ne S°ll sun31t t° ----.-- ,, - - ,,.- -- "1,_. ,0, o,. HARRY FORD
t ..... . - .... . .... =_---:- cns terms eondlUos and reservatiOns
mJloner of Public Lands of the State oi.w;' ff +to cme.t,w f¢r rlgh-
o[ washln ton .......... #''" "* ,,.,r. I I
g , now on ills In ths office ston
of e mineral amd other products over
the Clnt¥ Auditor of Bald oountF; the 7,'ame. I
CL.A.R= 'V. SAVIDGE, ,he above desoribed ,ands ars olr..'.",' .,,,,v,...l-R2U D°Sad Ilnll
l-*-4-1-6tC°mmlsai°ner of Puhllo Lands. ed for sals lu pu.cs of an oilier bu]l' ['llt ,Moul_ _,
of the Board of Stat Land Comm- uumo don t overlook
-- .tonel:s, and sin elder of sals d'MIY ns tact. we.can lave you money. Let ua figure with you.
"A Boston Cook Book ' or "Cook- uuea and oertlfled by the Com. at shelllton.
........... moner of Publio Lands of th StiLt of A are deal to gil 1s our motto. Mill at Matlock. Yaras- -
rag. ;[Or TWO" are bol;It cellen Wtmhlngton now on me in the ,
oogs zor young housewives. $2.50 of the county auditor of |dd oounty. --"
and $2.00 each. Journal Stationary c C.L.ARK . SAVIDGE,
110" ommssonsr of Publio Lands.
v. 2-15-4-1-6t
t l Shelt0n Plarket and
ke Plant