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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Percy M Pio 6017 8.E. 86th Ave portland, Ore 0 @ of Leo E. Mich., as T 1dent for Clas- reatment at tile orrections Center this Week by Supt• conies here from the uz Southern Michi- Q gan at Jackson where he was classification director. He was selected for the posi- tion as the result of a nation- wide examination for the position in which hc placed No. 1. Schmiege has been in correc- tional work for the past 18 years, all at the Michigan institution. 1-Is started there in 19,17 as a stu- dent social worker. He is a graduate of Concordia Theological Seminary, St. Louis, Me., with a Bachelor of Theology degree. He served as a Lutheran pastor for three years before en- tering the Navy in World War II. He was discharged from the Navy at Bremerton. He holds a master's degree from Washington University, St. Louis, Me. Timpani said "Mr. Schmiege has a remarkable background and will be a definite asset to the Wash- ington Corrections Center". Schmiege is married and the fa- ther of four daughters, seven to 18 years of age. His family will join him in Shelton at the close of the school year. Will Basketball The Shelton Jaycees Tuesday night voted to sponsor a benefit basketball game between the Washington Corrections Center in- mates team and an all-star team from the City League. Proceeds of the game would go toward the city's Summer Recreation Prog- ram. th The game would be held in e school gymnasium. The date. tenta- tively sol: for the contest is Friday, March 26. Guests at the Jaycees meeting were Dick Angle " and Gordon ..)ickinson, Hospital District Com- missioners, and Cal Hopper, ad- ministrator of Shelton General Hospital. They explained the progress 'made in getting a bond issue be. fore the voters for a new hospital here. The Jaycees also voted to look into the possibility of sponsoring a teenage dance at the city Arm- ory. Marit Vau a, exchange 's:tudent from Norway, oses. n~erican "fatal " t ' - P - y a the Silver Tea held in her h,onor ¢rnoon. Left to right are Mrs. Rose uimb Marlt '2 Beth Quimby and Ann Quimby. MarlQt is li~ing with u, Quimby family. i ¢ * * * zeltoil High School attending Shelton high school mz- The~ Shelton City Commission set be Selling stock in] dcr thc snonsorship of thc AFS 11 a.m. March ]5 for opening EXChange. StUdne ,t Chapter this year, was honored at on a new street sweeper• C it y day to lame me y . Ign student to Shel- .a silver tea in the PUD Auditor- Supem, isor Pat Byrnes told the Year I mm Sunday afternoon. More than commission th a t t h e present %r ,~--" ........~400 persons trained out to meet sweeper requires considerable re- :~at~'['r~d:~l~-~ay ~un? [the Norwegian miss. The tea wa~s pair work to keep it running and ~.£~t te l~c~'~c}'e set [sP°ns°red by the AFS Chapter that it should be replaced. .~ . ~ui ~meri-, wi~h . The eommissi0n approved a re- 'iee~ (~ha~ter-:- ;L~, .... wo~ne~s,gmlds from :several lee R~,,,~ 2. '" u,v l,~aL chur#hes providing :the re- quest from Byrne to break up the "~,,, vuesclay freshments and selwing .... oil mat on Cookston St. and re- turn the street, to gravel. The oil iles stations win h" Miss Vaula spoke to the SI]elton mat on the street is beyond repair, stores'am] Kiwanis Club at its meeting Tues- he said. 10~ a.m. day. A request for Vacating streets ents will in property he owns in the Hill- business areas crest area. wa~ received from Merve Settle. In his letter to