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March 4, 1965 SHELTON--MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in "Chrisfmasfown, U.S:A.". Shelton, Washington PAGE 3
Saddl Club I Mrs At Hoodsport H
I t
a-'v J~,, ,J,, F.,;J Girls' Club Holds Father-Daughter ] ]By Dons O'Neil eithe,: after one last long lmul up ibe theAupecia] .~. rest. aL .the Ho.odlwith the rest of the working class.
~, ~ ~[ l~[al |lL~ r[ll||~ R~n~l~a~ ~h 9~. (~Pl~4=~,~ HOODSPORT For those who the river or on the ena or some- wanal ~ommuntty church Sunaay "Varlet , is the c, "
....... , =----, .... -1 .......~", .............Pro ram Held -" one's fismn_~ line om to s end mom~in ~ d e " in h r .. ] 3 . . ~ spi=~ of life.. If
' ' " ’- ' ..... i th, m tnle then t~ooas orr m
g Y p K In yen g. T e e ~.lll ia '
By Nadine Rhodes " d .... /may have noticed the absence of the hereafter forever mounted ov- be a I)otluek dinner after the , . ' r "p
AG bn'Lhday tuner Sunday The pot- By Cindy Willard tmbuLed to all mnth graders this , , . . reall~ hving. V, hat could be mo 'e
ATE __ Bell "" ' ," ~. " " d h [the Hoodsport column last week, er some proud sportsman s man- l~)rnmg serwee and everyone is " , .
, Riders Saddleluck droner was enjo)ed by 2o to The Gu'ls' Club sponsore , Fat - [week. These students are now ~ o~,.~ ~,-n~n,t~a~ ~-"..~ .... -~ . . . ': '. .; . ; .. ..~ of a ~ anety than squ~d eggs az~’i
meet ~f +~ .~ 30 members er-mau~ht,*., h~n,met Feb 23 I nlann~,- ~h,~,. o. .... " ............ / ........ v:---? ..... ,.,,- ~,~:,,,~ Lea. ] welcome to ormg Inelr not ells/l, I baby ~),o,,~/,.~ , ..... ~: .... ~ ~,,~-.~
d,o k::": ~uu ~veietn will ~..~% " ~.~. ~'..".? "'L' ....... Y"~ :7 "":"2 ";." ........ : ....~; "' C.,. j ~.::'- ........... ,,*s,,..-~e.: ..... L"'" /Writer wno marnea ~aturday tlmt hatchery and the obiect of atten- Iner annetite I -.": ....... ? ..... "~"~'.~ ..... -iv ..... ,,
7~ -c ~00g on tho o~,~^v ~KoKomlsn valley ~range IOl" all vises tne capacity crowu, wnmu twill begin next week unaer the /)h, ~,~h,~,,,, ,,,~ t~, I,a i~ ibm-idly i’~,~ ~ ,~"~ ~ I-- ' ,~ ~, o : .... ~" ,~' CIL1D meetings. ~ucn is life---SUCh
appaloosa trail l:i'd'e'~h'~=d Grange Lecturers, Secretaries and attended, with a very delicious l direction of Miss Margaret Bald-lh~c,~:'~’" ~-eor~e W.~'hh~o:t'n',::~ :=:,.~'a:,~,,a[ge ja,:..(ff ~!t ;::tt~ .Anofexy ,.'scott's friends will be is Hoodsport.
'recently ..... Home Ec chairmen and their corn-Idinner and a genuinely delicious Iwin. ]~,~,)~,'~,, "~r~,~. ~,,~,~,~'~'~'~','~,:=):( ~- .............. s ...... .v P ........ ~ ..... grad ~() Know that after 19 longI ....................................................................................
~is . mittees in Mason Count Con- evenin , , , . ~ . ~ . days m the hospital he came home []
.hop, prestdent of the . / ".. Y' .g" enior who |the ommalon was obwously the The squia eggs were mm~d on Sm~day 'tnd is feelin much bet I SNOW[ T]~[S ]
:tes that ~ , . dueling the meeting wine Mrs. Ro- ] Sylwa Jacobs, a s , Ma~eh 20, members of the SHS ' .... r " ' .... g ' "
a .... the I acffm Zone let Olson of Seattle. State Grange was the chairman of the banouet Rifle Club wiP ~. ...... +'-'.-oeh,~, ~,. fault~)f MI. "Washington s fo~ be the ~Vakehc!’eh beach by ene of ter, but doctors orders insist on
v,~asure rise in the - " ' "" " " ...... ~'" ' ? ............ ~Y'n' I. - . 'L'.~. v,~ ..... w~-.::~ .,, |mS zt~6 years om on tna~ partm- the marigt)|n route men. PIe ] a m)od nmnths rest
tndy Mounta~...... l~eeI:tlrel', Ivirs. k'aullile L:Ollll] OI acte(l as tne nIISLI'eSS oI ~’1~110 -]~eam ana ln(llVI(]lla[ competition iqlnl" dat@ ~. ...... .h~ ’1 ..... ~.~ *~,,~ V,n(,1 .... ] " * " "
ride Will s*,~':,~ ~rea ~un- Seattle, StateGrange Secretary, ~ ies. The Rev. Horace Mounts, pas- I in Seattle. A shoot-off was held |" "'." .... . , ...... ,:,,,,~,,~ ..:')e"' ,,,: ,~,~ .... c ..... ':’ I The Garden Club held its regu- I| ............ ]
Will be ~',-~-~ xu a:m. and Mrs.Ann Sister of Lake Qui-]tor of the Shelton Methodist[Feb. 20 to detelanine who would ]._As usjmi .~ms ume o t tne year, aoo~u, uuce ~e’.~ ~:s=.^~ o . I lar meeting today at 11 o'clock [| ~,~e,,. g'ql.a;~,a ,~’ I
Lake Road~w~u PY tne nault,State Grange Home Ee church, gave the invocation. PaL- Irepresent the Shelton club. Those [tni.ngs )n nave been J.iaerc mas~ ~uu eggs .m t Mrs. \Villiam Gilbert was tl~e hos'l| _’~ta, ,.Ja,~,~ ~
highwa ..... , ~ cros- Chairman. The group enjoyed a sy Wolfe the Girls' Club vice lwho will attend the comuetiLion [qmet: .~ow ana tnen a sunny week (.acn poa. r~e..eggs tee(1 on tne[tess [| Regular Rubber I
e q~-- ~-~ "[L Will DO a 30- l,,-cheon at noon followed ~-::, var I ~'l,esiden~ ' wele,,med the fathels I.,~ ~ ...... - .... ,-_., ..... "-,2,., lena orings ou~ IIoegs Ol n'ailers sin)stance w~cnm the poas aria " I I
' ---c ~',Olle ...... -~ " v .... . ,-'~ ,~,',,=.y ~,amuer~ ~m -~omer, . . , , - Nut Shell
^_. m a/~ organ ............................ "~ ..................... s followed b" ] .... :" ~- ~ - - - j and traffic, people doing yard ~hen the5 hatch should look hkel Mr. and Mrs. Nat Van Laanan ]| [
:",-pose .... mu~ uu..,.~t=c lllUUtlIl~. ALLCIIU- ~d.llU LIIUI[' USLI~IILt3I'* ) J OOlll] lv/al%lg, l~on HieKaras, an(1 ~ ' . .
the surd^°f__.v,armus mdmg ins from Agate Grange were Mrs. a response given by Arthur Zehe. [Pare Boardman The four boys will [work, and some even put forth a matm.'e sqmd. The .hatching date |welcomed Mr. Van Laanans rec-]] New Scasson Stud [
~uuumg area ._~... ,~n.^.~..~ ~,.. ~,_-. ~,.... "~- ........ *--,^- ~f ~~if of~-~-,:~:--,- -'- L ....."" /gallant effort ~O wash the car in is tu'~al'~own i]'~ tac% litue cn tne]ently marrie~ sister ann net nus-|! I
:~at'~ O{.)lllt YylJ.u~llalll, J~'J.l'~ JLUlil ₯~tlL" ./.llt~ ~['t~.~UIIL;,:I.LIUII u ’1,~ ~- [J~LI'LI~I~/~LLe~ 111 DtiLfl T~eaBI anti ltt- ' ' . "
' dolph Fitzthl m would ..... Mr- Ha .............. made to Geo ~ ......... ,.. [spite of the fact that the next subject of sqmd ~s known m thm lband, Mr and Mrs. John McCoy of ]| at I
. . oelwat, ~. try ~tamnton, grantuoe was Lnen OIVlOUal eenlpe£1LlOll, t~am will * ' . . " " . .
ake thls opportunit- to ~--’ ~.b~o,. a,,ueth ~,~d M.~ X..~ ~ ........ ~"'"~o~ of SHS on be- I ....................... ]days showers will obhterate all of area, After the squid have hatched I Longbeach. l| .-- = - I
I~eY t j . av&l's, u~ ............. a ........ ",zo ,~ ...... ....... y,'a~u.,l~a * ) p~cti'LIClptlLU ~ht.n otaeF girls In in- . ....
.. hanks and a*'"reeia ............ f .... h-Pon High School[ .....~ ..... 4,4~.. /thew shining accomplishment they will be kept for a short hme [ m~...,. ~ .......... ~,~ ~,~,.~a/| ~||~A~t~A ]
II t + t Is|~, - SIIUI'O. /it%It U" LII~*0U U .~ OlVItll.h~a ~,,,,,V~.l~,l:,~,a,. . " " ' ' . -- ........ t*a~,l+,~ ...... j .........
hose who canvt~- , , Within the past two months M_r and then pet haps gtx en to local
t~^ ,, ' ~ .,ned the PICKERING Homemakers Club Girls' Club. [ " * , [ " . " " ~ [with Mr. and Mrs. ,Toe MeKiel to [1 ndU~Slll;] b /
w;i~irleal'~ Fund Sunday. will hold its regular monthly meet- The dinner which consisted of] ']'he Girls' Club class projects ]Stork has been the inspiration for aquariums. . ,,, celebrate Joe and Mat's birthday. [I ]
__/,s, total results can- in~ Wednesday at 8 n m in the swiss steak uarslev potatoes but-ih,ve kent the hmi~,- ~,~a ~-,~,./numerous baey Showers One of MR. AND MRS. Roger ~a(ue-I ........ " i l I
:~:~alned, but Mrs. Fitz- o1~ Pickering~schooll~o'use. Offi- tered 'roles' "and l~ater, choeolatel~.i'Hs" busy du~-ing Febl~,~la~..~'~The ]the most reee'nt ones was given man attended a logging confer-I 'l:ne mysterious Ikt!l disease, or~| ~,~ ~ |
~ me drlv ~. # peln~ps it. s tile ,neasies has Deen
"'~ e was highlycer,~ for the year will be elected cake was served by members of[~,,iors ,~renaredtra,, ’ ..... :o ’,~,. ~for Mrs Sandy Thurman On the enee with Mr and Mrs. Law- ", ~ " . " ': "=" *, . : ]| /~£~if~-'~Jf~i~~
l h' ~orae ........ contributions" "~are" All"members ~are" urged to attend." the 'Shelton .... H~gh' School Boys' [ Valentine' V,s-~-Dav and #Washington's"~'" ...... [ evening" "of I~eb. 24 at the" home l ence" Stacel last' ~, eek., 2hes' . l(:£t I, m ........ ,King, o~i~s~ rounas.~ ........... wne~.of,,its vic-,,.. ~| ~l’~f~p~--~ $ ~ ~___.~ ~
.-:, ,~l, Oetore an aecu- Earl Gillmer recently celebrated Club who ~ 'aciously donated their ] r~h.thdav whicl~ were tal,,~,~ t~ )ha | of Mrs Helen Spaulding 16 wo- ~Vednesday and term'ned Sm~day I ...... . ....... . ...... ~'~" ................... /I IIB~i~J/=;,~i~=~h , _- |
can oe o ~ " .......... " ............ r. " IIsuai pint sized freckle faced boy
[ .... brained, his 84th birthday. About 20 of his time and talent. IMavy t3ridge Children's Hospital ]men came bearing gifts of pink There were 1.)00 people there who J~,~,c .......... :~=. __~. ,_:: . ,..~| .,~1~~~ ]
~. ! ~it Father-Son fun friends and relatives from Ta- The program, uhich followed/in q4acoma. They have also made ]and blue. spent their says discussinK and[,,....'o. ~-.= ..... ' ............. : ..,=~_" I| /
i~,~,aturday night in the coma Ocean Shores and Shelton the dinner, included the perform-/a number of stuffed animals and ~ One particular gift from rela- judging new logging equipment, ~.~*,'~.~.~ ..~..u~, .~ve~,.~ ~)~A/| 2226 Olympic Hwy. No.
’~ ~ ' ). ........ " ~ , r' ' UtlL lit; ,~> IJ(.,t%' I)tlUl% 11[ LII(~ l'lllll /
,s" was enjoyed by 55 surpmsed h~m with a bu'thday ance of a saxophone qua)Let, ]ott~er toys for thin hospital. The~hves m Cahfo~ma had been held attending, a banquet x~th dmmgI ............................. ~___~ ......... L ................. '. ................... _)
,.^~,.~u adults at.ten'ling, cake and giftson the occasion, which included Ross l~obb, Katny/junior girls made attractive Valen-|at the post office for davs lest and dancing, and for the women[)--. -, - .... ,
"d~.Ina..Yed under the well Gillmer left Wednesday for' Mell, Pare Boardman and uo~na/tine's Day favors for the ShelLon ~one particular pair of eager hands a style show and hmcheon. All I] ......... t
wectlo ~o I excnan e stu r m all the eonfmencc was shmulat
n of Jack Shero Phoenix Ariz,choosing the mod- ~ Evans. Our ~ reig~ "g " - | Manor Nursing Home. The senior | should not hax e been able to wail ' - " ' ~ ." .' " " ]1 IIII I'm. I~ I~ ~ ~ I~ J[~ ]
a~mtanee of Dean Pal"ern mode of travel, the airplane, i dent, Marit Vaula, from. No .r~,ay,/class, Girls' Club representatives [ for debut at. the baby shower, ins and educational a~ well as en- II I| ~ Bm BI ~ li ~[ ~ ]
L ~uuer. showed colored He will spenda month's vacation I gave a very enjoyable tal~,.tOllO.W- ~ are Cathy Smith and Elaine Zehe. / Mrs. Helen Spaulding, who was couraging. I| ~ ~ in ~ ,IF m~ !
,.,c. sad taken while on there, visiting friends. While there ed by an instrumentm (]uet oy / The junior class representatives ] to have been hostess for the show- Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dickinson II i
resting~y'ln t This was he will. spend quite, a bit of. time i Cindy. "'s and Linda. othPedeferri'new to SHstWin[are ..... Stisan Woods and 3udy An- [er was feeling., a bit under the spent six glorious, days, . in Hawaii[[ f..... ~.,.,,,-............ ............. .H~ Pa~T~.~V IN C.
.... he boys and attendm~ the prachce sessions of, rostra., who ale b "[tonsen. [weather w~th what was suspected during Washington s Bn'thday. [I I
ic~.°' ~efreshmen1~s con- the Tac(~ma Giants baseball team. The highlight of the _evening/ * * * /Lo be the measles, and spent the Mrs. Rule Dickinson spent a few[| i
~reaLn" sundaes, cook- Gillmer is an avid fan of the Ta- was guest speaker,_ D!" I~?mklin / Playing their final regular ] evening resting in her room. Mrs. days in the hospital recuperating/J '63 Ford Wa~o,n '59 Ford Sedan 1
.~ u eottee, coma Giants. i Thompson, Pres. o~ the ~,~lver- [ league game of this season at / Spaulding's gift was the seventh from a heavy cold but she is now ~[ ....... ~' ........ ]
~range had its annual Mrs. John VanderWal was called sity of Puget Sound. Dr. rnon~P-]West BremerLon Feb. 26 the Shel-~to be opened, and according to on the go once again. ]] "ti;~ VolRswagen Pus FOrd edan I
turda because of son related several humorous sin-~ ......... e) " s" - "-r '' ~ kno m "~adition one
........ to Redmond Sa y - " _ ..... ! tOn L-t]gn ~nnlo. "s |o,'t to Y~ est | some m ~ t" , Rule intended to s))and the mid-]| )~,) ~t~[A~.~...... g~.~.~.~4- )~ ~.~..~ x~.....~+.~.. ]
II ss of hel mothel :Mrs lies and then proceeaed to flellvel , ole f 45 6 he whose fit ~s seventh to be o ened , , , " u~ ~va~a~u[ ~Ha~v ,)o ~va~a~ al~v[u~u )
the i ne,'." ", "' , '. '[ ~ith a sc ". o ,- 0. T.Climb-[ .'g" " P dk of this week x isiting her son-[| ' ,Y ]
~[~']]r~ t( /7//9 sons, Damw, A en and Ga'y, - :' .... et -[night. /tradition, will also visit her daughter Mrs. [| ()1 vomswagen ~eu. a~ ~nev ~euan I
-~'~PI-$~ ~/~H~$/~ Castle Rock, visited M.r. and Mrs. term presente.~ avocat au . [ * * * | MRS. ELL& BAS]KJ[N, who or- Doris Bark}ey in Seattle. [I , ....... ,,,~ .... , .... ~ ]
NI)SMAN of the Month DU UlflS ;~c(lan o~ roru etraemmc
,. Jack S hero Sunday. ................ reshman Orien- [ THE BA S ~. ~. - ~ [iginally intended to .~exve only as Joann Dickinson who is attend-/[ ~ [
~Y Rod O1~,~,~ Joe LiOOQrO iS recuperating sat- lv[~n o, tnc ~ ,. _' /for January iv r'am J~oaraman, /co-hostess, served in fll|l c~acity ~n~ Wnehln~rt.--. ’(-~,, ,,+ ~,,n. |1 )P.~ l~,~,.~l ’[,~x]~ ~Z )~_’, .... _..
..... isfactorily at home after recent ration Program was Deem wnen |who is scholastically one of the ~as hostess for the shower '- " /I "" ,..u ~...~., u oo Chcv Vagu. [
__ surgery. . .... e~glhtiScHuSsSenm~rspTse:~t:~ ;rP~e]tOp 10 students of the graduatingI The evening followed the usual ~ves i;;'SI~'~'t~m~e; .................. [] '60 Ford Sedan 6 '59 Ford Wao'on I
your hmb mon ~lhe anel membe e Canal "~ ans C ub
10"- beautifully decorated cake, w " ' '. ' . P .. . "'.~ .'." [milk, represented SHS at a Sci-{rll " ~ '" I| ..... , )~4 .at .... ~,,,,i .... ]
~i~ ~ms.. _ was the table centerpiece, was Santa's ,.yman, uaro,! ~ast~e,/ence Symposium at the Univer-/'2 ....... p.m. t| '59 Chev Sedan h " I
~_.~ ~)operty used, baked by Mrs. Ralph Endicott of Elaine Zehe, Denny ~alie):. r lcn [ sity of Washington, Feb. 24-27, [ v!n~su:t o l.a ]~ews.s~ory mspwea Mr. andMrs, Pauley were mar-[[ ) ........ ~)~ g~l .... ~.~.ln. [