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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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PA0.,E 1.0 SI-IELTON- -MASON COUNq JOURNAL-- PublisSe'd in "Oh¥4stma. toivn, U.KA.", SheRon, Washington Thursday, WSNA MEETS Local Eagles Host District Meeting The }Pr}lt(,l'll'~l Order of Ea~,les l)i~;trict No. 3 meeting was heh[ here ~¢!till¢lrly witl-J some 200 aerie ~n}d a'dxiliary ',nel~lbevs present. Tt'e main meeting was held in the's airport hall with the a;~xilia:y nleeting in the Moose 1 Etll. Membc.r:~ from 1.1 aeries and a"~xilia 'ies ~,e.'c pre.zent. Fern' new mem;;c:-:~ verve initiated into the aerie v. id~ (Aympia officers per.- ~'() l,/:Ii '. tl," CtJ.'t*,YIt)II:;Z. Winners fi the a,lxi!iary do- nation:.: we:e Eylvia Sparse of Ab- er?een, Jean .h:iLi',Ttl of Al.(,rdeen. A~iC:~ Th' ':"1~; ef ("!y~ill;i't. Gert- rtI ](~ ~,.(,tT).. i,f Olyiu'ia ;-nd V(,r- "a I,.)f:.tul:'~ of (ds:rnI i:t. La=e, aal g de7 ot c ~ y,~.,l ..,%a [i ,j t, ,"f ,~ Meeting Place SEel'km Airec, rt 8 p.m. 2nd & 41:h Tuesdays Pre~id2nt F,'ed Stuck Vi.,:iting Eagles Welcome VIRGINA CRUMB will graduate from Shelton High school in June. g'he plans to major either in elementary education Or dietetics in college. She is taking advantage af teachers orientation this year, a fairly new subject offered at SFIS. Nave " WAREN1USE eLOSEgUT OF ALUBitHUM WlINI}GW$ LUMBERMEN'S of SHELTON purchased two truckl,oads of FULLER TRIMVIEW aluminum windows No. 100 Series when they closed the Portland warehouse. These are first line, well made, sliding windows that will prove satisfactory for nearly aH purposes. This is a one time special and arc available only in the sizes listed at these below the manufacturers cost prices ..... Check these sizes and prices and see h,ow much you can save by buying these windows now ..... (3020 means 36" x 24") 2030,, ,., $ 7,95 3020 85 IB Bill I 3026..,., 9,!}5 4040,,.,, $15,95 5026,,,., 12,45 50 9 18 95 i mill One of the new classes offered to high school students in the past few years, teachers, orients- tion gives young people planning to major in education an opportu- nity to sample the work. Virginia Crumb teaches a sophomore gym class as one of her classes. She plans to major in either elemen- tary education or dietetics when she goes to college. She has cho- sen to attend either Wai~hington State University at Pullman or Western Washington State Col- lege in Bellingham. Other subjects on her fichedule include chemistry, senior liters- tare, civics and advanced biology. Virginia is a member o~ Girls Athletic Association 'at Shelton High School and belongs to Pep Club and Scarlet "S". She is a member of the group who assist the nurses at the hospital, the Candy-Stripers, and is president of the Young people's group at the Hoodsport church. She turns out for tennis. Aberdeen was the birthplace of U Of W Professor Honored At Local Music Club Meet Music and biography of Gee. Frederick McKay, Professor of Music at the University of VVash- ingt0n, was programmed for the Feb. 23 meeting of the Shelton Music Club. McKay, world renowned tea- ChL~l' and colnpose,", was boz n ill ftarrington and has been a resi- dent st this state most Of his lite. honoring him was particularly ap- t),.~p~l~c as all Citlbs atiinated with t.l~e National Federation of Basic C~abs g~,,e special recogni- tion to Anle,,can COlnposel's in ~.~,'uary. He is a 'comps,let of many form~ .. nH:~m ana 'has ~een published by all of Lhe leading pubushmg noascs, ttis wo;'ks include vocal fOt'lnJ, solos for various instru- 'meats and ease'rabies, as well as oretlesk~'al WOrkS. lie is a m0deln composer, easy to listen to. 1%rs. B'ruce Kreger, a student Of his, gave a sketch 0i his biog- i;ffphy imd pevforrneJ mar mgan Je/ecLiozls f~ o:,1 the "'l~,2tle(licLions". .i@ a.!j9 prayed saeera, selections from "Explorations for Piano", .lUst pubuslieU and atLkographed by McKay, A vocal 'group, "G!msts of In- dians, Summer, and Three Lulla- bies 'i was presented by Mesdames Ki'eger, R. W. N0rvold and D. R. Palmer, accompanied by Mrs. Don- ()van Palmer. The meeting was held in the home of Mrs. Ralph Wagner where both piano and organ were avail- able. lV~i's. Edna Webber assisted the hostess. During the business meeting Mrs. Henry Hansmeier reported on the Washington Federation of Music Clubs luncheon meeting ho- noring American music in Seattle which was attended by several Shelton members. The program opened with sing- ing of the Collect, With Mrs. Kre- get at the organ and Mrs. Palmer at the piano, and closed with singing of the Hymn of the Month with Mrs. Bernhard Winiecki at the piano. Skel-Toa Guild Slates Speaker The March meeting of the Shel- Tea Orthopedic Guild will be held at 8 p.m. tonight in the home of Phyllis Tembreull with Joyce Hal- vorsen co-hostessing. CLAM FRITTERS are a favorite year round in Barbara Schmidt's home. The are in season now and can be frozen or canned for later use. With Barbara in the above Journal photo is her young- est Child, two-year-old Tressa. ',!: * $ Clams are a favorite food for many, especially the razor clams which are available at the ocean beaches now. Barbara Schmidt's Clam Fritter recipe is exception- ally good made with the lazor clams but local butter clams can be used as well, and are even pre- ferred by some. Clamming is a sport enjoyed by the whole Schmidt family, ~rom Dad Moritz (Ted) down to two-year old Tressa. The rest of the Schmidt family it.eludes twins Maxine and Mary, 12, Frank, 13, and Tommy, 9. The Sehmidts make special use of their camping trail- er for clam trips ,as well as other camping excursions. Barbara is an active member of the VFW Auxiliary and Mt. View = = - z = a • = = a • = out' senior in the spotlight. She Besides election of officers for PTA. She teaches fourth grade was born March 24, ]947 to Mr. the coming year theYe will be aSunday school class at the Epis- 3~30,,,,, 10,.~5 6026,,,,, 15,95 =d Mrs. Earl Crumb. The family guest spes.ker, Mrs. Pat Henry,copal -church. Her past experi- moved to Hood Canal when Vir- area advisor for the Olympia ences include being a den n]other IIt~ -~%al~r~ ~n =~t#~|-~=a~ ginia was about three years old. Council of the Tacoma Orthopedic when Frank was a Cub Scout. She has three sisters, Rosemary, Association will be present to ad- Sewing is a hobby Barbara en- ~UL~.J'f'~ , ,, ,, ,, ,,|~,'~I!~t~ " 19. Beth. Ann, l, 7,, and,, Jody, 13... vise, eneoura~e_ and enlighten _joys in addition, to trailering A stately 5 7~ tall. Vtrgmm members on the affairs of the . CLAM ~RITTERS has blue eyes.and reddish brownMary Bridge Children's hospital 1 egg GOOD WINDOWS FOR SO LITTLE IT IS ALMOST hair'. She enjoys watching anY:in Tacoma. 2 Tbsp. melted shortening LIKE GIV]NG THEM AWAY kind of sports, sketching and % curt milk or clam juice making most of her own clothes. ' ~, 1-2 cups of ground clams , . ~ :~,i;X,;~,"r' :. - =, = = ~~';,= ........ ; Mountain View Club~' '" 1 cup flouy : [~;~ ............. ",m'"¢ d~{ :~[~TheLnE2DI~meSetin~EoTfINGhe ~-H' Card Party Saturday [spp' ba~ting p°wder ,, v,, ~he~ton Leaders Council will be held at card party sponsored net)'uer ' "BUt[LD]iNG MASON COUNTY" x2 30 p m next Tuesday. Lead- by the Mountain View Comma i- Combine all in~,redients Drou ers are urged to attend as it is ty Club will be held at 8 p.m. this by spoonfuls ia d%ep fat 'hcate~l II I [ 426-4393 almost demonstration time and Rally Day will be in April. There are awards and policies that must be decided• Coffee will be served. I I Saturday in the clubhouse at "K" and Laurel street. The public is invited. Winners at the last party were Phyllis Moore, Elizabeth Butler, Ruth Moore and Phil Anderson. Double pinochle went to Jen Trot- nick and Nlizabetlk Butler. VICKI LEE AUXILIARY PLANS HAMPER BEN]EFIT The Vickt~ L'~ OVthopedic Aux- !liary will meet at 8 p.m. next Monday in the home 'o~ Mrs. Percy Zamzow with Mrs. Arden Pierce as co-hosteSS. Members are making items for the ,annual Hamper Benefit, the drawing for whlOh Will be held March 27 in th~ Sears Store. Any- one Wishing ti~et~ may call 426- 6681. WC~U TO ,~ff~E~D DAY OF PRAYER SERVICE ~helton ~Wdman's Christian Temperance Union will meet at 11 a.m. Friday in the home of Mrs. Oli~,e ~u.a~ttev. A potluck lunch- eon will be served at noon. The group Will attend the 2 p.m. World Day of Prayer ser- vice in the EpiScopal church. to 375 degrees or fry until gold- en brown in frying pan with ~,.~ inch of melted fat. Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club News Gordon Bennett and Dean Swett, Yas Ire and Ron Zeidaks, and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Fletcher were the north-south winners in Monday night's play of the Shelton Dupli- cate Bridge Club. East-west winners were Victor King and Norman Halbert, Mrs. Dave Leland and Mrs. Jim Hart- ley, and Mary Keller and Eva Amodt. The club meets every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the PUD audi- torium. All bridge players are Tel- come.. DIRT DOBBERS' TRIP The members of the Dirt bob- bers Garden Club will take a trip to Tokeland Beach next Tuesday. Everyone is to meet at the PUD building at 8:30 a.m. and bring a sack hmch. In case the weather is unfavorable there will be a reg- ular meeting. What makes us so sure? Mercury's sales for ane thing. They're up, up and up, all over the West. Which isn't surprising really. Who wants to spend $3000 on anything less? West & PINE I II I Double Your IF YOU'RE ,35 AND WANT A HEALTHY NEST EGG WHEN YOU RETIRE? HERE'S HOW: If you saved $50 a month, every month, you'll have put aside $18,000 at age 65. And, what's more important, Capital will ma~ch your savings by adding $18,978.00 in earnings (based on our lively 4.35% dividends). The total: $36,978.00! Whatever y,our age or income, why not stop by Capital Sav- Ings tofhorrbW (we're open 'til 6 p.m.) and let us help you begin Pr0greasing financially . . . the easy, Capital way. / Jll~ P~ULEY !11¢. 501 Raih'oad Ave. Shelton, Wash. Wash ington soeia tion meet at 8 p.m. the home of Mrs, ] ~m=:~I LS street. While today's are used to the term "antibiot front Greek "against life." The definition paradoxical giving d r u g s against bacteria which are. also Antlbio~fis, an tween two or th-tt is harmful to is a process that taking place in at the celhflar otics" in this the metabolic ed by the cells to i process. ............... r ............... 7-'~I-Trl]?I~H-~] ......... V I~ 7 ............................. --' ~lii ............. 1111101 ............ I - i l III Fifth & Franklin Open Daily Saturdays ---- 9: Auto Glass • Expert Installation JIM PAULEY, INC. 5th & 'Railroad Ph. 426-8231 i Serviee I For Good i All WorkS~:lly' I c & L Time Set I 401 So, 1st St. Bakery Fresh Baked Bread - Cakes - Doughnuts - Rolls - Buns - Custom Baked Cakes HI'S BAKERY Oly. Hwy. No. (Mt. View) 426-3179 Floor • Linolcura : • Tile • Car • Formica REX FLOOR Mt. View Beauty Heatin: I. Complete Hair Care II • Safety I • Wigs - Wiglets - Switches i I . Clean-up I • Merle Norman Cosmetics I • Minor & I • Free Demonstrations I STARKEY'S I ELAINE'S BEAUTY SALON I Sales & 6th & Laurel 426-4582 I 1514 Ellinor , Chiropractor , ,,,': "Landscaping • Office Now Open • Lawns, : 323 Franklin Street shrubs • Phone 426-8060 • Top soil, • Free J. L. DEBBAN, D.C. SUNSET LANI 9-noon 2-6 closed Thurs. Herbert Baze Cleaning Services .------ • Janitor Service • Wall To Wall Carpet • Hou.~e & Upholstery • Complete Line Of Supplies I DEN'S JANITOR SERVICE 2103 E 4th Olympia 352-1367 Rental Almost An Bulldozers - Folding & Chairs, LEW R 2216 E. 4th Cleaning Service Carpets - Wall to Wall Floors - Stripped, Polished Windows - Walls - ~Tpholstery "SH ELTON~S OWN" CLEANING SERVICE CO. Days 426-8138 Nites 426-4376 Restaurant We ITALIAN.. Hours: 3-10 3-12 p.m. HENRY'S pIZ 114 Clothing Alterations -7 Sand, Gravel If you have an alteration I , Top Soil problem, or button holes to I , Peat So11 be made, come to us / • Custom T / LITTLE & BIG SHOPPE I Johns Creek 122 C#ta 426-4266 I 426-3552 I ~1 I ' -- Drugs ........... • Helena Rubinstein cos- metics • Prescriptions • Hypo-Allergic Cosmetics NELL'S PHARMACY 5th & Franklin Ph. 426-3327 , Ski E( Sales - Bikes - CLINTON'S 223 Cota Electrical Tire , Fairbanks-Mnrse Pumps • . Electric Heating , Westinghouse Appliances SHELTON ELECTRIC CO. 419 Railroad Ph. 426-6283 • New OK • Recapping • Used OK TIR~ Mt. View Watch Repairing New Hamilton & Bulova Watches All types Jewelry Items Expert Jewelry Repairing Neuensohwander Jeweler A. T. Boswell, Owner 405 Railroad 426-6182 Travel • Air- • Bus - , No Our Angle Tr; 401 Ral Auto Repairing . Major Overhauls . Brakes & Ignition • Welding & Tune-ups • Special Winterizing I ED'S SERVICE 1112 W. ~Cota 426-3926 neome Tax Service --'3 / Experienced Assistance i Reasonable Prices | 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Ph. 426-4900 i TV Service • Radio • CB LEROY'$ Mr. View TV ServiCe Fast an, TV and Antenna Armagost 1919 King