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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1965
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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March 4, 1965 ! SHELTON---MASON COUNTY JOURNAL--- Published in ¢'ChrCstmastown, U.S.A.", Shelton, Washington PAGE 11 x DELICIA ~/2 GAL, 2 GAL. TUB Cent, )ur BAG 25 LB. BAG $ AA Large Dozen ........................... MAXWELL HOUSE INSTANT 6 oz. 99c INSTANT ~i~'.'.'.i'.'.'i()OZ. $1.79 CARAFE PACK 2 LB. TIN TISSUE 4-ROLL PKG ...... ALL FLAVORS .................. 6 3-oz. Pk.s. 49 SCOTT FAMILY 180 CT, PKG ........................... S NBC l-lb. $t SODA .................. 4 Pkgs..L BLUE BONNET ............ 4 Lbs. SUNNy JIM 22-OZ. BOTTLE ............................ 29 CHEESE SPREAD 2 Lb. Pkg ........................... White King Liquid ................................ Quart White Tins 49 FOod K,ng. 4 Ta,, B,0e 7 T,ns $1 Chicken 'n Liver .... Sandwich Ba s 75 Count ....... g .......................... 19 'Plastic Wrap 100 Ft. Roll ................................ 29 Pillsbury ................ 3 Boxes $1 LSBURY'S LAYER VARIETIES BOXES AS A DAISY,, PRODUCE No. 1 Pe ruit SHOP-RITE CARLOAD SALE --- SUPER SAVINGS! Crisp Tasty .............................................. BUN. • ...... 319'°"__ Fancy Fresh ...................................... Fresh as a Daisy ........................................................ ...Pound Red, Ripe Beefsteaks ................. Pound HrSBAKERY BANANA BREAD .................. Loaf EGG ROLLS ............................. Do,. BANANA NUT CAKE ........ Ea. '1" We Feature Pink Champagne & German Choc. Cakes Phone 426-3179 From every cut of VNF Meat our customers receive the greatest yield per pound. This means TRUE economy. Your meat dollar goes farther, HUNT'S QUALITY 14 OZ. BOTTLE ....... 1 303 Tin Big 2V2 Tin Crushed No, 2 Tin Sliced No. 2 Tin Cream Style or Whole Kernel -- 303 Tin 303 Tin Cut Green 303 Tin 303 Tin Cream Style or Whole Kernel 303 Tin Fancy Quality 303 Tins Cut Green 303 Tins Del Monte 46 oz. Tin PINEAPPLE- GRAPEFRUIT Del Monte 46 oz. Tin Del Monte 303 Tin . MI K Tall Tin FRANCO AMERICAN I I CAN 6 CANS 12 CANS CASE 24 I' $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ No. 1 Tin $ $ $ FRESH WASHINGTON GROWN WHOLE-BODIED STEWING CHICKENS . . . SERVE 'EM CHICKEN AND DUMPLINGS. CUT UP STEWERS Pound 25 OR BONELESS HEEL OF ROUND VNF BEEF... LB FRESH SMELT Pound Hygrade's 2-On,t ............................ Pack ........................ Pound ROUND Lean, Pure 69 Hygrade Canned Boneless $189 ................. : ........ Pound Fully C~ooked. 3 Lb. Tin ................ VNF U.S. CHOICE BEEF STEAK SALE ..... VNF U.S. Choice Beef Pound VNF U.S. Choice Beef Pound Grol p ;Ship, The PORTERHOUSE STEAK TH, K,NG OF BEEF $1o, STEAKS ....................... . ..... . ................... POUND Full Cut -- VNF U.S, Choice Beef--Protein- Packed ........................ Pound BANQUET FROZEN EACH ......................... BOOTH'S BREADED FROZEN 10 OZ, PKG ....................... WHITE KING GIANT BOX .................................. / We Guarantee Everything --- Even Our Smile. Prices Effective March 4-5-6. Limit Rights Reserved. New Hours 9 - 9 Molt. thru Sat. -- Sun. 10 - 7 By Mrs. Ra,y Kratcha SOUTHSIDE .... Feb. 20, G(n'- don Creasey took a group from Arcadia road to see the M. V. SiN vet Shelton freighter, built in Japan and nanled after our town, Shelton. They were welcomed aboard by Capt. A. M. Troyan, the First Mate, then took them on Lore, to the wheel house, chart roonl and radio roolll, He exl)lained much about the navigatiou of a ship, altimugh they have complicated instrtlments to chart the course. Ti~e stars are used whenever visible. R.C.A. electronic instruments are l~sed and the first ma.te stated that they are the be.ut in the world. The group watched the h)ading of the ship and then the buys were taken to the engine room by the Cbief Engineer,who answered many questions.The ship's en- gine rating hasa rated output of 7200 horse power. All were im- pressed by the courtesy shown by the Captain and his crew. Included on the tour were Scot and David Puhn, Greg, Steve and PaL Richey, Greg Reynolds, Dave and Donald Wl~incry, Dick, Linda and Gary Creasey, Mrs. Otis Ri- ehey and Mr. and Mrs. Creasey. Mill Creek "What Nots 4-H club members are having a bake sale MaJ,ch 13 at Thriftway. Mill Creek What Nots 4-H cluh met Feb. 24 at time home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim Kimbel. Jeanette Gunter led the flag salute. Club members made $26 out of the la.~t bake sale. Ken Zukowski gave a demonstration oil how to make an eieetric hot dog cooker and also demonstrated how it works, Ben Williams gave a demoustra- lion on how to bvush and conlb a horse, Shirley Williams gave a demonstration on how to frost a cake and Pete Olson gave a delll- onstration on how to plant a gar- den. Ronnie Yonng is a new nlember of the Mill Creek What, Nots. Je- nette Gm~ter and Cheryl Stone are ehail men for the bake sale. Mrs. Jim Kimbel sel~,ed refreshments along with Ken Zukowski's hot dogs. The next meeting will bc held March 10. Southside Grange regular meet- inK will be held March 5. There will be a party for Mrs. Sam Gudmondson "EInora Fraz- ier" who is up from Salem, Ore., it will be for Grangers, families and friends March 6 at 7:'10 p.m. Soulhside Granges potluck din- ner held Sunday was successful and had marvellous food for Gral~,gers, families and friends and was followed by recreation an4 games. I)avid J. Rogers, son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. Don Clark has been transferred to MeChord Air Force Base. He was formerly stationed at Mayfield. Busy Bells 4-It club members met at Julia, Bare's Feb. 23. The next meeting will be held March 9 at the school. 4-H chlb lnenl- bers have a bake sale planned for April 17. Georgia Mag~ett gave & delnonstra,tion 011 bow to lnaJ¢,e a, lead imlter fro- a horse. Toni Cole gave a demonstr.~tion on cut- ting a pattern and Toni Cole also gave a demonstration on bridling and saddling a horse. JoAnn Cole gave a demonstration on bathing a child and Trudy Rodgers g,ave a demonstration on glooming o£ dogs. Darlene Holtorf and Chri~ Fline served refreshments. SOUTIISII)E Homemakers met 9 at Mrs. Jesse Stites Feb. 23. were eight members and one child present. Members cut out quilt blocks and stamped them. These were divided among the members to be embroidered mid brought to time next. meeting. Dessert was served by Mrs. Jesse Stites. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kratcha a~ld fmnily visited Mr. and Mrs. Spike Scrogham and family of Dayton Saturday evening. Thunderbirds 4-H club memhers met at Gerry Armstrong's Feb. 24. The next meeting will be held on March 9 at Robbi Jackson's. Pres- ident Tom Trotzer gave pointers on how to present their demon- strations and Gerry Armstrong :gave a demonstration on forestry. :Club members went skating Sun- :day. Gerry Armstrong served re- freshn~ent'a after the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. David Hardie of Arcadia are the proud parents o£ a son born Feb. 2. Solflhside Eagles 4-H club mem- bers met at the home of their lead. er Catherine Bracy Thursday and p]~aetieed demonstrations. Tlm next meeting will be held March iI. Visiting Mr. and Mrs. "Walter Kr:ttcha, Linda and Susan Sunday Wtwe ~,Ir. and Mrs. Doug Perrine and Leah of Aberdeen and Mr. a~d Mrs. Ray Kratcha and Janiee. Mr, ~,nd Mrs. Max Mikleelsen and Sharlene last Tuesday eve- ning visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray Kratcha and 3anice. Man To Be Scientist Subject On Sunday "What is man, that thou art mindful of him?" This question asked by the Psalmist is explored in Lbe Bible Lesson which will be featured at Christian Science ser- vices Sunday. The subject is "Man". l,'rom "Scienee and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, these lines will bc read: "The human capacities are enlarged and perfected in t)ropor- tion as humanity gains the tram c(mception of man and God. ~lol'- tals have a very iml)et~2ect sense of spiritual n]an and of the i~l- finite range of his thought" (p.