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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1965     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1965
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4. 1965 SI-IELTON--MAg0N COUNTY 3OURNA " Publi. liod in rtCh qshnastown, U.KA.", ghelton, Wa:sl1|n PAGE 13 iiliwa,p BNnesms Are Take+ Over Mew O veers Cat:to been in business for many years. Miclmel Stolen were first prize Thurday in Seattle at Wiggen and ~- Two business \.Ve will tell more ubout their slore winners l!'riday n ght; Mrs. Ltllu Soils for Mrs. S. Josephine Peter- liwaup changed last month Star Realty and With new owners first of March. are the Lilliwaup Paul and Millie Yer to Mr. and M~s. of Bellevue, and the residence property near ridge, sold by M,'. Smith Lo M~'.. and of Rainier. owned since in- (six housekeel)- ' overnight units with restaurant and gro- and living quarters is also a beae.l,- tcross tile ]'cad been circulation [e Bellevue Ameri- resigned his posi- ewspaper to put- resort. During residerme in Belle- active in corn- Particularly in the mched the first team at the and Bellevue's first r baseball team and one of the first baseball teams. He church, corn- and Jaycee are the par- two attend- and two junior are moving and will live in area. A son-ln- Verne and two grandchild- in Seattle• ~st, Paul and Mil- trips to visit and rel- and California. enjoy her old who pur- s bnsiness loca- ed "Bonnie B's" ruit stand) havc later wlmn an opening date has been set. ];',%l'nle r o\vnel's, Floyd an(1 Bonnie Smith have moved to HoodsporL, where Smith is with the Hoodsport Lmnb(u' Company. ANOTIIER MARCII 1 property news ~eport is lhe moving on that date of Mr. and Mrs. Jay Gray- bill into their new beacll hon]c near Tim lDrift\vo(~d Shop. They purehas;~d tlm house from the buii- der, Start \Vhite, and \veto l)arLic- alarly att::~et, cd to it: 1)(,cau,~e M~', Graybill is a retired se,,l captain who wilt enjoy proximily to salt wn.ter. They are fr()m Seattle. As indicated by these reports, the sales staff of the l:h'ite Star Realty firm has been very active in Canal proI)crties. The use of a phme for aerial surveys of prop- crty has been used to advantage for stone of these sales they re- port. This was true in the sale of the I~,oeky Brook Falls 136- acre recreational site in the Dose- wallips valley, viewed fr&n the air by the prospective buyer, as wme several other parcels of land. This particular piece is again up for sale. A RECEPTION honoring Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pauly, whose marriage took place Feb. 4 in Moscow, Ida., is being planned for Sunday afternoon, March 14, in tim Potlatch clubhouse of the Hood Canal Woman's Club. The informal open house will be held from 2 to 5 p.m. The bride is the former Mrs. Helen R. Cook, who has many friends here who have known her during her teaching career in this county. TEN TABLES were in play at the pinochle party sponsored by the Lilliwaup Commnnity Club last Friday evening in the com- munity hall. This was the first in a new series plmmed by the club, which has a party the second Fri- day of each month, following a potluck supper and business meet- ing, and another on the fourth Friday, starting at 8 p.m. Mrs. George W. Moake and We are happy to Valley and Den- are getting ah)ng lelton General Hos- car accident last .'t them to be Hospital. Ieo~ d spent to visit, • D. Simpson, and eton. Chester Sing- Calif., was Y0eths I eco ering II • In H, pital Hearing then they visited Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Lowell of Napavine. The latter is Lud's sister. Mrs. Lud Rossmaier accompan- ied by Mrs. James Rossmaier and girls visited Mrs. Morris Leman at Tacoma Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lud Rossmaier spent Sunday evening with the enjoyed slides and faro- ~rust, James of Little days with P.mfl Rossmaier family of Olym- pz.~Irn and Mrs Earl Walker spent Saturday evening with the ttarold Hall n.nd Ralph Cook families. Mr. and Mrs. Gene Brown and f~-u=~ily enjoyed Sunday dinner with l~Ir. and Mrs. Ole Anderson of Shelton. week. MR. AND MRS. Ray Kimmerly the Max and children of Shelton and Mrs. r. Cash's sis-Frances Sehoening and family of aw of Seattle,Aberdeen were Sunday dilmer Laekstrom guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Cash of Brehmeyer St. from a hlr. and Mrs. Emil Tviet, Mrs. Oregon and Lam'ence Hansen of Lake Nah- re W~th hm t Mutton and • ".watzel and Everet ' seen Ins Shelton wez e Sm~ r-' s . 's. Don Bur=an of -" ~ - ,~m for 25 day callers at the Andrew McGar- • ~ vie home. t:OCkburn of D ~ve DeFoer left Sunday for his :~n Hatchery new' job at "the State i~ark at .mnyside witi~ Lake Wenatchee. His family will C "~ - remain hece until school is out. e~f°r.~ spentWe all will miss 1)aw~. with his ),,u W~th theMndly neighborly ways. He has ~oss a host of friends here. if ~maier at-Mrs. Augusta Port=an and Carl ,_,}ore Hind-Portman spent Sunday evening "~tllrflay and with Mrs Lula Omens nc Home Heating lean As E[ectrm Eleetric heat s zafe and Silent, too. as clean as electric light---and as With Warmtl ' requIre.~_ ~-by.w=_ -- t '~mnts ,re, ttlere's h ....... no fuel, no storage th: doo'' oa'n ':o:;:; "° 'o os-,u,t the e eo war+ fU,,, OStats. y .... , room by room, with indlv,dual ""'lure w vur walls, "ou .... '" stay el,~.. ~ r 0rapemes, carpets and .... =" longer. ASk for the f t-,°m°rrow *h.., acts about the h .... ~'eetrl~ ~ ""~¢ s here t--' ome nearing system OT neat. uoay--clean, quiet, comfortable MASON COUN ¥ • • COLE " GO. ' President, TOM WEBB, vi~e pres,dent,a er TAYLOR' Secretary JERRY SAMPLES, man g LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY Smilh and lC, ank l iambaugh, see- ond; Mrs. licnry Mourik anti Oran B. Lee, pino('h~e, and Oran B. Lee ~V~)II tile (|1)0[' pl'i~c-. I ~r-fl't!:4hlllelli s WCl'C served by t ~, hostesses, Mrs. Mattie lhtek- lund and M~s. :l),':~s tlaines. }~'llll()l'al sel'viees were held on F!i:. : i!i i ::;';:'i~. i! :! son ,)f IAtliwaup, who died Mon- day of last week at tile age of 79. She had been a patient in the Shelton Manor Nursing Home .'dnee early December. Mrs. Peterson, who was born in ()saKe City, Kans.. and went to Scatlle in 1895, had been a Lilli- :tlstl ~111 active lnelnber. Dr. and Mrs. Mack Knutsen and Cut Boneless Boneless Sirloin Tip or Bottom Round visited with Mrs. Knutsen's grand- mother, :hfrs. Frank Robinson. The Callus were in Seattle for the weekend, visited at the new home of Mrs. Catto's son, Robert Hill. Also guests there on Sunday were Mr. Catto's son and daughter-in- law and their children: The occa- sion was a celebration of the birth- days of three grandchildren, Bert Jeffrey Hill, six, Kathryn Catto five, and Carolyn Catto, three. Mr. and Mrs. Start White were K. ilale of tloodsporL, sister-in-law of ~I]'s. PctelLson, Memo:'ial services tor hcr are being held by the Hood Canal Garden Club members and fri(nds hosts to Mr. and M~;s. Ed Furhmg at dinner Saturday evening, tak- ing them to the Hama Hams Lodge at Eldon. Interesting guests who dined at the Hama Hams Lodge recently were in a group of seven busines~ men from Brussels, Belgium. They were touring the state and look- ing over its industries and various types of business, said Margaret Fluckinger, managez: of the rest- au rant. Fillet of Snapper..... Ib,. 290 Fillet of Sole....,.,. lb. ~c 12 oz. Med. Oysters.... ea. 55c Scallops..... lb. 98c Sliced Red Salmon .. Ib, 79c Standby, MI~HROOMS Pieces & Stems 4 OZ. T,ns ............ 98+* U.S. Choice Boneless Steaks TOp Sirloin .................................... ,b. +1" Bone-in Cut Rump Road ............................ ,b. Swift's Premium Skinless Wieners . ................................. ,b. 49* Swift's Premium Sliced Bacon ............................... : .......... ...,b, G5¢ Clancy's -- 2 oz. Size, Pkg. of 10, Veal or Beef Steaks ......................... ~a. 89* Clancy's -- 15' oz. Pkg. Breaded' Clanc);'s -- 15 OZ. Pkg. Meat Drumsticks ................................ Ea. 59~ Danish Style Swiss Gheese ............................................ ,b. 69* Ib Tomatoes 5 3o~ Tins 98¢ U.S. No. 1 Poly POT ' Lb. Bag 1i][11i]I] Prices effective thru ~t., Yrarch 6, 1965. No sale to dealers. Reserve Right to Limit Quantity. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY E]~>LOYER Standby Stewed or Solid Pack Applesauce 4 ~'/~Tins~o~l~°* Fru, Drink *'" o,. iir~' Tins 98* Standby Pine-Grapefruit La,rge Choice Navel Punch 3 ++ o,. ........ Tins 98. s,,ndb, ,oz. =tl. Blue Ribbon 14 Varieties Tomato Oalsup4/98 ¢ Ore-ida Instant Mashed W+s, Po oes • Pko, 98' Reg, '& Drip lb. Tin l-lb. Tin Reg., Drlp & Fine Hawaiian D01e: Chunks, Crushed, Tidbits Pineapple 5 "%'2 98* Pillsbury 2-lb. Tin FRESH WASHINGTON GROWN