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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1971
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EMOTIONS ARE HIGH during the play, "Mrs. Lincoln," which will be presented by Shelton High School March 12 and 13. Wendy Erhart at left plays Mrs. Lincoln along with Debby Shawver. Holly Manke, shown here, and Linda Cochran portray Sally. a woman dressed in hair distraught, her face is talking and starmg at an empty rocking music envelops the seems to swallow her dark mist: Suddenly, a -scream, then wild cackling laughter. A strobe light flashes. The laughing stops. It is dark. Somewhere in the distance someone is playing a mouth harp - "My Old Kentucky Home." Then a voice breaks in; a deep strong voice. It is Abraham Lincoln. Civil War portraits float across the stage as if in a dream. This could well have been a scene from Shelton High School's major theatrical production of "Mrs. Lincoln." by Thomas UR Gull rug ossesslon Selby, Shelton, was of two counts of of a dangerous drug by County Superior Court Friday after a two-day charges against Selby Dec. 22, 1969 after he ty Sheriff Brian the lead-off witness state, which was by Gerry Alexander, attorney, as a special attorney. Prosecuting :Byron McClanahan had defense attorney for of ore being elected r. testified that the 21, the Sheriff's obtained a search the home of David getting information informant that there the home. four deputies had Miskinis home with warrant, and, as they the home they persons in the alley whom one of deputies recognized as Selby and Miskinis. Shoening stated he and one of the other deputies ran toward the pair, and, that one of them, whom he later determined was Selby, r~n behind a garage briefly and they re-appeared. The deputy stated after deputies contacted the two young men, they went to Miskinis' home, and, after a search, he and another young man who was there, A1 Weatherbie, were taken into custody. Shoening stated Selby was released. Shoening stated that he and James Gorman, who was at the time a deputy sheriff, searched the area where they had seen Selby run too, but, had found nothing. He stated that after returning to the court house with Miskinis and Weatherbie, he had later returned to the scene with Miskinis and after about 10-15 minutes Miskinis had found a paper s~ck containing two packages wraA?ped in plastic which appeared to be drugs. Shoening stated he replaced IIIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIllllllllllllllllll IIIIIIIIIIlilllllillllll IIIlillilllll to discuss the 'wners of Hood Canal been scheduled for 13 in the Hood Unior High School of state and local been invited to be the meeting to answer on the rights of tide owners and the the tidelands and the on them. Those who will appear on the program include Sheriff John Robinson, Prosecuting Attorney Byron McClanahan and representatives of the State Fisheries Department, Attorney General's office and the State Park Department. Those who want to mail questions in advance or wish additional information contact Harry ttays Jr., Box 8, Lilliwaup. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII the sack.back under the bush where it had been found and returned to the court house with Miskinis, and, later returned to stake out the spot. At about 6:30 a.m., he said, Selby arrived at the scene, and, after driving through the alley twice, stopped near the spot where the sack was, got out of the car, went directly to it,grabbed it and started back to the car. At this point, Shoening said, he called to Selby to stop and Selby did so. He was taken to the COurt house where he was arrested Shoening said. Shoening testified he took samples of material found in the package to the Northwest Forensic Laboratory in Seattle for testing. " Under cross examination by Fred Gentry, Olympia, Selby's attorney, Shoening stated Miskinis had made a telephone call to Selby asking him to pick up the stuff. Sh°ening stated it had been his idea to stake out the spot where the package was, and, that it had been Miskinis' idea to make the telephone call to Selby. j K.M. Sweeny, OWner-operator of Northwest Forensic Laboratory, testified he had tested the material which Shoening had brought to him and it was his COnclusion after tests that one sample was marijuana and the other LSD. Gorman, now a Shelton Police Patrolman, but, at the time a Deputy Sheriff, testified he had gone with the other deputies to the Miskinis home, and, that it had been he who had recognized Miskinis and Selby in the alley. He stated he along with Shoening had pursued the two, and, that he had observed Selby run behind a building adjoining the alley briefly and then re-appear. t;orman stated that after the (Please turn to Page 2) Cullinan. The play will be performed March 12 and 13 for the public in the Reed Auditorium. Set in 1875 at a sanitarium in Illinois, "Mrs. Lincoln" reveals the disturbed life of Mary Lincoln after the president's assassination. The play was shown on Broadway in 1969. Something new in high school dramatics is the unusual use of music, lighting, and special effects. An eight minute motion picture sequence will be shown before the play begins. It was made by the students on a Dejur animation process camera by taking 10,800 separate pictures of various Civil War scenes. The movie will flash across the stage on six net screens, thus giving a dreamlike echoed effect. Over a mile of tape has been used for the sound track. Members of the cast include Wendy Erhart and Debby Shawver as Mrs. Lincoln; Linda Cochran and Holly Manke as Sally; Jenny Jensen and Nancy Maranvilte as Lizzie Keckley; Vicki Buckley and Nancy Ewart as Emilie Todd Helm; Mike Connolly as Robert Lincoln; Joe McClanahan and Len Morris as Billy Herndon; Dan Nye and Jim Erwin as Dr. Patterson and Guy Hodge as a veteran. The technical crew includes Melissa Bergeson, properties chairman; Tom Evander and Merrilee Stewart, properties helpers; Randy Wiltman, lighting director; Scott Miltenberger, sound-special effects director; drama department, special effects; William Steinbacher, art director; Larry Nelson, stage director; Dave Anderson and Sandy Baskin, student directors; Lorra'ine Johnson, assistant director and Dean Tarrach, director. Report Set On Survey At Pioneer The Pioneer School Board will hold its regular March meeting at 7 p.m. March 9 at the school. At 8 p.m. the group from the State Superintendent's office, made an which recently • 's evaluation of the district program will be on hand to present their report. The meeting at which the report will be presented is open to the public. i Dr. Robert W. Wells. 41. 153 is continuing, the State Patrol Mt. Moriah Lodge No. 1 I. F and . daughter Sheila, all of the family Ballantre Dr., Shelton. died said AM, American Legion Post 212,home at Lake Limerick; his Tuesday night when the pick-up Wells was pronounced deadat Sumas: Washington Dental mother, Mrs. Grace Wells, he was driving left theLake the scene and the bodywastakenAssociation. Thurston-Mason Shelton, and one brother, Ellis Limerick Road about .2 miles to Batstone Funeral Home. County Dental Association; Wells, Yakima. from its intersection with Dr. Wells was born July 22. American Dental Association; Funeral services will be held Highway 3 and struck a tree 1929 in Shelton. He was a Elks Lodge 194. Bellingham; the at 11 a.m. Saturday at Batstone shortly before 7 p.m. graduate of the University of Presbyterian Church at EversonFuneral Home with Rev. Neal The Washington State Patrol. Washington Dental School and and was Fire Captain of Station 4 Higbee officiating. which inveshgated the accident, practiced dentistry in Eversonof Fire District 5 in the LakeThe family suggests in lieu of s~.?:t Wells was driving his 1960 from his graduation from dental Limerick area. flowers donations be sent to Hyde pick-up westbound on the Lake school in 1960 to 1967 when he He was a veteran of U.S. Navy and Mackey Dental Student Limerick Road when he ran off moved his dental practice to Service intheKoreanconflict. Memorial Loan Fund at the the roadway to the right and Shelton. Survivors include his wife,University of Washington or the struck a tree. He was a member of the UW Patricia, three sons, Robert J., Lake Limerick Country Club Investigation of the accident local chapter Qf Xi Psi Fraternity, Michael L. and Lewis A; one Building Fund. Thursday, March 4, 1971 Published in Shelton, Wash. Entered as second class matter at the post officeat Shelton, 20 Pages -- 2 Sections Wash. 98584, unde~t act of Mar. 8, 1879. Published weekly, except two issues during 85th Year -- Number 9 week of Thanksgiving, at 227 W. Cota. $5 per year in Mason County, $6 elsewhere. 10 Cents Per Copy The Mason County Sheriff's Office was continuing its efforts to locate the body of Rev. William B. Carnes, 56, 1117 Turner, Shetton, who is believed , to have been drowned in Lake Isabella, Monday afternoon in a boating accident. Rev. Carnes was the chaplain at the Washington Corrections Center and had moved to Shelton shortly after the center opened. Sheriff's office divers had gone into the lake Monday afternoon and Tuesday in the search effort. Wednesday, a private boat was being used with an underwater television camera belonging to the S~ate Fisheries Department in the search efforts. The search efforts were started Monday afternoon after the Sheriff's Office received a call about 3:10 p.m. from two Elma men, Ron Ford and Oscar Fowley. They told officers they were fishing in the 'lake and had observed a man putting a boat in the water at the public access area and working on the motor. They said the latter heard a motor roar and observed the same boat up on the opposite shore in a wooded area with the motor running wide open and no trace of tile man. After receiving the call, the Sheriff's Office began a search of the shore area on foot and had divers out to look in the lake. r ngs } A 19-year-old youth has been charged with disorderly conduct and disturbing the peace and three juveniles, ages 16, 15, and 13 have been referred to juvenile authorities as the result of a hoax in the Shelton area Monday night. The charges against Dale Richard Schuman, Rt. 3, B.ox 148, and the referral of the juveniles came Tuesday as Shelton Police wrapped up an investigation which had started Monday night when two reports were received at the Police Station that someone had been observed being beaten tip and drug into a car. A second report said someone had been shot and dragged into a car. '\ dcscripllon or ~he ~:at al~d a license number was furnished in the reports and officers, after tracing down the vehicle, found the youths who admitted the hoax to officers. Police said the youths told them they had been discussing public apathy, and, had decided to play a hoax. They would drop one of the boys .fff in the area of 13th St. The divers returned to the lake Tuesday, but, were unable to find anything. Boat patrols of the shore line were also conducted in the search efforts. and Northcliff, and, when a car came by, they would drive to where he was to jtlmp out and and appear to be beating him and dragging him into the c~r. In ~ne case they pretended to shoot the "'victim ". The incident was repeated five times, two of which brought reports to the Police. Officers said one of the boys commented after their discovery they had found the public and the police a lot more alert than they thought. By JAN DANFORD Little Miss Rachael, nine months old, flatly refused to consider the celebration of her first Christmas without her daddy, who was in Romania with the Merchant Marines. She and her mother, Mrs. Patrice Gates, counted the months and ignored the calendar as they waited in their Elwood Manor Apartments home. • % .... HER FIRST CHRISTMAS was celebrated in February after her daddy returned from a voyage to Romania. December 25 came and went with no pattering of reindeer hoof across the reluctant rooftop. And so it was that the family of Radio Officer Joseph Gates observed Christmas on February 13. When the rest of the world was surrounded by Valentine's Day decor, they sat down to a festive dinner in a setting bright with tinsel and candles and holly: Joseph and Patrice together watched the wide-eyed wonder of their small daughter with her first Christmas tree, and together they saw her take, on that very evening, her first steps. And to add to this perfection, there came a knock at their door; singing Christmas carols on the doorstep were friends and neighbors, a group from the Seventh Day Adventist Church. Last August Joseph Gates brought his family from San Francisco to Shelton that they might be near his parents during the long periods of his absence. The saving of Christmas for a suitable day is a way of life for Patrice and Joseph. Their first Christmas fell in June, catching up with them in the West Indies when Patrice joined her husband in Barbados. The following year Mrs. Gates, very pregnant, was struggling with Christmas preparations on January 20 in San Francisco with nary a Christmas tree to be found. A large hotel near her apartment house had discarded, in sections, a beautifully flocked blue spruce, very large and very dry. With the assistance of a friend, Patrice salvaged the top portion of the moulting evergreen and, leaving a tell-tale trail of needles, drug the prize down the street and up the long flights of stairs. Having no tree stand, she suspended her decorated Christmas tree from the ceiling utilizing a length of gauze and a handful of nails and causing her landlady no endof consternation. "Christmas," says Patrice, "is when we are together."