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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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gue Is • Recommenq recently issued catalog businesses, professional offices, or Studies by bacteriologists sponge is not cared for well The ; The Evergreen State ov ' , ' a s on " 1 .... - g ernmental agencies. Others have found that dishcloths m y p ge is more difficult to rinse Y/1-72 offerings may will sign contracts for individual be contaminated by bacteria and thoroughly and dries more slowly, 'st college publication of research or other study projects using such a dishcloth may spread so oacteria are more apt to grow• to be read cover tocover that .will contribute to their ~ b~:herl:e f:oOm Oneer, Pl~C_eA:f SaPOdged cad :lldw:hOtld dbe students educational goals ~ anoth hington's newest stateSeveral hun~l'rarl ...1;~.t;nn~ ' ) ~ ' unt Extension com letel Y s: .......... - ............ vv ........... " Plzzello, Co Y p y. ,tu~te~ In utympla, will have been received but there still Agent, said this week. "The supply of dishcloths and Lext tah with 1,000 are openings for interested ~ ,~ A few steps to keep dishcloths sponges should be sufficient to : . Apphcants are required students, Brown said .... ..... / clean will help reduce the danger allow for daily changes and pmpiete a Supplemental " ~ °--"~ '°. of contaminating dishes when laundry. Frequency of laundry ~:~s. Form. after reading ~ ~ dishes are hand washed. Use awill determine how many ~ tale.g, Indicating an ,~ ,. AIRMAN DALE ~ ..... .... ..... / ~ clean, fresh dishcloth every day. dishcloths are needed." l.[an.aing of Evergreen's nr ,eon _, , ....... ~-~,,~.,',"" ~' \ Put the soiled dishcloths in the Wash dishware and utensils in uve instructional program v~m Iwt,*E|q~l~ U/ IVlI• dr](J Mrs. VVIIDHr ~,. _ ..... • . =--~- ........ laundry, warm water con[ainlng a ~Semfo~rmatl°n helps us to Cb____ t-_L__l Plckfett. ,B,elfalr,•has recel, ve.d AIRMAN RANDALL C. After each use, rinse the detergent and rinse in hot water - ^ |hensiotn°n~Ythh:students O(~]y5 ~)(~[]O(,,)l as~i_~rStent.baf~l~ force outy ~,cnno._ckloth, son of Mr. and d~:hcloth well. Adda few drops 160-180 degrees F. orhotter. Hot WALTER BAIN, Jalmer ~useth and Lee Becket, left to right, program, ' g e completing v rs. -dward C. Schneckloth of chlorine bleach to the rinse water from the ta ma be nearer are shown here with the gifts given to each member on their ~,,whether it will meet his W;II n b~i_c training at Lackland Belfair, has completed bas'ic water. Avoid bacteria growth by 145 degrees, so awPaterYor rinsing retirement by International Woodworkers Local 3-38. These , explained Admissions • • ' I I AFB, Tex. The airman has training at Lackland AFB letting the dishcloth dry between may have to be heated Boiling three are very happy to retire and start doin the thin )r Uavid Brown We have • been a " • , . . . . • • . . g gs that .. ....... " .... Sen. Gordon Sandison, _sslgned to a umt of the Tex. He has been assi ned to uses. Bacteria grow well in a water poured on dlshware in a they have wanted to do, such as fishing, visiting, or just being :~,-e-uousiy pieasea wltla Chairman of the Senate Air /raining Command at Keesler AFB ,...damp, warm environment, Miss clean drainer will rinse and n a n lazy Alone with the nr' t Nsponse. ~erious students • • • , .... ~o., .u, " zello said .... ~" ,. = S..~t ........ ty, a Penston makes ....... Committee on Higher Education, Keesler AFB, Miss, for trainin., in th ....... P]z . sterilize if dishes are allowed to -"÷;r n" a whole lot ea~ ^- * ...... L_ L .......... r~n~p me conce ts of ..... " ~ e uo/nmunlca- "Use se ' • .el, 9 a =~ tu pay tH~ L)III5 ano tO nave enou n ....... P said today that continuation of tralnlno and dub, =e = ~;,o t ; ,~ ,~ ~ , ; ^, .~ ^ • parate dishcloths for stand in the hot water for a few ...... .~ .4.. ,t.^ ,t.: ............. g ,-.tea ~n.a Contractedany talk about the possibility of nrotec~on s..^..:_,~_.'~^~ .... o'_~ " ~ .," ,.e,, u. ~ t r m a n dishwashing and wipe-ups. Some minutes. .,UHe,.y ,tu,~.u t~e_t,,~,,~ d person wants•/he tension elan was as speuea out in our ......... v V~t-~mlbt. ~trman ocnnecKIotn is a 1970 nersons may nrefer a snon*e to a,m,,, ......... ,; .... ~, negotlateo In 1~ol between 5impson and the I W A • aeiaying me opening oz ln¢ D" I " ~" ......... v .............. ould be • • . "read first catalog Ever ..... e e is "not la ~s a 1970 graduate of graduate of North Mason dishcloth, but there are added taken a ainst contamination of ~ " green~tate t~ou g N " • g Dung people are telling us onl" ; ........ ;~-~obut also orth Mason H gh School. H gh School. dangers of bacteria growth if the dishes when there is illness in the • • .Y 111[;~ Ull~lUxv , . . . ~his new college has foolish" v family It ;s particularly Smok,na Dro,, Seen ~d to their cry for greater "E'w~o~- i~ ~eared to important to scald dishware that ~ r" eYin ,l,fi, gher education," he receive lb~)'0~st'udentsthis fall," D,,.--.J-.II v_ I l'~ . f~* , 1 touches the mouth - cups, About six packs of cigarettes In 1960 wlaen the otticial ~d. Many prospective said the former chairman of the IXUllUUll IOle OCO JTS [ven woros glasses, spoons and forks - in a less per person were smoked in census was 2',853,214, there were itrt'smare telling,, us 'your Temporary Advisory Council on /FIrO'rL _! *- • _ boiling water rinse when a family the State. of Washington in. 1970 291,895,607 packs of cigarettes ~r~.akessense" Public Higher Education, whichin urn k, oorse At r'~lrtr~,~r ~),,~,~n~,l~l . member has a cold, for example, than ~n 1960, according to taxed, amounting to 102.3 packs uinatea Studies will 1967 recommended the college's r~,~oo, ~.; .......... • ~u k~'|l II I~/ Ilg~,,~ll/l/ . "Tnis means immersing the onward V. Yung, M.D., er erson. i~°uP:d°ff;a.smany as l00 creation. "Its systems are Thir'd~ass'Jl~aan;all~ryYul:t~c:r .~. (Sub Scout Pack 112 had its presented to Tony Benedict, dishes and flatware in boil!ng sup.erv,sor? chronic disease p Pne 1970, with the official ....... :*~ instructors, established, key personnel in all of Mr and Mrs u~..._-~ xr ~..,^ uiue and Gold Potluck Dinner last engineer Warren Carr, engineer water [or a Iew minutes, arammg sect~n, .~tate t)wislon of Health population at 3,409 169 there ~a~tutg IUll ' - • *tuwaru v. ~utu . . . • • , , . " , , ...... tl, me on one phases of operations are on the of Sheltonwas ..~A .... ., .___ Thursday evening at the Bordeaux and athlete; Rubln Pemne, and a!lowmg to air dry. Also ur. rung s calculations are were 328,890,000 acks taxed .v. ~ea o! SttoOu~:eS~ea~ .... ~ ........ IIUIIIS~h!!l~ " ~iiid ~pSt°ksftta~idv b;~r~hbee~tat~ pm::ntmg to 96 5P packs per ~11 :nr.eslattd: Jw°beks~na~dl f:ciuth~y fotrhethene;tl fwei,~l Ye:rda~raiSn~h:~entter,tGheOverCOasr~ Weblos Den presented the ;UtdnOO~m;thlae~de a~hlete;cDa~ri~; ~e~ems0prstsObkTPhdl:hdl;dhS as tie "---v m - - be under contract. Evergreens_kland, ..... N V and received the Mike Clayton, athlete; Steve ., " . . • . enue during Dr. Yung said thenationwide- ~.v ~ ent. stuay, the construction is on schedule; itsHe was a ~o~ ,.~a,,.,~ ^¢ attendance award. Duchsherer, athlete, me /ls cal years 1960 and 1970, effort to reduce the incidence of ~ors [or which will " . .... ~-,,,,~,a~ ~ ...................... a • , • L.:_, . . . include classrooms and other facilities will Shelton Hi-~, e~...^, __~ ..... Boys receiving awards were Following the dinner, a film ................... nd the state populahon for smokin~ aooears to be payin~ off ~u scientists a biolo " . ,, ~ ov.uut ,tuu attenueu . • ,, • ,, ' [11o . - -- . - - - t artist. Material to g#bS~ ber,ead.yl.nSept,ember. .... Grays Harbor College in _LhaeLSarson,,,Br,an,,Rapaz, _01 mp, Elk, wasshown byTOO tale to ¢.[ll$$Jly _. seyears, m the State of Washmgton. ~di,,~*-a'~ will be jointlv.t - v'qa""°a ...... .... stuaents~lmuariY'are now ~anaisonbeing acceptedSa)U' Aberdeen. mormon,'~'~a'Yn~t,DougrilllllP~ient, MarK"nau' rteXt;ope, Rasmussen.~tate tJame rrotector AI _ .................. .................. I~ii~iiih"m~Iiiii~i~i~il~ilii~ii~i~i~i~i~li~iii~iilii~mmi~i~iiii~miml~lml~m~m~m~=- ~. ~u. for fall enrollment Although the Jeff Barnes and Timothy Glassey, TRAILER HOUSE for rent. CallE . ~-~ ..... ~ A~ ! ~;_maents. may .earn part catalog was marled only the . IT IS one thing to show a man wolf; Bobby Meacham, gold and _ 426-3169. B3/4tfn = I.L) ¢ ) K rt-3 t/'K~ll~'l.~" [7.(') I~ [ ~=,, credit through ..... ~ ..... ~ ne is in error and another to "ut o;~ ............ ~ r,_..t._~ .... ,~ t." ... m. .,. .. I--I-- ~ ---- v,~ --v .~,-vvv~..-- --v,~ .. ill,4.c,..j_ " . week oI reoruary, me ~. . ,. v auv x a;xuw unit rat zxltvu a, Svlu ailll~ll~ mn o^, = ,o..o.., ..... -= l ~,f. ? experiences,college h .~ rac~iv~d m re than mm in possession of the truth, arrow -- . _ ~.~,~ ~%~-- ~o,,~flv .=,~, _= ~! operation with1,100 student annlications and John Locke Webelow awards were Honored Unit paddle board, adding machine, 2 --~n •. = .1~11, [ . rr . . . ,I o final admittances, are being "" Frank "~ " son of picnic tables, wa!kte talk)e, ---- lUaLlil Hearing Help - "roe .... ,, . o ~g[. ~,. ~lmons, canning pressure cooker, regular ~ ~11___ _ v ~:sea every day.. ..... ~/J~Ir~P~'~ln,•#,~ ~ ..... ~--.I..--_ Mr and Mrs Everett Simons canner work bench with drawers, ~- ~_ IIllRO"" analson noted mat tlae~.tate v~ll I~,,MU¥~/ %.~[QU~ J~Ol~l~ Shelton, is a member of the 460th pram stainless buoy barrel, peg ~ --__ "~ .... Ill of Washington has received . ...... , ~ .............. • ...... ,I11 .... board, Irg, contemporary picture= SERVIt I: ¥-- Con D~n~nd r~n = i~f[ii qP__l/ natio--, ... ~__ :+, tl .- .L T-.- P l I laL;tl~t ~c~,ollzl~14~allut; vv~H~, 111 narrlan tOO[¢ an~ m;¢r articles gee' -- 1=11 .... ru~ .... t' ' m~ I eV loin . ,,at recognition zo, ,,, ¥1KIT /r$ IP-'lfii,-P xr -*nam th-t earned - LIL' k" " ' " "" foresight in oro~fino ~ navar cn/leee v •. o,,.. "~*/v~.~ ~ • l ~/~ v,v. .a ..o "'~ after b:ov at /oi -~. t3tn = _ ---- ~tal of 14,100 stu- - to meet 2" .....%'7".--" nd -- Presidential Unit Citation for aShelton 426-3560. 3/4 iI=Aru=DcUIO From the W ....... --- ~,. . uen[s are tne neeas ot toaay a u Not even a snowstorm c^,,,~ Lun.~. .......... J .--' *L:.A *:.---.. ~ " EaL.Jlm~edrE;l~WllllV OIIH s t_argest = to re ister t ,, . v.,u ~. wn~ n~veu to more muu tu.~. = . _-- ~;,r, ~ge, Thursday and he future. Evergreen ]s the deter a large groun of local Se";"- ,~.... IAn t. ................ -ft. ....... .~ ;. +h. ~.;..t..._, tt c FOR SALE white Kenmore dryer = Excluswe Manufacturer of = ~'~ ~'v. "~'J] Ior ek-- • cent-a~. ^t ... . . . . ,, 1__ o ~ 1-- lxl~l t,llall l..1.~J IlUll~ly ~J(~Ol~lt~ uy [l'le 111~ (IWtllU 17~ tll~ Itl~ll~t tJ.O. ~.--I., 11/- .,~- ...I,J I;I.^ ,~,.. tr-'~r- i. m~ at Washi,.;~~_ spring so,f~,,,.~ nauonai interest., -~ Citizens from congregating at the church ladies. Maybelle Wilson honor accorded a military ~)h'oYne4'2aY-'l"~'~ ~a'/'~ .... *'~' ---------- Hearing Aids and Hearin ,'.~.~,°;* ..... ~ctln"S~u" .atateme-~'~'" o"~nY .... rurmer mscusslon oI United. Methodist. Church last entertained with a n miber' of organization. .................. ' = Test Equipment. g _- g Registrar p ss]billty of its delay would Fnd T mann ha ............... ay. he primary purpose of solos then led ~roun sin~ing Bo,,~ Sgt. Simons, a navigational PUREBRED LAB. 7 week old ~ -~ ~-,.,o~ ~*/,mounced. ~everse me state s reputation ann the meeting was to entertain a f--.- = .... ~:.~.~..1 g_~_'_ .'~ .;~ ..... ;,~-n "* w~., e,~,~ xth,,÷ puppies. Male $40 -- female -- -" Came to sea a.r ranraean÷=+;,,,~ --'-- -"--, wm exce.a +t.^ make it o,---*o .....'--^-,--^ +^ ~ ~ Iulll l-~At~)tlUll(I/t J[-'ort~,s[ers(l.tuo a~k~a~au ~ taut ovtt x~tu~. (l~('t ~'all Ag~ /IOK1 n~÷ar ~ .~ .~ "-- ........ r''"'~'-''~t,w~! '~ • . vu UI~ a~'l~,al allavxllulll~tl~ tvgroup oI ~emor .... Citizens cumin • • *~" wt"~ll ~"~J'm'rdd Jk ¢&/Lg/ J ~1 ]11 ~ t sprmgsemesterr .... all w ......... g favored them with several vocal AB, Vietnam, will wear a S3/4tfn " " = = ecora oI .o nave IOllOWeO me b bus fro ..... " = = let last ....................... Y m Vancouver, who numbers, distmctwe service nbbon to mark ~ -= MR. JERRY BENNEYT - ~on for~?h~.'fa~l~anns_a,ld" u~ve~op.ment_mtnenewcouege, arrived around noon. Mrs Pat Kobervi~ nrooram his affiliation with the 460th WANT RIDE to Olympia after -- --- • , ~cmester ~v~x~ecn wm open ann • ,,, r o " M = = nroll students " supervisor of the State Senior The sergeant is a 1962 arch 10. Please call 426-2875. = . . _- was 14,510, also a record e in fall 1971 ......... Monday thru Friday. B3/4 .~ Friday, March 5th, Hallmark Inn, D~al 426-1671 = Sandison said "No on . . . t~]tlzen group gave a short talk on graaua~e oI tort Angeles Senior = 10 A ~n ,,.+ ,,~ ~,^^_ -- tel • e 1 Know is • , . ~ = ........... • ~ ,~u .... = of 404WSU ...... seriouo, ........... Meet/ne, Set one phase of her program .... H~gh School and received his B.S. WHITE TREADLE sewin =_ -- ~uuents ~,y ~u.s,uermg anyomer ~:~ . • . . . . 9 Legrees at the end o¢ ...... "-~ nossibilit,,~ ..... ,e ........... , .... x~, ue is The White House Conference degree m physics m 1968 from machine.RockingchawSparkl-,noneOf1426heater'3509 -- IF HEARING I$ YOgR PIIOBtE =- ster, uan ,, ~ e of on A in an the Unlverslt of Was Q n said. wrong " Charles Savage, Pres'd nt g" g nounces the Aging ' "y hington. $3/4 " " " ---- ~ 12 ~' --= es will resume at W~tt " the Mason County Kidney Senior Portrai~ Cover Contest .... E ~,~,~ ~pjl# A,~.,~, ---- Feb. 8. The university's Foundation announced the March closes Apr. 15. All Senior Citizens A MAN that doth not use his ru~.aer r A.FT $5., Kenmore = /_.~-~/~ ~E/TONE I$ YOUR ANSWER = tor the remainder of th- A,Tr]a,~ ~v~, ....... meeting will be March 8 at the who were 65 or over prior to Dec. Reason, is a tame Beast; a Man ,seow2ng~,macn,meh$~25~,~or~b,l.e -------- --"--= semester includes a themselves -with "~- ...... home of John and MarjorleHurst1, 1970 and residents of the that abuses it, lsawildone, cabin boat with 35 HP Johnson----" 41n ¢ ~M..h;,,.+.., r~,...--_: ........ = • tu~t~ great • • " St . . . ' . •• ,, .,...o~,,,,,~.v,~, v~y.q~n :~45-~bbU period from April 3 to actions the,, are usuo-..*~- ...... ,* at 2016 S. Second which is justate are eligible. Application George Savde $350. 877-5834. E3/4 ~ ................. ,~acement ...... ' '' ~,,~ ,.~ ~u,'~,~,oo- ..... u,,, ,.v,.~.~.° ....... ~t ~,~÷ from blanks and ,.,.,,,t~''"+"~t r.lP~ ~'~n he $E~m~l~ll~lul~ull~lul~ln~u~llllll~l~ll~lnl~lu~l~n~lullll~lnl~l~uu~lll~u~ll~l~lm~ exercisesoI cnance ann not of design. • ". , - • ~ ........... . Fran Denny and JoAnn Dav~dson sout alned from Mrs Hazel ~ I en Furmture * 4t cois de La Rochefoucauld ~, _ always welcome at 0 s " ways welcom,," home. ~ec~with. ~ ~ .... - ! 't OLSI|N FUlINITURE. . . I!: We'll Put' Our i £OMMERtlAL it lonely Mfl]ere ! - --0 -,---*,'. ------ i!'* "" " v- i lUUTo ntLUmi t, aKrtl i HOlI1 e /Se with Foam Rubber Padding i V.o .L:=L. ...... -. -= - - The greatest Carpet for Family Rooms, Bedrooms, Bathrooms, Kitchens, Dining Rooms, Stairways, n nT mone ae s dre a Trlln oT Tne aST. INO v0 r n ....... t .. cJ Y Y (J . P w, here at TCF we Hallways, Summer Homes, etc. In "b a t colors of: Royalty Red, Autumn Green, Avocado tn | ave all the money you need to buy, build or remodel tha¢ t . Green, Sunset Orange. nome OT our areams. Y And a¢ a rate you can afford. Don't lef the lack of proper home f;nancina de.--:.- . ., . Was 7.95 to 8.95 h°:uen:h;yderal.deser : your family ot Sove 2.45 to 3.45sq. yd. Roll ends orPer n trom the,r w,deV!i:2!!:b pdyseec ?° rl; delyr:; shy;r: ' h°urse we'll cut toyour size. A home loan Cha¢ suits your needs. And your budget. You'll " be surpmed how much easier home loan z.._ " " " Everyth,ng in Stockl Immediate Deliveryl Easy to Installl work,with Che friendly folks down a¢ TCF. -nancmg is wnen you Convenient Terms or THURSTON COUNTY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION OLYMP IA---SH ELTON---I.AeEy • OLYMPIA • LACEY • SHELTON Home Office Branch Branch I~iftlb ~ Cepitel Wly 4,1 | I M•dkoe Sq••re | I | Reileood Avenue Your Bankcard! welcome et Olsen Furniture * 4th & Cota Free Parking * Free Delivery * Open 8:30 - 5:30 Mon. - Sat. 4th & Cota 426-4702 DI BI CI |1 :11 111 7.1 ]1 * Quality Furniture at Prices you can~ ~e~j Thursday, March 4 1971 Shelton-Mason Journal Page 5