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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1971
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le II TRUDIE PRINGLE displays an antique doll, one of many that she has renovated as a hobby. She gives the like-new dolls, completely wardrobed, to charitable organizations who distribute them. An 80 year old doll, delapidated, disassembled and well on the road to complete demolition started Trudie Pringle on a hobby that grew and grew to benefit many charitable organizations, bringing happiness to countless little hearts. The doll was given to her by a brother-in-law, and she set about the involved task of renovating the beautiful antique. So successful was the project, and so enjoyable did she find it that she began collecting old and broken dolls to be rebuilt. She bought them at auctions, often acquiring miscellaneous limbs, heads, and torsos by the boxful; she purchased them at rummage sales and second hand shops and at the Goodwill Stores, and when people learned of her work, many were given to her. First of all the dolls, and parts of dolls, were thoroughly cleaned and sterilized by a scrubbing in lysol solution and soap, after which the hair was treated with a human-hair conditioner. Eyelashes were replaced by new ones fashioned of the bristles of a soft paint brush. Limbs were re-attached with a special elastic obtained from a supply house. Stuffing was replaced and split seams sewn and Patterns made from paper napkins, laying them across the doll to be folded and traced to the desired form. The dolls are completely wardrobed, each wearing undergarments, shoes, sex and often hats and jewelry as well as attractive outer garments. Just like brand new, the dolls are then given to clubs to be distributed at Christmas. Mrs. Pringle sometimes personally presents them to needy children, also. The VFW auxiliary last Christmas was the recipient of 16 of Trudie's dolls, which were taken to Rainier School at Bob Bednarski High School Spotlight Bob Bednarski, a member el the Trailblazers Motorcycle Club, plans to take off after graduation for a solo trip to Wisconsin on his 250 cc Yamaha. "If the bike won't make it," he says, "I'll have a long walk." Bob is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Bednarski and was born in Shelton on April 20, 1953. He likes to work with cars, and is a part-time employee of Gene Evers Texaco Station. He studies civics and German Christian Women Plan Luncheon Millie Zimmerman of the 'Sing Along With Millie' program on radio KGDN at Edmonds, will be the featured speaker at the and auto mechanics, and in his sophomore and junior years served as track manager and participated in the Rifle Club. In this, his senior year, he is an AFS member and belongs to the German Club and to the Science Club. He is also a member of the Shelton Rifle and Pistol Club, and he bowls on the Motorcycle Club team. He is a CYO member; he is a member of an Explorer Group working with law enforcement officers, and will train in radio communications from which he will progress into search and rescue work. "The organization was developed for fellows interested in going into law enforcement work," Bob explains, "and this is my intended career. I plan to attend Olympic Junior college to 31 Million Women Work Men still outnumber women three to two in the nation's workforce, but the gale are closing the gap. Over 31 million of them now toil in the workplaces of the country. Sheer numbers alone don't tell the whole story of women at work, however. Despite heroic efforts by such organizations as the Women's Bureau over the past half century, women are still being discriminated against in employment. Only about 7% of the physicians in the U.S. are women. A mere 3% are lawyers, same as 15 years ago. So much remains to be accomplished before it can truly be said that women are getting an even break with men where jobs are concerned. Another step in that direction is represented in meetings slated for five cities across the country next month, when the Women's Bureau will meet with labor and management to discuss job discrimination against women. The Women's Bureau hopes to learn more about how it can help employers and unions meet the requirements for compliance with anti-discrimination laws, and to bring about "affirmative action" to ensure equal opportunities for men and women at work. The national director of the Women's Bureau, Mrs. Elizabeth Duncan Koontz, will attend each of the one-day meetings to present an overview on the economic status of women, and existing discrimination that limits their opportunities. Mrs. Madeline Mixer, director of the Women's Bureau in the Far West region, will coordinate plans for the February 26 meeting, to take place in Boise, Idaho. Similar meetings are scheduled for Kansas City, Boston, Atlanta, and Detroit. 8 & 40 To Meet Mason County Salon No. 508 8 & 40 will meet in the Memorial hall on Monday evening. Dinner By Jan ...... : ;;i¸¸ A FRIENDLY KISS- proximity which may in turn lead to tolerance enemies and even, in this case, to affection. The early Easter Lily Felt a little silly, Forced in hasty floral pot to grow; He hung his head until he Saw the daffodil Emerging, heavy-budded, through the snow. March is a miserable month, clinging obstinately to the coat-tails of winter, who has actually had enough of the whole thing and would like nothing better than to crawl off into some secluded crevice high in the mountains to sleep it off. ablaze with the I, drive head held "There'S state sternly. ! The myself, glance in "What a colors!" 1 to be some have !" The stop. "It assure myself. Buckley there to be presented to monthly luncheon meeting of the study in this field." will be served at 7 p.m. Spring, who last month I come handicapped children. She also Christian Women's Club to be yawned and stretched and turned and flat% dressed seven dolls purchased by held Monday in the Hallmark Inn over for another nap, lies dozing piteous, si 426-4847 for icku s the Multi-service Center, donating Banquet Room. pj fitfully, huddled in her chilly bed neighborhOO~ Today, Thur~lay, Mar. 4 Phone_, .... P" P'7 ~0 her labors and materials. Reservations, which should be Vitamin Over~ose after a mad dash to turn up the the frozen' It s Aoout time tops, :~ ,, • Rotary Club luncheon, noon, _ ,~ ............ I have done this for the past in by Saturday, may be made by thermostat. Ming Tree C~fe., ~.uunty. neaam OlilCe.,h,.,..,.,, ,..,..~r~t " .... ~.v~ Mr~ Prin~l~. " It is now that the calculated trowel to ~ :....~Olmla'l~l~t~t'~ Club, 6~4S i ,~ Ch~.s~tt.a.n• WombaTs l~,~n~n xl~nate the' doi{~ ~o"~ll¢~la'a'~-tiesI, calling Mrs. Powell at 426-8034 or T h e t i me- h o nO re d Vitamin D, a smack of a fortified plants in eigl Timbers Restaurant. luncneon, noon, naumar n ............ Pat -JOhnson, 426,6543. Nursery watchwords "If a, little is good, a breakfast ~ 'tart' and perhaps a torture inflicted upon the .. _ ana t ieei mat ]tis a army service is available, lot is better, may not be multivitamin tablet or Vitamin D dedicated gardner is culminated in . . , Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court nanquet Room • • • .... Z ..... worthwhile thing. I wish that accurate advice, especially when it drops, and a child easily could a final agony of frustration. The ~amoow, / ~o p m, Masonic house annex. : " ' more peoplewould share my comes to vitamins, Jo-Ann consume more than 2,000 I.U. of delicate process was instigated Sweet wrink Yacht Club dinner, 6 p.m., Temple. interest." Oyster Supper Set Pizzello, County ExtensionVitamin D in one day. during the first week in January business meeting, 8 p.m., 8 & 40 dinner, 7 p.m., Mrs. Pringle, a member of the Agent, said• "Although a mother may bewhen the seed catalogs made their clubhouse. Memorial hall. Eagles Auxiliary, is adept at all The Skokomish Valley Grange "Some parents, in their concerned about her child's frozen way across the nation to Navy Mothers Club, 7:30 Tuesday, Mar. 9 sorts of needlework. She makes will serve an oyster supper in the concern for the health of their health, she needs to remember nestle in the frosted mailbox with p.m., PUD conference room. Kiwanis Club luncheon, noon,quilts and afghans and pillows. Grange hall from 5 p.m. until 8 children, may in fact provide that Vitamin A and D .are stored tantalizing promises of springtime Multi-service Center board Timbers Restaurant. She crochets expertly, and prior p.m. on Saturday. overdoses of some vitamins, and in the body, and consuming large beauty. meeting, 7:30 p.m. at the center. City commission meeting, 2 to undertaking her doll project Chili, pie and coffee will also an overdose of Vitamins A and D amounts of either vitamin may The campaign was subtly VWWl Barracks 1462 & p.m., city hall. made many gifts for the Mason be available, could be toxic," she said. result in a toxic reaction." amplified by gradual stages as Auxiliary noon potluck, Memorial School board meeting, 8 p.m., General Hospital Gift Bar, among Children easily can consume By checking the labels of advertisers offered early plants, Hall. Rummage sale, Dermic J. Evergreen School. them baby booties and a cuddly an overdose of Vitamin D. fortPfied foods, mothers can but now- suddenly -roadside 4-H leaders council meeting, sleepy puppy. Meeting Planned Nutritionists recommend that a determine how much Vitamin A stands and garden shops are O'Neill Orthopedic Guild, PUD, 7 7:30 p.m., extension office.Trudie Pringle, whose parents p.m. - 8:30 p.m. Moose Lodge, 8 p.m., airportcame from the Netherlands, was Degree of Honor will meet child have 400 !nternational Units or D their children are getting per Shel-Toa, 8 p.m., home ofhall. born in North Dakota, and inTuesday at 8 p.m. in the !I'U').°fV~ammfDodaily'and just day, she said. Georgia Johnson. Degree of Honor, 8 p.m., 1928 she came to Shelton from Memorial Hall. Hostesses will be oy urin g r glasses of Miss Pizzello added that if a ~OS,~ Friday, Mar. 5 Memorial hall. Belfair. Her husband, William, is Mrs. Grace Petty and Mrs. June canVitamingetD'f°rtifiedhis 400 milk,units,a childMiss isChildnotiS eatinglikely athatVarietYsupplementalOf foods it Chamber of Commerce board Either Chapter, OES, 8 p.m., now employed at the Simpson Petty. " id .... Plzzello sa • vitamins are needed. In any meeting, 7:30 a.m., TimbersUnion Masonic hall. gate, having retired after 32 years "Milk fortified with Vitamin event, supplemental vitamins D contmns 400 I U er uart Restaurant. Mason County Credit Women, with that company. They have a " • • P q • should be taken or given ,only Drivers license examiner, 10 7:30 a.m., Timbers Restaurant. son, Bill, in Alaska and a Club To Meet • But add to this a serving of when ordered by a physician. Eagles Auxiliary, 7 p.m., daughter, Gertrude Beese of Etta Johnson and Eleanor breakfast cereal fortified with a.m. - 5 p.m., court house airport hall. Shelton. Another daughter was Buechel will be hostesses for the basement. L VFW Auxiliary, 8 p.m., WSNA dinner meeting, 6:30taken by death last year. There noon meeting of the Union ~~~i~l~~~ll~i~~ MemorialHall. p.m., Taylor Town. are six grandchildren and two Ladies' Civic Club to be held next ~ / FASHION Rummage sale, Shel-Toa, l IW S C S, n o o n, U n i t e d great-grandchildren. Thursday in the Union Fire Hall. a.m. - 2 p.m., PUD auditorium. Methodist Church. Very much a part of Trudie . World Day of Prayer Wedne~ Mar 10 Pringle's household are two ~my, . Siamese cats and three little dogs, Observance, 1:30 p.m., United Drivers license examiner, 10 ........ an• lemer." An•- " end Methodist Church. . , ~.mnuanua, rug il am 5 pro, court nouse 1 OIDED ' Rummage sale, Ruby • • - • • her dolls, too, are a part of her basement, pattern of living. • "~' Rebekah Lodge, 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Christmas Town Tops, 7 p.m.,"I just like dolls," she Oddfellows hall. Multi-service Center. explains, "especially baby dolls. I SItturday, Mar. 6 Thur~lay, Mar. 11 am starting work now on the ones i 1 Bg0T5 ! O y s t e r S t e w s u p p e r, ,~ ...... to be distributed next Christmas, l~O[al~ LIUD lUncheon, noon, .......... Skokomish Valley Grange Hall, 5 ...... ana aonauons ot oro~en aous, mmg tree uaxe. . ...... parts, ana matensas are greatly p.m. to= p.m. Toa=m.t., C, b, ,:.,m, appreciated District No., 5 Posts & Timbers Restaurant. Auxiliaries VFW, Hoquiam, Slimette Tops, 7 p.m., court | more you want to dinner 6:30 p.m., meeting 8 p.m. house annex. - I e a r n. . . t h i s i" " "" "s Sundity, Mar. 7 St. Edward's Woman's Club, I.odge Plans Sale particularly true in as fast { lCLEARANCE .}., .......... Shelton churches invite you board meeting, 7:30 p.m., regular a changing and highly i .... • Ruby Rebekah Lodge has SALE! to attend the church of your meeting, 8 p.m., at the church. __. a r t i s t J c "" o -adies' Civic Club scheduled a rummage sale for profession as :i choice. ~ u nl n L , , noon, Union fire hall. Friday,• to be held from 9 a.m. to ~ ph otography. Bake sale, St. Edward's Rummage sale, bake sale &4 p.m. m the Odd Fellows Hall. i Women's Club, church basement,after morning masses. 4'30 p m , PuDbazaar' Eagles auxiliary, 9 a.m. - centi G.perspiration.E!s=ua ........ ,a one per cent ~i!!'~ Our two-day o m p a c t e d '" "JerrySwarto~-:" m home of nsptratmn and ninety-nine per ~ d Reg. ~~'~ Monday, Mtt. S MrsJayettes.7:.~u p.., ;~L:,~ seminar with "~ . Monte Zukor PRICE PUD No. 3 commission lee .ow meeting, 1 p.m., PUD conference " " Thomas Alva Edison m erely whetted our r°°~ounty commission meeting, appetites for more =Jl= Fashion Reg. |~_ knowledge. His artistic I!11 } Soots NOW PRICE lOa.m.,courthouse. I ANNOUNCING I prowess in posing Shelton Bridge Club, 7:15 individuals and groups,'K" . for 25th An~" [p.m., PUD auditorium.Goodwill truck,, in town.[ II ~ I spirit of sharing his I both on location and instudiOsurpassedSittingSby his aregenerousOnly . "7~C,~al~ ?¢l~,/,~l&t~C "" ~~'~ TROPICAt FISH l INSURANCE CO OF NORTH AMERICA techniques and talent. . / Add this to my course _ ........ "3(' D ] lorge Voriet¥, I IS NOW REPRESENTED BY with Joseph Zeltsman of " Ol' ur-ShoeC'ubNow-H ;-| I I Including: I I I last year...these two .... _ _:= men have really kindled oo..,.., ,ownI ARNOL|) & SMITH i my enthusiasm and I am t Tetras, Etc. II INSURAN CE AGENCY ! rededicating myself to 107 S. 4th ]MARION'SA.UA R lU S [ j 116 N. 2nd 426-3317 andbetter'then'eVeryears to come. Shelton customers in the months I "Insurance Is our only business" || photography for all my I w. Birch 4=6-6148 ! • 5th & Franklin ,. o -. -..-- .- -,- --- -,- -- --- -- --- --- -- --. -- J I ************************** Tender Bright Winter's 1 would For one Page 8 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1971