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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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High School eei les anne CRABTREE like having a good different, exciting new people from If you do then March 15-20, is for 2, will start the events off assembly to be a.m. in the high school ~ose of the assembly the following week's to announce the BLOOMFIELD RT - Alfreda be remembered by all her as a very sweet was one of the select could find beauty all One of her pleasures in the woods, picking s, blackberries or native she preserved or family's enjoyment. flowers, both in doors, but her knack them often left the so Reinhold enlarged the garden in order to left. She used the enhance her flower Leonard and Mrs. two of Freda's flew out for the returned to New The Koenig's and his family arrived a week ago be with Reinhold. on an additional dad. Maker Trailer Sales business, when and Glenn Liner ;.were married in a Friday in Evelyn and Claude Glenn's sister and were witnesses #or )le. busy getting a trailer exhibit at the Home they temporarily honeymoon trip to ~replacing it with a ,substitute. They took trip to Seattle, via they were met by Mrs. Fred Liner, who They dined is known atmosphere. of the Charlie got together for birthday party past The birthday by Charlotte, almost before the last of the could be lit, causing some wondering if get any. the evening in and wrecker calls, while members of the advantage of the late to get a little more wife Mazie and drove up from with their granddad Club members Goodpaster's home Schwab served as month. the meeting the gals which they have for 8helton Elementary 8ohools and Senior High 8ohool of March 8-12 spaghetti With buttered bread, e, orange cake and ,~/ -- chili con Came, ~1 :er sand., co e slawl Ii )lls, milk. !E a,y _ Pizza, whole io n,. vegetable tray : ~ Jaamg and milk. "' D k¥ -- Hamburger m_e mashed potatoes, , p as, hot buttered 'apple wedge, cookie -- tuna salad seasoned green With 1000 Island cocoanut cake, your chlld'l Plenaminl from Railroad Ave. 426-4642 selection of the AFS royalty and given out to the winners. the junior royalty. Wednesday there will be a pot Talent will be featured luck supper for AFS members and Monday atatalentandcoronationtheir families and the visiting night, at 7:30 p.m. in the Junior exchange students. high auditorium. Thursday the visiting March 16, the finals for the exchange students and the Olympic games will be held in the finalists of the Monday nights Shelton gym at 7:30 p.m. Talent Show will hold a talent Eliminations for the games have show at 7:30 p.m. in the Jr. High been going on since the first of auditorium. the month. Students are invited Olympic medals will also be to participate and awards will be given out on that night, to the winners of the Olympic games to be held the previous Monday. Friday, starting at 9 or 9:30 a.m. there will be a car rally. A $2 entrance fee will be required and each car must have a driver and a navigator. At 7:30 p.m. Friday there will be a double feature movie shown in the Junior High auditorium. The moview will be "I Love You, Alice B. Toklus", Refreshments in the form of awith Peter Sellers, and Van Fleet blackberry cake were served, and "Comedy of Terrors" with bringing the meeting to a close. Vincent Price and Boris Karloff. Tuesday evening Ron GoDs Throughout the week there REV. AND MRS. Robert Welch, missionaries to West Africa, drove into the ditch turning onto will be various events during the will speak at the annual missions conference at the Shelton Finch Creek Road. Ed Johnstonlunch hour for all students to First Baptist Church March 17-21. They have worked in the responded to the call for a participate. Ivory Coast teaching religion classes. Mr. and Mrs. Welch have wrecker and soon had the FF Buttons been supported by the local church for many years and were pick-up, which had tipped over, on its wheels, back on the road. Marcia Tomas and Karen the first Conservative Baptist Missionaries supported by the Ron and his passenger Bernie Johnson both won $15 in the Shelton church. Young were unhurt and slight Forest Festival Button Drawing damage was done to the truck,contest. Both girls won first place. The Hoodsport Volunteer Jackie Mays won third place Firemen held their annual in the contest. banquet and installation of The commerical art class took officers at Millo's Diner, Saturday part in drawing the design under G I Oy evening, the theme of"Tall Timber Tales". range S ates ster, Special invited guests Drama Chili Di S d included, Nell Simmons, Les Hein from PUD No. 1, Bill Parsons, Last week the childrens nner otur ay Lake Cushman Development Co.,theatre group spent a lot of time and Dan Anderson, past secretary in Olympia presenting "WinnieBy MARY VALLEY sections of new hose was ordered and honorary member of the fire the Pooh" to grade school S'K O K O M I S H - The and other matters discussed department, children in the area. Skokomish Grange will serve an including the purchase of a siren Martin and Mantle Olsen left Winnie the Pooh was viewed oyster and chili dinner Saturday or some other call system. Monday for Columbia Falls, at the Capitol Theatre and was evening from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.Among those attending the Mont., after spending their three filmed there. A portion of the Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Halbert ofannual Lincoln Day dinner at Mt. week vacation visiting Martin's play was shown on the news onShelton were dinner guests at the View School last Wednesday were sister Mabel Anderson of KTNT TV Channel l l on the Chester Valley home Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hunter, Mr. and Lilliwaup. Tuesday night news broadcast,evening. Mrs. Harold Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Sunday Mabel had Mr. and Girls Volley Ball Mr. and Mrs. Don Doak were Arthur Johnson, Mrs. Edna Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Hunter of Shelton, Paul Hunter Mrs. Arnold Tahja and son Dale, Sixteen girls are turning out Mrs. George Dank in Shelton. and Mrs. Neva Cain of Union. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson for volleyball under the direction The Grange Ladies Auxilliary and Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Young in of Rand Peterson, coach, and Mrs. will meet at the home of Mrs. for a dinner party. Reason for the Ruth Willard as their advisor. Anita Dagger March 8 at 8 p.m. party, to hi and good-by to the The girls have played Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley Olsens before they departed. Tumwater and beaten them twice, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. George O t h e r recent guests at Other teams which will be playing M ' Valley of Island Lake to Elma abel s, were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Shelton include Lima, Aberdeen, Sunday afternoon where they Erickson, her cousins. Up to visit Olympia, Chehalis and Centralia. visited Mr. and Mrs. William Harolds mother in Port Orchard, they dropped by for a three day Track Lazier. visit before returning to SanGirls track turnout will be Kelsey Tanner who is able and Francisco, Calif. starting soon and also boy's track still loves to hunt brought in a We were surprised and pleasedturnout will be starting soon. wild cat last Sunday. Also Bruce to have a visit from Mike, D'Etta Dance Combs, a friend stopped at his place with a large cougar. and grandson Jason. Saturday The journalism class took in Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Johnson ,~r~. evening, we all drove up to approximately $280 from the and Mr. and Mrs. Chester Valley Brinnon to visit Misty's folks, the dance held Friday night after the accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Charles Bloom field's+ game, which Shelton won over Halbert of Shelton to Tumwater The kids returned to WestlakeChehalis 73-60. last Thursday evening to attend Sunday, unaware that Jason has a Pitch Blende played at the the special services at Tumwater date with chicken pox. Donna dance, which showed a verygood Baptist Church. Later they Mary broke out Monday morning, turn-out in spite of the snowy stopped for refreshments at the A fishing trip, on the canal,weather conditions, home on Mr. and Mrs. Stuart ended with the fisherman in the canal, Monday, Tom Riker Dance Davenport. reached for the dock, at the same The Lynx will be playing at aThe Fire Commissioners, Fire time the boat went out. Next stop dance to top off AFS week March Chief Edward Noldan and several the icy waters of the canal. Never 20 in the Shelton Armory. of the volunteer firemen of Fire heard if he caught any fish. District No. 9 met at the Grange Hall on Monday evening. Three WITH suPPuEs VROM 1'4o Matter What the Item We've Got it Home Planm q sheet p,o Shelving Gutter )et Hardware paint SuPPlies pwWo°d Tools Screen Doors Trim Antique Kits pocket Doors cork Board paneling Wax Doors Buildincj Paper Fiber0~lass Floor Tile Table Legs Vents ,+ plumbing Metal Paint Cabinets Bath AccesSories Electrical paints Windows Light Fixtures r pittsbU~ Stain Hand ToolS Fireplace Doors Olympic Ceiling Tile Nails Suspended Ceilings Bread Boards Brooms Flashing Brushes Shinqles T ubs pLUS Sinks ~RNy NIORE Rooting Water Tanks ITEI~SI. Glue Water Closets plastiC PreservatWes Locks Mike ByrneS Owner 1332 Olympic Hwy. $. • 426.4522 vergreen The federally financed New Careers program being pioneered at The Evergreen State College, Olympia, may become a model for other colleges and universities to follow, John Finley, Dean of Developmental Services, said today. "Last November Evergreen became the first four-year college in the nation to participate as an employer in the New Careers program," Finley said. "Already, several other colleges have indicated an interest in following suit. We are hopeful that we can contribute to the success of this important endeavor at other institutions." Evergreen, Washington's newest college, has eight New Careerists receiving on-the-job training. After successful completion of two years of simultaneous formal academic and on-the-job experience, they will become regular college employees. Washington three years ago became the first state to adopt the federal program on a statewide civil service basis. The U.S. Department of Labor sponsors the New Careers program, designed to improve the quality of public agencies' services in areas of human needs. Trainees were selected from among hundreds of economically Conner Named To Committee State Representative Paul H. Conner has been named to a special sub-committee of the Social and Health Services Committee to attempt to put together legislation dealing with the drug problem among minors. While administrative leaders feel that not enough is known yet to enact legislation, Rep. Conner said, he felt it was "imperative for this session of the legislature to tackle this growing and menacing problem and that hopefully we will be able to be of assistance." | It's here in southern Puget Sound. Your island is called Hartstene and it's absolutely mangificent. Now that might sound like quite a strong statement but it's the truth. You see, we at Weyerhaeuser did a lot of planning before we turned a spade of earth on Hartstene Pointe. We wanted the island to stay natural and unspoiled, and that it is. For example, all the lots are round and enclosed in their own common green area. In fact, we left as much land in common area as we have in lots. We wanted to help preserve the purity of the land and its waters so we developed a central sewer system. (A first among recreational property developers). We didn't want power poles to spoil the skyline so we buried all our utilities. What about amenities? Try this on for size. Tihere's a lodge with just about every kind of recreation activity imaginable. There's a giant Olympic size pool and much more. In addition to this, we've got Island Houses that you can buy. Everyone of the structures has been designed to blend with and complement the environ- ment and they're all outa' sight.., hidden in the foliage. Hartstene is a magnificent green island and it's calling you now. rogram disadvantaged applicants for their potential to reach professional levels of performance through intensive training. Trainees spend three days per week on the job - in this case at Evergreen, otherwise in such participating agencies as the Department of Employment Security, Department of Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Department of Social and Health Services. The other two days are spent attending Western Washington State College e x t e n sion classes in their respective home areas. "Evergreen's New Careerists are being iotated through ten different training positions," Finley explained. "Next September each will settle into a permanent assignment for the final year of inservice training." Thus, he said, they will have an opportunity to develop an understanding of other facets of college operation before deciding on specific careers. They are receiving experience at Evergreen in the areas of media production. library reference, library acquisitions, media acquisitions, library systems, counseling, admissions, college relations, personnel and campus services. "Some have been given responsibility for special projects," Finley said, "including development of a minority recruitment directory and gathering data on experimental housing." He emphasized that the new careerists are performing valuable services in preparation for the arrival next fall of Evergreen's first 1,000 students. • 'This is all being accomplished at a substantial saving to the college and the state," he stressed. "The federal government is reimbursing the college for the trainees' entire salaries during the first year and half for the second year," The government also pays the cost of the formal education phase of the New Careers program, he added. NOTICE OF NAMES OF PERSONS APPEARING TO BE OWNERS OF ABANDONED PROPERTY The following persons appear to be owners of certain intangible personal property which has been reported to the State of Washington Department of Revenue. Miller, Georgia, Star Rt. 1, Box 165, Shelton; Piper, Clara I., 535 Elinor, Shelton. Information concerning the amount or description of the propertyand the name and address of the holder may be obtainedby any person possessing a legal interest in the propertyby addressing an inquiry to the State of Washington Department of Revenue, Unclaimed Property Section, P.O. Box 448, Olympia, Washington. If proof of claim is not presented by the owner to the holder and if the owner's right to receive the property is not established to the holder's satisfaction within sixty-five days from the date of the second published notice, the abandoned property will be placed not later than eighty-five days after such publication date in the custody of the State of Washington Department of Revenue. W. J. Purcell, Supervisor Unclaimed Property Section for George Kinnear, Director 2/25-3/4-2t | Presented by: QUADRANT CORPORATION A Weyerhaeuser Company, 11 2 N.E. and N.E. 8th Bellevue, Washington 98009 • Phone : GL 5-2900. Site phone : 426-4410 (call collect). DRIVING DIRECTIONS: From Seattle drive south on Interstate 5 to Olympia. From Portland drive north on Interstate 5 to Olympia. Take the Aberdeen Ocean Beaches exit. Next, take the Shelton exit and continue through downtown Shelton and follow the signs. From Bremerton, drive south on Highway 3. Take the Hartstene Island exit and follow the signs to Hartstene Pointe. I'd like to see Hartstene Pointe on Hartstene "" Island. Would you please [73 meet me there E] contact me about arranging transportation. I'm interested in Island House living E]. A circular lot building site ~. Name Address__ \ City .... _State Zip ....... __Phone Weyerh&eumsr Thursday, March 4, 1971 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15