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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1971     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1971
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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i!i i~ii i~ Mobib Homes Mobile Homes Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publicatbns Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Did Yo NOTICE TO CREDITORS at the expense of the district, or NOTICE OF SALE TIMBER SALE TIMBER SALE NOTICE NO. 4183 elsewhere at the purchasers OF VALUABLE MATERIAL NATIONAL FOREST NATIONAL FOREST ONTHEC u Know IN ...... PERInR Cr~URT '~F option and expense. ON STATE LAND TIMBER FOR SALE, OLYMPIC TIMBER FOR SALE OLYMPIC PL/ "ru~r~-%~-~ r~c~^~^c~,~,r.-r~, The opinion of Preston, STATE OF WASHINGTON NATIONAL FOREST, WYN. NATIONAL FOREST CAN R SHELTON 95% of the new one-family homes being sold in L_'~,%°','~'~'~ ~,~,',~,','~,'~,'~ Thorgrimson, Starin, Ellis & DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL SAL. 70, 1 DIA 9 SALE, located SwiAthLi. H6. 70 SALE, located NOTIC ,~..%. ,~ou,~ ~.VU,~.T ,,~ Holman bond counsel of Seattle, REcnURCES Bert L Cole within T. 22 and 23N., R. 7W., " in T. 21 and 22N., R. 6W., GIVEN: Tha the under $15,000 price bracket are mobile homes, v ' -- .... I-(Ul~P~/I-" . . . . . ,.~ T~c ~A~-rTCD nc TUC Washington, approv=ng the Comm=ssonerofPub cLands and T. 22 and 23N., R. 8W., and T. 22N., R. 7W., W.M., held before ~-'~-r^'T'L-'-~'"~'~'~ r-'~o~-'~" legality of the issuance of theseNot'ce "s hereby given that on W.M., partially surveyed. Public partially surveyed. Public notice is Planning , Why? .................... " U^MCCM r~ ...... .4 bonds,w! I be furnished the Monday the 22nd day of March notice is hereby given that hereby given that pursuant to the Wednesday, I d I It~ll,,.1Ll~lI LJ~,,.,I=C;I~,~U. " • . NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN successful bidder and . wdl be1971, commencing at ten o'clock pursuant to the provisions of provisions of Section 5 of Public the hour of Won er that the undersigned has been r eproouceaoneacnoTs+~oDona, s; in. theforen?.on.ofsa.idday, atthe Section 5 of Public Law 273, Law 273, 781:h Congress (58 Stat. Evergreen ! • aooointed and has nualified ~ fh~ o.,., o.~ .~ .... ~, .................. bnelton uis~rlc~ Meaaquar~ers, 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, 132-16, U.S.C.A. 583-583i) and 8th and Pine ~....'~,-; ....... -~.;.~" ~.E-;;~:. mstr~cL located at She ton County of U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the the Cooperative Agreement for Washington. We have the Answer ts[ate ............... oT LL~P(~ ~,UHP(~-~ The ..... customa y S~gnatureti Mason., State .... of Washington by. Cooperative Agreement for the the Ma nagement of the Any inte u^Mc=~, .4 ...... .4 ,~.~, .,, Identff~cahon and on the D strict Administrator of sa~d Management of the Participating articipating Forest Properties in appear at said . , ...... Cert=flcate w=lt be mc uoea m the D str=ct the t mh=r ~,, *h= Forest Properties in the Shelton the Shelton Cooperative for or against NEW PRE-BUILT HOMES persons nav ng c a ms aga ns~ sa a ~,,~.i... ,~ ....... ÷¢ . ' , . . ~" ....... deceased are hereby renuire,~ tn .... '."~.'~"~'~'"."~'- ...... following aescr=Dea state land will Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit Sustained Yield Unit entered into Plan. f (]2 & 24 feet wide -- 36 to 68 feet long.) .... " .... ." " =s understood IT prior ~nld at nuhli .... ÷ nn fn ÷ho serve [ne same ou~y ver=T=ea on f~ *h= ,~==h,o,,, ,~f th= h~n,~ th, ~7 "-- . ,. _ ~ .. ............ entered into by and between the by and between the United States Copies o • ' - ' ............. ~ .............. r - United States of America and the of America and the Simpson Plan will be the undersigned or h=s attorney of • • ho ders highest b dde , to w=t. 4 . . income recewab e by the Simpson Timber Company, dated T i m b e r C o m p a n y, d a ted City Hall and ,695 recora at the address oelow s,ated thereof sha become taxable MASON COUNTY and file the same with the Clerk d rectly or indirectly, by the Application No. 34831 December 12, 1946, 4,000 M December 12 1946 2000 M DATED board feet of timber marked or board feet of 'timber'marked or March, 1971. of the said court,, together with terms of any federal income tax Jac'k Pot Creek Thinning otherwise designated for cutting, otherwise designated for cutting, Mason Co New 12 Wide ?roD, o~..sucn.serv.~ce w!mm~our aw, the successful bidder may at located approximately 16 miles will be sold to the Simpson will be sold to the Simpson Planning( (4~...mon.~ns aT~e.r .~ne o a.[e OT his option be relieved of his by road west of Shelton. Thesale Timber Company, Seattle, T mber Compan Seattle B James • Y, _ Y puD==ca~o.n OT mls no,ice or meobligation to purchase the bonds, is composed of all timber marked Washington, on April 6, 1971. Washington, on April 5, 1971. sameWill DeBarren 2 Bedroom Home Includes : and in such case, the deposit with blue paint bounded by sale .- . Dateof firs~ publication: accompanying his bid will be area boundary tags and property This is a sale by amount. The This is a sale by amount. The I-eDru/a~l;n~r; ~-~Co'rrea returned,without interest, line~ in Unit No. I on part SVz minimum acceptable bid per M minimum acceptable bid per M SUMMONS.| board feet is: Douglas-fir, $39.60; board feet is: Douglas-fir $48.40; NC 2 Beds Dining Room Set • . .. Further information regarding NE/~ of Section 34; in Unit No. 3 western hemlock and other western hemlock and other IN THE -~ ~ersonal Representative ~ these bonds may be obtained on part N/2 NW/4 of Section 34; Daveno Chair G~onneEyC°rr~satate upon.request, made t~eMarls;~)H allr timber 40 inches or less in coniferous species, $14.75. In coniferous species $27.00. In O F T H E addition there is an unestimated addition there is an unestimatedWASHINGTi Coffee Table End Table an(] Meyer, inco po a a c" cumference measured outside volume of all species of hardwood volume of all species of hardwood COUNTY. Bell Building ........ Norton Building, Seattle the bark 12 inches above the which will be paid for at $1.00 which will be paid for at $1.75 BURTOB Lamp 121 ~outn ~m ~ree~ ... • • ' .... wasning¢on, ground plus all trees marked with per M board feet. Additional per M board feet. Additional ELIZABETH'. Shelton wasnmg~on Delivered and Set Up ' ~,~o .~ ~,~ ~. D A T E D a t S h e It o n, blue paint bounded by sale area deposit required for slash disposal deposit required for slash disposal and wife, Pla~ SORRY NO TRADES ,/,o-~-~/~,-~, Washington, this 10th day of boundary tags and property lines is $5.92 per M board feet for all is $0.90 per M board feet for all STREET, --~ February, 1971. in Unit No. 2 on part NEV4, part species. A total volume of 300 species. A total volume of 100 MERLEIN NOTICE~ OF BOND SALE NZ/z NWV4 of Section 34; all thousand board feet in addition thousand board feet in addition woman; PHIL SHELTON SCHOOL John B. Cole timber marked with blue paint to that which is surplus to needs to that which is surplus to needs JANE DOE DOUBLE We have six new homes on display -- 2 DISTRICT NO. 309 Mason County Treasurer bounded by property lines in Unit of domestic users and processors of domestic users and processors and wife; At WIDES and 3 bedrooms. Come out and see Mason County, Washington 2/11-18-25-3/4-4t No. 4 on SW|/4 NW]/4 of Section as stated herein, if any, is as stated herein, if any, is JANE DOi General Obligation Bonds -- 27;all timber bounded by right of exempted from domestic exempted from domestic husband and~ U E- them. Series 1971-A ........... way boundary tags in Units No. 2 processing. If successful bidder processing. If successful bidder T H E S El Save lots of $ on these used homes. $1,800,000 ~,~_,,. ~, ~L'- ...... and No. 3 on part NVz NV~ of notifies Forest Service prior to notifies Forest Service prior to WASHINGT N(-)TICF I~ HFI~FRV ~IVFN ~..ur O~L.~ U.~ ru~.~ Section 34, all in Township 21 award that he will not export all award that he will not export all MERLEIN ST ....................... rnuuu~.~ V~LU~-U ~/ P~M/ N~r~h ~=,~" ~ West W M that Shelton School District No. Mn~P TI-I£1,1M ¢'~ nnn nn .....:.,. .... = ...... or part of the exempted volume, or part of the exempted volume, Y O U P 309 Mason r'ount" Wa~hin-ton "-'"'-..""":-*"--,y ..... . containing 247 acres, more or the exempted volume in the the exempted volume in the SUMMONED , ~-. ~, = u , r~o~ce s nereDy given that on le~=, ....... ~u,,, ,,=,.9;-; ..... o~,vroximatel,,~ contract will be adjusted contract will be adjusted sixty /60) da proposes to =ssue under date of Mondav the 22rid d~v nf M~rch ....... I~, ...... April 1 1971 its -eneral .... " .--=-.- -;'-.--':, b/u,uuu DO ~[ OT uoug~as T=r, accordingly, so that the accordingly, so that the the ~irst 1: 206/426-4455 . , , ~ .±~J/l, commenc ng a~ ~en o c OCK ~,,,v~u°n nnn uu~"~ "'*.~ "^'~, .=,,,,~ ......... on"~ obhgatlon bonds in the principalin the for~nnnn ~f fh~ ¢.h~lfnn ..... " . . ........ uncommitted export exemptions uncommitted export exemptions Summons, b sum..of .~¢1,800,000. u~s~r~c¢ ..... ~':""':'Heaoquar~ers"" .... ot'*'-'"'-tne bdWm¢eft r=r, or a ~o[a~ OT bVU,UUU may be assigned to one or more may be assigned to one or more 160~ dave aft _ ba=d bonds will be in the Department of Natural Resources, "M'inim-m ..... f~hl= hirt subsequent sales. Bidders are subsequent sales. Bidders are ]=n[, .... " lq~ • i~BIl~llIll~llll~" H,,on ot $5,000 eacn, the fo owng' described forest"14 .....= ................. advised that violations of the adv,sed that violations of the ~'l~'~",,"'..~_~nti't' • ome Center wi.l!.De, designated Series 1971-A, products will be sold at public~o ~lOi~mUl~UU. ,ill h= ¢nlH ...... h Domestic Processing requirement Domestic Processing requirement above~nt'itle(: wl!~ De nu.mDered 1 to 360 auction to the highest bidder ~. :";"T,C "':" .~ "."".""~ ~.~"' constitutes breach of contract and constitutes breach of contract and the Comp air u, .~-.~..,.men[ plan DaSlS /tmDer inclusive, ann will bear interestat LEGAL DEC.CRIPTInN." The . may result in contract may result in contract and serve a C • ~, -- v,~. m " Mobile Home Sales and Service an effectwe rate of not to exceed ~le i¢ ¢nmnn~#d nf ~11 fimh~r - u st .be removed prior to cancellation or in refusal to award cancellation or in refusal to award uoon the ul At Taylor Towne 80/0. per annum,, p.ayable, marked w'it'h"b/ue pa'int"boun"ded bep~mDer30~1;73~'~h ~ lq71 timber sales to the violator, or timber sales to the violator, or fnr r~=ntffS semiannually on ~neT,rs~aaysot bv sae area hound~rv t~n~ .-~..^-~ .......... =-~.:.--.-- ..... : debarment or suspension from debarment or suspension from sta'te~l'.~a'n'clin Shelton, Washington 98584 April and October .of..each yearcomprising approx~matel-y~60:()00 ~a~ the property in the school district a.m. and four o clock p.m. unt I it has been readvertised. If stated; and in case of your failure Attorney wimes subject to taxation in amounts.TheState of Washington does all saescannot beoffered within so to do, judgment will be ~ega/thls16ff Top workmanship. Earl T. Marr .... . sufficient to pay the principal of not guarantee i~s p.ubli.s.nea cruises the specified time on the rendered against you according to I P li lti s . the demand of the Complaint, Ahg eo Bl a Ph ° ne 4£ 6"4 6 7 2 G'len H El 426-3053.6/11tfn ~ and interest on the Dondsofthis of the herein Described fo~es~ advertised date, the sale shal! , s ngton98584 - "rn~ issue as the same shall becomesPl~OdUCht% and purchasers thereof, continue on the follow n~ day which has been filed with the GENERAL HAULING ...... N;;ICE O;-----------~ due. a e no recourse agains~ between the hours of ten oclock Clerk of said Court. 3/4-1t uepar~ NOTICE IS FURTHER either the State of Washington or am and four o clock p.m The object of the sand--Pit Run--Gravel TRUSTEE'S SALE GIVEN that sealed bids for the the Board of Natural Resources if " "Said timber on said land will above-entitled action is for a ~ Decree of Divorce on the grounds BY ORDER OF THE BOAR.D; 5.Yard Dump Truck On March 19 ]97~ ~ ~n.~n purchase of said bonds will be the actual cut does not equal such be sold for not less than the of desertion and mental cruelty. COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF and Loader -- Peat Soil a m at the cou~'th "' ": .... ~. received by the Treasurer or published cruises, appraised value, as appraised by Glenn E. Correa COUNTY, WASHINGTON •., ouse door OT Mason County, Washington, and Forest products must be the Commissioner of ~'Ublic Lands Attorney for Plaintiff BE IT HEREBY ORDERED that the undersi~ Tel. - FRANK-- 426-3153 the Mason County courthouse inthe director~ of the school district removed pr or to March 31, 1972. in the manner provided by law, a Glenn E. Correa Commissioners of Mason County Washington,:_' also LkjhtClearing the city of Shelton, state of at the o,fice of said County Located approximately 11 m esnotice of which is now on file in Attorney at Law with Chapter 156, SessonsLawsol~ 1949 make t~ 3/4tfn Washington, the following. Treasurer in the courthouse in by road N E of Shelton. the office of the Auo tor of said 121 S. 4th Street -described real property, to wit: Shelton, Wash ngton, until 11:00 Access b ity via public access c o u n t . a n d D i s t the final cost of road projects: ' -, • -- -- Lots 17 and 18 in Block 1 of o'clock a.m., Pacific Standard A copy of the forest products AdministrYator of said districtr ~ c t Shelton, Washington ~I~C T~nk Colony Surf No. 3 as recorded in 2/18-25-3/4-11-18-25-6t CRP Final Time, on the 10th day of March, I~11 of sale contract is posted at Bert L Cole " Inll lll lllk 111"_ =, _, volumeMason 6County,Of Pla~s, Washington,page 188, in 1971, at which time bids will be the Shelton D strict Headquarters Commissioner No. Road Name Estimate ___ _ subject to a deed of trust publicly opened by the treasurer office, of Public Lands SUMMONS bOO-~111., 750-~al, 1,0DO-gal. recorded on Reel 64, Frame 161, and said board of directors. Bert L. Cole ~ 2/25-3/4-11-18.4t No. 10683 589 CANCELLED Drain Fkdds, Ditch Digging,under Auditor s receiving No. Each bid submitted shall Commissioner of ~ IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF 590 CANCELLED Backhoe. Trencher for Hir 247450, records of Mason provide for payment of accrued Public Lands THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 615 Shelton-Matlock FAS 115,346.01 N" .... • County, Washington, whereto' interest to date of delivery and 3/4-1t NOTICE OF HEARING FOR MASON COUNTY. 637 CANCELLED , ,~ I~ Edward E Bray and Shirley Bray, shall specify either (a) the lowest ~ EMERGENCY BUDGET • - " - - rate or rates of interest and COUNTY ROAD PROJECT EXTENSION REQUEST LINIS M. TAYLOR, Plaintiff, vs. 643 Jorstad Creek 1,432.06 ..~ ~ ~ his wife, as joint tenants, are JOYCE A. TAYLOR, Defendant. 649 Newkirk Road 12,575.85 P~m~ 426-3660 grantors; First American Title premium above par at which the NO 664 ........... the time -- • wPIP_HEAS, a~ the T H E S T A T E O F 651 Triton Head 591.96 Cr S-21ST, Belfeir 1/27,1t insuranceCompany is trustee; birddl~r t~/ielllPUrcha~eSa?rbt~;doS~ ~.. In the matter of .C.R.P. No. 1971 Budgets were prepared, no WASHINGTON, TO: JOYCE A. 652 Allyn Road 255.56 and Gilmore Federal Credit Union. ~ / .... ob~ ~o De constructed on Mason Drovisinn w~ made for th~ TAYLOR, Defendant. 666 Harstene North-South 1,839.57 in~eres~ a~ wnich the D dder will County Road No 1873 known r --'" ---- ""'--" " C O u - - is beneficiary, will be sold at . • ~. o a ~ T i C a ~ i o n o ~n t y You are hereby summoned to 667 Wivell Road 10,480.31 auction to the highest bidder for purchase sa~d par... . locally as the Binns-Swiger Road, Ordinanc~ -- which was in th~ appear within sixty days after the 668 Mary M. Kinght 5,817.60 E[ECTROLUX SALE~ cash payable at the time of sale.une or. more.razes.o~ ,nterest and more specifically located in oroces~ n~f h~'i'nn oreDared by date of the first publication of 669 SheltQn-Matlock 24,563.291 .......... The undersigned is trustee and may. De r~xea .TOt tne Donos,SV~, Section 27, Township 20N, Book--P~,~,~'~'~n= (~on~Danv o'f this summons, to-wit: Within 670 Bourgault Road 7,610.20 ~a~es -- ~erwce -- ~uppt~es ~t~more Federal Credit Union wntcn ra~e or ra~es must be in a Range 3 We~t, W M ,---,,,- -'"': ..... ~ " - - mulbple of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1%. No IT IS HEREBY "RI~SOLVED BY ~ue- anD; . • . sixty days after the 11th day of 671 Mission Creek 34877'.04 t,,/4L L.,-, A ,, ~10''~'~-,~O~'~ '~ '~ saidh°ldSdeedthe beneficialof trust, interest underNo action is interest rate shall exceed 8%. The THE BOARD OF COUNTY Dmmg-";WHEREAS'nas l"mallsmCeDeenthat b_me, arec wen aboveFebruarYentitled1971'actionand inthedefendabovethe 672675 HaskellDeckervilleHill Road 92,395.92303.22 For free delivery -- Jack Manley now pending for the satisfaction interest rate shall be the same on COMMISSIONERS that t s the r from ........"Y .... om"an-- entitled Court and answer the 676 North Shore 5,260.79 ~on÷f,~ of the obligation secured thereby, aq Donas •maturing in any oneintention to imnr~,,= n ~,o mH= ,,f . .. ,OUOK ffUD~sn,ng F- . P.. Y "'~" ............... ~or me corn letion of twenw rwe ~'/ ..... year, the same for each year on County Road No 1873 bv . . . p .. ~ - . complaint of the plaintiff and 677 Cloquallum Road 6,383.04 • The default for which foreclosure any bond, and represented by one clearin'o nr,hhi,,n" ,,~in~,~prm~ea copies of the ~oae, m serve a copy of your answer upon 678 Lynch'Cole 2680.68 is made is failure to pay when due coupon for each installmenf drainin,=~n~'.'ur~'aci~'- ~-.~",'L'~ amount $3,326°00; and . the undersigned attorney for the 679 Manzanita Drive 4,337.29 DAIIBTnlB~_ ----J ~Bv ~=~ the monthly installments under There shall not be a difference of said w~rk is toU"-~-r~f~-''--u-J'm-'- ~ WHEREAS, in the judgmen~ plaintiff, B. Franklin Heuston, a L 680 Phillips Lake 10,111.89 ! irl~ll~llllRl~r~ I1~ UK/ ~1[ said obligation set forth below u= iJ~ u~m~u uy nt more than 2% between the lowest (contract) in accordance with the ~fmtheionBe°sa Td is °~n Ch°ubes~ casehiS offiCeof yourbel°WfailureStated;so andto do,in 682681 HarsteneBens°n LOOPNorth.South 7,523.673'884"19 . • ,,-o ....... 0,De ,.Dee ,.,,,n. .ue h.* e0ch ana subsequently hereto. Said default andlh he~ b~ ~/l~:hi'~gt~inonSt~te Sot:;d:rdd inte~st' of Mason county that judgment will be rendered against 683 Mason Lake NW 5,947.89 COMMERCIAL must be ~cured before the time of you according to the demands of 684 Benson Lake 1,953.65 state the tota nterest cost over Bridge Construction as adonted pru ~s.~.on De mane tor SUCh the complaint which has been 685 Skokomish Valley 3,793.32 sale above stated to cause its the life of the bonds, less the by Mason County CURR-- " ...... r-, filed with the Clerk of said Court. 686 Cole 2 460.21 • J. E, HARRIS discontinuance. . ," expenditure as follows. The amount now in arrears premium, if any, and the net B E I T I~ U R T H E R I:.NT EXPENSP_ r-u~u Plaintiff's objective in this 687 CANCELLED ' COUNTY consists of seven (7) installments effective interest rate of such bid. RESOLVED that the above 332 COMMISSIONERS -- action is to secure a divorce from 688 Lake Limerick 17,168.74 Bonded and Insured of $76.13 each for the months Such statement shall not be described County Road Project is $ , 6_.00 as final payment to the defendant upon the grounds 689 Bay East 2,1-34.18 deemed to be a part of such bid necessary and nroner and the ~ook Publ shing Company for 25 1----~ A~r~.lT~-,,,~,w w_,3 beginning, with April 1970 and • " • " " ' ie stated in hi~ complaint on file as 690 Cushman Road 13,576.96 ..... continuing throu,,h October All. bids ?hal! b.e sealed and~ estimated costs of said project are cop= s of the Mason County aforesaid and for such add t ona 691 CANCELLED ,~4~m 1970, a total of $~32.91. The except Tna~. OT the State ot herewth set out in detail as ~'""hl" .... relief as is prayed for in said 692 Paradise Shores 2,648.50 Washington, snail be accompanied follows- uw, THEREFORE, IT IS complaint. . . 693 Harstene Bridge 2554.92 - amount now owing on said by adepositof5%oftheamount Engineering $1,00000 H.EREBY ORDERED that a 696 Signs -- County-wide 1;415.94 ~tA#IMJMIII[~IIP, I~ae obligation is unpaid principal in . , '.. .' . . Y Right of Way $1,100.00 -. ~ _ held on Monday, ---,,--~ ......rvvq,~ the amount of $2,016.61 together of the bonds e~ther m cash or b • Hearing be B. Franklin Heus~on arcn tS Septic Tank with interest thereon at the rate casnier s or cerciTieo cneck made Road Construction ¢2530000 ~__ , 1971 at the hour of Attorney for Plaintiff 697 Gallagher Road 7,398.94 Office and Post 698 Collins Lake 5587.09 ~" ' 2OU Pm ........ of 1% per month computed from payable to the Mason County TOTAL ¢27 400"00 : _ •.., at the office of the Office Address: 699 Triton Head 2,629.91 "~ ' Boaro in DUlIOOZlng, DacKrloe March 30, 1970. Costs and fees asTreasurer. for. the .credit of the the Count,,~ Roa'~,. Pr^~tvp~ i" the Courthouse at Angle Bldg., 700 Cloquallum 903.83 She ton m r " provided by statute are hkew~se Shelton, Wash. 98584 701 Shelton-Matlock 17,653.11 and du p t uck service o " school d~stnct, which amount orherein described is HEREBY brae" ana'" placWaShingt°n' at which • . wing. check will be returned to the DECLARED to be a nHhlic e any taxpayer may B. Franklin Heuston ...... "-- a pear and Surge water conditioners. Said sale will be without b~dder ff the b~d ~s not accepted, necessity ,~ ~ho r" .... ÷,, o^=,~P be heard for or aoainst 702 Shelton-Matlock 4,666.58 • ., an ........... ~ ..... r " -' Attorney Jill • 1/11 warranty, express or implied, asIf the successful b~dder shall fa,I Enaineer is HFRFRY (3RnFr~n the g anhnq of the above Angle Bldg. ~LIN I~1~,~1~1~ to title, possession, or or neglect to complete the AN'D AU:rH"OR'lZ-EE)"t'o-re'nor't emergenc y, bucTgetextension. Phone426-4672 The preliminary cost estimate covering the P" L//-~|I- L) encumbrance, purchase of said bonds withinand proceed thereon as b,, law _ _ . this 22nd day of Shelt0n, Washington 98584 was formally ordered on the indicated days, s 426-6539 Sholton, . DATED this 11th day of t h i r t y -five days from the provided - peDruary, 1971. , 2/11-1-8-25-3/4-11-18-6t 156, Session Laws of 1949. 8/6tfnNovember, 1970. ~cc~ptasC~e~lfsha~lbl~, tohrefeai?e~U~ot MarcAh?O;T1E.D th,s 1st day of C~°um:~sdsioO:rs %? uMna:oy DATED this lstday of March, 1971. ; F irst American Title BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS i! Y, Wa Insurance Company the school distr!ct.. ...... Board of'County Commissione William ~', Jshin.gton. NOTICE OF BOARD MEETING OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON lAMe M~11¢¢ Idftt~lM~ By- Richard A Fox ine scnoo~ ais~r~c~ reserves of Mason County Washin"ton __ . u. ~unter No. 404 - ~,~ ~u,~ mv~v Do~ "-- " n all " -, ~ (~nalrman William O. Hunter the right to reject any a d bids Mart n Auseth .... • ou, P