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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Be00nefits, building in works: Community rallies around after fatal home fire community has mobilized a local family stricken by of their 4-year-old daugh- their home in a fire last of the Rick and Paula hold a dinner at range Hall starting at ay night to help e the burned-out family d items, and fire- md the Mason County Association plan to y a new home. ods' mobile home on Ju- Was gutted by fire last t elr daughter Ivy was ae blaze, and their 19- daughter Melanie was g to rescue her Melanie's 4-month- and 16-year-old sister unharmed, but lost all of its posses- Was not insured. WOOD, according bistrict 5 spokesperson ght, suffered second- burns and re- treatment at Harbor- Center in Seattle. expected to be home in .hree weeks, Knight said. spokesman Larry Wednesday morning is in serious condi- said she was admitted 'ms to 25 percent of her her face, should- and feet. Earlier she underwent skin- on her hands and Zalin confirmed. Orial service for Ivy when her sister from the hospital and attend, Knight said. 'hile," Knight said community "is work- starting the building as well Lutheran Brotherhood is help- ing to sponsor the spaghetti din- ner. For every dollar received, two more dollars will be donated to help the family, said Karen Skare, a member of Faith Luther- an Church. "These disaster relief funds will be paid by Lutheran Brotherhood Rhododendron Branch 8285," she said. '%Ve have the possibility of giving the family $2,153 if one-half of that can be raised." Anyone with items too large to take to the Agate event may call Amy Sylvester at 426-3896 or Irene Goldsby at 426-1296 to ar- range for pickup. The SOCK Cen- ter in the former Shelton Armory downtown has also designated space to collect furnishings and other items designated for the family. Clothing will be accepted for the 19-year-old and 16-year-old females and the 4-month-old boy as well as the parents. Donors can call one of the two numbers above for sizes. SHELTON'S VOITURE 135 of 40 et 8 held a spur-of-the-mo- ment fund-raiser Monday night and collected $750, said Mike Karatsanos. Profits from the vet- erans' club kitchen, a cakewalk, a raffle and miscellaneous dona- tions went into the Seafirst Bank fund for the Woods family, said Karatsanos, spokesman for the club. Karatsanos said Dick Hopkins, who does karaoke presentations around town, donated his time and equipment to provide enter- tainment for the Benefit, while Debbie Treadwell came up with $100. Ray Duffy and Diane Pugel from the kitchen and bar manag- er Beth Bertolani all contributed their time, Karatsanos said. . . La Femmes, the women's as branch of.40 e,t 8, also put $200 S aIl,£1 OOa'IMl[' ,:,  ,., "' into the fund at Seafirst, Karatsa- ol, xoou, .cto, .... nos said. .......... and building A benefit for the family is scheduled to start at 5:30 Sunday, March 7, at the Rusty Spur res- taurant and lounge at The Trails, 7842 Trails End Drive SE in Olympia. There will be a country and western band and karaoke. The Rusty Spur will donate all cover charges that night and serv- ers are donating their tips. In ad- dition, the restaurant will make a donation of its own. Several large donations have been received from firefighters' associations in neighboring dis- tricts as well as Fire District 5 in which the Woods have been vol- unteers for many years, Knight said. She noted that messages of condolence have been received than 60 people gathered eer School on Monday efforts to help Paula Wood's fellow 5 firefighters and as well as com- are working to- the family a new Bonnie Knight, coordi- Please come lo tile Open House Meeting to discuss tile Slide Closure of U.S. 101 in the Lilliwaup vicinity spaghetti Agate Grange will p.m. March 6. Dona- family's household epted, as will cash do- the replacement of gs, rebuilding of the edical expenses. from as far away as Texas and the North Star Fire Department in North Pole, Alaska. THE WOOD FAMILY picked out building plans Tuesday and the permit process is under way, Knight said, noting that the coun- ty is helping to expedite the pro- cess. "Land will be cleared by Friday," she said, "and we will start building as soon as materi- als are available and the weather cooperates. That could take a while," she added ruefully. Other events will be an- nounced, Knight said. Individuals and organizations wanting to help can contact the following in- dividuals: Overall coordinator: Bon- nie Knight at 275-8436, e-mail Public information: Bob Burbridge at 427-4270. Building coordination: Mike White at 275-6159, 426- 5533 or 275-2889. Land clearing, site prepa- ration and landscaping: Brian Hardie at 427-6604, Jack Hylton at 426-1829 or Don Rag- sdale at 426-5415. School districts: Karen Everett at 427-2737 or (at home) 426-6048, e-mail Kever- etl @est Pickup and storage coor- dination, south end of coun- ty: Mac McLendon at 426-6841. Pickup and storage, north county: Mike Taylor at 275-8731, e-mail MTAYLOR Activities in Belfair area: Jennifer (White) Carslin at 275- 7026 or Aaron Espy at Fire Dis- trict 2 at 275-8001. Donation containers: Dee Grout at 898-4871, e-mail, Kim Taylor at 275-8731, e-mail MTAYLOR, or Heidi Miller at 427-5142. Garage sales: Amy Sylvester at 426-3896. General fund-raising: Rich Heinrich of the Union Fire Dis- trict at 898-4871 or 426-0009; Helen Gibler of Station Seven Si- rens at 426-4090; Irene Goldsby at 426-1296; Pam Martin at Ma- son General Hospital, working with the medical community, 427- 9551 or 898-2996; and the Fire District 5 dispatch center at 275- 2889 or 426-5533. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Help sought for mother of youth hurt in crash Local fund-raising is under way to help pay the expenses of the mother of Josh Mart[nell, a 17-year-old Shelton boy who was badly injured in an auto accident in Nevada last month. Josh suffered a broken neck and injuries to his head and spinal cord in the accident February 18 while he was in Las Vegas visiting friends. He is expected to remain in the University Medical Center in Las Vegas for the next three to four months and will undoubtedly have reha- bilitation after that. His mom is with him in Las Vegas now. His family said all donations for his mother's living expenses, and prayers for Josh and his family, will be appreciated. Roxie Mart[nell, the boy's mother, needs help paying for her transpor- tation and meals as she stays near the hospital to be with Josh, said the boy's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Shelton. The Peter- sons are Roxie Mart[nell's parents. Those interested in donating may do so at Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union. Ac- count number 91527 has been set up for that purpose. More information on Josh and the fund-rais- ing is available from Rosie and Carl Peterson at 427-2772. They ask that callers leave a message if they aren't available; they'll return the call. Cards and letters may be sent to Josh via his mom in Nevada by addressing them to Roxie Mart[nell, c/o Kim Trease, 314 Tamarack Drive, Henderson, NV 89015. Fair needs a logo for SOCK kids raise 'kid' theme funds for Woods Little Ivy Wood was a regular at the SOCK (Save Our County's Kids) youth center in Shelton. She came with her mother and sister, said SOCK Director Sue Sheldon. So, when Ivy died last week during a fire that also destroyed her family's house, the SOCK ..... ds swung into action to help. So far they have raised around $1,000 to aid the Wood family. Brandon Hammers, a 10-year- old student at Evergreen Elemen- tary School, got the ball rolling on SOCK's fund-raising efforts. He personally has raised more than $400. Brandon told The Journal he wanted to do something to help the Woods. He took a jar and went over to the Shelton Safeway store, standing outside and ask- ing shoppers if they'd contribute. And help they did. "They say, 'You know what? You're a nice little boy for helping Ivy. You're helpful,' " he said. Their donations have made him happy, he said. Elizabeth Neuerburg, a sixth- grader at Shelton Middle School, is one of several other SOCK kids who are raising money for the family. "We have a box and we ask people if they'd like to donate to Ivy Wood and her family," she said. Monday she raised more than $82 in just half an hour. Last Saturday she received $86 in contributions in an hour and a half. "It says a lot for our kids and it says a lot for our community," Sheldon said. "One night they were gone less than 15 minutes and came back with $80. It dumb- founds me that that many people would give so easily. This is the good part about living in a small town." Sheldon remembers Ivy as a very bright little girl who saved her quarters so she could buy slic- es of pizza or nachos at the SOCK kitchen inside the Shelton Ar- mory. In fact, her favorite place at the youth center was the kitchen, Sheldon added. And, because of that, SOCK is naming the kitchen in her memo- ry. From now on, it will be known as Ivy's Place. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Fever to l; erform Friday benefit for Y(,uth Task Force the big-band music and '50s, the Ma- Task Force has You. ever, an 18-piece swing Performs throughout will provide the dance starting at 8 night in the Shel- Student Union music will go until The 1999 Mason County Fair needs a logo. The county fair committee, ac- cording to Fair Coordinator Lisa Brengan, has chosen the theme "Feel Like a Kid Again at the Ma- son County Fair." The theme design should express the slogan in a 7xl0-inch drawing. The competition for the win- ning logo is open to artists of all ages. The drawing should be on white paper and be rendered in black and white. It's due in the fair office by April 1. The winning designer will re- ceive a free T-shirt and cap, com- plete with the "Feel Like a Kid Again" design, as well as a family pass to the fair and other prizes yet to be announced. The fair office is located at 751 West Fairgrounds Road. Entries may also be mailed to the Mason County Fair at P.O. Box 2286, Shelton, 98584. Monday, March 8 Brinnon Senior Center 306114 Hwy. 101 Brinnon, WA Tuesday, March 9 Hoodsport Community Center N. 331 Finch Creek Dr. (Next to Hoodsport Fire Station) Hoodsport, WA Both Open Houses begin at 6:00 p.m. Josh MartinelS Help, Us Celebrate Our 1 st Anniversary Open [louse, March 8-13 with free product samples, sparkling cider and my mother-in-law's yummy Italian Zuccarini cookies. Thanks to all who have helped us grow from only three products one year ago to over 30 today/ Take-out only 427-3844 933 E Johns Prairie Road Travaglione's Homemade Ravioli 101 U.S. 101 Public Meeting The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is holding two informal open house meetings to provide Hood Canal residents information about the U.S. 101 slide and resulting highway closure near Lilliwaup. Come at 7 p.m. can ance lessons from Sheriff and Mrs. Steve Whybark. Swing Fever, about three years old, includes musicians of all ages, from 12 to 86, and all occu- pations. Among the familiar songs the band plays are "In the Mood," "Tuxedo Junction," "C- Jam Blues," "Blue Moon" and "Night Train." When the band takes its break, and the dancers catch their breath, the audience will be en- tertained by performers from Car- the tops; IUReZR-I00STSR 00ltl00E FRESH BREWED COFFEE 00ITH SHELL FORMULA GASOLINE PURCHASE GER STORE AND A WHOLE LOT MORE!" ocally Owned And Operated/or 21 Years el Fulcher's Shelton Dance Cen- Moocher. ter. The group of talented teens The cost of the dance is $3 at will be performing swing tap, the the door. And if you want to just Lindey Hop and Minnie the listen and notdance, that's fine. Sp rln g is coming -- are you ready? • Soil and Bark. Bulbs and Seeds • Fruit Trees • Flowering Trees • Lots of Primroses Mason County's Own Olympic Mountain ICE CREAM • Piglets • Lambs • Miniature Goat Kids Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternative formats. Sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations may be arranged by contacting Ann Briggs at (360) 357-2789, or TDD users can call 1-800-TDD-NETT. Call and reserve yours today ",. (((._2_ At/will be weaned '. .3 and ready soon A Family Farm Tradition  898-2222 or East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK Be Informed! The meeting will discuss the U.S. 101 emergency road repairs. Due to the rain, and the current soil conditions, the road may be closed for an extended period of time. Need More Information? If you have any questions, please contact: Ann Briggs, Public Information Officer WSDOT Olympic Region P.O. Box 47440 Olympia, WA 98504-7440 E-mail: (360) 357-2789 }N" WENDY and DAVE BLAIN, Owners • 6:30 A.M.-10 P.M. 7 Days Per Week BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER }lympic Hwy. North (360) 426-7224 on Mt. View Fax 426-7407  Washington State Department of Transportation I I II II Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 Be00nefits, building in works: Community rallies around after fatal home fire community has mobilized a local family stricken by of their 4-year-old daugh- their home in a fire last of the Rick and Paula hold a dinner at range Hall starting at ay night to help e the burned-out family d items, and fire- md the Mason County Association plan to y a new home. ods' mobile home on Ju- Was gutted by fire last t elr daughter Ivy was ae blaze, and their 19- daughter Melanie was g to rescue her Melanie's 4-month- and 16-year-old sister unharmed, but lost all of its posses- Was not insured. WOOD, according bistrict 5 spokesperson ght, suffered second- burns and re- treatment at Harbor- Center in Seattle. expected to be home in .hree weeks, Knight said. spokesman Larry Wednesday morning is in serious condi- said she was admitted 'ms to 25 percent of her her face, should- and feet. Earlier she underwent skin- on her hands and Zalin confirmed. Orial service for Ivy when her sister from the hospital and attend, Knight said. 'hile," Knight said community "is work- starting the building as well Lutheran Brotherhood is help- ing to sponsor the spaghetti din- ner. For every dollar received, two more dollars will be donated to help the family, said Karen Skare, a member of Faith Luther- an Church. "These disaster relief funds will be paid by Lutheran Brotherhood Rhododendron Branch 8285," she said. '%Ve have the possibility of giving the family $2,153 if one-half of that can be raised." Anyone with items too large to take to the Agate event may call Amy Sylvester at 426-3896 or Irene Goldsby at 426-1296 to ar- range for pickup. The SOCK Cen- ter in the former Shelton Armory downtown has also designated space to collect furnishings and other items designated for the family. Clothing will be accepted for the 19-year-old and 16-year-old females and the 4-month-old boy as well as the parents. Donors can call one of the two numbers above for sizes. SHELTON'S VOITURE 135 of 40 et 8 held a spur-of-the-mo- ment fund-raiser Monday night and collected $750, said Mike Karatsanos. Profits from the vet- erans' club kitchen, a cakewalk, a raffle and miscellaneous dona- tions went into the Seafirst Bank fund for the Woods family, said Karatsanos, spokesman for the club. Karatsanos said Dick Hopkins, who does karaoke presentations around town, donated his time and equipment to provide enter- tainment for the Benefit, while Debbie Treadwell came up with $100. Ray Duffy and Diane Pugel from the kitchen and bar manag- er Beth Bertolani all contributed their time, Karatsanos said. . . La Femmes, the women's as branch of.40 e,t 8, also put $200 S aIl,£1 OOa'IMl[' ,:,  ,., "' into the fund at Seafirst, Karatsa- ol, xoou, .cto, .... nos said. .......... and building A benefit for the family is scheduled to start at 5:30 Sunday, March 7, at the Rusty Spur res- taurant and lounge at The Trails, 7842 Trails End Drive SE in Olympia. There will be a country and western band and karaoke. The Rusty Spur will donate all cover charges that night and serv- ers are donating their tips. In ad- dition, the restaurant will make a donation of its own. Several large donations have been received from firefighters' associations in neighboring dis- tricts as well as Fire District 5 in which the Woods have been vol- unteers for many years, Knight said. She noted that messages of condolence have been received than 60 people gathered eer School on Monday efforts to help Paula Wood's fellow 5 firefighters and as well as com- are working to- the family a new Bonnie Knight, coordi- Please come lo tile Open House Meeting to discuss tile Slide Closure of U.S. 101 in the Lilliwaup vicinity spaghetti Agate Grange will p.m. March 6. Dona- family's household epted, as will cash do- the replacement of gs, rebuilding of the edical expenses. from as far away as Texas and the North Star Fire Department in North Pole, Alaska. THE WOOD FAMILY picked out building plans Tuesday and the permit process is under way, Knight said, noting that the coun- ty is helping to expedite the pro- cess. "Land will be cleared by Friday," she said, "and we will start building as soon as materi- als are available and the weather cooperates. That could take a while," she added ruefully. Other events will be an- nounced, Knight said. Individuals and organizations wanting to help can contact the following in- dividuals: Overall coordinator: Bon- nie Knight at 275-8436, e-mail Public information: Bob Burbridge at 427-4270. Building coordination: Mike White at 275-6159, 426- 5533 or 275-2889. Land clearing, site prepa- ration and landscaping: Brian Hardie at 427-6604, Jack Hylton at 426-1829 or Don Rag- sdale at 426-5415. School districts: Karen Everett at 427-2737 or (at home) 426-6048, e-mail Kever- etl @est Pickup and storage coor- dination, south end of coun- ty: Mac McLendon at 426-6841. Pickup and storage, north county: Mike Taylor at 275-8731, e-mail MTAYLOR Activities in Belfair area: Jennifer (White) Carslin at 275- 7026 or Aaron Espy at Fire Dis- trict 2 at 275-8001. Donation containers: Dee Grout at 898-4871, e-mail, Kim Taylor at 275-8731, e-mail MTAYLOR, or Heidi Miller at 427-5142. Garage sales: Amy Sylvester at 426-3896. General fund-raising: Rich Heinrich of the Union Fire Dis- trict at 898-4871 or 426-0009; Helen Gibler of Station Seven Si- rens at 426-4090; Irene Goldsby at 426-1296; Pam Martin at Ma- son General Hospital, working with the medical community, 427- 9551 or 898-2996; and the Fire District 5 dispatch center at 275- 2889 or 426-5533. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Help sought for mother of youth hurt in crash Local fund-raising is under way to help pay the expenses of the mother of Josh Mart[nell, a 17-year-old Shelton boy who was badly injured in an auto accident in Nevada last month. Josh suffered a broken neck and injuries to his head and spinal cord in the accident February 18 while he was in Las Vegas visiting friends. He is expected to remain in the University Medical Center in Las Vegas for the next three to four months and will undoubtedly have reha- bilitation after that. His mom is with him in Las Vegas now. His family said all donations for his mother's living expenses, and prayers for Josh and his family, will be appreciated. Roxie Mart[nell, the boy's mother, needs help paying for her transpor- tation and meals as she stays near the hospital to be with Josh, said the boy's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peterson of Shelton. The Peter- sons are Roxie Mart[nell's parents. Those interested in donating may do so at Peninsula Community Federal Credit Union. Ac- count number 91527 has been set up for that purpose. More information on Josh and the fund-rais- ing is available from Rosie and Carl Peterson at 427-2772. They ask that callers leave a message if they aren't available; they'll return the call. Cards and letters may be sent to Josh via his mom in Nevada by addressing them to Roxie Mart[nell, c/o Kim Trease, 314 Tamarack Drive, Henderson, NV 89015. Fair needs a logo for SOCK kids raise 'kid' theme funds for Woods Little Ivy Wood was a regular at the SOCK (Save Our County's Kids) youth center in Shelton. She came with her mother and sister, said SOCK Director Sue Sheldon. So, when Ivy died last week during a fire that also destroyed her family's house, the SOCK ..... ds swung into action to help. So far they have raised around $1,000 to aid the Wood family. Brandon Hammers, a 10-year- old student at Evergreen Elemen- tary School, got the ball rolling on SOCK's fund-raising efforts. He personally has raised more than $400. Brandon told The Journal he wanted to do something to help the Woods. He took a jar and went over to the Shelton Safeway store, standing outside and ask- ing shoppers if they'd contribute. And help they did. "They say, 'You know what? You're a nice little boy for helping Ivy. You're helpful,' " he said. Their donations have made him happy, he said. Elizabeth Neuerburg, a sixth- grader at Shelton Middle School, is one of several other SOCK kids who are raising money for the family. "We have a box and we ask people if they'd like to donate to Ivy Wood and her family," she said. Monday she raised more than $82 in just half an hour. Last Saturday she received $86 in contributions in an hour and a half. "It says a lot for our kids and it says a lot for our community," Sheldon said. "One night they were gone less than 15 minutes and came back with $80. It dumb- founds me that that many people would give so easily. This is the good part about living in a small town." Sheldon remembers Ivy as a very bright little girl who saved her quarters so she could buy slic- es of pizza or nachos at the SOCK kitchen inside the Shelton Ar- mory. In fact, her favorite place at the youth center was the kitchen, Sheldon added. And, because of that, SOCK is naming the kitchen in her memo- ry. From now on, it will be known as Ivy's Place. llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll Fever to l; erform Friday benefit for Y(,uth Task Force the big-band music and '50s, the Ma- Task Force has You. ever, an 18-piece swing Performs throughout will provide the dance starting at 8 night in the Shel- Student Union music will go until The 1999 Mason County Fair needs a logo. The county fair committee, ac- cording to Fair Coordinator Lisa Brengan, has chosen the theme "Feel Like a Kid Again at the Ma- son County Fair." The theme design should express the slogan in a 7xl0-inch drawing. The competition for the win- ning logo is open to artists of all ages. The drawing should be on white paper and be rendered in black and white. It's due in the fair office by April 1. The winning designer will re- ceive a free T-shirt and cap, com- plete with the "Feel Like a Kid Again" design, as well as a family pass to the fair and other prizes yet to be announced. The fair office is located at 751 West Fairgrounds Road. Entries may also be mailed to the Mason County Fair at P.O. Box 2286, Shelton, 98584. Monday, March 8 Brinnon Senior Center 306114 Hwy. 101 Brinnon, WA Tuesday, March 9 Hoodsport Community Center N. 331 Finch Creek Dr. (Next to Hoodsport Fire Station) Hoodsport, WA Both Open Houses begin at 6:00 p.m. Josh MartinelS Help, Us Celebrate Our 1 st Anniversary Open [louse, March 8-13 with free product samples, sparkling cider and my mother-in-law's yummy Italian Zuccarini cookies. Thanks to all who have helped us grow from only three products one year ago to over 30 today/ Take-out only 427-3844 933 E Johns Prairie Road Travaglione's Homemade Ravioli 101 U.S. 101 Public Meeting The Washington State Department of Transportation (WSDOT) is holding two informal open house meetings to provide Hood Canal residents information about the U.S. 101 slide and resulting highway closure near Lilliwaup. Come at 7 p.m. can ance lessons from Sheriff and Mrs. Steve Whybark. Swing Fever, about three years old, includes musicians of all ages, from 12 to 86, and all occu- pations. Among the familiar songs the band plays are "In the Mood," "Tuxedo Junction," "C- Jam Blues," "Blue Moon" and "Night Train." When the band takes its break, and the dancers catch their breath, the audience will be en- tertained by performers from Car- the tops; IUReZR-I00STSR 00ltl00E FRESH BREWED COFFEE 00ITH SHELL FORMULA GASOLINE PURCHASE GER STORE AND A WHOLE LOT MORE!" ocally Owned And Operated/or 21 Years el Fulcher's Shelton Dance Cen- Moocher. ter. The group of talented teens The cost of the dance is $3 at will be performing swing tap, the the door. And if you want to just Lindey Hop and Minnie the listen and notdance, that's fine. Sp rln g is coming -- are you ready? • Soil and Bark. Bulbs and Seeds • Fruit Trees • Flowering Trees • Lots of Primroses Mason County's Own Olympic Mountain ICE CREAM • Piglets • Lambs • Miniature Goat Kids Individuals requiring reasonable accommodations may request written materials in alternative formats. Sign language interpreters, physical accessibility accommodations, or other reasonable accommodations may be arranged by contacting Ann Briggs at (360) 357-2789, or TDD users can call 1-800-TDD-NETT. Call and reserve yours today ",. (((._2_ At/will be weaned '. .3 and ready soon A Family Farm Tradition  898-2222 or East 1921 Highway 106, Union, WA OPEN 9 a.m.-6 p.m. 7 DAYS A WEEK Be Informed! The meeting will discuss the U.S. 101 emergency road repairs. Due to the rain, and the current soil conditions, the road may be closed for an extended period of time. Need More Information? If you have any questions, please contact: Ann Briggs, Public Information Officer WSDOT Olympic Region P.O. Box 47440 Olympia, WA 98504-7440 E-mail: (360) 357-2789 }N" WENDY and DAVE BLAIN, Owners • 6:30 A.M.-10 P.M. 7 Days Per Week BREAKFAST • LUNCH • DINNER }lympic Hwy. North (360) 426-7224 on Mt. View Fax 426-7407  Washington State Department of Transportation I I II II Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3