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court roundup:
o identified in SHS break-in
Couple from the Mason
faces charges stem-
a break-in at the Shel-
School Auditorium
after 2 a.m. on February
of Jessica
22, and Don-
:t Williams, 23, of East
Lake Drive South is
ed for today in Mason
SUperior Court. They
in the early morn-
trs of February 26 and
Mason County Jail.
! aras faces charges of bur-
the second degree and
of burglary tools.
an faces charges of bur-
the second degree and
drug }hernalia.
officers dis-
to the high school at 2:19
26 found Gueydan
Parked behind the audi-
to court papers.
car was an aluminum
uana residue, po-
told police that
head had gone to use a
the other side of the
according to the arrest-
police investigated they
Unsecured door on the
of the building and
noise inside when they
The arresting officer
to the front and saw
out the front door,
court papers.
Williams was taken
Court papers in-
had a flashlight and a
knife, while nearby
a pair of pliers which
when he saw the
Police said.
two Were identified in con-
the charges on Fri-
James Sawyer found
indigent, appointing
Charles Lane to represent Guey-
dan and Ron Sergi to represent
Williams. He found probable
cause for their arrest, although
he expressed some reluctance in
Gueydan's case. "It's not the
strongest probable cause I've ever
seen," he said.
The couple was ordered to stay
away from Shelton High School
and to have no contact with one
another. Gueydan will be staying
with her grandparents, she said.
IN OTHER proceedings last
week in Mason County Superior
Michael Dismas Morris-
sey, 38, identified as a Shelton
transient, was identified on Feb-
ruary 24 in connection with alle-
gations of rape of a child in the
second degree and child molesta-
tion in the second degree.
Sawyer found him to be indi-
gent and appointed Lane to be his
attorney. The judge set bail at
$15,000 and told him to stay
away from the alleged victim and
from malls, schools and other
places where children congregate.
His arraignment was sched-
uled for today.
Sterling Jarnigan, 27, will
not be facing charges of malicious
Sawyer signed an order dis-
missing the charge because he is
currently serving a sentence for
aggravated murder that won't be
completed until 2141.
Jarnigan was arraigned last
October on charges of malicious
mischief connected with his stay
at the Washington Corrections
Center in Shelton.
"There's nothing you can do to
me," he said at that time.
Jack Wesley Johnston,
63, of 650 West Boyer Road, Shel-
ton, has decided not to fight his
extradition to Utah.
He is wanted there as a fugi-
tive from justice who failed to
meet the terms of his release. On
Friday he signed a waiver of his
right to fight extradition.
Timothy Monroe Long-
shore, 31, of North 170 Tribal
Center Road, Shelton pled not
guilty Thursday to burglary in
the second degree.
Judge Sawyer set bail at
$5,000 and scheduled the case for
an omnibus hearing on April 1,
pretrial on April 28 and trial dur-
ing the jury term beginning May
Judge Sawyer ordered a war-
rant for the arrest of Vickie
Ecklund, 30, of 120 West Knee-
land Street, Shelton, who failed to
appear at a pretrial hearing
scheduled for February 24.
She was arrested January 22
and booked on potential charges
of forgery and unlawful posses-
sion of drugs.
A warrant was ordered for
the arrest of Brian E. Guenth.
er, 35, whose last known address
is 1601 Canyon Road East, Puyal-
lup. He failed to appear for a pre-
trial hearing on February 24. De-
fense attorney George Steele said
he hasn't seen his client. Sawyer
ordered the forfeiture of his
$5,000 bail and set a new bail
amount of $25,000. Guenther was
arraigned December 31 for pos-
session of methamphetamine and
possession of the illegal drug with
intent to deliver.
ON MONDAY, Belfair resi-
dent Walter John Goit, 47, of
11251 NE North Shore Road was
identified in connection with
charges of assault in the second
He was arrested after sheriffs
deputies were dispatched to a call
about a jogger who had nearly
been run over by a pickup truck.
According to court papers they
found a "visibly shaken" Jeffrey
Alan Hartman, a 49-year-old Cal-
ifornia man with a vacation home
on Hood Canal.
Hartman owns Belfair Sand
and Gravel, where Goit was em-
ployed for 13 years. He told police
that Goit tried to run him over
because he fired him last Novem-
ber 11 for assaulting customers
and stealing, according to court
"On a few occasions when
(Hartman) tried to show prospec-
tive buyers his company, Walter
would disrupt the meetings in or-
der to possibly prevent people
from buying the company," depu-
ties wrote in their official state-
ment giving the cause of Goit's ar-
Judge Toni Sheldon found
probable cause for Goit's arrest.
She set bail at $5,000 and sched-
uled his arraignment for March
In their probable cause state-
ment deputies described a brief
interview with Goit at the Mason
County Jail. He told them he
didn't try to run Hartman over
but just stopped to talk to him for
"ruining the last 20 years of his
life," according to court papers.
Attorney Ken Bratt is Goit's at-
torney. Judge Sheldon ordered
Goit to stay away from Belfair
Sand and Gravel.
* Shawn Edward Olson, 28,
of 113 South Aberdeen Road,
Morton, will be arraigned March
18 on charges of unlawful is-
suance of six bank checks.
Judge Sheldon identified him
Monday in connection with charg-
es that he wrote six checks total-
ing $2,103 after his account was
closed at Peninsula Federal Cred-
it Union. He denied writing the
checks but handwriting analysis
determined he was the writer, ac-
cording to court papers.
Sheldon set bail at $3,000.
, alcohol cited as court
down sentence for assault
defendants who had
felonies were sen-
Mason County Superior
Thomas Shonkwil-
sentenced last Thurs-
months in jail for bur-
degree assault in
with an attack on a
)elieved was having an
whose most recent
dress was 3700 East
Road, Shelton, was
abstain from drinking
for alcohol and
;e. Defense attorney
said Shonkwiler has
meetings of Alcohol-
and asked that he
Iced on the low end of
ave him a mid-range
included six more
SUspended time on the
arge: 30 days converted
)Urs of community ser-
on work release and
in day reporting. He
}ay $221.10 in court
to the crime vic-
A restitution hearing
for March 25.
Anders Borst, 19,
County was sen-
ys in jail for theft
gave him credit
already served and
ney's fees. The victim said he
doesn't want any restitution.
Borst will be under supervision
for 12 months after his release.
He will do his jail time on three
consecutive weekends so that he
can keep his job at Arby's Restau-
rant. "It's one of them things I re-
gret doing," Borst said.
James Ray Speas, 23, of
1504 Center, Shelton, was sen-
tenced 60 days in jail for posses-
sion of stolen property in the sec-
ond degree.
Judge Sawyer converted 20 of
the days to 160 hours of commu-
nity service and said Speas could
serve the rest of the time concur-
rently with a 30-day sentence for
disorderly conduct handed down
in Mason County District Court.
Authorities will have to deal
with an earlier order by District
Court Judge Victoria Meadows
that Speas have no contact with
the Washington Department of
Corrections, since he will be un-
der state supervision in the supe-
rior court case. "I think it's a little
dysfunctional for him to have a
no-contact order with the Depart-
ment of Corrections," Sawyer
Sawyer ordered him to pay
$110 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
wards his attorney's fees. A resti-
tution hearing was scheduled for
days to 168 hours of April 5.
Service. The judge or- David Charles Ferber, 35,
°,pay $174.05 in court of 71 East Balbriggan Road, Shel-
} the crime victims ton, was given eight months in
towards hm attor- jail for the unlawful issuance of
10$ West Railroad Ave.
bank checks to NAPA Auto Parts
and the Simpson Community
Federal Credit Union.
Ferber said the NAPA check
went sour when another check to
him bounced. He said he's been
coaching youth baseball and go-
ing to church and that he's tried
to straighten up since moving to
Shelton four years ago.
"I have tried really hard to re-
frain from criminal activity," he
said. Defense attorney Charles
Lane said Ferber is "an involved
member of the community. He's
not just somebody who lives in
Shelton and does nothing."
But a presentence report pre-
pared for the court found that
he's been in trouble with the law
before. "Mr. Ferber, you have
amassed a substantial criminal
record, and it's going to take you
some time to live it down," Judge
Sawyer said.
Sawyer converted 30 days of
jail time to 240 hours of commu-
nity service. Ferber may be eligi-
ble for day reporting after he
serves 30 days of jail time. He
will be under supervision for 12
months after his release. He was
ordered to pay $450 in court
costs, $1,000 to the crime victims'
fund and $400 towards his attor-
ney's fees. He was also ordered to
pay $5,146.09 in restitution.
Joseph Raymond Madril
Jr., 23, a former Fort Lewis sol-
dier, was sentenced to 40 days in
jail for theft in the second degree.
Judge Sawyer converted 30
days to 240 hours of community
service. He ordered Madril to pay
$156.40 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
wards his attorney's fees.
Madril was arrested after
guns, money and a CD player
were stolen during a party at the
Gene Crater home in Shelton.
The Craters said he took $1,700
they had put aside for their
daughter's college education.
In arguing for leniency, de-
fense attorney Charles Lane
pointed out that Madril was dis-
charged from the U.S. Army be-
cause of the incident. "He has
been penalized for this action al-
ready in a very significant man-
ner. His entire military career
has been thrown out the window
because of the poor judgment
made on one night under the in-
fluence of alcohol," Lane said.
. by auto
Call us for
i a quote.
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Mutual 000numclaw
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Defendants admit guilt:
Plea changes resolve five
cases short of jury trials
A west-county resident who ad-
mitted burglarizing a vacationing
resident's home was one of
several defendants who entered
changes of pleas to resolve pend-
ing criminal cases in Mason
County Superior Court last week.
Nathan Hermann, 20, of
2040 West Highland Road, Shel-
ton, pled guilty to residential bur-
glary and theft in the second de-
The state charged that he en-
tered a home through an open
window when the owners were on
vacation and stole a motor vehicle
worth more that $1,500.
"I am guilty of the two crimes,
the theft in the first and the
burglary," Hermann said.
In exchange for the guilty plea
Deputy Prosecutor Amber Finlay
agreed to recommend a sentence
in the standard range and to not
press additional charges.
Judge James Sawyer ordered a
presentence investigation and
said he will give Hermann credit
for the time served so far. He or-
dered him held pending sentenc-
ing on March 25.
T vo get
mr shellfish
v" mations
Two men were sentenced for
unrelated shellfish violations in
Mason County Superior Court
last week.
Johnny Ray Michaels, 34, of
120 West Kneeland, Shelton, was
sentenced last Thursday in Ma-
son County Superior Court to six
months in jail for commercial
fishing without a license.
"There is no record of any sales
to any restaurants at all," defense
attorney Eric Valley said.
Judge James Sawyer was con-
cerned about the county's shell-
fish industry and "the potential
threat to that entire industry" by
the sale of illegal clams." He gave
Michaels credit for 21 days al-
ready served, 12 months of post-
release supervision, a $2,000 fine,
$240 in court costs and a $500 ob-
ligation to the crime victims'
fund. Valley said he plans to ap-
peal the conviction. Sawyer set an
appeal bond of $15,000.
David Wayne Fairbanks, a
32-year-old carpenter from Min-
nesota, was sentenced Thursday
to 80 hours of community service
for violating the state law protect-
ing shellfish. Deputy Prosecutor
Reinhold Schuetz said Fairbanks
has cooperated with authorities
in the investigation of David Guy,
who last month pled guilty to
three shellfish violations.
Judge Sawyer sentenced Fair-
banks to 10 days in jail and con-
verted those days to 80 hours of
community service he may be
able to do in Minnesota. Sawyer
also ordered him to pay a $500
fine, $255.80 in court costs and
$500 to the crime victims' fund.
In other cases:
Jeffrey Kuehnau, 36, of
411 Way to Tipperary, Shelton,
pled guilty to possession of mari-
juana. Another count of posses-
sion of methamphetamine was
dismissed at the request of Depu-
ty Prosecutor Amber Finlay.
Kuehnau was arrested on Sep-
tember 25 with a pipe that had
marijuana residue.
Judge Sawyer scheduled sen-
tencing for March 18.
Christopher Keith, 23, of
601 Firwood Court, Shelton, pled
guilty to theft in the second de-
He was arrested December 18
and charged with theft and bur-
glary. The state alleged that he
entered a Shelton home and stole
a revolver and other items, but
Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz moved to dismiss the
burglary charge in exchange for
the guilty plea.
Keith told the court that he
found a bank card on the side-
walk and used it to get $300 from
a cash machine on December 18.
Judge Sawyer scheduled sen-
tencing for March 18. Ron Sergi is
the defense attorney.
John Fleshman, age 35, of
Eells Hill Road, Shelton, pled
guilty to jumping bail.
He failed to appear for a De-
cember 7 hearing on a charge of
felony eluding. He was convicted
on that charge last month.
Judge Sawyer scheduled sen-
tencing for March 25.
Wayne McCord, 28, of 2133
Montana Boulevard, Shelton,
pied guilty to unlawful issuance
of bank checks.
He took the checks from his
grandfather, who does not wish
prosecution at this time, accord-
ing to the court record.
Deputy Prosecutor Amber Fin-
lay said the victim's main con-
cerns are restitution and the de-
fendant's need for treatment. She
plans to recommend that he re-
ceive in-patient treatment instead
of jail time.
McCord made an Alford plea.
That means he maintains his in-
nocence but thinks the evidence
against him is such that a convic-
tion is likely.
Judge Sawyer ordered a pre-
sentence investigation and sched-
uled sentencing for April 15.
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Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9
court roundup:
o identified in SHS break-in
Couple from the Mason
faces charges stem-
a break-in at the Shel-
School Auditorium
after 2 a.m. on February
of Jessica
22, and Don-
:t Williams, 23, of East
Lake Drive South is
ed for today in Mason
SUperior Court. They
in the early morn-
trs of February 26 and
Mason County Jail.
! aras faces charges of bur-
the second degree and
of burglary tools.
an faces charges of bur-
the second degree and
drug }hernalia.
officers dis-
to the high school at 2:19
26 found Gueydan
Parked behind the audi-
to court papers.
car was an aluminum
uana residue, po-
told police that
head had gone to use a
the other side of the
according to the arrest-
police investigated they
Unsecured door on the
of the building and
noise inside when they
The arresting officer
to the front and saw
out the front door,
court papers.
Williams was taken
Court papers in-
had a flashlight and a
knife, while nearby
a pair of pliers which
when he saw the
Police said.
two Were identified in con-
the charges on Fri-
James Sawyer found
indigent, appointing
Charles Lane to represent Guey-
dan and Ron Sergi to represent
Williams. He found probable
cause for their arrest, although
he expressed some reluctance in
Gueydan's case. "It's not the
strongest probable cause I've ever
seen," he said.
The couple was ordered to stay
away from Shelton High School
and to have no contact with one
another. Gueydan will be staying
with her grandparents, she said.
IN OTHER proceedings last
week in Mason County Superior
Michael Dismas Morris-
sey, 38, identified as a Shelton
transient, was identified on Feb-
ruary 24 in connection with alle-
gations of rape of a child in the
second degree and child molesta-
tion in the second degree.
Sawyer found him to be indi-
gent and appointed Lane to be his
attorney. The judge set bail at
$15,000 and told him to stay
away from the alleged victim and
from malls, schools and other
places where children congregate.
His arraignment was sched-
uled for today.
Sterling Jarnigan, 27, will
not be facing charges of malicious
Sawyer signed an order dis-
missing the charge because he is
currently serving a sentence for
aggravated murder that won't be
completed until 2141.
Jarnigan was arraigned last
October on charges of malicious
mischief connected with his stay
at the Washington Corrections
Center in Shelton.
"There's nothing you can do to
me," he said at that time.
Jack Wesley Johnston,
63, of 650 West Boyer Road, Shel-
ton, has decided not to fight his
extradition to Utah.
He is wanted there as a fugi-
tive from justice who failed to
meet the terms of his release. On
Friday he signed a waiver of his
right to fight extradition.
Timothy Monroe Long-
shore, 31, of North 170 Tribal
Center Road, Shelton pled not
guilty Thursday to burglary in
the second degree.
Judge Sawyer set bail at
$5,000 and scheduled the case for
an omnibus hearing on April 1,
pretrial on April 28 and trial dur-
ing the jury term beginning May
Judge Sawyer ordered a war-
rant for the arrest of Vickie
Ecklund, 30, of 120 West Knee-
land Street, Shelton, who failed to
appear at a pretrial hearing
scheduled for February 24.
She was arrested January 22
and booked on potential charges
of forgery and unlawful posses-
sion of drugs.
A warrant was ordered for
the arrest of Brian E. Guenth.
er, 35, whose last known address
is 1601 Canyon Road East, Puyal-
lup. He failed to appear for a pre-
trial hearing on February 24. De-
fense attorney George Steele said
he hasn't seen his client. Sawyer
ordered the forfeiture of his
$5,000 bail and set a new bail
amount of $25,000. Guenther was
arraigned December 31 for pos-
session of methamphetamine and
possession of the illegal drug with
intent to deliver.
ON MONDAY, Belfair resi-
dent Walter John Goit, 47, of
11251 NE North Shore Road was
identified in connection with
charges of assault in the second
He was arrested after sheriffs
deputies were dispatched to a call
about a jogger who had nearly
been run over by a pickup truck.
According to court papers they
found a "visibly shaken" Jeffrey
Alan Hartman, a 49-year-old Cal-
ifornia man with a vacation home
on Hood Canal.
Hartman owns Belfair Sand
and Gravel, where Goit was em-
ployed for 13 years. He told police
that Goit tried to run him over
because he fired him last Novem-
ber 11 for assaulting customers
and stealing, according to court
"On a few occasions when
(Hartman) tried to show prospec-
tive buyers his company, Walter
would disrupt the meetings in or-
der to possibly prevent people
from buying the company," depu-
ties wrote in their official state-
ment giving the cause of Goit's ar-
Judge Toni Sheldon found
probable cause for Goit's arrest.
She set bail at $5,000 and sched-
uled his arraignment for March
In their probable cause state-
ment deputies described a brief
interview with Goit at the Mason
County Jail. He told them he
didn't try to run Hartman over
but just stopped to talk to him for
"ruining the last 20 years of his
life," according to court papers.
Attorney Ken Bratt is Goit's at-
torney. Judge Sheldon ordered
Goit to stay away from Belfair
Sand and Gravel.
* Shawn Edward Olson, 28,
of 113 South Aberdeen Road,
Morton, will be arraigned March
18 on charges of unlawful is-
suance of six bank checks.
Judge Sheldon identified him
Monday in connection with charg-
es that he wrote six checks total-
ing $2,103 after his account was
closed at Peninsula Federal Cred-
it Union. He denied writing the
checks but handwriting analysis
determined he was the writer, ac-
cording to court papers.
Sheldon set bail at $3,000.
, alcohol cited as court
down sentence for assault
defendants who had
felonies were sen-
Mason County Superior
Thomas Shonkwil-
sentenced last Thurs-
months in jail for bur-
degree assault in
with an attack on a
)elieved was having an
whose most recent
dress was 3700 East
Road, Shelton, was
abstain from drinking
for alcohol and
;e. Defense attorney
said Shonkwiler has
meetings of Alcohol-
and asked that he
Iced on the low end of
ave him a mid-range
included six more
SUspended time on the
arge: 30 days converted
)Urs of community ser-
on work release and
in day reporting. He
}ay $221.10 in court
to the crime vic-
A restitution hearing
for March 25.
Anders Borst, 19,
County was sen-
ys in jail for theft
gave him credit
already served and
ney's fees. The victim said he
doesn't want any restitution.
Borst will be under supervision
for 12 months after his release.
He will do his jail time on three
consecutive weekends so that he
can keep his job at Arby's Restau-
rant. "It's one of them things I re-
gret doing," Borst said.
James Ray Speas, 23, of
1504 Center, Shelton, was sen-
tenced 60 days in jail for posses-
sion of stolen property in the sec-
ond degree.
Judge Sawyer converted 20 of
the days to 160 hours of commu-
nity service and said Speas could
serve the rest of the time concur-
rently with a 30-day sentence for
disorderly conduct handed down
in Mason County District Court.
Authorities will have to deal
with an earlier order by District
Court Judge Victoria Meadows
that Speas have no contact with
the Washington Department of
Corrections, since he will be un-
der state supervision in the supe-
rior court case. "I think it's a little
dysfunctional for him to have a
no-contact order with the Depart-
ment of Corrections," Sawyer
Sawyer ordered him to pay
$110 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
wards his attorney's fees. A resti-
tution hearing was scheduled for
days to 168 hours of April 5.
Service. The judge or- David Charles Ferber, 35,
°,pay $174.05 in court of 71 East Balbriggan Road, Shel-
} the crime victims ton, was given eight months in
towards hm attor- jail for the unlawful issuance of
10$ West Railroad Ave.
bank checks to NAPA Auto Parts
and the Simpson Community
Federal Credit Union.
Ferber said the NAPA check
went sour when another check to
him bounced. He said he's been
coaching youth baseball and go-
ing to church and that he's tried
to straighten up since moving to
Shelton four years ago.
"I have tried really hard to re-
frain from criminal activity," he
said. Defense attorney Charles
Lane said Ferber is "an involved
member of the community. He's
not just somebody who lives in
Shelton and does nothing."
But a presentence report pre-
pared for the court found that
he's been in trouble with the law
before. "Mr. Ferber, you have
amassed a substantial criminal
record, and it's going to take you
some time to live it down," Judge
Sawyer said.
Sawyer converted 30 days of
jail time to 240 hours of commu-
nity service. Ferber may be eligi-
ble for day reporting after he
serves 30 days of jail time. He
will be under supervision for 12
months after his release. He was
ordered to pay $450 in court
costs, $1,000 to the crime victims'
fund and $400 towards his attor-
ney's fees. He was also ordered to
pay $5,146.09 in restitution.
Joseph Raymond Madril
Jr., 23, a former Fort Lewis sol-
dier, was sentenced to 40 days in
jail for theft in the second degree.
Judge Sawyer converted 30
days to 240 hours of community
service. He ordered Madril to pay
$156.40 in court costs, $500 to the
crime victims' fund and $350 to-
wards his attorney's fees.
Madril was arrested after
guns, money and a CD player
were stolen during a party at the
Gene Crater home in Shelton.
The Craters said he took $1,700
they had put aside for their
daughter's college education.
In arguing for leniency, de-
fense attorney Charles Lane
pointed out that Madril was dis-
charged from the U.S. Army be-
cause of the incident. "He has
been penalized for this action al-
ready in a very significant man-
ner. His entire military career
has been thrown out the window
because of the poor judgment
made on one night under the in-
fluence of alcohol," Lane said.
. by auto
Call us for
i a quote.
You'll be
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Mutual 000numclaw
Arnold & Smith
Insurance Agency, Inc.
426-3317 1535 Olympic Highway North, Shelton
Defendants admit guilt:
Plea changes resolve five
cases short of jury trials
A west-county resident who ad-
mitted burglarizing a vacationing
resident's home was one of
several defendants who entered
changes of pleas to resolve pend-
ing criminal cases in Mason
County Superior Court last week.
Nathan Hermann, 20, of
2040 West Highland Road, Shel-
ton, pled guilty to residential bur-
glary and theft in the second de-
The state charged that he en-
tered a home through an open
window when the owners were on
vacation and stole a motor vehicle
worth more that $1,500.
"I am guilty of the two crimes,
the theft in the first and the
burglary," Hermann said.
In exchange for the guilty plea
Deputy Prosecutor Amber Finlay
agreed to recommend a sentence
in the standard range and to not
press additional charges.
Judge James Sawyer ordered a
presentence investigation and
said he will give Hermann credit
for the time served so far. He or-
dered him held pending sentenc-
ing on March 25.
T vo get
mr shellfish
v" mations
Two men were sentenced for
unrelated shellfish violations in
Mason County Superior Court
last week.
Johnny Ray Michaels, 34, of
120 West Kneeland, Shelton, was
sentenced last Thursday in Ma-
son County Superior Court to six
months in jail for commercial
fishing without a license.
"There is no record of any sales
to any restaurants at all," defense
attorney Eric Valley said.
Judge James Sawyer was con-
cerned about the county's shell-
fish industry and "the potential
threat to that entire industry" by
the sale of illegal clams." He gave
Michaels credit for 21 days al-
ready served, 12 months of post-
release supervision, a $2,000 fine,
$240 in court costs and a $500 ob-
ligation to the crime victims'
fund. Valley said he plans to ap-
peal the conviction. Sawyer set an
appeal bond of $15,000.
David Wayne Fairbanks, a
32-year-old carpenter from Min-
nesota, was sentenced Thursday
to 80 hours of community service
for violating the state law protect-
ing shellfish. Deputy Prosecutor
Reinhold Schuetz said Fairbanks
has cooperated with authorities
in the investigation of David Guy,
who last month pled guilty to
three shellfish violations.
Judge Sawyer sentenced Fair-
banks to 10 days in jail and con-
verted those days to 80 hours of
community service he may be
able to do in Minnesota. Sawyer
also ordered him to pay a $500
fine, $255.80 in court costs and
$500 to the crime victims' fund.
In other cases:
Jeffrey Kuehnau, 36, of
411 Way to Tipperary, Shelton,
pled guilty to possession of mari-
juana. Another count of posses-
sion of methamphetamine was
dismissed at the request of Depu-
ty Prosecutor Amber Finlay.
Kuehnau was arrested on Sep-
tember 25 with a pipe that had
marijuana residue.
Judge Sawyer scheduled sen-
tencing for March 18.
Christopher Keith, 23, of
601 Firwood Court, Shelton, pled
guilty to theft in the second de-
He was arrested December 18
and charged with theft and bur-
glary. The state alleged that he
entered a Shelton home and stole
a revolver and other items, but
Deputy Prosecutor Reinhold
Schuetz moved to dismiss the
burglary charge in exchange for
the guilty plea.
Keith told the court that he
found a bank card on the side-
walk and used it to get $300 from
a cash machine on December 18.
Judge Sawyer scheduled sen-
tencing for March 18. Ron Sergi is
the defense attorney.
John Fleshman, age 35, of
Eells Hill Road, Shelton, pled
guilty to jumping bail.
He failed to appear for a De-
cember 7 hearing on a charge of
felony eluding. He was convicted
on that charge last month.
Judge Sawyer scheduled sen-
tencing for March 25.
Wayne McCord, 28, of 2133
Montana Boulevard, Shelton,
pied guilty to unlawful issuance
of bank checks.
He took the checks from his
grandfather, who does not wish
prosecution at this time, accord-
ing to the court record.
Deputy Prosecutor Amber Fin-
lay said the victim's main con-
cerns are restitution and the de-
fendant's need for treatment. She
plans to recommend that he re-
ceive in-patient treatment instead
of jail time.
McCord made an Alford plea.
That means he maintains his in-
nocence but thinks the evidence
against him is such that a convic-
tion is likely.
Judge Sawyer ordered a pre-
sentence investigation and sched-
uled sentencing for April 15.
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Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 9