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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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World Day of Prayer ]event set for Friday [ .World Day of Prayer will be a short slide presentation on I Served in Shelton at 1:30 Venezuela. !IIil ll: tomorrow, March 5, at Participants will be from liiI! Qaelton United Methodist the Methodist, Faith Luther- Ill %ch. an, Mount Olive Lutheran IiI ,.Edith Johnson, a retired churches and Church of the Ill Slonary who until recently Nazarene. We welcome all Ill ed in Venezuela and now peonle of faith, both men and lit . in the local community, women," Johnson said. Child- III be the speaker care can be arran ed, she add- I:I]::i,: Gods Tender Touch" is the ed, by calling the church at pit merae for World Day of Prayer 426-4174. • ,|1 observances in 170 countries Offerings received on World Ji ar0Und the world. The local Day of Prayer help support IlS Vlce, at 1900 King Street, is Church Women United's ecu- Ils-P°ns°redbyFaithLutheran menical work toward justice gt ChUrch and Shelton United and peace, particularly wom- dbYl, Iethodist Church. en's projects in the United il States Christian women,in Vent- and Venezuela, John- ela wrote this year s service, son shin. t#iI:l hch."celebrates the gift of The sponsoring churches il s love," says spokesperson will host a reception following ue Johnson. It will begin with the prayer service. 'Gene at'on J ' r 1 esus Faith Lutheran Church to mark 50th an nivers00arY this weekend . ing the milestone will be a Satur- instruction for seventh- and Faith Lutheran Church. choir, a youth choir, a praise- theme for this special service is "The Household of Faith," based on Galatians 6:10: "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Pastor Neil Thompson notes, "Faith Lutheran Church has been blessed by God because there has been an understanding that both of these elements - the reaching out in love to the unchurched, and the loving support between mem- bers - need to be an integral part day evening banquet for mem- bers and guests. There will be special music by the youth, bell and adult choirs and the praise band. Paul Barber is the current director of music ministries at Faith. THE FORMER pastors and their spouses will share memo- ries of their ministries with those at the banquet. Last month, as a prelude to the anniversary cele- bration, the former pastors deliv- ered guest sermons. eighth-graders resulting in membership in the church. When her family approached the pastor of Mount Olive Luther- an Church, a Missouri Synod church, he said Joan would have to repeat her first year of instruc- tion in order to be confirmed in that church. She persisted and her pastor, Chester Blake, from Bremerton agreed to teach her classes every other week in Shel- ton. Joan Hart is still an active member today. By the end of the first year, church membership reached 73 with Ladies Aid membership at 28. The average Sunday atten- dance was 43. Average atten- dance for January of 1999 was 246. Faith Lutheran Church of- fers two services on Sunday, one with the traditional liturgy and the other a contemporary praise- and-prayer service led by a band. THE CONGREGATION pur- chased property at the corner of and-prayer contemporary band and a handbell choir. The long- est tenure for a choir director was Herb Vonhofs 23 years. By 1976, the congregation was faced with the decision of build- ing another church. The current church on Mountain View was was dedicated in March, 1978. LAST MAY A new fellowship hall and classroom addition was dedicated, nearly doubling the square-footage of the church. Pastor Thompson, who has Pastor Robinson and his wife AFTER CONDUCTING a Seventh and Franklin streets in ministered with his wife Edie '"'youth .... days planned congregation."°fthe life and ministry of the Sandy ministered at Faith for door-to-door survey, Pastor March of 1950tobuildachurch. since 1990, notes all the hard '':. p PASTOR KEN Robinson, who almost two decades, half of his Blake discovered there were The first worship service was work by scores of members in- fij  lens are developing for the pie aged 13 through 25, ac- served at Faith from 1970to 1989, professional life, he wrote for a Lutheran families whose spirit- held on February 3, 1952 and the volved organizing the 50th anni- l:eration Jesus event, de- cordingto planners, will deliver the sermon titled church history. He now serves at ual needs were not being met. He building was dedicated on May versary celebration. He antici- } U'hed as a l!fe-changing Information on the event, "Children of the Call." Also par- Vinland Lutheran Church in applied to the Regional Home Poulsbo. Missions Council of the National 4. pates a large turnout for Sun- HI La conference,' set for Fri- which will include giveaways, ticipating in the service will be Pastor Margaret O'Neal, cur- Lutheran Church for a more for- The first couple to be married day's single service. "We're go- Hi , and Saturday, March 26 live bands and video presenta- all the living former pastors. t:: 27, at the Shelton High tions as well as speakers, is They include Margaret and John rently serving as associate pat- mal survey to be conducted in inandtheGerrinew church(Haugen)WereHimlie,Vince ingdicts.tO have a great time," he pre- 1 : Q°°lAuditorium available from Mike or Melody O'Neal, J Bernard Bretheim tor at Saint Mark s Lutheran  :'":I ' " • , Church in Tacoma, was the first II!II!!H!iH!ilH!H!lflHHfll!H!!l!l!ilHl!!!l!!!Hllil!lHIIH!fiflHflll I III gn'edUfor young peo- )]ds'at'426-99. ' ........... " Don Clinton and Carl Carlsen. paid lay assistant, hired in Sep- m-"" 00[irhe day hope aleS tember of1984. Since her depar- ,m , I I i:  turein 1987, Linda Cargill has YYige Ii i and youth ministries; last May License5 0  I • she introduced a puppet minis- try. , Ill!liIliIliiI!lllliliIllllIIIIIliIIIIIIIlIIlIliI!illllIllllIIli!lilll!llll!il : In 1987 Margaret ONeal and Applying for marriage licenses FINDING YOURSELF IN A FIX  KEITH_ _Qw ly hoeless, that it demanded it. Well, folks, the her husband John both decided to during the week, according to the Car owners who are intent upon selling their old cars and pur- igh'ofmankind was so "utterly hopeless" that attend Luther Theological Semi- Mason County Auditor's Office, chasing new ones may wonder if it pays to make any necessary r, 'ld'had to'be written into the situation nary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. were: lr] --lut-what if what you hope for does not hap- He now serves as an interim James Bruce Benedict, 52, of repairs before selling. In most cases, the answer is thai car own- '--,oor • "  . ers are better off making the necessary repairs prior to selling I .... or the death of President John F. pen. Then what. Could you lose hope alto pastor for the Southwest Synod. Shelton and Lisa Dione Melian, ii::llaedy.., or the death of Princess Diana. Do a i[!treaember how you felt in your gut when you I m  heard the news? | a gnawing pain that wouldn't go away... | I;i: - a feeling of despair (what will I/we do IK .ow?) I I] - a sense of hopelessness for the future... W_ l ut, let me add one more event. How about ilaSSassination of the Son Of God who had _e to dwell among His own creation (us), lived Sinless and b but faced false accu I1:."! lameless life, I O_as, undeserved pain and suffering, separa- ! his friends and family, and death in a tl'om €l':saken way - at the hands of religious 'Ple. !:/here, may I ask, was hope in the midst of ; ,Clrcumstances? His disciples scattered (one r .betrayed him), his family members - except i 'aIs mother - seemed further confirmed in Unbelief, and the multitudes who loved and Wed him changed political parties mid-trial! gether? What adds to this problem is when our hopes revolve around me, mine, myself. Or, if I live mainly for today and forget about tomorrow, or, when my plans or dreams or visions fail. The kingdom that Christ's disciples had lost at his death left them hurt, despairing and hope-less. They all scattered, it seemed, and some had trou- ble finding their way back. Even Herod Antipas did not get his miracle he hoped for. However, it is the object of your hope that is important (the character and nature of the one you are hoping in... ) and we learn that God is spoken of as "the God of Hope" (Romans 15:13). This changes everything. The cross was not final. Yes, Jesus died on the cross for mankind's sins, but he rose again. Thomas, one of the Lord's disciples, was not present when Jesus appeared to the others. He said he would not believe that Jesus was raised from the dead unless he could see the nail wounds and scars in Jesus' hands. Eight days Cary's Tire & Repair ° 426-9762 Only hope in the whole story is of wicked later, the disciples were together again and Herod Antipas who ...hope(d) to have seen Thomas was with them. "But suddenly Jesus iracle" (Luke 23:8). Talk about hopeless! appeared. He said to Thomas, 'Put your at is hope? It is a favorable and confi- fingers into My hands. Put your hands Xpectation" - like for an income-tax re- into My side. Don't be faithless any long- or for a mailed rebate, or for no rain in er. Believe!'" Port (122.06" since November - a real test And He says to us today: Just believe! Don't to be sure!). Hope is believing that some- give in to hopelessness. Let faith come alive. See :  gill happen. . . that Christ is alive. Let God change the darkness I!}ol a ke Abraham for instance. "Against all of your situation to the hope and light of a new :}, ' (he) in hope believed and so day. Ii :: "" Romans 4,18. He had almost fallen Thomas said, "My Lord and my God!" h' i at most blasphemous word "hopeless," but Make your statement of faith in the presence of Il  ad he held on. Jesus today. Say it from your heart, "My Lord I[ ancient Greek drama the playwrights were and My God." (And rest assured, there is no rain ..... :" ed th ' .i e . at Almighty God should not be written in the immediate forecast in Hoodsportl - let us :.Ii:: -er plays unless the situation was so utter- all take heart.) PASTOR (BEN) J. Bernard Bretheim and his wife Hildur served Faith from 1952 to 1958. He is now retired. Pastor Don Clinton, also re- tired, was interim pastor during 1989 and 1990. He ministered with his wife Audrey and ex- pressed his delight at being in- cluded in the celebrations during his sermon last Sunday. The first pastor to serve Faith was John DeBoer, who came to Shelton in October of 1948, and served the congregation here with his wife Nina until 1952. It was he who reported to the mis- sion board in 1948 that there was 42, of Federal Way. Robert Thomas, 18, of Mc- Cleary and Laura Schroeder, 19, of Shelton. Richard Glenn Hallek, 47, of Issaquah and Mary Frances Her- nandez, 41, of Shelton. Fernando Cruz Santos, 35, of Shelton and Roberta Rawlings, 29, of Shelton. Harvey Wayne Hedman, 60, of Shelton and Janice Lee Banks, 51, of Shelton. Curtis Duane Story, 36, of Shelton and Carla Keele, 31, of Shelton. James W. Jansen, 26, of Belfair and Heather L. Stoffel, 24, of Bel- fair. than if they were to sell their cars "as is." Usually, they will find that, by spending a few hundred dollars on repairs that put their vehicles in good running order, they can increase the value of their cars by thousands of dollars. On the other hand, by making a decision not to repair their cars, they limit the number of pro- spective buyers to those who are looking for a project. If you are wondering whether to put more money into your car before selling it, stop In and ask us for an appraisal to help you out. At CARY'S TIRE AND REPAIR, family-run since 1961, when you talk, we listen. We've spent years in the automotive service business, which means that we know what customers want, and we deliver. We're at 202 South First Street. (426-9762) HINT: Those who sell cars in need of repair often find that prospective buyers will deduct the cost of repairs from the ask- ing price anyway. OLYMPIC COLLEGE Interested in a Part-Time Registered Nurse (RN) Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Program? WE NEED YOU TO COMPLETE A SURVEY ,] It's quick & easy! Please call (360) 475-7750 or 1-800-259-6718 (Ext. 7750) by March 19th Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 13 World Day of Prayer ]event set for Friday [ .World Day of Prayer will be a short slide presentation on I Served in Shelton at 1:30 Venezuela. !IIil ll: tomorrow, March 5, at Participants will be from liiI! Qaelton United Methodist the Methodist, Faith Luther- Ill %ch. an, Mount Olive Lutheran IiI ,.Edith Johnson, a retired churches and Church of the Ill Slonary who until recently Nazarene. We welcome all Ill ed in Venezuela and now peonle of faith, both men and lit . in the local community, women," Johnson said. Child- III be the speaker care can be arran ed, she add- I:I]::i,: Gods Tender Touch" is the ed, by calling the church at pit merae for World Day of Prayer 426-4174. • ,|1 observances in 170 countries Offerings received on World Ji ar0Und the world. The local Day of Prayer help support IlS Vlce, at 1900 King Street, is Church Women United's ecu- Ils-P°ns°redbyFaithLutheran menical work toward justice gt ChUrch and Shelton United and peace, particularly wom- dbYl, Iethodist Church. en's projects in the United il States Christian women,in Vent- and Venezuela, John- ela wrote this year s service, son shin. t#iI:l hch."celebrates the gift of The sponsoring churches il s love," says spokesperson will host a reception following ue Johnson. It will begin with the prayer service. 'Gene at'on J ' r 1 esus Faith Lutheran Church to mark 50th an nivers00arY this weekend . ing the milestone will be a Satur- instruction for seventh- and Faith Lutheran Church. choir, a youth choir, a praise- theme for this special service is "The Household of Faith," based on Galatians 6:10: "So then, as we have opportunity, let us do good to all, and especially to those who are of the household of faith." Pastor Neil Thompson notes, "Faith Lutheran Church has been blessed by God because there has been an understanding that both of these elements - the reaching out in love to the unchurched, and the loving support between mem- bers - need to be an integral part day evening banquet for mem- bers and guests. There will be special music by the youth, bell and adult choirs and the praise band. Paul Barber is the current director of music ministries at Faith. THE FORMER pastors and their spouses will share memo- ries of their ministries with those at the banquet. Last month, as a prelude to the anniversary cele- bration, the former pastors deliv- ered guest sermons. eighth-graders resulting in membership in the church. When her family approached the pastor of Mount Olive Luther- an Church, a Missouri Synod church, he said Joan would have to repeat her first year of instruc- tion in order to be confirmed in that church. She persisted and her pastor, Chester Blake, from Bremerton agreed to teach her classes every other week in Shel- ton. Joan Hart is still an active member today. By the end of the first year, church membership reached 73 with Ladies Aid membership at 28. The average Sunday atten- dance was 43. Average atten- dance for January of 1999 was 246. Faith Lutheran Church of- fers two services on Sunday, one with the traditional liturgy and the other a contemporary praise- and-prayer service led by a band. THE CONGREGATION pur- chased property at the corner of and-prayer contemporary band and a handbell choir. The long- est tenure for a choir director was Herb Vonhofs 23 years. By 1976, the congregation was faced with the decision of build- ing another church. The current church on Mountain View was was dedicated in March, 1978. LAST MAY A new fellowship hall and classroom addition was dedicated, nearly doubling the square-footage of the church. Pastor Thompson, who has Pastor Robinson and his wife AFTER CONDUCTING a Seventh and Franklin streets in ministered with his wife Edie '"'youth .... days planned congregation."°fthe life and ministry of the Sandy ministered at Faith for door-to-door survey, Pastor March of 1950tobuildachurch. since 1990, notes all the hard '':. p PASTOR KEN Robinson, who almost two decades, half of his Blake discovered there were The first worship service was work by scores of members in- fij  lens are developing for the pie aged 13 through 25, ac- served at Faith from 1970to 1989, professional life, he wrote for a Lutheran families whose spirit- held on February 3, 1952 and the volved organizing the 50th anni- l:eration Jesus event, de- cordingto planners, will deliver the sermon titled church history. He now serves at ual needs were not being met. He building was dedicated on May versary celebration. He antici- } U'hed as a l!fe-changing Information on the event, "Children of the Call." Also par- Vinland Lutheran Church in applied to the Regional Home Poulsbo. Missions Council of the National 4. pates a large turnout for Sun- HI La conference,' set for Fri- which will include giveaways, ticipating in the service will be Pastor Margaret O'Neal, cur- Lutheran Church for a more for- The first couple to be married day's single service. "We're go- Hi , and Saturday, March 26 live bands and video presenta- all the living former pastors. t:: 27, at the Shelton High tions as well as speakers, is They include Margaret and John rently serving as associate pat- mal survey to be conducted in inandtheGerrinew church(Haugen)WereHimlie,Vince ingdicts.tO have a great time," he pre- 1 : Q°°lAuditorium available from Mike or Melody O'Neal, J Bernard Bretheim tor at Saint Mark s Lutheran  :'":I ' " • , Church in Tacoma, was the first II!II!!H!iH!ilH!H!lflHHfll!H!!l!l!ilHl!!!l!!!Hllil!lHIIH!fiflHflll I III gn'edUfor young peo- )]ds'at'426-99. ' ........... " Don Clinton and Carl Carlsen. paid lay assistant, hired in Sep- m-"" 00[irhe day hope aleS tember of1984. Since her depar- ,m , I I i:  turein 1987, Linda Cargill has YYige Ii i and youth ministries; last May License5 0  I • she introduced a puppet minis- try. , Ill!liIliIliiI!lllliliIllllIIIIIliIIIIIIIlIIlIliI!illllIllllIIli!lilll!llll!il : In 1987 Margaret ONeal and Applying for marriage licenses FINDING YOURSELF IN A FIX  KEITH_ _Qw ly hoeless, that it demanded it. Well, folks, the her husband John both decided to during the week, according to the Car owners who are intent upon selling their old cars and pur- igh'ofmankind was so "utterly hopeless" that attend Luther Theological Semi- Mason County Auditor's Office, chasing new ones may wonder if it pays to make any necessary r, 'ld'had to'be written into the situation nary in Saint Paul, Minnesota. were: lr] --lut-what if what you hope for does not hap- He now serves as an interim James Bruce Benedict, 52, of repairs before selling. In most cases, the answer is thai car own- '--,oor • "  . ers are better off making the necessary repairs prior to selling I .... or the death of President John F. pen. Then what. Could you lose hope alto pastor for the Southwest Synod. Shelton and Lisa Dione Melian, ii::llaedy.., or the death of Princess Diana. Do a i[!treaember how you felt in your gut when you I m  heard the news? | a gnawing pain that wouldn't go away... | I;i: - a feeling of despair (what will I/we do IK .ow?) I I] - a sense of hopelessness for the future... W_ l ut, let me add one more event. How about ilaSSassination of the Son Of God who had _e to dwell among His own creation (us), lived Sinless and b but faced false accu I1:."! lameless life, I O_as, undeserved pain and suffering, separa- ! his friends and family, and death in a tl'om €l':saken way - at the hands of religious 'Ple. !:/here, may I ask, was hope in the midst of ; ,Clrcumstances? His disciples scattered (one r .betrayed him), his family members - except i 'aIs mother - seemed further confirmed in Unbelief, and the multitudes who loved and Wed him changed political parties mid-trial! gether? What adds to this problem is when our hopes revolve around me, mine, myself. Or, if I live mainly for today and forget about tomorrow, or, when my plans or dreams or visions fail. The kingdom that Christ's disciples had lost at his death left them hurt, despairing and hope-less. They all scattered, it seemed, and some had trou- ble finding their way back. Even Herod Antipas did not get his miracle he hoped for. However, it is the object of your hope that is important (the character and nature of the one you are hoping in... ) and we learn that God is spoken of as "the God of Hope" (Romans 15:13). This changes everything. The cross was not final. Yes, Jesus died on the cross for mankind's sins, but he rose again. Thomas, one of the Lord's disciples, was not present when Jesus appeared to the others. He said he would not believe that Jesus was raised from the dead unless he could see the nail wounds and scars in Jesus' hands. Eight days Cary's Tire & Repair ° 426-9762 Only hope in the whole story is of wicked later, the disciples were together again and Herod Antipas who ...hope(d) to have seen Thomas was with them. "But suddenly Jesus iracle" (Luke 23:8). Talk about hopeless! appeared. He said to Thomas, 'Put your at is hope? It is a favorable and confi- fingers into My hands. Put your hands Xpectation" - like for an income-tax re- into My side. Don't be faithless any long- or for a mailed rebate, or for no rain in er. Believe!'" Port (122.06" since November - a real test And He says to us today: Just believe! Don't to be sure!). Hope is believing that some- give in to hopelessness. Let faith come alive. See :  gill happen. . . that Christ is alive. Let God change the darkness I!}ol a ke Abraham for instance. "Against all of your situation to the hope and light of a new :}, ' (he) in hope believed and so day. Ii :: "" Romans 4,18. He had almost fallen Thomas said, "My Lord and my God!" h' i at most blasphemous word "hopeless," but Make your statement of faith in the presence of Il  ad he held on. Jesus today. Say it from your heart, "My Lord I[ ancient Greek drama the playwrights were and My God." (And rest assured, there is no rain ..... :" ed th ' .i e . at Almighty God should not be written in the immediate forecast in Hoodsportl - let us :.Ii:: -er plays unless the situation was so utter- all take heart.) PASTOR (BEN) J. Bernard Bretheim and his wife Hildur served Faith from 1952 to 1958. He is now retired. Pastor Don Clinton, also re- tired, was interim pastor during 1989 and 1990. He ministered with his wife Audrey and ex- pressed his delight at being in- cluded in the celebrations during his sermon last Sunday. The first pastor to serve Faith was John DeBoer, who came to Shelton in October of 1948, and served the congregation here with his wife Nina until 1952. It was he who reported to the mis- sion board in 1948 that there was 42, of Federal Way. Robert Thomas, 18, of Mc- Cleary and Laura Schroeder, 19, of Shelton. Richard Glenn Hallek, 47, of Issaquah and Mary Frances Her- nandez, 41, of Shelton. Fernando Cruz Santos, 35, of Shelton and Roberta Rawlings, 29, of Shelton. Harvey Wayne Hedman, 60, of Shelton and Janice Lee Banks, 51, of Shelton. Curtis Duane Story, 36, of Shelton and Carla Keele, 31, of Shelton. James W. Jansen, 26, of Belfair and Heather L. Stoffel, 24, of Bel- fair. than if they were to sell their cars "as is." Usually, they will find that, by spending a few hundred dollars on repairs that put their vehicles in good running order, they can increase the value of their cars by thousands of dollars. On the other hand, by making a decision not to repair their cars, they limit the number of pro- spective buyers to those who are looking for a project. If you are wondering whether to put more money into your car before selling it, stop In and ask us for an appraisal to help you out. At CARY'S TIRE AND REPAIR, family-run since 1961, when you talk, we listen. We've spent years in the automotive service business, which means that we know what customers want, and we deliver. We're at 202 South First Street. (426-9762) HINT: Those who sell cars in need of repair often find that prospective buyers will deduct the cost of repairs from the ask- ing price anyway. OLYMPIC COLLEGE Interested in a Part-Time Registered Nurse (RN) Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) Program? WE NEED YOU TO COMPLETE A SURVEY ,] It's quick & easy! Please call (360) 475-7750 or 1-800-259-6718 (Ext. 7750) by March 19th Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 13