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Health Mason General Hospital sets an April
:,'- • ientatio sio for junio olunte
00,:nannen00nas or n ses n r v ers
Mason General Hospital is call- the Junior Volunteer orientation said Shelly Hutchinson, volunteer interest." application, kids will be sched-
ing all budding Junior Volun- program set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. coordinator at MGH. "They will Those interested in becoming a uled for an interview prior to the
00v00l00'u'tipl 1 PP Leers. Saturday, April 17. be exposed to medical vocabulary, Junior Volunteer at MGH should orientation.
Youngsters between the ages of "This is an excellent opportuni- routines, policies and procedures, call Hutchinson at 427-2398 for Space at the orientation is lim-
e SC erosis su ort 4 and 18 who would like to vol- ty for someone who thinks they They will even have a chance to an application and return it be- ited, so early preregistration is
group will meet March 9 unteer at MGH to assist patients may go into the medical field," meet professionals in their line of fore April 9. After turning in an recommended.
and staff should plan to attend
L The Mason County Multiple Sclerosis Group will meet at
:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 9, at E1Wapatio restaurant, at MASON G EN E RAL HOS PI TAt.
entrance to Gateway Center on Mountain View in Shelton.
ends and spouses are welcome to join the group. Moreinfor- MGH .will
ation is available from Sylvia Hammond at 427-0710.
Diabetes support group to honor its F
learn about carbohydrates volunteers
'0unting carbohydrates, a continuation of the program from
month, will be the focus of the next meeting of Mason Gen- Volunteers of all ages at Mason
Hospitals diabetes support group set for 7 p.m. Thursday, General Hospital are asked to air- Welcome Back 1998 Babies!
'oh 11, in the Ellinor Room at the hospital. Karen Preston, cle the May 5 date on their calen-
H s registered dietician, and registered nurse Sue Bar- dars. Plans are underway for a baby "1998 Reunion" on Saturday, May I, 1999, from l 0 a.m. to noon at MGH.
, certified diabetic educator, will talk about how carbohy- That's the date set recently for There will be door prizes, a chance to see labor and delivery staff and meet other morns and dads who had
;es affect blood sugars and how to plan meals by counting Mason General's annual volun-
mhydrates., teer recognition party, which will a baby in 1998. Bring your camera. Watch for details!
e had many new people come in January to learn about be held from 4 to 6 p.m. in the E1-
pla.oi0000 by cou.ti.g oarbohy*ate00," 00eports Barwi00k linor Room at ho00,ita] Welcome to our January. Babies!
n't too late to join us to learn how to count carbohydrates." Cake and coffee will be served, The staff and physicians at MGH want to welcome the following babies* born in January at MGH.
he support group meets on the second Thursday of each said Shelly Hutchinson, volunteer Congratulations to the parents, siblings and grandparents!
Lth from September through June. More information is coordinator for the hospital. Ser-
liable from Barwick at 427-7332. vice pins and recognition for Ashley Lyn Boysen Tyson Robert Miller Alyssa Lynn Arehart
hours of service will be part of the Halley Marie Strong Jewelianna Marie Graden Anika Mae Davision
Alzh reception, Hutchinson said. Laynie MacAlevy Bryon Walter Smith, Jr. Levi Curtis Hiedeman
eimer's support group "Voluo,eer play a very vital Elizabeth Mary Sagerson Daniel Christopher Johnston John Lindon Framer II
day role at MGH," Hutchinson noted. Austini James McKeowni Benjamin Edward Stanford Erica Lin Humphreys
Sets meeting next Zhurs ,,00hoy assist with patient care, Michael Kevin Roush Jeffrey Duke McGee
]'he Mason County Alzheimer's Support Group will meet help with office work and with
b 11 a m to 1 p m Thursday, March 11, at Holiday Park discharging patients." ES. If you would like one-on-one care, a private birthing suite complete with Jacuzzi-type tubs, a birth plan, and the convenience
ti.rement Center, "First and Railroad in Shelton. The meet- More information on the recep- of having your next baby at Mason General Hospital; we have several family practice physicians, an obstetrician, and a certi fled
; za Open to anyone who wants to know more about caring for Lion is available from Hutchinson, nurse-midwife on staff. Call our pliysician referral line, 427-955 I, for the names and phone numbers.
rking with someone who has Alzheimer's and how to who would also like to talk to "Mom babies were born at Maaon General Hosptal durlng thls time. However, those lisled are lhe ones wc have pcrmissitm to print.
-It everyday problems. , . _ anyone who wants more informa-
Ose who need someone to care for the Alzneimer's patmnt Lion about volunteering at the
:stir charge so that they can attend the meeting may call Jan hospital. She can be reached at
,aer at STARS (Services To At-Risk Seniors)at 427-2176. 427-2398. News Briefs,,,
re information about the support group is available from
Re Robbins at 426-2529 or Terry Rupp at 427-2225. 1 • Mason General Hospital's Foundation recently Volunteers play a very vital role at MGH. They assist
announced the election oi officers for 1999. Serving as with patient care, help with office work and in discharging
COMMUNITY president is Sara Watkizlm, of Simpson Timber Company. patients. For more information on the reception or to
First vice president is retired john Deere ComPany inquire about volunteering, call Shelly Hutchinson at
" WOMEN'S executive Sam Edln, and Nancy Trucksess, a lor, al 427-2398.
)Vew 00qrrivals medical professionalissecondvicepresldent Laurie
• CLINIC McClanahan, owner of Vander Wegen &:Associates,
• Mended H [SUpport Group - Local internal
accounting, will once again serve as secretary/treasurer, specialist, Jon ,nd,berg, I.D., will discuss "Pacemakers
t.......m.m..........m....m......m..m......m...m.... CONNIE P. REANDEAU ARNP The officers began their work by announcing the kick- - The Ins and Outs at :IGH s next Mallei Hearts
lhranklin Rhodes Ill Tyajah Shineke Williams OB/GYN NURSE PRACTITIONER Off of their 1999 annual campaign goal of $ ! 50,000 to Support Ca'Oup meeUllg set for ursday, March ! 8,
t born on February 15 at was born on February 23 at and purchase medical and surgical equipment. 1999, at7 p.ra, in the WasllingtoB Room atMason General
Qeaeral Hospital to Daw- Mason General Hospital to Le- MARY HART, CNM, ARNP For more information on MGH's Foundation, call the Hospital. Dr. Sandberg is.highly regarded in pacemaker
and Harry F. Rhodes Jr. of keisha S. Bright and Tony Wil- now o#er/ng development director, Graham Thomas, at 427-3621. therapy and we are vdi, y foate to have him located
1. He weighed 8 pounds liams of Belfair. She weighed 6 MATERNITYAND NEWBORN CARE right here in Shelton.
20 inches long. He joins pounds, 5 ounces and was 181/2 YEARLY EXAMS, CONTRACEPTION, • MGH is calling all want-to-be hospital Junior Support
)des, age 7. inches long. SCHOOL & SPORTS EXAMS. Volunteers. If you ard between the ages of 14 and 18 informative
arents are Martie Cam- Grandparents are Connie and MENOPAUSE, BREAST PROBLEMS, and would like to volunteer at MGH to assist patients Mended Hearts is
Lelton, and Sharon and James Bright of Belfair, and Bob- PIERCING, DIETING. and staff, then plan to attend the Junior Volunteer a heart attack or oal is
St. of Oregon. bie Jean Williams. 426-0895 o320 W. Alder Orientation program set for Saturday, April ! 7, ! 999, to during
ira Renee Monahan from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this time they are dealing with major
/l[ 'q'his is an excellent opportunity for someone who lifestyle et, exercise, stress management,
rn on February 18 at thinks they may go into the medical field," said Shelly ant fie concen, For more information, call
Center in Olym- lgAIL A[ N Hutchinson, volunteer coordinator at MGH. "They will Ellen at 426-1611.
uristy George and Donald ( be exposed to medical vocabulary, routines, policies, and
| of Shelton ........
r l i lli i i i ill procedures. They will even have a chance to meet .......
• .:...
professionals in their line of interest." Congratulations...
[}anielle Guile ! If you are interested in becoming a junior volunteer
0rn on February 24 at at MGH, call Ms. Hutchinson for an application and return to Reynaldo Cabatge, environmental services,
Vledieal Center in Olym- it before April 9. At that time you will be scheduled for for being selected
randy Hess and Shane
helton. an interview prior to the orientation. Register early Employee of the Month for March.
as space is limited. Ms. Hutchinson may be reached at
&Very Thomas 42 7-2398.
ors on February 25 at • The Sherwood Hospital Guild of Mason General Classes for March
eral Hospital to Nicole
Hospital has been awarded a $300 grant by Merck and The following classes are provided for MGH medical staff
Thomas of Shel- 1. __ .., -- --'i Company, West Point, PA. The grit will be combined and hospital employees:
weighed 8 pounds, 1
d Was 19, inches long. with the Guild's fundraising efforts along with those of • CME: Ethics Update: Hierarchy of Decision Making
rin, age 9, Austin, age IMMEDIATE MEDICAL CARE the Hospital's Foundation to purchase medicalequlpment, and End of Life Issues
tlyn, age 3. The award was made public by Guild President Kate • CME: Peptic Ulcer Disease and H-pylori - New
iarents are Hilton Tra- For The Entire Family Fouquier. The grant was recommended to Merck and Treatment Strategies
ta of Shelton, Gall Hib- Company by Nancy Stolarick, a member of the guild. • Medical Transcription Course for Medical
elton, Maxine McCollum 426.9717 Professionals
' Charolotte Thomas of • Registration is now open for
Mason General • Internet Course: Searching for Medical Information
) and Hillus Thomas of 8th & Railroad • Shelton Hospital's next free CPR : March and Inro to Networking
30, 1999, from 9a.m. tO 2 r ROom.
• Pediatric Update: Eating Disorders in Children
According to Tom DiDOnna, R.N, and educational and Adolescents
N[IGIBL E L coordinator at MGH, knowing the skills of basic cardiac • Code Blue Skills Review
life support (BCI)is something everyolte should know, • Blood Glucometer Certification
"We encourage everyone tolearn BCI.&" added::
DiDonna. It takes only a:few hours, but it may save • HIV Counselor Certification Course
• Student Nurse Documentation Orientation
a life."
Advanced registration is :recoffmlended as class size • Orientation of New Employees
is limited. Reservations need to madeby Tuesday, , Safety in the Workplace
March 23, 1999, by calling 427:3609.
Home Safety Community Course:
• All volunteers at Mason General Hospital ll be • CPR / BCLS - March 30; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. honored for their hard work at a reception on Wednesday, Free; call early to register.
(20+ Years Experience) May 5 , 1999, in the Ellinor Rm from 4 to 6 p.m.
Cake and coffee will be served. Call Tom DiDonna, R.N., at 427-3609 for more information.
/ -ir] ]- 'lP'l[ TI) ]E, (2 Our Mission Statement
JLlrA JL 13O
We take every possible action to protect and promote the health of the people in Mason County
Sg! 0 Quality whileextendingrespectandc°mpassi°nasweserveeachindividual" town
" home
set ason General Hospital ......
901 Mt. View Drive, Building #1, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-161 I, firm Belfair 2758614
• ..... :
Xtractions • Crowns • Bridges * Full Dentures • Relines • Repairs North Mason Medical Clinic in Belfairis affiliated with MGH. i
Visiting Hours: 8:00 am to 8:30 p.m
Front Door Parking Available ' .......
ial Coupons and Most Insurances Accepted Education Hotline Number: 427-3650
Merle_ Visit our Internet home page at
ttl llerbst, DDS s,..,,.0 .D.oo,,,,o6 S. Peters, DPD
Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15
ll III -'-'
Health Mason General Hospital sets an April
:,'- • ientatio sio for junio olunte
00,:nannen00nas or n ses n r v ers
Mason General Hospital is call- the Junior Volunteer orientation said Shelly Hutchinson, volunteer interest." application, kids will be sched-
ing all budding Junior Volun- program set for 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. coordinator at MGH. "They will Those interested in becoming a uled for an interview prior to the
00v00l00'u'tipl 1 PP Leers. Saturday, April 17. be exposed to medical vocabulary, Junior Volunteer at MGH should orientation.
Youngsters between the ages of "This is an excellent opportuni- routines, policies and procedures, call Hutchinson at 427-2398 for Space at the orientation is lim-
e SC erosis su ort 4 and 18 who would like to vol- ty for someone who thinks they They will even have a chance to an application and return it be- ited, so early preregistration is
group will meet March 9 unteer at MGH to assist patients may go into the medical field," meet professionals in their line of fore April 9. After turning in an recommended.
and staff should plan to attend
L The Mason County Multiple Sclerosis Group will meet at
:30 a.m. on Tuesday, March 9, at E1Wapatio restaurant, at MASON G EN E RAL HOS PI TAt.
entrance to Gateway Center on Mountain View in Shelton.
ends and spouses are welcome to join the group. Moreinfor- MGH .will
ation is available from Sylvia Hammond at 427-0710.
Diabetes support group to honor its F
learn about carbohydrates volunteers
'0unting carbohydrates, a continuation of the program from
month, will be the focus of the next meeting of Mason Gen- Volunteers of all ages at Mason
Hospitals diabetes support group set for 7 p.m. Thursday, General Hospital are asked to air- Welcome Back 1998 Babies!
'oh 11, in the Ellinor Room at the hospital. Karen Preston, cle the May 5 date on their calen-
H s registered dietician, and registered nurse Sue Bar- dars. Plans are underway for a baby "1998 Reunion" on Saturday, May I, 1999, from l 0 a.m. to noon at MGH.
, certified diabetic educator, will talk about how carbohy- That's the date set recently for There will be door prizes, a chance to see labor and delivery staff and meet other morns and dads who had
;es affect blood sugars and how to plan meals by counting Mason General's annual volun-
mhydrates., teer recognition party, which will a baby in 1998. Bring your camera. Watch for details!
e had many new people come in January to learn about be held from 4 to 6 p.m. in the E1-
pla.oi0000 by cou.ti.g oarbohy*ate00," 00eports Barwi00k linor Room at ho00,ita] Welcome to our January. Babies!
n't too late to join us to learn how to count carbohydrates." Cake and coffee will be served, The staff and physicians at MGH want to welcome the following babies* born in January at MGH.
he support group meets on the second Thursday of each said Shelly Hutchinson, volunteer Congratulations to the parents, siblings and grandparents!
Lth from September through June. More information is coordinator for the hospital. Ser-
liable from Barwick at 427-7332. vice pins and recognition for Ashley Lyn Boysen Tyson Robert Miller Alyssa Lynn Arehart
hours of service will be part of the Halley Marie Strong Jewelianna Marie Graden Anika Mae Davision
Alzh reception, Hutchinson said. Laynie MacAlevy Bryon Walter Smith, Jr. Levi Curtis Hiedeman
eimer's support group "Voluo,eer play a very vital Elizabeth Mary Sagerson Daniel Christopher Johnston John Lindon Framer II
day role at MGH," Hutchinson noted. Austini James McKeowni Benjamin Edward Stanford Erica Lin Humphreys
Sets meeting next Zhurs ,,00hoy assist with patient care, Michael Kevin Roush Jeffrey Duke McGee
]'he Mason County Alzheimer's Support Group will meet help with office work and with
b 11 a m to 1 p m Thursday, March 11, at Holiday Park discharging patients." ES. If you would like one-on-one care, a private birthing suite complete with Jacuzzi-type tubs, a birth plan, and the convenience
ti.rement Center, "First and Railroad in Shelton. The meet- More information on the recep- of having your next baby at Mason General Hospital; we have several family practice physicians, an obstetrician, and a certi fled
; za Open to anyone who wants to know more about caring for Lion is available from Hutchinson, nurse-midwife on staff. Call our pliysician referral line, 427-955 I, for the names and phone numbers.
rking with someone who has Alzheimer's and how to who would also like to talk to "Mom babies were born at Maaon General Hosptal durlng thls time. However, those lisled are lhe ones wc have pcrmissitm to print.
-It everyday problems. , . _ anyone who wants more informa-
Ose who need someone to care for the Alzneimer's patmnt Lion about volunteering at the
:stir charge so that they can attend the meeting may call Jan hospital. She can be reached at
,aer at STARS (Services To At-Risk Seniors)at 427-2176. 427-2398. News Briefs,,,
re information about the support group is available from
Re Robbins at 426-2529 or Terry Rupp at 427-2225. 1 • Mason General Hospital's Foundation recently Volunteers play a very vital role at MGH. They assist
announced the election oi officers for 1999. Serving as with patient care, help with office work and in discharging
COMMUNITY president is Sara Watkizlm, of Simpson Timber Company. patients. For more information on the reception or to
First vice president is retired john Deere ComPany inquire about volunteering, call Shelly Hutchinson at
" WOMEN'S executive Sam Edln, and Nancy Trucksess, a lor, al 427-2398.
)Vew 00qrrivals medical professionalissecondvicepresldent Laurie
• CLINIC McClanahan, owner of Vander Wegen &:Associates,
• Mended H [SUpport Group - Local internal
accounting, will once again serve as secretary/treasurer, specialist, Jon ,nd,berg, I.D., will discuss "Pacemakers
t.......m.m..........m....m......m..m......m...m.... CONNIE P. REANDEAU ARNP The officers began their work by announcing the kick- - The Ins and Outs at :IGH s next Mallei Hearts
lhranklin Rhodes Ill Tyajah Shineke Williams OB/GYN NURSE PRACTITIONER Off of their 1999 annual campaign goal of $ ! 50,000 to Support Ca'Oup meeUllg set for ursday, March ! 8,
t born on February 15 at was born on February 23 at and purchase medical and surgical equipment. 1999, at7 p.ra, in the WasllingtoB Room atMason General
Qeaeral Hospital to Daw- Mason General Hospital to Le- MARY HART, CNM, ARNP For more information on MGH's Foundation, call the Hospital. Dr. Sandberg is.highly regarded in pacemaker
and Harry F. Rhodes Jr. of keisha S. Bright and Tony Wil- now o#er/ng development director, Graham Thomas, at 427-3621. therapy and we are vdi, y foate to have him located
1. He weighed 8 pounds liams of Belfair. She weighed 6 MATERNITYAND NEWBORN CARE right here in Shelton.
20 inches long. He joins pounds, 5 ounces and was 181/2 YEARLY EXAMS, CONTRACEPTION, • MGH is calling all want-to-be hospital Junior Support
)des, age 7. inches long. SCHOOL & SPORTS EXAMS. Volunteers. If you ard between the ages of 14 and 18 informative
arents are Martie Cam- Grandparents are Connie and MENOPAUSE, BREAST PROBLEMS, and would like to volunteer at MGH to assist patients Mended Hearts is
Lelton, and Sharon and James Bright of Belfair, and Bob- PIERCING, DIETING. and staff, then plan to attend the Junior Volunteer a heart attack or oal is
St. of Oregon. bie Jean Williams. 426-0895 o320 W. Alder Orientation program set for Saturday, April ! 7, ! 999, to during
ira Renee Monahan from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. this time they are dealing with major
/l[ 'q'his is an excellent opportunity for someone who lifestyle et, exercise, stress management,
rn on February 18 at thinks they may go into the medical field," said Shelly ant fie concen, For more information, call
Center in Olym- lgAIL A[ N Hutchinson, volunteer coordinator at MGH. "They will Ellen at 426-1611.
uristy George and Donald ( be exposed to medical vocabulary, routines, policies, and
| of Shelton ........
r l ill i i i i ill procedures. They will even have a chance to meet .......
• .:...
professionals in their line of interest." Congratulations...
[}anielle Guile ! If you are interested in becoming a junior volunteer
0rn on February 24 at at MGH, call Ms. Hutchinson for an application and return to Reynaldo Cabatge, environmental services,
Vledieal Center in Olym- it before April 9. At that time you will be scheduled for for being selected
randy Hess and Shane
helton. an interview prior to the orientation. Register early Employee of the Month for March.
as space is limited. Ms. Hutchinson may be reached at
&Very Thomas 42 7-2398.
ors on February 25 at • The Sherwood Hospital Guild of Mason General Classes for March
eral Hospital to Nicole
Hospital has been awarded a $300 grant by Merck and The following classes are provided for MGH medical staff
Thomas of Shel- 1. __ .., -- --'i Company, West Point, PA. The grit will be combined and hospital employees:
weighed 8 pounds, 1
d Was 19, inches long. with the Guild's fundraising efforts along with those of • CME: Ethics Update: Hierarchy of Decision Making
rin, age 9, Austin, age IMMEDIATE MEDICAL CARE the Hospital's Foundation to purchase medicalequlpment, and End of Life Issues
tlyn, age 3. The award was made public by Guild President Kate • CME: Peptic Ulcer Disease and H-pylori - New
iarents are Hilton Tra- For The Entire Family Fouquier. The grant was recommended to Merck and Treatment Strategies
ta of Shelton, Gall Hib- Company by Nancy Stolarick, a member of the guild. • Medical Transcription Course for Medical
elton, Maxine McCollum 426.9717 Professionals
' Charolotte Thomas of • Registration is now open for
Mason General • Internet Course: Searching for Medical Information
) and Hillus Thomas of 8th & Railroad • Shelton Hospital's next free CPR : March and Inro to Networking
30, 1999, from 9a.m. tO 2 r ROom.
• Pediatric Update: Eating Disorders in Children
According to Tom DiDOnna, R.N, and educational and Adolescents
N[IGIBL E L coordinator at MGH, knowing the skills of basic cardiac • Code Blue Skills Review
life support (BCI)is something everyolte should know, • Blood Glucometer Certification
"We encourage everyone tolearn BCI.&" added::
DiDonna. It takes only a:few hours, but it may save • HIV Counselor Certification Course
• Student Nurse Documentation Orientation
a life."
Advanced registration is :recoffmlended as class size • Orientation of New Employees
is limited. Reservations need to madeby Tuesday, , Safety in the Workplace
March 23, 1999, by calling 427:3609.
Home Safety Community Course:
• All volunteers at Mason General Hospital ll be • CPR / BCLS - March 30; 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-4 p.m. honored for their hard work at a reception on Wednesday, Free; call early to register.
(20+ Years Experience) May 5 , 1999, in the Ellinor Rm from 4 to 6 p.m.
Cake and coffee will be served. Call Tom DiDonna, R.N., at 427-3609 for more information.
/ -ir] ]- 'lP'l[ TI) ]E, (2 Our Mission Statement
JLlrA JL 13O
We take every possible action to protect and promote the health of the people in Mason County
Sg! 0 Quality whileextendingrespectandc°mpassi°nasweserveeachindividual" town
" home
set ason General Hospital ......
901 Mt. View Drive, Building #1, Shelton, WA 98584 (360) 426-161 I, firm Belfair 2758614
• ..... :
Xtractions • Crowns • Bridges * Full Dentures • Relines • Repairs North Mason Medical Clinic in Belfairis affiliated with MGH. i
Visiting Hours: 8:00 am to 8:30 p.m
Front Door Parking Available ' .......
ial Coupons and Most Insurances Accepted Education Hotline Number: 427-3650
Merle_ Visit our Internet home page at
ttl llerbst, DDS s,..,,.0 .D.oo,,,,o6 S. Peters, DPD
Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 15
ll III -'-'