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Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
David C. Moss, 3608 Sunnyside
Road, Shelton, $925, 365 days, 363
suspended; Adrian Charles Car-
son, 491 Mill Road, Carlsborg,
$925, 365 days, 363 suspended;
Donna I. Homan, East 80 Ble-
vins Road, Shelton, 365 days, 335
Negligent driving: Brian D.
Norrance, 1451 West Kelly Hall
Road, Matlock, first degree, $250,
90 days suspended; Kathleen A.
Wilkowski, 1570 Trails End
Road, Belfair, first degree, $250,
90 days, 80 suspended; Joseph E.
Taylor, North 380 Dow Mount
Road, Hoodsport, first degree,
$300, 90 days suspended; Art J.
Rhoden, 601 East Yong Street,
Elma, first degree, $500, 90 days,
89 suspended; James P. Rose,
4200 Admiral Way, Seattle, sec-
ond degree, $500.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Colleen R.
Grimmer, 5401 Minara Road,
Bremerton, two counts third de-
gree, $150, 90 days suspended for
each count; Kyle C. Swartz, 137
West Delaware Street, Shelton,
third degree, $150, 90 days sus-
pended', Daphne A. Williams,
East 350 Lakeshore Drive, Shel-
ton, third degree, 180 days; Craig
It. Parshall, 2021 SE Ponderosa,
Port Orchard, third degree, $400,
90 days, 60 suspended; Sara Mae
Lymangrover, 1375 Whittier
Road, Port Orchard, third de-
gree, $175, 90 days suspended;
Benjamin D. Mills, 110 East
Madrona Parkway, Grapeview,
third degree, $150, 90 days sus-
Loren P. Richards, 315
Wyandotte Avenue, Shelton,
third degree, $500, 90 days, 45
suspended; Frankie G. Bocock
Jr., 71 East Skyline Drive, Shel-
ton, third degree, $175, 90 days
suspended; James Russell Gill|-
land Jr., 191 East Tewey Way,
She'ltor{, third degree, $250, 90
days, 85 suspended,.and ob-
structing a law officer, $350, 365
days, 363 suspended; Tamyra J.
James, 610 Eagle Creek Road,
Lilliwaup, third degree, $250, 90
days suspended.
No liability insurance: Gary
A. Tongedahl, 101 South 167th
Street, Spanaway, $480; Christo-
pher I, MacLachlan, 52 East
Mossflower Lane, Grapeview,
$480; Darlene R. Andrews,
North 540 Highway 106, Shelton,
$480, failure to use seatbelt, $71,
and failure to use child restraint
seat, $71; Alfredo Garcia-Gar-
cia, 1830 Lake Boulevard, Shel-
ton, $480, no proof of insurance,
No liability insurance and
FTA: Garcia Gonzalez Gon-
zales, Bells|r, $527; Jorje Domi-
nguez Jimenes, 221 Endeavor
Lane, Shelton, $527; Guillermo
Velazquez Elias, East 171 En-
deavor Lane, Shelton, $527, and
no proof of insurance, $480.
Other traffic offenses: Terra
K. Norris, East 10 Shoreline
Court, Shelton, speeding, $233.
Unlawful fishing in the sec-
ond degree: Lanny Dean Whit-
taig, East Buckboard Drive,
Shelton, $76.
Possession of undersized
Dungeness crab: Scott Eugene
Prince, 125 Lincoln Avenue
West, Ten|no, $76.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Dayle Ann Gonzalez-Montanez,
SE 321 Trailblazer Street, Olym-
pia, 365 days on electronic home
monitoring with 360 suspended;
Daniel L. Godinez, Allyn, do-
mestic violence, $300, 365 days
Malicious mischief: Sheree J.
Raslea, 1725 Summit Drive,
Shelton, third degree, $350, 90
days, 85 suspended.
Possession of drug parapher-
and two counts criminal trespass
in the second degree, 90 days.
Other offenses: Allen L. Mos-
ier, 692 SE Kamilche Point Road,
Shelton, littering over one cubic
foot, $475; Mark J. Morgan, 100
Middle Street SE, Tumwater,
failure to comply with solid-
waste regulations, $250; Ann
Helen Cole, 211 East Bayshore
Drive, Shelton, failure to redeem
bank check, $150; Theodore
Frank Bechtold, 2661 West State
Route 108, Shelton, two counts of
violating a protection order, $100,
365 days, 340 suspended.
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Allen L. Mosier, 692 Kamilche
Point Road, Shelton, $500, 365
days, 335 suspended, and hit-
and-run, $500, 365 days, 30 sus-
pended, and driving with license
suspended second degree, 365
days, 335 suspended; Gary
Shawn Brown, 326 Park Street,
Shelton, $685, 365 days, 320 sus-
pended, and hit-and-run, 365
days, 360 suspended.
Reckless driving: Gary
Shawn Brown, 326 Park Street,
Shelton, 365 days, 363 suspended,
driving while license suspended
in the third degree, 90 days, 88
Driving while license sus.
pended or revoked: Gary A.
Tongedahl, 101 South 167th
Street, Spanaway, third degree,
$350, 90 days, 85 suspended; Kel-
ly Kenneth Wiley, SE 5573 Arca-
dia Road, Shelton, two counts
third degree, $200, 90 days elec-
tronic home monitoring, 80 sus-
pended on each; Ricky E. McNi-
col, 721 West Pine, Shelton, third
degree, $350, 90 days, 89 suspend-
ed, one day community service,
and no insurance, $480; James
Michael Mall|s, 118 West Birch,
Shelton, third degree, $250, 90
days, 88 suspended; Melinda
Gay Jones, 12001 Highway 101,
Shelton, third ddgree, $350;"90
days, 88 suspended,, two days
community service, and no in-
surance, $480.
Robert L. Vandervort, East 420
Pines, Shelton, third degree,
$470, 90 days, 60 suspended, and
no insurance, $480; Johnny Ray
Michaels, 120 West Kneeland
Street, Shelton, four counts third
degree, $200 each, 90 days with 45
suspended on each; and two
counts third degree, $250, 90
days, 45 suspended, and $440, 90
days, 45 suspended, and no li-
ability insurance and failure to
register vehicle, $551, and no li-
ability insurance and failure to
appear, $551; Thomas Nicholas
Hawkins, 1824 Hay Street, Shel-
ton, third degree, $260, 90 days, 89
suspended, one day community
No valid operator's license:
Pamela June Liden, 1555 North
Railroad Avenue, $150, 90 days,
89 suspended, one community
service; Kimberly A. Johnson,
2020 Hay Street, Shelton, $350, 90
days suspended
No insurance: Matthew J.
Mixon, 301 T Street, Tumwater,
and speeding, $551.
Assault in the fpurth degree:
Scott Loren Semanko, 1180 East
Springs Road, Shelton, $568, 365
days, 364 suspended, one day
community service.
Minor in possession/con.
sumption of alcohol: Gary
Shawn Brown, 326 Park Street,
Shelton, $250, 90 days, 89 sus-
Possession of drug parapher-
nalia: Marcia A. Lonski, 828
Franklin Street, Shelton, $250, 90
days, 85 suspended, five commu-
nity service.
Other offenses: James
Michael Mall|s, 118 West Birch
Divorces granted
Patricia G. Ellingson and
Douglas J. Ellingson.
John A. Peppers and Nick| M.
New Cases
Vision Silverkemp Enterpris-
es against Michael and Linda
Haggard, unlawful detainer.
Anthony and Robin Leon
against Pacific Northwest
Homes, Incorporated and Devel-
opers Insurance Company, com-
Allied Credit Company
against Marian and Amil
Arndt, transcript of judgment.
Washington State Department
of Revenue against Ronald S.
Gold, tax warrant.
Washington State Department
of Revenue against Gary L. and
Debbie K. Filhart, tax warrant.
Washington State Department
of Labor and Industries against
Todd A. and Carri Catheline
Fennel, tax warrant.
West Coast Bank against
Douglas and Lisa Johnson, com-
Federal National Mortgage
Association against Pamela S.
and John Doe Glazebrook, un-
lawful detainer.
No, there's not a sudden build-
ing boom. County sources inad-
vertently provided information
from 1998 on two recent weeks.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing recent weeks include:
John Smith, 951 West Lake-
side Drive, Shelton, garage,
$22,250; Anthony Castaneda, 201
NE Collins Drive East, Tahuya,
mobile home, $53,000; Larry
Topping, 10 North Duckabush
Drive West, Hoodsport, mobile
home, $29,000; Donn Dor, 500
East Balmoral Way, Shelton,
residence, $83,387; Mary Myers,
370 West Oak Meadows Road,
McCleary, mobile home, $38,000;
Robert Buchanan, 31 East Jul|an
ROad; Shelton :m0bil0 ' homo,
$80,403; Mark HGarst, 63 SE Ara-
bian Road, Shelton, mobile home
replacement, $49,000.
Robert Boyd, 881 SE Binns
Swiger Loop Road, Shelton, ga-
rage and shop, $38,291; Howard
Holeman, 911 East Trails End
Drive, Belfair, garage, $10,898;
Richard Howard, 2245 West Dee-
gan Road, Shelton, mobile home,
$44,322; Martin Braune, 570 East
Strong Road, Shelton, garage,
$6,433; Eric Flo, 100 North Sun-
down Drive, Hoodsport,
dock/bulkhead, $11,942; Joe Cas-
tleberry, 17411 East State Route
106, Belfalr, construct pier, ramp
and float, $16,760; Chris Carter,
18821 East State Route 106, Bel-
fair, pier, ramp and float,
$19,420; Ernie Ufer, 11421 East
State Route 106, Union, pier,
ramp and float, $19,116.
Scott Berry, 41 East Bay
Heights Drive, Allyn, mobile
home, $75,000; Michael Mitchell,
1220 East Old Ranch Road, A1-
lyn, residence, $112,398; Carnell
Construction, 300 NE Sand Hill
Road, Belfair, residence, deck
and garage, $95,712; William
Petrowitch, 510 East Old Ranch
Road, Allyn, residence, deck
and garage, $164,572; Steve Mor-
an, 2731 East Mason Lake Drive
East, Grapeview, garage,
$21,796; Juyne Cook, 16231 East
State Route 106, Belfair, garage,
$10,898; Roberta Williams, 709
SE Old Arcadia Road, Shelton,
mobile home, $58,165; Carl
Brownstein, 2743 SE Bloomfield
Road, Shelton, replace mobile
home, $7,900; Bob Hungerford,
13851 NE North Shore Road, Bel-
fair, bulkhead, $16,815.
Hess Family Trust, 33060
Highway 101, Lilliwaup, garage,
shop and storage, $27,245; Joe
Gordon, 25910 Highway 101,
send, 544 Chestnut Street, Shel-
ton, garage, $20,434; Paul Grif-
fin, 752 East Island View Road,
Grapeview, garage, $28,354;
Melford Winkleblack, 731 East
Lakeshore Drive East, Shelton,
mobile home; $30,000.
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects:
Peggi Mitchell, 600 East North
Bay Road, Belfair, mobile home;
Verle's Sports Center, 741 West
Golden Pheasant Road, Shelton,
automatic fire alarm; David
Tradewell, 5632 East State Route
302, Belfair, emergency bulk-
head repair; David Cox, 5630
East State Route 302, Belfair,
emergency bulkhead repair;
Carl Steingrebe, 5660 East State
Route 302, Belfair, emergency
bulkhead repair; Dale Robert-
son, 351 East Rasor Road, Bel-
fair, demolition and fire dam-
age preinspection; Tam| Selby,
451 East Mason Benson Road,
Grapeview, mobile home;
Charles Phillips, 181 NE Belfair
View Road, Belfair, mobile
home; Trace and Associates, 741
West Golden Pheasant Road,
foundation; Albert Miller, 4180
East Mason Lake Drive West,
Grapeview, foundation for ga-
rage with apartment above.
New construction and other
major projects receiving permits
during the past week include:
First American Title, 215
West Railroad Avenue, office
space, $3,880.
February 23 : 11:35 a.m. with
Mason County Medic One to the
report of an injury on West Pine
Street; 1:34 p.m., 1721 Jefferson,
smoke investigation.
February 27:2:08 a.m., West
Railroad Avenue, assault in the
fourth degree; 11:57 a.m., North
Seventh Street, utilities.
February 28:2:18 p.m., 500
Arcadia Avenue, illegal-burn
report; 2:33 p.m., East Wallace
Kaeeland, car fire.
March 1:10:22 p.m. with Me-
dic One to West Birch Street, her-
oin overdose.
Tuesday, February 23
An injury reportedly occurred
when a car and a bicycle collided
on West Pine Street.
Shelton police were asked to
investigate a sex offense.
Wednesday, February 24
A burglary was reported on the
2300 block of Adams Street.
Two men were reported to be
arguing in the middle of Olym-
pic Highway North and talking
about smashing cars.
Thursday, February 25
An elderly female reportedly
got scratched in a fight between
two cats on Grandview Avenue.
A burglary was reported to a
shed on the 2300 block of Adams
Threatening graffiti was re-
portedly found in a bathroom of
the Simpson fir and hemlock op-
A burglary was reported to a
business in the 1400 block of
Olympic Highway North.
Friday, February 26
Five rings were reportedly
stolen from a home on Ell|nor
A group of juveniles on bikes
was reportedly harassing other
juveniles on Summit Drive.
A caller said a man was try-
ing to pass out money in front of
Nita's Restaurant.
A caller from West Cots Street
complained about a merchant
who keeps feeding birds that
leave their droppings on other
Saturday, February 27
A sex offense was reported in
the Mountain View area.
A tub with 50 pounds of dog
food was allegedly stolen from
the back of a vehicle.
Sunday, February 28
A caller said a juvenile who
was collecting donations was
putting the quarters in a game
machine on South First Street.
A caller from the 500 block of
Cascade Avenue said seven kids
were harassing him and
wouldn't let him out.
Monday, March 1
Police received a report of an
older blue car being driven reck-
lessly between Seventh Street
and Little Egypt Road.
A caller reported that a teen-
age girl told caregivers at Mason
General Hospital that she'd been
sexually assaulted on Saturday
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 79, Thursday 82,
Friday 83, Saturday 89, Sunday
89, Monday 89, Tuesday 88.
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, February 23
Burglaries were reported to a
house on North Tyee Place,
Hoodsport, a residence on Dee-
gan Road East and a shop on
Johns Prairie Road.
A caller said 30 or 40 shots
were fired from a rig on the cor-
ner of Deegan and Shelton-Mat-
lock roads.
A caller from Hay Street said
his ex-wife's boyfriend is teach-
ing the children how to make
A rifle and ammunition-were
reportedly found in a septic tank
that had just been pumped.
A saxophone was reportedly
stolen from the Lighthouse
Wednesday, February 24
Fire District 4 and Medic One
responded at 12:23 p.m. to the re-
port of an injury on West State
Route 108.
Deputies were asked to help a
teenage girl who wrote out a will
and then started talking about
Trees were reportedly stolen
from a garage on West Bulb
Farm Road.
Burglaries were reported near
mile 7.1 of East State Route 106
and near mile 3.5 of NE Old Bel-
fair Highway.
Thursday, February 25
A caller from Dartmoor Drive
said one of his neighbors had cut
down his tree.
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a possible sexual assault at
the Mason County Jail.
A caller reported the possible
theft of wood from state land on
Log Yard Road, Belfair.
Drug paraphernalia was re-
portedly found in the back seat of
a law-enforcement patrol car.
A caller from Belfair said a
sex offender had reportedly
failed to tell the Mason County
Sheriff's Office of his where-
Friday, February 26
Squaxin Island Tribal Police,
Fire District 4 and Medic One
responded at 3:27 a.m. to an in-
cident involving a woman who
tried to cut her wrists with a bro-
ken bottle.
Fire District 4 responded with
nalia: Kenneth Lane Waller Jr., Street, Shelton, unlawful han-Hoodsport, residence and storage m DOCTOR ll00l c m m
1130 SE Craig Road, Shelton, dling of a weapon, $250, 365 days, loft, $30,326; Doug Reitsch, 70
363 suspended, two days commu- East Sycamore Place, Shelton, .,i/ t •
$I00, 90 days 89 suspended;
Michael A. Nystrom, Shelton, nity service, addition, $40,074; Bill Town- i Sewing Western •
"We Make Washington Since 1959 m
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Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1999
Medic One at 8:25 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on West State
Route 108.
Fire District 11 responded with
Medic One at 5:49 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on East Brock-
dale Road.
Medic One responded at 7:30
a.m. to the report of an injury on
SE Arcadia Road, Shelton.
A caller reported the theft-in-
progress of brush on Simpson
Timber Company land near
Steel Bridge.
Burglaries were reported on
Highway 101 in Lilliwaup and at
Shelton High School.
A van reportedly flipped over
near Pioneer School.
Saturday, February 27
A mudslide reportedly covered
a lane and a half on Elfendahl
Pass Road.
A Lilliwaup area man was
taken to an emergency clinic af-
ter he tried to break up a dogfight.
A caller from SE Cook Plant
Farm Road said a large pig was
loose in his or her yard and do-
ing a lot of damage to the out-
A goat allegedly taken by nine
teenage boys from NE Log Yard
Road, Belfair, was recovered.
A woman with a warrant who
fled the Twin Totems offered to
turn herself in to deputies.
Sunday, February 28
Fire District 4 res
p.m. to the report of
Craig Road, Shelton.
Automatic gunfire and a:
sible burglary in progres
reported from the
Blevins Road North.
A mailbox was re
len from NE Bear CI
A caller from West I)
ville Road, Elma, said a
and cow were being
A caller from the
said a man tried to hang
from a tree.
Monday, March 1
Fire District 4 respt
1:51 p.m. to the report
ture fire on SE A:
A caller from East
Place said someone just
break into his house.
A dog reportedly
killed a deer near
Rauschert Road,
A caller reported the
timber from a stand in
lock area and the theft
from West Eells Hill
Burglaries were
rental unit on NE
Road, Belfair and to a
NE State Route 300.
• /
-,*" * Reasonable
"k Positive
• Flexible
STEP, inc. "*- EffectiVe
Saturday, March 13, 1999
Preregistration required * Call today
• Slate Approved • Complete oulpalient sepz,iceS
The Postal Serwce is looking for parties interested in offering to sell land OR
ex,sting building to serve as the Lilliwaup, WA. - Main Post Office.
The preferred area boundaries are as follows:
North: one-half mile North of current site
South: one-half mile South of current site
East: 200 feet from Hwy 101
West: 200 feet from Hwy 101
Site size desired is approximately 0.50 to 1.0 acre of land. Offerors may also offer
space or building for lease. Minimum net square footage required is 1,877.
20 years. Quote rent for space/building in its "as is" condition. Existing
meet Federal Handicapped Accessibility Standards at time of occupancy or be
being modified to meet such. Offerors must own or control the site and
lease rate. If the proposal is submitted by an agent for the owner, evidence of the
exclusive authority to sell the subject site must accompany the proposal. SubjeCt
shall be outside of the 100-year flood plain. The owner shall be responsible for,
necessary to obtain zoning prior to purchase/lease by the U.S. Postal Service.
Service reserves the right to negotiate with any and all respondents.
A Solicitation Package may be obtained at the Lilliwaup, WA - Main Post Office,
N. 28611 Hwy 101, Lilliwaup, WA 98555-9998.
For proposal information call or write:
Susan Reinhart
LaBonde Land, Inc.
601 Union St, Ste 1725
Seattle, WA 98101-2341
Telephone: (206) 623-t 63.
FAX: (206) 654-4148
Offers mailed or hand delivered must be received at the above address
March 18, 1999.
The Postal Service is looking for parties interested in offering to sell land OR
existing building to serve as the Matlock, WA. - Main Post Office. :.
The preferred area boundaries are as follows: .... ,'
North: Anderson Road
South: Deckerville Road
East: Bingham Creek Bridge
West: Ford Road
Site size desired is approximately 0.50 to 1.0 acre of land. Offerors may also
space or building for lease. Minimum net square footage required is 1,337. LeaSe
20 years. Quote rent for space/building in its "as is" condition. Existing building
meet Federal Handicapped Accessibility Standards at time of occupancy or be
being modified to meet such. Offerors must own or control the site and must
lease rate. If the proposal is submitted by an agent for the owner, evidence of
exclusive authority to sell the sublect srte must accompany the proposal, subject
shal be outside of the 700-year flood plain. The owner shall be responsible
necessary to obtain zoning prior to purchase/lease by the U.S. Postal Service.
Service reserves the right to negotiate with any and all respondents.
A Solicitation Package may be obtained at the Matlock, WA - Main Post C
West 17490 Shehon-Matlock Rd., Matlock, WA 98560-9998. -
For proposal information call or write:
Susan Reinhart
LaBonde Land, In(.
601 Union St, Ste 1725
Seattle, WA 98101-2341
Telephone: (206) 623-1633
FAX: (206) 654-4148
Offers mailed or hand delivered must be received at the above address before 4:-[
March 15, 1999.
Judgments in Mason County
District Court Judge Victoria
Meadows' jurisdiction during
the past week include:
Driving under the influence:
David C. Moss, 3608 Sunnyside
Road, Shelton, $925, 365 days, 363
suspended; Adrian Charles Car-
son, 491 Mill Road, Carlsborg,
$925, 365 days, 363 suspended;
Donna I. Homan, East 80 Ble-
vins Road, Shelton, 365 days, 335
Negligent driving: Brian D.
Norrance, 1451 West Kelly Hall
Road, Matlock, first degree, $250,
90 days suspended; Kathleen A.
Wilkowski, 1570 Trails End
Road, Belfair, first degree, $250,
90 days, 80 suspended; Joseph E.
Taylor, North 380 Dow Mount
Road, Hoodsport, first degree,
$300, 90 days suspended; Art J.
Rhoden, 601 East Yong Street,
Elma, first degree, $500, 90 days,
89 suspended; James P. Rose,
4200 Admiral Way, Seattle, sec-
ond degree, $500.
Driving while license sus-
pended or revoked: Colleen R.
Grimmer, 5401 Minara Road,
Bremerton, two counts third de-
gree, $150, 90 days suspended for
each count; Kyle C. Swartz, 137
West Delaware Street, Shelton,
third degree, $150, 90 days sus-
pended', Daphne A. Williams,
East 350 Lakeshore Drive, Shel-
ton, third degree, 180 days; Craig
It. Parshall, 2021 SE Ponderosa,
Port Orchard, third degree, $400,
90 days, 60 suspended; Sara Mae
Lymangrover, 1375 Whittier
Road, Port Orchard, third de-
gree, $175, 90 days suspended;
Benjamin D. Mills, 110 East
Madrona Parkway, Grapeview,
third degree, $150, 90 days sus-
Loren P. Richards, 315
Wyandotte Avenue, Shelton,
third degree, $500, 90 days, 45
suspended; Frankie G. Bocock
Jr., 71 East Skyline Drive, Shel-
ton, third degree, $175, 90 days
suspended; James Russell Gill|-
land Jr., 191 East Tewey Way,
She'ltor{, third degree, $250, 90
days, 85 suspended,.and ob-
structing a law officer, $350, 365
days, 363 suspended; Tamyra J.
James, 610 Eagle Creek Road,
Lilliwaup, third degree, $250, 90
days suspended.
No liability insurance: Gary
A. Tongedahl, 101 South 167th
Street, Spanaway, $480; Christo-
pher I, MacLachlan, 52 East
Mossflower Lane, Grapeview,
$480; Darlene R. Andrews,
North 540 Highway 106, Shelton,
$480, failure to use seatbelt, $71,
and failure to use child restraint
seat, $71; Alfredo Garcia-Gar-
cia, 1830 Lake Boulevard, Shel-
ton, $480, no proof of insurance,
No liability insurance and
FTA: Garcia Gonzalez Gon-
zales, Bells|r, $527; Jorje Domi-
nguez Jimenes, 221 Endeavor
Lane, Shelton, $527; Guillermo
Velazquez Elias, East 171 En-
deavor Lane, Shelton, $527, and
no proof of insurance, $480.
Other traffic offenses: Terra
K. Norris, East 10 Shoreline
Court, Shelton, speeding, $233.
Unlawful fishing in the sec-
ond degree: Lanny Dean Whit-
taig, East Buckboard Drive,
Shelton, $76.
Possession of undersized
Dungeness crab: Scott Eugene
Prince, 125 Lincoln Avenue
West, Ten|no, $76.
Assault in the fourth degree:
Dayle Ann Gonzalez-Montanez,
SE 321 Trailblazer Street, Olym-
pia, 365 days on electronic home
monitoring with 360 suspended;
Daniel L. Godinez, Allyn, do-
mestic violence, $300, 365 days
Malicious mischief: Sheree J.
Raslea, 1725 Summit Drive,
Shelton, third degree, $350, 90
days, 85 suspended.
Possession of drug parapher-
and two counts criminal trespass
in the second degree, 90 days.
Other offenses: Allen L. Mos-
ier, 692 SE Kamilche Point Road,
Shelton, littering over one cubic
foot, $475; Mark J. Morgan, 100
Middle Street SE, Tumwater,
failure to comply with solid-
waste regulations, $250; Ann
Helen Cole, 211 East Bayshore
Drive, Shelton, failure to redeem
bank check, $150; Theodore
Frank Bechtold, 2661 West State
Route 108, Shelton, two counts of
violating a protection order, $100,
365 days, 340 suspended.
Judgments in Shelton Munic-
ipal Court Judge Carrene Wood's
jurisdiction during the past week
Driving under the influence:
Allen L. Mosier, 692 Kamilche
Point Road, Shelton, $500, 365
days, 335 suspended, and hit-
and-run, $500, 365 days, 30 sus-
pended, and driving with license
suspended second degree, 365
days, 335 suspended; Gary
Shawn Brown, 326 Park Street,
Shelton, $685, 365 days, 320 sus-
pended, and hit-and-run, 365
days, 360 suspended.
Reckless driving: Gary
Shawn Brown, 326 Park Street,
Shelton, 365 days, 363 suspended,
driving while license suspended
in the third degree, 90 days, 88
Driving while license sus.
pended or revoked: Gary A.
Tongedahl, 101 South 167th
Street, Spanaway, third degree,
$350, 90 days, 85 suspended; Kel-
ly Kenneth Wiley, SE 5573 Arca-
dia Road, Shelton, two counts
third degree, $200, 90 days elec-
tronic home monitoring, 80 sus-
pended on each; Ricky E. McNi-
col, 721 West Pine, Shelton, third
degree, $350, 90 days, 89 suspend-
ed, one day community service,
and no insurance, $480; James
Michael Mall|s, 118 West Birch,
Shelton, third degree, $250, 90
days, 88 suspended; Melinda
Gay Jones, 12001 Highway 101,
Shelton, third ddgree, $350;"90
days, 88 suspended,, two days
community service, and no in-
surance, $480.
Robert L. Vandervort, East 420
Pines, Shelton, third degree,
$470, 90 days, 60 suspended, and
no insurance, $480; Johnny Ray
Michaels, 120 West Kneeland
Street, Shelton, four counts third
degree, $200 each, 90 days with 45
suspended on each; and two
counts third degree, $250, 90
days, 45 suspended, and $440, 90
days, 45 suspended, and no li-
ability insurance and failure to
register vehicle, $551, and no li-
ability insurance and failure to
appear, $551; Thomas Nicholas
Hawkins, 1824 Hay Street, Shel-
ton, third degree, $260, 90 days, 89
suspended, one day community
No valid operator's license:
Pamela June Liden, 1555 North
Railroad Avenue, $150, 90 days,
89 suspended, one community
service; Kimberly A. Johnson,
2020 Hay Street, Shelton, $350, 90
days suspended
No insurance: Matthew J.
Mixon, 301 T Street, Tumwater,
and speeding, $551.
Assault in the fpurth degree:
Scott Loren Semanko, 1180 East
Springs Road, Shelton, $568, 365
days, 364 suspended, one day
community service.
Minor in possession/con.
sumption of alcohol: Gary
Shawn Brown, 326 Park Street,
Shelton, $250, 90 days, 89 sus-
Possession of drug parapher-
nalia: Marcia A. Lonski, 828
Franklin Street, Shelton, $250, 90
days, 85 suspended, five commu-
nity service.
Other offenses: James
Michael Mall|s, 118 West Birch
Divorces granted
Patricia G. Ellingson and
Douglas J. Ellingson.
John A. Peppers and Nick| M.
New Cases
Vision Silverkemp Enterpris-
es against Michael and Linda
Haggard, unlawful detainer.
Anthony and Robin Leon
against Pacific Northwest
Homes, Incorporated and Devel-
opers Insurance Company, com-
Allied Credit Company
against Marian and Amil
Arndt, transcript of judgment.
Washington State Department
of Revenue against Ronald S.
Gold, tax warrant.
Washington State Department
of Revenue against Gary L. and
Debbie K. Filhart, tax warrant.
Washington State Department
of Labor and Industries against
Todd A. and Carri Catheline
Fennel, tax warrant.
West Coast Bank against
Douglas and Lisa Johnson, com-
Federal National Mortgage
Association against Pamela S.
and John Doe Glazebrook, un-
lawful detainer.
No, there's not a sudden build-
ing boom. County sources inad-
vertently provided information
from 1998 on two recent weeks.
New construction over $5,000,
shoreline work and other major
projects receiving permits dur-
ing recent weeks include:
John Smith, 951 West Lake-
side Drive, Shelton, garage,
$22,250; Anthony Castaneda, 201
NE Collins Drive East, Tahuya,
mobile home, $53,000; Larry
Topping, 10 North Duckabush
Drive West, Hoodsport, mobile
home, $29,000; Donn Dor, 500
East Balmoral Way, Shelton,
residence, $83,387; Mary Myers,
370 West Oak Meadows Road,
McCleary, mobile home, $38,000;
Robert Buchanan, 31 East Jul|an
ROad; Shelton :m0bil0 ' homo,
$80,403; Mark HGarst, 63 SE Ara-
bian Road, Shelton, mobile home
replacement, $49,000.
Robert Boyd, 881 SE Binns
Swiger Loop Road, Shelton, ga-
rage and shop, $38,291; Howard
Holeman, 911 East Trails End
Drive, Belfair, garage, $10,898;
Richard Howard, 2245 West Dee-
gan Road, Shelton, mobile home,
$44,322; Martin Braune, 570 East
Strong Road, Shelton, garage,
$6,433; Eric Flo, 100 North Sun-
down Drive, Hoodsport,
dock/bulkhead, $11,942; Joe Cas-
tleberry, 17411 East State Route
106, Belfalr, construct pier, ramp
and float, $16,760; Chris Carter,
18821 East State Route 106, Bel-
fair, pier, ramp and float,
$19,420; Ernie Ufer, 11421 East
State Route 106, Union, pier,
ramp and float, $19,116.
Scott Berry, 41 East Bay
Heights Drive, Allyn, mobile
home, $75,000; Michael Mitchell,
1220 East Old Ranch Road, A1-
lyn, residence, $112,398; Carnell
Construction, 300 NE Sand Hill
Road, Belfair, residence, deck
and garage, $95,712; William
Petrowitch, 510 East Old Ranch
Road, Allyn, residence, deck
and garage, $164,572; Steve Mor-
an, 2731 East Mason Lake Drive
East, Grapeview, garage,
$21,796; Juyne Cook, 16231 East
State Route 106, Belfair, garage,
$10,898; Roberta Williams, 709
SE Old Arcadia Road, Shelton,
mobile home, $58,165; Carl
Brownstein, 2743 SE Bloomfield
Road, Shelton, replace mobile
home, $7,900; Bob Hungerford,
13851 NE North Shore Road, Bel-
fair, bulkhead, $16,815.
Hess Family Trust, 33060
Highway 101, Lilliwaup, garage,
shop and storage, $27,245; Joe
Gordon, 25910 Highway 101,
send, 544 Chestnut Street, Shel-
ton, garage, $20,434; Paul Grif-
fin, 752 East Island View Road,
Grapeview, garage, $28,354;
Melford Winkleblack, 731 East
Lakeshore Drive East, Shelton,
mobile home; $30,000.
No value was listed for the fol-
lowing projects:
Peggi Mitchell, 600 East North
Bay Road, Belfair, mobile home;
Verle's Sports Center, 741 West
Golden Pheasant Road, Shelton,
automatic fire alarm; David
Tradewell, 5632 East State Route
302, Belfair, emergency bulk-
head repair; David Cox, 5630
East State Route 302, Belfair,
emergency bulkhead repair;
Carl Steingrebe, 5660 East State
Route 302, Belfair, emergency
bulkhead repair; Dale Robert-
son, 351 East Rasor Road, Bel-
fair, demolition and fire dam-
age preinspection; Tam| Selby,
451 East Mason Benson Road,
Grapeview, mobile home;
Charles Phillips, 181 NE Belfair
View Road, Belfair, mobile
home; Trace and Associates, 741
West Golden Pheasant Road,
foundation; Albert Miller, 4180
East Mason Lake Drive West,
Grapeview, foundation for ga-
rage with apartment above.
New construction and other
major projects receiving permits
during the past week include:
First American Title, 215
West Railroad Avenue, office
space, $3,880.
February 23 : 11:35 a.m. with
Mason County Medic One to the
report of an injury on West Pine
Street; 1:34 p.m., 1721 Jefferson,
smoke investigation.
February 27:2:08 a.m., West
Railroad Avenue, assault in the
fourth degree; 11:57 a.m., North
Seventh Street, utilities.
February 28:2:18 p.m., 500
Arcadia Avenue, illegal-burn
report; 2:33 p.m., East Wallace
Kaeeland, car fire.
March 1:10:22 p.m. with Me-
dic One to West Birch Street, her-
oin overdose.
Tuesday, February 23
An injury reportedly occurred
when a car and a bicycle collided
on West Pine Street.
Shelton police were asked to
investigate a sex offense.
Wednesday, February 24
A burglary was reported on the
2300 block of Adams Street.
Two men were reported to be
arguing in the middle of Olym-
pic Highway North and talking
about smashing cars.
Thursday, February 25
An elderly female reportedly
got scratched in a fight between
two cats on Grandview Avenue.
A burglary was reported to a
shed on the 2300 block of Adams
Threatening graffiti was re-
portedly found in a bathroom of
the Simpson fir and hemlock op-
A burglary was reported to a
business in the 1400 block of
Olympic Highway North.
Friday, February 26
Five rings were reportedly
stolen from a home on Ell|nor
A group of juveniles on bikes
was reportedly harassing other
juveniles on Summit Drive.
A caller said a man was try-
ing to pass out money in front of
Nita's Restaurant.
A caller from West Cots Street
complained about a merchant
who keeps feeding birds that
leave their droppings on other
Saturday, February 27
A sex offense was reported in
the Mountain View area.
A tub with 50 pounds of dog
food was allegedly stolen from
the back of a vehicle.
Sunday, February 28
A caller said a juvenile who
was collecting donations was
putting the quarters in a game
machine on South First Street.
A caller from the 500 block of
Cascade Avenue said seven kids
were harassing him and
wouldn't let him out.
Monday, March 1
Police received a report of an
older blue car being driven reck-
lessly between Seventh Street
and Little Egypt Road.
A caller reported that a teen-
age girl told caregivers at Mason
General Hospital that she'd been
sexually assaulted on Saturday
The Mason County Jail, which
was designed for 45 inmates and
refitted in 1989 to house 65,
recorded populations as follows
during the past week:
Wednesday 79, Thursday 82,
Friday 83, Saturday 89, Sunday
89, Monday 89, Tuesday 88.
Efforts are currently under
way to increase the capacity
Tuesday, February 23
Burglaries were reported to a
house on North Tyee Place,
Hoodsport, a residence on Dee-
gan Road East and a shop on
Johns Prairie Road.
A caller said 30 or 40 shots
were fired from a rig on the cor-
ner of Deegan and Shelton-Mat-
lock roads.
A caller from Hay Street said
his ex-wife's boyfriend is teach-
ing the children how to make
A rifle and ammunition-were
reportedly found in a septic tank
that had just been pumped.
A saxophone was reportedly
stolen from the Lighthouse
Wednesday, February 24
Fire District 4 and Medic One
responded at 12:23 p.m. to the re-
port of an injury on West State
Route 108.
Deputies were asked to help a
teenage girl who wrote out a will
and then started talking about
Trees were reportedly stolen
from a garage on West Bulb
Farm Road.
Burglaries were reported near
mile 7.1 of East State Route 106
and near mile 3.5 of NE Old Bel-
fair Highway.
Thursday, February 25
A caller from Dartmoor Drive
said one of his neighbors had cut
down his tree.
Deputies were asked to inves-
tigate a possible sexual assault at
the Mason County Jail.
A caller reported the possible
theft of wood from state land on
Log Yard Road, Belfair.
Drug paraphernalia was re-
portedly found in the back seat of
a law-enforcement patrol car.
A caller from Belfair said a
sex offender had reportedly
failed to tell the Mason County
Sheriff's Office of his where-
Friday, February 26
Squaxin Island Tribal Police,
Fire District 4 and Medic One
responded at 3:27 a.m. to an in-
cident involving a woman who
tried to cut her wrists with a bro-
ken bottle.
Fire District 4 responded with
nalia: Kenneth Lane Waller Jr., Street, Shelton, unlawful han-Hoodsport, residence and storage m DOCTOR ll00l c m m
1130 SE Craig Road, Shelton, dling of a weapon, $250, 365 days, loft, $30,326; Doug Reitsch, 70
363 suspended, two days commu- East Sycamore Place, Shelton, .,i/ t •
$I00, 90 days 89 suspended;
Michael A. Nystrom, Shelton, nity service, addition, $40,074; Bill Town- i Sewing Western •
"We Make Washington Since 1959 m
' '°bn M" Davit' Enrolled Agent / $Ar
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Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1999
Medic One at 8:25 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on West State
Route 108.
Fire District 11 responded with
Medic One at 5:49 a.m. to the re-
port of an injury on East Brock-
dale Road.
Medic One responded at 7:30
a.m. to the report of an injury on
SE Arcadia Road, Shelton.
A caller reported the theft-in-
progress of brush on Simpson
Timber Company land near
Steel Bridge.
Burglaries were reported on
Highway 101 in Lilliwaup and at
Shelton High School.
A van reportedly flipped over
near Pioneer School.
Saturday, February 27
A mudslide reportedly covered
a lane and a half on Elfendahl
Pass Road.
A Lilliwaup area man was
taken to an emergency clinic af-
ter he tried to break up a dogfight.
A caller from SE Cook Plant
Farm Road said a large pig was
loose in his or her yard and do-
ing a lot of damage to the out-
A goat allegedly taken by nine
teenage boys from NE Log Yard
Road, Belfair, was recovered.
A woman with a warrant who
fled the Twin Totems offered to
turn herself in to deputies.
Sunday, February 28
Fire District 4 res
p.m. to the report of
Craig Road, Shelton.
Automatic gunfire and a:
sible burglary in progres
reported from the
Blevins Road North.
A mailbox was re
len from NE Bear CI
A caller from West I)
ville Road, Elma, said a
and cow were being
A caller from the
said a man tried to hang
from a tree.
Monday, March 1
Fire District 4 respt
1:51 p.m. to the report
ture fire on SE A:
A caller from East
Place said someone just
break into his house.
A dog reportedly
killed a deer near
Rauschert Road,
A caller reported the
timber from a stand in
lock area and the theft
from West Eells Hill
Burglaries were
rental unit on NE
Road, Belfair and to a
NE State Route 300.
• /
-,*" * Reasonable
"k Positive
• Flexible
STEP, inc. "*- EffectiVe
Saturday, March 13, 1999
Preregistration required * Call today
• Slate Approved • Complete oulpalient sepz,iceS
The Postal Serwce is looking for parties interested in offering to sell land OR
ex,sting building to serve as the Lilliwaup, WA. - Main Post Office.
The preferred area boundaries are as follows:
North: one-half mile North of current site
South: one-half mile South of current site
East: 200 feet from Hwy 101
West: 200 feet from Hwy 101
Site size desired is approximately 0.50 to 1.0 acre of land. Offerors may also offer
space or building for lease. Minimum net square footage required is 1,877.
20 years. Quote rent for space/building in its "as is" condition. Existing
meet Federal Handicapped Accessibility Standards at time of occupancy or be
being modified to meet such. Offerors must own or control the site and
lease rate. If the proposal is submitted by an agent for the owner, evidence of the
exclusive authority to sell the subject site must accompany the proposal. SubjeCt
shall be outside of the 100-year flood plain. The owner shall be responsible for,
necessary to obtain zoning prior to purchase/lease by the U.S. Postal Service.
Service reserves the right to negotiate with any and all respondents.
A Solicitation Package may be obtained at the Lilliwaup, WA - Main Post Office,
N. 28611 Hwy 101, Lilliwaup, WA 98555-9998.
For proposal information call or write:
Susan Reinhart
LaBonde Land, Inc.
601 Union St, Ste 1725
Seattle, WA 98101-2341
Telephone: (206) 623-t 63.
FAX: (206) 654-4148
Offers mailed or hand delivered must be received at the above address
March 18, 1999.
The Postal Service is looking for parties interested in offering to sell land OR
existing building to serve as the Matlock, WA. - Main Post Office. :.
The preferred area boundaries are as follows: .... ,'
North: Anderson Road
South: Deckerville Road
East: Bingham Creek Bridge
West: Ford Road
Site size desired is approximately 0.50 to 1.0 acre of land. Offerors may also
space or building for lease. Minimum net square footage required is 1,337. LeaSe
20 years. Quote rent for space/building in its "as is" condition. Existing building
meet Federal Handicapped Accessibility Standards at time of occupancy or be
being modified to meet such. Offerors must own or control the site and must
lease rate. If the proposal is submitted by an agent for the owner, evidence of
exclusive authority to sell the sublect srte must accompany the proposal, subject
shal be outside of the 700-year flood plain. The owner shall be responsible
necessary to obtain zoning prior to purchase/lease by the U.S. Postal Service.
Service reserves the right to negotiate with any and all respondents.
A Solicitation Package may be obtained at the Matlock, WA - Main Post C
West 17490 Shehon-Matlock Rd., Matlock, WA 98560-9998. -
For proposal information call or write:
Susan Reinhart
LaBonde Land, In(.
601 Union St, Ste 1725
Seattle, WA 98101-2341
Telephone: (206) 623-1633
FAX: (206) 654-4148
Offers mailed or hand delivered must be received at the above address before 4:-[
March 15, 1999.