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All that's left after Climbers' stunning district exit:
'A real bad 'te in 00rou mouth
By STEVE PATCH those were either deflected out of [ I I I :i!:!
Big D, little O: bP :u:dwsa:r'7:hg°t st?lwSe-:er:he I'" ""] I I I
It was supposed to be position to make a play. HI b B00]If'h B00rT ' 'l Ill I I
more than enough to 'Do "And you didn't see that Tues- I• ''! jww I" "1 I I I
Alas,. though, .the same l ir lllib4ill / []
defense so conspicuous for CURIOUSLY enough, most of I "1 v- -- = } I I II I I
the past month and a the Monarchs re.sultantoffensive i i ¢I I I !
half wound u n shrivelin carnage was not mmcea y melr - -- - - [ I • II II"T, i ] I I I
v . -- P star forward, 6-4 senior all- - - - I I [] IIIi"k\\;\ i ] ! ql I I
unaccountably for the Shel- leaguer Ryan Polk, but by his ! I Ii 11 / | I i m !ll,]i:
tan Highclimbers Tuesday I I II l] I I I I,,::%IID
night, and the upshot was I I II | I I '
an early and unceremonious I I II .-..J''l I F W];=. "
exit in the first round of the ' | ;. tt I , :/
There ikl ,
distrlctplayoffs. W' / I II L00ll/ It , il , l/I
Ooe wio tour- were a lot o - I IIIf?000000 I 3&:
nament's double-elimina- . o. m:m - I ', - -
tion bracket, the Climbers pene00ranons + I" .m p T " , m I, "ilia
thumping at the hands of Iillll:::ll ... l)< II|l. - ] :: •lib).. |:
underdog Mark Morris ..... 1= ........ ......
It jus: was one o ;nose --,-- - *,-- .... iilI ' I ,"a$'
deals where we didn't play dtdn't aet liln ] .... t ,1-
very good and they played a_. ...... Bill
well," said Mark Jensen, the regatta ' ! , :./ li II. Ill
Climbers fourth-year head " '*" 77: :it li ,, ill i : ::
coach. "We weren't really very :;::! :7I in Ill i [] "-
fluid at the offensive end and ,.:!,! t. .... ' < .... tt y,..,, " "
then when our defense broke ]--<,,l su--ortina i'+i; i I" : :'00r.itl i ,
down a little bit that became a cas .......... "': '::;: ill ; ;:i)!i i [] : lll :ii
bad situation for us." ,," :,,: II i!!i ':V [] -" --<
Yeah, the guys that hurt us i! n :! in $-- ii::: !I _'., i
A.e , .pp. *h <,,, were guys that hadn't done a i!!!!i: i i: I [] ) llll i
w'e;oset]l-lus"a-coui'le whole lot," said Jensen, alluding )!7!;i i II - : i [] i! L:
, , to what he d seen of them on film ,
minutes before the half. That s " " ' .<:+ i i ? :; _ := I I , II :
when the Monarchs went on a ,, " ' i Ill ..... , iI ii :[][ <::I
10-0 run to the buzzer, and the There was a kid named Lamb :: q : 'ii I: "1) I
Climbers couldn't turn things (6-3 senior forward Dave Lamb) i Ill , ill, i: :I
around after that despite their that went three for three. And he *< II ill ::7..!.:- I ;7, ......... (. : ..... :
well deserved reputation for de- hadn't done a whole !or in any of " li': Ii pip ,"(:: : .g" , ..
fensive stinginess, the games I d watched, ya Know. Ia i !!*! ' " +"' i
"Probably over the last half o So when those three in a row ,lil 1 # '::. -*tliilli
dozen games we had gotten to went down,from 16 or 17 feet I ! m In Iit .':' :>.l.
where we rotated deinsively and went, I don t like this at all. ! I. ...... "
got people comin' to help," said ' A .... : : -: : ......
Jensen. "And when somebody "You had a sense that they iullI
went to help, the next guy rotat- were in a pretty good groove and II : - ..................
ed, and we did a lot of great in a pretty good rhythm- and we "': .... ? .......
things that way. weren t. : ._.,.
WITH 6-5 SENIOR Jim Rich-
ardson long-arming to distraction
in the Monarchs' passing lanes
and capping a steal with a twist-
ing lay-up to key a brief defensive
rally, the Climbers pulled to with-
"And we didn't do that Tuesday
night. Ya know, there were a lot
o' penetrations where our back-
side didn't get rotated, so they got
little dump-offs for lay-ups. And
you hadn't seen that for about
half a dozen games. Ya know,
The A Teams broke out the
brooms at the old middle school
gym last weekend.
No, the sartorial Mr. T and his
nefarious cronies didn't escape
from the netherland of syndicated
re-runs to clean up on some
equally shady threat to our Amer-
ican way of life.
Rather, the "A" division assem-
blage of local rec basketballers
swept their "B" division counter-
parts in Shelton Parks & Ree's
crossover-style league playoffs.
Sea West Mortgage/Colo's Cor-
ner claimed the league title with
an 86-64 win over Mason County
Garbage, and Skokomish nailed
down third place by topping
Olympic Herb Farm 89-76.
MC Garbage and Olympic
Herb finished second and fourth,
day night saw Sea West/Colo's
parlay a stifling zone defense into
an eight-point lead in the first
period and then stretch it to 13
by the half when Mark Eichhorn's
blind, over-the-head fling from
behind the arc found nothing but
net at the buzzer.
After inching their lead to 21
by the * third-quarter break, the
champs maintained a comfortable
cushion in the final period with
some scintillating shooting from
the free-throw line, dropping
down 22 of 26.
Eichhorn led all scorers with
21., one more than MCG's Mike
11 and Victor Andrews 10 to lead
Skokomish to a 28-15 lead after
one quarter.
Olympic Herb came back in the
fourth quarter to climb within six,
but Skok regrouped and went on
to win by 13.
SW/Colo's tops
hoop. rec
Peterson led all scorers with
28, including four treys, and
Trevor Peterson tossed in 17
(three treys).
Olympic Herb's Jim Buck
buried five treys and finished
with 23, as did running mate
Wayne Farr.
ups, Soundview Chiropractic/Lix
Construction bested the Potlatch
Pirates 61-53, and Little Creek
Casino handled Olympic Motors/
Railer Logging 77-58.
Soundview/Lix opened up a 14-
point lead by intermission before
Potlatch rallied - actually taking
the lead briefly at 46-45 - and
closed the gap to just one after
three periods.
stiffened on defense and rallied
back in the fourth quarter to pre-
vail by eight.
Kevin Tinsley and Larry Shee-
dy scored 14 points each for the
winners. Jamie Marley led Pot-
latch with 13.
Eric Burfiend scored 19 of his
game-high 26 in the first half and
Anthony Brown poured in 13 of
his 17 in the second half to lead
Little Creek past Olympic Motors/
Railer. Brandon Felix led OM/R
with 13.
See Weat/Colo's 20 40 59 86
Macon County Garbage 12 27 38 64
Sea WestJColo's Corner - Mark Eich-
horn 21, Ty Davidson 11, Dan Rodius 11,
Scott River 10, Mark Ziegler 8, Scott Eich-
horn 7, Greg Harvey 7, Brad Lev 6, Eric Zie-
gler 5.
FG - 22; FT - 37-48 (77%).
Mason County Garbage - Mike Bogh 20,
Matt Bogh 11, Eric Bee 9, Pat Rhodes 8,
Ahmed Goins 8, Los Smith 6, Chris Giraldes
2, Jason Hitsman, Josh Johnson.
FG - 18; FT - 13-20 (65%).
Skokomlah 28 47 67 89
Olympic Herb Farm 13 32 50 76
Skokomish - Marry Paterson 28, Trevor
Paterson 17, Victor Andrews 12, Rob Breh-
(Please turn to page 19.)
Page ia- Shelton-Mason' County Journal- Thursday, March 4, 1999
stunning defeat Tuesday night at Black Hills High School, scene of
their Round One 58-38 rout at the hands of district rival Mark Morris.
in six points early in the third
But then the Monarchs
promptly shot their way back out
to a double-digit advantage and
never looked back - finishing the
night with a blistering 53%
fieldgoal mark and 57% from
three-point land.
The Climbers' response? Alas,
All-league junior guard Aaron
Brown, who sizzled to the tune of
seven-for-nine shooting from
three-point range inthe Climbers'
regular-season finale nine nights
before, was 0-3 from out there
Tuesday and 0-5 overall.
Richardson and fellow senior
Chris Gray to pick up the slack
offensively, and they did so to the
tune of 15 and eight points. But
from there the Climbers' produc-
tion fell off dramatically.
"I don't know if it was because
of the layoff," said Jensen, refer-
ring to that nine-day interlude,
ferent times. And so then we'd
start rotating people and we lost
some of the fluidity that we did
have - which, ya know, wasn't
real good to begin with."
thus ended at 15-6 - best
numbers hereabouts in years,
conceded Jensen. But that's not
"but when we got down we didn't how it felt Tuesday night.
show much enthusiasm for gettin'
the ball up the floor and lookin' '<Yeah, there were a lot o' tears
early, ya know? shed," said the coach. 'Ya know,
there were enough seniors there
"I don't think the kids were out that it was probably their 'last
o' shape, but I don't know that hurrah' of basketball.
they knew how much the adrena- "So, yeah, it was hard to get up
lin and the stress would take out- and come to school the next day.
ta them. Actually, it was hard to sleep that
"Because I thought two or night, too."
three kids looked real tired at dif- What he hopes his kids ul-
Reacting to a call as things start to unravel, left, are Climber
Jim Richardson (right) and James Aries. Driving to no avail at
junior guard Aaron Brown.
timately will take with them from
this season, said Jensen, is the
satisfaction of considerable ac-
Beating league-champ Olym-
pia with a defensive performance
for the ages, for instance - when
the Bears were ranked third in Mark Morris 8
the state polls. Stringing together Shelton 10
Mark Morris - Dave
eight straight wins and going Bryce Clary 9, Evan Kirk
11-12 down the stretch. Ehrlich 3, Tyler Baker 10,
"SO, IrEAI'I, in a lot of ways it Dave Lamb 7, Ryan Polk 6,
Alan Aim, Reese Baker, Chad
was the best season we've had FG- 1g-36 (4-7 t? )
here in a while," said Coach. "And 16-22.
that's why Tuesday night was so Shelton - Brian Bradley 2,
frustrating. 2, Jim Richardson 15, James
Gray 8, Owen Bacon 2, }r, mt
Jason Patterson, Chris Spikes
"I don't know if it would have den, Jacob Geist,
been easier to take, ya know, but FG - 15-35 (1-10 three-
you'd have a better taste in your 7-t.
mouth about the whole
we'd played better a
"So, for having as s
season as they did, it h
bad taste in your r.m
. 71:: :i ::7i}
L, ? ..... .....
%):: : , :
I I llllt7 ' ::
ANOTHER CLIMBER SHOT rattles off into the hane[s of the Monarchs {)wen Bacon. Boarding for the Monarchs are seniors Dave life
Tuesday in Shelton's brief district fling. From left for Shelton are ju- (11) and Ryan Polk (43).
nior Aaron Brown, seniors Brian Bradley and James Aries and junior
All that's left after Climbers' stunning district exit:
'A real bad 'te in 00rou mouth
By STEVE PATCH those were either deflected out of [ I I I :i!:!
Big D, little O: bP :u:dwsa:r'7:hg°t st?lwSe-:er:he I'" ""] I I I
It was supposed to be position to make a play. HI b B00]If'h B00rT ' 'l Ill I I
more than enough to 'Do "And you didn't see that Tues- I• ''! jww I" "1 I I I
Alas,. though, .the same l ir lllib4ill / []
defense so conspicuous for CURIOUSLY enough, most of I "1 v- -- = } I I II I I
the past month and a the Monarchs re.sultantoffensive i i ¢I I I !
half wound u n shrivelin carnage was not mmcea y melr - -- - - [ I • II II"T, i ] I I I
v . -- P star forward, 6-4 senior all- - - - I I [] IIIi"k\\;\ i ] ! ql I I
unaccountably for the Shel- leaguer Ryan Polk, but by his ! I Ii 11 / | I i m !ll,]i:
tan Highclimbers Tuesday I I II l] I I I I,,::%IID
night, and the upshot was I I II | I I '
an early and unceremonious I I II .-..J''l I F W];=. "
exit in the first round of the ' | ;. tt I , :/
There ikl ,
distrlctplayoffs. W' / I II L00ll/ It , il , l/I
Ooe wio tour- were a lot o - I IIIf?000000 I 3&:
nament's double-elimina- . o. m:m - I ', - -
tion bracket, the Climbers pene00ranons + I" .m p T " , m I, "ilia
thumping at the hands of Iillll:::ll ... l)< II|l. - ] :: •lib).. |:
underdog Mark Morris ..... 1= ........ ......
It jus: was one o ;nose --,-- - *,-- .... iilI ' I ,"a$'
deals where we didn't play dtdn't aet liln ] .... t ,1-
very good and they played a_. ...... Bill
well," said Mark Jensen, the regatta ' ! , :./ li II. Ill
Climbers fourth-year head " '*" 77: :it li ,, ill i : ::
coach. "We weren't really very :;::! :7I in Ill i [] "-
fluid at the offensive end and ,.:!,! t. .... ' < .... tt y,..,, " "
then when our defense broke ]--<,,l su--ortina i'+i; i I" : :'00r.itl i ,
down a little bit that became a cas .......... "': '::;: ill ; ;:i)!i i [] : lll :ii
bad situation for us." ,," :,,: II i!!i ':V [] -" --<
Yeah, the guys that hurt us i! n :! in $-- ii::: !I _'., i
A.e , .pp. *h <,,, were guys that hadn't done a i!!!!i: i i: I [] ) llll i
w'e;oset]l-lus"a-coui'le whole lot," said Jensen, alluding )!7!;i i II - : i [] i! L:
, , to what he d seen of them on film ,
minutes before the half. That s " " ' .<:+ i i ? :; _ := I I , II :
when the Monarchs went on a ,, " ' i Ill ..... , iI ii :[][ <::I
10-0 run to the buzzer, and the There was a kid named Lamb :: q : 'ii I: "1) I
Climbers couldn't turn things (6-3 senior forward Dave Lamb) i Ill , ill, i: :I
around after that despite their that went three for three. And he *< II ill ::7..!.:- I ;7, ......... (. : ..... :
well deserved reputation for de- hadn't done a whole !or in any of " li': Ii pip ,"(:: : .g" , ..
fensive stinginess, the games I d watched, ya Know. Ia i !!*! ' " +"' i
"Probably over the last half o So when those three in a row ,lil 1 # '::. -*tliilli
dozen games we had gotten to went down,from 16 or 17 feet I ! m In Iit .':' :>.l.
where we rotated deinsively and went, I don t like this at all. ! I. ...... "
got people comin' to help," said ' A .... : : -: : ......
Jensen. "And when somebody "You had a sense that they iullI
went to help, the next guy rotat- were in a pretty good groove and II : - ..................
ed, and we did a lot of great in a pretty good rhythm- and we "': .... ? .......
things that way. weren t. : ._.,.
WITH 6-5 SENIOR Jim Rich-
ardson long-arming to distraction
in the Monarchs' passing lanes
and capping a steal with a twist-
ing lay-up to key a brief defensive
rally, the Climbers pulled to with-
"And we didn't do that Tuesday
night. Ya know, there were a lot
o' penetrations where our back-
side didn't get rotated, so they got
little dump-offs for lay-ups. And
you hadn't seen that for about
half a dozen games. Ya know,
The A Teams broke out the
brooms at the old middle school
gym last weekend.
No, the sartorial Mr. T and his
nefarious cronies didn't escape
from the netherland of syndicated
re-runs to clean up on some
equally shady threat to our Amer-
ican way of life.
Rather, the "A" division assem-
blage of local rec basketballers
swept their "B" division counter-
parts in Shelton Parks & Ree's
crossover-style league playoffs.
Sea West Mortgage/Colo's Cor-
ner claimed the league title with
an 86-64 win over Mason County
Garbage, and Skokomish nailed
down third place by topping
Olympic Herb Farm 89-76.
MC Garbage and Olympic
Herb finished second and fourth,
day night saw Sea West/Colo's
parlay a stifling zone defense into
an eight-point lead in the first
period and then stretch it to 13
by the half when Mark Eichhorn's
blind, over-the-head fling from
behind the arc found nothing but
net at the buzzer.
After inching their lead to 21
by the * third-quarter break, the
champs maintained a comfortable
cushion in the final period with
some scintillating shooting from
the free-throw line, dropping
down 22 of 26.
Eichhorn led all scorers with
21., one more than MCG's Mike
11 and Victor Andrews 10 to lead
Skokomish to a 28-15 lead after
one quarter.
Olympic Herb came back in the
fourth quarter to climb within six,
but Skok regrouped and went on
to win by 13.
SW/Colo's tops
hoop. rec
Peterson led all scorers with
28, including four treys, and
Trevor Peterson tossed in 17
(three treys).
Olympic Herb's Jim Buck
buried five treys and finished
with 23, as did running mate
Wayne Farr.
ups, Soundview Chiropractic/Lix
Construction bested the Potlatch
Pirates 61-53, and Little Creek
Casino handled Olympic Motors/
Railer Logging 77-58.
Soundview/Lix opened up a 14-
point lead by intermission before
Potlatch rallied - actually taking
the lead briefly at 46-45 - and
closed the gap to just one after
three periods.
stiffened on defense and rallied
back in the fourth quarter to pre-
vail by eight.
Kevin Tinsley and Larry Shee-
dy scored 14 points each for the
winners. Jamie Marley led Pot-
latch with 13.
Eric Burfiend scored 19 of his
game-high 26 in the first half and
Anthony Brown poured in 13 of
his 17 in the second half to lead
Little Creek past Olympic Motors/
Railer. Brandon Felix led OM/R
with 13.
See Weat/Colo's 20 40 59 86
Macon County Garbage 12 27 38 64
Sea WestJColo's Corner - Mark Eich-
horn 21, Ty Davidson 11, Dan Rodius 11,
Scott River 10, Mark Ziegler 8, Scott Eich-
horn 7, Greg Harvey 7, Brad Lev 6, Eric Zie-
gler 5.
FG - 22; FT - 37-48 (77%).
Mason County Garbage - Mike Bogh 20,
Matt Bogh 11, Eric Bee 9, Pat Rhodes 8,
Ahmed Goins 8, Los Smith 6, Chris Giraldes
2, Jason Hitsman, Josh Johnson.
FG - 18; FT - 13-20 (65%).
Skokomlah 28 47 67 89
Olympic Herb Farm 13 32 50 76
Skokomish - Marry Paterson 28, Trevor
Paterson 17, Victor Andrews 12, Rob Breh-
(Please turn to page 19.)
Page ia- Shelton-Mason' County Journal- Thursday, March 4, 1999
stunning defeat Tuesday night at Black Hills High School, scene of
their Round One 58-38 rout at the hands of district rival Mark Morris.
in six points early in the third
But then the Monarchs
promptly shot their way back out
to a double-digit advantage and
never looked back - finishing the
night with a blistering 53%
fieldgoal mark and 57% from
three-point land.
The Climbers' response? Alas,
All-league junior guard Aaron
Brown, who sizzled to the tune of
seven-for-nine shooting from
three-point range inthe Climbers'
regular-season finale nine nights
before, was 0-3 from out there
Tuesday and 0-5 overall.
Richardson and fellow senior
Chris Gray to pick up the slack
offensively, and they did so to the
tune of 15 and eight points. But
from there the Climbers' produc-
tion fell off dramatically.
"I don't know if it was because
of the layoff," said Jensen, refer-
ring to that nine-day interlude,
ferent times. And so then we'd
start rotating people and we lost
some of the fluidity that we did
have - which, ya know, wasn't
real good to begin with."
thus ended at 15-6 - best
numbers hereabouts in years,
conceded Jensen. But that's not
"but when we got down we didn't how it felt Tuesday night.
show much enthusiasm for gettin'
the ball up the floor and lookin' '<Yeah, there were a lot o' tears
early, ya know? shed," said the coach. 'Ya know,
there were enough seniors there
"I don't think the kids were out that it was probably their 'last
o' shape, but I don't know that hurrah' of basketball.
they knew how much the adrena- "So, yeah, it was hard to get up
lin and the stress would take out- and come to school the next day.
ta them. Actually, it was hard to sleep that
"Because I thought two or night, too."
three kids looked real tired at dif- What he hopes his kids ul-
Reacting to a call as things start to unravel, left, are Climber
Jim Richardson (right) and James Aries. Driving to no avail at
junior guard Aaron Brown.
timately will take with them from
this season, said Jensen, is the
satisfaction of considerable ac-
Beating league-champ Olym-
pia with a defensive performance
for the ages, for instance - when
the Bears were ranked third in Mark Morris 8
the state polls. Stringing together Shelton 10
Mark Morris - Dave
eight straight wins and going Bryce Clary 9, Evan Kirk
11-12 down the stretch. Ehrlich 3, Tyler Baker 10,
"SO, IrEAI'I, in a lot of ways it Dave Lamb 7, Ryan Polk 6,
Alan Aim, Reese Baker, Chad
was the best season we've had FG- 1g-36 (4-7 t? )
here in a while," said Coach. "And 16-22.
that's why Tuesday night was so Shelton - Brian Bradley 2,
frustrating. 2, Jim Richardson 15, James
Gray 8, Owen Bacon 2, }r, mt
Jason Patterson, Chris Spikes
"I don't know if it would have den, Jacob Geist,
been easier to take, ya know, but FG - 15-35 (1-10 three-
you'd have a better taste in your 7-t.
mouth about the whole
we'd played better a
"So, for having as s
season as they did, it h
bad taste in your r.m
. 71:: :i ::7i}
L, ? ..... .....
%):: : , :
I I llllt7 ' ::
ANOTHER CLIMBER SHOT rattles off into the hane[s of the Monarchs {)wen Bacon. Boarding for the Monarchs are seniors Dave life
Tuesday in Shelton's brief district fling. From left for Shelton are ju- (11) and Ryan Polk (43).
nior Aaron Brown, seniors Brian Bradley and James Aries and junior