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00o-hum? Partingshots Th 'back
00rosh? Ha!
8', ber basketball's freshman :
YUrnedaho-hum start into And p " al Olymp
Unbeaten run to the league nmed to defend SF ics crown
ethis pastfse::oo.their first
tier losing
lames the voune Climbers re-
ld.ed to win 12 m a row, peak-
With a 79-29 manhandling of
a rival Capital two games
the end.
! hey finally gelled and had
PPortunity to work together
l their strengths, said the
rs' coach, Mark Ziegler.
e Were bigger than most
[of we faced and took advan-
at:that by outrebounding and
ring most opponents in the
'e Climbers averaged 51
mata a game, and their average
h 'a of victory was 13 points.
]F:I l, 'J. Mell led the way with a
'" " "'" O'
!S P lnts-per-game average He
.... :,lt followed by Casey Williams,
i /ieara members included Mell,
i, "a'as, Chris Boelk, Brad Han-
l n Hattori, Demar Holtz,
Kilmer, Br ce Kilmer An-
y .- . y
'1 YlcCarty, Robert McGee,
[.eterson, Nathan Raines, Ian
i::erson and Robert Watson.
.U)getderi.,,., and hard work
Climbe!n rewarding fash-
basketball's "C"-
girls this past season.
a 5-4 start, the girls put
a six-game win streak
8-2 in the second
everything they'd been
d to gel.
really came together
second half of the sea-
only on the floor but
and teammates," said
x, assistant to head coach
"They began to un-
how to play together as
teamwise strength, noted
- himself a one-time
LC'caliber sprinter who
to star as a running back
Football League -
notably on more
t Tumwater, for in-
Climbers so humiliat-
Once dominant arch ri-
route to a 56-16 tail-
that several of the T-
were crying before
he said, and their
suggested calling it
time had run out.
lSive, the girls were out-
Fox, noting
held their op-
under 29 points a
figure helped consider-
58-2 humiliation of
n a game where their
SCore till the final ten
ad a subsequent 98-12
of Capital.
said Fox, four of his
losses were by a com-
'e points. "So we could
been 17-2," he added.
:tubers were led by
rs Elizabeth White
only 5.5 turnovers a
Fox (6-3 center,
and eight points a
McMullin (eight
game and a season-
outing), Amanda
scoring leader, at
Points a game, and
seven boards a con-
Potts (three-point
Sophomore defensive
)hanie Sewell and
out the squad were
Linsie Auseth and
ley and junior Nor-
age student Liz
a taste of
I this year,"
g games at
ollege and St. Mar-
and, just this Satur-
the Huskies beat
*o got tours of facilities
with the coaches
What it takes to get
will be con-
spring and fall
wars under the
this summer
High School
CLIMBER B-BALL'S FROSH boys: In front from left are
Robert Watson, Jon Peterson, Brad Hanson, Casey
Williams and Robert McGee. Back: Chris Boelk, A.J.
Mell, Bryce Kilmer, Anthony McCarty, Demar Holtz,
Brett Kilmer and Nathan Raines. Not pictured are Ken
Hattori, Ian Sanderson and coach Mark Ziegler.
THE C-TEAM GIRLS of Climber basketball: From left
are Linsie Auseth, Autumn McMullin, Jennifer Fox, Liz
Stock, Julie Potts and Jonelle Kasperski. In back are
coach Irv Stevenson (right) and assistant coach Mike
Fox. Not pictured: Shamekia Brown, Nydesta Gouley,
Amanda Heckert, Stephanie Sewell and Elizabeth White.
THE CLIMBER FROSH girls' basketball team: From left
in front are Peace Renish and Amber Lineaweaver.
Standing: Meaghan Ryan, Naomi Kroum, Mandy Cross-
Shelton High School's Special
Olympics hoopsters have done it
A year after commemorating
their first-ever trip to state by
making off with no less than
first-place hardware, the Climb-
ers have earned a return invita-
tion to the scene of their all-
Washington ascension.
And they didn't just squeak by
in their qualifying bid, either.
"No, they blew away the com-
petition," intones their mentor,
SHS special-ed teacher Gar
Thornton. He laughs halfway in-
credulously. "I mean, BOY/ My
Senior 3 group came out loaded
for bear.
"They almost had to slow
down, ya know, because the score
got really high. I mean, every
game they played.
"They played three games, and
they were gonna hafta play a
fourth but the other team kinda
went, 'Awww, it's okay. Uh, I
don't think so...'" He laughs.
squad - the more experienced of
two Climber teams that vied in
regional's state-qualifying go-
around two weekends back -
boasts more than incidental
seasoning, as it were.
"It's pretty much the same
team we've had for about four
years now," explains Thornton.
"The first year we started this
they came out and took first place
at regional but we weren't ready
to go to state.
"I mean, I could tell that the
crew was not cohesive enough, or
that whole thing. I had good play-
ers but they were not a team."
ALAS, THOUGH, the next
couple of Climber seasons ended
shy of the regional-tourney ascen-
sion requisite of all state qualifi-
"I thought I'd shot myself in
the foot," sys Thornton, laugh-
ing. "And yet they were coming
together really well as a team,
and so last year was the first year
that they really came together.
Everything gelled and - BOOM -
they made it to state.
"And the same thing happened
again this year. That same team
Wanted: hoop gals
Mason County's age-group
girls' basketball contingent is
looking for new blood.
Vying in the so-called BCI
(Basketball Congress Internation-
al) league around the greater Pu-
get Sound area, the local contin-
gent is looking for girls in grades
High School. In front from left are Becky Cole, Lisa Rowley, Shelley
Ray, Robbie Fetters, Diana Matson and Jack Davis. Second row: Jason
Ray, Amber Belcher, Adam Kelly and Becka Gray. Back: coach Mandy
Manning, Donnie Riley, Brent Newell, Willie Simonsen, Danny Yerkan,
Russell Clougher, Jamie Riley, Ora Mitchell and coach Gar Thornton.
Not pictured are Robbie Ireland and Lonnie Lavender.
now knows how to play as a team
- not a bunch of individuals. And
that's been really exciting."
MEMBERS OF the Climbers'
team include guards Willie Si-
monsen, Robbie Fetters and Ja-
son Ray, forwards Danny Yerkan
and Ora Mitchell and centers
Donnie Riley, Jamie Riley and
Adam Kelly.
They're coached by first-year
SHS para-pro Mandy Manning, a
brand-new grad who just so hap-
pens to have played collegiate
basketball at Eastern in Cheney -
the very site of the Climbers'
March 12-14 date with Special
Olympics destiny.
OUR JAYVEE Special Olym-
pians, meanwhile - one place shy
of state qualification in their
bracket at regionals - include
Lisa Rowley, Shelley Ray, Diana
Matson, Robbie Ireland, Becka
Gray, Jack Davis, Brent Newell,
Amber Belcher, Russell Clougher,
Becky Cole and Lonnie Lavender.
en, coach Peggy Renish, Danielle Stratford, Amber 9-12 willing to commit to a season
O'Donnell and Audrey Loss. Not pictured: Jennifer that runs from April to June,
with games on weekends plus Thornton, having turned over
Reber, Judy Miklethun and Krystal Dwyer. practices two nights a week. the varsity reins to Ms. Manning,
Distaff frosh win For thefirsttimeever, more-hascoachedthisso-called"white"
over, there's talk of forming an team. And he says it too has
"elite" team here, made up of top made great strides.
despite decimation age-groupers not only from Shel- "So it was kind of a tough call,"
ton but also from other area high he says, referring to the jayvees'
schools, exclusion from state's guest list.
"Because we're all in one commu-
For more information, call sec-
ond-year Shelton BCI coach Char-
lene Stevenson at 426-2314.
tops rec
(Continued from page 18.)
meyer 10, Clinton Coley 9, Phillip Peterson
9, Fleet Johns 4.
FG - 29; FT - 24-34 (71%).
Olympic Herb Farm - Wayne Farr 23,
Jim Buck 23, Scott Peek 19, John Glenewln-
kel 6, John Hill 3, Kurt Garrison 2, Mike
FG -27; FT- 14-24.
Soundvlew/LIx 17 40 47 61
Potlatch Pirates 11 26 46 53
Soundvlew Chiropractic/Lix Construction
- Kevin Tinsley 14, Larry Sheedy 14, James
Lix 13, Scott Hubble 13, Rich Bowman 7,
Per Anderson.
FG - 24; FT - 7-12 (58%).
Potlatch Pirates- Jamie Madey 13, Ran
Johnson 11, Cheyese DePoe 10, Mark Sny-
der 7, Nell Lyons 5, Xavier Brown 4, Jere-
miah Johns 3.
FG - 22; FT - 6-23 (26%).
O'Donnell, Peace Renish, Danielle
Stratford, Audree Loss, Naomi
Kroum and Amber Lineaweaver
holding up in the absence of their
five variously injured or ill team-
mates, the Climbers wound up
visiting the "W" column more
than once, as it happens.
Against Port Angeles, for in-
stance, they prevailed despite
having no bench whatsoever, said
"They played hard," said the
former MMK coach. "I think they
have a lot of dedication.
"And they kept improving and
improving and improving..."
Rounding out the squad - in
partial-season roles, at any rate -
were Meaghan Ryan, Mandy
Crossen, Judy Miklethun, Jenni-
fer Reber and Krystal Dwyer.
The vagaries of fortune played
havoc with Climber basketball's
frosh girls this season, but they
still managed to get in a few licks
of their own.
Despite losing virtually half of
their players to injury or illness
or the like during the course of
the season, the Climbers made
the most of their short-handed
situation, walloping Capital High
School's "D" squad by fully 30
points, for instance.
"Which is pretty phenomenal,"
agrees the Climbers' first-year
head coach, former Mary M.
Knight mentor Peggy Renish.
"Of course, we also lost by 30 -
to Napavine's jayvees. They were
ranked fifth in the state among B
schools. Big, fast girls..."
With team "survivors" Amber
StingeI':S win tourney
Age-group basketball's Shelton
Stingers won a seventh-grade
tournament in Winlock last week-
Capping a seven-game mara-
thon with five straight wins after
a round-two loss to Eatonville,
the locals beat a select team from
Yelm 46-44 on Derek Blakley's
last-second shot in the first cham-
pionship matchup and then blew
away the same Yelm squad 71-28
in the double-elimination affair's
title tilt.
Members of the team are Jef-
frey Kieburtz, Zack Gagnon, Tom-
my Creekpaum, Derek Blakley,
Jonathan Peterson, Joel Black,
Colby Brewer, Kyle Lowe, Chris
Waite and Codi Nelson. Coaches
are Dann Gagnon and Todd
A man may be wrong; so may a
generation; but humanity does
not make mistakes.
Andrd Maurois
Little Creek Casino 18 37 57 77
Oly Motors/Relier Logging 9 28 43 58
Little Creek Casino - Eric Burfiend 26,
Anthony Brown 17, Bear Lewis 9, Kevin Sut-
terlict 6, Ran Metheny 6, William Allen 6,
Adam Visser 5, Demus Cordova 2, Tom
FG - 29; FT - 15-25 (60%).
Olympic Motors/Relier Logging - Bran-
don Felix 13, Mike Hammonds 10, Mike
Rowley 9, Dan Gasser 8, LaShon Powell 6,
Bernie Miller 6, Kevln Clark 4, Adam Krise 2.
FG - 22; FT - 9-17 (53%).
nity here."
COMMUNITY is the operative
word, of course. And Thornton
and his fellow special-ed teachers
spare no energy when it comes to
bringing that point home to their
Especially in the midst of all
this hoop hoopla.
"Cuz that's really what Special
mean, the athletic part: Yes, it's
an important part.
"But the biggest part of' it
is learning independent-living
skills, learning socialization
skills, learning community skills.
"Cuz that's what's going to help
them in the long run."
Olympics is all about," he says. "I oif : .....
Dancers slate Bayshore ........
Bayshore's ladies broke with
state teaser
The Shelton High School dance
team will go public with its state
routine Monday, March 15, at 7
p.m. in the Minidome.
The so-called "open house" is
free but donations will be taken
at the door to help pay for the
girls' food at the March 19-20 all-
Washington extravaganza in Ya-
convention in head-turning fash-
ion Tuesday, braving monsoon
weather to squeeze in a round.
The results:
First division - Gert Batstone first, Wan-
da Fosdick second.
Second division - Alice Chapman first,
Charleen Wallitner second.
Third division - Lois Poe first.
Fourth division - Elsie Zehe first and
Arlene Van Wey tied for second with Pat
Chip-ins - Arlene Van Wey and Char-
leen Wallitner.
RJ's Mufflers
and More
2316 Olympic
Highw?y North
...... , ...... 427 3581
For oll vour automotive repair neds
Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19
00o-hum? Partingshots Th 'back
00rosh? Ha!
8', ber basketball's freshman :
YUrnedaho-hum start into And p " al Olymp
Unbeaten run to the league nmed to defend SF ics crown
ethis pastfse::oo.their first
tier losing
lames the voune Climbers re-
ld.ed to win 12 m a row, peak-
With a 79-29 manhandling of
a rival Capital two games
the end.
! hey finally gelled and had
PPortunity to work together
l their strengths, said the
rs' coach, Mark Ziegler.
e Were bigger than most
[of we faced and took advan-
at:that by outrebounding and
ring most opponents in the
'e Climbers averaged 51
mata a game, and their average
h 'a of victory was 13 points.
]F:I l, 'J. Mell led the way with a
'" " "'" O'
!S P lnts-per-game average He
.... :,lt followed by Casey Williams,
i /ieara members included Mell,
i, "a'as, Chris Boelk, Brad Han-
l n Hattori, Demar Holtz,
Kilmer, Br ce Kilmer An-
y .- . y
'1 YlcCarty, Robert McGee,
[.eterson, Nathan Raines, Ian
i::erson and Robert Watson.
.U)getderi.,,., and hard work
Climbe!n rewarding fash-
basketball's "C"-
girls this past season.
a 5-4 start, the girls put
a six-game win streak
8-2 in the second
everything they'd been
d to gel.
really came together
second half of the sea-
only on the floor but
and teammates," said
x, assistant to head coach
"They began to un-
how to play together as
teamwise strength, noted
- himself a one-time
LC'caliber sprinter who
to star as a running back
Football League -
notably on more
t Tumwater, for in-
Climbers so humiliat-
Once dominant arch ri-
route to a 56-16 tail-
that several of the T-
were crying before
he said, and their
suggested calling it
time had run out.
lSive, the girls were out-
Fox, noting
held their op-
under 29 points a
figure helped consider-
58-2 humiliation of
n a game where their
SCore till the final ten
ad a subsequent 98-12
of Capital.
said Fox, four of his
losses were by a com-
'e points. "So we could
been 17-2," he added.
:tubers were led by
rs Elizabeth White
only 5.5 turnovers a
Fox (6-3 center,
and eight points a
McMullin (eight
game and a season-
outing), Amanda
scoring leader, at
Points a game, and
seven boards a con-
Potts (three-point
Sophomore defensive
)hanie Sewell and
out the squad were
Linsie Auseth and
ley and junior Nor-
age student Liz
a taste of
I this year,"
g games at
ollege and St. Mar-
and, just this Satur-
the Huskies beat
*o got tours of facilities
with the coaches
What it takes to get
will be con-
spring and fall
wars under the
this summer
High School
CLIMBER B-BALL'S FROSH boys: In front from left are
Robert Watson, Jon Peterson, Brad Hanson, Casey
Williams and Robert McGee. Back: Chris Boelk, A.J.
Mell, Bryce Kilmer, Anthony McCarty, Demar Holtz,
Brett Kilmer and Nathan Raines. Not pictured are Ken
Hattori, Ian Sanderson and coach Mark Ziegler.
THE C-TEAM GIRLS of Climber basketball: From left
are Linsie Auseth, Autumn McMullin, Jennifer Fox, Liz
Stock, Julie Potts and Jonelle Kasperski. In back are
coach Irv Stevenson (right) and assistant coach Mike
Fox. Not pictured: Shamekia Brown, Nydesta Gouley,
Amanda Heckert, Stephanie Sewell and Elizabeth White.
THE CLIMBER FROSH girls' basketball team: From left
in front are Peace Renish and Amber Lineaweaver.
Standing: Meaghan Ryan, Naomi Kroum, Mandy Cross-
Shelton High School's Special
Olympics hoopsters have done it
A year after commemorating
their first-ever trip to state by
making off with no less than
first-place hardware, the Climb-
ers have earned a return invita-
tion to the scene of their all-
Washington ascension.
And they didn't just squeak by
in their qualifying bid, either.
"No, they blew away the com-
petition," intones their mentor,
SHS special-ed teacher Gar
Thornton. He laughs halfway in-
credulously. "I mean, BOY/ My
Senior 3 group came out loaded
for bear.
"They almost had to slow
down, ya know, because the score
got really high. I mean, every
game they played.
"They played three games, and
they were gonna hafta play a
fourth but the other team kinda
went, 'Awww, it's okay. Uh, I
don't think so...'" He laughs.
squad - the more experienced of
two Climber teams that vied in
regional's state-qualifying go-
around two weekends back -
boasts more than incidental
seasoning, as it were.
"It's pretty much the same
team we've had for about four
years now," explains Thornton.
"The first year we started this
they came out and took first place
at regional but we weren't ready
to go to state.
"I mean, I could tell that the
crew was not cohesive enough, or
that whole thing. I had good play-
ers but they were not a team."
ALAS, THOUGH, the next
couple of Climber seasons ended
shy of the regional-tourney ascen-
sion requisite of all state qualifi-
"I thought I'd shot myself in
the foot," sys Thornton, laugh-
ing. "And yet they were coming
together really well as a team,
and so last year was the first year
that they really came together.
Everything gelled and - BOOM -
they made it to state.
"And the same thing happened
again this year. That same team
Wanted: hoop gals
Mason County's age-group
girls' basketball contingent is
looking for new blood.
Vying in the so-called BCI
(Basketball Congress Internation-
al) league around the greater Pu-
get Sound area, the local contin-
gent is looking for girls in grades
High School. In front from left are Becky Cole, Lisa Rowley, Shelley
Ray, Robbie Fetters, Diana Matson and Jack Davis. Second row: Jason
Ray, Amber Belcher, Adam Kelly and Becka Gray. Back: coach Mandy
Manning, Donnie Riley, Brent Newell, Willie Simonsen, Danny Yerkan,
Russell Clougher, Jamie Riley, Ora Mitchell and coach Gar Thornton.
Not pictured are Robbie Ireland and Lonnie Lavender.
now knows how to play as a team
- not a bunch of individuals. And
that's been really exciting."
MEMBERS OF the Climbers'
team include guards Willie Si-
monsen, Robbie Fetters and Ja-
son Ray, forwards Danny Yerkan
and Ora Mitchell and centers
Donnie Riley, Jamie Riley and
Adam Kelly.
They're coached by first-year
SHS para-pro Mandy Manning, a
brand-new grad who just so hap-
pens to have played collegiate
basketball at Eastern in Cheney -
the very site of the Climbers'
March 12-14 date with Special
Olympics destiny.
OUR JAYVEE Special Olym-
pians, meanwhile - one place shy
of state qualification in their
bracket at regionals - include
Lisa Rowley, Shelley Ray, Diana
Matson, Robbie Ireland, Becka
Gray, Jack Davis, Brent Newell,
Amber Belcher, Russell Clougher,
Becky Cole and Lonnie Lavender.
en, coach Peggy Renish, Danielle Stratford, Amber 9-12 willing to commit to a season
O'Donnell and Audrey Loss. Not pictured: Jennifer that runs from April to June,
with games on weekends plus Thornton, having turned over
Reber, Judy Miklethun and Krystal Dwyer. practices two nights a week. the varsity reins to Ms. Manning,
Distaff frosh win For thefirsttimeever, more-hascoachedthisso-called"white"
over, there's talk of forming an team. And he says it too has
"elite" team here, made up of top made great strides.
despite decimation age-groupers not only from Shel- "So it was kind of a tough call,"
ton but also from other area high he says, referring to the jayvees'
schools, exclusion from state's guest list.
"Because we're all in one commu-
For more information, call sec-
ond-year Shelton BCI coach Char-
lene Stevenson at 426-2314.
tops rec
(Continued from page 18.)
meyer 10, Clinton Coley 9, Phillip Peterson
9, Fleet Johns 4.
FG - 29; FT - 24-34 (71%).
Olympic Herb Farm - Wayne Farr 23,
Jim Buck 23, Scott Peek 19, John Glenewln-
kel 6, John Hill 3, Kurt Garrison 2, Mike
FG -27; FT- 14-24.
Soundvlew/LIx 17 40 47 61
Potlatch Pirates 11 26 46 53
Soundvlew Chiropractic/Lix Construction
- Kevin Tinsley 14, Larry Sheedy 14, James
Lix 13, Scott Hubble 13, Rich Bowman 7,
Per Anderson.
FG - 24; FT - 7-12 (58%).
Potlatch Pirates- Jamie Madey 13, Ran
Johnson 11, Cheyese DePoe 10, Mark Sny-
der 7, Nell Lyons 5, Xavier Brown 4, Jere-
miah Johns 3.
FG - 22; FT - 6-23 (26%).
O'Donnell, Peace Renish, Danielle
Stratford, Audree Loss, Naomi
Kroum and Amber Lineaweaver
holding up in the absence of their
five variously injured or ill team-
mates, the Climbers wound up
visiting the "W" column more
than once, as it happens.
Against Port Angeles, for in-
stance, they prevailed despite
having no bench whatsoever, said
"They played hard," said the
former MMK coach. "I think they
have a lot of dedication.
"And they kept improving and
improving and improving..."
Rounding out the squad - in
partial-season roles, at any rate -
were Meaghan Ryan, Mandy
Crossen, Judy Miklethun, Jenni-
fer Reber and Krystal Dwyer.
The vagaries of fortune played
havoc with Climber basketball's
frosh girls this season, but they
still managed to get in a few licks
of their own.
Despite losing virtually half of
their players to injury or illness
or the like during the course of
the season, the Climbers made
the most of their short-handed
situation, walloping Capital High
School's "D" squad by fully 30
points, for instance.
"Which is pretty phenomenal,"
agrees the Climbers' first-year
head coach, former Mary M.
Knight mentor Peggy Renish.
"Of course, we also lost by 30 -
to Napavine's jayvees. They were
ranked fifth in the state among B
schools. Big, fast girls..."
With team "survivors" Amber
StingeI':S win tourney
Age-group basketball's Shelton
Stingers won a seventh-grade
tournament in Winlock last week-
Capping a seven-game mara-
thon with five straight wins after
a round-two loss to Eatonville,
the locals beat a select team from
Yelm 46-44 on Derek Blakley's
last-second shot in the first cham-
pionship matchup and then blew
away the same Yelm squad 71-28
in the double-elimination affair's
title tilt.
Members of the team are Jef-
frey Kieburtz, Zack Gagnon, Tom-
my Creekpaum, Derek Blakley,
Jonathan Peterson, Joel Black,
Colby Brewer, Kyle Lowe, Chris
Waite and Codi Nelson. Coaches
are Dann Gagnon and Todd
A man may be wrong; so may a
generation; but humanity does
not make mistakes.
Andrd Maurois
Little Creek Casino 18 37 57 77
Oly Motors/Relier Logging 9 28 43 58
Little Creek Casino - Eric Burfiend 26,
Anthony Brown 17, Bear Lewis 9, Kevin Sut-
terlict 6, Ran Metheny 6, William Allen 6,
Adam Visser 5, Demus Cordova 2, Tom
FG - 29; FT - 15-25 (60%).
Olympic Motors/Relier Logging - Bran-
don Felix 13, Mike Hammonds 10, Mike
Rowley 9, Dan Gasser 8, LaShon Powell 6,
Bernie Miller 6, Kevln Clark 4, Adam Krise 2.
FG - 22; FT - 9-17 (53%).
nity here."
COMMUNITY is the operative
word, of course. And Thornton
and his fellow special-ed teachers
spare no energy when it comes to
bringing that point home to their
Especially in the midst of all
this hoop hoopla.
"Cuz that's really what Special
mean, the athletic part: Yes, it's
an important part.
"But the biggest part of' it
is learning independent-living
skills, learning socialization
skills, learning community skills.
"Cuz that's what's going to help
them in the long run."
Olympics is all about," he says. "I oif : .....
Dancers slate Bayshore ........
Bayshore's ladies broke with
state teaser
The Shelton High School dance
team will go public with its state
routine Monday, March 15, at 7
p.m. in the Minidome.
The so-called "open house" is
free but donations will be taken
at the door to help pay for the
girls' food at the March 19-20 all-
Washington extravaganza in Ya-
convention in head-turning fash-
ion Tuesday, braving monsoon
weather to squeeze in a round.
The results:
First division - Gert Batstone first, Wan-
da Fosdick second.
Second division - Alice Chapman first,
Charleen Wallitner second.
Third division - Lois Poe first.
Fourth division - Elsie Zehe first and
Arlene Van Wey tied for second with Pat
Chip-ins - Arlene Van Wey and Char-
leen Wallitner.
RJ's Mufflers
and More
2316 Olympic
Highw?y North
...... , ...... 427 3581
For oll vour automotive repair neds
Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19