March 4, 1999 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 4, 1999 |
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WSP graduates its I00NTI{RTAINMENT
82nd cadet class AND
new trooper's training included
an eight-week coaching trip with
a field training officer.
The academy's 83rd class is
currently in training at the acade-
my north of Shelton.
The Washington State Patrol
Academy at Shelter commis-
si(med its 82nd basic training
class at the Capitol Rotunda in
Olympia on Monday.
The 40 new troopers completed
33 weeks of" training here. Each
St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, March 17th
......................... invited ICABBAGE DINNER $7.95
| - Served all day-
.o,.E ::,.,.?:,M.T " You're
Oaral I
S to come ""°°"
( enjoy an ] 877-6450 Db,c,,.ey-Op., 7....'P'|I''"--2
do traffic control OLYMPIC VIDEO evening t
27057North Highway 101, 3miles north of Hoodspo ',lHl,., .,
The Washington State Patrols permission from the city of Shel-
S ard Trooper Basic Training ton to conduct the training at in- 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. * 426-1596 ] I"'"
Class will conduct practical exer- tersections at Seventh and Alder, /
cases in manual traffic control Seventh and Railroad, and Olym- -" : =: : : llll with us! f ='0'
next weekinShelton.lhe exercises will take place pic Highway North and K Street., ------ :| irllN I LARGE ,j,O'Ykll'hair$
!'rom 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, lrooper Kristene D. O'Shan- IP i i i i i i 1 -- .1 l..= i 1 ... l, 1.1 1 1 ...
rhursday andFriday, Marchl0, non willsupervisetheexerciseas I the ton=' ] tl;¢ PEPPERONI |i
llandl2, cadet tr°°pers gain experience in i =uR"=RTa00sT=R 00I:7o i
The State Patrol has obtained directing traffic. I
t -4p rr
.: , upon
• , Buy B00AKFAST I
1 DALLY 2:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:15 i 1 deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with ....... , Ili and
, q :iii:ii!iiiiii!ii!:i I , SPUDS and EGGS"-- = ,a , w.,
! L , , "-, 4Z 7"a7u---lli
! GET ONE FREE l "" ' "" I ,]
e iRobe. De Niroi 1 -1 2-MEDIUM 2-TOPPINGS, iI
'IV O nee.i ' cote i l Two fried eggs, hash browned potatoes,
I toast and jelly. Served 6:30-I I a.m. I | Billy Crystal
...... ,,"',"""'*''"'," :,:1 , '","," i!
I11 LisaKudr°wl ! Il ONE 2"LITER SODA li
U Coupon cash value 1/20 . • nn--'-amm
Many volunteer positions are to afacilityinShelton. A clean 'Notw, l,dw,thatwotherofferExpires3/,O/99 DMiilli|'ll l .... , $11 99
in Mason County driving record and safe transpor- I, I I ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "j DALLY 2:45, 4:20, 7:00 : ant
tation are a must. Mileage is re- "OUTTA THIS WORLD!" i Plus Tax '|0r',
through The Volunteer Center-
Retired and Senior Volunteer umbursed.(2086-2311) now offerina
Program. The following jobs are
open to people of all ages. Call
Beth Church at 426-3405 for in-
formation on any of the jobs, re-
ferring to the number at the end
of the item you're interested in.
• Someone to recruit and coor-
dinate volunteers for the Mason
County Shelter is needed to help
the homeless shelter build a
strong and eflbctive volunteer
corps. Training is available.
• Treasures Thrift Store volun-
teers sort, display and sell mer-
chandise to benefit the Mason
General ttospital Foundation.
Vohmteers can assist with enjoy-
able activities on flexible shifts.
• A state agency providing ser-
vices to children and families in
Shelton needs volunteers to serve
as tutors, parent mentors and
friendly visitors. Also needed are
prohssional carpenters, electri-
cians and educators who would
donate services. (2086-2311)
• Helping families reunite is
part of the joy of transporting
children to and from foster homes
• A friendly representative for
Shelton and Mason County can
greet and help visitors at the red
caboose just outside the post of-
fice in downtown Shelton by pro-
viding maps, information and a
smile. (2022-Beth)
• Volunteer chore team mem-
bers are needed to help seniors
and less abled persons with light
housekeeping and laundry. (0008-
• A friendly visitor can provide
companionship to convalescent
home residents by conversing,
reading and listening, making
new friends in the process. The
position involves keeping resi-
dents mentally stimulated and up
to date on current events by read-
ing news items from area newspa-
pers and other literature of inter-
est to residents, such as local his-
tory and humor. (2014-2321)
• A delivery driver is needed to
bring meals to homebound senior
citizens• A dependable vehicle is
needed; mileage is reimbursed.
Over 130 homebound seniors rely
on this essential service. (2055-
Hood Canal
Thursday, March 4
Low .............. 12:00 a.m. 1.3 ft.
High ............... 6:23 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Low .............. 12:40 p.m. 3.3 ft.
High ............... 6:16 p.m, 10.5 ft.
Friday, March 5
Low .............. 12:36 a.m. 2.1 It.
High ................ 6:49 a.m. 11,8 'ft,
Low ................ 1:17 p.m. 2.9 ft.
High ............... 7:04 p.m. 10.3 ft.
Saturday, March 6
I..ow ................ 1:14 a,m. 3.1 ft.
High .............. 7:16 a.m. 11.5 ft.
Low ................ 1:56 p.m. 2.5 ft.
High ............... 7:56 p.m, 10.0 ft.
Sunday, March 7
Low ................ 1:54 a.m. 4.1 ft.
High ............... 7:46 a.m 11.1 ft.
Low ................ 2:39 p,m. 2.3 ft.
High ............... 8:55 p.m, 9.7 ft.
Monday, March 8
Low ................ 2:39 a,rn. 5.2 ft.
High ............... 8:19 a,m. 10.6 ft.
Low ................ 3:26 p•m. 2.2 It,
High .............. 10:05 p.m. 9.5 ft.
Tuesday, March 9
Low ................ 3:32 a.m. 6.1 ft.
High ............... 8:57 a,m. 10.2 ft,
Low ................. 4:20 p.m. 2.0 ft,
High .............. 11:27 p.m, 9.6 fL
Wednesday, March 10
Low ................. 4:38 a.m. 6.9 ft.
High ............... 9:42 a.m. 9.8 ft.
Low ................ 5:20 p,m, 1.9 ft,
Oakland Bay
Thursday, March 4
Low ................ 1:44 a.m. 1.0 ft.
High ............... 7:39 a.m. 14.5 ft.
Low ................ 2:24 p.m. 3.0 ft.
High ............... 7:32 p.m. 12.9 ft.
Friday, March 5
Low ................ 2:20 a.m. 1.8 ft.
High ............... 8:05 a.m. 14.2 ft.
Low ................ 3:01 p.m. 2.6 it•
High ............... 8:20 p.m. 12.7 ft.
Saturday, March 6
Low ................ 2:58 a.m. 2.8 ft.
High ............... 8:32 a.m. 13:9 ft.
Low ................ 3:40 p.m. 2.2 ft.
High ............... 9:12 p.m. 12.4 ft.
Sunday, March 7
Low ................ 3:38 a.m. 3.8 ft.
High ............... 9:02 a.m. 13.5 ft.
Low ................ 4:23 p.m. 2.0 ft.
High .............. 10:11 p.m. 12.1 ft.
Monday, March 8
Low ................ 4:23 a.m. 4.9 ft.
High ............... 9:35 a.m. 13.0 ft.
Low ................ 5:10 p.m. 1.9 ft.
High .............. 11:21 p.m. 11.9 ft.
Tuesday, March 9
Low ................ 5:16 a.m. 5.8 ft.
High .............. 10:13 a.m. 12.6 ft.
Low ................ 6:04 p.m. 1.7 ft.
Wednesday, March 10
High .............. 12:43 a.m. 12.0 ft.
Low ................ 6:22 a.m. 6.6 ft.
High .............. 10:58 a.m. 12.2 ft.
Low ................ 7:04 p.m. 1.6 ft.
Thursday, March 11 nnq Thursday, March 11
High .............. 12:51 a.m ...... High ............... 2:07 a.m. 12.3 ft.
Low ............... 6:00 a.m, 7.3 ft, Low 7"44 a m 7 0 ft
High .............. 10:38 a.m. 9 5 ft . ' ....................
• • Hgh .............. 11:54 a.m. 11.9 ft.
Low ................ 6:21 p.m. 1.6 ft. Low ................ 8:05 p.m. 1.3 ft.
. Centor
The Professionals I
The choice of people who are particular about their cars! /
2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 = /
Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner I
Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1999
Formula Shell Gasoline
O 3001 Olympic (360) O
Hwy. North 426-7224
ShEll on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell
'Tis a Fine Taste
'0 St. Patrick's Day
We Treat You Right"
Shelton, 221 North Ist, 426-7277
O AM D.Q. Corp./1995 Da, Quean stores are proud sponsors of the Children's Miracle
® Reg, U.S. Pat. Off., AM D.Q. Corp. Network Telethon, which benefits local hospitals for children,
Pan Pizza
Add $1 for • •
0.00,... SIDE BY SIDE _,^,, I
.=,; = PIZZA j0o:,:0.=,0:.-=,j
Flgaro's Italian KitchenHalf popperoni, half Canadian-style bacon and pineapple. • "
,, Make at a
CREAMY Pan Pizza
" 0:'.";'::: GARLIC
CRUST for l U
PIZZA ,,o,,,o,-,-0,,,...
3 Varieties to choose from: * Garlic Chicken Pizza • Garlic Club Pizza • Gadic Yeggt= Pizza
Figaro'$ Italian KIt¢ m m
2121 Olympic Hwy. N. /NI
Shelton I Jr& -%-- -- •
In Barkley Square ]e;)FI00AII',O li
427-5366 /DNllBll
,:O'.m. to, .. ,,,. lI r' =/hl/ ;1
Food stamp== welcome on "You-Bake" item,.
Jeff Daniel= "s =p's
Christopher Lloyd
@ Disney Enterprises Inc
m,, ......
DAILY 12:00 (NOON), 9:10
With this coupon. Double portions and
deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with
other offers• Shelton Domino Pizza only.
Cash value 1/20¢. Expires 3/I 4/99.
134 North ISt,
With this coupon. Double portions and
deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with
other offers• Shelton Domino Pizza only.
Cash value I/20¢, Expires 3/14/99.
517 W. Franklin St., Shelton
l/ II: rr'l; PERSONAL •
,. ,,,,.,,. ,.,,,., WELCOME
----lm- ............
Nobody serves up a
134 North IL
better deal than we do.
'--FR(i'd'Vnr wh-th"-- ] '- FREE Slice of Pie with €
purchase of any adult entree*
*One kids' entree with one adult entree purchase. Child must : I I purchase of adult entree
be 10 years old or younger and
I accompanied by an adult. I I
Offer good at Shelton Danny's only. Not valid with any
II Offer good st Shelton Denny's only Not valid with any a a other coupons or offers. Cash value 1/20€.
I other coupons or offers Cash value t/20€. I I Offer expires 3/]1/99. One coupon per person per visit.
1 Offer exp*res 3/31/99. One coupon per person per visit.
III nmlllll Ill I III J L i i iiiiiillll$
mlmm lllllmlmmllllallmlm mmlm ll. lllllmlmllllmm
. n Buy One I! I I i i $t Anv entree .... ,'2
i; '"''' rn¢ € ,, __'_ p.rch;$e over $4.,.ei":.
Get One ',! OFF /i,'all '"
I h O nn , n levi I kqll:
I • Offar ood at s a,o e,. y' on*y. o, va d " e y IJ'll-all . . Offar oo et Sha,on enny's on*y. Not va,*d wi,h ,y I[r, llP.,lll
othor coupons or oflers, Cash value 1/20€, other cou on or 0€ .qe
1 • 1 1 p S Offers. Cash value 1/2_.,
l- ' . __ p' /99. One €oupon per pe son pe vtsd. ll
Offer expires 3/31/99 One coupon per person per visit Offer ex *ros 3/31 r r
301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. ,,
Shelton 4
WSP graduates its I00NTI{RTAINMENT
82nd cadet class AND
new trooper's training included
an eight-week coaching trip with
a field training officer.
The academy's 83rd class is
currently in training at the acade-
my north of Shelton.
The Washington State Patrol
Academy at Shelter commis-
si(med its 82nd basic training
class at the Capitol Rotunda in
Olympia on Monday.
The 40 new troopers completed
33 weeks of" training here. Each
St. Patrick's Day
Wednesday, March 17th
......................... invited ICABBAGE DINNER $7.95
| - Served all day-
.o,.E ::,.,.?:,M.T " You're
Oaral I
S to come ""°°"
( enjoy an ] 877-6450 Db,c,,.ey-Op., 7....'P'|I''"--2
do traffic control OLYMPIC VIDEO evening t
27057North Highway 101, 3miles north of Hoodspo ',lHl,., .,
The Washington State Patrols permission from the city of Shel-
S ard Trooper Basic Training ton to conduct the training at in- 2104 Olympic Hwy. N. * 426-1596 ] I"'"
Class will conduct practical exer- tersections at Seventh and Alder, /
cases in manual traffic control Seventh and Railroad, and Olym- -" : =: : : llll with us! f ='0'
next weekinShelton.lhe exercises will take place pic Highway North and K Street., ------ :| irllN I LARGE ,j,O'Ykll'hair$
!'rom 1 to 5 p.m. on Wednesday, lrooper Kristene D. O'Shan- IP i i i i i i 1 -- .1 l..= i 1 ... l, 1.1 1 1 ...
rhursday andFriday, Marchl0, non willsupervisetheexerciseas I the ton=' ] tl;¢ PEPPERONI |i
llandl2, cadet tr°°pers gain experience in i =uR"=RTa00sT=R 00I:7o i
The State Patrol has obtained directing traffic. I
t -4p rr
.: , upon
• , Buy B00AKFAST I
1 DALLY 2:00, 4:15, 7:00, 9:15 i 1 deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with ....... , Ili and
, q :iii:ii!iiiiii!ii!:i I , SPUDS and EGGS"-- = ,a , w.,
! L , , "-, 4Z 7"a7u---lli
! GET ONE FREE l "" ' "" I ,]
e iRobe. De Niroi 1 -1 2-MEDIUM 2-TOPPINGS, iI
'IV O nee.i ' cote i l Two fried eggs, hash browned potatoes,
I toast and jelly. Served 6:30-I I a.m. I | Billy Crystal
...... ,,"',"""'*''"'," :,:1 , '","," i!
I11 LisaKudr°wl ! Il ONE 2"LITER SODA li
U Coupon cash value 1/20 . • nn--'-amm
Many volunteer positions are to afacilityinShelton. A clean 'Notw, l,dw,thatwotherofferExpires3/,O/99 DMiilli|'ll l .... , $11 99
in Mason County driving record and safe transpor- I, I I ill I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I "j DALLY 2:45, 4:20, 7:00 : ant
tation are a must. Mileage is re- "OUTTA THIS WORLD!" i Plus Tax '|0r',
through The Volunteer Center-
Retired and Senior Volunteer umbursed.(2086-2311) now offerina
Program. The following jobs are
open to people of all ages. Call
Beth Church at 426-3405 for in-
formation on any of the jobs, re-
ferring to the number at the end
of the item you're interested in.
• Someone to recruit and coor-
dinate volunteers for the Mason
County Shelter is needed to help
the homeless shelter build a
strong and eflbctive volunteer
corps. Training is available.
• Treasures Thrift Store volun-
teers sort, display and sell mer-
chandise to benefit the Mason
General ttospital Foundation.
Vohmteers can assist with enjoy-
able activities on flexible shifts.
• A state agency providing ser-
vices to children and families in
Shelton needs volunteers to serve
as tutors, parent mentors and
friendly visitors. Also needed are
prohssional carpenters, electri-
cians and educators who would
donate services. (2086-2311)
• Helping families reunite is
part of the joy of transporting
children to and from foster homes
• A friendly representative for
Shelton and Mason County can
greet and help visitors at the red
caboose just outside the post of-
fice in downtown Shelton by pro-
viding maps, information and a
smile. (2022-Beth)
• Volunteer chore team mem-
bers are needed to help seniors
and less abled persons with light
housekeeping and laundry. (0008-
• A friendly visitor can provide
companionship to convalescent
home residents by conversing,
reading and listening, making
new friends in the process. The
position involves keeping resi-
dents mentally stimulated and up
to date on current events by read-
ing news items from area newspa-
pers and other literature of inter-
est to residents, such as local his-
tory and humor. (2014-2321)
• A delivery driver is needed to
bring meals to homebound senior
citizens• A dependable vehicle is
needed; mileage is reimbursed.
Over 130 homebound seniors rely
on this essential service. (2055-
Hood Canal
Thursday, March 4
Low .............. 12:00 a.m. 1.3 ft.
High ............... 6:23 a.m. 12.1 ft.
Low .............. 12:40 p.m. 3.3 ft.
High ............... 6:16 p.m, 10.5 ft.
Friday, March 5
Low .............. 12:36 a.m. 2.1 It.
High ................ 6:49 a.m. 11,8 'ft,
Low ................ 1:17 p.m. 2.9 ft.
High ............... 7:04 p.m. 10.3 ft.
Saturday, March 6
I..ow ................ 1:14 a,m. 3.1 ft.
High .............. 7:16 a.m. 11.5 ft.
Low ................ 1:56 p.m. 2.5 ft.
High ............... 7:56 p.m, 10.0 ft.
Sunday, March 7
Low ................ 1:54 a.m. 4.1 ft.
High ............... 7:46 a.m 11.1 ft.
Low ................ 2:39 p,m. 2.3 ft.
High ............... 8:55 p.m, 9.7 ft.
Monday, March 8
Low ................ 2:39 a,rn. 5.2 ft.
High ............... 8:19 a,m. 10.6 ft.
Low ................ 3:26 p•m. 2.2 It,
High .............. 10:05 p.m. 9.5 ft.
Tuesday, March 9
Low ................ 3:32 a.m. 6.1 ft.
High ............... 8:57 a,m. 10.2 ft,
Low ................. 4:20 p.m. 2.0 ft,
High .............. 11:27 p.m, 9.6 fL
Wednesday, March 10
Low ................. 4:38 a.m. 6.9 ft.
High ............... 9:42 a.m. 9.8 ft.
Low ................ 5:20 p,m, 1.9 ft,
Oakland Bay
Thursday, March 4
Low ................ 1:44 a.m. 1.0 ft.
High ............... 7:39 a.m. 14.5 ft.
Low ................ 2:24 p.m. 3.0 ft.
High ............... 7:32 p.m. 12.9 ft.
Friday, March 5
Low ................ 2:20 a.m. 1.8 ft.
High ............... 8:05 a.m. 14.2 ft.
Low ................ 3:01 p.m. 2.6 it•
High ............... 8:20 p.m. 12.7 ft.
Saturday, March 6
Low ................ 2:58 a.m. 2.8 ft.
High ............... 8:32 a.m. 13:9 ft.
Low ................ 3:40 p.m. 2.2 ft.
High ............... 9:12 p.m. 12.4 ft.
Sunday, March 7
Low ................ 3:38 a.m. 3.8 ft.
High ............... 9:02 a.m. 13.5 ft.
Low ................ 4:23 p.m. 2.0 ft.
High .............. 10:11 p.m. 12.1 ft.
Monday, March 8
Low ................ 4:23 a.m. 4.9 ft.
High ............... 9:35 a.m. 13.0 ft.
Low ................ 5:10 p.m. 1.9 ft.
High .............. 11:21 p.m. 11.9 ft.
Tuesday, March 9
Low ................ 5:16 a.m. 5.8 ft.
High .............. 10:13 a.m. 12.6 ft.
Low ................ 6:04 p.m. 1.7 ft.
Wednesday, March 10
High .............. 12:43 a.m. 12.0 ft.
Low ................ 6:22 a.m. 6.6 ft.
High .............. 10:58 a.m. 12.2 ft.
Low ................ 7:04 p.m. 1.6 ft.
Thursday, March 11 nnq Thursday, March 11
High .............. 12:51 a.m ...... High ............... 2:07 a.m. 12.3 ft.
Low ............... 6:00 a.m, 7.3 ft, Low 7"44 a m 7 0 ft
High .............. 10:38 a.m. 9 5 ft . ' ....................
• • Hgh .............. 11:54 a.m. 11.9 ft.
Low ................ 6:21 p.m. 1.6 ft. Low ................ 8:05 p.m. 1.3 ft.
. Centor
The Professionals I
The choice of people who are particular about their cars! /
2033 Olympic Highway North 426-1467 = /
Shelton, WA 98584 Dan Moldenhauer, owner I
Page 24 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1999
Formula Shell Gasoline
O 3001 Olympic (360) O
Hwy. North 426-7224
ShEll on Mt. View Fax 426-7407 Shell
'Tis a Fine Taste
'0 St. Patrick's Day
We Treat You Right"
Shelton, 221 North Ist, 426-7277
O AM D.Q. Corp./1995 Da, Quean stores are proud sponsors of the Children's Miracle
® Reg, U.S. Pat. Off., AM D.Q. Corp. Network Telethon, which benefits local hospitals for children,
Pan Pizza
Add $1 for • •
0.00,... SIDE BY SIDE _,^,, I
.=,; = PIZZA j0o:,:0.=,0:.-=,j
Flgaro's Italian KitchenHalf popperoni, half Canadian-style bacon and pineapple. • "
,, Make at a
CREAMY Pan Pizza
" 0:'.";'::: GARLIC
CRUST for l U
PIZZA ,,o,,,o,-,-0,,,...
3 Varieties to choose from: * Garlic Chicken Pizza • Garlic Club Pizza • Gadic Yeggt= Pizza
Figaro'$ Italian KIt¢ m m
2121 Olympic Hwy. N. /NI
Shelton I Jr& -%-- -- •
In Barkley Square ]e;)FI00AII',O li
427-5366 /DNllBll
,:O'.m. to, .. ,,,. lI r' =/hl/ ;1
Food stamp== welcome on "You-Bake" item,.
Jeff Daniel= "s =p's
Christopher Lloyd
@ Disney Enterprises Inc
m,, ......
DAILY 12:00 (NOON), 9:10
With this coupon. Double portions and
deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with
other offers• Shelton Domino Pizza only.
Cash value 1/20¢. Expires 3/I 4/99.
134 North ISt,
With this coupon. Double portions and
deep dish slightly extra. Not valid with
other offers• Shelton Domino Pizza only.
Cash value I/20¢, Expires 3/14/99.
517 W. Franklin St., Shelton
l/ II: rr'l; PERSONAL •
,. ,,,,.,,. ,.,,,., WELCOME
----lm- ............
Nobody serves up a
134 North IL
better deal than we do.
'--FR(i'd'Vnr wh-th"-- ] '- FREE Slice of Pie with €
purchase of any adult entree*
*One kids' entree with one adult entree purchase. Child must : I I purchase of adult entree
be 10 years old or younger and
I accompanied by an adult. I I
Offer good at Shelton Danny's only. Not valid with any
II Offer good st Shelton Denny's only Not valid with any a a other coupons or offers. Cash value 1/20€.
I other coupons or offers Cash value t/20€. I I Offer expires 3/]1/99. One coupon per person per visit.
1 Offer exp*res 3/31/99. One coupon per person per visit.
III nmlllll Ill I III J L i i iiiiiillll$
mlmm lllllmlmmllllallmlm mmlm ll. lllllmlmllllmm
. n Buy One I! I I i i $t Anv entree .... ,'2
i; '"''' rn¢ € ,, __'_ p.rch;$e over $4.,.ei":.
Get One ',! OFF /i,'all '"
I h O nn , n levi I kqll:
I • Offar ood at s a,o e,. y' on*y. o, va d " e y IJ'll-all . . Offar oo et Sha,on enny's on*y. Not va,*d wi,h ,y I[r, llP.,lll
othor coupons or oflers, Cash value 1/20€, other cou on or 0€ .qe
1 • 1 1 p S Offers. Cash value 1/2_.,
l- ' . __ p' /99. One €oupon per pe son pe vtsd. ll
Offer expires 3/31/99 One coupon per person per visit Offer ex *ros 3/31 r r
301 E. Wallace-Kneeland Blvd. ,,
Shelton 4