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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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. HELP WANTED FOI SALE WANTED WASHER, dryer. 5 years D great. $200. 898-8377. C3/4 Collectibles open Sun- 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 253 E. Shelton Springs Rd.) F3/4-11 MOWERS, $20 each, round 3-leaf swinging glass coffee table $75, brass bed and footboard $75, wall exercise equipment, lamps, room set $150 aBe, reclin- 432-0633. P3/4 nternational Crawler, cargo uilt motor, $10,000, 426- .11 PERSONALS LOST & FOUND Friday and Saturday, 9 Truck parts and equipment, ng equipment, restaurant and supplies, antiques, misc. Something for every- of Golden Pheasant Rd. M3/4 356 TM, number one sell- ,tary supplement, avail- endent distributor. I. B2/18-3/11 full canvas, 2 cap- reinforced transam, cap- motor, $350. Also, 1982 with rebuilt head. Starter, included, $100 evenings. P2/11-3/4 PACIFIC Energy, super old. 432-9971 after 11 1 ANTIQUES ceiling mount, years old, 110 electric, Jim, 427-8701, Tar- H2/11-3/4 BAZAARS FARMERS GARAGE, YARD SALEi 0lmen 10-6 Mon-Sat 14 Wesl Alder, Shelton 427-1210 l)Pl 81'axl i" C(')l()r [.';tser also available ITARIA .SHOW W,th DISPLAYS and SALES ' Uniforms. Equipment • Vehicles 13 & 14 at CO. HALL Ietween Centralia and Chehalis Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-5 Free Admission by Friends of Willie and Joe KAWAI ELECTRIC organ, 2 manuals, pedal board, numerous special effects, bench, headphone, $500. 426-1582. B3/4-11 PAGERS $19.95 and up. Free activa- tion. Two locations, in Olympia and Shelton. Buy ours or put your own on service. Repair-Recrystal. Discount Page, 426-8784. D2/18-4/8 10' HEWSCRAFT aluminum fishing boat, Mincotta electric trolling motor, oars, cartop carrier, $300, Shelton 432- 0289. G3/4 HOSPITAL BED in good condition, $100, 426-6698. C3/4 NORDIC TRAC Sequoia good condition paid $500, selling for $200 aBe, 427- 2501. T2/25-3/4 SOFA, TWO lamps, coffee table, $75 all. Small, apartment sized refrigerator, $75. 432-9721. W2/25-3/4 BUCKETS: FOUR gallon, plastic with lids, great for dry goods, ready for Y2K, thousands available, $1-$1.50 each. 50 gallon steel drums, $15 each. Hoodsport Winery, 877-9894. H2/25- 3/18 STEEL BUILDING in original crate. 40x24 was $5,880, now $2,969. Jim 1- 800-292-0111. A2/25-3/4 STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell. 40x60x14 was $17,430, now $10,871. 50x120x16 was $33,560, now $23,865. 60x150x16 was $48,630, now $32,350. 100x175x20 was $98,650, now $78,650. 1-800-406-5126. M314 FREE PRINTER, has hitch in git-along. Perhaps you could fix it or use it for parts. Apple Laserwriter lINT. No calls with 40 questions, please. Just come get the sucker. Journal office, Third and Cota. J3/4 2HP HOMELITE water pump, runs ex- cellent, hose, spare parts and tools. $950. 427-4558. F3/4 GOOD 305 Chevy small block, $400. Rebuildable 305 Chevy, make offer, 427-4237. W3/4 TWO WELL-SITUATED cemetery lots in Shelton Memorial Park. $600 each. 253-851-6562. M2/25-3/4 TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut * No Rocks ° No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe ° Dozer WORK WAIITED AUCTIONS ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere rLANDASCAPERS" NORTHWEST 426-9922 • LAND203B-4 CAN BUILD 'EM START TO OR DO-IT-YOURSELF CUstom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426.2411 32'x24'x10' "'o-Car Garage and Storage CHILDCARE 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed end Tack Room 4'x48'x11' Storage =x=x.. Just/,4sk Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door RENTAL for Quality over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands Ig peat-frame builders In Mason County. competitive pdces, any width, length or height required n price. a Wide range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carporte • e covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas end stables • shops 2 Lic. #TOZIEBI024PK im3€--] Monday-Saturday 7:30.7 I Sunday 9-6 J I HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too. W6/1 ltfn SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE*'033CJ. L12/3tfn ROCKWELL DELTA 14 in. band saw $175, also dove tail machine, drill sharpener and misc. tools, call 426- 2294. C2/25tfn WINCHESTER MODEL 90 22 WRF, $300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire, $200. Wanted -375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. B2/25tfn 5 NAGEL framed reprints, $45 each, 426-0834. M2/18tfn ELEGANT FLEA antiques, collectibles. March 12-13 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Carrie Blake Park Sequim, WA. Voluntary do- nation. B3/4-11 VENDORS WANTED for Spring Bazaar, March 27th. Belfair Fire Dept. benefit. Call Carol, 253-884-5844. B 3/4-11 FIVE FAMILY garage and bake sale. Skokomish Tribal.. Center.  Toys, clothes, household items, BeanieBa- bies and more. Saturday, 9 a.rrL-4p.rl0. A3/4 SHEL-TOA GUILD at PUD 3 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Bridal gown sz. am. and everything in between including the WANTED: REEL type push lawn mower and large caliber semi-automatic rifle. For sale: Ryobi 780 heavy duty weed eater, good condition $50, Alpine ski exerciser $50. 427-5930. S3/4 ESTATE BUYER. One piece or the whole house. Honest! 360-898-8100. B2/18-5/6 PAYING CASH - pre 1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches- running or not, gold, jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases and dishes. Buying estates - all or single items. Call Frontier Antiques 426-7795. F3/4- 25 EXCELLENT SALES opportunity. Es- tablished multi-franchise new and used car dealer in Bremerton offers positive work environment, highest commis- sions, plus 401K. Call 1-800-422-4028 ask for Tony or Jim. T2/11-3/4 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT needed for the Port of Shelton. This position is a full time position working the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F. Please submit re- sume to the Port of Shelton office. Po- sition is open until filled. A Job Descrip- tion is available at the Port office, 410 W. Business Park Road, Shelton, WA (360) 426-1151. P2/11-3/4 ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nina, 956-9830. $2/4-3/4 RN/LPN/MA to work for busy internal medicine physician. Must be reliable, personable, organized. Full-time 4 days a week. Bring resume and fill out appli- cation. Dr. Schlauderaff/Dagan office, 237 Professional Way. $3/4-25 ASSEMBLY OPENING, will train, good math skills and ability to work with small parts. Apply at S.S.I. Cable Corp., 820 E. Hiawatha Blvd. Shelton. EOE. $3/4 SHELLFISH WORKER wanted, some experience needed, some tools re- quired, transportation and drivers li- cense needed. Mainly clam digging, some oyster and reseeding work. Good pay, lousy winter hours. Call 427-3950. kitchen sink. H3/4 G3/4 [,& Providence ]SoundHomeCare, and Hospice BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn ANTICH AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 6 718 28TH HOQUIAM, WA AUCTION STARTS 10 A.M. • ESTATES • TOOLS • FURNITURE Fire opals and other rocks, coins - proof sets - wheat pennies, gar- den tools, tool boxes, acetylene torch, antique tools, hand tools. Delta table and radial arm saws. Snapper rider and other lawn- mowers, garden trailer, 2- .410 shotguns, 12 ga. shotgun, 2- 30.06 rifles, oak watchmakers cabinet, oak file cabinet, pine hutch, di- nette set w/f, primitive kitchen counter, 2 Wallace Nutting photos, king and queen size beds, Craft- matic elect, bed, dressers, book shelves, unusual cedar chest, side by side refrigerator, 2-Maytag washers/dryers, new oil stove, kitchen and garage items, Our building is full!! PREVIEW FRIDAY 11-5 NOW ACCEPTING VEHICLE CONSIGNMENTS FOR AUTO AUCTION Lic# anticea562ms TERMS: CASH, MC/VISA 532-7438 #lii// ...a,__ 7'_.7-, . _.. - : ' Journal Classifieds (360) 426-4412 HOME HEALTH RN Providence SoundHomeCare & Hos- pice is currently seeking a full time Home Health Cardiac RN for the Shelton Office. This position will work Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Requirements include graduate of an accredited school of nursing and cur- rent Wa. State licensure. A minimum of two years nursing experience in acute care setting required. At least one year of Home Care or Hospice experience preferred. Valid Wa. State Drivers license required. WE OFFER AN EXCELLENT SALARY AND BENEFITS PACKAGE! Send or fax resume to: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. SE Olympia, WA 98501 Fax: (360) 493-4657 E.O.E. COOK WANTED, Lake Nahwatzel Re- sort will train, some experience pre- ferred. Call for appointment, 426-8323. L3/4 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY for Mason County Convention Center/Fair- grounds, $11.57/hour, part time at 20 hours weekly (hours will increase dur- ing summer). Provides secretarial sup- port duties for the office administrator, interacts with the public and vendors. Assists with facility schedules and pro- cessing contracts. Minimum qualifica- tions: high school graduate or GED and 2 years college or 5 years office and clerical experience (preferably in a public agency), good public communi- cation skills, ability to operate comput- er and office machines. Application is required and available at Mason County Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584, or call (360) 427- 7265. Closes 3/17/99 at 5 p.m. M3/4-11 INDIAN CHILD Welfare Assistant. Sko- komish Indian Tribe is looking for an additional member of their Social Ser- vices team. Promote healthy families by assisting the Indian Child Welfare caseworker. Call (360) 426-4232, Ext. 221 for description and application. $3/4-11 ACCOUNTANT, SENIOR for The Ever- green State College in Olympia, WA. Prepare annual audited financial state- ments and other ad hoc financial re- ports. Create computerized financial reports and documents. Requires: A Bachelor's Degree in accounting, busi- ness administration, computer sci- ence, economics, or closely related field which includes thirty quarter hours or twenty semester hours of college- level accounting courses and three years of full-time experience as a pro- fessional accountant or four years of experience as a Fiscal Technician, or equivalent in the public sector, and thirty quarter hours or twenty semester hours of college-level accounting and three years of full-time experience pre- paring National Association of College and University Business Officer (NACUBO) financial statements. Sal- ary: $2522-$3225 full-time, per month plus benefits. Deadline: Review of completed applications and answers to the supplemental examination begins March 23, 1999. Applications will be accepted until finalists are chosen. For information/application call 360-866- 6000, ext. 6361 or view on the Internet ( Hearing/ speech impaired may call 360-866- 6834 (TTY)_.._. C AD_.__NEOE/AA. T3/4 ( LITTLE CREEK Casino is hiring Keno Writer/Runnersl $7 hour plus tips. This position requires a Class III Gaming Li- cense. Upfront deposit with payroll de- duct will be allowed for licensing fees. Transfers will be accepted. Apply in person. L3/4 WELL-ESTABLISHED LOCAL company hiring full time in house sales person. Position has hourly pay and benefits. Duties include servicing established customers and prospecting for new customers. Preferably familiar with Ex- cel and Word. Send resume and letter of interest to Blind Box 576, c/o The Journal, PO Box 430, Shelton WA 98584. 2/25-3/4 FULL-TIME SMALL engine mechanic needed. Experience with 2 cycle en- gines a must. Inquire at Skipworth's, 426-0875. $3/4 COMMUNITY REPS to work with high school international students and host families. Part-time work, experience re- quired, 1-800-713-1629. M2/11-3/4 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center has an opening in our detail department. Prim- ary duties to include washing and cleaning of new and used vehicles. This is a full-time position. Stop by and see Dick or call 426-5585. EOE. H2/25- 3/4 EXPERIENCED LINECOOK, part-time. Apply in person. Hoodsport Marina and Cafe, 877-9657. H2/25-3/4 MYSTERY SHOPPER needed for Proj- ect #15-05372-8 in Shelton. Please re- spond on our web site www.mystery and complete an ap- plication. K3/4 THE U.S. Forest Service, Hood Canal and Quilcene Ranger Districts are look- ing for applicants to fill vacant Senior Community Service Employment posi- tions. Applicants must be 55 years of age and meet income guidelines. Cur- rently advertising for 3 positions, two are located at Quilcene Ranger District in Quilcene, WA and include duties in yard and facility maintenance and working with our recreation program. The position we have open at the Hood Canal Ranger District in Hoodsport, WA is for a Visitor Information Reception- ist. The positions are part-time and pay minimum wage as well as some bene- fits. Please contact Becky at the Quil- cane Ranger District, 360-765-2200 for more information. Q3/4-25 TELEMARKETER PART-TIME. No ex- perience necessary. Well paid position in the KMAS special events depart- ment. Work from your home. Call for appointment, 426-1030. KMAS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. K3/4-11 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30ffn WANTED: HAIRSTYLIST for Chez Beaujeas, call 427-8684. B2/25tfn KIM'S ESPRESSO is now hiring a part- time barista. Must be available for morning shift. Applications available at Kim's Espresso-Fred Meyer, Shelton. T3/4 R- --°'l'ds Operated by TOMRA Pacific, Inc., has an em- ployment opportunity at our Recycling Center in Shelton. • Earn $8.00 an hour, FT, 40 hrs week • Medical/Dental/Vision Benefits • Paid Training, Vacations, and Holidays • Incentive Program • Daytime hours, Tuesday thru Saturday Requires basic math skills, dependable trans- portation, working with the public, and heavy lifting. Drug screen and credit check required. Apply March 4th thru 6th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at our Reynolds Recycling trailer, in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot, 100 Wallace Kneeland Blvd, SheJton. For more information, call 1-800-445-1633 EOE M/F ii STATE CERTIFIED CNA available for home health care. For more information call 427-6840. Ask for Claudia. Refer- ences available. K2/25-3/4 TYPING SERVICES. Confidentiality guaranteed. Tell me what you want, I will do it. $7.50 per page. 372-2731, Belfair. $2/11-3/4 DR. NANCY E. Gill, Educational' Con- sultant, custom designs educational support Ior students aged 8-18 who read below grade level, whose grades are below average, or who have lost in- terest and motivation in school. 360- 275-5005. G?.J18-3111 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $2/11-3/4 JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt, View school district. USDA food program. 426-7669. N1/14tfn CHILDCARE OPENINGS, full time, be- fore and after school. Mt. View district. Licensed with experience, 426-1904. R2/25-3/4 EDGEWOOD DAYCARE has openings for kids two and up. New home South of Shelton. /4 mile from 101. 426-2969. F2/11-3/4 Answers to Super Crossword ITIOIFISlTIIPIAINIEILIEI IOINIEIPIEITISBBDILIIIRIYIOITBBN EIE I ISlEIRIMPIEISIOI01OINITBBSlPllIOIEIfilSl Fi=IEIsITIEIPlOtUITISIOlU IHIAIDIEISmSlAITIEISmTIAIMmN E S T sl IAIGIAIRIPlAILIEIDIIHIOIPlIISISIT OIPI ILIIINIElulLIEIRIPIEIRIIOIEIEIIEIPlll ILIOIClKISlTIEIPIRIUlLIEIRIISlTIEIPlilNI EINlSlUlEIoIIINIEIOIIS T A M P / I [IINISlTIEIPBBPIEIClAINBBSlTIEIPIPIEiR[B! LRIAITI01OINIAITIEISISlPlAITIEBBOIi[E 1 IIIOIEISINI,ITIEIRBIOtOIOtRISBBPIUILIL I S A PlIIDIPIEISlSll L OlSlClUlPllU I II I NIRIAISlTIEIP S OINIClO n I / o i ClKIEINISISlLIO P SI01oIN E al L] CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- faring beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn HAPPY BIRTHDAY to red hottt, from Limolove. L3/4 REWARD, LOST 2 yr. old male black Lab. Name is Remington. Very friendly, may be wearing purple collar. Please help, we desperately miss him and want him home. If you have seen him or have him, please call 427-0430 or 427-4014. $3/4 FOUND LONG hair calico cat, red col- lar, very friendly. Found downtown, ap- proximately Feb. 26, 427-5449. C3/4 VERY SWEET, tiny, 7 year old pony. Loves kids, (a bit leery of adults). Can carry no more than 100 Ibs. Best home, best offer. 427-1382. F2/25-3/4 QUALITY GRASS hay, U-haul, $3 bale. Free loose hay for bedding. Twin River Ranch. 426-1023. R3/4-25 SINGLE-AXLE STOCK trailer with 2 spares, $800. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 12/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. Gll/9ffn EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tfn ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior painting, carpentry, finish work, custom pres- sure washing, remodeling, manufac- tured home repairs, solar tubes in- stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. Lic #DAVIDWG044KU. Wl/14-3/4 MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 (IMMACULATE CONNECTION) Clean- ing Service. Superior service for your home, office, boat or barn. Many satis- fied references. Serving all areas. Call Dab at 426-8906. H2/11-3/4 HOUSECLEANING SERVICES. Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talkl Call Sue, 432-9537. J2/11-3/4 QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn I JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUTSOS3R2 I i Olympia Painting We do it all far perfect walls/ ° Quality interior & exterior painting • Creative faux & glazing • Custom stain & varnish 426-5265 Serving Thurston, Mason & IEIRIAISlTIAITI ,IOIOIGIUILIFIUtLIEI Kitsap counties/ N O NtEISIo O O S E SITIEIi=IEILIII::)tEI ISINIOIRIE I EIT1AIHIEI t IRIEIRI  ISlEIRI Bonded & insured. License # ptratbg021 ns IEIYIEIRISISlEITIAIDIAIMISISlEIEIRIsl ]4.sac i Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 25 • nlilii/lll/ II . HELP WANTED FOI SALE WANTED WASHER, dryer. 5 years D great. $200. 898-8377. C3/4 Collectibles open Sun- 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 253 E. Shelton Springs Rd.) F3/4-11 MOWERS, $20 each, round 3-leaf swinging glass coffee table $75, brass bed and footboard $75, wall exercise equipment, lamps, room set $150 aBe, reclin- 432-0633. P3/4 nternational Crawler, cargo uilt motor, $10,000, 426- .11 PERSONALS LOST & FOUND Friday and Saturday, 9 Truck parts and equipment, ng equipment, restaurant and supplies, antiques, misc. Something for every- of Golden Pheasant Rd. M3/4 356 TM, number one sell- ,tary supplement, avail- endent distributor. I. B2/18-3/11 full canvas, 2 cap- reinforced transam, cap- motor, $350. Also, 1982 with rebuilt head. Starter, included, $100 evenings. P2/11-3/4 PACIFIC Energy, super old. 432-9971 after 11 1 ANTIQUES ceiling mount, years old, 110 electric, Jim, 427-8701, Tar- H2/11-3/4 BAZAARS FARMERS GARAGE, YARD SALEi 0lmen 10-6 Mon-Sat 14 Wesl Alder, Shelton 427-1210 l)Pl 81'axl i" C(')l()r [.';tser also available ITARIA .SHOW W,th DISPLAYS and SALES ' Uniforms. Equipment • Vehicles 13 & 14 at CO. HALL Ietween Centralia and Chehalis Sat. 9-6, Sun. 9-5 Free Admission by Friends of Willie and Joe KAWAI ELECTRIC organ, 2 manuals, pedal board, numerous special effects, bench, headphone, $500. 426-1582. B3/4-11 PAGERS $19.95 and up. Free activa- tion. Two locations, in Olympia and Shelton. Buy ours or put your own on service. Repair-Recrystal. Discount Page, 426-8784. D2/18-4/8 10' HEWSCRAFT aluminum fishing boat, Mincotta electric trolling motor, oars, cartop carrier, $300, Shelton 432- 0289. G3/4 HOSPITAL BED in good condition, $100, 426-6698. C3/4 NORDIC TRAC Sequoia good condition paid $500, selling for $200 aBe, 427- 2501. T2/25-3/4 SOFA, TWO lamps, coffee table, $75 all. Small, apartment sized refrigerator, $75. 432-9721. W2/25-3/4 BUCKETS: FOUR gallon, plastic with lids, great for dry goods, ready for Y2K, thousands available, $1-$1.50 each. 50 gallon steel drums, $15 each. Hoodsport Winery, 877-9894. H2/25- 3/18 STEEL BUILDING in original crate. 40x24 was $5,880, now $2,969. Jim 1- 800-292-0111. A2/25-3/4 STEEL BUILDINGS, new, must sell. 40x60x14 was $17,430, now $10,871. 50x120x16 was $33,560, now $23,865. 60x150x16 was $48,630, now $32,350. 100x175x20 was $98,650, now $78,650. 1-800-406-5126. M314 FREE PRINTER, has hitch in git-along. Perhaps you could fix it or use it for parts. Apple Laserwriter lINT. No calls with 40 questions, please. Just come get the sucker. Journal office, Third and Cota. J3/4 2HP HOMELITE water pump, runs ex- cellent, hose, spare parts and tools. $950. 427-4558. F3/4 GOOD 305 Chevy small block, $400. Rebuildable 305 Chevy, make offer, 427-4237. W3/4 TWO WELL-SITUATED cemetery lots in Shelton Memorial Park. $600 each. 253-851-6562. M2/25-3/4 TOP SOIL High quality sandy loam Top cut * No Rocks ° No Clay LANDSCAPING Lawns • Sprinklers Plants • Bark Backhoe ° Dozer WORK WAIITED AUCTIONS ROCK WALLS Bulkheads • Ripraps Deliveries Anywhere rLANDASCAPERS" NORTHWEST 426-9922 • LAND203B-4 CAN BUILD 'EM START TO OR DO-IT-YOURSELF CUstom designed in any size to fit your needs... not our convenience, at competitive prices. Call Art today 426.2411 32'x24'x10' "'o-Car Garage and Storage CHILDCARE 20'x36'x8' Horse Stable with Feed end Tack Room 4'x48'x11' Storage =x=x.. Just/,4sk Two-Car Garage 16'x7' Roll-Up Door RENTAL for Quality over 21 years of service to the Pacific Northwest with thousands Ig peat-frame builders In Mason County. competitive pdces, any width, length or height required n price. a Wide range of buildings... • Airplane hangars • Carporte • e covers • Warehouses • Horse arenas end stables • shops 2 Lic. #TOZIEBI024PK im3€--] Monday-Saturday 7:30.7 I Sunday 9-6 J I HAMBURGER, 501b boxes, $1.49 a pound. Call 426-2411. T9/18 tfn STAINED GLASS brightens up the day. Windows, suncatchers, door inserts, boxes, lamps, stepping stones, etc., all in stained glass. I also do repairs. So if your stained glass piece or win- dow is broken, don't throw it away. Call Koleen, 426-0824 evenings after 6 p.m. and weekends for information and esti- mates. I do custom designs, too. W6/1 ltfn SEPTIC DESIGNS and install - we try harder for gravity - get our bid too. Lux Design, 426-0820. LUXDE*'033CJ. L12/3tfn ROCKWELL DELTA 14 in. band saw $175, also dove tail machine, drill sharpener and misc. tools, call 426- 2294. C2/25tfn WINCHESTER MODEL 90 22 WRF, $300. Remington model 4, 32 rim fire, $200. Wanted -375 H-H rifle. 426-0159. B2/25tfn 5 NAGEL framed reprints, $45 each, 426-0834. M2/18tfn ELEGANT FLEA antiques, collectibles. March 12-13 9 a.m.-4 p.m., Carrie Blake Park Sequim, WA. Voluntary do- nation. B3/4-11 VENDORS WANTED for Spring Bazaar, March 27th. Belfair Fire Dept. benefit. Call Carol, 253-884-5844. B 3/4-11 FIVE FAMILY garage and bake sale. Skokomish Tribal.. Center.  Toys, clothes, household items, BeanieBa- bies and more. Saturday, 9 a.rrL-4p.rl0. A3/4 SHEL-TOA GUILD at PUD 3 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday. Bridal gown sz. am. and everything in between including the WANTED: REEL type push lawn mower and large caliber semi-automatic rifle. For sale: Ryobi 780 heavy duty weed eater, good condition $50, Alpine ski exerciser $50. 427-5930. S3/4 ESTATE BUYER. One piece or the whole house. Honest! 360-898-8100. B2/18-5/6 PAYING CASH - pre 1950 post cards, photos, photo albums, toys, gambling items, lamps, guns, knives, watches- running or not, gold, jewelry, Indian items, old pottery, vases and dishes. Buying estates - all or single items. Call Frontier Antiques 426-7795. F3/4- 25 EXCELLENT SALES opportunity. Es- tablished multi-franchise new and used car dealer in Bremerton offers positive work environment, highest commis- sions, plus 401K. Call 1-800-422-4028 ask for Tony or Jim. T2/11-3/4 ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT needed for the Port of Shelton. This position is a full time position working the hours of 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. M-F. Please submit re- sume to the Port of Shelton office. Po- sition is open until filled. A Job Descrip- tion is available at the Port office, 410 W. Business Park Road, Shelton, WA (360) 426-1151. P2/11-3/4 ARE YOU a WorkFirst participant? Do you enjoy and want to work with young children? If you answered yes call the Childcare Careers Program to find out about our free training program. Call Nina, 956-9830. $2/4-3/4 RN/LPN/MA to work for busy internal medicine physician. Must be reliable, personable, organized. Full-time 4 days a week. Bring resume and fill out appli- cation. Dr. Schlauderaff/Dagan office, 237 Professional Way. $3/4-25 ASSEMBLY OPENING, will train, good math skills and ability to work with small parts. Apply at S.S.I. Cable Corp., 820 E. Hiawatha Blvd. Shelton. EOE. $3/4 SHELLFISH WORKER wanted, some experience needed, some tools re- quired, transportation and drivers li- cense needed. Mainly clam digging, some oyster and reseeding work. Good pay, lousy winter hours. Call 427-3950. kitchen sink. H3/4 G3/4 [,& Providence ]SoundHomeCare, and Hospice BUY OR consign one item or an entire estate. Serving the local area since 1963. References available, Lic #193. Ken's Auction Service, 3707 Marvin Road NE, Olympia. 491-6804. K1/14ffn ANTICH AUCTION SATURDAY, MARCH 6 718 28TH HOQUIAM, WA AUCTION STARTS 10 A.M. • ESTATES • TOOLS • FURNITURE Fire opals and other rocks, coins - proof sets - wheat pennies, gar- den tools, tool boxes, acetylene torch, antique tools, hand tools. Delta table and radial arm saws. Snapper rider and other lawn- mowers, garden trailer, 2- .410 shotguns, 12 ga. shotgun, 2- 30.06 rifles, oak watchmakers cabinet, oak file cabinet, pine hutch, di- nette set w/f, primitive kitchen counter, 2 Wallace Nutting photos, king and queen size beds, Craft- matic elect, bed, dressers, book shelves, unusual cedar chest, side by side refrigerator, 2-Maytag washers/dryers, new oil stove, kitchen and garage items, Our building is full!! PREVIEW FRIDAY 11-5 NOW ACCEPTING VEHICLE CONSIGNMENTS FOR AUTO AUCTION Lic# anticea562ms TERMS: CASH, MC/VISA 532-7438 #lii// ...a,__ 7'_.7-, . _.. - : ' Journal Classifieds (360) 426-4412 HOME HEALTH RN Providence SoundHomeCare & Hos- pice is currently seeking a full time Home Health Cardiac RN for the Shelton Office. This position will work Mon.-Fri. 8:00 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Requirements include graduate of an accredited school of nursing and cur- rent Wa. State licensure. A minimum of two years nursing experience in acute care setting required. At least one year of Home Care or Hospice experience preferred. Valid Wa. State Drivers license required. WE OFFER AN EXCELLENT SALARY AND BENEFITS PACKAGE! Send or fax resume to: PSHCH 3706 Griffin Ln. SE Olympia, WA 98501 Fax: (360) 493-4657 E.O.E. COOK WANTED, Lake Nahwatzel Re- sort will train, some experience pre- ferred. Call for appointment, 426-8323. L3/4 ADMINISTRATIVE SECRETARY for Mason County Convention Center/Fair- grounds, $11.57/hour, part time at 20 hours weekly (hours will increase dur- ing summer). Provides secretarial sup- port duties for the office administrator, interacts with the public and vendors. Assists with facility schedules and pro- cessing contracts. Minimum qualifica- tions: high school graduate or GED and 2 years college or 5 years office and clerical experience (preferably in a public agency), good public communi- cation skills, ability to operate comput- er and office machines. Application is required and available at Mason County Human Resources, 411 N Fifth St, Shelton WA 98584, or call (360) 427- 7265. Closes 3/17/99 at 5 p.m. M3/4-11 INDIAN CHILD Welfare Assistant. Sko- komish Indian Tribe is looking for an additional member of their Social Ser- vices team. Promote healthy families by assisting the Indian Child Welfare caseworker. Call (360) 426-4232, Ext. 221 for description and application. $3/4-11 ACCOUNTANT, SENIOR for The Ever- green State College in Olympia, WA. Prepare annual audited financial state- ments and other ad hoc financial re- ports. Create computerized financial reports and documents. Requires: A Bachelor's Degree in accounting, busi- ness administration, computer sci- ence, economics, or closely related field which includes thirty quarter hours or twenty semester hours of college- level accounting courses and three years of full-time experience as a pro- fessional accountant or four years of experience as a Fiscal Technician, or equivalent in the public sector, and thirty quarter hours or twenty semester hours of college-level accounting and three years of full-time experience pre- paring National Association of College and University Business Officer (NACUBO) financial statements. Sal- ary: $2522-$3225 full-time, per month plus benefits. Deadline: Review of completed applications and answers to the supplemental examination begins March 23, 1999. Applications will be accepted until finalists are chosen. For information/application call 360-866- 6000, ext. 6361 or view on the Internet ( Hearing/ speech impaired may call 360-866- 6834 (TTY)_.._. C AD_.__NEOE/AA. T3/4 ( LITTLE CREEK Casino is hiring Keno Writer/Runnersl $7 hour plus tips. This position requires a Class III Gaming Li- cense. Upfront deposit with payroll de- duct will be allowed for licensing fees. Transfers will be accepted. Apply in person. L3/4 WELL-ESTABLISHED LOCAL company hiring full time in house sales person. Position has hourly pay and benefits. Duties include servicing established customers and prospecting for new customers. Preferably familiar with Ex- cel and Word. Send resume and letter of interest to Blind Box 576, c/o The Journal, PO Box 430, Shelton WA 98584. 2/25-3/4 FULL-TIME SMALL engine mechanic needed. Experience with 2 cycle en- gines a must. Inquire at Skipworth's, 426-0875. $3/4 COMMUNITY REPS to work with high school international students and host families. Part-time work, experience re- quired, 1-800-713-1629. M2/11-3/4 SCOTT HILBURN Auto Center has an opening in our detail department. Prim- ary duties to include washing and cleaning of new and used vehicles. This is a full-time position. Stop by and see Dick or call 426-5585. EOE. H2/25- 3/4 EXPERIENCED LINECOOK, part-time. Apply in person. Hoodsport Marina and Cafe, 877-9657. H2/25-3/4 MYSTERY SHOPPER needed for Proj- ect #15-05372-8 in Shelton. Please re- spond on our web site www.mystery and complete an ap- plication. K3/4 THE U.S. Forest Service, Hood Canal and Quilcene Ranger Districts are look- ing for applicants to fill vacant Senior Community Service Employment posi- tions. Applicants must be 55 years of age and meet income guidelines. Cur- rently advertising for 3 positions, two are located at Quilcene Ranger District in Quilcene, WA and include duties in yard and facility maintenance and working with our recreation program. The position we have open at the Hood Canal Ranger District in Hoodsport, WA is for a Visitor Information Reception- ist. The positions are part-time and pay minimum wage as well as some bene- fits. Please contact Becky at the Quil- cane Ranger District, 360-765-2200 for more information. Q3/4-25 TELEMARKETER PART-TIME. No ex- perience necessary. Well paid position in the KMAS special events depart- ment. Work from your home. Call for appointment, 426-1030. KMAS is an Equal Opportunity Employer. K3/4-11 ADOPT-A-PET Kennels are in need of volunteer help. From 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., 1 day a week. But, these hours can be adjusted. Your help would be greatly appreciated, please call 426-2610 or our new Website at for more details. A4/30ffn WANTED: HAIRSTYLIST for Chez Beaujeas, call 427-8684. B2/25tfn KIM'S ESPRESSO is now hiring a part- time barista. Must be available for morning shift. Applications available at Kim's Espresso-Fred Meyer, Shelton. T3/4 R- --°'l'ds Operated by TOMRA Pacific, Inc., has an em- ployment opportunity at our Recycling Center in Shelton. • Earn $8.00 an hour, FT, 40 hrs week • Medical/Dental/Vision Benefits • Paid Training, Vacations, and Holidays • Incentive Program • Daytime hours, Tuesday thru Saturday Requires basic math skills, dependable trans- portation, working with the public, and heavy lifting. Drug screen and credit check required. Apply March 4th thru 6th, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at our Reynolds Recycling trailer, in the Wal-Mart Parking Lot, 100 Wallace Kneeland Blvd, SheJton. For more information, call 1-800-445-1633 EOE M/F ii STATE CERTIFIED CNA available for home health care. For more information call 427-6840. Ask for Claudia. Refer- ences available. K2/25-3/4 TYPING SERVICES. Confidentiality guaranteed. Tell me what you want, I will do it. $7.50 per page. 372-2731, Belfair. $2/11-3/4 DR. NANCY E. Gill, Educational' Con- sultant, custom designs educational support Ior students aged 8-18 who read below grade level, whose grades are below average, or who have lost in- terest and motivation in school. 360- 275-5005. G?.J18-3111 WILL RUN errands, clean house, wash windows, clean yards/garages/base- ments, transport pets to vet or ? Gro- cery shop, pick up medicine, water plants, check on house when you're on vacation, help with garage sales. Give us a call, no work too small or too large. Reasonable prices. 426-1290, Anne. $2/11-3/4 JOHN'S CREEK Country Kids has openings available. Licensed 10 years in Shelton. Mt, View school district. USDA food program. 426-7669. N1/14tfn CHILDCARE OPENINGS, full time, be- fore and after school. Mt. View district. Licensed with experience, 426-1904. R2/25-3/4 EDGEWOOD DAYCARE has openings for kids two and up. New home South of Shelton. /4 mile from 101. 426-2969. F2/11-3/4 Answers to Super Crossword ITIOIFISlTIIPIAINIEILIEI IOINIEIPIEITISBBDILIIIRIYIOITBBN EIE I ISlEIRIMPIEISIOI01OINITBBSlPllIOIEIfilSl Fi=IEIsITIEIPlOtUITISIOlU IHIAIDIEISmSlAITIEISmTIAIMmN E S T sl IAIGIAIRIPlAILIEIDIIHIOIPlIISISIT OIPI ILIIINIElulLIEIRIPIEIRIIOIEIEIIEIPlll ILIOIClKISlTIEIPIRIUlLIEIRIISlTIEIPlilNI EINlSlUlEIoIIINIEIOIIS T A M P / I [IINISlTIEIPBBPIEIClAINBBSlTIEIPIPIEiR[B! LRIAITI01OINIAITIEISISlPlAITIEBBOIi[E 1 IIIOIEISINI,ITIEIRBIOtOIOtRISBBPIUILIL I S A PlIIDIPIEISlSll L OlSlClUlPllU I II I NIRIAISlTIEIP S OINIClO n I / o i ClKIEINISISlLIO P SI01oIN E al L] CELLO, BASS and electric bass les- sons including music theory, ear train- ing and advanced techniques. Also of- faring beginning violin and keyboard. 21 years experience. Call Dave, 427- 5487. P9/17tfn HAPPY BIRTHDAY to red hottt, from Limolove. L3/4 REWARD, LOST 2 yr. old male black Lab. Name is Remington. Very friendly, may be wearing purple collar. Please help, we desperately miss him and want him home. If you have seen him or have him, please call 427-0430 or 427-4014. $3/4 FOUND LONG hair calico cat, red col- lar, very friendly. Found downtown, ap- proximately Feb. 26, 427-5449. C3/4 VERY SWEET, tiny, 7 year old pony. Loves kids, (a bit leery of adults). Can carry no more than 100 Ibs. Best home, best offer. 427-1382. F2/25-3/4 QUALITY GRASS hay, U-haul, $3 bale. Free loose hay for bedding. Twin River Ranch. 426-1023. R3/4-25 SINGLE-AXLE STOCK trailer with 2 spares, $800. Call 427-6731, evenings 6-9 p.m. D2/25tfn RAZORBACK FENCE Company, spe- cializing in livestock fence installation, hole drilling, post driving. Free esti- mates. 427-6201. License #RAZOR- FC0660Z. R 12/14tfn ALFALFA FOR sale, by bale or ton. Semi load available. Will deliver. Eve- nings 426-3633. Gll/9ffn EXCELLENT EASTERN Washington al- falfa hay, $7 per bale. 426-1803. P 10/22tfn ROOFING-INTERIOR/exterior painting, carpentry, finish work, custom pres- sure washing, remodeling, manufac- tured home repairs, solar tubes in- stalled. Call Dave 427-4237. Lic #DAVIDWG044KU. Wl/14-3/4 MASON COUNTY Excavation. Tree service, brush hauling, landclearing, logging, cash for log value, excellent service guaranteed. Free estimates, 426-0574. K2/11-4/29 (IMMACULATE CONNECTION) Clean- ing Service. Superior service for your home, office, boat or barn. Many satis- fied references. Serving all areas. Call Dab at 426-8906. H2/11-3/4 HOUSECLEANING SERVICES. Priority of excellence. Shelton and surrounding areas. Help with other tasks. Let's talkl Call Sue, 432-9537. J2/11-3/4 QUEEN ANNE'S Landscaping. All as- pects of landscape installation and re- organization. Extensive references. 426-4598. Q8/13tfn I JAY BUTTLES' TREE SERVICES • Topping • Licensed • Chipping • Bonded • Stump • Insured grinding (360) 426-4663 Lic. #JAYBUTSOS3R2 I i Olympia Painting We do it all far perfect walls/ ° Quality interior & exterior painting • Creative faux & glazing • Custom stain & varnish 426-5265 Serving Thurston, Mason & IEIRIAISlTIAITI ,IOIOIGIUILIFIUtLIEI Kitsap counties/ N O NtEISIo O O S E SITIEIi=IEILIII::)tEI ISINIOIRIE I EIT1AIHIEI t IRIEIRI  ISlEIRI Bonded & insured. License # ptratbg021 ns IEIYIEIRISISlEITIAIDIAIMISISlEIEIRIsl ]4.sac i Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Shelton-Mason County Journal- Page 25 • nlilii/lll/ II