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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 4, 1999     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 4, 1999
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Japanese exchange student Says NM area is "great" BYUA . L THOMSON cation time before school started celebrate," she said. In Japan, -L Kaaa Matsuzaki, 18, is an ex- aaage Student from Japan livin fa!.r and studying at Nort "mgh School. Br na has joined the family of .u and Carolyn Nicol and their ghter gxistin, who is 13. They ua e North Shore in Belfair. z ,L aaaa Says that her Japanese there She went on to say that alit,. I ao freedom, no individu- x J la her school in Japan. 8:r:taare many rules and no fun, ea a, "but I really liked my A.__ raW'at.North Mason? "I have "'r-eeaom and fun There are ,, Y nice friendly teachers and e} s. I like assembly." She b ° north Mason is " reat" qer c^_ g • tia,,u, rse work load at North '" Includes current world le_. s, net sports, dance, and lCUltural American litera- [i+ae Was excited to come to the ', tates, and is here for the i h, 1 Year. She is interested t erlca, and wants to learn _ me culture and widen her ".' of life "I want to be a lad 0 ha8 i: ..... Y ,,.,=--.- uuepenaence ann m th^. Stronm" she said She "ught t °" • " ld hat studying abroad gla. ue One way to achieve those here. She participated in volley- ball earlier in the year, and is now playing softball. She and her local family have enjoyed skiing, a new sport for her. Kana has enjoyed some of the holidays while here. "In Japan, we don't have Halloween or Thanksgiving. We have Christ- mas holidays, but we don't Christmas parties are just for fun, Kana said. "I had great holi- days here. That was nice," she continued. Although Kana understands English, she still struggles to ex- press herself at times. She would like to go to an American college, and after that, "I want to be a translator." jh first arrived in Olympia, Kana Matsuzak  i mg mere for five weeks of va- gehool board roundup Grapeview School District called "Creative Curriculum, and meeting of the directors occurred on February 24. All five superintendent and about 20 other bus driver for the Dee Kepner, read o.a behalf of herself and the only other Grapeview, regarding to join a union. She frustration over to negotiate a over two years. Fol- reading of the letter Bob Love said, your comments, retinue to bargain in Patterson described the program as a traditional preschool. They read stories, have table time, in- door and outdoor play time, crea- tive activities, and work toward improving the emotional, social and academic skills of the stu- dents. She explained that special edu- cation students are sometimes re- ferred, and sometimes discovered in the "Child Find" state-mandat- ed program which seeks those un- der kindergarten age in need of special help. In the past they have had students with autism, Down's Syndrome, multiple handicaps, and with language de- lays. "We do a good job providing for them and helping the family," Patterson said. KATHY WALSH is the vice president of the preschool. She added that the blend of the two programs has been of mutual benefit for all the students as they learn from their peers. The superintendent explained that the special education budget is 12.7 percent of the annual budget, and that is all that the state provides for services, re- gardless of the number of stu- dents or their needs. The district is legally obligated to meet those needs, even if the expense is above and beyond the 12.7 per- cent. He also said that in the past 25 years, the number of forms per handicapped student has gone from 3 to 300 or more, which is time taken from actually serving those students. In a budget report, Snyder shared that the school year is one half completed, and 50.77 percent of the budget has been spent. He said the district is current in pay- ing its bills with the exception of the nonhigh and special services fees to be paid to other school dis- item of business was the Grapeview Pre- is now 12 years old, preschool president arroll. He explained runs three days morning and after- s self-supporting. IS a blend- and community $" Those served by the Special needs kids, as the state. The com- m open to chil- age of three who ed and im- pay a fee to partic- Preschool's annual 1,000, and they serve students. n is the school teacher. She of the history of the a photo album of of preschoolers. grades 8 through 10 are still living in Heaton is the acher for the commu- Crriculum they use is tricts providing those services. For the first time in several years, the district is making the current payments, plus paying on the former debts. They expect to clear the debts by June 2000, ac- cording to Snyder. The superintendent shared that the enrollment for GSD has gone from 172 to 182 over the months of this school year, with an average of 177.83 full-time equivalent students. If the monthly average goes to 180, the district will lose $28,000 in extra money granted by the state to small school districts, he report- ed. WHEN IT WAS announced that budget work would begin in March for the next school year, board member Don Torrey re- quested that the board have a workshop prior to the budget pro- cess beginning. He would like to have the board discuss and come to some agreement on the direc- tion and goals of the district, in order that they might then guide the budget process by those goals. Roger Denny stated that one can only budget money that is available. Torrey said that if stu- dents aren't doing well in science, for example, the teachers may need extra training in that area. "The important thing is that there be value added to every kid every day," he said. He would like to see the budget money targeted for the most effective use, he indi- cated. A special meeting was set up for Tuesday, March 16, at 7 p.m. in the school library. Anyone with concern, including staff and pub- lic, are welcome to attend and share their ideas. The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Tues- day, March 23, at 7 p,m. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Thursday, March 4 7:30 a.m., no-host breakfast, 8 a.m. meeting, Allyn Community As- sociation, Allyn Inn. 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Program held at the Theler Center until 3 p.m. Senior activities and lunch served at noon. For information or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or 275-6246. 9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. Call Bev Weston, 275-8282, for information. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., TIC (Women, Infants and Children) nutri- tional program, North Mason Medical Clinic. Call 275-8340. 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base- ment at Saint Hugh Community Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor- mation, call 895-1363. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 per session, donated to North Mason Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for information. 6 p.m., Mason County Network meets in the Grapeview School Li- brary. For information, call 275-6769. 6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair Community Baptist Church. 7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth group for young people in sixth through 12th grades is held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. All young people welcome to attend. For information call 275-6031. 7 p.m., Theler Board, Theler Cen- ter. 7 p.m., Fire District 8 commission- ers' meeting, Tahuya Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Mounted Unit, Grapeview Fire Hall on Grapeview Loop Road. For more information, contact Teddy Markhart at 275-0337 or Heidi Gran- nell at 275-2952. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 8 p.m., Trails End Water District 2 commissioners' meeting, district of- rice. Friday, March 5 9 a.m., Mason County District Court is held in Conference Room 2 at the Theler Center, Judge Victoria Meadows presiding. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 6 p.m., Victor Improvement Club, potluck, meeting follows, Victor. 7 p.m., Twanoh Grange 1118, busi- ness meeting, Twanoh Grange Hall, Victor Cutoff Road. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori- cal Church, Allyn. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, open, Belfair Community Baptist Church. 9:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel- fair Highway. Saturday, March 6 Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. Sunday, March 7 9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn. Monday, March 8 Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 3:30 p.m., Maggie Lake Water Dis- trict board meeting at the water dis- trict office, NE 21 Cedar Lane, Ta- huya. 7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504 for information. 7 p..m., Trails End District com- missioners open meeting, district of- rice, 1801 Trails End Drive. 7:30 p.m., AI-Anon, NE 42 Old Bel- fair Highway. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. Tuesday, March 9 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Program held at the Theler Center until 3 p.m. Senior activities and lunch served at noon. For information or lunch reservations call 275-4898. 8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS 1357 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at the Prince of Peace Catholic Church on Sand Hill Road in Belfair. 9 a.m., Mason County Board of Commissioners' meeting, Building 1, Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa- tion. 10 a.m., the Friends of the North Mason Timberland Library in Belfair will meet in the library on Highway 3 in Belfair. For more information, call 275-2304. 10 a.m., Saint Margaret's Guild, Prince of Peace Catholic Church. Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club meeting at Belfair Community Bap- tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call 275-2529 for information. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 per session, donated to North Mason Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for information. 6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible study for teens in grades 9-12, youth center at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. Belfair resident receives award Sam Kuhn, of Belfair, is the winner of a Light, Power and Pride Award at Seattle City Light, it was announced at a spe- cial ceremony presentation in January. Kuhn received a Money Saver award as part of a team who saved City Light $950,000 by de- signing and manufacturing in- house two critical pieces of equip- ment needed for refurbishing hy- droelectric generators at power plants. Kuhn is part of a team of three workers who earned the award, which included $250 each, he said. The company was going to contract out this task, but he and his team spent most of the year creating a vertical turning lathe. They were gone from their fami- lies for six months, with only six weeks of that time back at home. He explained that every 30 years the hydroelectric power tur- bines are upgraded. Kuhn said that the 20-foot diameter turbines generate 150 megawatts, with six million gallons of water per minute going through each wheel. They created an in-place ma- chine to do the overhaul work, preventing them from having the company that designed the tur- bines from having to travel to do the work for them. "We were working in a power house 100 miles north of Spokane when they flew us home for the award ceremony," Kuhn said. He's worked for Seattle City Light for four years. The awards were given to em- ployees nominated for excellence on the job, money saving ideas or heroism, as well as innovation and creativity. At the utility's fif- teenth annual Light, Power and Pride Awards ceremony presenta- tions were made to 25 individuals and 12 teams from among Seattle City Light's more than 1,700 em- ployees. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7 p.m., Belfair Water District com- missioners' meeting, water district of- rice. Call 275-3008 for information. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 2 commissioners' meeting, Belfair Fire Hall, Old Belfair Highway. 7 p.m., Lynch Cove Community Association meets in the community clubhouse. 7:00 p.m., Port of Dewatto commis- sioners' meeting, port building, NE 2501 Dewatto Road. 7:30 p.m., Tahuya Community Club, Tahuya Fire Hall. 7:30 p.m., Fraternal Order of Ea- gles 4226, ladies' auxiliary only, meets at FOE building, 23495 High- way 3, Belfair. Call 275-6885 for in- formation. Wednesday, March 10 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC (Women, Infants and Children) nutri- tional program, North Mason Medical Clinic. Call 275-8340. 9:30 a.m., Belfair Women's AGLOW meets at the Twanoh Grange in Belfair. 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club meets at the Canal Room of the Ta- huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor- mation. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil- dren 4 years old through eighth grade, Belfair Community Baptist Church. 6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly men's fellowship group held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. All men welcome to attend. For infor- mation call 275-6031. 6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman" Bible study will be held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. Child- care available; open to public. For in- formation, call 275-6031. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 5 commissioners' meeting, Station 3, Mason-Benson Road. 7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup- port Group, will be held at Westpark Christian Church, 5204 First Street in Bremerton. For information call 478-7927. 7 p.m., North Mason Park Advi- sory Board, Sand Hill Elementary Li- brary. 7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support group for victims of domestic violence; for meeting place or more information, call 427-1263. 7:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus, Prince of Peace Council 12002 will meet at the Prince of Peace Catholic Church on Sand Hill Road in Belfair. For more information, contact Harry Tachell at 275-0329. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, Belfair Community Baptist Church. Thursday, March 11 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Program, Theler Center until 3 p.m. Senior activities and lunch served at noon. For information or lunch reser- vations call 275-4898 or 275-6246. 9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. Call Bey Weston, 275-8282, tbr information. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC (Women, Infants and Children) nutri- tional program, North Mason Medical Clinic. Call 275-8340, 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base- ment at Saint Hugh Community Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor- mation, call 895-1363. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 per session, donated to North Mason Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club of Mason County. Call 275-8602 tbr information. 6::]0 p,m., Bible study at Belfair Community Baptist Church. 7 to 9 p.m., IAttle League Board meeting, Sand Hill Elementary School Library. For more informa- tion, contact Karen Speece, 372-2613. 7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth group for young people in sixth through 12th grades is held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. All young people welcome to attend. For information call 275-6031. 7 p.m., Fire District 3 commission- ers' meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall. North Mason Area Churches North Mason Bible Church Welcomes you... • a place to believe • a place to belong • a place to become Sundays -- 9:30, t0:45, and 6:00 Wednesdays -- AWANA for Boys and Girls Phone 275-4555 North Mason Unit, ed Met, hodiet, Church Welcomes You WORSHIP ERVICE 10:30 CHIRISTIAN EDUCATION THELEI COMMUNITY CENTEI 225'71 5b;t,c ,'.t:, ::5, [Self air 275-5714 CLEAN Septic Service Serving All of Mason COIlIity ]FREE SYSTEM EVALUATION WITH EACH PUMPING I • Tanks Pumped * Risers Installed • Baffles/Pumps Repaired • Sewers Unclogged * Electronic Tank Locating • Home Sales hspecti(m Reports A1 Droulliard, Owner-Operator O&M Ce.rtffied (CMS) NE 1120 Old Belfalr Hwy. Belfair 360-275-4685 Belfair. WA 98528 1-800-939-( Member of N.M. Chamber of Commerce k h p Ma ch 9 l lllllllll, l lllllllllllllllllll,llll i wor s o r ..... II .fLr =ah¢=. ..... - .--. a.,..'# --  IIL r-__ ,| atlestmrh°: h°p sysTthe'onwf°:emr:tiu?deh::?:ncnte :;:2;ltntwa;tslhe:tt:(lma: ..wVh8o t v ]oard Room at the own systemsandmakeoperation, gllatemal@u.washingl; I'.,.U.t / II1' ['uesday, March 9, monitoring and maintenance de- You can also register in person Dead Man On / , TWg' " • cisions easier, at the WSU Cooperative Exten- Campus / \\; s ..  /i system operation For more information or to reg- sion Office at 11840 North High- :e manualwill be ister, call Don Leaf or Teri King way 101, Shelton, across from NoStringshttached i f" for " Servin' in Silence 'g' ' I icipants, at(360) 427-9670, ext. 396. You, I Sanderson Airport. , 0000:ng,nb,,ence • Tuesdav U DI/-ltl I _ " ,,,,, (,l u't lW ()()v ,c(), I) -" I omeooay,s i ,...,,. Rent.___one, • "-/_f rage $5,395 s * .... w1 .. /I f ::: - L P N : U HAU COU O WhatwtureamsMay [lDreams May [(Thtsweek'snewrelessesdo : _ - _ -- 1. ,, _ _n°t2PP--Y to th e ,ree v2de2).. _/ oa Tuesday, March 9, P.ra. Iarticipants. BLANCH 'S BARK AND GRAVEL -ll') (,RAI'I VII W I ()()P I{()AI) S • shed $995 , , • • • Bark $7.00 yard • experience s • 8  ."" Delivery Every Saturday. Available Exp. 3/31/99. onCaSh All value Products 1/20'. .•see Must Rent present One coupon Video Good to redeem. Get thru 3/1 Not Another 2/99. valid with sny One other Free offer. ; • 275-7133 or 1(800)690-BARK • • • 1 ! i I I i i Jj ] [ J ] JJ ] i]] i J i i J ] J i ] iJ ] [J]ii ! We Ask You Why is it  a man wakes up in the morning after sleeping under an advertised blanket on an advertised mattress and pulls off advertised pajamas. He takes a bath in an advertised tub, shaves with an advertised razor, washes with an advertised soap, puts on advertised clothes, sits down to breakfast with advertised coffee, puts on an advertised hat, rides to his office in an advertised car, writes with an advertised pencil... THEN, he refuses to advertise, saying advertising doesn't pay. And then, if a business isn't good enough to advertise.., he advertises it for sale. If you believe in your business and want to build it... ADVERTISE!! in the Call Brenna Woodward 275 6680 •S•O•••O•OOeOOOOOO•OO•OOO•OOO•OOOO•SOOOOS Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3 Japanese exchange student Says NM area is "great" BYUA . L THOMSON cation time before school started celebrate," she said. In Japan, -L Kaaa Matsuzaki, 18, is an ex- aaage Student from Japan livin fa!.r and studying at Nort "mgh School. Br na has joined the family of .u and Carolyn Nicol and their ghter gxistin, who is 13. They ua e North Shore in Belfair. z ,L aaaa Says that her Japanese there She went on to say that alit,. I ao freedom, no individu- x J la her school in Japan. 8:r:taare many rules and no fun, ea a, "but I really liked my A.__ raW'at.North Mason? "I have "'r-eeaom and fun There are ,, Y nice friendly teachers and e} s. I like assembly." She b ° north Mason is " reat" qer c^_ g • tia,,u, rse work load at North '" Includes current world le_. s, net sports, dance, and lCUltural American litera- [i+ae Was excited to come to the ', tates, and is here for the i h, 1 Year. She is interested t erlca, and wants to learn _ me culture and widen her ".' of life "I want to be a lad 0 ha8 i: ..... Y ,,.,=--.- uuepenaence ann m th^. Stronm" she said She "ught t °" • " ld hat studying abroad gla. ue One way to achieve those here. She participated in volley- ball earlier in the year, and is now playing softball. She and her local family have enjoyed skiing, a new sport for her. Kana has enjoyed some of the holidays while here. "In Japan, we don't have Halloween or Thanksgiving. We have Christ- mas holidays, but we don't Christmas parties are just for fun, Kana said. "I had great holi- days here. That was nice," she continued. Although Kana understands English, she still struggles to ex- press herself at times. She would like to go to an American college, and after that, "I want to be a translator." jh first arrived in Olympia, Kana Matsuzak  i mg mere for five weeks of va- gehool board roundup Grapeview School District called "Creative Curriculum, and meeting of the directors occurred on February 24. All five superintendent and about 20 other bus driver for the Dee Kepner, read o.a behalf of herself and the only other Grapeview, regarding to join a union. She frustration over to negotiate a over two years. Fol- reading of the letter Bob Love said, your comments, retinue to bargain in Patterson described the program as a traditional preschool. They read stories, have table time, in- door and outdoor play time, crea- tive activities, and work toward improving the emotional, social and academic skills of the stu- dents. She explained that special edu- cation students are sometimes re- ferred, and sometimes discovered in the "Child Find" state-mandat- ed program which seeks those un- der kindergarten age in need of special help. In the past they have had students with autism, Down's Syndrome, multiple handicaps, and with language de- lays. "We do a good job providing for them and helping the family," Patterson said. KATHY WALSH is the vice president of the preschool. She added that the blend of the two programs has been of mutual benefit for all the students as they learn from their peers. The superintendent explained that the special education budget is 12.7 percent of the annual budget, and that is all that the state provides for services, re- gardless of the number of stu- dents or their needs. The district is legally obligated to meet those needs, even if the expense is above and beyond the 12.7 per- cent. He also said that in the past 25 years, the number of forms per handicapped student has gone from 3 to 300 or more, which is time taken from actually serving those students. In a budget report, Snyder shared that the school year is one half completed, and 50.77 percent of the budget has been spent. He said the district is current in pay- ing its bills with the exception of the nonhigh and special services fees to be paid to other school dis- item of business was the Grapeview Pre- is now 12 years old, preschool president arroll. He explained runs three days morning and after- s self-supporting. IS a blend- and community $" Those served by the Special needs kids, as the state. The com- m open to chil- age of three who ed and im- pay a fee to partic- Preschool's annual 1,000, and they serve students. n is the school teacher. She of the history of the a photo album of of preschoolers. grades 8 through 10 are still living in Heaton is the acher for the commu- Crriculum they use is tricts providing those services. For the first time in several years, the district is making the current payments, plus paying on the former debts. They expect to clear the debts by June 2000, ac- cording to Snyder. The superintendent shared that the enrollment for GSD has gone from 172 to 182 over the months of this school year, with an average of 177.83 full-time equivalent students. If the monthly average goes to 180, the district will lose $28,000 in extra money granted by the state to small school districts, he report- ed. WHEN IT WAS announced that budget work would begin in March for the next school year, board member Don Torrey re- quested that the board have a workshop prior to the budget pro- cess beginning. He would like to have the board discuss and come to some agreement on the direc- tion and goals of the district, in order that they might then guide the budget process by those goals. Roger Denny stated that one can only budget money that is available. Torrey said that if stu- dents aren't doing well in science, for example, the teachers may need extra training in that area. "The important thing is that there be value added to every kid every day," he said. He would like to see the budget money targeted for the most effective use, he indi- cated. A special meeting was set up for Tuesday, March 16, at 7 p.m. in the school library. Anyone with concern, including staff and pub- lic, are welcome to attend and share their ideas. The next regular meeting of the board is scheduled for Tues- day, March 23, at 7 p,m. COMMUNITY CALENDAR Thursday, March 4 7:30 a.m., no-host breakfast, 8 a.m. meeting, Allyn Community As- sociation, Allyn Inn. 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Program held at the Theler Center until 3 p.m. Senior activities and lunch served at noon. For information or lunch reservations call 275-4898 or 275-6246. 9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. Call Bev Weston, 275-8282, for information. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., TIC (Women, Infants and Children) nutri- tional program, North Mason Medical Clinic. Call 275-8340. 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base- ment at Saint Hugh Community Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor- mation, call 895-1363. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 per session, donated to North Mason Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for information. 6 p.m., Mason County Network meets in the Grapeview School Li- brary. For information, call 275-6769. 6:30 p.m., Bible study at Belfair Community Baptist Church. 7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth group for young people in sixth through 12th grades is held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. All young people welcome to attend. For information call 275-6031. 7 p.m., Theler Board, Theler Cen- ter. 7 p.m., Fire District 8 commission- ers' meeting, Tahuya Fire Hall. 7 p.m., Mason County Search and Rescue Mounted Unit, Grapeview Fire Hall on Grapeview Loop Road. For more information, contact Teddy Markhart at 275-0337 or Heidi Gran- nell at 275-2952. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 8 p.m., Trails End Water District 2 commissioners' meeting, district of- rice. Friday, March 5 9 a.m., Mason County District Court is held in Conference Room 2 at the Theler Center, Judge Victoria Meadows presiding. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 6 p.m., Victor Improvement Club, potluck, meeting follows, Victor. 7 p.m., Twanoh Grange 1118, busi- ness meeting, Twanoh Grange Hall, Victor Cutoff Road. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, women's meeting, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, Men's Big Book study, Allyn Histori- cal Church, Allyn. 7:30 p.m., Narcotics Anonymous, open, Belfair Community Baptist Church. 9:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, candlelight meeting, NE 42 Old Bel- fair Highway. Saturday, March 6 Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. Sunday, March 7 9 a.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous, open, Allyn Historical Church, Allyn. Monday, March 8 Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 3:30 p.m., Maggie Lake Water Dis- trict board meeting at the water dis- trict office, NE 21 Cedar Lane, Ta- huya. 7 p.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1197, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. Weigh-in from 5:45 to 6:45 p.m. Call 275-7504 for information. 7 p..m., Trails End District com- missioners open meeting, district of- rice, 1801 Trails End Drive. 7:30 p.m., AI-Anon, NE 42 Old Bel- fair Highway. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. Tuesday, March 9 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Program held at the Theler Center until 3 p.m. Senior activities and lunch served at noon. For information or lunch reservations call 275-4898. 8:30-10:30 a.m., TOPS 1357 (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) meets at the Prince of Peace Catholic Church on Sand Hill Road in Belfair. 9 a.m., Mason County Board of Commissioners' meeting, Building 1, Shelton. Call 275-4467 for informa- tion. 10 a.m., the Friends of the North Mason Timberland Library in Belfair will meet in the library on Highway 3 in Belfair. For more information, call 275-2304. 10 a.m., Saint Margaret's Guild, Prince of Peace Catholic Church. Noon, North Mason Kiwanis Club meeting at Belfair Community Bap- tist Church Fellowship Hall. Call 275-2529 for information. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 per session, donated to North Mason Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club of Mason County. Call 275-8602 for information. 6 p.m., Teen-2-Teen youth Bible study for teens in grades 9-12, youth center at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. Belfair resident receives award Sam Kuhn, of Belfair, is the winner of a Light, Power and Pride Award at Seattle City Light, it was announced at a spe- cial ceremony presentation in January. Kuhn received a Money Saver award as part of a team who saved City Light $950,000 by de- signing and manufacturing in- house two critical pieces of equip- ment needed for refurbishing hy- droelectric generators at power plants. Kuhn is part of a team of three workers who earned the award, which included $250 each, he said. The company was going to contract out this task, but he and his team spent most of the year creating a vertical turning lathe. They were gone from their fami- lies for six months, with only six weeks of that time back at home. He explained that every 30 years the hydroelectric power tur- bines are upgraded. Kuhn said that the 20-foot diameter turbines generate 150 megawatts, with six million gallons of water per minute going through each wheel. They created an in-place ma- chine to do the overhaul work, preventing them from having the company that designed the tur- bines from having to travel to do the work for them. "We were working in a power house 100 miles north of Spokane when they flew us home for the award ceremony," Kuhn said. He's worked for Seattle City Light for four years. The awards were given to em- ployees nominated for excellence on the job, money saving ideas or heroism, as well as innovation and creativity. At the utility's fif- teenth annual Light, Power and Pride Awards ceremony presenta- tions were made to 25 individuals and 12 teams from among Seattle City Light's more than 1,700 em- ployees. 7 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 7 p.m., Belfair Water District com- missioners' meeting, water district of- rice. Call 275-3008 for information. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 2 commissioners' meeting, Belfair Fire Hall, Old Belfair Highway. 7 p.m., Lynch Cove Community Association meets in the community clubhouse. 7:00 p.m., Port of Dewatto commis- sioners' meeting, port building, NE 2501 Dewatto Road. 7:30 p.m., Tahuya Community Club, Tahuya Fire Hall. 7:30 p.m., Fraternal Order of Ea- gles 4226, ladies' auxiliary only, meets at FOE building, 23495 High- way 3, Belfair. Call 275-6885 for in- formation. Wednesday, March 10 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC (Women, Infants and Children) nutri- tional program, North Mason Medical Clinic. Call 275-8340. 9:30 a.m., Belfair Women's AGLOW meets at the Twanoh Grange in Belfair. 10 a.m., Tahuya Bridge Club meets at the Canal Room of the Ta- huya Market. Call 275-2098 for infor- mation. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 6 to 8 p.m., Pioneer Club for chil- dren 4 years old through eighth grade, Belfair Community Baptist Church. 6 to 8 p.m., "Man to Man," weekly men's fellowship group held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. All men welcome to attend. For infor- mation call 275-6031. 6 to 8 p.m., "Woman to Woman" Bible study will be held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. Child- care available; open to public. For in- formation, call 275-6031. 7 p.m., Mason County Fire District 5 commissioners' meeting, Station 3, Mason-Benson Road. 7 p.m., Trauma Anonymous Sup- port Group, will be held at Westpark Christian Church, 5204 First Street in Bremerton. For information call 478-7927. 7 p.m., North Mason Park Advi- sory Board, Sand Hill Elementary Li- brary. 7 p.m., Healing Hearts, a support group for victims of domestic violence; for meeting place or more information, call 427-1263. 7:30 p.m., Knights of Columbus, Prince of Peace Council 12002 will meet at the Prince of Peace Catholic Church on Sand Hill Road in Belfair. For more information, contact Harry Tachell at 275-0329. 7:30 p.m., Alcoholics Anonymous, open, Belfair Community Baptist Church. Thursday, March 11 8 a.m., Belfair Senior Nutrition Program, Theler Center until 3 p.m. Senior activities and lunch served at noon. For information or lunch reser- vations call 275-4898 or 275-6246. 9:15 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) Chapter 1032, Belfair Com- munity Baptist Church. Call Bey Weston, 275-8282, tbr information. 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., WIC (Women, Infants and Children) nutri- tional program, North Mason Medical Clinic. Call 275-8340, 10 a.m., TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) WA 1321 meeting, base- ment at Saint Hugh Community Episcopal Church in Allyn. For infor- mation, call 895-1363. Noon, Alcoholics Anonymous, open, NE 42 Old Belfair Highway. 5:30 p.m., Exercise for Fitness, Hawkins Middle School commons, $3 per session, donated to North Mason Kiwanis and the Boys and Girls Club of Mason County. Call 275-8602 tbr information. 6::]0 p,m., Bible study at Belfair Community Baptist Church. 7 to 9 p.m., IAttle League Board meeting, Sand Hill Elementary School Library. For more informa- tion, contact Karen Speece, 372-2613. 7 p.m., "Powerhouse," a youth group for young people in sixth through 12th grades is held at the Belfair Community Baptist Church. All young people welcome to attend. For information call 275-6031. 7 p.m., Fire District 3 commission- ers' meeting, Grapeview Fire Hall. North Mason Area Churches North Mason Bible Church Welcomes you... • a place to believe • a place to belong • a place to become Sundays -- 9:30, t0:45, and 6:00 Wednesdays -- AWANA for Boys and Girls Phone 275-4555 North Mason Unit, ed Met, hodiet, Church Welcomes You WORSHIP ERVICE 10:30 CHIRISTIAN EDUCATION THELEI COMMUNITY CENTEI 225'71 5b;t,c ,'.t:, ::5, [Self air 275-5714 CLEAN Septic Service Serving All of Mason COIlIity ]FREE SYSTEM EVALUATION WITH EACH PUMPING I • Tanks Pumped * Risers Installed • Baffles/Pumps Repaired • Sewers Unclogged * Electronic Tank Locating • Home Sales hspecti(m Reports A1 Droulliard, Owner-Operator O&M Ce.rtffied (CMS) NE 1120 Old Belfalr Hwy. Belfair 360-275-4685 Belfair. WA 98528 1-800-939-( Member of N.M. Chamber of Commerce k h p Ma ch 9 l lllllllll, l lllllllllllllllllll,llll i wor s o r ..... 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He takes a bath in an advertised tub, shaves with an advertised razor, washes with an advertised soap, puts on advertised clothes, sits down to breakfast with advertised coffee, puts on an advertised hat, rides to his office in an advertised car, writes with an advertised pencil... THEN, he refuses to advertise, saying advertising doesn't pay. And then, if a business isn't good enough to advertise.., he advertises it for sale. If you believe in your business and want to build it... ADVERTISE!! in the Call Brenna Woodward 275 6680 •S•O•••O•OOeOOOOOO•OO•OOO•OOO•OOOO•SOOOOS Thursday, March 4, 1999 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 3