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From Russia with love:
Grapevie w postmaster returns with many fond memories
A Grapeview woman and her
grandson traveled halfway
around the world last month and
discovered that people are pretty
much the same, no matter where
you go,
"People are people," said a can-
did Nancy Williams, the postmas-
ter at, Grapeview. She and her
12-year-uld grandson, Addison,
flew fi)r 24 hours en route to their
final destination: Moscow, Russia.
Tim two were part of a two-
week-long mission organized and
led by the Josh McDowell Minis-
try. The project was called Opera-
tion Carelift '99 and was designed
to help children of the former So-
viet Union.
Throughout the trip, more than
360 North American volunteers
visited thousands of prearranged
sites in Russia, Belarus and the
(Ykraine to distribute humanitari-
an and spiritual aid.
were able to visit and share their
tht)ughts on religious freedom
and other topics through an inter-
preter. During their 10-day jour-
ney, they visited Minsk, Belarus
along with Moscow, Russia.
They and others in the group
distributed humanitarian aid,
like food and medicine, to orphan-
ages, hospitals, schools, and other
places of need.
"One thing I discovered," said
Nancy, "is that women love to
ADDISON WILLIAMS, at right, with several other
Americans at an underground mall in Moscow.
Mason take Meanderings Engagemen L
April Durbin, daughter of Doug
We have done it again in Feb-
ruary! We have set (God and us) a
new rainfall record for the
month... 21 and 1/2 inches. Not
only that, we have set a four-
month record starting in Novem-
ber. According to my resident-
rain-recorder, Neal, we have seen
in tie last four months over six-
and-a-half feet of water falling
fi'om the skies. Imagine a wall of
water six-and-a-half feet high!
We have not heard of any
major i)roblems caused by the
downpour.., a few docks blown
away, a tbw boats floated off, and
a lot of docks spending a whole lot
of time under water. Sherwood
Creek is filled to the brim, but the
water has not overflowed Trails
End Road (where the creek flows
through its culverts). We had a
minor cave-in in our bank above
the road. But so far the lake and
the land around it are holding
their own.
The grebes I mentioned last
week have gone. Probably they
are nesting and will return with a
whole lot of little grebes. But for
now the cove is empty of water-
Events move on into what
promises to be a drier month. On
March 4 we will have the noon
potluck at the Mason-Benson
Clubhouse. There will be bingo
following lunch. Bring donations
for the food bank if you can.
The "Ladies of the Lakes" will
hold a birthday lunch at 1 p.m.,
March 9, at A Cafe & Silk Bou-
quet, South Park Shopping Cen-
ter, Port Orchard. Cutoff day for
reservation: March 4. Call JoRene
Nelson, 426-6348.
A memorial service is being
planned tbr Holly Steele at the
clubhouse on Saturday, March 6,
at 11 a.m. Holly and his wife
Lucy have been active and sup-
portive members of our communi-
ty for many years. Holly was
president of the senior group, but
he was forced to give up his post
because of illness. We will miss
him. Those people planning on
participating are asked to bring
sandwiches or salads or deserts
for a fellowship after the service.
:Punch, coffee and tea will be
The pussy willow and forsythia
have come and gone in a wet
cloud, we are looking for daffodils
and other signs of spring!
and Sue Durbin of Elms and a
1994 North Mason graduate, is
engaged to Daniel Zetterberg. He
is the son of Bob and Jan Zetter-
berg of Kent, where the couple
both live.
April works at Key Bank in
talk! And they're no different in
Russia!" Through an interpreter,
Nancy discussed a variety of top-
ics. "I was able to share with
them my thoughts on religious
freedom and God's plan for all of
us," she said.
Nancy indicated that all of the
THE FAMED Saint Basil's Cathedral dominates Red
Square in central Moscow.
Russians she met were extremely
receptive to their visit. "Most
were amazed that we would trav-
el halfway around the world to
visit them," said Nancy.
ADDISON WAS equally im-
pressed with his visit. This was
the 12-year-old Collins Lake rest-
dent's first visit to the former So-
viet Union. "People were really
friendly and excited that we were
visiting their country," said an
enthusiastic Addison.
The sixth grade home-schooler
spoke to various groups at hospi-
tals, orphanages and schools. On
one occasion, he spoke to more
than 100 students at a Moscow
grade school. "I was a little
nervous at first, but the friendly
people made it easy for me," he
said. He shared his views on
America and various aspects of
life in the free world.
"My favorite memory of Russia
was when we were visiting one
school and a group of girls came
out in native costume and sang
for us," reflected Addison.
Walking through snow-covered
Red Square and photographing
the famed Saint Basil's Cathedral
announced Yacht donated
Auburn, and Daniel, who gradu-
ated in 1996 from Kentridge High
School, is working at Zetterberg
Quality Homes of Puyallup.
The couple became engaged at
Christmas 1998, and plan to mar-
ry March 27 at the Belfair Assem-
bly of God Church.
' i i
APRIL DURBIN and Daniel Zetterberg plan to marry
on March 27.
for auction,
A 28-foot yacht has been donat-
ed for the Boys and Girls Club
auction to be held Saturday,
March 13, at the Admiral Theatre
in Bremerton.
The boat, valued between
$5,000 and $10,000, was donated
by Phill and Vera Cult. "The boat
appears to be in excellent work-
ing order. Most of its equipment
seems to have been upgraded and
in good shape," said Steve Hunt,
club board member and owner of
an accounting firm.
The Fairliner yacht will be
placed in Belfair's QFC parking
lot for potential bidders to pre-
view, along with details on the
"Over $90,000 in auction items
have been donated, and 275
guests will be in attendance," said
Betty Wing, chairperson of the
auction committee. "This event
generates about 1/3 of our annual
operating budget," she added.
Last year's auction netted
about $45,000, according to Dave
Herald Highlights Knight tt,)nored as queen
paired Kids' Endowment (HIKE) ................
and the Belfair girls raised about ......
$500 last year for that group ................................
This year, funds are being collect-
ed across the state for HIKE, and ...........
it will be June before the results
will be known, said Pruitt.
As state queen, Melanie has
visited other Bethels, encourag-
ing them to promote the organiza-
tion, to increase membership, and
to commit to quality, active mem-
bership themselves. While travel-
ing, she has remained active in
the local group, too. She has been
involved with Bethel 43 in compe-
tition involving memory work.
Pruitt described Melanie as, "a
wonderful kid, energetic, bub-
bling. She never sees a negative
aspect in anybody. She is an
uplifting kid who is kind to every-
body," no matter what their age.
Melanie Knight
Norwegian Cruise Lines
JANUARY 8, 2000
$1,200 Per Person -- Inside Cabin Il
$1,299 Per Person- Outside Cabin /(
$1,705 Per Person -- Balcony Cabin
Optional Insurance Available: $99 per person
Prices begin at: $713 for 3rd and 4th passengers in cabin
March 5 - Deposit Due: $25 per person to guarantee space or $250 per |
person due to guarantee cabin # and a possible 2 category upgrade |
(if available at time of payment) |
Call Sandy for information and booking. |
ii[In I n linimv i i u."'lli Iui] ii I klliv.'ani |n i[viil Hi H oniml n |] ime|] | | i| s
Local Presence, Global Power sM
3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428
Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc.
members were also traveling
overseas in different parts of the
world. "It gives you an enlarged
vision and perspective," said the
1993 North Mason High School
Mitchell's hobbies include
paintball, mountain biking, model
cars, and golfing.
What would Aaron Mitchell
like to change about his life? "Not
a thing," he said. "Everything's
(Editor's note: If you would like
to nominate someone to be fea-
tured in "Herald Highlights,"
please contact the Belfair Herald
at 275-6680.)
Melanie Knight, daughter of
Ron and Nancy Reid, was the
Honor Queen for Job's Daughters
Bethel 43 of Belfair last year.
That made her eligible for the
state's Grand Bethel Honored
In June, she was selected to
serve a year in that role. Melanie
is the first statewide Honored
Queen from the Belfair group,
which is 47 years old, so they are
thrilled, according to Cherie
Pruitt, the Bethel's guardian.
Melanie is a senior at South Kit-
sap High School.
On Saturday, February 20,
there was a statewide Grand
Bethel Reception in Bremerton
honoring about 80 girls. Melanie,
of course, was their leader as
Honored Queen. Tiffany Hays of
Bethel 43 was also present as the
Grand Bethel Representative to
Each queen is allowed to select
a project of focus and fund rais-
ing. Melanie, who is deaf in one
ear, selected the Hearing Im-
":= HOME
,i ............... LOANS
Aaron Mitchell
Aaron Mitctmll has lived in AI-
lyn since 1980, with the exception
of the three years he spent in the
ILS. Army.
Ile is a hardware clerk working
in Belfair, and recently earned
his general associate's degree at
Olympic College in Breme:rton.
lte plans to transfer either to the
University of Washington or
West:ern Washington []niversity
in the next few months.
While in the Army, Mitchell
serw, d one year in Germany,
spent a little time in the Nether-
lands, and also worked at Fort Ir-
win, Califi)rnia as a heavy vehicle
mechanic. He spent some time in
France while on leave. When he
left Army life, he was a Specialist
Mitchell was born in Anchor-
age, Alaska. His father, Larry,
lives in Allyn, and his mother,
Chris, lives m Coh)rado. He is sin-
lie is interested in pursuing in-
ternational studies, citing his ex-
periences in both German and
S1)anish languages.
In addition to earning a four-
year degree, his future goals in-
clude more travel, especially in
Europe. "I'd like to go back and
explore all the stuff I didn't see
the first tme," Mitchell said.
In 1994, when he was living in
,crmany, some of his family
i i
Then you need
Remodeling Specialist
Kit,'hem" and bathrooms a special(v
Any size job from a new front door to complete rebuild
275-5702 . 426-2058
Tom Miller, Owner • Since 1961
'TII Work Like A Dog"
• Lower Monthly Bills
• Need Cash for a New Project
Specializing in:
• Late Payment History
• Too Many Bills
• Bankruptcy
• 24 Hour Pre-Approval
Call Rocky
(360) 308-0443
Toll Free 877-208-1260
"Licensed Broker"
1st Hand Mortgage
i II I .
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1999
Ison, the club's executive director.
There were just a few tickets left
at press time, so people were en-
couraged to call the club at 360-
275-7805 right away to reserve a
36,000 Only Miles, black with
sand colored top. Beautiful
appearance package. Hard to
find automatic trans, alloy
wheels, factory stereo. Very
Sharp! #2CNBJ1863T6900872
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off Sedgwick
4-DR 4X4
Lots of miles but as nice as they
come at this price. Very clean in
and out. 4.0 V-6, Auto, A/C, PW,
PL, Tilt, Cruise, Alloys.
It all works.
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off Sedgwick
Super clean low mileage van. Vortec
4.3 liter, Automatic, Air conditioning,
Cruise, Tilt, Cassette, Fog lamps, 8
passenger seating. Nice Rig.
Exp. 3/8/99
Right turn off Sedgwick
23,000 Only Miles and
equipment -- not stripped.
Automatic, A/C, Cruise control,
tilt, Stereo radio, shows like
new. Must see!
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off Sedgwick
was another punctuation
the Williams' trip.
In addition to visiting
Addison has also been on
ary visits with his
and Cyndi Williams, to
Rica and Columbia.
until the early 1990s,
the former Soviet Union
der Communist rule. But
the breakup of the
gime, many of the former
states have openly r
tors from the West.
The Josh McDowell
according to Nancy WillianaS,
established a good
tionship with the Russian
dox Church.
"This is my fourth trip
sia on a humanitarian
with Josh McDowell
said Nancy. I just feel it's
worthwhile effort, and these
pie are so receptive to us."
The Josh McDowell
currently recruiting
for a humanitarian
called Mission '99 in the
Soviet Union from August
1999. For information
event, contact Nancy
L.S. Cedar
Top quality Western
Red Cedar lumber of
all types.
We deliver
Nice y equipped local trade.
Hard to find in this condition'
Super clean in and out. Go-
come out and drive thiS o, '
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off SedgWicK
'91 OLD, =
Must see and drive this
trade. All the right stuff on'
luxiourious sedan. Big ca
and comfort. Good
Exp. 3/8/99
Right turn off SedgwiCg
'98 CH
Lt. Pewter metallic
cloth, Warranty,
A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cru=
Defogger, Cassette,
Bags, Safety cage,^a
Construction. Exp. 3/
Right turn off SedgWiCl(
Rare and hard to find
90,000 Only Miles.
straight and clean,
economical. Must see a=
Ready to roll. Exp.
Right turn off
From Russia with love:
Grapevie w postmaster returns with many fond memories
A Grapeview woman and her
grandson traveled halfway
around the world last month and
discovered that people are pretty
much the same, no matter where
you go,
"People are people," said a can-
did Nancy Williams, the postmas-
ter at, Grapeview. She and her
12-year-uld grandson, Addison,
flew fi)r 24 hours en route to their
final destination: Moscow, Russia.
Tim two were part of a two-
week-long mission organized and
led by the Josh McDowell Minis-
try. The project was called Opera-
tion Carelift '99 and was designed
to help children of the former So-
viet Union.
Throughout the trip, more than
360 North American volunteers
visited thousands of prearranged
sites in Russia, Belarus and the
(Ykraine to distribute humanitari-
an and spiritual aid.
were able to visit and share their
tht)ughts on religious freedom
and other topics through an inter-
preter. During their 10-day jour-
ney, they visited Minsk, Belarus
along with Moscow, Russia.
They and others in the group
distributed humanitarian aid,
like food and medicine, to orphan-
ages, hospitals, schools, and other
places of need.
"One thing I discovered," said
Nancy, "is that women love to
ADDISON WILLIAMS, at right, with several other
Americans at an underground mall in Moscow.
Mason take Meanderings Engagemen L
April Durbin, daughter of Doug
We have done it again in Feb-
ruary! We have set (God and us) a
new rainfall record for the
month... 21 and 1/2 inches. Not
only that, we have set a four-
month record starting in Novem-
ber. According to my resident-
rain-recorder, Neal, we have seen
in tie last four months over six-
and-a-half feet of water falling
fi'om the skies. Imagine a wall of
water six-and-a-half feet high!
We have not heard of any
major i)roblems caused by the
downpour.., a few docks blown
away, a tbw boats floated off, and
a lot of docks spending a whole lot
of time under water. Sherwood
Creek is filled to the brim, but the
water has not overflowed Trails
End Road (where the creek flows
through its culverts). We had a
minor cave-in in our bank above
the road. But so far the lake and
the land around it are holding
their own.
The grebes I mentioned last
week have gone. Probably they
are nesting and will return with a
whole lot of little grebes. But for
now the cove is empty of water-
Events move on into what
promises to be a drier month. On
March 4 we will have the noon
potluck at the Mason-Benson
Clubhouse. There will be bingo
following lunch. Bring donations
for the food bank if you can.
The "Ladies of the Lakes" will
hold a birthday lunch at 1 p.m.,
March 9, at A Cafe & Silk Bou-
quet, South Park Shopping Cen-
ter, Port Orchard. Cutoff day for
reservation: March 4. Call JoRene
Nelson, 426-6348.
A memorial service is being
planned tbr Holly Steele at the
clubhouse on Saturday, March 6,
at 11 a.m. Holly and his wife
Lucy have been active and sup-
portive members of our communi-
ty for many years. Holly was
president of the senior group, but
he was forced to give up his post
because of illness. We will miss
him. Those people planning on
participating are asked to bring
sandwiches or salads or deserts
for a fellowship after the service.
:Punch, coffee and tea will be
The pussy willow and forsythia
have come and gone in a wet
cloud, we are looking for daffodils
and other signs of spring!
and Sue Durbin of Elms and a
1994 North Mason graduate, is
engaged to Daniel Zetterberg. He
is the son of Bob and Jan Zetter-
berg of Kent, where the couple
both live.
April works at Key Bank in
talk! And they're no different in
Russia!" Through an interpreter,
Nancy discussed a variety of top-
ics. "I was able to share with
them my thoughts on religious
freedom and God's plan for all of
us," she said.
Nancy indicated that all of the
THE FAMED Saint Basil's Cathedral dominates Red
Square in central Moscow.
Russians she met were extremely
receptive to their visit. "Most
were amazed that we would trav-
el halfway around the world to
visit them," said Nancy.
ADDISON WAS equally im-
pressed with his visit. This was
the 12-year-old Collins Lake rest-
dent's first visit to the former So-
viet Union. "People were really
friendly and excited that we were
visiting their country," said an
enthusiastic Addison.
The sixth grade home-schooler
spoke to various groups at hospi-
tals, orphanages and schools. On
one occasion, he spoke to more
than 100 students at a Moscow
grade school. "I was a little
nervous at first, but the friendly
people made it easy for me," he
said. He shared his views on
America and various aspects of
life in the free world.
"My favorite memory of Russia
was when we were visiting one
school and a group of girls came
out in native costume and sang
for us," reflected Addison.
Walking through snow-covered
Red Square and photographing
the famed Saint Basil's Cathedral
announced Yacht donated
Auburn, and Daniel, who gradu-
ated in 1996 from Kentridge High
School, is working at Zetterberg
Quality Homes of Puyallup.
The couple became engaged at
Christmas 1998, and plan to mar-
ry March 27 at the Belfair Assem-
bly of God Church.
' i i
APRIL DURBIN and Daniel Zetterberg plan to marry
on March 27.
for auction,
A 28-foot yacht has been donat-
ed for the Boys and Girls Club
auction to be held Saturday,
March 13, at the Admiral Theatre
in Bremerton.
The boat, valued between
$5,000 and $10,000, was donated
by Phill and Vera Cult. "The boat
appears to be in excellent work-
ing order. Most of its equipment
seems to have been upgraded and
in good shape," said Steve Hunt,
club board member and owner of
an accounting firm.
The Fairliner yacht will be
placed in Belfair's QFC parking
lot for potential bidders to pre-
view, along with details on the
"Over $90,000 in auction items
have been donated, and 275
guests will be in attendance," said
Betty Wing, chairperson of the
auction committee. "This event
generates about 1/3 of our annual
operating budget," she added.
Last year's auction netted
about $45,000, according to Dave
Herald Highlights Knight tt,)nored as queen
paired Kids' Endowment (HIKE) ................
and the Belfair girls raised about ......
$500 last year for that group ................................
This year, funds are being collect-
ed across the state for HIKE, and ...........
it will be June before the results
will be known, said Pruitt.
As state queen, Melanie has
visited other Bethels, encourag-
ing them to promote the organiza-
tion, to increase membership, and
to commit to quality, active mem-
bership themselves. While travel-
ing, she has remained active in
the local group, too. She has been
involved with Bethel 43 in compe-
tition involving memory work.
Pruitt described Melanie as, "a
wonderful kid, energetic, bub-
bling. She never sees a negative
aspect in anybody. She is an
uplifting kid who is kind to every-
body," no matter what their age.
Melanie Knight
Norwegian Cruise Lines
JANUARY 8, 2000
$1,200 Per Person -- Inside Cabin Il
$1,299 Per Person- Outside Cabin /(
$1,705 Per Person -- Balcony Cabin
Optional Insurance Available: $99 per person
Prices begin at: $713 for 3rd and 4th passengers in cabin
March 5 - Deposit Due: $25 per person to guarantee space or $250 per |
person due to guarantee cabin # and a possible 2 category upgrade |
(if available at time of payment) |
Call Sandy for information and booking. |
ii[In I n linimv i i u."'lli Iui] ii I klliv.'ani |n i[viil Hi H oniml n |] ime|] | | i| s
Local Presence, Global Power sM
3276 NW Plaza Road, Suite 112, Silverdale, WA 98383
Phone (360) 698-1411 Fax (360) 698-1428
Owned and operated by S.E.E.K., Inc.
members were also traveling
overseas in different parts of the
world. "It gives you an enlarged
vision and perspective," said the
1993 North Mason High School
Mitchell's hobbies include
paintball, mountain biking, model
cars, and golfing.
What would Aaron Mitchell
like to change about his life? "Not
a thing," he said. "Everything's
(Editor's note: If you would like
to nominate someone to be fea-
tured in "Herald Highlights,"
please contact the Belfair Herald
at 275-6680.)
Melanie Knight, daughter of
Ron and Nancy Reid, was the
Honor Queen for Job's Daughters
Bethel 43 of Belfair last year.
That made her eligible for the
state's Grand Bethel Honored
In June, she was selected to
serve a year in that role. Melanie
is the first statewide Honored
Queen from the Belfair group,
which is 47 years old, so they are
thrilled, according to Cherie
Pruitt, the Bethel's guardian.
Melanie is a senior at South Kit-
sap High School.
On Saturday, February 20,
there was a statewide Grand
Bethel Reception in Bremerton
honoring about 80 girls. Melanie,
of course, was their leader as
Honored Queen. Tiffany Hays of
Bethel 43 was also present as the
Grand Bethel Representative to
Each queen is allowed to select
a project of focus and fund rais-
ing. Melanie, who is deaf in one
ear, selected the Hearing Im-
":= HOME
,i ............... LOANS
Aaron Mitchell
Aaron Mitctmll has lived in AI-
lyn since 1980, with the exception
of the three years he spent in the
ILS. Army.
Ile is a hardware clerk working
in Belfair, and recently earned
his general associate's degree at
Olympic College in Breme:rton.
lte plans to transfer either to the
University of Washington or
West:ern Washington []niversity
in the next few months.
While in the Army, Mitchell
serw, d one year in Germany,
spent a little time in the Nether-
lands, and also worked at Fort Ir-
win, Califi)rnia as a heavy vehicle
mechanic. He spent some time in
France while on leave. When he
left Army life, he was a Specialist
Mitchell was born in Anchor-
age, Alaska. His father, Larry,
lives in Allyn, and his mother,
Chris, lives m Coh)rado. He is sin-
lie is interested in pursuing in-
ternational studies, citing his ex-
periences in both German and
S1)anish languages.
In addition to earning a four-
year degree, his future goals in-
clude more travel, especially in
Europe. "I'd like to go back and
explore all the stuff I didn't see
the first tme," Mitchell said.
In 1994, when he was living in
,crmany, some of his family
i i
Then you need
Remodeling Specialist
Kit,'hem" and bathrooms a special(v
Any size job from a new front door to complete rebuild
275-5702 . 426-2058
Tom Miller, Owner • Since 1961
'TII Work Like A Dog"
• Lower Monthly Bills
• Need Cash for a New Project
Specializing in:
• Late Payment History
• Too Many Bills
• Bankruptcy
• 24 Hour Pre-Approval
Call Rocky
(360) 308-0443
Toll Free 877-208-1260
"Licensed Broker"
1st Hand Mortgage
i II I .
Page 4 - Belfair Herald section of Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 4, 1999
Ison, the club's executive director.
There were just a few tickets left
at press time, so people were en-
couraged to call the club at 360-
275-7805 right away to reserve a
36,000 Only Miles, black with
sand colored top. Beautiful
appearance package. Hard to
find automatic trans, alloy
wheels, factory stereo. Very
Sharp! #2CNBJ1863T6900872
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off Sedgwick
4-DR 4X4
Lots of miles but as nice as they
come at this price. Very clean in
and out. 4.0 V-6, Auto, A/C, PW,
PL, Tilt, Cruise, Alloys.
It all works.
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off Sedgwick
Super clean low mileage van. Vortec
4.3 liter, Automatic, Air conditioning,
Cruise, Tilt, Cassette, Fog lamps, 8
passenger seating. Nice Rig.
Exp. 3/8/99
Right turn off Sedgwick
23,000 Only Miles and
equipment -- not stripped.
Automatic, A/C, Cruise control,
tilt, Stereo radio, shows like
new. Must see!
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off Sedgwick
was another punctuation
the Williams' trip.
In addition to visiting
Addison has also been on
ary visits with his
and Cyndi Williams, to
Rica and Columbia.
until the early 1990s,
the former Soviet Union
der Communist rule. But
the breakup of the
gime, many of the former
states have openly r
tors from the West.
The Josh McDowell
according to Nancy WillianaS,
established a good
tionship with the Russian
dox Church.
"This is my fourth trip
sia on a humanitarian
with Josh McDowell
said Nancy. I just feel it's
worthwhile effort, and these
pie are so receptive to us."
The Josh McDowell
currently recruiting
for a humanitarian
called Mission '99 in the
Soviet Union from August
1999. For information
event, contact Nancy
L.S. Cedar
Top quality Western
Red Cedar lumber of
all types.
We deliver
Nice y equipped local trade.
Hard to find in this condition'
Super clean in and out. Go-
come out and drive thiS o, '
Exp. 3/8/99.
Right turn off SedgWicK
'91 OLD, =
Must see and drive this
trade. All the right stuff on'
luxiourious sedan. Big ca
and comfort. Good
Exp. 3/8/99
Right turn off SedgwiCg
'98 CH
Lt. Pewter metallic
cloth, Warranty,
A/C, PW, PL, Tilt, Cru=
Defogger, Cassette,
Bags, Safety cage,^a
Construction. Exp. 3/
Right turn off SedgWiCl(
Rare and hard to find
90,000 Only Miles.
straight and clean,
economical. Must see a=
Ready to roll. Exp.
Right turn off