March 5, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 5, 1970 |
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Paula Bigley Thomas Kamin Linda Clayton
Terry Holt Bill Rose Jeff Smith
nce, ncess
Plans for the selection of the
Prince and Princess candidates for
AFS week were announced this
week by the High School AFS
A boy and a girl from each of
the nine first grade rooms in the
Shelton schools and a boy and a
girl from the first grade at
Southside were selected.
Voting by the public on the
candidates will be in one of two
A number of merchants have
agreed to participate in the
Votes can be cast by writing
the name of the boy and girl
voted for on the back of a sales
slip in the participating stores and
dropping them in boxes which
will be in the stores.
The second method of voting
will be through the purchase of
AFS shares at various AFS week
activities. Each share will entitle
the purchaser to 25 votes for one
pair of candidates.
The winning candidates will
be crowned at coronation
ceremonies March 19.
The entire court will be on a
float in the Forest Festival
Participating merchants
include Lloyds, Penneys, Prepp's
Rexall, Evergreen Drug, Money
Saver, Millers, Coast to Coast,
Neirs Pharmacy, Beckwith's
Jewelry, Kay's Draperies, Apex
Grocery, Shoprite, Vic's Quick
Stop, Sprouse Reitz, Bob's Shoe
Tree, Mode-O-Day and Western
The candidates include:
Mt. View School; Mrs.
Shimek's room, Mitch Bac and
Candy MacRae; Mrs. Tarrach's
room, Jeff Smith and Terry Holt;
Miss Tistola's room, Joe Timpani
and Joann Smith.
Scott Hicks
Evergreen School: Mrs. Day's
room, Bill Rose and Lisa Brown;
Mrs. Snyder's room, David Conca
and Tamra Schoening; Mrs.
Eken's room, Scott Hicks and
Paula Bigley.
Bordeaux School: Mrs. Case's
room, Thomas Kamin and Linda
Clayton; Mrs. Hopkin's room,
Greg Berquist and Karen Johnson;
Mrs. Bennet's room, Steven
Wheaten and Terri Rhodes.
Southside: Rod Johnson and
Bonnie Chamberlain.
.............. 'i
Tamra Schoening
Joann Smith
Steven Wheaton
Karen Johr
Week of
corn, bread &
and milk.
meat sauce,
garlic butter,
with 1000
French, pears and
on bun, pickles,
buttered beets,
and milk.
orange muffins, but
beans, celery &
fruit salad and
crackers, buttered
Supplemen t
diet with
Greg Berquist
Joe Timpani
Terri Rhodes Mitch Bac Lisa Brown David Conca Candy MacRae
Shelton Bowlers did their part was entered around bowlers
to strike out heart disease when rolling in regular league play, with
.several leagues of both bowling $1.00 entry fee, 70 cents to the
establishments part!,cipated in Heart Fund and 30 cents to prizes
"Heart Bowling Week', February mlm,~
1~2!, ~'{~n~-raisin8 evffa3or th~ ,~
1970 Heart Fund Campaign. :' ' ~~~;'~,~,..#;,-e |
The following leagues and ~ ~ ~,UOl,*=lll, O |
their winners have reported: ~ ""~ II~I I |
Men's City, Roy Petty; Simpson I for Iruu I
Women s Helen Ogden; Certified I ..... I
Industrial, Ed Slavich; Women's | APPLYING PERFUME I
Commercial, Joy Waldrop and Pat | Q. Why can't I apply n
Brown ; Shelton Recreation, | perfume to my clothing, rather
Gladys Adair" 12:30 League, Rosa |thanto rn.y skin? . _ _
..... ,' .~ • .... I A. Inereare two reasons
yerKlnS; Men s t.ommerc]ai, r~alpn I why perfume should not be
Davidson and Joe Anderson; Guys applied to clothing:
and Dolls, Helene Redman; Mr.
and Mrs. Handicap, Mile DiUey
and Sue Van Osten; Housewives,
Shirley Weaver and Judy Krause;
309ers, Marge Temple and Rand
Peterson; Simpson Swing, Mel
McGee; and Fraternal teams, Bull
Moose and Lions.
Proceeds of $247.10 have
been reported to date. Activity
Snow Closes Camp
Snow caused the Simpson
Timber Co. woods operation to
shut down Tuesday Ron Ring,
logging manager said.
Ring said normal operations
will begin as usual March 9 unless
snowfall continues.
Kamilche Grange Hall
Every Fint & Third
Music by the Tune Toppers
Admission $1
* The chemicals in some
perfumes can cause fabric to
discolor or even to rot.
* The warmth of your
body is needed to release the
true fragrance of perfume.
Q. How do I go about
selecting a cologne for my
A. Men's fragrances, like
women's fragrances, should be
chosen according to the
personality of the wearer.
If your husband is a
rugged, outdoor type, he will
probably like an unmistakably
masculine scent, a fragrance
with a leather or woody base
and citrus topnotes. If he's an
executive type who has his hair
"styled" rather than simply
cut, he'll probably want to
explore the new, more
sophisticated scents.
Discovering what fragrance
he likes best on you should
provide a clue to his fragrance
character". He will probably
like the same type of fragrance
for himself.
Neil's Phrmmy
Emergency Ph. 426-2165
Fifth & Franklin St.--426-3327
Open Daily 9:30 to 7:30
Saturdays -- 9:30 to 6:00
Pre-Spring Sale, 20% Off !
Roof Coatings- Skirtings
Awnings-- Patio Covers
Aluminum Windows
on three new lawn products from Scotts
This one gives
a double feeding
SUPER TURF BUILDER, the new fertilizer
that replaces excess weight with extra
greening power. It makes lawn fertilizing
easier and more rewarding. Actually pro-
vides double the greening power of famOUS
Turf Builder. Scotts makes it white too, so
it's easier to see where you've been when
applying it. It's light in weight and easy to
handle. No mixing. Just pour in a spreader
and take a stroll.
Save $2 10,000 sq ft bag5849Y16.95
Save $1 5,000 sq ft bag .9,05" 8.95
Save 50¢ 2,500 sq ft bag 4.95
This one prevents
ugly poa annua
All it takes is Scotts new HALTS. You
spread it on your lawn now, and again in
late summer, and it keeps ugly pea annua
from sprouting spring and fall. Halts is
not a control for established pea annua"
plants that are in your lawn now: You'll
have to live with them until they die out
this summer. But these two simple applica-
tions a year will keep new pea annua from
invading. Spread your Halts barrier this
weekend, and get this generous savings.
Save $2 5,000 sq ft bag 7.95
This one stops
moss and fungus
Spread it on your lawn to control both
moss and fungus as you fertilize. Use it
" every two months during the growing sea-
son (as your regular fertilizer) and you'll
also prevent new infestations. PLUS M
makes your lawn perk up, green up, and
stay that way longer. Now's a good time to
pick up your Super Turf Builder Plus M,
while you can buy it at a nice savings.
Save $2 5,000 sq ft bag 12.95
Save $1 2,500 sq ft bag 6.95
E-Z Terms P.O. Box 91 Shelton
Of Shelton
Mason County"
Page 2 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 5, 1970