March 5, 1970 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 5, 1970 |
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recently was the
of non Elledge to
Bud Laudahl as manager
Shelton store.
who has been with
:r division of Miller's
in Lewiston, Idaho, has
firm the past three
the University
and is a 1965 graduate.
and raised in Caldwell,
and his wife Sharon
children, Dave, 3 and
tSked how he liked the
stated that he and
in the Hood
ast Year and liked it so
he had the chance
he jumped at the
They plan to
a home in the near
ahl left the Miller's
to join a firm in
l]olling of the Shelton
of seven Capital
staff members
• achievement awards
& Loan Institute
of a courso in
comes in "like a
said to go out "like a
this week has been
ttion, this terrific
l~.ving these days
right on through
• • or will it?...
=~r it does or not
You from seeking
buys available in
County in
You an idea how
are starting it off,
altering on what's
World of sales...
edge, manager of
announced this week
sportswear that
Many famous
es are yours for the
JUst Stop in and take a
and OWner Ken
SOme terrific buys
you.., some that
Want to miss, so
ALES believes in
le Green" ... so
Watilo is holding a
me. And save you
) Color tv, stereo,
; Portable tv and
all of 'era. Don't
:ular special that'll
'ads of dollars ...
begins theweekly
Hwy. S.
feature "Lumbermen's Garden
Talk" Written by Ann
Bennington, Lumbermen's
Garden Center manager, it will
deal with lawn problems and how
to deal with them. Watch for it
every week...
Hey, Mothers! Bob Wotton,
owner of BOB'S SHOE TREE,
has just the shoe for that little girl
of yours that is part vixen, part
vamp and all perpetual motion.
Stop in today and let Bob fit your
little one to the shoe that's built
to take it...
The March Discount Savings
Jubilee is now in full swing at the
STORE. Manager Shirley
Cameron has chosen specials
galore just right for the season
and with prices just right for your
pocket book. Don't miss it, stop
in today...
For the fashionable right
now shoe, run don't walk to
limited time only manager Tim
Buchholz has these famous shoes
on sale. But remember, if you
want 'em at this low, low price
come in today...
Want to break a balloon and
win anywhere from $5 to $100?
That's right! When you purchase a
major appliance from EELLS&
you get the chance to win, so let
owner George Valley help you
choose the appliance of your
choice today and get something in
Holding the Grand Opening
today is the FAMILY MARKET.
Located in the former Economy
Mart building, the store will sell
food on a membership basis. Run
Pannell continues as manager of
the new business...
Last week this column
inadvertently reported that the
Tune Toppers were now playing
at the Hallmark Inn. That is
incorrect as they play only at
local grange halls...
Now playing at the
HALLMARK INN is the Bruce
Moorehead Trio. For top notch
listening and very danceable
music stop in Friday and
Saturday nights...
That's - 30 - for this week,
but remember this old English
Proverb, "It is easy to be wise
after the event." - DL
Man, biologically considered,
and whatever else he may bc into
the bargain, is the most
formidable of all beasts of prey,
and, indeed, the only one that
preys systematically on his own
- William James
New Attorney Begins
Practice In Shelton
Gerald L. Whitcomb was
admitted to the Bar Association
in ceremonies in Mason County
Superior Court Friday morning.
His attorney's oath was
administered by Judge tfewitt
He will be associated with
Glenn Correa is law practice here.
Whitcomb, who recently
passed the State Bar Examination,
has lived in Shelton since
September• He has been working
as a law clerk in Correa's office.
Whitcomb and his wife,
Jeanette, are natives of Nebraska
where both graduated from
Columbus High School.
He served in the Air Force as
an enlisted man from 1961-64.
Whitcomb graduated from the
University of Nebraska with a BA
in economics and business
administration in 1967 and from
the University of Nebraska law
school in 1969.
Simpson IBP
Members of the Acoustical
and Insulating Materials
Association will visit Simpson
Timber Company's Insulating
Board Plant in Shelton, March 9.
Woodrow "Woody" Johnson,
production manager I.B.P. is
serving as chairman of the
Association Production
Committee for 1970 and will host
the 30 other production leaders
from throughout the United
Early Monday, a bus will meet
the men at the Seattle Tacoma
Airport and transport them to
Shelton. The Simpson tour
highlight is the new quarter
million dollar line for hot roll
embossing of insulating board
panels and acoustical tile. The
Two WCC Officers
Resign Staff
Gcne Cox, Correctional
Officer, has resigned his position
at the Washington Corrections
Center effective Feb. 27, 1970
and is tranferring to the
Communications Department of
the Washington State Patrol in
David Rogers resigned his
position as Correctional Officer at
the WCC Feb. 27.
Sherry Antich will be
promoting to the ('orrections
Center from tile Utilities and
Transportation Commission in
Olympia as a Clerk Typist II. She
will start work March 12, in the
Mail room department. She lives
at Grapeview.
new 600 foot production line
went into operation in early
January. The line is equipped to
produce panels 4 x 10, 12 and 14
feet long for the mobile home and
modular building industry, as well
as for the acoustical contractor
and dealer trade.
A hmcheon will be held for the
group with a showing of the
S i m pson movie, "Growing
Opportunities" and Norm
Eveleth, personnel representative,
Timberlands, will discuss Simpson
Timber Company's 80 year
history in Shclton. After the
hmcheon the association members
will board their bus and travel to
St. ttelens, Oregon where they
will hold their annual business
A group of young people from
the "Youth Speaks" group with
headquarters in Seattle will be in
the Shelton Foursquare Church
this Sunday evening beginning at
7 p.m. This group is under the
able leadership of Linda Meissner
who began her ministry under
David Wilkerson in New York
working with the dope addicts
aud gangs in that area. She is the
one spoken of in the book "The
Cross And The Switchblade"
which is the story of the
conversion of addicts and gang
leaders in the New York area.
A meeting of the Quilcene area
group of the Evergreen Workers, a
non-profit corporation, has been
called, by the president, Mildred
Pollock, for 8 p.m. March 5, at
the Quilcene V.F.W. Hall, next to
the Texaco Station in Quilcene.
"All brush workers are
welcome", Mrs. Pollock said.
"Non-members are especially
welcome to come and see what
this group is doing to better the
working conditions of all brush
workers," she added.
She commented, "We wish to
call attention to the fact that
Huckleberry brush was selling for
27 cents a hand in 1959 and is
Wheel Chair Fund Grows
Mrs. Daisy Riggs expressed
appreciation this week to all the
citizens of Mason County who
have made donations for her
wheel chair and the people who
have offered their wheel chairs to
Because of Mrs. Riggs'
condition she can not use just any
wheel chair• The new chair which
will be ordered when enough
money is raised will be assembled
to fit her measurements. The
wheel chair she has now does not
fit her body and is causing her
great pain. This is why it is so
important to get Mrs. Riggs a
wheel chair to fit her body.
Mrs. Riggs would like to
especially thank Bill Sollock who
gave his wheel chair to her even
though she could not use it. The
chair was much too large for Mrs.
School Board
The Shelton School Board
will hold its regular March
meeting at 8 p.m. Tuesday in the
Evergreen School Library.
Riggs so she asked her son to
replace worn wheels on her chair
with the wheels from Bill's wheel
chair. Now Mrs. Riggs can get out
of her house without fear of her
wheel chair falling apart until she
recieves her new one.
Mrs. Riggs' son put the wheels
from her old chair on Bill's chair
and gave it to a lady in Shelton
who is paralyzed and in need of a
wheel chair.
The Multi-Service Center has
been investigating and found a
great number of people in this
county who need wheel chairs•
The Multi-Service Center
would like to offer their services
in this matter. If anyone has a
wheel chair they would like to
donate to a person in need, they
should contact the Multi-Service
Center 233 2nd St. Shelton or
phone 426-2568 or 426-2571.
Anyone in need of a wheel chair
please contact the Multi-Service
The center reported that as of
Tuesday, the wheel chair fund for
Mrs. Riggs totaled $271.93 of the
slightly more than $400 needed.
Hears A
now selling for 30 cents. We are
way overdue for a raise. Some
plants are advertising for brush at
this time but are still denying us a
price raise•
"Faced with fluctuating prices,
always lower, paid the pickers by
the shipper-wholesalers, she and
four other board members met
with 25 dissatisfied brush workers
during October in Brinnon to
form the Evergreen Workers.
Since then we have formed two
area groups, one in Shelton, and
one in Port Orchard. We have
members from 15 different areas
and hope to form area groups in
any town that has a brush plant.
"Few people realize that a
'brush farming" industry exists,
but many in the brush harvesting
industry own or lease substantial
tracts of land. Most people think
of brush pickers as some transient
welfare recipient who stops
anywhere by the side of the road,
picks a bunch of brush, than sells
it for some fantastic price. This
just isn't true. Certainly there are
some non-professionals, but most
of us work at the business and are
trying to protect our
investments", Mrs. Pollock said.
All brush workers, fern pickers
and independent plant managers
are welcome to the March 5
Demo Dance
The Mason County Democrat
Club is planning a dance at the
Fair Grounds March 7. Dancing
will start at 9 p.m. with music
furnished by the Walt Allen band.
s Are
Plans for the 1970 Mason
County Forest Festival were
discussed at a meeting of the
Festival Association last Thursday
The possibility of using a load
of logs as a float in other parades
was discussed, and, Parade
Chairman Darrell Cleveland was
asked to look into the possibility.
It was announced the Forest
Festival queen would also be
crowned Miss Keep Washington
Green at the Queen's Coronation
banquet May 19.
Mrs. Chloe Scoles was named
"as chairman for the County
Princesses to succeed Mrs. Ann
Correa, who had resgined as
President John Stentz told the
association the executive
committee had decided to keep
the price of buttons the same this
year, $5 for the patron buttons,
$1 for adult buttons and 25 cents
for student buttons.
RENT or BUY on
Easy Terms
J nny's Musk Box
Open 'til 8:30 p.m. Wed. & Thurs.
205 Cota 426-4302
Plans for improvements at
Callanan Park, presented to the
Shelton City Commission by Park
Board Chairman Arnold Fox
Tuesday, were approved.
Fox said the installation of
lights at the park is completed. He
asked approval for the purchase
of 2 x 8s, pipe and fencing for
irnprovements to the bleachers
and the fencing around the ball
He also told the commission
some blacktopping was planned.
Members of the Jaycees,
Little League Association and
Softball Association will do the
work on a volunteer basis, Fox
Mrs. Ruth Van De Riet was
appointed to the Shelton Library
Board by Mayor Frank Travis
after a letter of acceptance of the
appointment from Mrs. Van De
Riet was read.
City Engineer Howard Godat
told the commission he had
checked with the Olympic Air
Pollution Control Authority and
had been told the city would be
granted a permit to continue
burning at the city dump if a
letter of request was sent in.
The commission, on the
recommendation of the planning
commission, approved a
conditional exception for the
construction of a duplex in the
Seattle Syndicate Addition on
For Kitchen, Bath, Woodwork and
All Interior Surfaces.
Available in White & Colors Matching
Wallhide Latex Wall Paint
1332 Olympic Hwy. S. 426-4522
. ............ .,.. ,. "\.. \ i i
/ ///
Our pain is your gain! We're OVER STOCKED on many wonderful top
quality products -- so we've cut prices lower than our regular DISCOUNT
PRICES. It's the sale you've waited for! Don't miss it!
* Chor:;'o~r'io, Dr West I Tissue Holder Cannon Thermal a n
..... ) e e Asstd. Colors Reg.
i , ro)th ,"a: Kle=nex Reg. $1.29 Blanket ,,.
' I Snrav Bath Powder | Buy Easter Film Now! i| Ironing Board Silicone Cover I ;
• I m u h h n --r "--I --1 4 oz | II / I m I A Glass Pad I!
• I~e " CX-126-12 ,r Reg.
..... lard $ rowe re,,;,, I Koaatomr ...,,.,o l rae & toer ,,DO7
• • • • • • ~ 7~- P y o t Va "a t Duster i- ) |~~ ~ ~
"--"-" ] De-Icer .it] _...,,.,
... 0oo ou / rUmM
N | Prestone,e,..,
ONE-A-DAY Reg. 9S¢ f
, |__ ....................................
TJ BI,E I~ Multiple V'tam" ~r ..........................................
v Plus Iron ,
makes it r00mie,. '::' ~ .akesdqm¢ker. 25 Tablet Size =! | BB |
Reg. 73¢ i_ ..................... =_= _ _ =_ __-_. - J. ......
Extra room? Duster makes it. Extra room With o choice of 4 different _j ........................... | . =
for legs, shoulders, and hips. More head engines. From the super .................. -_-_-_-_-_-_- ............ -_- ..... - o Swift'$ Weeder & Feeder~ ~1~
room, and bigger doors. Room for o whole .economical 198 Six, to the super- Skin Bracer After Shave L°~rLawnsq~--(~
family. And on extra big trunk. Compare it powerful 340 V-8 No mini-car can match
to the mini-cars. Duster dusts 'era off. that. Duster makes it. 6 oz. ''~ V$4.95 • • • • • •
Reg. $1.25
Duster makes it wider.
Duster is wider, higher, and longer than just about any. mm~-car you .:~--
nd weighs more The
con name. It has a anger wheelbase, too. A _ •
result? A smoother ride, and more stable handling- uuster. It's big .... •
enough but small enough.
Duster makes it with
. . warrant.
a 5 year/50,000 mile power tram Y ,
Chrysler Corporation warrants against defects in materials or war .kman,sh!P to.the first regis-
e for parts or =aDor az an authorized
tered owner only and will repair or replace w thout charg ..........
' ine bl0¢K neau anu all internal
Imperial, Chrysler, Plymouth or Dodge dealership, the eng " " ;-tern-' "-
engine parts, water pump, intake manifold, transmission case ano a,~i~ere,nl; .uansmlssion
an authorized r er M t rs er or the owner
business as " Ch ysl o o Corporation deal., ._.,.. is traveling or
has moved to a different locality and cannof return to his selling o~ .... *ur.omzeD OaALeM ~ CHRYSLER
or Coupe Price excludes deal ~.~1' MOTORe CORPOaaTION
• Manufacturer's suSgosted retail prico for standard Duster 2-Do -~":onai e"":-er
d other 0pu qmpment
preparation charp, state and local taxes, destination charles an • PAA
1 70 Double Tipped
by Gillette Safety Swabs
3oz. GiantSizeReg. " ,,
$2.75 qP w 2-Piece Auto Asstd. ~
Antibacterial Skin Cleanser - -- Colors
,ozt ,u,, _9 Fie Mats; ,
Reg. $3.04
Stop In and See
our wide selection
of Easter Baskets
and Plush Easter Bunnies
all at Discount Pricesl
Family Size. 20
Fluid oz.
New Family
Size 28 oz.
Reg. $1.00
4th jr, Railroad