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SHELTON CONSOLIDATED One or more rates of interest Franchise Application No. 5162 In the Superior Court of the
__ ............ ~ ...... ::~---IIIIW':':::':'"'"~'--T"""T"","'T'"'.'. SCHOOL DISTRICT may be fixed for the bonds,
In the Matter of the State of Washington for Mason
NO. 309 which rate or rates must be innApplication of Pacific Northwest County In Probate • SENSITIVE
SIMPSON MEN'S MR. AND MRS. HANDICAP Mason County, Washington multiple of 1/8 or 1/10 of 1% Bell Telephone Company for a In the Matter of the Adoption
Men's Hi Game: Gale Albrecht Men's Hi Game: Vernon Beeson General Obligation Bonds, evidenced by a single coupon for franchise to construct, operateof WILLIAM DANIEL HEMPLE,
205 222 Series 1970 each sere ia n nual interest and maintain 2 buried telephoneA Minor.
Men's Hi Series: Roy Petty 574 Men's Hi Series: Vernon Beeson $400,000 payment, and no rate may exceedcables upon a portion of State TO: GERALD E. HEMPLE
Standings: Shop 20-12, Mill 3 567 ******** 8%. All bonds maturing on the Route No. 101, in Mason County,and to all whom it may concern: Listen this Sunday to
18-14, Loaders 18-14, Railroad Women's Hi Game: Barbara NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN same date must bear interest at Washington. Y O U A R E H E R E BY Christian Science
16-16, Mill 4 15-17, ChiPlPers Stormo 202 that Shelton Consolidated School the same single rate. There shall WHEREAS, the PACIFIC NOTIFIED that there has been MI', Y|ew Series for some
15-17, Boom 15-17, IBP - • Women's Hi Series:Margaret District No. 309, Mason County, not be a difference of more than N O R T H W E S T B E L L filed in this Court a petition for insights on this
Bibbee513 Washington, proposes to issue 2o/o between the lowest and TELEPHONE COMPANY, a the adoption of the above-named, Alliance Church
SIMPSON RECREATION Standings: Tyee WellDrillingunder date of April 1, 1970, its highest rates bid. corporation, has filed with thepraying also that there be first an It's on 18 Washingtont~
Women's Hi Game: Jackie 591b.36Vz, Lake Cushman Sales general obligation bonds in the It is requested that each bid Washington State Highway adjudication that the consent ofSunday School ....9:45 a.m. including:
Eichorn, 177 Co. 59-37, Harry s Hoodsport principal sum of $400,000. state the total interest cost over Commission, under the provisions GERALD E. HEMPLE to such Morning Worship .. 11:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. KXA
Women s Hi Series: Jackie Texaco 59-37, Von s Floor Sa id bonds will be in the life of the bonds, less the of Chapter 47.44 RCW and adoption is not required by law.
Eichorn488 Covering 53-43, J & J Service denominations of $5,000 each, premium if any, and the net amendments thereto, an A hearing for such purpose A.Y.F ...........6:00p.m. 10:lSa.m. KGY
Standings: Railroad 22½-131~, 521/z-431/2, Eacrett Lumber will be numbered from 1 to 80,effective interest rate of such bid. application for a franchise to will be had on the 27th day of Evening Service .... 7:00 p.m.
Loggers 20%-151/2, Loaders20-16, 46V2-491~, Evergreen Florist inclusive, will bear interest at an All bids shall be sealed and, construct, operate and maintain 2 March, 1970, at the hour of 9:30PrayerHour (Wed.),:~00m ""~BIBLE
Shops 9-27.
Railroad 3, JoAnn Campbell 45-51, Lannings Hoodsport Cafe effective rate of not to exceed except that of the State of
35½-60½, Dicks Diggers 35-61, 8%, payable semiannually on the Washington, shall be accompanied buried telephone cables upon a a.m. in the Courtroom of said
459; Loggers 1, Jackie EichornAllyn Shell 34-62. first days of April and October of by a deposit of 5% of the amount portion of State Route No. 101,Superior Court, at Shelton, EARL EVERS, Pastor
in Mason County, Washington, for Washington, or to Such other- ~
488; Shops 0, Lois Albrecht 434; J & J Service 1, Lucille each year from date of issue, will of the,bonds either in cash or by a period of twenty-five (25) years, department of the Court to which
Loaders 4, Gladys Adair 475. Chapman 441; Evergreen Florist be payable both principal and cashier s or certified check made at the following locations: said matter may be then and there
SHELTON JUNIOR 4, James Elmlund 441; Lake interest at the office of the Mason payable to the Mason County I ~
Cushman Sales Co. 3, Margaret County Treasurer in Shelton, Treasurer for the credit of the Beginning at a point on the transferred, when and where all
Men s Hi Game: Dana Thompson westerly side of SR 101 as and show cause why such I NORTHSIDE BAPTIST CHURCH
and Robert Redmond 202 Bibbee 513; Eacrett Lumber 4, Washington, and will mature inschool district, which amount or persons interested shall appear
Frank Marler 549; Lannings order of their number on April 1 check will be returned to the now iDeated and of record in
the office of the Director ofadjudication should not be mad , 123 W. C St. at Olympic Hwy. Rev. Paul Bultg
Men s Hi Series: Dana Thompson Hoodsport, Cafe 1, Sue Dilley in the following years and bidder if the bid is not accpeted. H ighways at Olympia, and why, if made, such petition
510 436; Dick s Diggers O, Ed Olsonamounts: If the successful bidder shall fail Sundry School .............................9:
or neglect to complete the Washington, said point being should not be thereafter heard
~'V;6men s Hi Game: Linda Dodge 476; Allyn Shell 0, Harold Year Amount Year Amount purchase of said bonds within opposite approx. H.E.ST. forthwith and the prayer thereof Worship ............. . ............11 a.m. & 7:
Training Union ............................. 6"
Del Stormo 522; Vons Floor 1972 $ 5,000 1981 $20,000 thirty-five days from the the NEV4 of Section 13, WITNESS the Honorable Midweek Service ....................... Wed.,7:
W;0men s Hi Series Linda Dodge Hillman 468; Tyee Well D, rilling 4, 65+20 located in the SEV4 ofgranted.
Covering 3, Vernon Beeson 567; 1973 10,000 1982 20,000 acceptance of his bid, the amount Township 20 North, Range 4 HEWITT A. HENRY, Judge of
Standings: Trailblazer's I 20-8, Harry's Hoodsport Texaco O, 1974 15,000 1983 25,000 so deposited shall be forfeited to West, W.M.; thence m a the Superior Court, and the seal
Beckwith's 18-10, Joslin Ins. John Schreiber 439. 1975 15,000 1984 25,000 the school district, northerly direction at a point of said Court hereunto affixed
18-10, V.F.W. 'Post 1694 17-11, 1976 15,000 1985 25,000 The school district reserves
Shetton J.C.'s 14-14, Trialblazer's HOUSEWIVES 1977 15,000 1986 25,000 the right to reject any and all bids 34' west and parallel to thethis 20th day of February, 1970. FIRST CHRISTIAN CHURCH
II 14-14, Merv s Tirecap 8-20, Women's Hi Game: Betty Dean 1978 15,000 1987 30,000 received and to waive any centerline of SR 101 to a LODGA KIMBEL Arcadia and Lake Boulevard
p o i n t opposite approx. Clerk ED CHAMBERLAIN, Minister
Hembroff Agency. 1979 20,000 1988 30,000 irregularities therein. H E S T. 73+50, thence Glenn E. Correa, Attorney
Beckwith's 3, Dana Thompson 214 Bible School .... 9:45 a.m. Family ¢~rvit'~ 7:~
Women s Hi Series: Merge 1980 20,000 1989 35,000 Printed bonds will be easterly to a point 27' west of 121 So. Fourth .......... m ............
510; Trailblazer's II 1, Terry Witcraft 552 1990 35,000 furnished by the school district, worsmp ......... ll:uu d. .
Knight 484; V.F.W. Post 1694 2, Standings: Hood Canal Marina The school district has The opinion of Preston, the centerline of SR 101 andShelton, Washington
Mark Johnson 478; Joslin Ins. 2, 25-11, B & R Oil 21-15, The Old reserved the right to redeem any Thorgrimson, Starin, Ellis & continuing in a northerly (Seal) 2/26-3/5-12-3t Wednesday- Bible Study and Prayer- 7:30 p.m.
Robert Redmond 485; Hembroff or all of the outstanding bonds of Holman, bond counsel of Seattle, direction at a point 27' west ~ Ch'ld C'~dable at 11:00 Service
Agency 0, Robert Monger 377; Mill 201h-15V2, Hunter s Tree of a nd parallel to the
Farm 17-19, Waterwheel Grocery this issue at par in inverse Washington, approving the
Shelton J.C. s 4, Mike Nutt 489; 17-19, W. S. P. Academy 16-20, numerical order on any interest legality of the issuance of these centerline of SR 101 to
Trailblazer's I 4, Curt Casey 497; Walter Drilling 14Vz-21Vz, Dean's payment date on and after ten bonds, will be furnished the approx. H.E.ST. 87+15; Chrisfion Science
Merv's Tirecap O, Burt Barnes Gun Shop 13-23. years fromdateof issue, successful bidder and will be thence aerially onexisting Toni sl
385. Walter Drilling 4, Marge The school district, as reproduced on each of said bonds telephone poles; thence
SHELTON RECREATION Witcraft 552; Hunter's Tree' Farm authorized by law, vote of the at the purchaser's option, all at commencing again with two , C Announced First Church of Christ, Scienh
0, Lois Beckman 424; Dean s Gun qualified electors, and resolutions the expense of the school district, oppositeburied aH.E.sT.point 'And Cod said, Let us make Sunday School302 AIder11:00St.,a.m.Shelton,_ ChurchWaSh'11:00 a.m. i ....
Women s Hi Game: Donna Shop 0, Betty Dean 502; B & R of its Board of Directors duly and The customary signature 111+55, thence northerly at a man in our image, after our Wednesday evening testimony meetings 8:00 p.m.
Colema,n 198 Oil 4, Stella Howard 458; Hood regularly adopted, has irrevocably identification and nonlitigation
Women s Hi Series: Donna Canal Marina 1, Ben Brandt 438;pledged that it will make annual certificate will be included in the point 27' west of and parallel likeness: and let them have Reading room located in church. Reading room hours
to the centerline of SR 101 to dominion over the fish of the sea,
Coleman 534 levies of taxes without limitation closing documents. 11~., Wed. evening 6:45 t~.
Standings: Shelton RecreationWaterwheel Groc. 3, Verna a point opposite approx, and over the fowl of the air, and
Kalowinski 408; W.S.P. Academy as to rate or amount upon all of The bonds will be delivered at H.E.ST. 1 15+60; thence
19-13, Hoodsport Lbr. 19-13, 0, Rosalie Warren 448; The Old the property in the school district Shelton or Seattle, Washington at
Dairy Queen 19-13, Harpers Mill 4, lone Visser 453. subject to taxation in amountsthe expense of the district or anyeasterly to a point 17' west of over the cattle, and over all the
17-15, Rainier 16-16, NB of MC sufficient to pay the principal of other place in the United States at the centerline of SR 101 andearth, and over every creeping
15%'16V2, B&JMart131/z'18V2' GUYS&DOLLS and interest on the bonds of this the expense of the purchaser, continuing northerly at a thing,,that creepeth upon the Fi hermen's Cl b
Lucky Lager 9-23. Men's Hi Game: Jess Tobler 199 issue as the same shall become D A T E [9 a t S h e I t o n, point 17' west of and parallel earth. This passage from Genesis
Lucky Lager 4, Lois Albrecht Men's Hi Series: Chuck due. Washington, this 24th day of to the centerline of SR 101 !s part of a Lesson-Sermon on S U
520; Harpers 0, Bobble Barnett Funkhouser 528 N OT I C E IS FU RTHER February, 1970. and ending at a point opposite P.U.D. AUDITORIUM - 3rd & Cote t/~._~r .]1~
430; NB of MC 1, Adair Neau JOHN B. COLE approx. H.E.ST. 128+60 'Man" to be read in Christian
439; Dairy Queen 3, Mildred W°men's Hi Game: Mary L°u GIVEN that sealedbids f°r the ~'~.~
Nault 183 purchase of said bonds will be Mason County Treasurer located in the SWV4 of the Science churches this Sunday. From 9:15 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. every Sunday
received by the Treasurer of Township 20 North, Range 4 Shelton First Church, 302 Alder,
Daniels 469; Hoodsport Lbr 0, W;6men's Hi Series: Marg Tobler 3/5-12-19-26-4t NWV4 of Section 12, Services will he held at the
Margaret Bibbee 454; Rainier 4, Mason County, Washington, and SUNDAY, March 8, 1970 ~1~1~
Sonja Cochran 473; Shelton Rec. ~ West, W.M., in Mason County, at 1 ] a.m. Everyone is welcome.
3, Donna Coleman 534; B & J Standings: Straf 23Vz-10Vz, the directors of the school district Washington. Bible Study: REV. JERRY LARSON .~* -~.~
Mart 1, Char Murr 437. Rito's 23-13, Fireballs 21-15, 4 of at the office of said County NOTICE OF SALE From "Science and Health Speaker: TO BE ANNOUNCED -~Ii~
Us 20-16, Bullheads 18Vz-17Vz, Treasurer in the County of ABANDONED VEHICLES NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE
Chantrels 17-19, Miklethun Courthouse in Shelton, NOTICE is hereby given that IS HEREBY GIVEN: with Key to the Scriptures' by
ITT RAINIER Electric" 14-22, Buzz Bombs 9-27. Washington, until 2:00 o'clock,on Monday the ninth day of That a hearing will be held on Mary Baker Eddy comes the °*
Men',s Hi Game: Don Woods 219 Chantrels, KenWolden473;4 P.M. Pacific Standard Time on the March, 1970, at10:00 a.m. inthe said application by the
Washington State Highway affirmation, "Man, made in His
Men s Hi Series: Don Woods 560of Us, Ron Warren 444; 1st day of April, 1970, at which morning at Shelton Auto Parts,Commission at its office in thelikeness, possesses and reflects
W9OOmen s Hi Game: Jean Temple Bullheads, Klaiss Hofphner 443; time bids will be publicly opened Route 1, Box 6, Shelton, Highway-Licenses Building, God's dominion over allthe • , •
Straf, Leo Nault 464; Buzz by the Treasurer and said Board Washington the following carswill Olympia, Washington, on the earth". St, Dovld S EplscopoI Church
W3o2men's Hi Series: Merge Tobler Bombs, Wayne Wright 519; of Directors. be sold: 16th day of March, 1970, at 1:30
Fireballs, Ron Jacobson 485; Each bid submitted shall 1961 Chevrolet Corvair truck, p.m., or as soon thereafter as Fourth & Cedar, Shelton, Washington
Standings: Waterboys 25-15,Miklethun Electric, Chuckprovide for payment of accrued license no. Iowa 92121, motor hearing may be had. The man who prefershis
S i l v a F o xes 24%-15Vz, Funkhouser 528; Rito's, Ray Riceinterest to date of delivery, and no. 1R1245127072 D A T E D a t O ly m pin, country before any other duty The Rev. Clarence A. Lody, Priest
Maintenance 23-17, Acetate Aces 518. shall specify either (a) the lowest 1961 Oldsmobile 88, license Washington, this 29th day of shows the sa'me spirit as the man The Church is always open for meditation and prayer,
20½-19Vz, Makeups 19-21, rate or rates of interest and no. DCA352. motor no. January. 1970. who surrenders every right to the 7:30 A.M. -- Holy Communion
Rayonettes 18-22, Woodbirds FRATERNAL premium above par at which the 615Ko1189 W.M. Foster
15V2-24V~, Pin Curlers 141b-25V2. Men's Hi Game: Gone Benedict bidder will purchase said bonds, Shelton Auto Parts Assistant Director for state. They both deny that right is 9:30 a.m. -- Church School and Adult Bible ClaSS
Waterboys 4, Percy Zamzow 236 or (b) the lowest rate or rates of Raymond L. Drebis, Jr., owner Highway Development superior to authority. 11:00 A.M. -- Divine Worship
517; Acetate Aces O. Jess Tobler Men's Hi Series: Gary Hart 592 interest at which the bidder will 3/5-1t 2/19-26-3/5-3t - Lord Action .,
457; Makeups 2, Corky Dickinson Standings: Bull Moose
481; Silva Foxes 2, Jerry Mallory 28%-11V2, Fuller Cons't 26V2-13V~, T B~ ORDER OF * WASHINGTON STATE ,. :" .......
5 ~~el, ~;Fh ~~ *" Sh~lt~ He'~lware 23-17, Moo~t HE BOARD OF ~OUNTY COMMISSIONERS : DEPARTMENT oF t ATER RESOURCES .......... ....
560; Pin Curlers 2, Jean Temple Antlers 21V2-18V2, Rotary Club OF MASONCOUNTY, WASHINGTON H. MauriceAhlquist, Director .... ' ith Luth Ch
466; Woodbirds 0, Bob.Grist 472; 21-19, IWA 38 21-19, Eagle BE IT HEREBY ORDERED, that the undersigned Board of County Olympia, Washington eron u
Rayonettes 4, Merge Tobler 532. Aeries 20-20, Moose Heads 20-20, Commissioners of Mason County, Washington, acting in conformity WATER RIGHTS NOTICE
Nimrod Club 18-22, Lion's Club with Chapter 156, Sessions Laws of 1949, make the following report on 7th and Franklin
SIMPSON WOMEN'S 16-24, Kiwanis Club 14-26, the final cost of road projects: Every person, including but not limited to an individual,
Women's Hi Game: Joan Sowers Shelton Jaycee's 10Vz-29½.
Shelton Jaycee's 0, Tim River CRP No. Road Name Final EstimateDate partnership, association, public or private corporation, city or other WORSHIP; 11:00 a.m.
219 530; Shelton Hardware 4, Floyd municipality, county, state agency and the state of Washington, and the
Women's Hi Series: Joan SowersJackson 559; Kiwanis Club 3, 584 Harstene Bridge 1,203,385.79 March 4, 1968 United States of America, when claiming water rights established under CHURCH SCHOOL: 9:30 a.m.
531 585 Cushman (FAS) 118,884.96 August 19, 1968 the laws of the state of Washington, are hereby notified that all waterChristian Worship, Fellowship, Education, Service
Standings: Lumber 20-8, IBP Gone Benedict 591; Lion's Club
15- 13, Accounting 15-13, 1, Leo Martin 497; Rotary Club 591 Manzanita Drive 15,730.78 May 13, 1968 rights or claimed water rights relating to the withdrawal or diversion of Kenneth Robinson, Pastor Phone
Engineering 15-13, Loggers 15-13, 0, Jim Shrum 538; Moose Antlers608 Cole Lynch Junction 19,413,71 August 19, 1968 public surface or ground waters of the state, except as provided in RCW
Purchasing 14-14, Olympic 11-17, 4, Gerry Hart 592; Moose Heads 612 Mile Posts District No. 2 252.35 September 16, 1968
Research 7-21. 2, Chuck Funkhouser 507; IWA 613 Mile Posts District No. 1 795.77 September 16, 1968 90.14.041, must be registered with the Department of Water Resources,
Olympia, Washington not later than June 30, 1974. FAILURE TO
Lumber 4, Joan Sowers 531; 38 2, Cedric Casey 520; Eagle 614 Mile PostsDistrictNo. 3 153.33 September 16, 1968
Loggers 0, Norene Stevens 429;Aeries 1, Lionel Leman 500; 616 Cloquallum 57,979.23 April 14, 1969 REGISTER AS REQUIRED BY LAW WILL RESULT IN A WAIVER
Accounting 1, Jane White 517; Nimrod Club 3, Jim Bariekman 622 North Shore 34,836.45 June 9, 1969 AND RELINQUISHMENT OF SAID WATER RIGHT OR CLAIMED
IBP 3, Jean Hartwell 523; 493; Bull Moose 2~/z, Lee 623 SkokomishValley 35,797.23 July22,1969 WATER RIGHT. A registration form and an explanation thereof may United Methodist Church
Olympic 0, Virginia Fuller 413; Schuffenhauer 506; Fuller Cons't 624 Dalby 6,563.02 May 12, 1969 be obtained by contacting the Department of Water Resources, Union
Engineering 4, Betty Dean 444;1Vz, Don Johnson 521. 625 CANCELLED Avenue Building, Olympia, Washington 98501. G and King Streets
626 Mission Creek 3,321.05 April 21, 1969
Purchasing 4, Darlene Wilson 471; 627 Cole 4,643.45 May 5, 1969 The following pertinent sections of the enabling legislation are REV. HORACE H. MOUNTS, Minister
Research 0, Joanne Campbell WOMEN'S CITY
628 North Shore 2,022.49 May 13, 1969 quoted in full: 9:00 and 11:00 a.m. Worship Services
440. Women's Hi Game: Darlene Blair 629 Mission Creek 835.42 May 21, 1969
"90 14.041 Claim of right to withdraw, divert or use 9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages-- 6 p.m. Youth
177 630 Spencer Lake 1,295.58 June 9, 1969 "
MEN'S CITY Women's H~ Series: Lucille 631 Mason Lake NW 3,954.06 June 9, 1969 ground or surface waters -- Filing statement of claim
Men's Hi Game: Stan Ahlquist Farmwald 4 632 Libby 1,069.61 June 9, 1969 required -- Exemptions. All persons using or claiming the
210 Standings: Morgans 21-11,
Men's Hi Series: Stan Ahlquist Lumbermens 17-15, Millos 14-18,633 Benson Lake 4,697.20 June 2, 1969 right to withdraw or divert and make beneficial use of
556 Shelton Recreation 12-20. 634 Mason Lake SE 2,141.35 June2, 1969 public surface or ground waters of the state, except as
Standings: 40 & 8 18-9, Shelton Recreation 0, Lois 635 Manzanita Drive 3,339.95 June 9, 1969 hereinafter provided in this section, shall file with the MT, OLIVE LUTHERAN
Hidden Haven 16-11, C & L Time Albrecht 475; Morgans 4, Lucille 636 Lake Cushman 2,302.43 June 9, 1969 department of water resources not later than June 30,
Service 15-12, Nault's Douglas Farmwald 497; Milt-o's 1, Jo Hein 638 Mason Lake NW 3,430.77 June 2, 1969 1974, a statement of claim for each water right asserted on MISSOURI SYNOD
Service 14-13, Beckwith's 14-13,417; Lumbermen's 3, Mary 639 Leeds Loop 2,165.03 June 9, 1969
J & J Service 12-15, Simpson Wicken 449. 640 Paradise Shores 4,990.24 June 9, 1969 a form provided by the department. This section shall not 206 E. Wyandotte EDWIN C.
641 CANCELLED apply to any water rights which are based on the authority
10-17, KMAS Radio 9-18. 642 Skokomish Valley 9,799.54 September 2, 1969 of a permit or certificate issued by the department of water SUNDAY, March 8, 1970
J & J Service 2, Ade WOMEN'S COMMERICAL 644 Insel 630.79 September 8, 1969 resources or one of its predecessors. Divit,e Service 10:30
Kopperman 515; Simpson 1, Russ Women's Hi Game: Colleen Yorke 646 Mason Lake NW 14,640.12 September 8, 1969 "90.14.051 Statement of claim -- Contents. The statement Sunday School and Bible Class 9:15
Stuck 497; Hidden Haven 2, Aub 204 652 Allyn Port Dock 255.56 September 15. 1969 of claim for each right shall include the following:
Blockberger 526; Beckwith's 1, Women's Hi Series: Merge 653 Eberhardt 258.29 October 14, 1969 Theme: "THE LORD OF OUR HEARTS"
Doug Wicken 496; KMAS Radio Witcraft 531 655 North Shore 1,908.29 November 3, i969 (1) The name and mailing address of the claimant. Lenten Services every Wednesday at 8 p.m.
2, Jerry Tilson 454; Nault's Standings: Richfield24-12, 656 Alderwood Villa 888.61 November 3, 1969 (2) The name of the watercourse or water source
Douglas Service 1, Leo Nault 518; Ming Tree 23-13, Apex 22-14, 657 Dalby 993.37 November 3, 1969 from which the right to divert or make use of water is
C & L Time Service 1, Norm Timber Bowl 20-16, 658 Hartstene 1,082.80 November3,1969 claimed if available.
Schimschat 519; 40 & 8 2, Stan Lumbermen's 19-17, Fullers 659 Beverly Heights 286.30 November 3, 1969 (3) The quantities of water and times of use claimed.
Ahlquist 556. 18Vz-17~z, Kelly's 18-18, Gotts 660 Hoodsport No. Hill 232.20 November 3, 1969 (4) The legal description, with reasonable certainty,
16Vz-19½, Ogdens 16-20, Eells & 661 Sherwood Creek 675.33 November 3, 1969 of the point or points of diversion and places of use First Boptist
GRANGE Valley 15-21, Pauleys 14-22,
Men's Hi Game: Max Mikkelson Certified 10-26. The preliminary cost estimate covering the above-named projects was of waters.
216 formally ordered on the indicated days, as provided by Chapter 156, (5) The purpose of use, including, if for irrigation, the (CONSERVATIVE)
Men's Hi Series: Ralph Simpson MERCHANTS Session Laws of ]949. number of acres irrigated. Fifth & Cote Sts. Rev. Jerry Larson, TH.M. Tel.
542 Men's Hi Game:Dean Smith 232 DATED this 24th day of February, 1970. (6) The approximate dates of first putting water to Sunday, March 8, 1970
Women's Hi Game: Nellie Men's Hi Series: Ralph Simpson beneficial use for the various amounts and times 11:00 a.m. "HIS SHEEP FOLLOW HIM!" Morning
Rossmaier 187 580 BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS claimed in subsection (3). John 10:4-10
Standings: Capitol 20.8 NB of OF MASON COUNTY, WASHINGTON
Women's Hi Series: Nellie MC 18-10, Prepp's 15-13, Boon's MARTIN AUSETH (7) The legal doctrine or doctrines upon which the9:30 a.m. Bible School
Rossmaier 471 right claimed is based, including if statutory, the 6:00 p.m. Youth Groups
Standings: Agate 23-13, 15-13,Kimbel's 14-14, White's Chairman 7:00 p.m. "THE GIFT OF
Pomona 20-16, Matlock 19-17, 12-16, TCF 10-18, Reneckers WILLIAM O. HUNTER specific statute. 1280-- 1]
Shelton Valley 16-20, Harstine 8-20. JOHN BARIEKMAN (8) The sworn statement that the claim set forth is SHOWING MERCY"
15-21, Southside 15-21. Renecker's 0, D. Renecker 491; ATTEST: true and correct to the best of claimant's knowledge .....
Shelton Valley2, Tom Olson Prepp's 4, R. Simpson 580; TCF RUTH E. BOYSEN and belief.
473; Pomona 2, Lad Simpson 2, B. Danford 458; White's 2, C. Clerk of the Board "90.14.071 Failure to f-lie claim waives and relinquishes
469; Agate 4, Max Mikkelson White 487; Kimbel's 4, S. Ofte CERTIFIED BY: right. Any person claiming the right to divert or withdraw
529; Southside O, Jim Williams 571; Bonn's 0, G. Strozyk 490; J.C. BRIDGES
413; Harstine 0, Glenn Yates 408; Capitol 3, D. Smith 572; NB of Mason County Engineer waters of the state as set forth in RCW 90.14.041. who fails
Matlock 4, Ralph Simpson 542. MC 1, M. Mills 559. 3/5-1t to file a statement of claim as provided in RCW 90.14.041, SHELTON ASSEMBLY OF
90.14.051 and 90.14.061, shall be conclusively deemed to 1521 Monroe St. Mason Youngl~
have waived and relinquished any right, title, or interest in
said right." .~
.~ ~ Studnets from Northwest College
Christ's Ambassadors .....................
Evangelistic Service ......................
A REPAIR Wednesday Family Night
REV IVALTI ME, Sunclay," 3..'()() l~:n:): KGI~i
1817 Olympic Hwy. No. -- Mt. View '!
IN ~ Complete Automotive Service 910 East Dearborn LEWIS B, WYSONI~'
7:00 p.m. Great Youth Service with young people
"[HE For ltlqlointment Call "YOUTH SPEAKS" group of Seattle, Washington.
9:45 a.m. Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Mornir
6:00 p.m. Youth Mtge. 7:00- Wed.
• --ex"/oney Come to the Church where you are never a
~- I
Page 16 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Thursday, March 5, 1970