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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 5, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 5, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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atlock HEARING - The Junior Class M. Knight High School is c-an Oyster Stew supper _ - lrom b:30 to 8 p.m. All ! can eat for $1. You can have of Oyster Stew of Chili, salad, cole slaw, toast or bread, coffee, tea, kool-aid essert will be ginger bread cream. It will be at ~ria. Kenneth Howard was a guest at Mrs. Augusta Monday. Club held its meeting tables of cards Saturday Mr. and Mrs. Max Cash hostess. High score went Ford and Les Bozarth to Mildred Bozarth Breedlove and Low Nellie Rossmaier and who want to march Year's daffodil festival still have time to entries in three ~etitive divisions. said March 16 lne for entries in the begins at 10 a.m. and Pacific in ~CO1TIa. accepted in three costumes and vehicles must be No motor powered no age limit in group all parade marchers least one daffodil. :s may be obtained at 1126 So. • Quinn at 4120 No. Mrs. R. Duguay of Avenue W., all Dale Armstrong. Next party will be March 14 with Mr. and Mrs. Bob Trenckmann as host and hostess. Mrs. Augusta Portman and Cart Portman were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Thelma Leortscher of Elma - to honor Carl Portman and Mrs. Leortscher's birthdays• Mr. and Mrs. Max Nilsson of Seattle were weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Helin. Sunday drop in callers at the Elfin Hearing home were Mr. and Mrs. James Commet and son, Mike, of Shelton, James Harvey of Dayton and Mrs. Alta Kelly. Mrs. Thomas Kelly and two sons of Seattle spent the weekend with Mrs. Alta Kelly. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry have a new grand niece - a baby girl was born at the McCleary Hospital Tuesday to Mr. and Mrs. Merland Goodburn. Many friends here and Grangers attended the funeral of Leo Pierce at Batstone Funeral Home in Shelton Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Bradberry spent Sunday at Westport. Mr. and Mrs. I. C. Ford were Sunday supper guests at the Herbert Brehmeyer Jr. home. Becky Brehmeyer baked her Winners Named For Bridge Club Winners at the Shelton Duplicate Bridge Club's Monday night meeting were, for North-South, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bowden; Bob Quimby and Tuey Schumacher; and, with tied score, Jane Bennett and Liz Allison, and Yas lto and Nancy Jeffrey• East-West winners were Gordon Bennett and Art Doran, Norm Hulbert and Vi Farris, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Christy, Aubrey Wills and Col. Dudley. of the chidren's The Club meets every Monday year drew more at 7:15 p.m. in the PUD building, • Participants, is the and all bridge players are aor Woman's Club. welcome. grandmother a birthday cake. Matlock Grange will postpone its regular meeting this Friday night so members can take the new candidates to Shelton Valley Grange to take the first and second degree. Mr. and Mrs• Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. spend Sunday at Grayland with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Booth. Herbert Brehmeyer Sr. measured 8.04 inches of rain in February. Dirt Dobbers Club Plan Bake Sale The Dirt Dobbers Garden Club will meet at 10 a.m. on Tuesday. A bake sale will be held at the Safeway Store on March 13, the proceeds of which will go to the kidney fund. VWI, Auxiliary Will Meet Today Madrona Barracks No. 1462 of the Veterans of World War I and auxiliary will meet at noon today for a potluck luncheon in the Memorial hall. Entertainment is planned and the business meeting will be held at 1:30 p.m. Plans are being made for the District 1 meeting to be held in Shelton on May 17. The auxiliary has scheduled a rummage sale for April 10, and will appreciate donations of clean, useful items• Jobies Sponsor Rummage Sale Job's Daughters axe sponsoring a rummage sale to be held Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the PUD building. 1 o I / STATE ROUTE I01 RD. TO SHELTON ) PRIMARY ;CT been incorporated into the design terminating at the existing are as follows: highway near the Airport north of The Cole Road Interchange Shelton. h a s b e e n m o v e d su All maps and data submitted in ;HWAYS approximately 300 feet pport of the request for State southerly and a frontage road approval are available for PUblic on added to serve landlocked inspection by cant.acting the ceived parcel on left vicinity Sta. D strct Location t.n.g!neer at the Jnited 635. The alignment and R/W office of the Distr,ct tngineer, of in the vicinity of Sta. 765 to5720 Capitol . Boulevard, ghway Sta. 823 has been shifted Tumwater, Washington. the westerly and the median This notice' " ... s given pursuant to te 101 narrowed to reduce takingof the Federal-Aid H~g~Nay Act helton cemetery property. The (Title 23 . .e.t seq., aunty, proposed access to the City 128) and amendments mereto; disposal site is deleted and the [Department of Transportation :ations replaced by a separation on Act (Title49 U.~.~.. ss 1651, of "C" Street. 1657 (e)). 1ended Generally, this improvement Washington State Department that consists of constructing ~ Highways ring approximately 4.9 miles of . M. Foster, P.E. the four-lane limited access highway Assistant Director for beginning at the present terminus Highway Development. 3/5-1t 'ngton. of the freeway south of Shelton, have by-passing the City and C. IPers lY C. B.I Clays or I for more meeting I I I I For the "Tops" in roofers see... ROOFING COMPANY 425 Ellinor Specializing I n... Composition Shakes, Insulation and Hot Built-up Roofs. FOR FREE ESTIMATES PHONE 426-6417 I I I II I i I i I i is rl By CARMEN YATES HARSTINE - For the second month in a row, the members of the Harstine Women's Club will be meeting in homes where they have not previously held the gathering. Last month the new hostess and home was Beulah Browning. This month, today, in fact, the gals will be heading for the Marina with Elsie Ness the hostess. But its going to be a terrible day for the Island's dieting gals, for Elsie is famous for her delicious foods. A week from this Friday evening will be a special date for all Islanders to remember. The Community Club will be devoting this month's meeting to the pros and cons of a fire district. And for this occasion there will be two guest speakers well qualified to state facts and figures and answer any questions you folks may have. The two speakers will be Hans Hansgautner, Assistant Executive Secretary of the State Fire Commissioners Association from Olympia and A. F. Nevitt, Shelton Fire Chief. Wayne Browning, president of the club extends a very cordial invitation to all the residents, not just Club members, to attend this meeting and get information firsthand. The evening will proceed as follows, first the guest speakers after which there will be a question and answer period. Then there will be a recess before having the regular business meeting for the members of the club. Jim and Ella McAuliffe returned home last Friday after being away on a trip that lasted a little over two weeks. They left home bright and early on a beautiful Wednesday morning. As they approached the California border they drove into a driving rain and gusty winds. Their first stop was in San Francisco to visit Ella's Aunt and Uncle, then on to Santa Clara where most of Jim's family is and where a sister of Democrats Asked For Donations Of Rummage Democrats are asked to bring rummage to the IWA hall at 212 Grove St. in order that it may be sorted for the sale to be held in the PUD building March 19 and 20. If unable to bring items to the hall, it is requested that Mrs. Mildred Drebick, 426-8449, be notified. WCTU Schedule Spring Institute The Woman's Christian Temperance Union will meet at 11 a.m. on March 13 for Spring Institute, with state president Mrs. Budde presiding. The meeting will be held in the home of Mrs. John Kangas and a potluck dinner will be served at noon. U Bob Watters SPECIAL THIS WEEK New 3/4-Ton Fleetside 350 V-8, Turbohydramatic, Power Steering, Brakes, Camper, Bucket Seats Reg. $3915. Ella's lives. After making the rounds of the relatives they drove on south to Twentynine Palms where their son, Mike and his family make their home. This stop was the highlight of the trip, as both of their grandchildren reside here. Granddaughter, Gina was equally delighted to have her Grandpa and Grandma come to visit her and her new brother and parents at their home. And after seeing their four-month old grandson both Grandpa and Grandma are bursting their buttons with pride. Their stay there came to and end all too soon. They headed east across the California desert to Lake Havasu in the worst wind storm they have every encountered anywhere. The native around those parts call that particular kind of storm a Santa Ana Wind. The travelers reported the only bad weather they had on the whole trip was in California. Then they headed north to Lake Mead. From there they stopped overnight at Las Vegas to see one of the big shows. After that they were headed home through Reno and on to Klamath Falls, Ore. Other than California, good weather prevailed throughout the entire trip. This is turning out to be a very big week at the Marina. Besides Elsie having Club this week we learned Ted's birthday is on Tuesday of this week and they also have relatives visiting from Finland• Saturday afternoon the Nesses traveled to Kent, while their son, Glen and his wife, Sally held down the fort. An Open House for Mr. and Mrs. Aska Backstrom from Helsinki, Finland was being held at the home of their niece. They also took advantage of the get-together to celebrate Ted's birthday• The couple is spending two months here in the States. However, they planned to go on down to Oregon Wednesday, so Ted and Elsie brought them down to the Island for a few days. Sunday they had 17 people for dinner. The guests came from Olympia, Tacoma, Seattle and Centralia. Later nine more came for cake and coffee. All in all it was a busy weekend, both personally and business-wise with the beautiful weather. Both apartments were rented, besides ISCUSS there was a camper and a trailer, too. Saturday evening two Island lads and their dads joined lots of other lads and dads from the Agate area in the annual Father-Son Fun Nightat the Pioneer School• There were a variety of games and activities followed by refreshments. The Island lads were Chuck Bridges and Rusty Yates accompanied by their respective dads. Harlan Jerrells and his wife, Patty are visiting the Jack and Florence Powell in Shelton. He is currently looking for work in the Shelton-Olympia area so that the couple can make their home back up here in Washington, after having lived in California for the past few years. John and Cleta Niemi were asked once again to be the chief cooks for a Moose dinner at the V.F.W. organization in Westport. They have done this several times in the past years. However, it's been three years since they have had the Moose feed. They cooked for about 225 members and their guests. The proceeds from the feed this year are to go toward a Youth Center. The Niemis took as their guests the Oliver Buoris of Bremerton. Also from the Pt. Wilson area we learned that the Brignone son, Jerry, was out for the weekend and helped Brig and Pete put in a lawn around their mobile home. This weekend before Pete and Brig drove up to Tacoma to see the new home their son, Joe and his wife, Sharon have just purchased and moved into in the Fife area. Held over From Last Week The Harstine Grange met last Friday evening• Following the pot luck supper those present got down to the business at hand. A location for the Map Board has been selected with the help of the County Engineer, Cash Bridger. The site is just to the right side of the road as one approaches the bridge. A fill will be made which will allow ample room to pull over and stop while studying the map for directions. March, by the looks of things, is going to be a busy month for Grangers• Degree work is scheduled for two of the Friday evenings, with Friendship meetings claiming the remaining ~ng two Fridays. Harstine has four new members, the John Niemis and the Hi Burches ready for the initiation and degrees. A group of gals, part Islanders and the others from Shelton surprised Mrs. Edith Smalley "by dropping in with cake and coffee for her birthday Feb. 23. Those from the Island included Thora Seward, Helen Lammers, Dot Smith, Marie Crouch and Lila Peugh. Those from Shelton were Pauline Archer and two of her children, oldest daughter, Kathy and youngest son, John, and Pauline's daughter-in-law, Margy and her baby son. For Dot Smith the day held two birthday celebrations. That evening she went to her granddaughter, Cindy Bingham's home to help celebrate Bill B ingha m's birt hday. We're sorry to report Mike, Vincent and Patty Glaser's grandmother, Mrs. Don Eddy suffered a fall at her home a short time back. She suffered a broken collarbone, three broken ribs and a broken hip, all on her left side. She'll be confined to the Grays Harbor Community Hospital for a total of six weeks. And the doctors have warned her she'll probably have to stay in bed at home for several months. Irvie and Hilma Wingert wish to express their most sincere and heartfelt thank yous to all their wonderful friends and neighbors who have bestowed so many acts of kindness and thoughtful gestures, during their long seige of the flu and more recently Irvie's bout with pneumonia. After a very long stay in the hospital Irvie returned home last week and is recuperating very, very slowly. Down at Ballow visitors of Frances Madge included Pete and Liz McDougal and their two girls from Seattle who were overnight guests. Monday being a holiday a nephew, Mike Cresek and his family dropped down for the day. The beautiful weather just seemed to call for outdoor activities and the numerous wiener roasts suited all the small-fry to a "T'. Over at the Celia Glaser home most of the family gathered for a family reunion. The occasion for the gathering being that the oldest son of the Glaser children and the one living the furthest away drove up for the weekend• Andy Glaser accompanied by a friend traveled from California to visit with the family over the long three day weekend. Most of Andy's brothers and sisters and their families also were on hand at the family home here on the Island, much to the delight of their Mother, Celia. We'd be willing to make a small wager that Andy didn't leave any lovelier weather behind in California than he found when he arrived back at his old home here on the Island. One thing is sure; we can still see the sun here and they may have to take the weatherman's word for it down there!! Here at your reporter's home overlooking Case Inlet it was just like Grand Central Station over the past weekend. Saturday Paul and Edna Lansky and daughter, Myra came from Tacoma. They were accompanied by their two pet Dobermans, Hilda and six month old Baron who will be staying at the Yates' Animal Shelter while the Lansky's try to locate a new home for them. The owners feel city life is just not fair to the two animals who need more room to run. The Lansky's think the perfect answer to their dreams would be if someone here on the Island would be interested in them so they could come and visit them occasionally when they came down to their own property here. In the first few minutes it became apparent that Hilda and the Yates' collie, Twinkle weren't going to see eye-to-eye on any subject so the Lanskys promised to return the following day with Hilda's chain so that Twinkle wouldn't have to stay housc-bound for the visitors stay. Before the day was over the Marvin Bengelsdorf family of four accompanied by their Tacoma friends, Elmer and Betty Shoneman and their three youngsters decided it was a good day for a drive. They added three roosters to the Yates assorted managerie. The improver of natural knowledge absolutely refuses to acknowledge authority, as such. For him, skepticism is the highest of duties; blind faith the one unpardonable sin. Thomas H. Huxley B & R SALES | Beautiful Polyester Sq. Yd. Many Colors. Installed With Foam Pad. I I FLOOR TILE Sq. Ft. Sq. Yd. Installed with Foam Pad KODELS, ACRILANS, NYLONS & WOOLS Many Fine Carpets! Approximate Size 9x12 F.H.A. APPROVED Many Solid Colors. Some Tweed Sq. Yd. Installed with Foam Pad. SQ. YD. 6 Ft. & 12 Ft. Widths. Plain Back & Foam Back. Many Colors Buy Now and save during this fabulous sale Open: 10 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Daily 10 8:30 p.m. Friday Includes: 9 x 12, 3 x 5, 2x8,2x2and2x3. Sq. Yd. Installed With Foam Pad Several Colors to choose from. "J" & Olympic Hwy. N. -Shelton- Thursday, March 5, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 17