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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 5, 1970     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 5, 1970
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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bgal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publications L~~A~'~-- ~ L Legal Publications Legal Publications Legal Publkations Legal Publications ~LICATION In the Matter of the Estate of Forest Properties in the Shelton Service prior to award that hevvill -unnamed stream tributary of payable to the Timberland NOTICEOF HEARING NOTICE OF HEARING RSOF LEWIS W. RUSSELL, Deceased. Cooperative Sustained Yield Unit not export all or part of the Triton Cove, in the amount of 0.6Regional Library, must PROPOSED VACATION-- Franchise Application A petition has been filed in entered into by and between the exempted volume, the exempted cubic foot per second, subject toaccompany each proposal. The PORTION OF OLD No. 5161 of United States of America and the volume in the contract will be this Court asking that Letters existing rights, continuously each library board reserves the right to CLOQUALLUM ROAD I n the Matter of the Court of the Administration be issued ~ Simpson Timber Company, dated adjusted accordingly, so that the year for the purpose of reject any and/or all bids. No NO.200 Application of D. J. Haines for a for Mason Beulah Gowan in this estate.December 12, 1946, for an uncommitted export exemption community domestic supply andproposal shall be considered NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: franchise to construct, operate will be heard on March 20, 1970, _estimated 1,310 M board feet of may be assigned to one or more maintenance of lagoon that the unless accompanied by one of the That on Monday, February 16, and maintain 1 1/2 inch plastic approximate point of diversion is above instruments. 1970, the Board of County water line upon a portion of State ", at 9:30 a.m. in the Courtroom of timber marked or otherwise subsequent sales. If requested by located within NEV4 Section 1, Specifications are available at Commissioners went on record Route No. 101, in Mason County, said Court. designated for cutting will be sold the State of Washington or by Real Estate LODGA KIMBEL to Simpson Timber Company, Grays Harbor or Mason Counties, Township 24 N., Range 3 W.W.M. the headquarters office of the with their Intention to Vacate a Washinqton. and Lot 1, plat of Triton Head Timberland Regional Library, 7th portion of the old Cloquallum W~EREAS the D. J. Mason County Clerk Seattle, Washington, on March 23, or by any person deemed Tracts in Section 6, Township 24, and Franklin Streets, Olympia. Road No. 200, since a 1969 HAINES, a corporation, has filed ~-~ By BETTY THOMPSON ]970. The minimum acceptable LOOOK Deputy Clerk bid per M board feet is: to have a reasonable interestN., Range 2 W. W.M., in Mason (Mrs.) Louise E. Morrison relocation project rendered awith the Washington State RobertL. Snyder Douglas-fir $41.15; western in the proposed sale, County. Director, Timberland portion lying southerly of the Highway Commission, under the Attorney at Law hemlock and other coniferous orin its terms, a public hearingAny objections must be Regional .... existing location unused inSection provisions of Chapter 47.44 RCW families -- large P.O. Box 396 species $29.80. Additional will be held in the office of the accompanied by a two dollar Library Headquarters:/t13 ano 30, Township 20 North, Range 3 and amendments thereto, an room, dining Shelton, Washington 98584 deposit required for slash disposal F o rest Supervisor, Federal ($2.00) recording fee and filed Franklin Streets West, W.M.; and more fully application for a franchise to is $5.50 per M board feet for all Building, Olympia, Washington,with the Department of Water Olympia, Washington 98501described as: construct, operate and maintain 1 room, den. Electric3/5-1t species. A total volume of 100 on the 13th day of March 1970 at Resources within thirty (30) days Telephone: 352-0595 "That portion of the Old 1/2 inch plastic water line upon a ng, hardwood floors, thousand board feet in addition 2:00 P.M. PST. Requests for from March 5, 1970. 2/26-3/5-2tCloquallum Road No. 200 located portion of State Route No. 101, Owner says NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER to that which is surplusto needs public hearing will not be Witness my hand and official in the NWV4 SW]/4 of the SW]/4, m Mason County, Washington, for FOR SALE of domestic users and processors ~onsl~d6f~dunless received in the seal this 18th day of February, Section 30, Township 20 North, a period of twenty-five (25) years, :AAIIB~ OLYMPIC NATIONAL FOREST as stated herein, if any, isoffice of the Forest Supervisor, 1970. CALL FOR INSURANCE Range 3 West, W.M., beginning at at the following locations: I~IUU BAY B R O W N C R E E K exempted from domestic Federal Building, Olympia, GLEN H. FIEDLER PROPOSALS Engineers' Station 55+00through Beginning at a point on the REALTY INTERMEDIATE 1969 NO. 1 processing. Bidders are advised Washington, on or before March Assistant Director, Division Intermediate School District Engineers' station 62+50andlyingeast side of SR 101 as now SALE, located within T. 22N., R. that violations of the Domestic 2, 1970. Dated February 16, of Water Management. 113 is accepting proposals for thirty (30) and forty (40) feet located and of record in the 5W., W.M., partially surveyed. Processing requirement 1970. Wynne M. Maule, Forest Department of Water insurance coverage in theareasof south of the center line of the office of the Director of (1) Comprehensive Blanket existing Cloquallum Road as Highways at Olympia, Inch_ ofand Real EstateMCCleary Insurance pursuantPUblic notiCeto iStheherebyprovisionsgiVen thatof constituteSmay resultbreaChin°f contraCtcontractand Supervisor,Forest. Olympic2/19.26.3/5.12.4tNational Resources. 2/26-3/5-'~+___ _ Liability, (2) Blanket Position constructed in 1969, and shown on Washington, said point being Section 5 of Public Law 273,cancellation, or in refusal to Bond, (3) Office Contents andthe official map for this project, on opposite approximate HES 943-7839 78th Congress (58 Stat. 132-16, award timber sales to the violator, ~ NOTICE INVITING Supplies, and (4) Soft-ware file in the office of the Mason 149+00 located in U.S.C.A. 583-583i), and the or debarment or suspension from NOTICE OF SURFACE SEALED PROPOSALS Materials and Equipment. County Engineer." Government Lot 1, Section 1, EVENING Cooperative Agreement for the bidding on future timber sales. If NOTICE IS FURTHER Township 22 North, Range 4 °binski491-8895 Management of the Participating - successful bidder notifies Forrest WATER RIGHT Sealed proposals for Specifications are obtainableGIVEN: That a public Hearing will West, W.M., thence southerly APPLICATION NO. 21623 furnishing a Forward Control from: along the east side of SR 101 ~ell 352-3423 State of Washington Style, Parcel Delivery Chassis will Superintendent, Intermediate be held on the proposed -)'3590 -~------'---------'--------"------------------------------------------- Department of Water be received at the TimberlandSchool District 113; Room 204abandonment in the Office of theat a point approximately 26 2/26-3/12 Reul Estate for Rent Resources Regional Library, Headquarters: C o u - t h o u s e. O I y m D ia. County Commissioners at 11:00 east of and parallel to the Olympia 7th and Franklin Streets, Washington, 98501, Phone A.M., Monday, March 16, 1970, centerline of SR 101 to a Olympia, Washington 98501 until 352-4851 Ext. 20. SPECIAL!! bm rambler has redecorated. ~h carpeting in and hallway 'Dine would be raised hearth so very nice, ust $14,950 and this home you appreciate the mg that can be to offers and location very nice and much quality !6,000.00. Call to this 1~ home walking )wntown in excellent as much to : of $15,000. an'~time, so now for an n home on tll of town, ' near Lake 15,500, it Iz rge shop ~l Well and lunity to ow doesn't not, call us more about ion. State O stings at anyti Call 426-2646 LOTS & AGATE - A perfect place to start that little homestead. Over 15 acres, partly cleared, lots of woods, even water for stock. Close to Pioneer School. On good county road. Priced at $11,750 -- terms. LOVELY WOODS - This choice 10 acres can be yours for $1,200.00 down. Road and powero property. Secluded location tthe fast growing Agate area of Mason County. Full price $7,500. 5.3 ACRES - $3,500 - Located just a couple of miles out Railroad Avenue. Future growth area after freeway interchange goes in. Recently logged, but they did leave some trees. Owner needs cash on this one. $600 PER ACRE - Located just 5]/2 miles north of Shelton. Portions of area in farmed Christmas trees. Good road access. 43 acres total, but seller would consider some limited division of tract. Terms available. ,,, 10 ACRES OST LAKE - This can really be your dream spot. Most of area cleared with some nice trees around the edges. County road and power runs across property and there is even a small stream. Owner will consider selling on a real estate contract with $1,800 down and a selling price of $7,500.00. ARCADIA POINT - Five full acres with county road dividing property into two good building sites. Well wooded. Power nearby. Full price $5,000 terms. MASON LAKE- One of the finest unimproved lots on the lake. Beautiful beach, well wooded. 60 feet of frontage. Price $11.500 -- terms. SPENCER LAKE - 100 feet wide and 650 feet deep, well wooded. Little old cabin, dug well. $14,500 cash or good terms. GOSNELL CREEK - 200+ feet of frontage. About 4 acres of upland. Good access. MILL CREEK - Only 3V2 miles from Shelton in the Arcadia area. 10 acres with Mill Creek dividing property. Good building sites. Priced at $10,500 with terms. OAKLAND BAY- Choice Waterfront building sites. Over 250' of frontage and less than a mile from Shelton. Full price of $25,000 with terms. 16 CITY LOTS - -Owner says to sell the Whole batch for $3,600. Cash or terms. Ask for Dave Thacher. me OWNER HAS MOVED! TAKE NOTICE: That TRITON HEAD 5:00 p.m. Monday, March 16, Proposals shall be received at MUTUAL WATER AND 1970. Bids will be opened and the above address until 2:OO p.m. Community ASSOCIATION, read at the regular monthly March 10, 1970, at which time INC. of Lilliwaup, Washington on meeting of the Timberland sealed proposals will be opened May 29, 1969, filed application Regional Library Board of and tabulated. Proposal award for permit to divert the public Trustees on Thursday evening, will be made March 12, 1970. waters of unnamed springs andMarch 19, 1970. The I.S.D. 113 Board of A surety bond, cashier's Education reserves the right to ~_~-~-----~-_ check, postal moneyorder or reject any or all proposals and to certified check equal to five perwaive any informalities in Rul Estate cent (5%) of the total bid price, bidding. 2/26-3/5-2t Possession no problem with this 4 bedroom out-of-town home with basement and a full acre of property. Best though is the price -- only $10,000!!! The house should have a little work put into it to bring it up to snuff but boy what a chance to get that break you've waited for. ANGLE AGENCY COUNTRY LOVERS This spacious custom rambler has cou ntry seclusion conveniently close to town. You won't believe all of the room and extras.., five bedrooms, three baths, two fireplaces, formal dining room, cupboards, closets, storage galore. Park like setting. $45,000 and worth more! COZY & CUTE - Take a peek at this neat South Hill home -- mahogany panneled living room, electric heat, 2 bedrooms, BIG utility room, garage and fenced yard. $7,950 -- terms. MT. VIEW --WILL FHA This two bedroom home on Mt. View should have sold a Iongtime ago! Needs very little work and appliances go with it. Fireplace, large yard in quiet area. $13,500. SOME TIME AND EFFORT Will turn this old farm house into a comfortable home. There's 300 ft. of river frontage and 41/2 acres choice cleared farm land. The price, $14,500. ISLAND LAKE BACK LOT This large level building site across theroad on Island Lake is right in prime residential country and only $2850. Other good lots. Call us. APARTMENT BUILDING BIG & BEAUTIFUL - Good rental record. $13,500. Here's a brand new traditional 2-story home located in a BUSINESS AND BUILDING g r o w i n g M t. V i • w Profitable operation for $25,000. neighborhood, on alarge wooded corner lot.Fully Give us a call. carpeted throughout, it's I~ ..... refreshing floor plan includes 3 Mr. View, near hospital, city bedrooms, a family room, lV2 water and sewer ave able. Several baths, more-than-normal excellent Angleside lots. $2200. storage, and large 2-car garage. Maybe it's time to trade into a PRETTIEST SPOT home that has that extra space IN COUNTY you need' Call us for all the This 10 acre homestead gently details. " slopes to meet the no bank saltwater beach. The back portion IMMEDIATE is WOoded, the lower c eared. The old home is well kept and POSSESSION - immaculate. $43,000. No waiting if you have about $3,500 (or even less than that maybe) to assume the low, low RECREATION SITES interest mortgage on this 3 Sites available on all of the count 's re r bedroom home. It has a ._ Y c eation developments. basement is on a nice corner tram $1950.00. ---- lot and is close to school and stores. You can have new FHA ANGLE AGENCY terms with a very small down payment if you prefer. Price is Since 1890 $10,500 FHA appraised! Real Estate & Insurance READY FOR YOU! HERB ANGLE ' DICK ANGLE' Lake property that you can buy and use now with a mobile home and cabana already set up and nicely landscaped. $12,500 is the price for this waterfront tract on Spencer Lake where someday you might want to build your lovely new home. VACANT sOON - Owner is readY, to move as soon as a buyer ~s ready to go on this close-in 3 bedroom home on a large garden tract Lover an acre1. There s a partial ' " a greenhouse basement and with this listing and the price is $13,500. Trade your present home in on this out-of-town one. JACK STEWART - PAUL WOOD" BARBARA NELSON Evenings 426-4134 or 426-6188 401 Railroad Ave. Ph. 426-8272 JUST LISTED - This brand new listing offers so much home ate nda very attractive price with excellent terms available. You'll like the level lot and the good location on Mt. View. All this home for just $11,950. Call us. $14,000.00 FHA - Call fast to find out how easy .... be to own this t WOULD .- like-new 2 bedroom ~outh Hill home. Nice fireplace..Extra large site. New street. Th~s am will sell fast. for DICK KNAUF 426-8110 -- "SKIP" NESS 426-3049 DAVE THACHER 426-8635 -- CARL JOHNSON 426-8407 DICK BOLLING, Closing Broker 426-8162 • • VINCE HIMLIE, Broker 426-6501 1717 OLYMPIC HIGNWAY NORTH Real Estate Real Estate -- CHOICE SELECTIONS -- H I LLCREST ANG LESI DE . . . Newer 3 bedroom home with Near the top of the hill in an 1V2 baths, fireplace, diningarea of very fine homes. A full area, spacious kitchen, 2 car basement home with 3 attached garage, and a largebedrooms, fireplace, full bath, shop building with cement kitchen with dining area and floor. Located on an excellent patio deck up -- and 1 view area with 2 lots for added bedroom, fireplace, 2nd full room for garden. Good low bath, shop area, and recreation interest loan can be assumed, room with large bar down. $18,500. You'll have to see this one to appreciate the fine planning LIKE TO ENTERTAIN? that goes into a luxury home. • "Very low interest loan can be This home is nicely arrangedassumed with a total price at for your guests to enjoy a $25,000. lovely view over Shelton. Large living room, formal dining area, 2 bedrooms, and full bath onWATERFRONT HOMES! main level. Master bedroom has tLIow about a brand new home very cozy fireplace. In the full with 3 bedrooms, fireplace, basement you have a 3rd and some built-in appliances. bedroom with 1/2 bath with Has separate garage, lawn, and separate entrance -- ideal for covered patio area with power your favorite in-law who still and running water to set you desires privacy. Loads and up for many enjoyable ..... Ioads..of storage~ space~ .and recreation hours. Located on pantry area for canned goods, salt water with outstanding All located on large groundsview down the bay to Shelton. with over 400' of depth. $28,500. $16,900. DOWNTOWN... Very charming home and well Owner is moving and must sell. worth the value. Has nearly Willing to entertain almost any 220' of waterfront on Lost downpayments subject to FHA Lake on Camp Bishop end of financing. Home has 3 the lake. This is a very large bedrooms, 1Vz baths, fireplace, piece of land with more than galley kitchen, small stream enough land for additional through front yard, and 1 housing with a sweeping view room rental unit out back for of the water. Priced to sell at added income or guest house. $39,500. Near the Evergreen Grade School. Nice home with - This home has many features appraised price of $17,000. to enjoy. With approximately 80' of the very finest frontage SMALLER HOME... on salt water and an outstanding view. This is a But ideal for the young family newer 2 bedroom home with a or retired couple. Has 2 great opportunity for bedrooms, living room, kitchen retirement seclusion. Electric with some built-ins, and nice baseboard heat keeps you cozy bath. Very, very clean, and during our heavier weather. attached garage with work Nice lawn and offers good space. Good location with fishing the year round. extra lots available. $12,000. $25,950 with terms available. e 110 RAILROAD AVENUE 426.4447 Evenings Call: DON BROWN - 426-6388 A. ROY DUNN - 426.460! and any interested person may appear at said Hearing to be heard either for or against said proposal. DATED this 24th day of February, 1970. Board of County Commissioners of Mason County, Washington RUTH E. BOYSE,~I Auditor & Clerk of the Board -- 2/26-3/5-2t Real Estate point opposite approximate HES 153+60 located in Government Lot 5, Section 1, Township 22 North, Range 4 West, W.M., in Mason County, Washington. NOW THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: That a hearing will be held on said application by the Washington State Highway Commission at its office in the Highways-Licenses Building, Olympia, Washington, on the 16th day of March, 1970, at 1:30 p.m., or as soon thereafter as hearing may be had. DATED at Olympia, Washington, this 22nd day of January, 1970. W.M. Foster Assistant Director for Highway Development 2/19-26-3/5 -3t LOWER THAN RENT -- FOR LOW INCOME FAMILIES If you have 2 children or more and earn $6,500 or less you will probably qualify for one of our all new 3 bedroom homes now being completed. Needs only $200 cash and a reasonable fair credit record. Many have qualified, why not you? Call us. RENT BEATER 4 Bedrooms, Hillcrest and it's just right for the family that has a flair for doing a few small repairs, some painting and decorating. You can move in with only $900 down and $90 per month. $10,500 with extra lot. $600 DOWN -- $80 Small 3 bedroom home on large Hillcrest lot close to school. Utility porch, garage -- owner will carry contract. NOTICE TO CREDITORS No. 4096 In the Superior Court of the State of Washington for Mason County In the Mater of the Estate of GRACE GARDNER THOMPSON, Deceased. The undersigned is the appointed and qualified personal represent_ative of said estate. Persons having claims against the deceased are required to serve the same in duplicate, duly verified, on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address stated below and file the same with the Clerk of this Court, together with proof of such service within four months after February 19, 1970, or the same will be forever barred. THOMAS HAROLD PALLETT 12640 16th Avenue South Seattle, Washington 98168 ROBERT L. SNYDER Attorney for Estate 125Vz N. 5th Shelton, Washington 98584 BOARDING HOUSE- 2/19-2__~__66-3/5-3t WHY NOT? Here s an older 5 bedroom downtown home in an excellent NOTICE TO CREDITORS location that would be ideal for No. 4098 that purpose. All rooms are huge In the Superior Court of the including the living room withState of Washington for Mason fireplace and it has a full County basement and a large outbuilding In the Matter of the Estate of with 2 car garage, shop and SIGRID MARIE HAZELQUIST, storage. $15,500 -- ter ms. Deceased. The undersigned is the FREE PORTABLE appointed and qualified personal DISHWASHER representative of said estate. And a $500 reduction in price as Persons having claims against the a Bonus -- that's what you'll deceased are required to serve the receive if you decide that this all same in duplicate, duly verified, NEW 3 bedroom home is just on the undersigned or the right for you. It s fully carpeted, attorney of record at the address has fireplace and large attached stated below and file the same garage and a view of the with the Clerk of this Court, Olympics. We'll take the equity in together with proof of such your home in trade or $750 service within four months after March 5, 1970, or the same will down. Full price now $16,750. be forever barred. Better see it. WALLACE KNOTT DOWNTOWN -- DIFFERENT, 2113 Cherry UNIQUE Aberdeen, Washington 98520 ROBERT L. SNYDER Inasmuch as everything has been Attorney for Estate renewed -- wiring, plumbing, 125 1/2 N. 5th walls, ceilings, kitchen, bath and Shelton, Washington 98584 it's beautiful. 1900 era decor has been retained throughout. It's 3/5-12-19-3t lovely and it's $12,000. Terms. This large three-bedroom home features a large family room, fireplace, all-electric heat, drapes, hardwood floors, storm windows, aluminum siding and metal gutter work. Situated on a large lot on the corner of Ridge Road and Valley Road, this home can be yours for only $18,500. HILLCREST STATE LAND FOR LEASE This 2 bedroom bungalow would Application No. 59497 make a nice rental unit or a good 640 acres of State land in home for an older couple. Mason County to be leased for Panelled living room, good sized Evergreen Brush. Lease period bedrooms, utility and carport, from March 16, 1970 to March 1, Assume a 5V4% mortgage of 1980. Minimum annual rental $5,906.00 with payments of only $170.00. Public auction to be $60 per month including taxes held at 10:00 a.m. on March 16, and insurance. Full price $9,250. 1970, at the Courthouse in Shelton. A copy of the lease 5 BEDROOMS, L.ARGE LOT containing all requirements is This one has been completely posted at the Department of renovated, new floors, fireplace, Natural Resources Office in breakfast nook, large kitchen and Shelton; the Mason County much more. $18,500 or FHA Auditor's Office; and the office of appraisal if lower. BERT L. COLE ACREAGE Commissioner of Public Lands 5 acres -- stream -- Arcadia area -- Box 168 4V~ miles east of Shelton. 165' Olympia, Washington 98501 river frontage, wooded. Full price 3/5-1t $5,500 with $1,500 down. 40 -- 80 acres. We have several listings, unimproved land. Please NOTICE TO CREDITORS call for further information. No. 4093 In the Superior Court of the WATERFRONT State of Washington for Mason 100' on Hammersley, 700' of County depth -- $10,000 with $750 In the Matter of the Estate of down. ELIZABETH WELLS, Deceased. The undersigned is the 70' of no bank, concrete appointed and qualified personal bulkhead. Truly beautiful,representative of said estate. $8,950, $1,000 down, water andPersons having claims against the power to lot. deceased are required to serve the same In duplicate, duly verified, I------- ....... --~'~-i-~-=-----------~-----~--| on the undersigned or the attorney of record at the address | Available March 15 -- Very |stated below and file the same | attractive carpeted 2 bedroom | with the Clerk of this Court, |duplex, range, refrigerator, | together with proof of such | washer,dryer and extra | | storage. Carport. $125 per | service within four months after | month. , _ _ } February 19, 1970, or the same --7_-_-z_ _-_-_-zz_-_ :_-z:_-z:_ -_._, ....... will be forever barred. CLYDE E. WELLS MANN REAL ESTATE Route 3, Box 446 Shelton, Washington 98584 121 R.R. Ave. 426-6592 anytime ROBERT L. SNYDER Evening, Call Attorney for Estate _ BOBBLE GOODWIN Izb~z N. bm 426-3503 Shelton, Washington 98584 2/19-26-3/5-3t Thursday, March 5, 1970 - Shelton-Mason County Journal - Page 19