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Thursday, March 5, 2020 Shelton-Mason County Journal Page A—23
Mary shops in Seattle, spends time with family
and her daughter came and I
gave them some plants. Then
I planted sweet peas and
moved violets. Very dark and
dreary out. Ruth got a call
from her father saying his
wife, her stepmother, was ill
in Bremerton so in the eve- ,
ning we took her to see her.
Then saw “Shining Victory”
HOSTETLER with a good cast. Home late
v and to bed.
Mary stepped up her Monday, March 9, 1942
game this week: Three Went to Seattle and
shows, shopping in Seattle, bought myself a dress and
visiting Grandma and Aunt slippers, some hankies for
Katie in a dance and the girls at Chapter and met
she got her hair waved. Sam at 6 o’clock. We ate at
Mary was a very busy gal Skippers and was it good!
this week! I Then to see a good show at
the Liberty and home. We
Thursday, March 5, 1942 talked to a boy on the boat
Henry came down about who came from Idaho. He
10:30 so we talked until noon told us quite a lot about that
then went up to the store to state.
eat lunch. Then home again
where I cleaned some in the Tuesday, March 10, 1942
attic, but could not finish as To the store late and
the lights went out. Made worked until Mary Ruth got
«'six pot holders we needed the money orders all written q
badly. Very windy outside. down. Then home and took
Went to visit Mrs. Skene and in some of the clothes. Sunny
helped her thread the small and warm outside. In the
loom. Home late. evening Sam went to a first
aid meeting. To bed early
Friday, March 6, 1942 -' and I Was tired too.
To the store late.'In the
afternoon cleaned some more Wednesday, March 11, 1942
in attic. In the evening we Went to get my hair
went to see “Blossom Time” waved. I took all morning. In
with Mrs. Hackett, Williams, the afternoon went to a Root-
Cady, Mrs. Michaels,‘Mary ers Club Tea. Senior girls
Ruth and I. We had a fine had their mothers. It was
time and home late. The very nice. Met several fine
show was very good and the people. Then in the evening
‘singing wonderful. We hope went to Flossie’s taking Dad ..
to do it again. along. Had roast goose and it
was delicious. Spent our eve-
Saturday, March 7, 1942 ning trying to throw cards
A grand day. In the morn- into a hat. Bill won every
ing I got up late. Then drove time.
to Holly and saw Grandma
and Aunt Katie. Gave Thank you for reading this,
Grandma her red blanket week’s diary. '
and she was real pleased.
Home late and planted some I Clydene Hostetler is (1
flowers she gave me. We took longtime Belfair resident, lo- "
Ruth and the two Michael cal historian, media archivist
girls to the Legion Hall to and documentary filmmaker
dance and came home late. of “Hidden in Plain Sight.”
Had a good time. She has been researching
Mary Theler’s life for the past -.
Sunday, March 8, 1942 12 years. She can be emailed This photo is of Mary
Theler’s brother, Henry Larson, in 1927. Mary writes about him in her
Up late. Mrs. Peterson at diary this week. The photo
is from Mary’s photo album. Courtesy photo
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