March 6, 1941 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 6, 1941 |
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reason‘ShOP explained in
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Mr. Bishop said,
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‘9 eha‘Shop that Hitler
litany “38 his original
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nearly as swiftly
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it. Bishop said he
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d tohatl even with—
, ya Navy can
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Mr “giv-
W‘Shop’s talk, the
th edl'lesday night,
boye date for their
,1 GPatrol banquet,
e 19 6’18 Hanson re-
acl‘lb,s 11:: beqn selec-
cg nua spring
Klwepied an invitation
Club to join
’1 evening meet-
hgfigudtsnam. of Shelton
r dau here this morn-
howghter. Mrs. Arn-
of Bellingham,
st Reed high
6: mother of a
-for the main topic of this eve-
ning’s chapter session is outlin-
merang On Fuehrer,
A‘s'serts Club Speaker
llO5 Wait Action
On Applications
For Aged Checks
First checks under the new
old age pension scale set up by
Initiative 141 were received by
upwards of 250 Mason County
residents this week as the new
law Went into effect.
Maximum grants of $40 are
provided under the new scale
but individual pensions are de-
pendent upon resources of the
pension recipients themselves.
Thus in this county the average
pension check under the new
scale is $3l.54 while under the
old scale it was $22.32. The
present. eligible pension reci-
pients thus are drawing ap—
proximately $8,175, or an ill-
creasc of $2,393 per month more
than they were under the old
The average pension check in
this county may be changed up
or down by the effect of 105
new applications for pensions
when the county social security
department has had time to in-
vestigate them all, Miss Cora
Barber, local administrator,
pointed out today.
Red Cross Chapter Chairman Will
Review Duties Of Various
Sections 0f Program
After tonight’s meeting of the
Mason County Red Cross Chap-
ter, this community should be
better prepared to act in disas-
ter emergencies than it ever has
ing of‘ a 'dis‘as‘teir’ relief " ‘pla‘lhrtod‘
be operated through the Red
Cross chapter.
The meeting starts at 7:30 in
the courthouse, Chapter Chairman
Myron Lund reminds members. All
persons who enrolled in the chap-
ter through last fall’s roll call
drive are eligible to participate
in the chapter's meeting, he ex-
plained in urging a large attend-
ance for tonight’s important pro-
Duties of each section of the
disaster relief plan will be out-
lined by Chairman Lund. Brief-
ly, the plan will work this
general fashion:
General supervision is under the
chapter chairman; survey and
rescue work is under Ralph Paul-
son of the chapter’s accident pre-
vention committee, with First
Aid Chairman Lorrel Seljestad and
Life Caving Chairman John Rep-
linger as his chief aides; medical
aid supervision is under Dr. H. L.
Kennedy with Miss Florence
Smith, public health department
nurse, and Seljestad again as
chief aides; food and shelter pro-
vision is under Mrs. Herbert Mil-
ler; registration and information
duties are in charge of Mrs. E. F.
Martin; fund raising and central
purchasing duties fall under the
finance Committee, consisting of
Oscar Mell, Joe Hansen and John
Replinger, with Treasurer E. B-
Spring and the roll call chairman
(not as yet appointed) as chief
aides; and duties of providing
transportation, communica-
tions and public information are
under Chapter Vice-Chairman
George Dunning. ‘
Skiiers Plan Big.
Group At Rainier
Shelton Ski Club will be repre-
sented by some 15 members and
competitors at the Southwest
Washington program at Paradise
this weekend, it was learned at
last night's club meeting, Presi-
dent Bob Bampton reported today.
The club will have eight men.
three women and two juniors 1n
the six-team competition Sundayi
while eight or ten Shelton club
members will attend the Saturday
night banquet and entertainment
program, he said.
Last night’s meeting was fear
tured by motion pictures of a 61-
versified nature shown by George
Andrews, who pinch hit for sche-
duled pictures which failed to ar-
President Bampton reminded
the club that two more ice skat-
ing parties will be held under the
club's sponsorship, March 13 and
27, at the Olympia arena.
Soldier Facing Double
Driving Charge Friday
Thomas Murrayof Fort Murray
will face charges of negligent driv-
ing and driving without an 9P-
erators’ license Friday in just“;e
court here as the result of his
morning in
arrest last Saturday by
trolman Cliff Aden in Shelton.
SHELTON, WASHINGTON, Thursday, March 6, 1941.
Miles Of County Roads Ten—
tativer Scheduled For Oil
Surfacing In $40,000
Mason County’s most ambitious
road oiling program was mapped
yesterday by the board of com—
missioners during their extended
first-obthe-month meeting,
a resolution was adopted whic h
tentatively scheduled the expendi-
ture of $40,000 to oil49 miles of
county roads this summer.
The exact roads to be included
in the program were not desig-
nated in yesterday’s action, but
tentatively the division of the mil—
eage total among the three road
districts is twenty miles in Road
District No. 1, eleven miles in Dis-
trict No. 2, and eighteen miles in
District No. 3.
Subject To Approval
Yesterday’s action was tentative
entirely, its final culmination de-
pending upon detailed plans to be
provided by County Road Engineer
Art Ward, subject to the commis-
sioners' approval, and finally to
the approval of the state highway’
The exact amount to be spent
on the annual oiling project like—
wise is subject to the final detail—
ed plans drawn up by Engineer
Also on the subject of roads,
the county board yesterday passed
a resolution placing $17,188.55 of
unappropriated 1940 gas tax mon-
ey into the road maintenance fund
for use in 1941. The action was
made to conform to state law re-
quiring unexpended road fund
balances from previous years to
be budgeted before they can be
spent in the following year.
Meals, Printing Bids
Bids to furnish meals for coun-
ty prisoners for the year start-
ing with April 19, next, are to be
opened at eleven o’clock March 31
and bids to publish county ad—
vertising and official and legal
publications will be opened on
the same date but at two o’clock,
the board determined yesterday.
Appointment of Harold E. Lake-
burg" to the Masoncminty Plan-
ning Council to fill the seat of I.
H. Woods, who said he would be
unable to serve, was announced by
the board yesterday.
Agate—Scene Of
Boy Scout Court
Of Honor Tonight,
About the closest thing to a
cinch bet today is that Troop
of Agate will win the Getty Court
of Honor Attendance trophy to-
Troop 8 has quite an advantage
over the three Shelton troops and
Troop 11 of Hoodsport inasmuch
as tonight’s court of honor is to
be held in Troop 8’s backyard—-
at the Agate Grange hall, start-
ing at eight o’clock.
When you remember that Troop
8 won the trophy three times in
a row last year when it had to
bring its backers into Shelton to
do so, then you get an idea of
what’s likely to happen tonight
when the court is held at Agate.
Some 22 Scouts of the Shelton
and Agate troops will be awarded
48 advancements at tonight’s
court, plus whatever additional
contributions to the court Troop
11 has to make. No report has
been received on how many Troop
11 Scouts are to come before the
Shelton Scouts and their back-
ers will leave from the Shelton
Hotel at 7:30 tonight with trans-
portation ready for anyone wish-
ing to make the trip.
Transfer of Allan Adams, chief
executive for Tumwater Council,
Boy Scouts of America, to the Se-
attle Area Council effective April
15 leaves Tumwater Council with
the problem of finding a succes-
sor to Adams within the next
At a. meeting of Tumwater
Council officers last Friday in
Olympia the various district chair-
men were designated as a com-
mittee to find a successor to Ad-
ams. Mason County Chairman
Doane Brodie thus is a member
of that committee.
Dr. Eugene Browning, Tumwa-
ter Council commissioner, and Dr.
Ben Briggs, Tumwater Council
camplng and activities chairman,
attended the council executives
meeting from Shelton.
Log Trucker Fined 0n
3 Counts This Morning
Three violations of log trucking
regulations brought Fritz Buechel
of Dayton a $15 fine, plus court
costs, in Justice M. C. Zintheo’s
court this morning. Buechel was
arrested by Officer Sargeant of
the‘ State Highway Department’s
diVlsion of weights and measures
and charged with carrying a load
| Of 1038 which were over his license
State Pa‘ capamty’ over the legal caPaCityi TUESDAY—Kiwanis club
and over the legal length.
when I
l the other ships.
Army and Marines Take to the Air
As r: rt of their process of sprouting wings, candidates for Army
Air Corps commissions start formation flying at Sunnyvale, Calif.
Instructors lead each element of three planes, with students piloting
Swinging through the air from their opened para-
chutes, members of the United States Marine Corps parachute class
drift over the naval air base at Lakehurst, N. J., on a practice jump.
The Mud Bay Logging Com-
pany, which has been a consid-
erable logging railroad operation
dumping in Mud Bay for 31
years, this week cut its last tim-
ber and will be gradually closing
up its affairs and junking its
equipment during the coming year.
However, the three miles of rail-
road touching the salt water will
be continued for another year or
more, giving access to the bay for
that part of the Mason County
Logging output which is mar-
keted on the Sound while the
major output of the company still
goes to the mill at Bordeaux.
With the passing of the Phoenix
Logging Company at Potlatch two
.years ago, and now the Mud Bay
concern, the Simpson Logging
Company of Shelton will be the
last of the great logging con-
cerns which have operated rail-
decade but each dating back for
forty years or more until the tim-
ber within reach has been cut
out and only small scattered tracts
are left for truck logging. The
Simpson Company has a back-
ground of timber of its own for
years ahead, depending on access
to timber in the reserves adjoin-
ing for its larger and longer op-
While the Mud Bay Logging
Company was organized in 1910
when it was incorporated by Mark
Draham, George S. Long and Dan
O’Leary, it was really the suc-
cessor of the Western Washing-
ton Logging Company organized
,by Mark and George Draham and
W. H. Kneeland in 1898, operating
in the Dayton district in Mason
County. And it also dates fur-
ther back to Mark Draham’s first
camps in 1888 on the old Mason
County Central Railroad which
once ran through Isabella Valley
to Lost Prairie, and for the
next decade as the Skookum Tim-
ber Company around Dayton on
the Peninsula Railroad Company.
This company moved to Thurston
County in 1910, following the Ma-
son County Logging Company
which turned to the Black Hills
in 1908.
Mark Draham was the
president of the Mud Bay Com-
TONIGHT—Chamber of Com-
merce March meeting, 6:30 din-
ner at Shelton Hotel, enter-
tainment program featuring
Herb Crisler colored motion
films of Olympic Peninsula and
William. Thorniley advertising
exhibit, p. m., Memorial Hall.
TONIGHT—Commercial League
bowling, 8 p. m., bowling alleys.
TONIGHT—Boy Scout Court of
Honor, 8 p. m., Agate grange
TONIGHT—City council meeting,
p. m., city hall.
TONIGHT—City league basket-
ball, 9:30 p. m., Lincoln gym, 2
games. First opening season’s
championship play off. between
Kimbel Oil and McConkey
TONIGHT—Red Cross Chapter’s
March meeting, 8 p. m., court-
house. Disaster preparedness
pro ram to, be outlined.
FR. AY—V.F.W. post and aux-
iliary meetings, p. m., Mem—
1 orial Hall.
‘FRIDAY—-City league bowling, 7
and 9 p. m., bowling alleys.
SATURDAY—Superior court, 10
a. m., courthouse.
SATURDAY—City league bas-
ketball, 7 p. m., Lincoln gym,
2 games completing regular
MONDAY—County commission-
ers, 10 a. m., courthouse.
MONDAY—Women’s l e a g u e
bowling, 8:15 p. m., bowling al-
I leys.
.MONDAY—H o m e Guard meet-
ing, 7:30 p. m., Bordeauv school
eon, noon, Shelton Hotel.
roads in‘ this district in the last‘
first '
pany, serving until his death in
1930, succeeded by Geo. S. Long,
and after his death by Dan 0’—
Leary, its present president and
manager. In 1910 the operation
employed 125 men and reached its
peak in 1927-9 at 450 men in the
camps and other work. Since
then the operation has tapered off
until only a handful of men are
now employed, and much time lost
through bad markets and labor
troubles through the years, with
scattering timber, left little re-
grets at the wind-up. During the
Operation 26,000 acres were cut
over and 1,500,000,000 board feet
of timber were hauled over the
Some statistician has figured
that taking the- average 30-foot
log, scaling 700 feet, the Mud
Bay Logging Company has haul-
ed ii,.l42,857 logs during its life,
Which laid end to end would cir-
cle half way around the earth.
In these days of big figures this
means little to the average man
who views the loaded log trains
passing by, but reaching colossal
figures of logs and payrolls when
the larger operation of the Simp-
son Logging Company at Shelton
with its longer life and steadier
work might be estimated.
4-H Leaders To
Gather Saturday
In Memorial Hall
The Fourth District 4-H Lead-
ers’ Council will hold its next
meeting at Memorial Hall in
Shelton, Saturday, March 8 be—
ginning at 10:30 a. m.
The program will open with rec-
reation. Other events on the
program will feature a demonstra—
tion, how to train judging teams,
and a talk on the leader project
training program in Pierce coun-
ty. Mr. Henry M. Walker, State
4-121 Club agent, will also be pres-
en .
Mason County leaders will pro-
vide lunch for everyone. 4-H
are asked to contact the exten-
the meeting.
H club
leaders and
day for treatment.
Club leaders in Thurston County
sion office as to whether or not
,they plan to attend the meeting
and if they need transportation to
District IV is composed of Lew-
is, Pacific, Pierce, Mason, Grays
Harbor, and Thurston county 4-
Loren Mercer, 3, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Mercer of Shelton, was
admitted to Shelton hospital Tues-
What to Wear at a Fire
‘Legion’s Questionnaires Filled Out
By About 100 Eli-Service-
men Now; Wivell Post
Members Do Tues.
Can you speak any foreign lan-
Have you had any police, fire
department, or intelligence ser-
Vlce experience?
These are samples of questions
.members of Fred B. Wivell Ameri—
can Legion post answered Tues-
day evening at, their regular meet-
ing, at which time questionnaires
,m the legion’s nation—wide volun-
tary national defense registration
were filled out. ,
Other questions asked include:
Availability Desired
Name and address? Are you
la citizen? Naturalized or native
born? Are you married? How
many dependents have you? What
is your education? What was
your branch of former war serv-
ice? What is your present mili-
tary or naval status? Could you
serve as an interpreter? What
is your present occupation? How
many years have you spent in
your present vocation? What is
the name of your present employ-
er? Will you be available for
service in state troops replacing
national guards? What is your
general physical condition?
An important question boxed
in the center of the form asks
whether the registrant believes
he will be able to answer to any
call for immediate service, for
general service anywhere, restrict-
ed service in home community on-
ly, or on part-time or full-time
The questionnaire registration
form contains queries, Com-
mander John Eliason explains, and
is also a list of 67 specific occu-
pations, professions or trades,
which are checked by each regis-
trant, with a space provided for
writing in vocations not listed.
All War Vets Wanted
So far approximately 100 ques-
tionnaires have been filled out
with about 10 percent being ex-
servicemen not affiliated with the
American Legion. All (ex-service:
men, whether Legion‘naires or‘ not,
are invited to register under the
national defense program mapped
by the Legion, Commander Elia-
son said.
Questionnaires may be Obtained
from Cliff Wivell at the Texaco
Service at First and Franklin.
from Ed Faubert at the Shelton
Hotel, from Harold Lakeburg at
the Western Union office, or from
Herb Angle in th eAngle Building-
Buckingham, Barrett_
Chosen At GrapeVIew
One new and one former direc-
tor were elected at Grapeview .at
Saturday’s annual school district
balloting, County School Supt. J.
E. Martin said today after receiv-
ing the official returns from the
grape center.
Orin Buckingham was re-elect-
ed to the board for a three year
term while Clifford Barrett was
elected to a two year term on the
board. Buckingham received 16 of
18 votes cast, Barrett 14, while
three other persons not. aspirants
for the posts received smattering
Dewatto' and Allyn districts
still are unreported, Supt. Martin
DeMolay Initiation To
Be Held Monday Night
Port Angeles DeMolay chapter
will send its degree team to Shel-
ton next Monday evening tO Put
on intitiatory work as four new
Shelton boys and one from Olym-
pia are initiated into Mark E.
Reed sDeMolay chapter, Master
Councilor Clint Williams announc—
ed today.
at eight o’clock in the, Masonic
If you’re going to a fire, don’t forget your mask. Here are the latest
styles in fire-fighting masks, demonstrated by members of the New
York fire department. Pretty, aren’t they?
The chapter program will start
Twice a Week
Huge Crowd Due
Tonight To See
C of C Program
Memorial Hall may need rub-
ber walls tonight to accomo-
date the crowd expected to
gather for the Shelton Chamber
of Commerce program for its
March meeting.
President Ed Faubert says in-
dications point to a capacity
gathering with the demand for
chairs stronger than the supply.
Attractions are the 1939 and
1940 editions of the famous
Herb Crisler colored motion
pictures of the Olympic Penin-
sula and the unique display of
advertising material used by the
Olympic Peninsula Hotel and
Resort Owners Ass’n in adver-
tising the peninsula's attractions
to tourists throughout the na-
tion. The display was put to-
gether by William O. Thorniley,
president ,of the association. It
requires five hours of'work by
a couple of experienced workers
to set the unique display up.
The Memorial Hall part of the
Chamber program starts at
7:45 o’clock, following the usual
6:30 dinner in the Shelton Hotel
banquet room. The public is in-
vited to attend either or both
parts of the program.
Volume Grows steadily; Record
Daily Total Set Yester-
day at $971 Cash
During the first quarter of op-
eration of the surplus food stamp
plan in Mason County, a total vol-
ume of $9,200 in cash has been
spent by eligible participants for
which they received food stamps
worth an added $4600, or a total
of $13,800, in food, Miss Joyce
West, food stamp clerk, reported
this week.
February was the biggest month
of the three the plan has been in
operat on in this area with $3,212
worth of orange stamps purchas-
ed with which $1,606 in free blue
stamps‘r-ms given. The month's
total involved 276 transaction ,in
which 194 families or 661 persons
Were participants, Miss West’s re-
cords indicate.
March was off to a booming
start, too, for yesterday saw a new
single day’s volume record set af—
ter $971 in cash had been paid for
orange food stamps, to which
$465.50 worth of blue food stamps
were added for a total single day's
value of $1,436.50.
Under the fo‘od stamp plan or-
ange stamps are exchangebale at
all stores participating in the plan
for any item of food carried by the
store, while the free blue stamps
are exchangeable for any of a list
of designated “surplus” foods. On-
ly public assistance recipients are
eligible to participate in the food
stamp plan and receive the 50 per
cent increase in purchasing power
on food supplies which the plan
brings to them. For each dollar’s
worth of orange stamps purchas-
ed by the participants 50 cents
worth of blue stamps are added
free under the food stamp pia
The quarterly figures on he
stamp plan volume here:
Orange, Blue Total
Feb. ._._$3212.00 $1606.00 $4818.00
Jan. .... .. 3069.00 1534.50 4603.50
Dec. 2919.00 1459.50 4378.50
Total.... $9200.00 $4600.00 13800.00
The food stamp office in the
social security building has now
been open 61 days. During the
first month it was open five days
a week but during the past two
months it has been open only three
days each week, Monday, Wednes-
day and Friday, from 1:30 to 4:30
Huerby Purchases
Wakefield Building
Purchase of the one-story build-
ing at Fifth and Railroad from M.
L. Wakefield of Aberdeen was
completed this week by Al Huer-
by Motors, local authorized Ford
dealer, Mr. Huerby announced to-
The building was formerly oc-
cupied by Huerby Motors several
years ago prior to its move to its
present quarters at First and
Pine. The purchase was made as
an investment, Mr. Huerby said.
Permits For Additions
To Home, Store Taken
Two building permits issued this
week by City Auditor Gordon Hen-
dry were taken out by W. F. Mc-
Cann for a $100 addition to his
home at 619 Cascade street on
Hillcrest, and by George Cooke for
a $500 addition to the Cooke Feed
and Seed store building at 219
South First street.
Fred Smith, injured in an acci-
dent at the Studebaker Logging
camp two weeks ago, was re-
leased from Shelton hospital yes—
E. D. Payne, Mason County’s
largest Christmas tree shipper,
was admitted to Shelton hospital
Tuesday for treatment.
New Truck, First Of Its Type To
Be Delivered In IVest; Fast-
er, More Powerful Than
Old One
Streamlined, highpowered, trim
and nifty looking, Shelton’s sec-
ond fire engine arrived here yes-
terday afternoon and was prompt-
ly dubbed “Snow White” by Fire
Chief Dean Carman.
That’s for the spotless white
paint job the new flame fighting
vehicle possesses. Lettering and
trim is in gold. ,
The new engine was driven down
from Tacoma yesterday by A. D.
Quinn, field engineer for the
American-LaFrance company, best
known manufacturers of fire en-
gines in the United States, and
F. E. O’Neill, Northwest district
sales manager, who sold the engine.
to the City of Shelton some three
months ago. The city purchased
the machine for $4,405.73 on bid.
To Be Tested Friday
The new engine is to be intro-
duced to the city's crew of volun-
teer fire fighters tonight ‘and to-
morrow will be put through offic-
ial tests under the eyes of state.
officers before it will be for-
mally accepted by city authori-
Quinn will remain here until
Chief Carman and his crew are
thoroughly familiar with~the ma-
chine and are satisfied they know
how to operate it fully and com-
Although the new engine, at 158
inches, has the same wheel base
as the old machine, the new ma-
chine will have to take the inside
stall at the fire hall because the
body is longer and the aluminum
hook ladders extend out farther
to the rear than do the ladders
on the old red engine.
Powerful Motor
Features of the new engine are
a 95-horsepower Mercury motor,
compared with the (SO-horsepower
motor of the old machine, dual
rear wheels equipped with spec-
ial traction-grip tread tires, 3
heavy duty generator with volt
control such as is used in police
cars, a 500-gallon pump as com-
pared with tlre‘ 450 gallon pump
of the old machine, a loo-gallon
water tank (same as on the old
engine), 1200 feet of hose as.
compared with 1000 feet on the
old engine, a windshield and doors
to the open cab, neither of which
the old machine possesses, and
numerous other minor pieces of
equipment. Its added power
makes the new machine a better
hill climber and a faster engine
than the old.
It is the first machine of its
particular type to be delivered in
the west, according to Mr. O’-
Neill. It was constructed at the
American-LaFrance factory in
Almira, New York, and shipped
to Tacoma. Mr. Quinn drove frdm
Salt Lake City to make the de-
livery and instruct the Shelton
fire department in its handling
and operation.
The old engine was purchased
by the city in 1927 and is a How-
ard-Cooper company model.
Acquisition of this second engine
by the city fire department is
the first step which may lead
eventually to a. reduction in fire
insurance rates here. The $50,-
000 extension and improvement to
the city’s water system will be
another, when completed.
Lecture Sunday
Upon Christian
Science, 3:00 pm.
Another in the series of annual
lectures on Christian Science
sponsored by the Christian Science
Society of Shelton will be held
next Sunday afternoon in the
Shelton junior high school audi-
torium starting at three o’clock.
Florence Middaugh, C. S., of
Los' Angeles, a member of the
board of lectureship of the mo-
ther church at Boston, will be the
lecturer with her topic, “Chris-
tian Science: It’s Practice and
The public is cordially invited
to attend by the local society.
Several previous lectures spon-
sored by the Shelton society have
brought more - than - capacity
crowds to the junior high aud-
itorium, with interested perso 3
coming from all over Southw st
Washington, the Olympic Penin-
sula and as far as Tacoma to lis-
The lecture is free.
Quartet Attend—40 & 8
State Wreck in Seattle
H. E. Lakeburg, E. H. Faubert,
E. F. Martin and Walt Nash of
Fred B. Wivell American Legion
post and members of the Thurs-
ton-Mason Voiture of 40 & at-
tended the state-wide 40 dz 8
Wreck in Seattle last weekend.
James White of Shelton was
admitted to Shelton hospital for
treatment Wednesday. ‘
Fred Myers of Shelton was re-
leased from Shelton hospital Wed-