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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Two You'll have to TELL —-— 11' you want to SELL — Journal DANCE at DAYTON Saturday Mar. 8 Music by Four Aces Gents 35¢ —- Ladies 10¢ HOME FINANCING TERMS Now LOWEST IN HISTORY OF U. S. Seattle, March 6 — How an in- crease as small as one percent in interest may mean a difference of ten percent or more in the total cost of a home, is pointed out by the Federal Housing Administrat- ion in support of its contetion that home financing today is less costly than ever before. he made on an FHA insured mort- gage, it was explained by Clark R. is 4V: percent interest, plus one- half percent mortgage insurance premium, both computed on out— standing declining balances. “Few people realize that an ap- parently trifling difference in in- terest rates makes a very consid- erable difference in the final cost of home ownership”, declared State Director Jackson. “Rates most frequently quoted for this Steele’s CUT-RATE ECONOMY DRUG STORE Film Developing Free 2 5 Enlargement .. C Phillip’s Tooth Paste 50¢ With Dish .1, M __—__—____ .______.___..— ICITY MARKET BUTTER GRADE “A” LARGE EGGS Heavy Mineral Oil Bring Container. Cigarettes ctn. 1.55 All Popular Brands. Gum and Candy 3/10¢ Tooth Brushes 19¢ gal. 1.39 LARGE STOCK MODEL AIRPLANES (8):: Table Tooth Paste —— Hand Lotion Shave Cream —— Wave Set Hair Tonic Witch Hazel Shampoo —- Bay Rum 2 (101. The maxium charge which may: Jackson, FHA State Director, now ‘ z—lbs. ,form of financing are frational, ranging from six percent down to :41/2 percent, an inconsequential ivariation in the opinion of many ‘ borrowers. “However, a little figure clearly shows that a difference of only lone percent in the rate a home ,buyer pays for his money may mean a difference of ten percent ,or more in the total cost of his lhome. Icharge is five percent, which is [maxium cost under the Federal lHousing plan. On a monthly amortized, direct reduction loan carrying FHA insurance, the bor- rower will pay $7,920 over a per- »iod of 20 years. “With exactly the same kind of loan, without FHA insurance, and at six percent interest, he would lpay $8,604. The $684 difference is more than 13 percent interest of would mean an increase of more than 8% percent in the total even— tual cost of his home.” A similar transaction consum- mated before FHA-insurance mort- gage were made available through approved local lending institutions as follows according to FHA offi- cials. First mortgages for $2400 at six percent, or more, interest; second mortgages for $1,850 at seven per- cent, and third mortgages for $750 on which interest might range from seven to ten percent. Usually they were written on one—year notes, which required complete re- financing, with title search and accumulating charges, at least every five years. In both instances, it was declar- ed, the down payment is assumed to be $600. In contrast to multiple mortgages, high interest rates and repetition of financing charges, it was pointed out that a single long term FHA-insured mortgage may be completely paid off and the en- tire $5,000 indebtedness wiped out with payments averaging less than a dollar a day, without secondary 1financing or ever renewing the mortgage loans. RELEASED BY HOSPITAL James Klink of Shelton was re- leased from Shelton hospital Wed- lnesday and Leslie Wyers an d .Louis A. Duncan were released Tuesday after receiving treatment for several days. 75c 59c SNOWDRIFT 3—lbs. 49c Toilet TISSUE 5rolls 19¢ SALT Plain or Iodized 3pkgs. 25¢ CORN, PEAS, STR. BEANS 3cans......25¢ Wheaties ................. pkgs. 23¢ Campbell’s Pork and Beans . ....... ..-6 Cans 49¢ Rinso ................. .. ............. ._ pkg. 19¢ Wax Paper ................ ..2 rolls 29¢ Matches ......... ..... .. carton 15¢ Sodas 2—1bs. 27¢ Grahams. 2-lbs. 29¢ VEGETABLES . Rhubarb . ._ 2-lbs. 15¢ Beef ‘ Beef Boil Fresh Ground Shoulder Lean V2 or Whole B_acon..... EATING Oranges 3'doz. 49¢ Bananas. . . 3-1bs Lemons .. doz. 19¢ . 19¢ Pure Lard . Onion Sets. 3-lbs. 25¢ CITY MARK T m PM“ “PM a real-Hal" meeting Mini“ MEATS Pot Roast lb. Hamburger lb. 15c Roast-Pork lb. Frankfurters ....llb. Pork Steaks . . . .. lb. Mutton Steaks . . . . lb. M.J.B. COFFEE 3-lbs. . . . 73¢ 190 lb. 13c 19¢ ... lb. 24¢ 18¢ 20¢ 15¢ 25¢ . . . 3-lbs. “For example, assume a mort-lthat city. :gage amounts to $5,000 and thelbe considered a pioneer of this I events here and A children of Skokomish Valley were ‘Mr. and Mrs. Willard Morris and SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Property Sales At Union Move Rapidly Of Late Union, March 5. ~— There have been a number of sales of prop- erty in this district recently. M. C. Stark has purchased the home of M. L. Anderson. The Ander— son furniture was moved to Ta- coma on Tuesday to the new home of the Andersons and Mrs. An- derson left that day to join her husband who is in business in Mr. Anderson might town having made this his head- quarters for many years. At one time he had a pile—driver and kept quite a crew busy. He has always been connected with con- struction work and the commun-, ity regrets there is not work off this kind to keep these good peo- ple here. Mrs. Anderson, before her marriage, was with Miss East- wood at Alderbrook Inn. She was clerk of the school board for sev- eral years and this past year has been very active in the Hood Canal Woman’s Club. Both will be greatly missed by not only this “New Arrival community but throughout the entire county where they have made many friends. Mr. Stark the purchaser, who owns the “Waterwheel Grocery," does not plan to live on the place at present but will possibly have a renter there and eventually have a chicken ranch, a line Mr. Stark is very familiar with. George McHenry sold his home on Sunday to a party from Brem- erton, who will not take possess- ion for some time. Mr. McHenry is going to paint the house for them. Mr. Gibason has sold his “Gi- badel" property to Thos. Krotzer who is now busy making improve- ments and plans to operate the Tavern there. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Allison have recently sold their old summer home, which is next door to Yacht~ haven. The purchaser is Mrs. Velpha Galloway of Hoquiam, who will take possession on March 15th. Mrs. Jessie Anderson was feted with a tea at the home of Mrs. Stark on Monday afternoon when a few close friends of Mrs. An- derson’s gathered together to bid her farewell and to wish her well in her new home. Several games were played with honors going to Mrs. Fred Short and Miss Flagg for speed and accuracy. Mrs; McGee assisted Mrs. Stark in serving the delicious creations of several who helped with the impromptu affair. At the tea ta- ble, Mrs. Lucy Trout shared honors with Mrs. Anderson when she was presented with the birth- day cake to cut and was also the recipient of several gifts in hon- or of her birthday. Mrs. Ander- son was presented with a very lovely local scene by those pres- ent who were Mrs. Short, Mrs. Deemer, Mrs. Nosworthy, Mrs. Lud Anderson, Mrs. Robichau, Mrs. Mc— Gee, Mrs. Trout, Mrs. Stark, Mrs. Taylor and Mrs. Rosenthal. Mrs. Anderson gave each one a.,self— addressed envelope with the 'request that all write her stating she would always be interested in expressed regret at leaving the hbme and friends. Mrs. John McMurray has been called away by the serious ill- ness of her brother. Mrs. Marie Wilt who has, been away taking care of her mother, came over Monday to rent her large home to Leroy Saujet and family. Mrs. Wilt has reserved a small home for her own occu- pancy. Mrs. Lucy Trout received bad news last Saturday when word came that her son who is attend- ing McMinnville College had been injured in an automobile accident. “His arm was broken and his head cut, but it was thought there were no internal injuries which was fortunate as the car was badly wrecked. Mrs. Trout is spending a few days with her daughter in Aberdeen. Guests at the Nosworthy home lare Mr. and Mrs. Crist Engler of Mount Vernon. Mrs. Engler is a sister of Mrs. Nosworthy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Pike with their two children and Mrs. Kat- herine Walker of Seattle were guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Lud Andersen. Mr. and Mrs. Pike plan to build a summer COtr tage on their property situated on the hill by the Al Martin place. Mrs. Pike and Mrs. Walker are neices of Mrs. Andersen. Thursday of last Week, Mrs. Ge- neva Short entertained the 6X- ecutive board of the Hood Canal Woman’s club with a luncheon at her home at which time Mrs. Jes- sie Anderson resigned as Publicity chairman of the club. There were ten present who after a brief business session, joined the Gar— 'den club members at Alderbrook where the hostess Miss Flagg. escorted them to the beautiful home “Dunrovin” owned by close friends of Miss Flagg and Miss Eastwood. In spite of the rain, it was a beautiful setting for a gar- den club and all were euthusiastic. An interesting program was ar- ranged for the members. Mrs. Daviscourt told of the new plants and flowers in the seed catalogs for this year and a round table discussion of care and planting of flowers and a reading of herb uses and planting followed. Mrs. Linscott brought a beautifully ar- ranged center piece of spring flowers for all to enjoy and same was taken to Mrs. Herb Dickinson of Hoodsport, president of the club who was unable to be present due to illness. : Mr. and Mrs. Ed Woolsey and weekend guests of Mrs. Woolsey's sister, Mrs. Francis Wright. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Morris and their children, were over from Yakima Saturday and Sunday to visit relatives, Mr. Morris is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morris and Mrs. Jim Morris is an aunt of Mrs. Harley Neldon and Fran- cis Wright. Carroll McHenry has been calll- ed for training and will leave on the 24th of this month. The Hood Canal Improvement At the Reagans One of Hollywood’s newest ba- bies faces the camera early. She’s Maureen Elizabeth Reagan, pic— l:ured with her mother, actress Zane Wyman, wife of Ronald Reagan. day. After'a short business meet- ing, games were arranged by Mrs. Bierbrauer. There were several school children there who enter« ed into the spirit of the games making it a very pleasant evening for all who attended. Rea Standwold suffered a par- tail stroke on her right side last week, and is convalescing at the home of her father, Mr. D. C. Matthews. Miss Hoffman has retired from active teaching and is living at her home in Hoodsport. Mrs. Shull's brother, Rev. Dur- ham of Tacoma will give sermons at the Hoodsport gym following Sunday school on March 9th and March 16th. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Nance left Tuesday morning for Woodson, Oregon, for a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Siegel and children. They plan to return Thursday. Mr. Sceva of Lake Cushman has been quite ill and is now confined to Bridges Clinic in Tacoma. Hartley Barber, accompanied by Ray Dillenberg returned Tuesdayl from a trip to Visalia, California, Where they went to see Hartley’s mother, Mrs. Neal Barber. Leslie Wyers of Potlatch, George Meyers of Lake Cushman, and Oscar Ahl of Hoodsport, are all confined to the Shelton General Hospital. Willy Kilby of Seattle spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. Kilby in Hoodsport. Dinner guests of Mr.'and Mrs. W. R. Anderson on Tuesday eve~ ning were Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hilligoss, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Lock- wood and Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Dickinson. Wesley Johnson of Port Angeles is staying with his parents while Working at the testing station in Shelton, which was open on Mon- day, Tuesday and Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Daniels and son,~ David, spent Sunday in Port Angeles visiting with Mr. Mrs. Gerald Lunt and others. Mr. and Mrs. Kent and daugh— ter, Joan of Wintroop, visited Mrs. Kent’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Reed of Lake Cushman on Monday and Tuesday. Joan will stay for a prolonged visit. Mr. and Mrs. Gilmore returned from Tacoma Sunday with mother, Mrs. Paul, who will visit them indefinitely. Test Your 1; Q. IJERE are five questions to test ‘your knowledge; how many of them can you answer cqrrectly? 1. What is the oldest branch of the United States armed forces? 2. On shipboard, what time is four bells? , 3. What is a palimpsest? . 4. Which state is often called the Coyote State? 5. In the 1940 football season there were many comparisons be- t' 'een Tom Harmon and Red Grange. Can you tell what uni- versity each played for? ANSWERS T0 ‘ Test Your I. Q. 1. Oldest branch of U. S. armed forces is the marine corps. . 2. Four bells may be 2, or 10 a. m. or p. m. l 3. A palimpsest is a parchment on which the original writing has been rubbed out, and new writing substituted. 4. South Dakota is the Coyote State. 5. Tom Harmon played for the University of Michigan; Red Grange for the University of Illinois. :STRAIGHT . v BOURBON ' 4 YEARS ' “PIN? l gnu... , . a, \ sw- V Iranians unruly "batik" andl her 1 Danger In Bill , Before Senate l I Tacoma, March 1. e Showdown on a bill to prohibit dumping of pulp mill waste into Puget Sound waters, which pqu men say would force closure of two plants here employing 750 men, is expected when the measure reaches the :Senate rules committee at Olym- pm. That probably will be soon, it indications that the bill, intro- Iduced by Sen. H. N. Barney Jack- Ison, was due to be reported out' of the fisheries committee with. a recommendation for passage. There is no known method of lmeeting the requirements of the measure and the St. Regis Kraft and Rayonier plants in Tacoma ,iwould be forced to close up, the lpulp men declared. They re- ‘ferred to a situation in Shelton in which the pulp waste is pump-l led over a hill, but they explained 'such a method of disposal is im~ possible in Tacoma, that there is no place to pump it. Pulp mills throughout the Pu-~ get Sound area which have spent ,many millions on equipment and {maintain large payrolls, would be dealt a severe blow should such“ a bill be passed, they asserted. [These plants are lining up for a 'vigorous fight against the meas- ure which has received support- from commercial and sports fish-i lermen who claimed chemicals from the mills were destroying fish, oysters and other shellfish. Passage of the measure not only would affect the plants, but the logging industry, which supplies lthem and the many hundreds of persons and small commercial concerns which the mills support through their payrolls, it was pointed out. The state of Wiscon- sin has been working for 15 to 20‘ years on the disposal problem and no solution yet has been reached, the pulp men declare. Opponents of the measure said they had not been given proper consideration, after a hearing be- fore Jackson’s committee. In- Isufficient notice of the. hearing was given to permit response from! the hundreds who would be ad- versely affected, they declare. They are prepared to carry their fight through the Senate and into the House if necessary, opponents Iof the bill assert. I RECEIVING TREATMENT Clement Boudreau of the Shel- lton Bakery was admitted to the Ihospital for treatment. NEW RELIEF FOR RHEUMATISM Probably you know several remedies to relieve acid stomach Iand acid-indigestion, Bisma-Rex, a new delicious tasting antacid powder, acts four ways to give you relief in a few minutes. It's wonderful the way it helps you. Buy a bottle of Bisma—Rex for 50c !at the Rexall Drug Store-Gor-, don’s Shelton Pharmacy. l . tities of testing substances. was declared Thursday following Rats for Research One of the chief reasons why rats are used extensively in biological re- search is that, owing to their size, they require only minimum quan- ' J For ex- ample, in a recent experiment on a small number of these rodents, pro- tein fed to them, in the form of purified amino acids, cost $50,000. If the experiment had been made on' the same number of rabbits, this food would have cost $500,000. Greatest Milk Drinkers The people of the United States are the greatest consumers of milk in the Western hemisphere. PORK Sausage Lard . . . Pickled Pigs Feet . Pork Liver lb. 1 Smoked l 2-LB. SUNNY JIM 2-LB. SUNNY JIM BORENE GRADE “A” LARGE EGGS 2 -_-- WWW—m, ...—— LIBBY’S STRING l ( LIBBY’S l I l TISSUE 3Rolls ...... .. 13¢ Cans ........ ..- COFFEE Chase &. Sanborn Lb. .............. .. GELATIN P’nul utter Apple Butter WASHING POWDER—GIANT SIZE HONEY 5-Ibs. .DEVILED MEAT cis 0 Friday, Saturday and Monday If l54¢fYralue > 39c pkg. 57c doz. 55c LARGE Beans anns 29,, Rinso pkg- 1| . LIBBY or DEL MONTE—Large . , Peas zeans Pineappleca“: LARGE LEMONS doz. FIRM, GREEN LETTUCE 2 has. ' 1 DOZEN IN SHOPPING BAG GRAPEFRUIT FULL SHOPPING BAG KIN‘GS, WINESAPS, ROMES APPLES LARGE BUNCHES CARROTS NO. 1 I pkgs. ...... .. Thursday, Mar lb. 1" . PEAC 43¢ 2.... _. ' i ch" l"Sday, -8, V I 7/ . v.Ib.A r, o ..¢ 9 o O l NE