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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page Four SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL h -. . . . -... - , .1. Site Takes "*9 . lCheese Consum two I ' FT i Kill Devil hill, the dune on the j I 3&1, t! 1 Y ,Shelton I North Carolina banks from which i ncrea‘ses ercen I _ _ I D‘ I the Wright brothers made the first i Pmple are gal—ting more che'eqc V Consolidated Wlth The Shelton lndelzendent I , ‘ dncers Listen [ airplane flight. has moved about 50 Totél conéumption mag/aged ‘36! Inuit-red (is second—class matter at ll)" D()Sl(llll(‘.\' at bllcllon. Washington I . I ELOPED Y‘rds smce the event- 1percent during the past decadewr, Subscrlptlon Rates; l by D1. John Hamlev I DEVPR'NTED ghnuhi lfI'Om 567,592,000 pounds in 1930’ I . ‘ L r Q. ’_ .. P _, ‘ .‘ .‘ . V a, i in ' ‘4‘ , _‘ , i __~ on 770,003,900 pounds in use. shrill.liliglldisllfhl l 5332.2;‘n‘i‘i‘ffiil {;3¥r;‘.$if‘“rl$2§;’lg By Una “new i Dmcwrv U- of W- Arbomum Russo . SaV I }1E1‘1CY‘{37215:5 0ft €30,012? tons, :33: , regulations”l‘ol‘biICl rcsiilcgls ol'_lSlll:~ltoll survcd by city mall carrier from, Shelton Valleyy March 5_ “s l Plus if" , i. la 0 c ureau o g‘rl— , erlrlvmg ieir .ouma _,y hilt} .. 0" v j ‘ . 'There was another large crowd , , . . . . l i I e.mtural Economics. Frost tiof the; Slit lion. we pm mouth (COllL.C'LLd by carrier) at Saturday night,s dance to IKOPAGATSFHSUIEEOWERING l! Free enlarger“ ‘ crease was n consum ion 0 . l, , _ l , ,. s . They Bring. c°mf°rt lislllgr‘lcall or oheddar chpeese ~— _., . publLShed everycTPeSdaggmqnThurSday-afternoon tgipr:;thorl‘lch)e€sggkeyligl—I very Often gardeners want to mg the months mentioned it is Yourcz‘hz‘i’ge °N~ WAS and Happiness .fmm 615 el-Cent 0f the total in ‘ ""“““‘“”" "““””’"‘"“""‘"’ “"’::’——“"”_“*““" l L ' i. 1 propagate some particularly val— best to make up the cuttings as i ‘ FUNERAL DESIGNS AND l 1930 to‘ 72% percent of the total GRANT 0- ANGLE J‘ EBER ANGLE Iaiilgmggkea Ogafigy r§2:;{?.t"1vhl‘i§; luable flowering tree or s h rub above, tie them into convenient negatwe HOSPITAL BOUQUETS ljn 19351 The development of pro- Editor Manager lmade a hit with’the danéers was gthat is growing in their lalld— sized bundles and cover them‘ run . Delivered anywhere’ anytime icess Cheese- he commentsv has “0 Member of \Vashington Nt‘WSIh’LDl: Publishers' Association lcomPosed recently by LYle laarn- lscape plantings' To many the completely .in a qu Of mmst sand' ' I r g at 7: ,doubt been a factor Stimulating and Nan-0h,“ Editorial Association 'hart, popular guitarist in thc or-igreat Joy of plant culture lies in until the sod outSlde can be work- 1:15 Iconsumption ‘of American cheese. chestra. itlllls tfieltdrdn the starting of new led. p 1 . ~ “ pan s rough the use of some: Shelton Hardware BIdg, V Mls. L. G. Shelton and Mrs. . 1 . , _______ ,_ phone 232 270_W If you Wish to Sen you-h Have THOUGHT FOR NEW INDUSTRIES .J. A, Roles of Shelton, .spent Slgglfin:n%e%eiigf;bleAgiglfiodiax d g to Ten__J0uma1 WanbAds. 1 {Thursday at Echo Farm. With Mrs. [even int-0 A “I obi 1t , ,H.MA. Wénigr and falm‘ly' take cutting: of1 nilfingossuh new; I . 1'. an rs. J. A. Shafer visit-l ' 1;.“ i 'l'—‘. The gradual fading out of the Mud Bay Log-«ed Friday evehihg at Dayton with lslll‘iibs(-l They will be made of the . . , . , . ' . , r ) 1 , ,i' . .' " lglng Company Whose operations have been With- Mr. and Mrs- J- 5- Carman- mm” manned W001 and are my . . . . . . I Onl 17 votes were cast at “at- generally called “hardWOOGH Cllt'l ,‘m observation for thirty years past, while this hrdayI; school election, and ATmaltmgs. The method is ideal for a . . . . . .'lar e numb r f the be t s ' | Baker, wth no com etltlon, wasl . g . C ,0 S pecms opei atlon was not tributary to Shelton, sounds a-electéd again as dirgctor, for a Since it combines the element ofl iwarning to this once heavily timbered SGCtlon,‘three-year term . 'SimpllCIlE-V With “will? effgctlve-I . _ Ard. B tt h f ness. 5 success wi epen upon 33nd to the loggers WOI‘k _1n the industry, thatlSeattlgeFrfgg; neighmto aggmsggfi [three principal factors, the plant the hey—dey of the Industry Is also SlOle fading the weekend with her parents, Mr. giggles; the QEHSlIllton 0f mall WOOGi‘ ‘ ' and Mrs. Dewey Bennett, and e 51“ a_“y 0f ‘6 Sm . and attention of men and communities must 1n,other relatives_ Helen Robinson where the cuttings are pinged, 1h ,time turn to other industries and occupat10ns. Iof Shelton, was a visitor at Echo,§:géf‘;3né°t;hi mil flactlor ,lt Will i . .‘ lF 1 y d th ‘1 d_ la n0 3. S'II‘UDS can The communities which have been largely; ahfiTs,a1§Zterull§r§flinge gramme be multiplied by this means. How- idependent on lumber must begin to think of newllsabel1a ValleY» Spent Thumdavy we“ 3“ surpnsmg number of the I t R t th H- m (15 WW popular types Will respond beauti- lndustries to take the place of sawlogs and lum-3.,3T'gfigfieaxneefahdfg an ‘ Ifully. The cuttings are made i . V . . . _ M ‘d Mrs. J. A. Shafer' on about 8 or 10 inches long and 1t lber, and of fruit, berries, poultry, dairy and de l the :puar'lof the moment, drove tolis always best to use only the ivelopment of the S011, which, after all, was thelpee Ell Sunday to visit their one-year-Old branches Wood that . . . . Ison‘ Albert Shafer, and famil is two or more years old is very source from which the communities were first,and found! upon arriving, theft hard and ehherwihhotform new built up and found subsistence, but which in the Mr. and Airs. Shafer had started roots at all or will produce them: i I . . ' ‘ I' n a for Shelton to VlSlt them. The too SIOWIY and Ill tOO Small a , . , later yea s has bee l rgely neglected for the t 0 fa mes finally 8, at theyquanhty to assure the rapid es, has. All on; values. higher pay jobs. snare, home here late that after. tablishment of the plant. Plant? “I I , . . . . . l- f S d or and a the cuttings in a part of the ar , I Just now logging is enjoying a return to its 2383 Vf’s‘zt. ““ ay supp Iden where they will be protegted: hey-dey demand and a temporary stimulationi Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Phillips oflfmm Wind and Sun and where W" . Sh 1t - ~t d E h Farm 5 1. soil is deep, light and well drain-‘ lthrough war-time and emergency needs, and the urfafnev‘gfih; C a led. They should be inserted to a workmen have been making the most of the op—l .Mr- and Mrs- Vearl Bennctt and Idem“ equal to 2/3 0‘" 3/4 0f the”; - - - ch'ldre , Earl no and Bill, werellengthi leaVlng allow; 01‘ 3 bUdSI portunity to earn good wages, but it is well to minors" in Evita“ one day lastiabove the soil level. , ive thou ht t . . Iweek' It. is important that the soil" g g 0 conditions of the future when 3, Walter Cooke, who was a V10 he hght; mlx m plenty of sand; Vslow-down will no longer make high wages possi-{thh of the intestinal flu during and be certain that .no water‘ ‘ble and a normal balance between production;the weekend, is “P and about his‘s‘ands about the Cuttings' Th“ ll“ l n c l s! Rufflch Priscilla!!! Tailored P:Llll‘l.‘ & Smart Pairs! Mal'quiscttc Pt» I The freshest, (-l‘ispcst curtains over to catch a breeze! Panels of Crown 3 Tested rayons! Net pairs in hand- some weaves! Marquisctlc prisell- _ farm work a am. matter of good drainage is ex-l costs and consumer ability to pay, and wages as Mr, and mi. Howard Robinson triple? lgpogtagt. f t ' f Sh 1t -S~t d Sunda ev - s o e in s o ornamen all, well as prlges WIH fouow the Slump‘ _ jSling vfitfinthzlhvlgnsor and leewrfyIShrubs that respond to this treat-‘ ' There IS room for many new industries basedlBennett families. inf-mt. it would be possible to Com-- D n To Earth p .ces for These . ' ' - ' Mrs. Charle Baker cntcrtain- pie a very long list- Most of . W ' "- . I? on the lower grade timber Wthh is still quiteed Sunday in gone, 0, he, daugh_ them would he deciduous Species :tunnlng New Spring‘Curtalns ! Iplentiful, and on the new products now being ter, Jean's thirteenth birthday. (those that lose their leaves m“ -. Efigéfliiie:“°(§a3332tileoFs?l§i worked out in scientific laboratories, but it is un- T’m" enfiyngthe bgthdaty, in" {Efveéalt’vefgli’é‘éh‘sgh533323133 AW “mm-*1“ Pam“ You 0 - . . . , r rs. we come , r- . ~ ._ save! fortunate that little attention ls beln id to Hi8 wzfrid iheBenbhett Mr. Ba- lish ivy. evergreen privet. and; ' g pa d ce Ke t . .- l i . . km. and the honor nest and English laurel, will also respond: them or any encouragement given for investment hostess Mollie and kam 0.13,,“ satisfactorily. Chief among tho, and experiment in new industries; just now the were also in for refreshments in deciduous types would be such! :l- ' ' ' - th ft r d hour or tw 'as mock orange, deutzia, many of; government is borrowmg and spending Without ofeplaay? “0°” “1 a“ the spiraeas and harbmies, red’, SHEER and AlRYkég/ RAYON CHIFFON a ‘Stlht for war emergenc but h 1 .- ~ ~ ll w and reen-barked do oods V“ :0 l . y 0 erS no e p to prl I Mrs. Ina Fort was oxei from ye 0 8' EW , V l _ . . , _ i . p, . vate capital upon which the life and actIVity ‘of Tamma and Spent “‘0 Weekend and “‘0 “‘0' . MARQUISET’E. . With her parents, Mr. and Mrs. w— , g d the future must depend. 'E. A. Rutledge. \ : . y . _. 3H —~———— Mrs. Estella Holman and Mrs. E Mom’t‘my AVO‘ded I , . . . VVeathel‘ Sealed to stay , 0N E‘ I IDewey Bennett called on Mr. and1 Although the difference in average I . . longer and resist spO' A A 1 W ‘ Mrs. Gordon McKay at Dayton temperatures between the warmest? ,/ Tl“ i '- stains. Made of CEO M Friday afternoon and gave them and coolest months in Puerto Rico . £55, Tested Rayons. ~48” WI, . a goodbye gift, two cushions from! is less than six degrees, the people i ." ' ‘ the local grangc. . , living there change from light to While opinions vary about whether or not: M, and Mrs, Frank WandellI dark clothes when the" seasnns MONKS CLOT this section saw enough sunshine to ‘ ' l' l . i . i x * shadow the were. out from. Shelton Mondayl change. They find it becomes mo- i New 89"”9 Groundhog 0n first day out, we recall just alfi‘éiflng for 3' V‘s”; at the Wmsorl notonous to wear light-colored cloth- shades' 8y2'10% ‘7‘ fleeting glimpse of the Sun before the day Was Mrs. Charley Baker visited with ing‘heyea‘am‘md'evenlhoughlhe H, wide ------------------ l- DUNE 3" Expensive Looking ‘ _ . . temperature does not require a "' C nthi Sli s ' - . h I b 11. y a p over, but perhaps he missed it for the entire 13$er Beggdfiggggg :‘ftgrfioosfi e “I change. Jean Neora Dresses 98¢ month of February brought only three inches of Mr. and Mrs. Haroldthzgam; (if If W‘fpays ml 3.98 Rayon Crepe ' ~ v - T ll you 1 - [remand no cold weather worth mention. Except,l...i°‘32:k:”if§m°: Libidaay. e a Iadvertise—place a Want-Ad in the y gigéthf‘g‘a’t‘gf £53,210“ 1“ giifflgg- 11%," f0? 11ght showers one day March has come in like Mrs Dewey Bennett accompat- lloumall i " ____~_g_—y—°‘—__ Sizes 32-34 ’ nied Mrs. A. J. Anderson of Ma - . K it R ‘a lamb, and .so far this has been the mildest and lock to Smith. the first of the Ad EITMCS the finest Winter in the memory of the oldest in—lWeek where they are spending 0“ d a , l habitant ’a few days as the guests of the, 0 M E ' _ _ _ latter's daughter, Miss Louisa An— . For Smooth Fit And Long But California, the sunny state, has lost its $5333» at the Keystone Apart: Wear. Adonna Vests .... .. 49¢ reputation entirely With three heavy rain and Mr; J_ A, Sham, Wh0 was L O A N S “WW 'flood spells during the month of Washington’s taken suddenly ill in the night Handba s d eath— d - Monday. is much improved. Dr. - g. goo or, an was also beset With Wind- Com e 1 out from - * c~ 98 Le pt was “Med 0 Convenient Terms ¢ storms from the sea, all domg great damage to town to attend her. Advance spring styles in ' . M . H. A. W' 's'ted Mon- lpl'operty and In many places stopping all traffic; day riifternoon diffirnli‘and Mrs. lnearly three inches in one day to equal the samelE- A- Rutledge. .t m f. t . Reasonable R3093 amount for 311 of February here. Winter is not Gordon Bennett lef e no f th eek f r Ellen.b r n a OVGT Yet but we may be bold enough to say that o e w o g u g Q . NO DELAY business trip. ' o Th t l eetin of iWashlngton has earned all of California’s glory’the grail; Jiilguoir Thlursdagl Oil for a marvelous winter season. next week, March 13. The meet- ings hereafter will open at 8:00, Mason County Savings instead of 8:30 as it has before. & Loan Association H TAX THE WAY lJOURNAL Want Ads are used by= Title Insurance Bldg. 1 ‘ "'—"‘__' scores of your friends , After legislative threshing out of all sorts ofl ‘ M {scéiemes for more taxes to meet the extra call forI ‘ ' 01 age pensions, GOVernor Langlie has recom- . . . . .~ l . mended and the body about agreed on the raisel Christian Selcnce SOCiety 0i Shelton Announces a Free from two to three cents on the dollar of all pur- Lect re 0 Ichases as the best way out for raising more u n . _ money. The Governor’s proposal for the raise sug— C h r i S t i a n S c i e C Igests that it be in effect until such time as a grad; ENTITLED smart simulated leathers. WMRayon Prints 49¢ yd. Hand washable rayon crepes, spun rayons! J. PENNEY co.. ..._. ._______ .. ___._..~___._.._x~__._.____._~_.____H_‘_.-._..._.~ ,_______., __..____._.\_ _____._..__ Md- LET :"oih'erjzu a THE FORD HAS THE FORD HAS BIGGEST BODIES! [ONGEST INTERIORS! 1le FORD s we FORD HA GREATESIsK’i'i‘JoWIIIIH! MOST 183' HEAIIRIIIIM! ma FORD HAS ' me FORD HAS ' IIIIST'ifi't' lEGROflM! MOSHE? KNEERIIIIM! FORD HA me PORNO HAS . non: ' WI DSHIELDS. “"9 'm' “d w'm’ows Along with the uncounted billions of the na- Itional program for war_and social security pro-I ' I Igrams the state of Washington Will demand some-i 9’ 3 o ‘uated income tax is voted by the people at a spe- icial election this fall, providing a way can be lfound to get around the Constitutional require— ment that all taxes must be uniform. Most of the so-called petty new nuisance taxes seem out. While the legislature has been prolific with. “Christian SCIENCE: Its PraCtlce and Proo new law proposals, nine-tenths of which will nev-g er see daylight, and most of them “dummy” or‘ lhold-up bills, the present prospect is that fewof {the radical laws will get by because the fight on; . Ithe governor is over and he is now master of the situation, his veto ower cannot now be over- M C S p ‘ l orence l au . . l l l . I ' , I Member of the Board of Lectureship of The Mother Church, l m I i BY The First Church of Christ, Scientist, Boston, Massachusetts lything around a quarter-billion dollars for its state. . , . land social expenses during the next biennium, ac-I - ' . , . GET E F icordihg to the budget before the legislature, BM In the Junior High School Auditorium, 1232 Franklin Street ,_ ;. .. .- ltween rising costs and new obligations the sky; ' iwill be the limit for coming taxation, direct and; THE PUBLIC IS CORDIALLY INVITED To ATTEND Ihidden, and it is now the turn of taxpayers to" I I tighten their belts.