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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Saturday Night By Paulina- Smith Victor, i‘alnrr-h 5". The EVELOPED PRINTED. irélui=' HEATRE \ “‘2‘ l the Vic— i There will be a dance at Vic~ 'tor Saturday night, March ie en!argem this Coupon _. , . 1”. choice u: 0N. WASHINGTON [8th. Come a n (1 bring your negative _ friends. ‘ Miss Pearl Ahrc, Mrs. Ella Sissl sh Drug St M w“ Every night “9 at 7:00 P.M. . 2:15 find !3 teal .' V iv, son and Miss Pauline Smith, spent , Saturday and Sunday in Seattle“ visiting relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Schillinger; a n d ! p-m. Saturday unday a!” 25¢. plus tax it, Federal 3¢) were dinner guests of Mr. Mrs. Charles Harden Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Smalley,’ who have been operating the Vic— 'tor Store, have moved to Long- view. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. .and children were Shelton ors Saturday. Miss: Marjorie Kennedy of Ta— coma and Richard Colp of Peters- visitors at home Sun— .‘fi‘ité only 15¢ TM HOLT IN NG THE R10 Haegcr visit— i W‘Ol‘tt Sr. iburg, Alaska, the Carl , day. Mrs. Otto Bemp and Mrs. R. H. Haeger entertained. with a lunch— .eon on February 26th, for Mrs. Ella Smalley, Mrs. Young. Miss Pauline Smith and Dale Haeger, at the home of Mrs. Bemp. | Miss Pearl Ahre, Mrs. Ella Sis-l son and Miss Pauline Smith drove on Smith, No, this isn’t London. to Shelton Friday evening _ This was the wreckage caused by three gas main explosmns which destroyed almost a block of homes in South Devastation—«Domestic Style 1 ular monthly lle‘('Llll§.f oi‘ Etor Community club was held at the hall Monday evening. l at the W. R. Schillinger home” i Miss Pauline Smith called on, iMrs. W. R. Schillingcr Thursday), l afternoon. 1 . 1’ Mon., Tues. i “Man” is the subject of the Lesson Sermon which will be read in all Churches of Christ, Scientist, Sunday, March 9. Golden Text: “Beloved, are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we: shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is" (I John 3:2). 1 Among the citations which com- prise the Lesson-Sermon is the following from the Bible: “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, ‘which is in heaven” (Matt.23:9). The Lesson-Sermon also in- cludes the following passage from the Christian Science textbook, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” by Mary Ba- ,ker Eddy: “With one Father, ev- en God, the whole family of man i would be brethern; and with one Mind and that God, or good, the brotherhood of man would con- Wrong Direction now I : Thick fog covered the ocean and 1 the captain shut oil his engines. ‘2'; GR ROGERS IN FOYLE” my AWard Winning ormance Fussy old lady—Surely you are not shutting oil" the engines for a bit of fog! There are the stars above our heads. Captain-43m that is not the , way we are going. '1" . gg D CLEARING and EXCAVATING Information and Estimates Free ROY KIMBEL '4 ‘ Agent . sist of Love and Truth, a n d have I, iunity of Principle and spiritual i 'power which constitute divine f l Shelton ai.‘ l \lRYkéj/f Science" (p.469230-5). 5‘ , , Philadelphia. Four were killed and were iniured in the blast “I ‘b . , . . I . 0F uiiflmznd Mm. Pete E551“. and i Here firemen are searching the wreckage for additional Victims. Brent _ ichildren. spent Saturday evening ~ ' ~- i CHRISTIAN SCIENCE .23. group of Harstinc young peo— 'and noisy appearance when Har- FON r . , i .. . o . UISETT I , , . .- a. i I¢ yd. ' t . " ' , . ‘ " ' WEE— .lcd tp 5:35 POWDER PUFFS resxs S . ‘A dA 19 of cm RAT-TAnIL COMB ms. 48" Wid 98k . . . . .96 ......... .. 3 i, FLOUR BAG DISH TOWELS OM49 With This Coupon Spring ‘ ' SHIELD annun NAIL CLIPPER ((6 ‘16, PKG. 25 63 men a... nusmsss HARD RUBBER POCKET 97“, COMB FOR f0“. ONLY 36 a'a“6 . 2" / '15: $qu 1.0:: 50° Bottle DOANS IRONIZED Syrup of PILLS 51‘ ASPIRIN C TABLETS 10056R- . . Elfififl’ofil’. . . 3er7c 9c mums PILLS . . 21° buusm I s GUILD 8-DAY KITCHEN CLOCK CHOICE OF COLORS . . . 2E I Pgfioelsnusuuss “Dupe: oanAM TRIAL siz: . . . . 9‘ ‘ PRESGRIPTIOIIS Our stock of prescription BOTTLE 100 . . . - . MILK MAGNETS!!! FULL PINT,U.S.P. . . med v toifiines is checked constant- E “RING” ey,:5l;1;:v:0te;lcy t:nd puntY- TOILET TISSUE 3f°rllc ALARM CLOCK _vs res rLoss-TEX . . - ACCURATE. 19 DEPENDABLE 1—- d9 SAYBRoox's “‘I'YSON" Streamlined crazies; =~ as uses-c CHO! Eof FUL 'w* h? as d comrounn SIZES . . 5m", , 98¢ ciiinp'. .°.57° 0“? Chain . , fondue-ma .39° nggNW'AT'gR Maggi?“ . A - . . . . . . . . . . mi“: {Whose _ _ _ _ 42‘ nusvnmazor LgAsTER Your Choice HANISEI’FSIP89C ‘ 595 Hun genuine mic- \fl element he“ unit. ‘ . m : A LAXATIV? Try the New SIL-MlN-OL A T OUR EXPENSE! INTRODUCTORY OFFER} .MAsrckciiAFT EE! ?-0UNCE TRIAL HEATING HUME 55a... of "25 “"TH the pint size . . . , 89c Satiafaction Guaranteed . 07 Your Money Back! ssnsy~ Feather-Tex TOILET TISSUE 3m29 P & C SOAP 3FOR 11° .huge success, and these who at-| "tended, report that the whole eve- Surprise Party Honors Birthday I ()f Harstine BOY .' By Della. Goetsch ! Harstine Island, March 5. ~, Harold Flaten, Shelton high' school student who makes his home with the J. C. Simmons fam- ily, was overtaken one day last week by another birthday anni- versary, his 18th. To celebrate, this event, Mr. and Mrs. Sim-i mons arranged a pleasant surprise 1 in the form of a party on Satur- day evening at their home with, plc as guests. Early in the evening Harold and ! Miss Dixie Simmons of Shelton,; who had come for the party andi who was “in” secret, were sent, to return a borrowed book to al neighbor. The neighbor was also! “in” and detained the young man and his companion for an hour to give the guests time to arrive and assemble in a darkened room,i from which they made a sudden' old came back from his errand. As a surprise, the party was a ning was delightful with games, stunts and refreshments. Guests were the, Misses, Edna= Wilson, Pauline Hitchcock, Nellie Harriman, Pauline Smith, Helen Glaser and Dixie Simmons, and Messrs Hugo Glaser Jr., Lester Johnson, Clyde Harriman and Ro- bert Vylasic. ' Islanders i Farmer-Business man banquet atl Kamilche on Tuesday evening ofl who attended the last week were Gerald Needham, J. C. Simmons, Hugo Glaser, John Hitchcock and Ed Wilson. Wilson and Mr. Simmons also went to Olympia on Wednesday and were present at a banquet at the Governor Hotel, where they met with a committee in the interest of grape growers and wine manufac- turing concerns of the state of Washington. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Harriman drove to Pacific Beach and visit- ed at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Otterstad over the week- end. While there, the Harrimans treated the Otterstads to a trip to Aberdeen where they attended a show. The school election of last Sat- urday resulted in the seating of Mrs. Harriman as a director for another term. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pearson of Point Wilson were in Tacomai for a few days last week. In this column last 'week we stated that little Miss Vera Win- gert had given a recitation on the program which was given in connection with the house -l warming at the new schoolhouse on the evening of February 22. This was a mistake, and it was Vera‘s sister, Lena, who gave the recitation and delighted her audience with her cleverness and personality. Karl G. Nelson and Joe Glaser made a business trip to Shelton on Monday. Mrs. R. O. Beckwith went to Elma last week to visit with rel- atives. Mr. and Bernard, of Pickering, visited rel- ativcs and friends on the island Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. bridge Island came to Shelton on Sunday to visit Mr. and Mrs. Fred 5. Wright, formerly of Bar I l and Mrs. the children, George Carlson Adella and Olsen of Bain- stine Island. On Tuesday, March 18, and Thursday, March 20, there will be no ferry service to and from the island, according to the op- erator, C. E. Harriman. Arrange- ments have been made for de- livery of the mail, and for trans- portation of the high School stu- dents. This early announcement is being made to enable patrons of the ferry to plan their trips for other days, so as to avoid dis— appointment. Mrs. Sarah Rodgers, who makes her home with Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Simmons. is planning a trip, to her old home in Missouri. She expects to leave the island about March 27. Shooting at Tires Illegal A police officer has no legal right to shoot at the tires of a Speeder in order to prevent his escape. Speed- ing is only a misdemeanor. not a felony, and a revolver or “excessive force" may be used only when the escaping man is known to be a felon or when the officer‘s life is in dan- ‘ger. SHELTON—MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Mr. V ciety. cook w. i, Henry, why don’t you just TELL Rev. and Mrs. Willowisp how you lost the eight pounds? . Advertise It! I I i l b mse r‘on't Pay‘t‘axea . . i tr A Vacant " Pork&eans can 56 B&H Bluing or Ammonia 12-oz. bottle 5¢ Brown Sugar .............. ._ lb. 5¢ Sea Island, in 3—lb. bags. Deviled Meat .. 2 N0. 1/4’s 5¢ La Salle. Tomato Juice ...... _. No. 1’s 5¢ Cup 0’ Gold golden juice. Matches .............. .. 2 boxes 5¢ Rock Dell, 16 cubic inches. Jello .......................... .. pkg. 5¢ Assorted flavors. Black Pepper 2-oz. can 5¢ Rock Dell. Bulk Beans lb. 50 Small White or Red, Mexican. 5¢ Honey 5¢ Sardines ............ .. t 1/4 cans Domestic in out Macaroni or Spaghetti lb. Keystone, in 3-lb. bags. low reflection from the surface. well adapted to use with chalk or crayon, and is permanent in finish i so that it will not develop reflecting surface on continued use. “Both. —Stray Stories. Page Five ..—- W_ A—n—g “ - Glass Writing Board A glass writing board in various colors which will improve the il- lumination and appearance of school I rooms has been evolved. says a re~ port to the American Chemical so- The board has an extremely is Just Joking I "Have you any apples?“ asked the customer. “Do you want them to 01' to eat?” asked the fruiter. That's what I cook ’em for." READMITTED AS PATIENT L. E. Bruington, released from Shelton hospital Tuesday. was r”- admittcd for further irritment yesterday. '\ QUALITY \— CHICKS f/ user "SHIPMENT Oi BULBS 15c - Zior 25c Dahlia, Bearded Iris, Gladiolus, Chrysanthemum and many other‘desirable varieties Wilcox 10c Stall: ‘ 8-oz. cans. .2 Hot Saucegnloc Bonnie Best. .................. .. 8-oz. 10¢ Rook Dell Pure Fireweed. Raviolas .......... .. No. 1’s 10¢ Penthouse. Cat Food .................. .. 8-0z. 5¢ Vinegar ...... .. full quart 10¢ Puss 'N Boots, finest quality. V BCH. 0-K. Soap -------------- .— 3 bars 10¢ Maltcd Milk ........ .. 6-oz. 10¢ Bleach __________________ quarts 10¢ ChocolatcL—lovely, in glass. Hi-Power, full strength. Bonnie Best, Fancy Pink Salmon No. 1 cans 17¢ 20th Century Coffee ...................... _. 2—lbs. 43¢ It’s richer matched flavor assures you Of better coffcemyet costs you less! Phillips. Thrift-ea Coffee ...................... .. 2-lbs. 29¢ Favorite blend in hundreds of families! Old Dutch Cleanser can 7¢ Pkg, _ Enter NASH Contest Now, weekly prizes Krispy Crackers 2-lbs. 27¢ America’s No. 1 Cracker. White King Washing Powder iB-oz. pkg. .............. .. 2 for 39¢ 8- '. . .............. ._ Sierg‘Piyekg """"" " 40¢ 14-0Z. Toilet Soap .......... .. 3 bars 17¢ Pkg. ._ White King Toilet Soap ................ ._ bar 4¢ .'I. 1" 5mm affirm) VIIAMINSI . I first (an; (31:13:40me 1 ‘ .’-”', i I 1: -l. 9' adetfisiflmsssese. sncm. JUICE SIZE Sunkist Dow APPLES—— Stayman’s 10-lbs. 35¢ POTATOES—N0. 1 .. 10-lbs. 19¢ CALAVOS 2f0r 15¢ CARROTS CABBAGE Bright Brand Fine for Slaw bu, 5;: lb. 31/2,: LETTUCE—large, solid ......... 2 for 15¢ SPINACH—Texas ...................... .. 2-lbs. 15¢ Quick or Regular 10¢ EGG NOODLES Big Value . SALMON SILVERS lb. 23¢ HILL TOP PHONE 29 10¢ Pork Beans 2% can 10¢ Fruit Cocktail N0. 1 tins 10¢ Bonnie Best. QUAKER OATS us l'i. ‘ POT ROAST — Steer Beef. lb. 23¢ LITTLEPIGS lb. 23¢ Nickles and Dimes! I That's all ye" this week to purchase most of youragcocedej . . . lhc dim... .... we sm'alI—but the savings are BIG ! MAR. 7-8—10 Rock Dell Wax Paper Heavy, Trans- parent ft. R011 5¢ OYSTERS pt. 21¢ SHORT RIBS lb. 15¢ PIG HOOKS—boil with cabbage ...... _. lb. 15¢ SLICED BACON—mo rind ................ .. lb. 31¢ 44?,‘ioof‘sfiilm all BOURLANDs SO. HIGHWAY PLENTY OF PARKING SPACE r,» \.