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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Pach Thursday, 4Mar'v‘ " '5 3 . Ill Seattle Visitor Here _‘ lHoodsp rt Fire l . . . l . “i. ll *1 The Sick Bay was i 'ggggugofw?g;i a a lLarge Crowd At Mrs. Hale fakes Takes Pot Shots m ed, a e 1.1Le ‘. L ; n . _ , p- -" l . 1‘ 5 I 3 _> . ' I _- )0] l The Al. “as. 1111 fe‘at‘vff: Enff’i‘ei‘fh s Robbins Electric I l otlateh Honors] Protection Zone g At British Aid hill 1 I f,“ ‘ - 1 ' l v , ,r . . . . .. , . . r . ,‘Tiv Doctor was 1 , g l WW Cooking School. By ammo and Being Petitioner]: e ‘ “Numim ‘ - @231“: [ “’()0d"y0rfii} l HGOOU inoan‘ng-y ‘ ‘V l‘ I l W"‘1 r ~~. Him tn! -"\. vwm Dn’rln" ~11 'lrn-p' r v—ii n u r_ "— l "5 '7 moaning!" , , PHONE 100 1L1 .lpi.rii.ti,..a ...3 2M) u .., iv., J. i.i_. Lot , A... ,w , , J FL ‘ _.__. J... . ._..._-.__. _. - lin attendance. the Gcncriil F c— jlzltch Social club hcid their meet-I; 83 “My MIth i e 0 n , _ , ltric Cooking School, (:ondtic‘u. ., at "ing at the schoolhouse on ‘l‘ucs— Hoodsporty March 5_ w, on Mon 5 7 The Simple help- V T .1433“er 0f Emil? 2f“ [Edagff’s Aux‘l’aiy, D'Stfwt lthe Paramount Theatre last T f ling, ‘w'itl’ll- Mrs. Reader {day evening, March 3rd, the mom- ionces he receives an ‘ 3044mm“ HH" “'5‘ . l|‘-e'3‘""‘-’.-l '5 Hal“ "‘ KC 5° iday afternoon under the spon I. ratcss. After the regular ibeI-S of the Hoodsport Commercial 1 “Scout to meet or‘ a The honor of being the first 5 The district meeting of the Eag— ship of Robbins Electric, V th lbnsincss meeting tlirec tables of mm}; met in the ciubroom of the 1‘ mu; devoiop 13,th ' ,t’ FOR EVERY OCCASION BOY Scout M0th81’8 t0 Ol'ganizeflcs Auxilary was held in Kelso much praise according to itirs.5contract were played score iHoodsport gym. The mam bus,_g l “ i H *1 Delivered anywhere here yesterday, March 5, Went Tuesday afternoon, starting at Robbins. going to Mrs. Hale. Mrs. Lanning ,‘ness of the evening was the pe_§ I. «a ,‘ ‘ . ‘ t0 the Mothers Of Troop 25- Elg‘nt 1:30 and thoSe from tho Shelton Under the direct-[on of Miss ,vvon second honors and Mrs. Hale itition being sponsored by the Com- 3 -:-‘ ‘ mothers met at the home of Mrs. Robert Binns to organize and hold their first meeting, electing ‘the following officers, Mrs. M. A. lClothier, president; Mrs. W. F. rfiMcCann, vice - president; Mrs. ‘BlllllS, secretary-treasurer. Their first undertaking will be to help the boys earn their way through scouting, so anyone want- ing their yard cleaned, windows group attending inculded Mrs. La? vella Andrews, Mrs. Audry Austin and Mrs. Alice Herzog. A fine meeting was enjoyed and the work Esther, Nucmbelger, many Phases :dlfi‘O’ I'GCBI'IVCd 'Eh€_8"c‘~l10Pil‘-g £30059- mel'cial club to form Fire Protec— of cooking were demonstrath to‘ . Mr- anafiMr‘S- LOWS Bag0 8:17“ tion District to include the Hoods- those present, and gifts were dis- iQEUShtGEPanQTa 0* 359m” VISIt' Port VOting' PreCinCt- The Pur'l t H Th t tributed. fat 319 hymn?“ famlhes Of POt- lposc of the district will be to pur— was pu on very we . - e nex i 'd 0n QUA’lC-ay lchase and maintain fire fighting. district meeting will be in Olym-l Tot. MPG )RaX1CEEJSktWCnt1 Lb}: Leslie Wyers returned home on ioquipmenty to provide fox? this! pia April 27. ;befi‘.u}:fu; glen“ ICC gr- the Mcnday from the 51181th hospital ;operation of the equipment, and Another group of Shelton Aux- 3] ‘c I); asc f§f§§lig;las n‘w,n,d_ 'whcre no had been for treatment. Lto provide for protection from; ilary members attended the meet- 33" ri‘ 16’ka ma]:fo Mr. and Mrs. George Sisley visit—j ani'ago and loss by fire within in Olympia Tuesday evening of the e an an omd m c ‘ ,._ . l ‘ :c:d Jimmy Sisley and friends in! he district. Petitions are now? Olympia auxilary and the group Different food articles cooked l 222 South 10th St. Call 112-W Shelton Bremerton on chi'iesday evening.., being circulated, sign Oncapro- Shelton Valley washed. WOOd Chopped 01' the like included Mrs. Myrtle Bassett, Mrs. at the SCh001 WCYC tawamed ltO‘ Mr. and Mrs. Kay and family Loot your home and lower your‘ can acquui‘ the serVi/CSS Of a BOY Paul Frederickson, Mrs. Fred members _0f the 3119181106 ThOSO of Minerva moved to Potlatch on ,msumnoo rates, No matterhowa Scout 0n Saturdays by Phonng Stuck and Mrs. Charlotte Gard— Winmng momd‘v‘di MYS- Erl‘feStlSaturday. They are occupying, F0“ . th b,. t. practitionermayb' MI‘S. BinnS at 49M~ The group ener. Mrs. Andews left the dist— Eatony, MTS- 13- 13- GI‘CCHC, 1"v’ll‘S-lthchouse vacated by C. D. Wood owmg e hsmess mee mg‘ :wili meet once a month on the first \Vcdnesday. The next meet- jing will be held April 2 at Mrs.‘ {Clotllicr’s and the members are . . . . . ‘ c w, 1. , i - , ._ . not meeting in Kelso in time to at- 6- 31‘3g’v‘ny Mlb~ Fulfil Be-lmgtl. tend the Olympia meeting that‘Mrs. B. L. Rose and Mrs. John evening. I Leonard. 1 Mrs. Robbins expressed her worthy. Dannie Kay cntercd the Potlatch school on Monday morn— ‘ iilg. llunch was served lwood and Mrs. J. H. Nance. the Junior VVomcns club held. their in the school‘ ldining room by Mrs. H. E. Lock- . ., . 3 On “i'nda c i. M r h " Weekend guests of Mr. and Mrs. [ ‘ y ven ng’ a C 4th! Gen. Robert E: Wood wasn’t shooting beans at the senators when this picture was taken. He you only as you c .‘ him. You must tta‘. , I on the Road [0 Rec; your Doctor at £115. tion that all is no! l“n’l‘ld"d t7 kro'»: l‘c Sci“ Oath ' V ,1, t t ll c L A i 1 Wu Homebuilders Hold ‘Ha iregular meeting at the home 01‘ :by then. Every mother of algegulm. Meetings Roy Ascison were Mr. and Allen Main and family. Mr. an lgratitude and thanks to the many women who attended the school, was holding :1 cigoret while testifying for the opposition at his counsel— co '1 Saturday, March 8 ‘ day. If Interested r ~ m- I.» -~ A r ' I A .,., r . ~ , ‘13ctt Good aster ’n Hoods ort., , , ‘ ‘ .' , lI‘IOOlJ ‘34 SvUL-t 15 Eliged “taibboml The Baptist Church Tuesday eve_land‘ whose enthusiastic proscncc Mrs. As’elson also had Sunday 'The ypmposegi camiiwd was gOSt_- Senate commutee hearmg on , Eggdgggs‘gaééhh ‘ u ntm Gents 46¢ — 25¢ before 9:30 lattendance~ at dualilmxt “mum” ining, March 4,~‘was the scene of l made It a SUCCGSS- S‘UCStS i“:- allgt IVfrii- how“? ,poned indefinitely. Mrs. E. C_ 1 British aid bill. General Wood, l mess Then bring ,; as: thei LADIES FREE V w c S T M t the regular_mceting of the Home- B Y P_U_ Announcgd "50$ {‘(qaitl'gnyflfia‘o o c _‘ t , Riebow was unable to be present who is chairman of the America I. 3W.da‘ d." IMO he182 lbu-llders' Mrs" oscar Men and! Meetings Scheduled musclmfm ‘31“13figifafgfrgr‘ “1).L-llh,foi' her talk because of illness. First 00mmlltce. talked 0f blg- l 8 “es “y are . . er5- A1 GOOdWin were the hOSt-l T . lff‘m‘y: ‘jnd §fit9r‘.‘f/ Y'mimg “It ‘The Penny Chance was won byl gcr weapons than bean shooters ‘ E l l The Women-s Somety for Chmgt- esses. serving. delicious refresh-i The B.Y.P.L. of thc _Shelton f1 lends and shopping scattle. [A‘Iarie Kaare. The next meeting! when prescribing for U. S. I, O k S 1.8 tead ian Service of the Medthodlst,ment3 to the twenty_seven mem_ ll Baptist Church will hold two reg- Mrs. Imosclxllors or I uyallup wasiwm be a social evening at the] ddengp I, c ey e S v‘ VVcdnesda : ‘ i l ular meetm s this week and their‘the overnight guest of tho Jacob-i _ . , , _. H v Church V 111 meet Y1 bets in attendance. Next week g . l ‘ ym With bingo and prizes Host— l ~- PIANO March 12 in the church at tVYOithey will hold their meeting as,Suii§1ay evening fservice. Thm‘s— sang on Saturday. ‘1 agsseé Wm b: Inez Lindénbeign V “5 ~~7—_»__ l » George Hamilton O‘cloc‘k. Mrs. C.. E. Pinnacles Vvlll'usual on Tuesday night, March fdai‘s pgag’erl l’lteeénfihwllij £123, failill' aggfi'éfi' iMarie Kaare, Betty Goodpaster, 'Tfell the prospects Where you are. SAX be change of the lesson, it being a ;10 at 7:30 p. m. With Mrs. Beat- , In“ he, a., o h c u c n . dy I 01 f :HCICH Burnett, Katherine ‘Velch‘ with a Journal WantAd ,study of the medical missionary rice Brumbaugh and Mrs. Eve-l 7-00 Oquck- The Sathrday 8V8“— 3d<~y 1mm! cue? Sodt -6 Ome O and Mildred Lockwood-Nextmeebi Lyle Barnhart ,work which is supported by Me- llyn Butterfield acting hostesses, l ing meeting will also be held. at Mr. and Mrs. header. mg will also be guest night and], h" A GUITAR thodist women in foreign countries. ,ln the Church rooms; The .g'roup‘ the same. hour and will be a Fire— Mrs. o. s. nriggs‘ of Brcgnier— vevcryvone is invited to bring a, ‘ She will be assisted by Mrs: Wil- will continue their studyon “The side SCX'VIICGf- Sundays meeting be“ thfl VlfilltEd ling?“ (fin friend. Following the business Tucker lliam Stevenson and Mrs. WilhamiPersonal Return of Christ,” and, gms at 6-10 D- m~ and W111 CONSISt JWC-dnesc aY- L- 1141,01 0“ fgm- meeting lunch was served by the; DRUMS ;Burford. The hostesses for the all members are urged not to miss ‘ of song. Prayers anu Bible study. lel'ton was a weekend guest or Mr. *hostesvsBetty Gooa aster , ‘mecting will be Mrs. H. L. Miller,|this- study. Any-x young person over 16 in in- land Mrs. Briggs. *’ p ‘ : iLunCh Dam:an 9 t0 1 ers. Harvey Hale and Mrs. L. W. vitcd to attend these meetings. ‘3 Mrs. H.hM. chagnd lvhgsTTottlcr I _. d Sexton. ‘Baptlst Bible Class and dang ter ara o acoma’ I Honors W'ith Dinner l’l‘ickets For Flower Show were guests of Healys on WW}! l The Bible Class of the BaptistiMa'm‘ 23*” Are Here Mrs. E. C. Ricbow returned to Mrs. James Amunds anno‘hnces Church is bringing to a close the her to start at 6:30 o’clock with the program following. ‘a saving of about 45 cents by buying the tickets in advance of of Bremerton were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. J. Simmons on Sunday._ Seattle, at Shelton, March's. . ' . . .. her home on Sunday after a weeks 1 Oscar T. Bevis and Elsie E. V ' iattendance contest which has beenj that m_01’e tickets for the FIOWeI W, v. . ,1 __ J“, ,y y > I N. heid through the month of Febrlb Show In Seaptlc March ‘23 to 30 :gtvlgqéfirzulnotllcl Avila. wt bfigr‘caf 3Allyn, at . , ,i ary with a dinner and social eve-£8120 herrl: Iand the TléaylSUFkfi/‘er “‘Ml. allanw ~Lund of Tafion‘a: Bert Covoper own-1pm an d n > u as hing, for the members of the' op Wil ave them 0 se -. rs. m,“ , , ‘1 w} . A , V ’ class. The losing team is honor- , Amunds will also have a few. The svggdwiglt‘gdy gUCULd 0‘ 30111-113 xygllffmgsgltilqagclitcgleri Shfflton, l . mum mg the Winners on Frlday' eYe— figidlge- 1.014.- mfi flim'anC-e‘tialf Qfl Mr. and Mrs. R. Swenberg of Charles Steinholder, 32, and 06.3.9. .$¢..¢.oo. " mug at the Chumh “nth the dm- w e 5 IS 1‘ are 8' and 0‘6 1SISeattlc and Mrs. Lillian Roacho 'Laura K. Wang. legal, both of O 9 o o c o 11““ the show. This is the second group =of tickets procured by the Shel- Jamison of Ta": Shelton VVomen’s Chorus Mr. and Mrs. , ‘ . comla and their son Bud Johnson‘ somethmg entirely new to "lulu lERSEY . :«l i. _ .i, P Announce SPOCial Batch; uton Garden Club as the first serve at your next social gather. . l . .of’ the National Coast. Guard were _. 1. 3 ._ . . -------- __ 1151:5151 ééigélaxggiffi. group rece“ (ad—were all 501d out. 'guests of thc Pearceu on Sunday. gig'pgéflsugeaxgge gaggengssag‘vg: O P 1 r V. Begzes ,- ‘ Mrs. Harold Kennedy Is Mildred W’oodworth broke the , ' n aays lore Road, 9 Miles From Shelton. 151 , p 310: Egg?taggiftapresentatwn 0t lHostcss 'For Bridge Club Ithumb of her right hand when ; at FeSSIerS Super Creamed-ad" v 3‘! {#5, 0c Monday eve— . F , , , ,. . I. .- ning, March 10, 8 o’slock is sched-, Mrs. Harold Kennedy cntertain- ‘Efi‘fi£§é駓 the “hppcly 15mm Iab‘t ~——"w'_~——*—“~”"—W~” m ~~- ~- =ulea for'the Easter Cantata'music‘ed the members of her bridge _’ m, . , hing. March 11, at 7:30 p. m. forECIub with a 1:00 o'clock luncheon' M" and Mrs" RC‘JPGI mm" l - A . . _ . . at the Colon-81 HO se’ fono . d b ily of Pickering Woke“ Sunday for the pracuce and TueSday eve Mrs}. Augdlsta Gold‘sfhmig, Callers at the homes 01 Mr. and , ,l,‘ . March 11, at 7:30 p. m. for the :bridge. V ‘ g , the regular chorus practice. Both Won high honors at bridge. Guests and ML and Mrs'; ~ . s s- l. piactices Will be held in the musrc 0f the club included Mrs. Gold Mr. C. W. Smith of Pinehurstl room of the Senior high school. SChmid, Mrs. Winston Scott, Mr l lGeorge Cropper, Mrs. Geo. A. Le- Compte and Mrs. A. E. Klasscll. arrived on Monday to spend scy- cl‘al weeks with his son—in—law and i daughter, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pauli Mrs, Nadine Lauber will be Mrs. Joe Hansen Is Hostess Tompkmsn } l . . a . ‘F x- Activettes w, [1195,13 v, Honors lor perfect attendance, hostess at her home at 707 Fair 1 0 (‘( y for the past six weeks are new Junior Group Of American Legion Auxiliary To Meet moot on Friday afternoon.,.M3-I'Ch Wednesday evening the Acti— _ . .. A r ~ , no is f th3 7 at 41 o’clock to the Junior group,vettes met for a 0:30 suppei: at 33,133,,‘23353Bligh}? Hu;,;l of the American Legion AUXil‘ , the home of Mrs. Joe Hansen. Fol~ . ;.. x o . . . i iary- MFS- Meran Wivell. Who lowing the dinner, bridge and Dofafig,‘ has been conducting the “Colonial informal evening was enjoyed with 3 {gm LDC Com ’Donum, StUdY” W111 give the final 19550” ,Mrs. Fred Snelgrove winning the Teapk‘igé E,“ 2321,1119}, 'and Rzyi ,thcn. icut prize and Mrs. Francis Ea—lGaélgy L i lcrett Winning the high at bridge. Former Home Guards _ I ‘ . u [ I Change Meet'MJ Date‘ er. and Mrs. C. M. Danielson The regular meeting of the A . , y ‘ c. s. c. s. girls (former Home "3 “mm” "05“ M01144! 1Guard5) 0f the~Meth°diSt Church C. M. Danielson entertained withI announced for Saturday, March 8, , , V l I will be held on the third Saturday, a dmner party f0! the employees March 15 at the home of Mrs. Pittenger. Shirley, Beverly, and Address Of Ed Kelley, 3 Brush Picker, Sought: l I l dozen The Lenten bakery special that is a Monday evening, Mr. and Mrs; , A postcard from Farmington, of the Shelton West Coast Power Iowa, written by. Miss Celestine company, and their families, it be- ,0. Salyers to the postmaster a.) at your grocers. favorite with everyone. Ask for them RAISIN RYE BREAD .......... __ 15¢ Chloe Dickinson will be the host- esses. The change of date to the third Saturday. is for this month only. ‘ Ladies of Moose Have New Home The Ladiesof the Moose will meet every Friday night from now ing in the nature of a farewell! ,party. Those present included Mr.l and Mrs. R. B. Middcndorf, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Basset't, Mr. and .Mrs. Roland Johnson, Mrs. Roy] lLoughnan, Mrs. Helen Gi'eenwalt, land the hosts, Mr. and Mrs. Dan- } ielson. }Weekend Guests Shelton, asks the whereabouts ofr a man named Ed Kelley, who pick— 1 ed ferns and brush on Harstine. Island two years ago. The cardf says he has an aunt in Tacoma,l his mother lives in “some valley,l where there are many Japanese,”1 and he has friends at Port Or-l chard. Anyone knowing the on in their new home upstairs over. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ahlskog i Whemaboum 0f Mf‘ Kelby is £15k” 158 ‘ gear'dcawfl‘ flake/Ly of First and Railroad. . ———————a I “Fr—w S 3.4%.... Madam... ' . can't make laud cup of ME'J'B'<'l —Sings Allan jam: to Susanna Foster as tbey get together I'm Paramount’s new picture “THE HARD-BOILED CANARY" “I . i . , can prove this coflee a best. If denied that 11’; delicious! Pardon m/e for doubting you— Look, Susanna—here’s 'the test.- Firu made it strong, and you Said'il was delicious brew; Now I’ve made it weak, and so , Everything you mil-iBPII'm find it easy to agree Try this cup and let me know.’ You can’t go wrong with M.J.B.” Why you won't make had cup of M. J. B. , Here’s why it never fails! Make your coffee with the “lube purposelymaliciou; lat the Masonic Temple. All moth- the Richficld Garage at the corner E enjoyed a visit over the Weekend l ed to Communicate With lfrom his father, John Ahlskog of Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, and his bro- ther-in-law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Buck of Seattle. Visit in Bremerton With DeMolay Mother’s Group Mrs. Wm. LeDrew and Mrs. Kirk Jordan visited in Bremerton Tuesday evening with the Brem- erton DeMolay Mother’s Group. Mrs. Leigh Duffield accompanied them, to visit with relatives dur- ing their meeting. DeMolay Monday The next regular meeting of the DeMolay Mother’s Group Mothers To Meet Afternoon held Monday afternoon at 2 p. m. era are urged to be present“ District Meeting Slated March 23 Plans have been made to hold Will be ‘ Salycrs. i ALLYN MAN IN HOSPITAL John C. Dunkin of Allyn, was admitted to the Shelton Hospital for treatment. l American Legion Auxiliary Announce Special Dates The regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary was held Tuesday night, March, 4. Due to lack of interest-among students years, was cancelled for this year. The auxiliary will be represent- ed on the Red Cross Board of Directors by Eula Martin. Mrs. Martin announced three appoint- : Ada Clothier ments for the poppy sale of which she is chairman, they are Rae Mel— cum in charge of advertising, ' chairman of work- ers, and Martha Witsiers as speak- a Townsend Club district meeting er chairman. in Shelton according to Townsend Club No. 3. It will be held on Sun- day, March 23. Lunch will be ser— ved at 12 o‘clock with the program to begin at 1:30 p. m. with good speakers scheduled. The regular Monday evening meeting will be' held at the Memorial Hall MarchI 10 at 8 p. m. The public is cord- ially invited to attend both these meetings. Miss Lea Neighbors Honored Moose Guest Miss Lea Neighbor, Recorder of March 29th was announced as the date for hearings of those per- ,sons applying for citizenship. It , was suggested that Auxiliary members attend as this is an inter— esting and worth while subject. President Ada Clothier announce- ed that the past presidents with Martha Witsiers as general chair- iman will be in charge of the pro- gram for March 18th meeting which will honor the 22nd birth— _day of the American , Legion. ;There will be a coast-to-coast ra— [dio broadcast Sunday, March 16th the. American Oratorical contest, . ‘which has been held the past two Maybe not tough enough for this, but still . . . ‘plenty- tough”. Invtests by the United States Testing Company of ‘Hohoken, N. 1., various mattresses were mauled day and night by a ZOO-lb. roller. The Beautyrest stood 11113 times longer than any other mattress tested. 'A SIMMONS- .EAUTYRE‘SET' Easybudget terms pay for a Beautyrest before you know it. But-you’ll continue to enjoy its glorious comfort for years to come . . . it’s‘ guaranteed until 1950. Wouldn’t this week he a good time to select your Beautyrest?/ the Seattle Chapter of the Ladies honoring the Legion birthday of the Moose will be the honored which may be heard at 9 a. m. on ’ guest of the Ladies of the Moose [{JR. l (on Friday evening, March 7, at 'the Shelton Hotel from two to six. All members who possiably can will meet at the Hotel for a six o‘clock dinner. Week-end Guests Guest of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Bed- l ; The annual Hot Cross bun and 5 Food Salc will be held April 12th. lMembers will be contacted by iChairman Chum Perry or her “committee. 0.E.S. Social Club iMeets Monday Afternoon A same care and in the same manner on have in the ell last week end were Mrs. ‘E. 1 The O.E.S. Social club met ‘i a” past. You _will find these two exclusK/e M. J. B. fea- Conley. MT. am; Mrs. Paul Conley ‘l Tv’lolfldiay afternoon for a 1330 tures_amcher mast_and blmdmg_wmgiye and daugther o sentraha, Waiel , o c Ock‘ luncheon followed by five you the finest cup of coffee you’ve ever tasted! Double-Your-Money-Back Offer. Buy a pound of M.J. B. Try it for a week..If you don’t agree it’s better than an other coffee—return the lid to M.J. B. (30., 665 Thir Street, San Francisco, and we will gladly refund double your purchase price. you MAKE If -—r DRIP GRIND for drip or glass coffee makers REGULAR GRIND . . . for percolalcr or coffee pol Englander, nephew of Mrs. Bedcll, from Tacoma and their son Glenn of Fort Lewis. Auburn Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ward of Auburn spent last week as gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. James Simmons in Shelton. l tablcsol‘ bridge in play. :Patrick’s motif was carried out I in the decorations. Mrs. Leigh Duf- l‘field won cut prize and Mrs. Ber- tha Grisdale high at bridge. Hos- tesses for the afternoon included Mrs. Glenn Landcrs, Mrs. L. VViss, Mrs. I. Ncuenschwandcl‘, Mrs. ‘J. T. Burke and Mrs. E. B. Sutton. The St. ,Ol‘sen Furniture Company “Fine Furniture for The Home”