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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1941     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1941
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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y.-Ma£' .March‘ 6,1941. SHELTONflASON COUNTY JOURNAL “Page Seve yochxI-i sat will. you —“ “‘“" “’ honours! _usEWANT--ADS _ J 0 U R N A [413.15 T A 9.3.... 5~° l _ lOId Mill Victory HICLIMBERS DROP l'miié'éi' Estate [Classified sears? Forncntmml RATES " meet ore 1 I I Idellne By 'lfip 111th l ’3; BILL A F T E R I “A‘AAAAMAA” ". m"’.. “LAMA.AAA-ALAAAAAA“‘“ on Classified Advertisements ‘ "‘1 / ‘ 00 BEST BUYS WATERFRONT- ' i FURNISHED APARTMENTS for 10 cents a line (5 wordslrlrst I s DICKIE 1n L Puget SOUHd Home Sites acre' Monday ls Funday I rent (2 and3rooms). Good 10- insertion, 5c a line each substr- —-- I age Arcadia Road- Trade land with a l cation. Very reasonable. Golds-i quent insertion. Minimum for slashing. E. A. Carr, Des . w L PCT. Moines, Wash. 2-11--3-6——8t. 13911le Home Laundry Forrest Gardens .... .. 37 32 .536 Bears Win Rough Contest, 46-25 Old Mill .................... _. 36 33 .522 After Leading By 1944 ’ FOR SALE. acres and 3-room Quality Cleaners .... .. 33 36 .478 At Rest Period Mason Cleaners ...... .. 32 37 .464 High Scores "borough Apts, Second and Knee-g charge 30c. land Streets, Shelton. 5-7-tf. WOMEN’S BOWLING Classified advertisements ac- " . r th t 1 Mine from FOR RENT: furnished three room giggle: :Jgscfibeer: ecpash shoum, apartments. Mill Street Apart- accompany an other orders or ments. Phone C-1-13—c. payment made befbre thu first EOR —RENT: 4-room house. In- 0f the month -t0 save expense Let us show you a typical “Bendix” Washday Shelton Electric Co. Shelton, Wash. 1 , i: . . ,r y film) ketball teams Shelton and Mary .’ the old acquaintances M. Knight—certainly haven't much ‘ sPorts world. to puff out their chests about this ' ~ shake house, 8 miles from Olym- Ib.’ thrifillhelton-Renton A.A. season. Laid end-to-end, t h e i r 7, as an er of last Saturday victories barely cover a postage i pia on Shelton Highway, across from Val D’Or Farm. Price for NORTHERN DIVISION , . example. On the stamp for between them the have G e—H 1 F ‘ 203 W L PF P qUiCk Sale $500 '- Write 0’ W' ' ' ' rblgeailnnanwas Eta Lopan» a but 0119 Verdict to point tcl,’ that ngluHaazzgl F333: 518 Hoquiam __________________ "10 1 409 25% Coppock. 5620 Pacific Ave- Ta- ' quire at Sowers Shell ServiCe, ggdgxéfencgfifi 1‘ j junior 1 and pitcher on the single on Shelton took over Mon- Matches Monday Aberdeen 9 405 251 coma, Washington. 1 General Electric Hillcrest or phone 459. ' necessary Card of thanks 50“ , 1°8t the (bvmon baSEball Club tesano early in the season. The Quaiity vs_ 01d M111 Raymond 7 4 417 341 2-25-27- 3-4-6-—4t- S—3-4-6—2t. ' "‘ ' pion h- Olympia b 5 405 351 Vacuum Cleaner --— Classified Display Rates on natterhowva ‘l‘ e s 1p to Shelton in ten league losses. Shelton Elma _H“ 3 7 acres logged 2 comfortable sleep- onermayb h 31 the local club won too, has ten league defeats, may Victories hung on Monday night Montesano , 2 9 270 361 land —# new growth, small lake, Demonstrator ing rooms, 903 Railroad. [Y “5 You co’ Bill e' Lopan played add all eleventh at Elma Friday, in feminine bowling play by Old Shelton __________________ u 1 10 197 461 good average land. Newatzel F-3-4-6—2t_ ou must tra = L MCComb, Bill Taylor Road Rec sen- evett in that 1938 dia- oaortaot the .68 :nd found them Op_ it all is no! ‘ .Saturdaialn on the maple insel— CO '1 1‘ the ' Lopan PltChedithing on his rival teams . The Highclimbers have six prac- tice defeats to add to that, too. It wouldn‘t be Chick Rockey it he wasn’t trying to pull some- . . Tues- Mill and Quality Cleaners twisted the viSe quite a bit tighter on the circuit’s standings. Old Mill’s odd-game verdict over the leading Forrest Gardens quin- Scores Olympia 46, Shelton 25. ' Hoquiam 42, Montesano 28. Games Friday Shelton at Elma. district. $1 acre. H. G. Angle, Shelton. 3-6-18——4t. FOR SALE OR TRADE: for city property 35 acres near Day— ton, 12 in cultivation, 5 room Shelton Electric Co. Shelton, Wash. FOR RENT: 5 room strictly mod- Newly redecorated, See H. Parry 3-4-6—2t. ern house. electric range. Jones. V- V '7' vv vvvvvvvvvvvvvv For sale AAAAW FOR SALE: Electrolux cleaners. d that it pa for R second game Of that day night the veteran Olympia HOITSE FOR RENT: Mrs. ds in Health. .7 the enton' coach insisted that the ball be Montesano at Olympia. h . tet left t 0 mill team only a game Raymond at Hoquiam. house. George Rebman, MatIOCk IT’S HERE New machines as low as $49.50. estern Washing- Owls have completed their Season; Mason vs. Forrests. ' n . , Horacs Cra . Ph ne 285-W. . hen brim - twn the-1'6 was the case Filled as Still in, Play When an berflnd’ While Qfilahty- Cleaner? Another strong first half sliow- ROUte- 0'5'-4'6'—1mv America’s Most Sensational ry o 3_6_11_2t For sales, service and suppliEs ' 8 . o . s ueezed out a tilple triumph ov game 0fficlals tor Satur— arching shot hit. the overhead q M , C, n rs O b ing was followed by a second half MATTRESS SALE call or write Jack Manic , le- george Corning, beams in Lincoln gym as his Bears Sim 212:“ (mete: et‘vzm “infra? 6,11% letdowu by the Shelton Highclimb- FOR Serta 12th Anniversary , FOR RENT: cottage on Oakland HOOdSPOYt. WaSh- 2‘6"3'5“1 mughtWhistletooter Ren- met the Highclimbers in their vllg?’ >1,“ y p ... lers as they suffered their tenth 4-room modern home on hill With Bay, 2 miles out. Modern con-l—-—-—-——~—-‘ ——V-V-—-r- -. (0:. F along, used to NOFthel‘n PIV'léion Prep (jagc scrap yOId 15m] 'made 00d use of Ver_ Idefeat in Northern Division play good yard $1650.00 terms. veniences. Phone 11-J. FOR‘ SALEZ. ElectrOluX cleaners!- . .' amterank Willard, Shel- . thats me first time this d M n“ k' g tr .Tuesday night, 46 to 25,- at the MATTRESS 3—3-6-11-18_3t, New machines as low as $49.50. -_ r. when the lat— sports observer has ever seen the 2,, ff”, egg p.m. ,“ptsfi ‘gg’ 'hands of the Olympia Bears in FOR SALE or RENT: .40 acre _.__.__. __. For sales, service and‘ supplies it”; Charge of the guide ball played that way, in this gym .W ‘.e an girl”. was . e 1g iLincoln gym. farm, 16 under cultivation, good. NOW 1 FOR RENT: small gas station at call or write Jack Manl‘hy, . f“ at Mt. Rainier a or any other . the rule book Derana (’f Qilaluy Cleanerss bm‘ This Friday evening the circuit home and out buildings. Creek' (my Lilliwaup, will lease to reliable Hoodsport, Wash, 3.3-_4-1...1m. PflESERlPl‘i ‘ years ago. says it can be done if both coach— mg}; , completes its 1941 schedule with running across land. ElectriCity.i $19.95 party. Key at Davis’ Store at m... . , ,. f teele, Renton team es agree but if they disagree then ,3 T .9 VSCOreS‘ M , 0 Shelton at Elma in the finale. orchard, good neighbors, a de- During February _ see it Lllllwaup. Owner Mrs. V. FOR SALE! $25-00 Pressure 000k" w... "Eagerly was vice-presi- the ball Shall be ruled as Out-Of- *ufiwll. (3) 2R, awn ( ) For the first half the Highclimb- sir-able home. Terms if desired. Tomorrow Sharpe, 1425 N. 54th, Seattle,l er_and'canner $10.00 cash. In- . in the Northwest baseball bounds and awarded to the team H 51"8.‘ handica 1.39 lers gave the Bears all the oppo: F. c. Willey, 706 Cota St., Shel- Wash. 3-6-11-2t. quire at Journal Office, . hif“ days when Shelton which did. not cause. the ball to lF-ctmmw :, 5H7, anithp 4ng lsition the visitors wanted and ton. Phone 31. 3-4-6—w2t. Lumbermen 5 Merc, C0, wwwva w“ F-3‘4-‘67’2t‘ ‘ 80:11: both members ijstrlkfé the glvcrfiaii/‘gifiighlobstficli Efmcthzrs Woodw,th 25g ‘trailed by only 19 to 14. But the m t FOR SALE I l d B n ‘ .A 7 . years baCK- 03017 1311' 1 91]" 331' i 1" .I ' a rressive Bears took command acres 0 Hope ‘, : Ban e e grape ' I ‘ made “0 diffemnce to him, 50 lOi ;" Skelsey 313mm WOOd 401 atggtlle opening of the second cantol about 4 miles from Snelton, has e puma L_ Geist‘ Route “05- 2' , ll cunnth lit go the way Hockey wanted it A112“ ‘12”- DC'ddS 491, land rapidly puued into a com-I 175 feet of waterfront and 1,000 anuuww pickefing passage. 3.6.1144; _' 5’s two prep bas- i. . . the rule was quite confusing 3,99 79} 752 21601 Dummy 425 mandin ~1ead‘ feet deep to the road. Spring WANTED: large pieces clean cob ' v ; . p t i 594 7W2 744 2140 3 WV WWW ’ ‘E Ito the officials working the game; 0”“, ( l b -, A ,, . t runs through the property and O C d 4 ton rags with an buttons and - , . g t and to Show)“ fans’ Who had new 5‘ “glfimap 01d M1“ (2) passrizes 5:3"; :Elthg tliJc lilaiéiflcsegg there is 10m 0f nice timber andv He or $ '50 snaps removed. No curtains or - er seer the ball plzl.’*e(l.tliat ",va‘ 4- 991199“ ‘3 i l wood, This is about the 1a5tl . sh ‘Winless . . wlhy Rockey’ hould ask to); r 332‘ vhlitfnfélcag igigmpaslsleigsficfiirfiio sgzahtgxcldpgsl piece of waterfront property on Double Load (2 cords) 3:311:15} féafrfiincil or knit1_&e:i;.f' mm,“ , I t" the different appli "ion of the )reww e 3‘ l f3 9’“ 93’ , ‘ . the Bay Close in and is welli m ‘ ’ lF-l‘ . S rule after all these years is some- M‘ Durand OlglM' I‘Ubll‘ 414 .ltiipt Higgitws Offense from get worth the price of $1075. Some WANTED: lady for housework. c r e thing- he didn't explain- P' Staley "4121}: Comm” 377 ugh? stm 12," was rough wi th terms. I Phone 112-J between 9 and 3 MAYBE NOT ““ Pauley 263 ‘ gg ‘ ‘ * * * I PHONE 38-J o’clock. S—2-4--tf -» l .. ' I‘COUWLEAGUE p M, Stewart 413,three Highclimbers being banish- . L Pct Donit be greatly surprised, dia- 722 610 733 20651788 689 709 2186 ed‘on personal fouls and one Bear _____________________ “10 0' 1 006 mond fans, if Shelton doesn’t coma ——-————— gomg to an early Shower by the 6 4 'Googpete in the junior American Loci Isame route. Ken Fredson, Walt ’ ‘ 6 4 :600 jgion baseball field this year; ’ lEddy and Warren1 YIVOIgdést (Illf the FA '4 k. fr ....... __ 5 5 _500 Local legiOn athletic figures home club and Rap 0 c er 0f l... sharing n- Visno , " ah 34, Knighty13. 3 room modern home with large MW . ‘ unfinished upstairs Excellent “__— WANTED: Plowmg by the hour, finish insidfi Best View lot in with tractor. Leave telephone C. Walker Park. This will make 8. orders at Cooke's Feed store. l ‘ Special Prices ATTORNEY AT LAW -l fine suburban home close in.l 192-2547. 3-4-6-11-13——6t. I Pr‘ced at 323200“ _On WANTED AT ONCE: carloads or Title maul-ones Building , i, ‘SEWING :MACHINES Opposite F rst National Bank I SINGER SHOP ’ I ahuya Scribe In H ' the invaders failed to last out the _______ __ 2 .200 have soured on the way the pro- 0 10 .000i gram has been mishandled by ConteSt- BGttCher snared eleven . . v ts before he left the game to the men at the top in this :‘tate ‘ pOin _ I and rather than go through, the I take swung honor-5' Jlm Mc— ale r. . . truckloads of large, sound ma- .1 room house Vlith brick chimney, ple and alder logs Higher prices Phone 23 . She! cement basement and founda' and liberal scale. Prompt settle- ‘ p t, 29 Ocosta 13. disappointments and aggrava- BY Mrs J w Huson lgolmb’s seven were high for Shel- ggx.‘gfiogngéas:§fi saifiiglngggii rrgilnt. TNorthwc‘e’srt l(l'Jhair Com- ___. . .. ’0 up . M L. p ,5 V V _ , , . ' . acoma, ' gto . -..._-_#.. v beforgofégkiglfr 3248-t0 d 2; “1:1: ggigtmlixc $233: Tahuya, March 6. Our Scribe The Bear second string wallop' £1,111: cfgrogugg pgoperfiy‘ Abilit 80- 4th, Shelton p y gi-lflI-ll-l‘Su‘it I; . ' y , p _ ., . ‘, ,. . . l ‘ reserves, 39 t 2 o roun mos ’ YM. Knlght 0w1s com- legion competition and let Shel- Mrs' Effie Knownonl 15 m the 96‘ the nghChmber 0 cleared. Property is all fencecl: INSURANCE WANTED: girl for general house- work. Mrs. A. E. Hillier. 3-6-11—2t. Shl ' I8, in the reliminary. The lilie- e ton General Hospital. We all ups: P A\ good buy at $475.00. Terms. * * >1: First Teams Shelton <25) HERBERT G. ANGLE wish her a speedy recovery. a Perfect season in‘ reverse! ton’s young diamond aspirants ‘ Mr. Ted Blair had an accident, ‘V V 3’» failin to lian u , compete on an independent bas- , int ,g g p 2* en Tri—County league is. Mason Count y Ma s ,LARGE Mason County Tov’vnship HERBERT G. ANGLE lwhich completely demolished hilelympia (46) , . . . maps $1.00. Als' -———— .' in» le . . Shelton Jumor leg.“ baseball car. The accident occurred tlB. VanEaton 3 F ........ .. Fredson 5 Olympic Peninsul 1:? maps Of WANTED: housework by day or Office at Ang‘e Building e agile champion did lautllOI'ltleS have always been‘ .. a . . 9-» uget Sound h w 0p - .’ r . . . . . the head of the b near Br Rockey 7 -------- Phillips Country and St t our- Cook, laundry work or its POSlte. by co in all! ainstakin in their adherence to ay emer J UR 3' 500 to 31-00. . l i _, gam Pl) ,P g , , ton' Mr_ Blair was not injured Bettcher 11 _____ ,_ Eddy O NAL Want Ads are used by care for children or invalid. In- elea eesrt and Will repre- the, letter and Shlmt Oflhe J‘mlor but broke out with the measles Beck 8 ____________ "G" Dickinson ‘ scores of your friends and 3 Journal quire Journal. B_3-s-n__2t, ment as Cthe SSW. clasvs zlegion‘ baseball leggllgtri‘ctlns, I)??? after he returned home. I. VanEaton 7 G ,,,,,,,, Mccomb 7 nelghbors with great successq—‘fi mwmvwv l E i I ‘ '11 5 entraha Marc“ 0f Winch ’blth? facl “ O 8,8 ' A birthday party was given for Subs: Olympia—Hansen 6, 0’- Complete information about French Moi t - . W""'."""" L B. ' “ins? 1,222,933;gififgibl’eiie‘gheiivigi Mary Lutzenhuser by her 515- Leary 4’ Randall, Ashweui Hume' mat 3"“ have ‘0 56“ always Mount Blanc (Whitleiraim i - ) 1 ClaSSlflEd SQYVICB Accounting Tax" Services ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘- Shelton—Loo 2 Valle 2, Rose 3, 6 PS. . 0”“ am 0- ~ ;‘ 83"?) M. Knight (14) ,years the program has been con- ters at the home Of her SlSter‘ "1 Woods 6 Lugsaen y cated in France, near the Italian ,M‘WAAWWAMJ , Bookkeeping Systems .... __F ________ H Hunter 2 ducted here Bremerton. Several of the young mwvvw" mv~ border about 40 mil ,. .......... " Price 4 _ ' , . t folks attended from here. , Second Tennis Geneva; is th h. es south of Lake Mixed Mill Wood 12.; 4th St Phonefiw 1 n 8 “ ---~-Vane 2 So .wnen sucn moments as hel Don McKay brought his m0, Olympia (39) Shelton (8) I Euro . 0e lghest mountain in Never been i S It i . H ............ __G" D __y 5 ineligibility of those three Spokane ther, Mrs. Emma McKay’ here to Lewis 6 __________ .,F ____________ _, Pierce De. OutSlde of the Caucasus, ris- n a at” 3.!) 10 G .. alas players last year, and the dirtyistay with her daughter’ Mrs. Leidy 11 ..... .. Trotter "1815.732 feet above sea level. i Cord I 7-2Wishi; BierbOWer ,deal Shelton was handed over the iGeorge Hart Akeley 1 Wilson 1 LIBERAL REWARD; for return Cords $850 . r . ’ -Peterson 4 Hannick’ Western Playqff dlamondtfin 1939' John Shefner is able to be about Gilbert _4 Clothler 3' of keepsakes valuable only to ' PHONE 3.78 MT. MORIAH LODGE 2 Mary Km ht’ Wh-t icome up 1t dlscourages (.3 me“ now. He still uses his (:ane,lFatherg111 3 ------------ -- Chase 2 myself which were accidentally l 3-4-6-11_3t. l “meek Bil — i e, and boys who endeayor to live up however- Subs: OlympiamRoutt 8, Sulen- given to and sold at rummage‘ P l' l No. 11 F.& A.M. . ' e' to the “195- It lsnt PS If It lad All of the Tahuyans viewed the es 4’ Defleths Farrowv Taylon sale in Shelton last fall. Includes M Ne)“ R I .c'om happened once or twice, on e remains of the cub plane which Shelton—Anderson, Page, Klink, photographs of my deceased mo_l LAWN MOWERS egu ar munlca on Eggtgf’ggis {lgevestafgnathfiéfi{crashed near here. There wasn’t CObum- ther, brother, other relatives,i CALL FORPIEIIIIIIST‘FOR COUNTY SH MARCH 8 . , . . 'much left to view. sev ral ' ' ts f NG 00k officer has carried out hils dgitiss. Mr. Walt Sargent made a busi_ graidmotggl‘s‘fscggher fag]? atl‘igglglgloéfi pHIEanByWOSgXENMthat Kheys mado— washing ma- M' HWErgfigffllA-master. ’ e s u wnhout some mess over 8 lg! 1 1 y “955 trip to Olympia Saturday- Montesano, March 4.——(Special).l keepsakes packed in box atop gist 1,1941‘ sealed bids will beyi‘ecelltgg c mes rePalred _ SpeCIahSt J. L. C'ATTO. i arisin in the 'unior lecrion base- .. , _ . . t e Board of in fine mechanical r ' l g l l: Mr. Sidney Gerber and Mr. __ Hoqulam cmched no worse than dishes and miscellaneous pieces ers of Mason Cougggntgt $313!:list‘11‘23é: upholstery. epalrs and ban Program in this State' Singer of Seattle were Sunday ' v .. , a he for the N u D- of glass valued as family heir- m the court house at Sh 1t I, Sherma°fizssz rs: a; c . a a 35s. as; Sfitfiiyoidiiit‘§;?fi.ea"d Handy Man Shop em a m n ' r- an rs- - ‘ omp on over the Montesano Bulldo s h re Rfl3'6'11_2t' one year f S mt ‘8 e'rm 0f er’s post for the coming Sfm' and friend, Mr, and Mrs. Roger d g e mlbe ased 0:10“; July 1%91' bids to M son, either Al Btrewer wings: Hill and Don Fixemer, an of Pot_ Mgllmill’nglggg.eight pomts before REWARD. for return lady Hamil- ggnltfiglcdt to be £3333“; {lhéd'oiAl'gt‘ii‘é‘é GEt’iléke? gfithLEf’s amide,“ Edgybga‘: nggugszz 93113933“ 1m: latch attended the dapcfi’t at Ta' the host team scored, the Grizzlies Elm kv‘glstl gatCh’ 9:33“: gold’ DATED this 5th da f M h 19 day. Rates lgwelrlp' 251c per u _ V d that huya last Saturday mg . won as they pleased and led at the ac an . hone . 3-4—6—2t. H A1912”? pgiigETTél. periods s H on onger less prowswn was ma 6 Mr. Harned of Seattle and Mr. half, 22 to 9. However, little ‘——h-——- ‘~———-—-- ’ ' ee erb Angle NOW! ' ' Clerk of the Board of Count ' J the Amencan Leglon depart 'Jones of Manchester, were out Am Drugge, blond Bulldog for- FOUND: 3 months-old tan police $§$hi§§tbfiers’ Mason county}: Secretary. WITSIER-S ‘ FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmers W. A. Witsiers, Pro . e —h 3 O (D ‘< ment adjutant was made re- land are making Plans to Pl"t ward co ed scorin h rs for 3 6 1 ' . - u . . l _ 3-2 Phone 180 ~ 11 lton. h. i sponsible for certifying tbhfi and sell their Maple POint Prop' the gamgpwith 13 gpoigtls? Ho- pup. can A. Lmdwth’ 599; “in! 0.2.__7_4t‘ gm 8 as l eng‘bu‘ty 0f Jumor base 3’ Cl‘ty. quiam’s scoring was evenly dis- u- _ 9 ca l NOTICE or WATER. mourn AerIUATION N0. 5382 State of Washington miles of Super. players BEFORE the (“said The Star Limes are in bloom ‘tributed among two complete playoffs opened. here. . So far ineligibilities have not I NOTICE IS Hilliati GIVEN that SALES BOOKS pursuant to and in conformity with ’teams used by Coach Elmer Huh- Junior High Team At . W‘— ‘ . all order of th B visa 0! 'draul 01 ‘ in, ‘been brought into the open tuna; taThe lineups. Montesano Saturday will]??? of ha§§£dcfiifi"y‘f"§¥a&°“gf TO WIHOM 1"1‘ MAlYMCUKEERN: ' after mil 91am S’ t°° late 0 Local Folk Hear Montesano <28) Hoquiam (42) ’on the itinba‘iubyr $395. afili “21%? 55‘ P“ “"2” $3353? Blifikgw‘ég‘t‘hfi $35k: any goo "t, tr .t ation as it ,Drugge 13 ---»--F ------------ u Klock 3 Shelton junior high 'tackles itslmg the undersigned to sell. .in thelw —- ' ington. undel- date of February. 1, Andtha s .9 81 u I Best 10 u Walyman 3 last Opponent of the 1941 season Enlanner provxded by law (Section 133, 0 also take orders for all kinds 31941. filed with the State St: or l‘r stands at the moment neighbors. . rr' 7 . l apt" 263. Laws of 1927). the un- of ecia1_ of Hydraulics Olympia W o be on,“ gee jfinior legion _— Moorc .) .. .. Clayton this Saturday afternoon when l dersigncd will on Saturday, the 29th gRI . an application for a poi-min“,~ “of -- i50 may y r d — ixallagher . ,. Graham 6 Coach Hugh Clark leads his young day Of, March, 1941, at the hour of NTED SALES BOOKS the public waters of an unnamed tl‘é b b 11 here this summer an Several Mason County people ~- . mm 001 k . O _ n f 359 a , mom d t R h fit I. tod- to brlsp -------------- "G: ---------- Slden 7'basketeers to Montesano for a day at go", f1“ tthed forengoi‘h Ofcsaldl 1" Price? are all low or lower tributary of Hood Canal,_in the amt) t maybe you won t' we 0 06. e‘-e- “y Subs: Montesano —— Heikkinen. pair of cage contests due to start House in themg't 00; Sh 1te 01"” l than outsme salesmen can Quote °~f 0'50 second f°°t’ subject m 9" fi f l hi V ———-—~—-"" “mar Karl Olsenl.brllhan.t. young gThompson. Hoquiam~Wittren 5, at two O'clock County and simiayofier ,3, ($1333: you. rights. continuously for the purpo ’_bt luck “WM traveler, g‘Ve 3‘ VIM Word istubbcrneld 3, Haney 4 Tokas 4, ' . not less than the minimum orice THE JO'UR dOTeSt"? “ml” m” the a b" i“ l «a... .’ 'e"°w made it Crop and Feed Loan tincture of conditions m Europelpiddeii. The Same 61°33 “W sat-0d end NAL tgzmroransrbrheal" ' ' o sel . and their effect on American life. ” lseasons a week from Sa urday 1n ’- 1599005 s' 0 9' lg es an- 3"“ N., . . . " ‘ ' - s . Wth| :Erough the Blanks NOW Available Hitch-hiking, riding on coall Hale Silieltonb f Liogesano is 2311?)? :gidthtfi/Iargggt,Cgfifiyangxégégti CALL FOR BIDS FOR BOARD 0F “1" Aarggp3smxnlél.t£lé xogopon: d ' 5- barges and tramping through theD k e ony c u o e ea e power— ins therefrom. however. all public COUNTY rmsonnns Pa“ 0‘ sold diversion a the pics 'A l‘cation forms for 1941 countryside, the young traveicrl 3C ‘3er e 4' ful Centralia club this year. mails: CCC “335v Wee“ 0* alleys NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that 0‘ we mime" “99 ‘5 °“.-‘“e m‘ 9 p Pl) 1 . . th L i . now in use, or rights of—way for roads bids Will be opened by the Board f Office of the state 8' of .: emergency crop and feed loanslViSited'Germany, France“ e ow S F now owned by, or sought to be appr0_ County Commissioners of Muse?“ draulicg’ Olympia” “hm tom”. : are now available to Mason Coun— Countries, and Scandinav1a in ad- I) e e . . .priated at. this datleor public roads, County. Washington, on Monday gather with such other i armatan ‘A E ty farmers at County Agent Clin— dition to extensive travels in Eng-[ gcgngofigbtgg :Ydeiaclgbgguggi gaffgemggh c1341 git t(ileven o’clock am: as ‘3 required I”: 13“" iii j V ton Okerstrom’s Office in the post- land- Familiar With Several lain" kl d B properties, situated in saidmCoun'ty andlcourt house in Sheltolzi, lf)<c))l"1rl'iurllixilshthe likny Perl-font“ '31" colrpmw’tn : ‘ loffice building he said yesterday. ‘guages, he was able to talk With Computed for a a“ 3Y State. to-Wlt:1 1 El , county prisoners two meals per (113% 3,1103; 251d alllllilictftio'lliJ 'lriig‘slslllgml 1i I‘ No g‘mh loahs have been made hundreds Of Students' laborers and‘ By Mrs Zeo Priszner (H008? (’13 a5§ri‘iii§>h°“r SeIcIEoéi EOEATowgghipNVQOA lgort/h' year commencmg April 19' the State supervisor 35"“ “a”, '.t lto Mason County farmers for Sev' other 0.0mm“ people and thus~°b' Matlock March 5 —— The Deck-l N ' Rafige 5 west’ W‘ M' 0”” $30-00 Menu as follows' Sly’t’iffé.3§t‘ii‘i‘3§§‘°h 23:31.6 Mdoll: ‘ leral years, he said. 2511:1901 Information anglmprissegfi ervme 4_H club is giving play L 516 am 6 0 ft “‘5 ' OMER L. DION. Breakfast: Hotcakes. toast. two eggs may desire to make. 'wltlnl gall-“(Y i‘ ‘ ' ‘ : —~ recewed by an or mary m “Off The 01“ Block ” sevoral mu‘ w’ed High 10.47 in; 128 ft. (SE L, Treasure" 0‘ Mason County- haeiliCh'colié‘édwitfia't‘iiimbmn Wis” dagshatfitetr we? “finial?” m— , “‘- -—"‘:*" '2— . I . ’ - A . - ion. w ic a' e is are , 1. 3- . Olsen has also made an exten— alcalhnl‘rgtt’ertsfi ail? flankhour 0f Low the men and bomyw March 6th, 13th and 20th—3t. Dlngzflétcfigasafné’eegmgg 033g; “133ng witness my hand and article“ “‘3‘ .x : Sive study of economics, especial- an“ gt d e. a 00 grange March 5 Low 6:00 p.m. 1.8 ft. -———-—-———- mead and bgutte,‘ pie or pudding $3 20th day or February. A. D. "a 0 ' ly in relation to Pan-American hail] sa urtayt'mghtt 22433611 821%}? NOTICE on SALE or COUNTY coffee With cream I CHAS J BARTHOLET (.2 1 defense, and is now making a na- piogram S a.r mg a ' A u 5 High 1212 a.m. 12.0 ft. liEAL PROPERTY S}Plu,t01‘y limitation sixty cents per State Supervisor of H draulll' ’ tiOn-wide speaking tour under the 200 arid ghxldren 106' The pro" Thurs Low 6-23 am 67 it {p NOTICEE‘t IS HEfEB‘t: GIVEN that l diittgédi‘higus‘l‘iibd seaieluggctlikigsled' 2‘27"“;‘2‘ y a. , . - - ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ursuan can or e‘ th,B ' ayo . . ' 5 J. . .' . ausplces 0f the Department _of Seeds 01 be Cused a mglfi‘e March 6 High 11234 a.m. 12.4 ft"! County Commissjogogs Sf HARRY DEYETTE. “ Agriculture for the purpose of in- 9" C u {imp a “ man' . Low 659 pm, 1,6 ft,lCounty, made and entered on the 4m Clerk of. the Board of County N 1408 : forming farmers and others of the Mary hMt'h Kglght omhesu‘a W ‘11 ‘3”de Marclh‘ b19411, ms?” Win fb 0" l| gféghmi‘zfét‘éfim’ mason county' NOTICE Tod CRED‘TOBS V __ . \furnis e ance music V ere or sae y e her-iff 0 said f ' 1n , l ~ , . . _. , TO FILE CLAIMS ' Eiéigizm‘lon"ftowzii‘iefifeigi...i- Albert; VMmGeiman visits: Slug; “my 153% 72.43: 3;“- 13'3 5,“. are cirrhotic. stellar i 3 13 2t goon”, cm... .i t... sum day wi r. and Mrs. Jo n Zo . 1 i ' ' on Saturday' April 12th, 1941 at ten' ‘9 “'3 "'1 01’ M150“ Coll-MV- (“I , tural PTOblemS- in Deckervine_ March 7 High 12-31 P-m. 12-2 ft- o'clock A.M., to the highest hiddenl No. 3935. Pm’ate’ Delmar Priszner Spent the Low 7:59 p.m. 1.3 ft. the following described real prop-‘ summons. 3%. THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE 0ne_Tenth .County ekend with John Pumfre erty. In the Superior Court of the State Né’jfiégLElss SAglfih§§§msegiva T lwe High 3-39 am 128 ft, Northeast quarter of the South- 119$ Wfi/SIhl-njs‘t‘on'for‘ Mason County. That Latte." T ‘ i m: COWS Under est an. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Pringle ; ' ' west quarter (NEi/1 0f Swim of 1 {11A i. 11thle Plaintiff, v5, , .. es amentary on e V ____ iand children of Shelton Spent 1$13.1; I LOW 9.00 a.m. 6.9 tSectionmtwo (2), Township Nine; lgqlaiifilflinla“Elgfillfi‘léslzonefendaut. Eféit‘gdmtg’mgleesuifi‘gésgrfgg’eghwg: ‘ ' . . . . e N , "r, 4 r' i _ i s N t . _ . , In Mason County nineteen herds Sunday With Mr. and Mrs. Fred amhs pg 1(2): ft Viretstfw). Marté’iltif‘i’é‘ilfirgii‘éhcés; {211d 1.. Perkins, Defendant: . 0 Ger 13‘.“ day 9f Februaer 1941' by the . Contammg a tOtal Of 456 cowsv Ferrlsi sr- , p' ' ‘ ' This forty acres. known as “County You archereby summoned to up- said Supenor Court. ‘ , “(i-tenth of the m1 number °f Mary Knight basketball team it rmi’ has; i““‘”.i"% 3f so“ grill" ti” selector .r‘m ,, ' _ ; _ _ , ceare , san y 0am an 0 0m an , ; . (“e e ll'S 1311 Ice. i f 0' Al re requ re 0 serve lem 5» [cows 1“ the c°untyl Were teSFed lost another game Tuesday eve Sun lilogh 33 13: ft the balance pasture and wood lot and l summons, to wit Within 313d; only: With the necessary vouchers upon me , a for butterfat production during mng. However, it was a splen- . .W a» - - has a good creek running through. aft?!” the 30th day of Jan. 1941, and at the Office of Marion Garland. 105~8 ‘~ February under the Mason-Thurs- (did game and a close tie. They Mar°h9 H1311 2341 P-m- 13.3 gigovlggfig :ugfglgéeg $3810“:ng {lgg‘ilgguftli‘1flb0V0.(fntitéed.action in Diet? Bldg-khBrc’fntertoa; Vga—zh-i (will? ‘ , _, . _ . . n. x . Vl . . . Ol‘CSal an answer t Cm Six men s a er e no 0 t e ton. Dairy Herd Improvement As played Qumault tgam' Low 9 48 pm 5 bathna large barn and numerous out- Complaint of the plaintiff Lula first publication of this notice. to-wlt. L 50018.th11. , Mr. and Mrs. Clinton Reed, Mrs. .buildlngs. Located three miles from; Perkins, and serve a copy of your within Six months after the 27th day .I 3 0f the total tested in this coun- Zeo Priszner and son EdWard Mil- ngh 5:03 a.m. 13.8 ft} Shelton 1on pavedt rclladfand electric answer rupon _ the undersigned at- of. February, 1941. and file the same " i 0 m0. ty, cows in nine herds were test- ton were business gamers in Olym- Mon. Low 10:42 a.m. 5.7 Ragga? garigghinguérabcfiickz; s'dall‘y1ng. geolg\$1asltr;ttl§§ agniélsi $356.13; the ct-lerlfi of this Court together led on the Standard Plan, the re-, pia, Monday_ Mar. 10 High 3:33 p.m. 12.7 ft.[ Ap “aged value, $3,500.00, Will sen Your failure so m ('10, judgment Wm Shladl ggof}or8versd§8ln:§rVIce, or they First two months rental may lmaining on the Owner-Sampler ————~~__ - Low 10:34 a.m. 0.2 ftufor 700-00 cash and,balance In ten ! be rendered against you according Dated at prbmenm ‘wQsh this ,; be applied 0n purchase price Iplany according to figures releas_ Granite Softer Than Marble yeeraersly payments at five per cent in- ' toh_the demand .of the complaint 25th day Of fin. 1941, .. 0f maChine- ed yesterday. Although granite, like marble is High 5:34 am- 142 ft: For' additional information contact b‘i ‘sciiiahgéuiff’n “ml “uh the Clerk gKELéEREOIEoiiIialogAi‘igfiwfi? i ’ noted for its hardness and durabili. Tues. Low 11:23 a.m. 4.8 ft.‘ gr “(rite t0 the Ammo“ 0f Mason; The object of ,this action on the lECUTOR‘ OF ESTATE. i ‘ ~ Vermicullte ‘ Man 11 High 4140 P-m- 13-3 ft-I mm 3" - Du“: T” “'1‘? “mm” 1." 1“ 399W» By R. A. NOYES. President. I w, granite bufldlngs have been . , Dated this 5th day of March, 1941. a dlvorco from the delvmlant. MARION GARLAND ~ The only commerClally profitable kn t m d f LOW 11-19 P-m- 0-1 fl?“ HARRY DEYETTE. , J. w. GRAHAM, . -. , ' own 0 crum e an all in devas Clerk of the Board of Count“ Mm H 1. .. Attorney for Estate. ,‘ - deposits 0f vermlCUIll-ey a hydrated tating fires that have only scorched ‘ I Commissioners Mason County? Ol'fi 1:1)“ 3\dtlEn “Smurf.” Office and POM Office Address: ,. . mica occur in North Carolina High 6203 a.m. 14.6 ft. Washington ' G it” find Iess' “"5 105-8 Dietz Bldg.. ,. u‘f . ,. l g p _ marble structures. Mar.12 High 5:34 pm. 13.? ft. 3-6-13-20—3t. ' , 1-7m flaiygfinfw S??,}Ff§‘-_.}‘,ash- Bremerton. \Vnsli. 24?. 3-0-13—20—4L