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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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:! .... HELTOI%MAON COUNTY JOURN'AU I n n u um n n MABGIE'S TAXI NO EXTRA FEE FOR EXTRA PASSENGERS Phone 392 PERTINENT FACTS ABOUT TAX FORMS 1. You mnt file if )'Oil had $500 or more income in ] 946. 3. Fill out either your With- holding St$ement (Form W-2 or Form 1040. 3. If you need he/p, ask early to avoid long lines. 4. File early. Don't wail for llareh 15. Lovelier This Easter A SPENCER Designed Just for You  Will Give Your Figure  ;i New Loveliness You'll have that the, graceful pos- ture that w/II add much to your appearance. TELEPHONE 799-J TODAY ( BERNICE SCHREIRER I Dealer 1416 Summit Drive Spencer Individually Designed Founda- tions for Abdomen, Back and Breasts ATTENTION IJlJlJJIJJIIIJJJlJJJJlIIIIJlIIIIL Loggers.Log Truckers We Have Been Appointed Distribntors For Mason County of KENWORTH K.W. HEAVY DUTY TRUCKS We have a few brand new six-wheel- ers, either gas or diesel, ready for im- mediate delivery. Olympic Motors David E. Burrell Dies At 86 Years Funeral services for David E. Burrell, 426 Dearborn wile died Monday at the age of 87, will be held Saturday morning at 10:30 a.m. at Witsiers Funeral Chapel, Cremation will follow at Tacoma. The Rev. Hardwick Harshman will officiate. Mr. Burrell was born April 22, 1859, at Claylick, Franklin coun- ty, Penn. He has been a resident of Mason county fox' the past ten years. In recent years he has been doing gardening work in Shelton. He is survived by a daughter, Mrs. Addle Maynard of Harris-, burg', Pa.; five sisters. Mrs. Prina Edwards of Lyons, Kansas, Mrs. Anna Terry of Pendleton, Ore., Mrs. Jennie Cook of Carneiro; Kan., Mrs. Lydia Colsing of Wa- kita, Okla., and Mrs. Gertrude Edgman of Monroe, Wash.; a bro- ther, James Burrell of Pueblo, Cole; three granddaughters; four great-grandsons, and a niece, Mrs. Margaxet Eckstrand of Seattle. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Published every Thursday morning Member of Washington Newspaper Publishers' Association and National EdR0rial Association Entered as second-css matter atthe bostofflce at Shelton, Washinzton WILFORD JESSUP and WILLIAM 1V1. DICKIE, Publishers Bessie Bolen, Business Manager Subscription Rates : $2.50 per year in advance: 6 months $1.50: outside Mason County $2.75: .,,q),.qv,,r ,wr •v, vv ,v-)o,,qp,Ir,wpv-qr,qr ,1)-,v,q),,wrqr v ,qp-) • Hoodsport Frances Radtke sincerely wish- es to thank those friends who vot- ed her back as Hoodsport school director for another three year term, and voted their district ten mills with which to buy a much needed school bus. There was a record turnout of voters Saturday numbering 133, against the 104 voters at the school election in this district two years ago. And may I reassure those people who may have read the news item on the front page of The Journal last week to the effect that the Hood Canal property taxes were boost- ed .as a result of  additional '50 mill levy voted by/ canal resi- dents, This 50 mill levy was voted by the Union school district and did not affect our property in school district 312 which one can see by a glance at tim back of Shelton Men Enjoy Sporting VacatiOn I Steeped fn sunshine, which their l tanned cotintenancs reflected, AI- lie Robinson and Alvin 'Babe' his 1947 tax statement recently Carlson returned to Shelton Fri- sent out, Higher taxes this year day after a 24-day vacation trip were caused by a boost in prop- to California, Nevada, and Arizona erty values by the county asses- on which they soaked up a lot of sports events and scenes. During visits to Phoenix, Reno, Los Vagas, and other winter re- sort points they attended many .dog and horse racing programs, bowled daily, watched the New York Giants in spring training, and generally "lived the life of Riley." Allie took motion pictures of the Giants. SOP. The, community extends its sym- pathy to the bereaved widow of red Watters, who passed .away suddenly last Saturday morning. He was taken ,suddenly ill, re- turned home from work during the morning and collapsed while attempting to lie down on a sofa, Mrs. Flora Lockwood was en- tertained royally in honor of her birthday. A inner party was giv- en Monday in her honor at the home of Mrs. J. F. Smith who served a beautifully decorated irthday cake to te guests of honor, Mr. H. E. Lockwood, Mrs, Ella Lunt and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Aselson. Another birthday dinner was given at the home of her daughter, lrs. Mildred Wilson, Who made a lovely.white and yel- low cake, Her birthday will also aw SHIP YOUR FREIGHT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN 8HELTON Seattle Freight should be routed via Sir. Indian, Ferry Dock, Tacoma Freight via Lr. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 £ollow: at 6 p, m. for PUGET 00UIqD FREIGHT LINES M-DAY FOR US IS NEAR IF THE STAFF at our studio eems a little pre-occupied these days there's pretty good reason, and if you'v over moved from one place to another at any time you know what we're going through right now. You see, We're trying to do the doubl duty of keeping our service to our cus- tomers at top efficiency and still prepare the big job of moving into our new build- ing and have everything ready to unveil to you by March 22. That's the date we've set for the grand opening of our new quarters, so you can readily see the additional tasks we're doing right now. x Our fine new building is nearly complete and the work of getting its interior decorations and furnishings completed and in place is going forward rapidly. be celebrated Thnrsday when the ladies of Skokomish Grange - Club meet for "hmcheon at the home ,of Mrs. Rule Dickinson. At this time the county extension agent i will teach the ladies of the club something of the art of upholster- ing chairs. l Fifteen people from the Hood Canal Community Church journ- eyed to Brinnon last Sunday where Reverend Paul Sweeney acted as guest pastor in the local church. Harold Sund led ttm song service. Mr. and Mrs. tarry fener are home again after spending a week in Seattle. Mr, and Mrs. J, B. Olackin of Gig Harbor, Mr. and Mrs, Fred L. Damon of Johnson Creek were Friday dinner guests of the H. I. Millos. The men attended a spe- cial Grotto meeting at Union dur- ing the evening. The Millos also attended a birthday dinner given for mother Mille in Seattle last Sunday to honor her 75th birth- day. A dinner also was given at Walt Millo's on Monday to cele- brate dad Millo's 85th birthday. Un/que item on the menu was fried banty chicken, delicious lit- tle morsels which taste like squab. Word was received by the Mil- los of Mrs. Dick Schmidt's return from New York where she had traveled by plane to be with her daughter at the birth of their 7V-ib. boy which they named Bob Allen CornelL Dick, the proud grandfather, said they called him by telephone and he heard the baby "squealing all the way from New York." To those interested, the antique shop which displayed the interest- ing European clocks which I men- tioned in a previou paper, is lo- cated near Sequim, on the old Sequim highway which goes to Port Angeles, about one mile from highway 101, I Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Vander- wall of Shelton were Sunday din- ner guests of the Lou Millards. Mr. and Mrs. Buford Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Orin Ellison, of Seattle, were Sunday dinner guests of Os- car Ahl. Buford Rose is moving back to Shelton where he wil! again Wo'k fpr A1 Huerby. The Saturlay evening March of Dimes cart: party given by the Junior Women's Club netted a nice contribution as there was an unusually large turnout. 'High i prize at bridge was won by Dess Haines, low by Eva Simmons, High prize for pinochle by Harry Yenter, low by Mr. Felch. Oscar Ahl won the door prize a large frying chicken donated by Mrs. Maymee Lallathin. The Girl Scout blanket drawing did not take place as some of the tickets still remain to be sold. The drawing is planned to Occuriat;'he next P.T.A. me6(- ing which will take place on.: March '13. Interesting entertain :' ment is also being planned by the program £hairman. Mrs, Alice McClanahan. Mrs. Elsie Roger's beauty shop which i$ now open for business across from the Old Mill, enjoyed its first customer Saturday. Local people will be glad to know that tlmy can now have their hair dressed, shampoos or permanents near home, Children in Miss Lallathin's room had a splendid time at the room party which was given last week by Mrs. Helen Kirk and Mrs, Alice :McClanahan. Irs, Dick Addleman is leaving Tuesday to be with her mother - in-law, Mrs, Orln Addleman of Vail, Wash., who is very ill, Mrs. Rule Dickinson returned from California in time to be in on the election excitement. A record crowd turned out Thursday evening to attend the Hood Canal Sportsmens meeting at the Hoodsport school house. Free movies were enjoyed by 75 people and a delicious spaghetti mpper was served. The president, Wally Oliver, appointed Irvin Mc- Vay to assist on the picnic com- mittee, so it looks like a very nice picnic is on the agenda for the sportsmen this summer. Also on the picnic committee are Mrs. Mabel Avey and Mrs. Hazel Corn- wall. Much thought was also given at this meeting to the project of securing a public park on this side of the canal. Sportsmen have been working on this enterprise for a long time, writing letters to public officials and eagerly awaiting replies. We're sure you'll like. our nw accommodations when we move into them and we're inviting you right now to set the date aside and be on hand for our grand opening. More details of that event will appear i these columns in the next two weeks, but we wanted to let you know now when it {s scheduled. And perhaps we'd better mention again the location- it's on the corner of Sec- ond and Franklin, facing Second, and is the new building directly across the street from the city hall. MS. FNKHOUSER !EAVES rs. Charles Funkhouser and daughter left Shelt0n recently to spend the time between now and aster with,her relatives in Kan- sks City, KaY. NOTICE OF C&LL FOR RIDS NOT.ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the U|ty of Shelton calls for and will on Tuesday the llth day of Marcb, 1947, open bids for 5.560 lin. ft. of 4" Class 150 pipe to be delh, ered within 30 days of date. Bids-to be delivered to the City Clerk on or before the date of open- tna'he- City of Slelton reserves tle right to reject any and all bids, Dated this 5th day of March, 1947. ALMA K. CATTO, C)erk of the City of Shelton, Washington. 3-&-It. We hope we'll be seeing you March 22. Yours very sincerely, GEORGE M. ANDREWS REWS STUD AND I0 NO. 1850 NOTICE O cam,TOe E IN THESUPERIOR COURT OF TH " ST. m4;:__ o WASmNGTO Fo MASSON COUNTY f In the Matter of the Estate o Frank .C, Chester Deceased. OTICE .IS HEREBY GIVEN tha th uAermgned been appointed an _ , _qualifies as executrix of the Last Will and Testament of the above nam. e:d deceasel and of tim above en.ttiea estate; that all per- Som awng. claims against said de- ceases are hereby required to serve the •same, auly verified, on said eye- eutmx or on Charles T. Wright, Imr attorney o[ record, at the address below stated, and file the same with tle cmrF o said Court, together with proof of such service, within, six .(6) months aster the date of flrs puou- eatlon ef this notice or the same will be barreu. Date_of first publication February 27, 1947 A.D. HELEN CHESTER, Executrix of said Estate. CHARLES T. WRIGHT, Attorney for Estate, Angle Building ...... on 8hton, Mason county 6 wasnmgt , ,-27--3-6-138t. , | , .................. ' ................. - ) oooooQoooo ooQ LEGAL PUBLICATIONS ] NO 4859 SUMMONS N TIIE SITY'I,HI()R C(.)URT OI TIII, STATE OF WASH IN(VION l,'( ) I. MASON COUNTY Nina Staph.t,m. }laintiff, E. I Staph'ton, Defendant. STATE ON WASHINGTON h, E. R, Stapleton, )efentb,nt : "'f)U al'e horobM SIIIIIIO1H'(] I) ill)- pear within sixty (60) days after dat(' of th,, first pnblh.ati,m ,)f this sum- mons and to-wit: • vitifin 60 (lays after ]i'ebruarv 27. 1917. and d,.l'(,nd the above €)niitiod at'ties ill the COlll'l for(,said and sere(, a ('opy (,f yl)l answ(,r ill)on the under+qigned att,)r- hey for Plaintiff at his office ad(ir(,ss herelabclow stated, and in (•a.( , ol your failure so to do, judgment will be rendered against you according tO the demand of the comphdnt, whicl has b('(,n filed wlih the trk of said court. The purpose of the said action is to secure a decree of divorce ripen the ground of lon-supporL J. • W. GRAHAM. Attorney for Pluintiff, Office Address Gooey Shift., Shelton. Washington. 2-27--3-6-1 '3-20-27--,1-3-10--7t. NO. 981 NDTICF, OF HEARING ON FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR DIRTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STAT] OF WASHINGTON F()I{ MASON COUNTY IN I'ROBATE In the Matter el: the Estate of Gust West, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that W. A. Witsiers, Administrator with the WIH annexed, de bonis non, of the estate of Gust West, deceased, bus filed her,,in iris Flual Report and Peti- tion for Distribution asking the court to settle anti approve the same, distri- bute tim property " t,, the persons thereto entitles, and to discimrgc the said Admtnistra[or W. W. A.. dbn. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Report and Petition for Dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday. the 5th day of April, 1947, at tln hour of 10 u'clock, it tim forenoon, at the Court Room, in the Court House. in Shelton, Washing(ca. Dated this 1st day of March, 1947. HARRY DEYETTE. (SEAL) COtlnty Clerk. CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for said estate. Bell Building 119 South 4tit Street, Shelten, Mason Co)anti, Washington'. 3-6-13-20-27--4t. NOTICE OF DISSOI, ITTION OF PARTNERSIin' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Delbert McGcatchy and W. J. Dyer of Hoodsl)ori. Washington, wbo have been operating the loodsport Garage in I-Ioodsport, Washington, have dis- solved partnership and timt the said V/ 3. D'er will continue to operate th(: Hoodport Garage a.; bis own scp- arflle busln(xss. W. J. Dy, r will pay all ontslandtng c]ailns. Dated this 29th day of January. ]947. . DI,]LBERT McGEATCHY, D. MCGEATCHY. W. J'. DYER. 2-6-13-20-27--3-6-13-20-27--8t. NOTICE OF CALL FOR BIDS NOTICE. IS HEREBY GIVEN that the City of Shelton Calls for and ill on Tuesday tim 4tl day of March, 1947, open bids for 410 feet of 12- inch Class 150 and 2t0 feet of 8-inch Class 150 transite pipe. Bids to be de, livered to the City Clerk on or befoz'e the date of opea- in?'le City of Shelton reserves the right to nqect any and all bids. ])ated Lhs 18th day of Febrnary, 1947. ALMA K. CATTO. Clerk of the CRy of Slelton, Washington. 2-20-27-2t. in n Reach for your phonecall Shelton 66--give us instruc- tions and you'l! enjoy excel- lent local or long distance moving service, reasonably priced and efficiently hand- led. SHELTON TRANSFER 221 S. 2nd e Phone 66 i MR. BOSTON Same tlne .quality as be- fete the war... 100% American grain. Same flue flavor, too, from 17 imported ingredieats. Try it soon! 4/5 Quo, $2.77 Co, No. 37C i Plu| 10 wa liquor rex 90 Proof from 100 Grda, Ntral Sptrtt B]EP, glE 6ROTHEPJ DISTIU.ERilES Ifl¢. : "And Have Fun" No matter how dirty the youngsters get their ctothes, morn need not worry about getting them clean] Send them to us for dry cleaning and we'll re- turn them spic and span! PANTORIUM CLEANERS 215 S. 2nd St. ThurdaV, Marc) & TAII Phone 86 Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED hursday, March _ 6, 1947. ,PRODUCTS COMPANY High Grade Fuel and Deisel Oil PROMPT SERVICE 1st and Franklin Phone 397 See our 0© ::: COME IN SAT SAMPLE THIS F DILL PICK QUART 37¢ VALUES A € HOME PERMANENTS Toni Wave - $1.25 Portrait - Helen O'Connell Cream Oil - Crowning Glory - $2.00 and Others (Plus Tax) FOR YOUR HAIR Rouix Tints and Crayons Silque Cream Shampoo- $1.00 Breck Shampoo & Creams - 60¢ - $1: Lustre Cream Shampoo - $1.00 VO5 WE HAVE IT CANDY Gales American Custom 20-oz. box $1.75 Almond Roca Potmd $1.75 Hamilton Chocolates One Pound $00.75 2 Ibs. - $3.50 RANCHERS PF TURKEY & NC JAR 49¢ RSONAL ,, ] 0RTABLES ' i " SEE CONTEST " DETAILS AT OUR DISPLAY OF ' ..... SPERRY DRIFTED: SNOW It0 e Perfected',lPI drtl ID ENRICHED rLIJUl 10 lbs. 81¢ PENS WATERMA hI. $5 to $13, PARKER fl $12.50 EVERSHARP 6. BaLI Paint - $ lJ Ball Point - Zf *0 0| EBERHA  Ba. Point - tW| U N IVE RS/k.! Ball $': i Oia00* 1 S U P ER VAPJ KLENZO TOOTH and ..NYLON TooTH 64¢ Value SPERRY PANCAKE .o WAFFLE FLOUR • 48-oz. pkg.. 38¢ A r.-._ I MPER I AL'£ "IIMALLOW CRI PINT JAR 45¢ Just An SeLL PU Sl)eci ( OF6 FILMS NO LIMIT i BUY THEM NOW [ 127 - 620 - 120 I 616 - 116 J E t Alarm CLOCKS WATERBURY $4.45 to $6.50 REX $2.5o (Plus Federal Tax) STAG SHAVING and 5 DOUBLE For Only 1 Wrist Watches WATERBURY $6.95 to $20.00 MICKEY MOUSE $6.95 (Plus Federal Tax)