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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, Ma " ................. March 6, 19,17. SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL Wivell&apos;s CERTIFIED d span I ;CLEANERS & T,]E ! ....................................... .__ |CO SEnVlCE ,. :., Weeb 1 Open ]Iouse Prizes Go National 4-H To Caldwell, Mrs. Smith Being Celebrated Door prizes offered during the March 1-9 is National 4-H Club[ public open house which introduc- Week. One and a half million boys I ed the new Olympic Furniture store to this community last Fri- and girls over the nation belong to [ day evenhlg were won by B. E. this organization which aims to Cald, well of Capitol Hill, who took train the heart and health as wcll lh°me the overstufl'ed chair and as the head and hands. TheY imatching ottoman as fir,t prize, learn by, doing and their motto land Mrs. Florence Smith, county is "To make tbe best better, nurse, who was presented the ta- ble model radio an second prize. Last year 72 boys and 133 girls More than 1000 persons were enrolled in Mason County. one estimated in attendance during the hundred and fifty-three of these members completed projects rang- three-hem" open house Friday, store managers Walt Elliott and ing from livestock through forest- Lionel Sexton said..Every visitor ry and gardens to clothing, food pI'eservation and meal preparation' was presented a car-key chain to which was attached a nickle hold- to home furnishing, er for convenience in using park- This year a slightly larger on- ing meters. rolhnent is expected and there will r-h- i,- r be greater emphasis on work such Ma e as judging and contests. This county has a fine group of club members, and a group of leaders To Form, Weather who give their time and energy to Va ilates Widely help the kids get a better chance. Let's be proud of tbem not just March rolled in like an un- in Mason County for mtative ia 0il & I m m ade Fuel and Deisel Oil i PROMPT SERVICE Franklin Phone 397 3 Pkgs 29c FROZEN FOOD: AGEN'S Arrives Monday PICT-SWEET Arrive Friday ASPARAGUS PINEAPPLE GREEN BEANS LING COD COME IN SATURDAY AND :ROCCOLI IES ROCK::: .. 4 ,I. SAMPL OYSENBERR I .. AMPLE THIS FINE PRODUCT BLACKBERRIES (Native PEAS I ll II't$'l m I "! Wild> . CORN m I Im lim [] it.  ' GRAPEFRUIT STRAWBE:IRIES M lld'll I tJ I DILL PICKLES MIXED VEGETABLES RASPBER ES I'il Ii i'll I:' Jl. °°ART '   , II lIlI Illll III, | 37¢ • " , • I ll TURKEY & NOODLES [ , '.:£ .--.- ...... -'-.'i, II I '.' Jf00£ Uilq00io#¢ 41 ¢ 49¢ n#/xJ .,.=, ...,, .,,,. ,, o., ,..,.,, -- i.---m II ,l I't   SOVERIGN ,liUlllt A'l 00-iil Pill[ SALAD DRESSING . ..... 7;; I! :?,i ....  ,T.?,_, E A, LS., R" ONTES, i ' ':SNOWDRIFT" SHORq'E '''xu  • T'I/':: DISPLAY OF i - ---POUND 1 "1 ''-] I ,,. I}RIFTID SNOW . I - ...... -'-- " FOR.YOUR HAIR /;G;'''"' !  I, I I USE YOUR • I  On-a frosty morning /! 7 I ' ---P ....... ,. ,  I "SPARE 53" ! ' $ T 0 K E U P! Cream Shampoo - $1..  i I i -v ''" ""'"' - *'7 I! o._v- I I ,][TA]I. rlpAI/Ip I  WITH PIPING HOT SPERRY Cdom wB 8-o p... o. I I Good For 5 Lbs. of Suga i • PARKERSJ . ' PICT SWEET ,ooa %:RepSi:: |jii,IALdp INE:!AALAM TOPPING 0 WHOLE Ko2RcA NEL CORN $1.75 - ' 18¢ KIMBERLY  45¢ ARMOUR'S-IT,S HOMOGENIZED icolates Ball Point " $t2  PEANUT BUTTER |nd * EBERHAI 1-LB. JAR ' $1.75 Ball Point- 37¢ 3.50 , UNIVERSh ust Arrived FERG'S [ S Bail Point " CHILI CON CARNE I IT  SOLLytS CHOICE PER CAN (' " PUGET SOUND 26¢ }W V O 5 TooTH 0 WE SEEDS HAVE O! WESSON 0IL . . iT 4€ __--- . QUART 93 € ,OCKS SUPER NONESUCH Re CK DELL URY Special Sweet Pea MINCE MEAT ' SLICED BEETS PACKAGE  NO. 2 CAN $6.50 KLENZO and Collection' 21¢ 15¢ .NYLON TooTH OF 6 VARIETIES FOR ! • WESCO :) 64¢ Value 49¢ COMB HONEY' <Iii STRING BEANS al Tax) EACH NO. 2 CAN • <l 63¢ i:{ 19¢ itches IURY STAG COOLh i-. 20.07 SH AVIN:dCII ' OUSE 5 DOUBLE EDG;''i ' ' l a> For o., "!l .,I ": ,7   . 1  Established 1895 this .week, but all year. JOIIN SWEII'S HAVE SON Mr. and Mrs. John Swett are the parents of a boy born Febru- ary 27 at the Shelton General Hos- pital. NEW!! (Not Re-built) -' =" S AND TRUCKS steady lamb this year with a ser- ies of showers that did no more harm than put a green face oil gardens and woods and enough warming sunshine to color the faces of the triliums, crocus and violets. So far the month hasn't quite made up its mind for sure whether winter is over entirely or spring will be a little late this year. The month of February waded through a total rainfall of 6.47 inches. February began with a bang when a total of 2.10 inches fell on the first day of the month to record the greatest 24 hour rainfall during the month. During the 28 day period, there were six days of one-quarter inch of rain or more, two days of one inch or more and ten days of one-hundredth of an inch or more. Twelve days were clear, three were partially cloudy and 13 were the familiar cloudy. Average tern- Floyd D. Watters Passes Suddenly Floyd. Daniel Watters, 39, of 645 Elinor Street, died at his honie last Thursday, February 27. He was born November 16, 1907, at Hatton, N. D., and had made Shel- toll his home for the past l<l years. Funeral services were hel(l Monday, aroh 3, at; 2 o'clock from VVitsiers Funeral :Home with Reverend H. W. Harshmau in charge. Hc is survived by his widow, Jtllia Watters; fern" SOILS, 'Floyd D., Jr., Robert W., Gerald M., and Dewey L., all of Shelton; two daughters, ]r.< Laura Wenz and Jeannette Watters of Shelton; two brothers, George E. of Shel- ton and Wilbur M. of Portland; and four sisters, Mrs. Pearl Mar- tin of Klamath. Falls, Ore., Mrs. Lawson, Swihart of Ontario, Cali- fornia; Mrs. Verna Jackson of Shelton, and Mrs. "Florence Me- Cart of Martinez, Calif. Federal VA Contact Agent Coming No More Transfer of Nolan Turner, fed- eral veterans administration con- tact representative, from the Olympia to the Seattle Veterans Administration office has. termin- ated the counsel service which the federal agency had given Mason county war veterans once a week in Shelton, leaving the advisory service of tercel by Gerald Maguire of the state veterans departmefit alone in the local field. Mr. Magulre is available to war veterans for any advice or help he can give them on Mon- days and Fridays in Morner,ill Building. CLARENCE LUND GIRL Mr. and Mrs. Chtrence Lund are the parents of a girl born Tues- day, March 4, in the hospital. C H E V R 0 L ET perature was 43.9 degress, while the maximum was 54.0 degrees and the minimum was 33.8 de- [PIhC[M[II [KII[S grees. The highest temperature  Shelton We can replace your worn-out gas- was recorded on Sunday, the ninth, :-1 Lodge No, 62 wasting engine with a new com!iete when the thermometer hit 60 de- W//-" I O O F cylinder block and working' arts re s ' -/2,)a.'- ........... ..... p . . g e . On the 27th it dropped to a iactory assembles power plant O h 2 " • its lowest point for the m nt , ' 3 Meets Every Wednesday Here's What You Get: degrees. 8 p.n. a • New cylinder ill New pistonl imd ..... LO.O.F. IIALL • %kc,a.k,ha-- • :'co.noc,,. H.G. Anderson Painters Visiting Merrlbers will be • New camshaft rods TT,,;,, ..:--- a.-- Cordially Welcomed • New timing- • Ngw fiont-end i.Jllul'uis uulilill .l"ll,i.liilL, 'ADTg'T TJtl;TlSD %T £' gears plate H.G. Anderson was elected bus- , ................ ^xl,+,,. ,_,. . . GUY" CALL, Su,.y lness agent of the Shelton paint- .------.T.'----.------ r ' .  luDy lfeuelia,lli Loago _[ees ITTT IITITITIm e S UYI1On at its meeting Y ebzi- , .... p .. m .. lVlJll tllVIUlEal arv 27 and at the same time Pres- econ(i an(! J Durra i rmays 1st & Grove- Phone 777 utIi)£ Pa:lulodd Jalq,D >lUV, JI :luap,  ,. a'.y Dobson, N. G: ,- snl, s dOH.Ilt/l adoa u S I0 ' EllZaDeI:ll uler ecretary ...... O P ,':1, S .................. -I - -2--'--- ......... -_-_-------i I " #Hi//// L ' "  I i L ,, ,, --45€ BEEF POT ROAST - Gladed Good .................... lb SHORTRIBS OF BEEF ' lb. 29¢ GROUND BEEF. ....................................................... lb. $9€ LINK SAUSAGE-Pure Pork ........................ lb. $8¢ SPICED LUNCHiON MEAT ................................ lb. $9€ SKINLESS WEINERS .............................. i ............ lb. 4S |€" KRAUT-FRESH PACK ........................................ qt. 15€ CORNED BEEF-Boneless Brisket .................... lb. 45€ Colored • "1 " Fancy ,x.. SLICEI) I f ' BACON 'l ,!!:: ,,. i SALMON .......................... 49¢ XJ  1 lb. HALIBUT ........ ' ................ lb. $3¢ ,  Ili .,'' FILET, OF SOLE lb. 43¢ • 69¢  "KIPPERED SALMON .. ib. FRESH OYSTERS M E AT--D CODFISH BRICKS POUND PINT PRICES EFFECTIVE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Established 1895 It Says Here . . . SUCCESSFUL and highly SATISFYING for our  h i DEBUT to Shclton's BUSIN ESS establishments. WE THINK it was grand OF YOU to give us such a WARM WELCOME and we PROMISE to bend every EFFORT to fulfilling the CONFIDENCE and trust YOU HAVE evidenced h DS through such a WONDERFUL turnout. We :to =1: ,3 W ILL always keep uppermost I N M I N D the iciea that better SERVICE is our duly to PROVIDE you, and that is OUR GOAL. We Slope you LIKE and £ind useful the SOUVENIR car key rings c :l: ;]; W I T H nickel niche for holding PARKING meter coins. If W ='.: :i YOU wereft able to visit , :I: =So OUR STORE yet wc still HA/'E SOME which we will GLADLY give you the first TIME you come in. WINNERS of our DOOR PRIZES Iriday word MRS. FLORENCE SMITH, OUR County Nurse, wlio lives IN KAYDEE apartments, and B. E. CALDWELL, resident of CAPITOL HILL. Mrs. Snlith LISTENS to programs on an OLYMPIC table model radio SHE WON and Lhe CaldweUs :h • :p LOLL comfortably in a fine' ' OVERSTUFFED chair with M ATC H I NG Ottoman whicl WAS FIRST prize. Now we MUST sign off for this week BUT BEFORE we do we wish AGAIN to express our DEEP appreciation for the .. GRAND reception you ACCORDED our new store. WE HOPE you will come Ill ltl lli AGAIN wllenever you $ W= lie NEED something' for COMFORTABLE LIVING. OLYMPIC FURNITURE COMPANY 321 Railroad Operated by WALTER ELLIOT l and LIONEL SEXTO i  .... i.i l ..... i .