March 6, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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March 6, 1947 |
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' .... n i nl , nn
ThP Ladies Aid of the Mt Olive
Lutheran Church met with
Lutheran Layman's League in the
Imrlsh hall of the chapeL Friday
eveninK, February 28.
Mrs, Louis
pointod as Christian Service chair- d. Norstrom.
i00iii i!iii •-i00i !!iiii!iii!;ii .ii:i!i I., ii!i0000i! i k¸-,:i;!• .;; i.i! i
Y .,, %---fi-/-.J \\; '- -- a \\; \\;\\\ record of accomnlishments of'the Hayer reuy anti tea's. ooer ctl; Lograpners rtellOn rtaraware anti Monday MRS'. Leonard 5acobson "-- '
/ \\; " \\; lp$= h \\; \\;\\\ b.1 .,.a,v ornniz-Hnn |hraHh dug prnzes from a treasure ch s Lumbermen's Mercantile were won and son David and Mrs'Wed ih-
-,,. \\; ........... o ............. ' " and tnjoyed a puppet show staged by Lee E Dawson, M,s Wendell ' sl )'m u"Ol ...... CA T '
out the past 85 years is to the " !" " ' "i .... . ".' . err were .'mlp'g' ympia. SHOWER BINES ut you •
'- z.:-i ............ . ....... "." ..... .- reeled b Mrs Don Remsberg and An "international doll, with cos- • . " ." .: • " " • ' 'ot' o .... j ......
..... noymous adults whose devotmn Y . . . . . famdy spent Sunday at Pmkeimg . rathe .
and offort have opened the doors Mrs. Ors RusseU. a a_strjl)ed tumes of,mtrms, donated Pass at the ranch of Mrs. Sallee's Comelete Cabinet With Faucets , running, if you
g- x?,- f r _ * I[ of Scouting to the girls of Am- .eJ}L I0{'tunes .were ;0ia Dy m vy.Margaret tetu':}an, was won y father, Mr. McCatghn of Olym- oat go to BEf'K/ITII, S
/ff,ty... .taF- | I I i." ,,., t0 toLOscnm*:l, arrangco zor y OODy ,JO tewarL ,)in th, occasion oein Mr Me- - .^ . ' '
"'I',P Lr'IPL ,f [ .J ........ Tro0p 2. ' Apin'oximatcly $340 was cleared "' birtlda- ' and Strainer -asily Installed ,u select h ........
| ,t d * OllUlttay O1
" IL on the bazaar." The proceeds of Mrs. 'ed Rieher't and bys, Jer- ' "
-' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Frye of
, 118 N. Second St: Phone 602
.. 'a,bA ...... , .... ,, ..,
errs of the Amaranth Wednesday
evening, March 12 at 7 o'clock.
Those who attended tossed bean nniversary
ST. DAy|I)'S GUILD bags f0x' high scpI'6 n prizes ill the lceeno game and half of the ry, Roger and George, spent Sat-
MEETING MON4Y ' $5 gift.
a game put on by Brownie Troop remainder of the money taken in urday in Seattle visiting Mrs. 9 95
ybody onday the St. Davids Episco- • 0000UaWlnO'""00TH
For Ever pal Guild met with Mrs. Don Clark 5, whose leaders are Miss Virginia will be used to send food and cloth- Ralph Wilson. Saturday night
with Mrs. Halson Berg assisting Ellis and Mrs. Newt Townsend; ing tO Gh'l Scouts in Europe. The Mrs. Richert took Sally Wilson
hoste. The n'o;t meeting Will be bought balloons and participated balance will be used to cove,' in- and her boys to hear'/lec Temple- 9 S
Select Yours Now While MondaY, with Mrs. Oliver Ahford in a nail pounding gjme at a divilual troop expenses for the re- ton play at the Moore Theat'e. On - :T JEWELRY . MUSIC
with Mrs. Maurice Kinsey assist- booth sponsored by Girl Scout maihder of " the school yea," and Suhday Mrs. R!ehert and the boys * * * "
Our Stock iS Complete in. The Bishop's committee and Troop 7. headed by Miss Irene reorgamization'of the troops in the isited friends in Everett. L29 Railroad Phone 143
th(. building committee are .sHRed Hughes; viewed a peep show pro- fall. Mrs. Leonard Jacobson and faro-
' N Y STATIONERS to meet with Mr. Murphy after ASSISTANT PASTOR MOOSE WGMIEN TO GIVE ily, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Peterson
MASON C0U r the erviees Sund.y evening. ARRIVES HERE POSLICCARD.PARTY . , andfamily, Mr. andMrs. EdB'rown SHIRLEY SINK CABINETS "
The'W0meif of the Moose will and familY, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph
hold another public card party on Whitehouse and familyl Miss Es-
Shelton, Saturday, March 1. Mr. Friday evening, March 7, $tarting *her Jac0bson and Arthur Peterson
There Will be a practice of offi- Frye will be as§istant pastor to t 8 o'clock. The party Will be attended a party Saturday evening
held at the home of Mrs. George honoring Mr. and' Mrs. George
Thompson, 650 Cascade, and mere- Bell of Shelton, newlyweds.
hers and the public are cordially ,, .... ......
Maisonette Women's Apparel
For Your EASTER - SPRING Wardrobe
Maisonette Means Expert Tai!oring--
a Famous Name in Feminine Clothing
One Inch Seams
Two Inch Hems
Women's Apparel
, ;,t1 SUMMIT . 9RIVe. , PHONE 799-J
°Between Elmer anti ucarbovn on Hillcrest
One Block from Hillcrest Bus Stop At
Elincr and Olympic Highway
To Your Cleanup Problems
In countless communities of the land, Mr. and
Mrs. America will soon be observing "Clean Up
Week/' rolling up tieir sleeves to begin the an-
nual "Zpring" Cleaning Of]ensive." It wilt be
a relentless war against dirt, corrosion, dust and
qrime that have emb¢:dded themselves during
the w.inter months in. tte nooks and cran.nies of
the American home.
Most communities throughout the country will
observe this special "Clean .Up Week" during the
early 8p!'ing. Schools will declare a holiday and
youngsters help Mother in her cleaning task
while Dad 2itche in after working hours." If one
could get a general panoramic view o] these
cleaning activities, one ;,could see old rubbisT be-
NO, lThe famous ELECTROLUX nine-piece cleaning
sat, Including demothing pttachment and palnt spray-
er gun. Th S wonderftl machine is pqsitlvely outsell-
ing all vacuun cleaner border to borde'r and coast to
coast. A 'borne demonstration will coqvince you of
the great quail*los this :wonderful machine possesses
for keeping your home spotlessly clean. We paint
with ELECTROLUX, We air clear, sterilize and de-
moth With ELECTROLUX, ELECTROLUX r keeps all
your rug, upho!stery, drapes in a clean and sanitary
NO. 2SERVICE, A phone call, postcard or letter will
bring prompt service flit.cot to your door. The effic-
ient, eCohotlaal operatloo for your ELECTROLUX
ei:lulpment I given first priority over anything else in
our policy plan.
N Eer3
,,...-,'.oo .,,,vo
stick full.length Talon Zippe , g e y U p P -
tecti0n to'your fur coats, ski clothes, wool overcoats,
sweaters, etc.; against moth (U.S. Government bulletin
states 1946 moth damage greater in the United States
than fire), damp and dU=t. When used according to
directions underwriter '[0suranee protects your val-
uable furs and clothes while in these bags.
ing carted away and burned, lawns raked up, win-
dows washed and polished, flprs and liitoleuva
waxed, dull rugs restored to life, upholstery and
drapes immunized against moths, beetles and
mildew. You would see dirt and grease disap-
pear and unsightly spots vanish. You would see
new life nd beauty gradually returning to Amer-
ican homes in the process of revitalization.
Looldng at this "Cleaning Phenomenon" in terms
of cleaning products sold, I would like to make
the announcement at this time to thf people of
Shelton and Mason County that we have on hand
for ypur cleaning conveienc to wake the ahoy6
job nore ef]icient and lasting the ]olowing equip-
men* and supplies, for immediate delve:y:
Reverend J.O. Bovee of the Bap-
tist ChurclL
HIKE ENJOYE BY invited.. Delicious refreshments aI
CAMPFIRE GIRLS " " promised at the close of the eve-
.Taking advantage of the warm ing.
sunshine on Tuesday, members of H 0 M E
the Cheskchamay Campfire Girls @T. PATRICK'S DANCE
hiked to Kamilche Valley. An RL'NNED BY CLUB L 0 A N S
event of the'h'ike was the Jasper- The Shelton Dance Club is plan-
t*on Of a feeding shed for the pro- ning a St. PatricR's dance for their
tection of wild fowl. Mrs. HOrace monthly dance Satt{rd.y evening,
Skelsey and Mrs. W. G. Henderson March 18, at the clubhouse. The
acc(nnpan|pd the gh'ls. ommittee in clmrge includes Mr. Convenient Terms
Members of the group also and'Mrs. A1 Munro, Mr. and Mrs.
assisted in the Red Cross fund Gene Hanson, Mr. and Mrs. Bill
campaign by filling the supply en- Carlton, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Reasonable Rates 48-1neh With Faucets and Strainers
velopes for the district Red Cross Bampton, and Mr. and Mrs. Frank
workers. Mrs. Winston Scott, lead- Pauley. Out-of-town guest tick- $98
er ()f .the girls, reports that the ets will be available at the club- NO DELAY " .50
Saturday Tag Drive Wa:s a success house the night o the dance. •
with the donations totaling" ap- ..
proximately ' $80.
The next meeting of the group Mr. and Mrs. Joe Olafson of
wilt be for the election of officers. Seattle are the parents of a boy Loan Association
born February 22. Mr. Olafson is • •
ENGLISH STUDY GRQp a former Sllelton resident. Title Insurance Bldg.
• Miss Alma Burke was'honored
with a pleasmr surprise party on pENNEY EMPLOYEES .... " ....... . L .... -,. • -- KITCHEN CABINETS
Wednesday evening, February 26, ENJOY DINNER PARTY . ",
at the home of Mrs. Frank Mako The J. C. Penney Company play-
with Mrs. Robert Binn assisting ed host to employees Monday eve- HOUSEHOLD and SINK COMBINATIONS
imstess. The party Was given il ping at the Colonial House where " " "
appreciation of :Miss Burke'S help- a fine dinner "was enjoyed. Con .... RESIDENTIAL $1838 $189
ft!lness in their 'Fmg!ish Study stant rib!)g of one of the male .50 and ,95
emplqyee was a feature of the
Group. A gift was presented lmr eveniOg, beig enjoyed ii its e.xe-
and at the close refreshments were ........
served. Pree)t were Mrs. Laurel cutma by trie female empl0yes.
Berg, Nrs. Iaa W!vell, 'Ms. Olivo A short review of plans for te fu- .o , *
Grenbdrg, Mrs. Ida Binns, Mrs. ture Was'given byE. B. An'erscm. . ...........
Evalyn Mako and Miss Burke. BIIRJ'no:'o?Qh" ohtet San I]
UNDERGOES OPERATION dra's fti'rth bi'thday, lrs.'Ge0:ge
Mrs. Frank Schroeder under- Carding| nQrtai'hed tiny guests II1]
went a major operation at the at heF h5rae Mbnday February ]t
Shelton hospital -Vedhesday. 24. • ....... ' ' .....
Thoe pespnt we'P J0hp Rec-
tor, :anv i$l, Nico![ne an
Nancy 'Bir_qt, ]jh6l Hays o Germicidal Lamps SPARTON H!LCO
Olyml:tia,' a'( eche and Den- Knock that Spring ooldin
nis ar.'il. Adu| e$,ept in-
clude2 r.' M¥ 'caroms l MrS. the head before you get it.
Dick ]"uhe| ad ":fr. Willis .......... and FARNSWORTH
qYa-H.P. Single Phase,
Friday evening "th Ruby Rebek- Electric Motor
ah Lodge infiated ;hrve c.ndi-
dates with Mab¢l Burke, the dew .....
drill captain in charge of the in-
itiation. This was the first initia- Protect Your Home
tion for the new officers and there Against Fire With
were 75 present for the meeting. Dictograph
lrs. Ellen Stewart presided over
the meeting in the absence of Fire Detective :'
Mary Dobson who was ill. At the to effectively warn ou when
Close of the evening, delicious re- the red demon stalks. Bat-
f'eslments were served, tery-operated, not dependent
DANIELS FAMILY ENJOY upon your home electric pow- •
Sunday afternoon the Daniels
my first year back in busine serving.thee!tHe
people Of Shelton and Mason wouny wn lec-
tr0iu x supplies and equipment after an absence
0f three years.
I wish to take the opportunity on this occasion
(a) NUVO SHAMPOO for rugs and furniture upholstery.
.For windows, mirrors, =ilk stockings, glad'rare, fine
clina, etc. No other d,tergent on the mark¢t offers
better Cleaning agents than hl$ p0duct for this work.
Try a,jar a,d be convinced.
(b) EXpELLO NO. 4. This is the new wonder drug for
sterilizing, deqdorizing and' moth-proofing your home
(Not a moth bll). Available t(p 2Z all 5,lb. packages:
This pro¢luot works in coordination with your garment
bags and ELECTROLUX Cleaner.
(e) ELECTRUXAn insecticide by ELECTROLUX,
just developed is meeting with wide approval of AmcP-
man housewives throughou't the country. Just apply
and wipe dry. Leaves no oily film, and produces a
dry waksurface,
(d) ELECTROI-U Floor Wax and C!ner. h¢e two
outstanding items are well known un' l$,on CqHn;y
speak for themselves and need no speciaL¢tion here.
(el ELECTROLUX.n insecticide by EE,CTQLUX,
k IIs ant, carpet beetles, silver fish, co'ckPoach©, bed-
bugs and certain garden pests. " '"
on beha2f of the Electrolux Comp, any and myself
to respeetfqlly submit'a "Than'k You" for the
past year's pleasant business association and
extend a cordial invitation to be considered to
take care of your cleaning needs for the calming
season. Thank you.
664 ,I
Free Home Delivery Service Anywhere In h[ase County
• n ,
Bepesentn g the Electrolux Company Exclusiwely in
Mason County
family enjoyed a dinner at the
home of Mr. and Mrs: E. F. Mar- iiluiii
t'in, honoring Ted Daniels who is
rpsuming his duties with the gov ....
ernment in the Bureau of Public ....
oads. Those present included Mr. Radio Phonograph
nd Mrs. Ted Daniels and daugh-
ter Irma; Mr. and Mrs. HoIis
Daniels and daughters Kay and ........
(I/Q A
Barbara; Mrs. Mdbel Danteis. and €1, |0.,'
n l !
daughter Mildred, and Mary HA M
Jess Daniels, Mrs. Mildred Fro: AND UP
Her, Harry Carlon ar( t!¢ hosts,
Mr. and Mrs. Martin, -ll:.Arlll.l.
..... , * $
Wbrd has been received in Shel- ¢ompacf,
ton that Ralph B. Pigg, Sr., who March 7 - 8 .,
:recently suffered a stroke, has ai'- TWO FEATURES 'il " =r=r=r
rived at a veterans' DaF .Duryea, Jtme Vincent,
Hot Springs, South Peter Lorre
condition is much "ACK ANGEL" l
he would
]is many Shelton friends, In Skid Row Honky-Tonks
he had no name but
UST WEST ESTATE "Heartbreak!" Occupies no mot
The time for hearing the final ---and You ;ill the pleam
report and petition for distribu- William Boyd as "Ilopalong tlon The Crosh
Lion on the Gust West estate was Cassldy" In electronic develo
set for Saturday, April 5 b Judge f'HE DEVIL'S thrill you with l
adlng or static-
john M, Wilso in Superior Court
Saturday.. PLAYGROUND" tat recaptures d
Andy Clyde, Elaine Riley Hies from your i
vvv.,.,,',.v,r...'.-v,v NEWS ord Player, hand
Lilliwaup ' I'Iand-rubbed ma
Uil(|a" "Monday - Tuesday FARNSWoRTH TABLE MO dte wit tll D
rv'v'' .'r,v'-..."," Marh 9, 10, 11 ......... *eof,m.d
Mrs. Dteson of Eldon and Fred Betto Dvis In
Forrest of Lilliwaup were the "DECEPTION" With Short Wave
prize-winning pinochle players at
{he Lilliwaup Community Club s Paul Hens'rid, Claude Rains {€_)O [ CROStEY FI
You'd think she could fool
anyone yet she deceived
Roy Prusia, president of the ' "
and Miss Vh'girfl Prusia were ' only herseif!
Charge of the party which ., NEWS -- CARTOON ''=(! Flosts o
, ., can't di
a short business'session. . Wedlliy '- Thursday jewel o
Ernest Worl of the Hoodsport Marh 12, 13 APPLIANCE DEPARTMENT last hun
commercial Club was present at DOUBLE BILL
the meeting and explained about "SUSIE STEPS
the financing of new fire fighting
,quipment which will furnish pro- OUT" / /9 2(
tee*ion for Lilliwaup residents as David Bnme, CIeatus Cald-
well as in the vicinity 0f H0°ds" wel| and intr°ducl'g NINA H
port. The club voted to help fl- HUnter . . . Music to Hum
I I n I
nance the project and to help in from the Start! Romance to
cc lice*ions from local' people. TIfRIIL your Heart!
Mr. and "Mrs. Frank Russell and--- "
were surp*sed by a visit on the ,, Established 1895 vernp0ary .Lo
holiday week end from their son- WANTED FOR
in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. MURDER ' r - Ph,
R. A Wh|t, and two cb|ldren Du!clo
,t from Sea:ftle: