March 6, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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M00,'ch , G, I
• ' . l. IIORNER._____
few of the
te Cabinet With Faucets
'ainer Easily Installed
d: € :g
lUt You Will be guilty and
lot lathe running, if you
oa't go to BECKITII,S
Select her birthday or
nniverary gift.
129 Rallroafl Phone 143
Legionnaires Heading
For Tacoma Tonight
A delegation of 20 or more mem-
bers of Fred B. Wivell post, Amer-
ican Legion. will attend a "visi-
tation night" program being held
this evening by the Tacoma Amer-
ican Legion post, Adjutant Gay
Taylor announced lit Tuesday's
post meeting.
Taylor and Vcrn Eaton were
presented certificates of apprecia-
Lion from the National Depart-
ment for outstgnding work in se-
curing Lea'Ion memberships last
Judge John M. Wilson Saturday
during Superior Court appointed
%falter George, Howard Lockwood
and William Goodpaster apprais-
ers of the Alice L. Ahl estate•
Stand at Chevron Gas
Station - First & Cota
Vith Faucets and Strainers
l WELL,I 001fT KNOW. DO !
;.50 and $189,95
White, lb. 5 ¢
2 o,.o31 ¢
,dio Phonograph
With Short Wave
tablished 1895
compact, radio phonograph console
rho nwvav# .
tyoe 71 feTCh:; Opgremoa i reuer; :;:Ba tU flt{A.I?z/h ao:n:s:o i i:?m ffv;a
electronic developments, including Crosley FM t9
thrill you with brilliant, lifelike reception, without
fading, or static--the Floating Jewel* Tone System
that recaptures delicate tonal shadings and hal:too-
riles from your favorite record---"Glide-Out" Rec-
ord Player, handles up to 12 records swiftly, gently.
Hand-rubbed mahogany or walnut cabinet. Make a
date with the DEBUTANTE... at our store today.
Floats on the sldes of the sound groove--
'' / can't digin and scratch like ordinary
jewel or metal needles--makes records
last hundreds of plays longer.
:remp6ry ,Locations to Serve You
Phone 102 - 5th & R.R.
Conl, illllcd fvolll t),qO 1)
A committee headed by Lynn
Sherwood and including Phil Mur-
phy and Jack Moffett will have
charge of all musical arrange-
ments for the celebration, while
George Andrews, Gene Burgoyne,
George Drake and Charlcs Sein-
ers will compose the official com-
mittee on Festival photographs.
The annual banquet will be ar-
ranged and presided over by Emil
Lauber, while Oscar Levin and a
committee including Herb Grelt
and Junior Forest Wardens will
be in charge of the tree planting
Parade floats to represent dif-
ferent organizations and activities
will be arranged by the following:
schools, Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale;
Paul Bunyan, Gib Rueker; Gar-
ien Club, Mrs. F. E. Willard; Girl
Scouts, Mrs. J. Dodson; Boy
Scouts, Jim Roush; Granges, Bert
Kau; farming, County Agent Andy
Kruisywck: fire protection, T. D.
Deer; churches, Clarence Grunert;
game and fish, 3". F. McMartin;
"Keep Washington Green," How-
ard Brier; lodges and organiza-
tion, including labor groups. •
The reception committee that
will greet all distinguished guests
and visitors will be headed by
Mayor Fran R Travis, while com-
mittees to judge the parade en-
tries are as followsilet parade,
Mrs. E. 3-. McGill, Mrs. E. B.
Spring, Mrs. Sid Hatcher, Mrs.
Babe Munson and Mrs. Maurice
The main festival parade on
Saturday will be judged' by a
committee including M a u r i c e
Needham, A1 Drummondl Dr. A,
N. Parrett, A1 Huerby and Chri's
Curtis, with the newly organized
Junior Chamber of Commerce be-
ing assigned to an important Fes-
tival task. Mrs MCVav of the
Hood Canal W0mes ;TClub' Will
also be given an important as-
signment, with special activies ar:
ranged as follo-s:
Window displays, Walter Nash;
industries, Don Sperling; com-
mercial establishments, Henry Ba-
con; merchandise, Fred Beckwith:
Active Club, Joe Hansen; special
aviation events, Len Tiffany; Mc-
Cleary by Don Clark. In addition
a series of logging contests and
street dances are yet to be as-
signed committee jurisdiction.
New Ambulance for
M¢Cleary Arrives
The Simpson Logging Company
has received a new ambulance
from Toledo, Ohio, which will he
used at the plywood and doer
division of the company at Mc-
Cleary for the protection and ben-
efit of employees there.
Saturday, March 1, a girl was
born to Mr. and Mrs. John Ward
in the Shelton General• Hospital.
Mr. and Mrs.' Dale 0nes are
the parents of a girl born Sunday,
March 2, in the hospital.
Lake Cushman
A birthday party for four-year-
old Jimmy Smith was given Sat-
urday by his mother, Mrs. Robert
Smith. There were eight ladies in
attendance and ten children.
Those included with their chil-
dren were Mesdames 3,eanette
Berger, Eleanor Addleman, Nan-
cy Brown, Jess Saadvig, Ann
Karnopp, Frances Radtke, Maxine
Peterson who also assisted as
I NSF Checks,Bring
Bellingham Youth
Into Court Here
Jimmy L. Robertson. 19, of Bel-
lingham, pled guilty in a special
session of Superior Court last;
Tuesday to charges of grand lar-
ceny before .ludge D. F. Wright,
and his ease was continued to
March 8. Robertson was arrested
last week after writing three
checks without sufficient funds to
covet' them. The three checks to-
taled a little over $93 and were
cashed at a local store.
Also during Tuesday's court ses-
sion, an interlocutory decree of
divorce was granted to both Beat-
rice Okonek and Edward J. Okon-
ek, and custody of a minor child
was given the father.
A final decree was granted to
Alton C. Mosley from Eula J. Mos-
ley, and to Virginia Marcum from
Jolm A. Marcum.
In regular Superior Court ses-
sion Saturday Judge John M. Wil-
son presiding, interlocutory de-
crees of divorce wei'e granted
Marie A. Mills from Frank Mills;
to Thelma Petty from Robert Pet-
ty, granting the custody of minor
children to the plaintiff; and to
Doyle J. Barnett from Janet E.
Barnett with custody of a minor
child granted defendant during the
school term and granted .the
plaintiff for the summer months.
Plaintiff is to pay support money
fox' the child wlfile in the custody
of the defendant.
A final divorce was granted
Mildrec Ellen Johannessen from
Lester B. 3,ohannessen.
Satsop Warehouse Has
Satisfactory Business
Satisfaction with 1946 business
volume enjoyed by the Grazlge
Warehouse Co., Inc., of Satsop,
was expressed in a statement is-
sued by S. W. Blanton this week
in which qt was pointed out that
]all active stockholders were given
a three per cent discount on all
pulchases and merchafidlse sales
totaled $136,816, with a three-man
employc staff.
February Arrests 43,
Far Below Average
According to Chief of Police
Claud Havens, the total arrests
for the month of February is ,t3,
a figure considerably lower than
the past several months. Drunks
head the list with a total of 0
being arrested and speeders are
second .with a total of 16. Drunk-
en driving arrests total two and
one each was arrested for selling
intoxicating liquor without a li-
cense, failure to stop at an arter-
ial stop street, reckless driving
and grand larceny.
4-H Leaders Council
Bills Session Tuesday
The Mason County 4-H Leaders
Council will meet at the Skoko-
mih Grange Hall or Tuesda.y
March 11, at 1:30 p.m. There will
be a discussion of record books,
plans will bc made for a judging
school for leaders and other ac-
tivities of the next few weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Smith re-
turned to Shelton last Sunday af-
ter htwo-week trip on which Mr• 1
Sm't , p rvisor of the new wood
fibre plant researcl division for
the Simpson Logging company, at-
tended to business in New York
and Mrs. Smith visited with rela-
tives • at Washington Courthouse,
Rummage-Garden Sale
Plammd March 28-29
Tle 4th annual rummage and
garden sale held by the Bordeaux
P.-T.A. has bcen set for Friday
and Saturday, March 28 and 29.
The sale will be held in the Elmer
Smith building on Cots Street
between First mad Second Sts.
The committee in charge of the
sale is tinder the co-chairmanship
of Mrs. G. W. Frisken and Mrs.
Glen Edgely and includes Mrs.
Alfred Michaelson, Mrs. Leonard
Buck, Mrs, Don Demmon, Mrs.
Bruce Schwarck, Mrs. Ernest Boy-
sen, Mrs. Frank Pauley, Mrs. Vic-
tor Libby, Mrs. Robert Price. Mrs•
Len Weston, Mrs, James Moore,
Mrs. A. L. Fervcerda, Mrs. H. J.
Meyer and Miss Betty Remsberg.
Donations including clothes,
shoes, household goods, home can-
ned foods, nicknacks, kitchenware,
dishes, tools, paints, bookS, games,
plants and shrubs and any otler
discarded items, will be picked up
if phones 437R or 787 are called.
V V V V "q"v "Ww'V V 'v V V'P'v e" 'vv'q"r 'qr V'V'q" v .
'Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cleveland.
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Cleveland
and fa, rilY and Mr. and Mrs. Elton
Cleveland and family attended a
surprise birthday party in Shelton
for Mrs. Anson Cleveland.
Bob Austin and familv of Brem-
erton combined business and pleas-
urc and were callers iu tow one
day last week.
Mrs. Skien called on the school
children last Monday mmirig and
gave a talk on "Saving the Tril-
liums." If we wish to save the
beautiful spring lillles wich do so
much to bautify our woods, we
must refrain from picking them.
If we pick the lily with its leaves,
the root either dies, or next year
sends up a stunlcd, twisted leaf
and no blossom. So IcE our motto
be. "Enjoy but do not destroy."
Duanc Cleveland is up and
around again after having been
confined to bed with the mumps
for the past two weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice are
the proud owners of a new 1946
Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Kincaid
and family of Vaughn visited with
the Harold Cleveland family •last
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rice and
Darryl and Mr. and Mrs. F. L.
Noble enjoyed a trip to Aberdeen
"and Pacific Beach last Sunday.
At the school election last Sat-
urday Ronald Shepherd was elected
to the School board to succeed Wm.
Remember, Sunday School every
Sunday at :10 o'clock. Next Sun-
day there will be a guest speaker
from Taconm to deliver the mes-
sage. A cordial invitation is ex-
tended to all. [
Gcne Watson was in bed a few I
days last week with a cold. [
Mrs. Margaret Wilson and Mrs.
Phyllis Lutz were hostesses for a
birthday prty in honor of Mrs.
Blanche Cleveland and Mrs. Pat
Uldrikson at the Wilson home on
[February 28. Seventeen ladies of
the "Birth'ffry Club attended. Pot
luck lunchcon was served and ev-
eryone enjoyed a pleasant after-
The teachers of the Allyn school
are giving a card and bingo party
to the public for the purpose of
buying a duplicator machine for
the school on this Friday evening,
March 7. Lunch w/ll be sold for
a nominal sum. Everyone please
attend and help the school chil-
dren in this activity.
A decree of distribution was
signed by Judge Wilson Saturday
during Superior Court on the
4H Advisory Group
Holds ,Session
The Mason County 4-H Advis-
or'5' Council meeting February 24
rtt Southside Clubhouse featured a
report by Mrs. Robert Trenck-
man on the proceedings of the
Jersey-Guernsey-Holstein Breeei's
,kssociation rcga, rdiug calves for
4-H dairy club members. Ar-
rangements are being made for
holding a Selection Day where boys
will choose from well-bred animals
m a d e available at reasonable
There was a discussion on the
site for a county 4-H camp, and a
repor by County Agent Andrew
Kruiswyk on correspondence with
Park Director Martin regarding
establishment of a Youth Camp.
The group discussed functions of
4-H Club sponsors and the need
for nmre sponsoring organiza-
tions. Such an organization backs
a club, not necessarily in money,
but assists in such ways as pro-
viding leaders, helping with trans-
portation to meetings and con-
tests, and especially hy-interest in
and knowledge of club members
and projects.
Election of officers will be held
at the next meeting,
Walter C. Watters
Dies at Hoodsport
FunerM rites for Walter Clif-
ford Watters, 56, of Hoodsport,
were held Wednesday, Marcl 5,
at 2 o'clock from Witsiers Fun-
eral Home. Burial followed in the
Shelton Memorial Park. His death
occurred Saturday, March' 1.
Hc was born September 21,
1890, in Butler. Pa,, and had made
his home at Hoodsport for the
past four years, where he was
employed as an oyster opener.
Survivors are his widow, Mrs.
Amba Waiters. Hoodsport; three
sons, Walter, Jr., Hoodsport, Don-
ald E. gf Walla Walls, and Rich-
ard C., address unknown; one
step-son, Walter' Berryman, of
Seattle: and fhree grandchildren,
'Goop' Demonstration
Scheduled Saturday
A "Goop" demonstration will be
held Saturday, March 8, at 10:00
a.m• back of the Vissell Lumber
Company in Belfair•
"Coop" is a war surplus mater-
ial made of magnesium ribbon,
carbide and a petroleum product.
"Goop" has been used as a ldndling
agent to burn stumps and old logs
piled from land clearings.
i ,
2 South Americans On xVf 'egea'
Missionary Program REPIilR
M,, 00,ow A,,o,,oo TIRE $
this year is bringing two out-
standing missionaries to Shelton K's Ex¢
for their annual missionary con- b
vention of four (lays, Wednesday,
Marcia 12, through Sunday, March
16th. Miss Evelyn Prince, ['l'Ohl
Columbia, South America, will be ,,
speaking and showing pictures on
Wednesday, Thursday and Frld'.y.
Rev. P. O. Bernettc, from Ecnla-
dot', South America, a veteran of Repairs Thnt WiU [l
20 years, will also speak on Fri- Outlasho Tire!
day evening and Sunday at 11 NOW AT--
a.m. and 7:30 p.m. He has mov-
country. Tile pastor of the chapel
extends a hearty welcome to all
to these services. [$ d,,,TIRE$,
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Beet'bow-
er are the parenLs of a boy born 1528 Olympic Hiway (Hillcrest)
Tuesday, March 4, in the hospi- PHONE 585
in i i i i
Every Saturday Night
Dancing 9 P.M. to I A.M.
I i i I i iii t
. ,,, I
k ,• • • ....
Iamk Lovelier This Easter
Designed Just for You
Will Give Your Figure
New Loveliness
You'll have that trim graceful pos-
ture that will add much to your
Dealer 1416 Summit Drive
Spencer Individually Designed Founda-
tions for Abdomen, Back and Breasts
i i
ii m - ._- - a
60¢ ALKA-SELTZER .................. 49¢
7¢ VAPO RUB ............................ 59¢
$1.35 LYDIA PINKHAM VEG... 98¢
hostess and Merle Smith.
Games were enjoyed, presents
opened, and a large three-layered
birthday cake decorated in white
and pink, made by Mrs. Maxine
Peterson, was cut. Everyone had
a lovely time.
Dave Collins was sick in bed
with a severe cold .Saturday eve-
ning and unable to be at work on
Sunday. . "
Mrs. Otto Radtke sent word to
Cushman Saturday that she would
be detained in Seattle for an op-
eration on her left hand to remove
the first joint of her little fin-
ger due to an infection, which
has been bothering her for sev-
eral months.
Mr. and Mrs. Verne Hill and
Robert McLachlin left Saturday
morning for Bellingham to spend
the week ena with relatives.
Allie Robinson is home again
from his trip to California and
other points of interest. He ar-
rived just in time to catch a little
of the sunshine we have been en-
John A. PeeleS estate.
""v'vn'dSm;ge77"vv' William G. Blaha, legal and Vt"
train that .would leave soon for
5, at Seattle.
Seattle. ' • ola Russell legal, of Shelton, March
station resulted in reserva- JACK MOFFETT
tions for a double bedro'on on the D A N C I N G
qtreamline Empire Builder, the
new and modern rail ravel that
had been instituted by the Great I- E 8 8 0 N
Northern Railway just two days
previously. It delSarted at 1 o'clock' Children and Adult
that afternoon and arrived in Se- TAP, TOE, BALLET,
attle early Thursday morning, our BALLROOM, ACROBATIC
arrival here coming less than three and All Style=
days after leaving a part of the Every Wednesday
world that is but a few hours of
air travel distant from. the South 2 to 6 p.m,
American continent. It hardly
seems possible that such grev, t Shelton Eagles Hall
distances can be covered in Such Phone Union 385
narrow passages of time, but'with
good .connections, possible when
weather conditi0ns are ecellent
a traveler can leave Shelton and
joying, withirl 24 hours he can be ir his pARAMOUN 1"
Tho Cushman monthly 'party ,wimming stit and basking in%he
will b.e held March 12 at the home ropical atmosphere of' the Virgin THEATRE
of Mrs. Frmlc Radtke. 'slazd and enjoying_ 'th pleasBr0
!f delightfuI surf bathing e¢n Shelton, Wash.
hough he leaves snow on his
helton departure.
Thursday - Saturday
TOTEM ti of the first March 6 - 8
liner train service be- TWO' FEATURES
CUR Licag, and the"Pacffic Sp!nT|ngling
:Northwest is ,robal ly the most
I0S important stp tha! traffsporta- "THE DEVIL'S
• tion has made for the Northwest MASK"
in recent years and the railroads'
answe, r to efficient competition --
0N, BIAUTIFUL with the airways. In a fea In Color
HOOD CANAL months, the Other transcontinenta "MAN FROM
railroads 2_ the Northern Pacific
ya-Mil¢ South of Union
and M:ilwauke Will lxave compar- RAINBOW VALLEY"
• able service between Chicago and
Seattle, bringing fast and com-
fortable facilities to the travelling
Navajo Rugs, Blankets
and Sad,die Blankets
20% Reduction
To Make Way for
8 P. M. MARCH 16, 1947
No Phone Orders
or Mail Orders
have long been en-
California cities. The
are luxurious smooth rid 2
ins and the service of train per-
0nnel is without comPlaint. The
cars, c0mpartments, d r awi n g
r0om. a, ndroom'ettes, giving' more
emprmsm than ever before to pri-
vacy of travellers, arc the lat-
est innovations of rail engtneeriiig
art and the new streamlfners are
expected to return hundreds of
customers, Who have avafled them-
selves of the airlines for 'speedy
transportation To leave Chicago
after rmon one day, spend the
next day and night in sv0oth and
mfOrtable travel and to land in
attle, rested and undisttrbed,
was unthought of several months
ago, but it is now fact and will
become general experience over
all Northwest roads soom A ride
to Chicago on one of these new
steallnerq l pleasant exper-
ienc ind one that is" easy to
Sunday - Wednesday
March 9 - ]
He's BackBetter Than Ever.
His Newest and Best Picture
and ScoopAnother Premiere
Presenting Sgt. Gene Autry In
Thursday - Saturday
• March 13 - 15
Red Ryder
Comedy- Songs
75¢ DOAN PILLS ........................ 59¢
60¢ MURINE ...... : ......................... 49¢,
a precious cream!
a 9olden opport.nltul ¢ty
Just think of itl You can buy this
luscious night cream and save
money, This is the famous cream
that is almost the color of butter.
It's rich in lanolin. Get your jar
now and see how its emol|ient
action helps your skin become
supple, smoother. See how it en-
courages that young, young loom
Ingredient for ingredient..
measure for measure . . . th
mediolne is a replica of the
doctor's prescriptionexact-
ly as he wrote itexactly as
he tntended the medicine to
be. To make doubly sure of
this, we double-check every
step in the compounding and
us0 only pure, fresh drus of
startdard strength. B r i n g
your next prescrlRtion to us
with the comforting assur-
ance that it will be filled
"Exactly as written!"