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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Page - v. li. v v vv ,vr ,r v.,v ,j,.v ,w. ,qr v v,w. ,,1 .v,,r v v&apos;v, LECAL PUBLICATIONS v v v v r , ,v e , vvv vvvvwvvv v NO. 4771 SUMMONS IN THE SUPh]I.I()ZR C()URT OF T]'tI STATE OF' WASIt INGTON FOg MASON COUNTY Uval E. Bittle and Velma F Bittle, busband and wife. and Frank Coelho, I'laintiffs, --vs.- ,Iol|a F, , is)de IiIId ill(: 1_ ilknoWn hci.'s of Johll It. Slad(,. deceased, also all other lJer,3ons el* parties unknown clairfing any right title, estate, lien or Interest in tiie real estate describ- ed In the complaint lerein, Defend- FRUIT TREES ORNAMENTAL SHRUBS ALDERCROFT NURSERY Wilbert Catto, Walker Park - Phone 591-W ants, ..... THE STATE OF' WASHINGTON to [ I _. -:'='llll .lohJl F. Slade and the nnkuown heirs of John F, Sladc tle(:(ascd; Also, all ()tiler ])(drs(')lllt I)P l)lr tics ilnkn()wn " Fairbanks-Morse ,.la,,,m.. any tic, hi, tt,. ,,sletc. lion. or in( Ill the real (.state. deseribed ill II|(t Cohll)hlini. heFelll, iAPtell(|tlnts: PUMPS Y,,u ,,. ,r'  'u"' ' ,' '-' " ''''' " " b" f$tlnlo'loned to lll)l)(ar witlin sixty (60) days after the date of lhe first publi- catIou Of this smmnons, to-wil, within For Every sx,y d.,s after .,e 6tb day .,l ,,,,:b. 19t7[ arid (lel'fqld the abm,we.ntithd riP|lOll ill the abm,e-entltled colu't, and Purpose ,nsw.,' tlu conlplaint of ibc )lsin- tiffs Ural E, Blttle lind Vellna I,. 1]it- th', husband and wife, ttnd Frank a-Ta N coelilo, and serve a eol)y of your an- lll:llli/ swer upon the tlndersiL':nod attorney "IW lfllDWJ 'l # for phlintit'fs, llt bet ell'me bolew slat- tJiI. ed; tnd ill cas( nf your l'allure 8o to I-. ...... ttA I1..^ KA.W dO, jlld[gllont will be i'ondtr(!(t ag'ltlllS I¥y IlO. r-/tH ,-, -- yOU II,ccording to the demand of tile eomIllainl;, whieh has l)eea filed with - -- mlh the Ch'rk of said Court, ._T2.:: ..:;. .............................. Tb.e object of tbl., action ts to quiet • ....... - title to the following described real ] l)roperty in Frank Coelbo:" West. Half | g,l,A--, (WT,.:) of Lot 6, and nil of Lot 5, of I %il'lVil' t Ihel¢. 49, Union, ashingtolL per plat l w .e a  '11 ____IL.. ()l' flood Col'till Laod and Ilnl)rov(nll!nt I 'eI1geCOSl;lll .Alllrt:ll f ii)aoy's pt m )f U l m City Wash- I lngt,m; 'and to quiel title to the foi- l 120 Easl pine,. t. towinK dt:,scrtbt,d reM Prol)tq'ty Jn Ural I l ', tilil,': and Velom F. llitile, husband I ,-'"'" ¢+c'h",ol 9"4.5 ft D'I tlnJ "wit(.: lqa,.:t ltatf (Elg,) of Lot | .tn,l,xy ,.. L '" , ¢^ . (;, of Biouk 49, 1)nioa, Washington, ' I Mol'nilllg' V(q?,:hl] ") -11:00. tl. tl'5 lwr plat of It(rod Canal Land and lln { ....... 1]" " I .... ¢ =' '  '? { R " } 13 IYI l)r(vl/) ]I ()/ltall.'v's I]tll if IJOIOO , . '  *) . . a . 4...t: ".,tt, ) v l,gll I .t n) Ill OL sal(t pro M- WeOi.(.S/l;)y t?lyt't ,L(A,.lua erlv a, ing ill tbc ColIIKy nf lasoll I '..a.,,.., a.,. •, .,. ',ro t'l) ¢ VIR ,INIA O. MALLOW, ! .v. u.y *.. ............. o, At ,.*'nty l'or P III t 'fs g:(0 I).IFL ()!'!';,o rl)(t tN,:4| Ot'fice Addrecls: EVER ON"r: Wfi,LCOMt'=*  dll.m, W :' ) i.i, ,o, •  ....  , -6-13..20-27.--4-3-1 )--6t .  .......... [.~ ..................... , ............... .......... ......... . ............................. DR. M I CH f2LSON .& Converted Jew, Hebrew Christian Hour Coast to Coast W()kSHH HIM IN SPIRIT and IN TRUTH at Assembly of God Tabernacle Address P. O. 710 Dearborn Phone 476-M Box 707 Rev. Sam McGill, Pastor Los Angeles, _ Calit', - First Baptist Church J. O. SPree, Pastor' Fifth and Cota Streets Bible School 9:,15 a.m,-.- Young Peoples Meetings 6:30 p.m. [' Morning Worship 11 a.ln. ] tgvening Service 7:30 p.m.  ...... All Are Cordially Welcome --- 1 ! Mr. 01ire Lutheran Church The Clmreh of the Lutheran Hour HILLCREST - HIGHWAY AT CASCADE Telephone 395-M and 230 Sunday Sclool 9:45 a.m.  Morning Worship 11 a.m. Lenten Meditations ...... Every Wednesday Evening at 8:00 First Methodist 00hurch "A Frmndty. Church In a Frlendl,y Community" Fourth and Pine Sunday School at g:45 a. m. Morning Worship 1;00 a. m. Sp'ecial MuMc Sermon Topic: "The Pursuing Christ" IIAI-U)'WICK W. FIARSH:M.AN, Minister Parrmlgt, 320 N 4th Telephome 276 ADVIRTISEMENT "FOR DIDS ] NOTICI TO CONTRACTORS: Sealed bids will be received by the County Commissh)ners of Mason Coun- ty, Washingten at the Mason County CourL IIonse, Shelton, Washington, un- til 2:00 P.M, March 31, 1947, for the eollsfrllelion of a Shel) and Mainte- nance Buildtnh" for l{,)ad Distrh't No 2, and will then and there lie ptlbllely opened and rutld ah)ud. Bids received after the time fixed or ()pcning can- not be. considered. ,t)eci flcations, including contract docllnlcnls, aod drawings nnty |)e ex- stained at the elf Joe o[' tile Architects, Jos. II. Wohleb and I.0bl.. II Wohleb, 201 CbIInll)('rs [:luilding, Olympia, Washington, snd at tbe County Audi- tor's Office. Courl l-lense Shelton, Washing'ton, and )nay be obtained at the Architects' office npon deposit of NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 1st day of April, 1047, commencing at ten o'clock ill t!m forenoon of said day, in front of me maiu curance door to the County Court House in tile city of Shelton, county of Mason. State of Washington, by tile Conuty Auditor of said county, the ft)ll()wing d(!scribed state tide lands together with i tie improvements situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder therefor, to-wit : NOTE--No one except citizens of the United States, or persons who have declared their intention to become such. can purchase state lands, API'LICATION NO. 11375 All tide lands of tle second (,.lass, owned by the State of Washington, $5 00 or each set. Tbe full amount of Lhe deposit for situate in front of, adjacent to or one set of do¢!unwnts will be refunded abuLting upon lot 2, section 35, town- lo actual bidders upon return of the ship 22 north, range 3 west, W.M., doeu)ncni: mmutilated and without with a frontage of 21.79 lineal chains, marks :r ann tations, within I0 davs more or less, appraised at $1,634.25 after the. time set for ol)ening bids. ($'/5.00 per chain). ()thor deposils will be refunded witb APPLICATION NO. 11378 deductions for the a('tual ('.()st of re- All tide lands of the second, class, owned t)y tbe State of Washington, producing the drawings, under the situate in front of, adjacent to or same e¢)nditions, Eaeh i)id must be act.oral)anted by , abuttin upon tile north 367 feet of the a c(u.tifh>d check, (,ashLcr's check or south 629.2 feet of lot 5, section 34, h)wnship 21 north, range 2 :west.,. W- bid bond, with State-licensed surety M.., with a frontage of 5.83 lmem COl pony its surety, ill an amount not ] less tl)an 5'/,, of the Base Bid, made cuams, nmre or less, appraised at payal)le to Mason County. 15262.35 ($45.00 per chain), The right is reserved te reject any aid lands will be sold for not less or all bids and to. waive informal- fi than the appraised value above stated ]ties. and upon the terms and conditions for No t)iddcr may w thdraw his bid lowing: afler ].he i.ime set fer the opening NoL less than one-tenth of tho pur- thereof, unless the award of contract chase price nmst be paid 'at the time is d .layed for a period exceeding 30 of sale. The purchaser, if he be not the owner of the improvements, must days. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full amount o the ap- :MASON COUNTY, WASHING- praised value of the improvements, TON By It, R. DICKINSON, [ as above stated, One-tenth of the pur- Chairman, chase price must be paid annually Aries1: thereafter with htterest on all deferred SUSIE E. PAULEY, • payments ot the rate of slxper cen- Auditor of MasOn Coullty. ][uln per aflnum: Provided, That any purchaser may make full payment of , 3-6-13-20--3t, t principal, interest and statutory fees fi.t any time and obtain deed. The pur- NOTICI' OF SALE OF STATE chaser of land containing timber or other .valuable materials is prohibited LANDS, [ by law from cutting or removing any NOTICE IS I-Y GIVEN, That such timber or materials without first on Tuesday, the 1st day of April, obtaining consent of the Commission- er of Public Lands, until the full am= :19,17, commencing at ten o'clock in the Punt of the purchase price has been ?oreuoon of said day, In frost of the pal4 and deed issued. muin entrance door to the County All sales of state lans are made Court l=Iouse in the city of Shelton, eonnty of Mason, State of Washing- subject to the reservations of oils, gas- tim, by the, County Auditor of said es, coal, ores, minerals and fossils of county, the following described state every name, klnd and description, and hinds, togctler with the improve- to the additional terms and conditions mmHs situated thereon, will be sold preseribed in section 8 of chapter 256 at public auction to the llighest bid- Of the Laws of 1907. dur therefor, to-wit: Said land will be sold ubJect to ths NOTE.--No one except, citizens of terms, conditions and reservations of the United States, or" persons who chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, have declared their intention to bo- relating to easements for rights-of-w.aY corno such, can purchase state lands, and the carrying of thnber, stone, min- erals and other products over tho same. AI)PLIUATION NO. I11529 SE of NE/i of section 36, town- OTTO A. CASE Commissioner of ublic Lands. ship 1 north, range 3 west. W. M,, 2-27--3-6-13-20-27--5t. containing 40 acres, more or less, ae- cording to the, government survey thereof, appraised at $25,00 per acre • State of Washington OFFICE OF SUPERVISOR OF or $1,000,00. Subject to right of way for State Road he.retoforc granted under State IIYDRAULICS Road Plat No, 631, Olympia Said hinds will be sold for not less than the appraised value above tated NOTICE OF WATER RIGHT and upon the terms and conditions APPLICATION NO. 7638 folh)wing: 0 ERN Not less than one-tenth of the pur- TO WHOM IT MAY C NC : . chase price must be paid at the time Notice Is hereby'given that John of sale. The purcnaser, if he be'not Adolfson of Shelton, State of Wash- the owner of the improvements, must ington, under date of Feouary a, forthwith pay to the officer making 1947, filed with the. State Supervisor the sale the full amount of the ap- of Hydraulics, Olympia, Washington, praised value of the improvements, an application for a permit to divert as above stated. One-tenth of the pur the public waters of Spring Branch chase price nlust be paid annually Creek tributary of Hammersley Inlet, thereafter with interest on all deferred in the amount of 0.02 sec0nd-foot, payments at the rate of sixper cell- subjeet to existing rights, from April turn per annun: Provlded, That an 18 to Octobor. 1 of.each year for tn]e " purchaser nlay nlake full payment ot purpose oi rrigation anu cons - prlneipal, interest and statutory fees ously for domestic supply; that the at any time and obtain deed, The pur- approximate point of diversion is lo- chaser of land containing timber or heated within N WV of 8W/ of Sec other valuable materials is prohibited tlon 9, Townsmp 7,0 hi., ilange 2 by law from cutting or ,.,emoving any W.W.M., iu Mason County. A map such timber or materials withou 7 first showing the location and plan of said obUdnlng consent of the Comltasloner i divei°n^ and. tbeh,Plce ;fa ¢ohIce pr°} of Public Lailds, until the full alnonn: ) V.u.uP"  "'" , ..... - -- _. .. f tho )urchase price ha been paid ltno tate up_ervlsor oz yurauncs, °a a, ',d :Olympia, Washington, together w. itl "k'nc:,-=' " -)- 1--as re made such other information as is requlreq tlu'bJe--t'q t'le ":l:'.rva'ti-ons" .of. 01le, by law. _. ' "  -- "I gaes, coal. 0ve,i,'milerals ana,',rolslli I iag p ersgn,  .itrm, or ,corParauon t of eve, n,m.,,q na a.d eserlpUon nos ;',Fnk,n[.552uflo2Ly [; i) ll(l' t} *t}l( additi6nal t ,Is and cDn- leqte, l)y.t;{l.u•..p.. ...... .*v;*'. f.u'l dJtions preserit)ed In see(bin 3 of chap- W,!}. u u]. e R]ae.)21PLV{[n°to,YmeUl; I ter 2,r6 of tile Laws ef 1907, m..m t u.  ,  '' 'l' I . a )...a ,,,ll| ))" sold -uheci to objections oz lepzesentatlons,..m w):.t-, ,,,u ,,,,, -- ....... .. trig (Is lie may desire to nlaKe wltn- tile tel"nls, conditions an] reservat ons ,- u;'- ..... € _**.. .^._ L. ^.. "f ()v')t(r 3]2 Of the Session Laws ,u tltll't (SU) oay alLec Uittt?'U XU$t , '..a  : .. . " . --- publication which date is March 6,) of 1927) relating to easement8 xor ""47 rights-of-waY and the carry]n- of tim- .v... ........... ducts over t le sonic " '' " ' ' OTTO A CASE (SEAL) . , RODNEY RYKER, , , h,-r ,', ,,,l - Lands State Supervisor of tIydraulics, COIYIIIIISS ....... -'  . , , 2-27R- '2t. 2-27---3-6-13-20-27--5t. __ ______ 6 ___ ............................ ,.r 'qL '" '1" V " V "r "r "1€ V ' llr't v'v'vv'v 11 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAE _ - v.),v-,w..vvv _ - .o NOTICE OI" ('ALL FOR BI]) NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN THAT ' Too Late to Classify sea,ed bids wi. ), ,.el,.d by the vvvvv,vv,,.,v-.,v.'.'v"'v'' CiLy Clerk of S]n,tt()n tllltil 2 pal/,, MilLIg'e or tloavi('r asphaltunl dipped, .FK_S_A.E_:__i;a.i{_i-[,a.:;_-):}T{;hC.,.  Narch 18 19,17, for ,]00it ft. t,f No. 12 old Mason Lake :' Nhighway. K. • 6" dia. sLcel pipe. (To bt! llsed for Anthony, Rt. 2. Box 121. 3-6-20 water main). Bidd,'rs to fm'nisi (om- -'6-I-X£E--.(-ii}5-c¢4";r-i-IT{i':[7;-Sifd= ph.' Le speci fic:ttion-; to cover l)il)e, son motto.cycle $165. one two to one coup ings fittings, etc. marine reduction gear and acces- The (?ity O[ She]tOll rl':*'l'VOS ill(" series, for any V-8 engtne $75; one rlglt to reject any and all bids. reconditioned power lake off unit A certified check i)ayahle to tin, City Chu'k of SIwlton Wash- in the alnount of 5€;{ of the total pri('.c bid nlllSt accoIlll)any cacti prop sal. Dated tiffs 5th day of March 1!)47, ALMA K. CATTO. Ch.rk r)f the Cily of Shelton Washingtoa. 3-6-13--2t. NO. 1822 ] NOTICE OF I! I,;ARING I,'INAL REPOItT AND PI.'/i'ITIt)N 1!'OR DISTRIlSUTI(t N IN THE SIIP1,]IUOI COIHT Pie TI-IE STATE OF WASIUNGTON 1N ANI) FOR TItE COUNTY OF MASON IN I'IIO|L'r E In the Matter of the Estalc of Ira Bitn('y. Dec.eas('d. NOTICE ]S IIEREBY GIVEN: That Kennctll .it llCy, ldnlillistrator with the will annexed, of the estate, of Ira. }'itney, deceased, has 1)rciented Lo and tiled, ill the al)ovt-clltilh-d cour his J'inal ro))ort and peLltion ('or distribntion, and that Saturday, the 29th day of March. 1947 at .lO o'clocR: ill the forenoon of said. day. at the courtroonl of the above-entith.d court, in said eounly of Mason, have been fixed and appointed hy the courl as the time and place for the hearing of said petition. Dated this 21st day of February, 1947,' IIARRY DEYETTE. Ch!rk. VIRGINIA C. MALLOY, Attorney for Estate City Hall, Shelton, Washington. 2-27--3-6-13---3t. FOR SALE : 1939 Dodge epoch ill good con(litton, $875, Ells llody' and Fender, Mt, View, phone 420. 3-6 ib-R--SALE: -{vaterfront lot. !xcel{-" tlonal view, boat harbor. $500. Lo- cated eight miles from Shelton. Con- cord Beach Addition. Scc. 21. Town- ship 20, Range 2. Owner. 8517 Tenth N.W., Seattle 7, Wash. Phone Dex- ter 5082. E3-6.-20 WANTED: dishwasher and waitress. Inquire Stop Inn. 8-6 ff--C' FF -l 8( s 5,-57o ÷- i;Ti  ii: tng. eity water and hghts. Well located in quiet )al't of town, no heavy traffic. Ideal place for chil- dren, $240 each, terms if desired. room house with furnace, ete, About Inquire at 1764 So. tIohnan St. 35 miles from Spokane near smaller " McC3-6 towns. Was used for dairy and -i-y--J(_l'i--give.-You7--cai:--a-iiiiW chicken farm, Write 605 Exchange Easter dress with tailored-to-fit seat Bank Bldg,, Spokane 8, ,Wn. A3-6 covers, All types of auto npbolstery L()STi--rewal;li- fdr return-of my six- a specialty, Litexal Trim Shop, 120 year-old pet male Springer Spaniel, E, Pine St.. phone 145. 3-6 liver and white coloring. Missing "LC)ST f-rel 'c0teF Si)XiiVh:i)h-Xii- elnce February 22. Hank Durand. gleside since February 21 Rewm'd. Shelton Grocery, phone 93. 3-6 Phone 111R. A3-6-13 FOR SALE: 2-wheel Sllultz---trailer WANTED: '32 four clylnder Plymouth house, Price $450, R. Franklin. Star reeler. 518 Park, Phone 284R. Route 2, Shelton, Phone 1F22. F3-6-20 8-6-20 "F ff-SX L E .-/-%i  . ;:4ie-K-ft Ty i-4 :d 6 5 i. : FOR SALE: first quality baled grass 1600 miles. 518 Park, l)hone 284R. bay; first quality baled oat straw. F3-6 James LotzgeselL Sequinl, Wasn. FOR-SALEi '34-Clid'. master[ new Phone Sequhn 8Fli, 3-6-27 paint, motor overliaulcd, new rear FOR "SALE: Duo-Therm oil circulat- end, $300. Also 18' inboard boat, ing heater, $60, 9 x 12 Axminlster $150. New motor. Mt, View Gro- rug and pad $45. Daveno, like new: cery Cabin No. 1, L3-6-27 $45. Table, two chairs ana cnest nt ................ drawers, $15, Hal Olstead, phone 30. FOR RENT: 2 roo/ns unfurnisted. 3-6 Downtown. Phone 664. K3-6 PROFL00SlONAt CARDS Virginia C. Malloy Lavye City Hall Phone 192 NO. 1351 NOTICI,; OF IIEARING FINAL REPORT AND PETITION FOR I)ISTRllIUTIOI IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR THE COUNTY OF MASON 1N PIIOilATE In the Mal.lrl' Of the Estate of Ida O. Peebles, Decc.sed. Notice is hereby given that Mildred P. Blddlo, Administratrix of the. Es- lafe of Ida O. Peebles, Deceased, has filed in tbe office of the Clerk of said CoUrt her final Report and petition for distribution, usking the Court: tO settle said Repo 't, d 8tribute. the prop- erty to (be persons ti0reto entltled and to discharge said Administra- trix and that said Report and petitkm will be ' heard on (he. 8th day of :March, 1947, at 10:00 A.M. at the Court Room of the Probate Depart- ment of said Court, at which tim for Ford truck $18: one Vaughn H,D. drag saw. disassembled $12.50. 1036 Chev. Std. sedan $450. L, C. NELSON, phone 676, Kaiscr-Frazer Oarage. 3-6 N'EEb--dk-L--KE F-:SH-6Eg7"-/i ew --- 0ck of army stn'plus calked shoes, szzes 6 to 10 just received to sell af $14.50. Miller s Men's Store. 3-6 at Pershall's Associated station, 3 miles south on Olympia highway. , 3-6-20 -- (Jhffl'i) V}iTKR:q .......... We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude for the sympathy, kindness and assistance, also tho beautiful floral offerings given us during tim loss of our beloved husband and fa- ther. Mrs. Julia Wattcrs and family. "C0"R-T-N-S" LAUIDERED-:- lac(-(paa- el or ruffle, also lace table clotlu.s. 1409 Railroad: E3-6-20 F-0R-SALE : - 60 -F-i-i;;tT-iisvn c-F-i 1" 8th and Alder, Phone 284R. 3"'-6-'20 F6----g--AE---Efl---{iil@iiiTK6.-- F, . Warren, Shelton Valley, Rt. 1, Box 239. 3-6 may have same by paying for feed and this adv. Inquire F, K. Warren, Shelton Valley, 3-6 F-()-R---L-- '32 Plymouth coach, needs 4cylinder motor, 518 Park. phone 284R • F3-6-20 F-OR SALE: corner book case and wrndow ook case, coffee table and child's ardrobe. Inquire 225 So. 11th Street. B3-6 IX)R SALE: fresh Jersey cow; One 2 Surge milking machtne, pump and two units. Inquire L. G. Slater, Rtc. 1, Box 232. Selton Valley, 3-6-13 "WX-NYIff/.. :- Wo -i-ff--tV -ii h .-- i{6ii;; = work and as companion for lady. Stay nights. Write Route 1, Box 80. C3-6-20 wIDow WISHES-TO EXCHANGE RANCH for improved small place or home. 480 acres small timber, cutover land used for pasture. 75 acres for farming, Barn, garage, gralnary with cement cellar. Chick- n and brooder house. Small slx B. FranMin Heusto ATTORN EY-AT-LAW Courthouse, She]ton | DON'T THROW IT AWAY We can Make It Like New --- We Repair AnyLhing, From a Little Red Kiddy Kar to a Ten-Ton Truck No Job Too Big or Too Small Automotive - Diesel, Marine, .or Farm Machinery Household Articles - and Gadgets All Types of Welding Silver Soldering, Aluminum and Brasing Cylinder Honing, Valve Refacing, and Scat Regrinding DONE ANYWHERE - FOR ANYONE LEO C. NELSON :I.20 E. Pihc Plione 676 i I'm to() doggone busy to go around findtng people that n,ed Trailer Coaches so. a :you know of such people and want to do them a favor, Send their name and address to me, If they purchase one or more of  our all=aluminum Mobilgllde Trailer Ceachcs I will send you $10.00 (ten silver dollars, that is) for your e0oporation. It's heck to bo as lazy as this! Phone 652 W nr write to Dick Valley, 1525 Hath'cad Ave. Trailers sold on teruls if desired. 3-6 NtL IS) IOTIE OI , HEARING ON FINAL REIORT AND PETITION ]FOR DISTRIBUTION " IN THE SUPERIOR C.)URT OF THE ,STATE OF WASI'IINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY IN PROBATE In tho Matter 0f the Estate of Gottfried Peste, Deceased. NOTICE IS ItEREBY GIVEN that Sophia Peste. Execntrix of the estate of Gottfrmd Peste, deceased, has filcd wiU tho Clerk of th0 above entitled court her Final. Report and Petition for Distribution asMng the court to settle and approve the same, distrl- bute . the p.rgperty to the persons thereto onnuoa, and to discharge said Exeeulrlx. 3 6-1t Thursday, March ( Look Lovelier This A SPENCER Designed Just for You Will Give Your Figure New Loveliness You'll have that trim graceful pos- ture that will add muci to ),our appearance. t  . TELEP]-IONE 799-,] TODAY -' Dealer 1416 Summit Drive 1/'it[I Spencer Individui:dly Designed Foundlt- ['I' tions for' Abdolnen Back and Breasts --'1) ..... - :: DIN h "9"" J,'ll, FRASER FI TRACTOR WILL FIT FARM T] Priced Right -- See The: Mason County's Largest Dance Shelton Rink Music by The Star Dusters CITY BUS SERVICE TO AND FROM THeE DANCE our town just "A place Where you behind come to wait on sick;' admit there's some- lot of our folks are Pretty outspoken criticize . . . even , l ke a woman's preference for a or the color of Cy lew barn.  anYOne's in trouble, ees and points of ummlmmmm TtlEY'00E BdCg! TttEY'00E KIM! MOTI - Factory A; - Plymout - PART', W Are Equipped to ' All Mak - Truck - Tra Logging E( In Ol SERVIC] FIRST A] FEEDS Once more Larro Feeds bear the teed." Yesl Larro "Fbrm.tested" Feeds .and they're better than ever. i( Welding by the Latest Sm Means No G snd place any person interested in said Estate in'ay appear and file ob- ..................... " '. .... =. .......... T" ..... ' ........ = 7' ........ '----', ............................ • 2: ....... -- jeti(ms.1.)ated theretothls 5thanddaye°nteStof February,the aame, ' ", , 1947, " • " ) .' ',', ", ," ." . (SEAL) ' , ' . SCl ntlst DE00ETT0000' Firs( Church of Christ, e f,a, corot • A. o d . SI4ELTON By DORISANN MOREItOUSE, Deput . [ Branch ,0 . DODD & /}SSE.LL, [ The Mother Church, The F rat Church of Chr st, Scent st, Attorneys for Estale, , ..... 924 1411 4th Ave. Bldg,  o ] 106t0n, Mass, ' Seattle Wash 2-13-20-.7--3-6--4t. [ . Subject Next Sunday: --" I ' V[rA=T )) NO, 1899 [ . NOTICE TO CREDITOBS TO [ ,, ...... , ...... 2- ^ .- PRESENT AND FILE IIIEIR I outtt e>tPIuOL. / :a - CLAIMS [" SUNDAY MORNING SERVlCE AT 11 O'CLOCK IN THE SUI'ERIOR COURT OF THE [ i WEDNESDAY EVENING MEITING AT 80CL:OCK IAT/ )dUNgASHINGTON FOR [  l",eadig' tto0m mMntained by this chut:ch aL 302 Alder Street, _ .. .. IN. I'IJOB, AE ..... ' , I' 0i,,,,, t.>:,,,,pt su,,,t,00y A00,W;,olga00X00eO00200,.o 0000tato ot 00lan,, ] ',nd V(cduc;Jays fl'01l 6;'t5 to :45 O el0ek. 'NO'iiicE IS' HEiEBY GIVEN that ] All arc cordially invited to attend the ,aarvtce8 an(l visit ,. ' [ Lht Readillg }IOOlll . E.ecutrix of the Last Will and Testa- . - .. • " "o ', ,-' c ..... ' Dtent and of the estate of Frank A. C,-tUttl , oO ..ri oltt.! $oore, deceased, aud that, all ,per- ' ' .... 0ns baying clahns agailst the sald -, ....... -'7_"'T'TL.T.*752',. ........................ (:state or tim ;mid deceasell are 'hereby .--'77k'__±" ",.£:LL:...2. .....................................  ....... -" re(lired to serve the same, duly yer- ]" ' ' I fltd wltb the necesear ,vouqms at- I ' 0,'wd, u]'}n the tlnaer/lgnea x,xecu- t -,, ,r ,, =, I {i'JF 'or h6r ,ttorney of_Rt:Tord. attire t i;';;"V;.")i£ '$'€'CO151C: 2i; " I taw of'ke of .Chas" , LWlS, _l.ep '*-'" .... d ........ . 13uilding, 119 South 4tb Street, 1}9" , - ton Mason CoUuty, WaBhlngLon, the _ ...   t   ' ,?' !'   sslno being designated as the plac( i ' ll)" Jllll I =[' I 'F]I'IP t ) ,  | lk." "|" for the transaction of the business ot ] ' 1  ti § 1 I "  "  I II k | , tim said estate, and 'lle sue b clainm I I[ li[ l | 1 1  = 1 I]L 'B t'] | together with proof of eervice wtth , a v u ., ....- ..- th,, of ahoy:, e,:title00 .ur: ] : Witllln SIX nlontn8 UltOr. ule (late OL . , . ' . ._ first publication of tht) notice, to- Intcrdenomlnat)onal Program wtt: },'cl:ruary 20, 1947. oz" all claims , not so served and lilcd' shall be fur- [ ' n -" O  _. ever b0.1T( d ' •  ' ) ,_,_' • TONETTA MOORE, hDAY 7.o0 F. lVi. I SArlU " , c(utl't- of tlo (state of' I " Frank A. Moore, Bell Butld- SINGING ' SPECIAL, MUSIC .-- SPEAKER lng, 119 South lt Street, , be]ton, l.vlason Eoun[y, r   1  I • Washln t011 • ...p':'' ''  ' CIIUR(,II cr, As. R. Lr'w[, I , 1.' IIC.I. £.)l?fla s)oJL ' " , Attorney l,)r estate of Frank i A. IHool:e d(ceased Bell Building, t FIFTH AND COTA STREETS 119 South 41h Street, Sholtnn, ' 2-20-27--3-6-13--4t. ............ .... . ........... , __,_ .......... Annual M00ssmnary Convention i .... ,; ,.  ,- r _,. '  :,;4 >', , • . .: i'{ ADDRESSES, SLIDES,, COSTUMK'$, MOVIES / ;!i)liJ: / We n( s  7 30 ' m Miss Prince < ;;i']l ili "'¢  i F ;,i Fr;day '7'30 p m ', Miss PrinCe and Rcv, uI'nette imm,v ? , "}i ultd£y. 11 fi m and 7 :0 I)m Rev Burnette v. .:;G'. .'i/ )urnet iss Evely prince n .r** at i laT Ap L Ec-ador South Colombia, Sot:th lVl.lo Vl .-l)rV .IwIII..I.S.JJILI.LIII..J[J, l,JJ.ILlIwd¢ all./ U , A.nerict Rev, Theo. W. Chapman, Pastor America Phone 312 A. IL MeCampbell Personalized Accounting Service Address: Shelton, Wash, Rt. 3, Box 54A • Phone: Shelton lllW , CRAIG P. ELIOT ELECTRICAL ENGINEER Eliot Electric Equipment Co. Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 CHARLES R. LEWIS' ATTORNEY AT LW ,] 111}-121 S0th Folxrth St. Bell Building ' Shelton, Washington ALDEN C. BAYLEY • ATTORNEY AT LAW Title 'Insurance Building Opposite First National Bank Phone 23 - - Shelton WITSlERS FUNERAL HOME Licensed Embalmer W. A. Witsier,% Prop. Phone 180-- Shelton, Wuh. ELLIOT B. SPRING Aocountlng Tax 8era/Ice! Bookkeeping 8y=teme 123 4th SL Phone [I |NSURANCIB IIERBERT G. ANGLE OIfice NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said Final Re, port, and Petition for Dlstributmn will I)e heard on Satur- day the 15th day of March, 1947 at tlle hgur..otlo o'clock in the fore- noon, in the ourt Room, in the Court IIouse, in Shelton, Washington. Dated this 8th day of-February, , ° :E:: linty AttorrleY 'for said' estate, Address: Bell Building, 119 South 4tit Street, Shelton, Mason county, Waslington. 213-20-27---8-6--4t. k-OT ish < NOTICE TO CREDITORS iN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STA)ITE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY [ In the Matter of the Estate of How- ard Holly Emerson, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the..unaersig)Le.d, has been apiointed and llaS qualllleU as executrix of tbe .Last Will and Testament of the abovo named deceased and of tho above en.titlea estate; that all per- sons )|avlng claims against said de- ceases are .hereby required to serve the same, auly verified, on said exe- cutrix or on Charles T. Wright, ler attorney of record, at the address be- low stated, and file the s,me witl the (.lerk of said Court, together with proof of such sm'vice, within six (6) months after the date of first publicatio.n of this notice or the same wtll bO barren.. Date of. fst publication February 27 1947 E R ' TI E SON. Executrix of said Estate CtIARLES T. WRIGHT, Attorney /oz" Estate, Augle BuLldlig, Shelton, aeon County, Washington. FoR rVBI,ICATION IN THIL SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In tile Matter of the Dependency of Dorothy Shoemakc,' and Lfla Shoe- nmkcr. Minors, THE STATE OF WAStlINGTON, TO Mrs. Myrtle Mrrls and Otis ShoemaKer. YOU AN0 EACH OF YOU are. here- by not]lieu .{mu ffcquircd to be aud appear at trio uonrt z%oom In the Court House in Shelton, Washington, at 10:00 a,m, on aturuay the 3rd day of May,, 1947 saul date being nn)re than SlX..ty..qays after the flrst publi- cation el: this sunlnlons, ie-wit: More than 60 das after the 27th day ,OI FebruarY, 1947, and lhen and there have with you your nflnor daughters, Dorothy Shoemaker and .Ltla Shoe- maker, then and thm'e to answer a complaint and petition filed herein by B, lranklin lteuston, Prosecuting At- torney Of Mason County, to the of. feet that the said Dorothy Shoenmker and Llla Shoemaker are dependent c.[ldren. Dated this 25th day of February) 47. HARRY DEYETTE. Clerk of Mason County, W(ushil: IT HAS TOD Always mado to the higbest possible m _, .. .... '.. ,,,, .... .  Larro"Farm-teMedFeedst0day arethe Jl. /I /€/ P DIltil history:of General Millsi;This is'begus l'Ut • maierlals for top formula'feeds ard n6w .r.. THOiCAN¢ IN and because Larm Research has gone on |  Ji Ill --.''Z .. '.'.'-" ingly oreVer 34 years. For ral profit o'  I£ Am | , DAIL'If OE cost-Buy Larro-Feed the Latro:>,Way. '   tilJl V' THROUGHOUT THE ' " ' NATIO00 ] ,FEED DEPARTMENT II ]1 ' ' ask for a . [ S. L. PEARSON ' Established isgs -1 ! II II = "SPEEDY" by Olympic Mot: i"': " ..... 0LYMPlC WAH ,,.-.o Boys- '] ' INS5 I OS) yOU money in v #.€ - , OUR SO5 jOjIL2  ,',     / . r'm quickly and perma :•," ' ARe HAVIN' A B| USF.O CAR ;, SIN_..._ . .' ,.y "THE I CA'I5 ,AND "Tt4EN WICLL . . * • "  , ), :" , " ":';p,, ") t{ng:...0 u' FO; 4 years """' "UDSON .:;1": .... f tlrred,ealin.ndcouk • " • " el • . .... ,, ,, llects and bu Iders. 6-Cyhnde), Fits All Mod s from 1940 through 1946 ' >"'/I In Stock Now -- Available for Immediate Delivery '| cOMPLETE  ENGINE REBUILDING  • On All Makes of Cars " .q ' ;12[I SEE OUR LIST OF USED CARS ON THE CLASSIFIED AD PAGE TODAY solve you€co 9 P.M. TO 2 A.m. Ol Every Saturday 20 East Pine Ste( PEAR00