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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, March ;elier m. :NCEI00, t for Yeu ur Figure eliess im graceful pos- muci to ),our 9,q-J T()I)AY ,HRLIiBER 8 Summit Drive DesiEned Founda- 3ark and Breasts Ea3e ;aturday P.m. TO 2 A.M. ;y&apos;s Largest Dance Ion Rink "' "'i ,y The Star Dusters "',.,,"!i US SERVICE TO AND OM TH DANCE 'f BACK/ :: EEDS • .=eds bear the trademark "Farm.tested'" Feeds are r than ever. the highest possible ' Feeds today are the Mills :This is'because ,rmula feeds are now Research has gone on years. For real profit ed the Larro'Way. D DEPARTMEN bilsh, ed 1895 by Olympic M:,,1 /'. Asm  I'-VOU'DSE'TT'P'J'u • 1.940 through .1046 '"i mmediate Delivery EBUILDING ars %SSIFIEO AD PAGE ToDAYI FRASER FRONT END TRACTOR LOADER WILL FIT ANY MAKE FARM TRACTOR Priced Right  Come In and See Them Now S, L. PEARSON & SON !20 East Pine Street Phone 676 From where I Joe Marsh, defined our town jest place Where you behind come to wait on sick:' ,7.  to admit there's some- t A lot ef ou. ,1 L  folks are .L. =e Pretty outspoken e., to criticize even '"lfl ,. . " " " ) a, L lgs, hke a woman's .. man s Preference for a of r, or the co a,  lot of Cy sew barn. ea anyone's in trouble, "aeences and points of A Definition of Our Town criticism are forgotten . . . and folks become neighborly and help- ful, like they really are. From where I sit, criticism never did much harm to anybody, so long as folks don't let it guide their actions . . . so long as they respect our individual prefer- ences, whether they apply to hats or beer. That's the wayit is in our town, anyway, and I hone that it's the same in yours. KIMBEL MOTORS Factory Approved - Plymouth - International PARTS '7' SERVICE ...... Hoquiam Scuttles t Highclimber Title Hopes In B League B TEAM STANDINGS W L pf pa Hoquiam ............ 12 2 673 350 Olympia .............. :11 I 524 386 SHELTON ........ 10 3 490 391 Aberdeen .......... 8 6 432 420 Elms* ................ 5 8 271 398 Centralia ............ 5 9 408 417 Montesano*. ....... 2 11 247 473 Raymond*. ........ 1 12 267 466 *Results of games missing. Latest Scores Hoquiam 61 Shelton 30 Slmlton 28. Olympia 22 Olympia 52. Monte 24 Elma 29, Centralia 26 Hoquiam 47, Monte 25 Centralia 36. Raymond 2,1 Hoquiam 63. Raymond 25 Olympia 33, Aberdeen 25 Elnm 24, Aberdeen 23 Raymond-Monte not known. Blowing their title chances in the debris of a 63 to 30 paddling suffered at Hoquiam last Friday, the Shelton B team came back to whip Olympia Tuesday, 28 to 22, to even the score for one of its defeats earlier in the season and set the Stage for a second" place tie with Olympia if the little High- climbers get past the rapidly im- proving Elms reserves tomorrow at FAma. The Eaglets have won their last two starts fl'om Centralia and Ab- erdeen and have made rapid im- provement in the past month so may spring an upset on their home floor tomon.ow unless the Shelton club plays its best ball. Ken Carlson and Ken Boice paced the B team victory over Olympia, which was a tight ball game-oalt the way with Shelton ma4dhg a 20 to 15 third quarter edge stick for the route. At Hoquiam the little highclimb- ers couldn't do anything right and their defensive play was especial- ly reprehensible, permitting the Grizzlies reserves to break loose for setup after setup. The lineups: Shelton (28) Olympia (22) Carlson 9 f Dolan 9 Tobey 3 f Williams 3 Buck 4 c Woodcock Boice 8 g Westberg 4 Clary 4 g Winkleman Subs: Shelton- -Skagen. McPher- son, Guthrie Cole, Davidson. Gob- rick, Ashley. Olympia--McClary 6. Hoquiam (63) Shelton (30) LaCroix 15 f Carlson 5 Kuhn 13 f Tobey 7 Hillstead 8 c Buck 3 Freeman 1 g Boiee Ostergard 8 g Clary 12 Subs: Shelton Davidso 3, Cole, Gohrick, Ashley, McPherson. Ska- gen. Hoquiam--Hartough 7, Ray 4, Johnson 6, Murphy 1. Shorty Cole Scores 12 But Blazer 2nds Lose With Elmer 'Sherry' Cole pot- ting 12 points, the Blazer second string put up a stiff struggle be- fore surrendering a 33 to 29 ver- dict to the* Washington junior high second team Friday. N SHELF0 GIVES BEARS, HOQUIAM BAD lINE, SEASON ENDS FRIDAY S.W.W. PREP STANDINGS tat the l'oln'-llfinute marl,: hut that V L pf pa Olympia ............ 13 :! (;83 d4,1 Centralia .......... 11 3 563 456 Hoquiam .......... 1.0 4 509 ,119 SHELTON ..... 6 7 409 ,t05 Aberdeen .......... 6 8 ,177 497 Elms ................ 3 10 36{) 490 I Montesano ...... 3 11 463 630 Raymond ........ 3 11 ,138 556 Latest Scores Olympia 35. Shelton 26 Hoquiam 60. Montesano 38 Aberdeen "}6, Elma 30 Centralia 54, Raymond 42 Hoquiam 38, Shelton 31 Olynpia 61, ADrdeen 40 Raymond 40, Montesano 3:] Centralia 50, Ehna 24 Olympia 61, Montesano 35 I Hoqulam 45, Raymond 29 Game Friday Shelton at Elms Northern division teams of the] Southwest Washington high school] basketball circuit wound tip their i schedules Tuesday night with ttel ole exception of the Shclton-El na I game"to I)c played at Elms Friday t with the poi't-potent Olympial Bears as champions and the dirts-I ion's No. 1 representative in the state tonrnanlent which op,':; next i week in Seattle.  f [ . The Bears cloned, their ,cason I witl only one loss against their record ai:ter being hard pressed to by the Shelton Higlhclimbers Tues.. day in the season's finale Tuesday but managed to tare a 35 to 26 decision back to the Capitol City after trailing • the Highclimbers throughout the first ialf. Centralia earned second place and the right to play the southern division second place team for a state tournament berth Friday at Chehalis. The Highclimbers slipped nnder the .500 won-and-lost mark over the weekeffd with two narrow de- feats at the hands of the cham- pion Bears and tle third place Hoquiam Grizzlies, but will get a chance to balance their season's accounts Friday at Elms. It won't be an easy achievement for visit- ing teams find the small, badly lighted Elms gym a distinct dis- advantage. Although beaten in both starts, the Highclimbers have nothing to be ashamed of in their perform- ances against both Olympia and Hoquiam. The Red and Black led the champions throughout the first half, at one time by 10 to 3, l and were in front by 11 to 10 at I the rest period. A couple of quick] baskets by Ray Garrison, the Bears southpaw scoring demon,] who established a new divisic| tal-I ly record at 183 points in the game, I gave the Bears the lead as the I second half opened but the High- climbers tied it again at 14-a11. That was the last time they were in c0nteti0n, however, for Olympia raced to a 25 to 15 ad- vantage by the end of the quarter. was :ts (;lose :is they e.ould come. missed folll shr)l.s scuttling several eMne(.s to narFo\\;v the gap. Shdtnn never enir)yed the lead 't any time at Hoqu'ia; but enused the Criz:,.lies anxiety,right up to the last minute as the Red and Black stubbornly refused to give in. At four minutes to go the Grizzlies were desperately st- tempting to hold a 32 to 29 lead. MarRins at the attarters were 9-,l, 17-17, and 27-25"in Hoquiam's fa- I w)r. Twice the Highelimbers were i within one point, at 13-12 and 25- 2.t, but they never managed to get in front, l Carl Sun(l:;ten and Mary Cart-] wright turned in good perform- I nnce, in both contests whilc Ken Cardhal and Gene White lcd High- climber scoring in the two games. The lineups: Olympia (35) Shelton (26) Garrison 10 f Cardinal g ilbrad 5 f Cartwright 2 DaV 11 e Sundsten 6 Williams 9 g White 5 Matthews g Fraser 1 Subs: Shclton.- -Anderson ,1. Ha- u'an. Buck. Olympia- .-Bridgham, Eaton, Hoouiam (38) Shelton (31)l Earley 3 f Cardinal 7 t Kelly ,l f Cartwl'i'ht 5[ Shanclera 14 e Sundsten 3[ Ehva:V 1 g Ancierson 1[ I sewdl 5 g White 8 I Subs: Shelton.-Buck 2, Fra,er, Hagan Hoquiam---Forsell 2, Fack-! tell-5, Lawrence 40lson, Cunning- i ham. Sheltonians Near " Olympia Pin Title • Acing their nearest rivals, Shel- ton's entry in the Olympia scratch bowling league, performing under the Morgan Lumber banner, took a long stride toward the second half circuit title Monday night by whitewashing second place Olym- pia Sport & Eleetrie to gain three flfll games and take a five-game lead with only four weeks of play left in the schedule. Mark Fredson led the Morgan Lumber assault vith a 611 total in Monday's play, and when the firing had ceased the standings looked like this: OLYMPIA SCRATCH LEAGUE W L Morgan Lumber ....... 22 5 Olympia Sport & Elec. 17 10 Capitol Cigars ............ 14 13 Olympia Redreation .. 13 1,t Charlie's Hamburgers 11 16 Olympia Eagles .......... 4 23 2nd Half Scoring Marks High game--Slim Gustafson 257 High total--Slim Gustafson 640. EMERSON ESTATE SOLVENT '.'iJudge Wilson Saturday signed an order of solvency'in the How: ard Holly. Emerson estate, during Ritner's Corner In Lead After Trip|e Win In Fem Play ]litller's Corner roared into the womezfa bowling league lead la:;t week on the combiltfltiol| el its own three-1)lY v ctory over Mac's Coz'lu:r anti Shelton Grocery's tri- ple defeat ,qt the hands of Wer- bcrger Winery. Heroines of tile two c:tleimine applications were Flo Cormier nnd Ruth Jacobsen for the winery Ill ................... • ..... W Tie-Mill Slab Wood NEVER BEEN IN SALT WATLR DELIVERED IN 2-CO,RD LOADS P h o n e 6 5 6 MORGAN FUEL CO. girls and just about the entire _ ........................................................... : ............................................ ;--, ..... : ........ Ritner lineup at one time or an ...................................................................................................................... other. Mason Launcry and McConkey Plmrmacy each earned 2 to 1 verdicts in the other matches, the laundrers edging Pastime behind Edna Robinson and Evelyn Smith, the pharmacists getting strong pinwork from LaVonne Cole while shading Pantorium. Standings are omittecl from this account because the won-and-lost columns didn't l)alance at the last writing and league secretary, Ha- zel Ferrier. is in the process of checking the records to unearth the error. The lineups: l'antorium (I) MeCo..key's (2) handicap 324  handicap 141 FredaFrdn 3731McConkey .110 Dummy 363T Bolen 419 Dummy 279 Russell 411 earr 346 Schirmer 363 FranFrdn 476 Cole 447 Total 2161 Total 2191 Shelton Groc. (5) Werbergs (3) handicap 456 handicap 513 Brewster 333 P.Cormier 368 Hanson 373 Kimbel 359 Skelsey 353 Johnson 293 Barter 336 ,Iacobson 409 Durand 353 Wifite 377 Total 2204 Total 2319 Rilners (3) Mars (0) handicap 510 handicap 189 Godden 3961 Dummy 414 McCaslin 374 H.Smith 366 Willom" 361 M.Tiffany 447 Hunter 336! Dummy 441 Bishop 398 Edgley 383 Total 2375] Total 2240 Pastime, (1) Mason Lily. (2) handicap 189 handicap 132 Staley 440] E.Smitl] 422 Kopperman 320 Simpson 365.. Lindeman 477 Hifflin 425 Schufnhr 362 t gobinson 421 Sutherland 380' Dodds 435 Total 2168] Total 2100 Ritner's Corner tacked a little more padding to it women's bowl- ing league lead Tuesday with an odd-game victory over McConkey Pharmacy while Shelten Grocery was taldng a 3 to 0 shellacking from Pastime. Pantorium and Mason Laundry gained ground with 2 to I decis- ions respectively over Werberger "Winery and Mac's Corner. The night's best scoring done by Inca D0dds of Mason Laundry at 478 and Vexda MeConkey of the phar- macists at 197. The lineups: Pastime (3) Shelton Groc. (0) Ha}dieal) 1921 Handicap 462 Stale): 4651Brewster 337 Kopperman 31.4- Hanson 315 Rindeman 456 Skelsey 333 Schuffenh'r 398IBarger 335 Sutherland 438! Durand 373 ::TOtal 2263 Total 2155 Pantorium (2) Werberger (1) Ha ndieap ,2541 Handicap 495 Margie's Taxi-Grocery (formerly Heinie's Taxi-Grocery) FIRST AND NNE Open Evenings -- Sundays Offering DELIVERY SERVICE for GROCERIES--MEATS--VE,GETABLES ICE CREAM--CANDY--SOFT I)RINKS -- Plus -- HUNTING AND FISHING EQUIPMENT • RICHFIELD IL PRODUCTS  AUTO SUPPLIES HILLCREST CLEANERS LET US HELP YOU PROLONG THE LIFE OF YOUR WARDROBE Garments Frequently Dry Cleaned Last Longer and Retain That New Appearance . I 1404 Olympic Highway (Corner of Elinor and Highway) Pickup and Delivery Service QUALITY SERVICE -- REASONABLE PRICES PHONE 677 When you m00t: .... We Are Equipped to Repair and Rebuild All Makes of ::ears. Truck - Tractors and Heavy Logging Equipment In Our SERVICE BUILDING FIRST AND MILL STREET. g ] PHONE I Testing | I 465-W Welding I by the Latest Sunmaster Method Means No Guess Work ULK tke JOINTS d SA VE FUEL ! <1= "ltr-- II' !¢rcks ond around window and door "ffla cost fuel! You can seal cost with perfectly to all surfaces, stays dastic Easily applied with pointing trowel or gun. For 45 years VULCATEX hos been the t|rred sealing and caulking compound with leGd- Il rchitects and builders. Call us for ¢omp/ete informs- lion about VULCATEX. It will solvo your cuiking Ioblcm. Trailing 19 to 10 at the half, Shelton whittled it down to 29-24 Superior Court. the Blazer reserves made a strong ................................................................................... Fre. Fredson 426 Co!'mier 296 second half comeback which el- CAMS CRACK MORGANITES TITLE Tembruell 368'Kimbel 338 most nipped the Capitol City Club.  ' M. Fredson 357 Johnson 299 The lineups: HOPES LOCAL CLUB WINS PAIR .. Oarr "12,00,acobson 37, "Olympil (33) Shelton (29) '  Dummy 465'White 368 Sjolund 5 F Priszner Morgan Lumber's bid for the lumbermen entertained Gig Har- Total 2295' Total 2173 Birkett 7 F Kenyon second half Olympia city league her hcrc Saturday night and Ritner's (2)' MoCenkey (1) Muller 5 C Oakley basketball crown piled up in the handed the visitors the short end Handicap 5041Handicap 141 Fouts 8 G Austin season's final game Monday night of a 44 to 36 decision as Lev- Godden 3661McOonkey 470 Wittren G Everett 4 against a sure-shooting Camma- ett and McCann posted 18 and McCaslin 333Bolen 458 Subs: Shelton--Cole 12. Ditt- rano outfit which blistered the 13 points respectively. Gig Hat- Willour 297!Russell 452 man 6, Ellis 1, Strickland 2, Me- twine for a 65 to 34 victory in bor enjoyed a 28 to 24 halftime Hunter 328 Schermcr 371 Gowan 4, Coleman, Hunter, Dale, the new Shelton gym. lead but couldn't get its offense Bislop 3741Cole 310 Richert. Olympia--Lindskog 8, It was the Morganites second perking after the rest period, Total 2202 Total 2202 Gorrie, Pierce. defeat in second half play and scoring only two points in the Mason Ldy. (2) Mao's Corner (1) left the bottlers tied with St. Mar- third quarter as the Sheltonians Handicap 1381Handicap 189 BLAZERS BEATEN tins College junior varsity for the went ahead 35 to 30, and only six E. Smith 3771Dummy 414 title, each having one defeat. The in the final canto. Simpson 355'H. Smith 322 BY CENTRALIA, 30-23 Shelton club administered the col- The lineups: Mifflin 418'Tiffany 422 Putting forth one of their better legians their lone loss. Morgan (55) Round Table (51) Robinson 426 Dummy ',t41 erformances of the season, the Rod Hansen's shooting in the Cormier 16 F Dodge 14 Dodds 478 Edgley 380 laers pushed Centraliahard be- first half pushed the Cams into Morgan F Cousins 10 Total 21921 Total 2168 fore surrendering a 30 to 23 South- a 28 to 12 rest period advantage, B.Phillips 7 C Walters 5 weht' Washington. junior h i g h then Herb Pashkowski cut loose McCann 11 G Fuller 12 Grays Harbor Victor school league oasetball decision for 15 tallies in the second half Levett 19 G Hicks 9 • on the Shelton floor Tuesday af- to keep the bottlers offense roll- Subs: Morgan Lbr.--Valley 2, Ill Rayonier Series ternoon, ing in high gear. Viger, Round Table--Downey 4. Grays Harbor won the rubber The Blazers close their season Meanwhile, the home club was Morgan Lbr. (44) Gig Itarbor (36) game of a three-game series with tomorrow at Hoquiam. having horrible luck on its shots, Morgan 4 F Skurdall 4 Shelton In a Rayonier inter-division Centralia (30) 6helton (23) dozens rimming the hoop and Eacrett 3 F 3.Wagnerd 6 basketball competition by taking a Roberts 2 f ' Dale4 dropping out as if a lid was over B.Phillips 4 C Richie 9 40 to 21 verdict in the third con- ] Orquhart 10 f C. Hunter 6 the iron ring. Levett 18 G Ryan 8 test Saturday at Hoquiam. " I Devones i0 c Cleveland 6 The Morganites had entered McCann t3 G Overly 2 Varney Corey, Grays Harbor ] Babcock 5 g Edgely 52 their final battle tied for first Subs: Morgan Lbr.  P. John- center, notched ten points for in- HaffidR1 I g Getty place after winning a thrilling son 2, D. Johnson. Gig Harbor--- dividual scoring honors. The line- Subs: Centralia--Kiffer 2. Shel- 5 to 51 verdict from the Olym- R. Wagnerd 5. ups: tonDavidson, J. Hunter, War- pia Round Table last Thursday Cams (65) Morgan Lbr. (84) Shelton (21) Hoquiam (40) mouth, White, Koch. in Olympia. Bil Levett, Dan Cor- Swanson 6 F Levett 8 Kelly f Churchill 43 mier and Bill McCann each re- Hansen 16 F D.Johnson Jeffery 6 f Morrill BACK ON THE SOB corded two-figure personal scoring Eide 2 C "Cormier 7 Cardinal 3 c Corey 10 Vice Princpial Frank Willard totals of 19, 16 and 11 points re- Harris 9 G McCann 6 Chase g Callahan returned to .his duties at Shel- spectively as the Shelton quintet Borden G Valley 5 Phillips 4 g Drugge 8 ton'jumor n]gn scnool yesterday clung to the lead all the way, Subs: Shelton--Eacrett 4, B. Subs: Shelton--Daniels, Arm- after a ten-ua aosence While he holding qaurterly margins of 15- Phillips 2. Cams--Lewthwaite 4, strong 4, Gruver 2, Wilso 2 Ho- underwen¢ ana recuperated from 12, 31-25, and 45-37. lqnes 11, Whitaker 2, Pashkow- quiam--Boza:k 2, Ziegler 4, White an operation at Shelton hospital. Purely for the fun of it, the ski 15, Carroll. 9, Ellingson. _ . Brmert0n Ta¢0m Stages ! . RM DAII00¥-L0tIGI"6 The Finest In 1VI°t°r C°ach Transp°rtati°n i SUPPL|gS at. ] ......... Tickets Sold and Bagg e Logging Harness- Farm Harness Check d to Any. ! Utd,ty Harness- e Destlnahon Lawrence Stock Saddles $ $ $ 1: $ Direct Connections With North Coast, ! Hudson Unidek Brooders Hudson Oil Burning Hover Brooders ' Greyhound and Trailways Motor Coach Silent Sioux Oil Burning Hover Brooders Lines . • ,, • ., We Are Agents For Let Us Help You Plan Hudson Founts and Feeders Your Next Trip Rite.Way Cream Separators $ * $ $ -- SAMPLE rARES -- Universal Milkers OneWay Rd. Trip R0th and Gordon Pumps Shelton to Portland ........................ $ 2.88 $ 459 * *  * * ShaRon to Sarl Fran¢isc0 ............ 13.75 24.56 Ortho & Acme Insecticides and Sprays Shelton to Los Angeles ................ 18.06 32.33 , . ,z, • • Shelton to Salt Lake ...................... 27.03 43.43 Logging Equipment -- Wire Rope Shelton to Chicago ........................ 43.13 77.55 and Other Supplies Charter Work a Specialty OLYMPIA FEED CO, CONSULT YOUR LOCAL AGENT .... Depot at First & Grove Phone 162 i O'Neill Building, First & Railroad ! an old fr|end... NATIONALLY FAMOUS SINCE 1878 SICKS' SEATTLE BREWING & MALTING CO. , Wosh;nglon'l O/de=l Indu=tda| InstituHon E, G. SI&, Pro=. i , i i ,1 , With many new homes scheduled for our commun- ity; your friendly institution  is ready with Ameri- ca's favorite loan plan. Our practical financing spreads repayments over many months If you rent now but want to own, visit our olices this week. Thurston County Federal Savings & Loan Association DIRECTORS CARLTON I. SEARS V. BRIDINSTINE G ,v. DRAHAM IC L. PARTLOW HAZEL, WALMER H. CI ODIE FRED I'IOLM "