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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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'i ¸: ATTENTION Loggers .... Cat Operat, ors WIRE ROPE New S(h!,Ctred Surplus Good Used Line BLOCKS IIOOKS Splicifig and Ferruling Special on 1/! ' I WRC & HC, Used Charles H. Rasmussen & Co. 1101 "West Spokane St. 1CL582t Seattle, Wash. , , , , , ] Maintenance Nips Rayonier Lead On 2-1 Victory RAYONIE BOWLING W L Maintenance ................ ;]8 28 Supervisors ................ 37 29 Research Girls ............ 36 30 Chemists ...................... 35 31 Office ............................. 34 32 Electricians ' 31 35 Bleach Plant .............. 29 37 Grease Balls ........ : ....... 24 42 High g,tme---Joe Holt 214 High total--Tiff Skelsey 585 Maintenance untied the Rnot at [lie top of the Rayonter bowling standings witb a 2 to 1 verdict over tlte Supervisors in Monday night's weekly play and tl]e Chem- ists and Office won other odd-game verdicts which tightened up the traffic jam in the leag.ue's upper division. The night's fourth matel also was settled by a 2 to 1 margin and unk the Grease Balls deeper Into the cellar on a defeat from the Electricians Scorinu heroes of the night in- eluded Tiff Skelsey, who paced Maintena.ncc's climb to the top with a 585 total, Johnny Eager and Jess Tobler of the Chemists, Joe Holt of the Office, and Archie Dittman of the Electricians for winnilig clubs, willie of losing lineups punch scoring for their singleton victories were supplied by Run Dodds of the Supervisors, Harry Cole, Bill Oliver and Frank Devlin of the Grease Balls, Inez Dammann'of the Research Girls, nd Cab Rains of tlm Bhmch Plant. The lineups: Office (2) Bleach Plant (1) Handicap 3211Han(ticap 546 Holt 5041 Dummy 495 Briggs 345I Cab Rains 411 Thorpe 436 ! Wolden 326 Gava reski 512]Carl Rains 400 Merrick 517 Lunsford 357 Total 2635! Total 2535 Electricians (2) Grease Balls (1) Handicap 574fHandicap 669 [ Booth 470 tH. Cole 411 [ Stanford :,26tDevlin 324 I- Dittntan 4891C. Cole 376 I Dreamy 4)2l Oliver ,t 34 [ StevenSon 423 Wright ,360 Total 2684I Total 2574: ! Chemists (2) Research Girls (1) Handicap 7051 Handicap 894 Stoy 3461Dammann 403 Lynch 31.9 Cormier 339 Dielle 380 Price 363 Eager 4291Mays 290 Tobler 476 McKinney 308 Total 2655 Total 2597 Maintenance (2) Supervisors (1) KIMBEL LOGGING COMPANY " :b Modern Eqmpment Operated By Exl)erienced Men FO • LAND CLEARING • BU LLDrOZlNG O DITCHING • BASEMENT EXCAVAT- ING • BULKHEADING O PILEDRIVERS For I,and or Water • DUMP TRUCKS For I:lire O PILING AND LOGS For Sale. PHONE 6,t5-W Handicap 282i Handicap 522 ' 518 ............................................. Westlmtd '1531Dodds Jacobsen 5081 Moore 338 Rank 4991McCamt 372 Temple 4271Hawks 380 Skelsey 5851Lemley ,101 Total 2754 Total 2531 We don't just TALK Service We get it done! Maybe you've hesitated to puL your washer in for serv- ice for feat" 'we might be slow in finishing the work. Please don't worry about that. We ARE busy of course, but we make a rule to finish each service job WHEN ]'ROM- ISEDand as early as pos- sible. ]?hone us today.. NASH " BROTHERS 123 S. 2nd St. Phone 334 the poultry raiser who wants a money-making flock of higll egg producers and more profitable birds for market, select your chicks from us. Bred. for health and vigor, early ma- turity and big egg size. We Handle (]ENTENNIAL .%rid ltOLM CHICK FEED 3 Sheltonians In , Multnomah College • Portland Ore:--Three residents S helt0n 'two of them graduate bf Shelton high school, are mnong new studeuts entering Multnomah college in downtown Portland for the spring semester. Harry S. Leeberg, son of Olaf. T. Leeberg and 1945 graduate, is ill the re- frigeration division. George C. MePherson, son of Mrs. V. L. McPherson and 1946 graduate, is studying aircraft mechanics in I)reparation for a C.A.A. license. Donald Under- wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Underwood and a graduate of /(b- erdeen high school, is in tim day college. Registration at Multnomal as tle spring semester opened totaled 1,532, highest in the history of the institution. An even larger figure is anticipated, however, as the I , radio division opens a new cycle on March 17. Of the present en- rollment there are 1.088 war vet- erans talcing training undez' the fede'ral program and 45 whose edu- cational expenses are behtg han- dled bY the state of Oregon. Chuck Beret New Senior Patrol Leader rroop 25 Troop officer:] elected for coming year were Clta.rles Beret who reltevcs Tike Hillman as Se- nior Patrol Leader. Troop Scribe duties were given to Don Fer- werda, James Sinllnons is the new Troop Quartermaster as custodian of troop pt;operty. DicR Kieburtz was elected :librarian. Four new memhers of the troop Gordon Hall, Stacy Myers and Wesley Nelson and Richard second chtss, a tyansfer Troop 8 in Skolcomtsh Val- ley, Another new and interesting • I tlti lg tot Troop 25 to looR forwara to is n new meeting ])lace h)cateci in the basement of the Memorial Hall, when minor alterations and repainting is completed. A Board of  I¢(wicw was held February 26 under the. supervision of Dr. Nol.'vold. ehairnlan Of the 2kmerlean Legion Scout Committee with the llelp of Oscar Levin, Mill ) :Clothier, Don F almer. Gerald Samples and Jesse Vqolfe. The following boys were fotmd quali- fied: Charles J3erct. merit hadge in first sid; Dick Kieburtz and Wally Land as second class scouts. Wcsl'ey Nelson and Story Myers have mcL tit(' reqtirements for Tenderfoot Dick h:ieburtz as Air Scout candidate. l'resent plans are a CoLu't of Honor the llth of March when all parents, friends ahd relatives are cordially invited to attend, Time 8:00 at Memorial Hall. The next Board of Review for Troop 25 will be held at 7::]0, April 2nd in the 51em0rial Hall ltoodsport Fire Dist. Election Due April 5 A s!?,ecial election for the pur- pose oI annexing territory to the Hoodsport Fire Protection District No. I will he held Saturray, April 5. Only portion of Hoodsport, Lil- liwaup and Skokomlsll precincts will be allowed to participate n tte election. The polls will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. O'Neill Bldg. - Shelton [ ........ - ..... 6 BIG BAYS MARCII 7TH THRU 13TH Here's your opportunity to fill pantry shelves with your favorite canned foods at money saving prices] Many items are offered at sensational low prices . . . look 'era over! LIBBY'S DELICIOUS ASSORTMENT Fruit Cocktail .o.o.... 34c Grapefru'it"Sjuice 210 (Also Blend O'Gold Blended Juice or Full O'Gold Orange Juice, same price) CONDENSED TOMATO (DOZEN $1.11) 10V2-OZ. Campbell's Soup 4-370 AMERICAN OR AMERICAN PIMENTO, 5-OZ. JAR Kraft Cream Spd. 2-29c Thursday, 6, 1947. CLAR'M EVAPORATED, 14V2-OZ. (6 Cans 80¢) NATII CARNATION MILK .. 2 cans 27¢ IN TOMATO SAUCE (3 Cans 59¢) VAN CAMP'S BEANS 21-oz. 21¢ OLYMPIA, RAINIER, AC[viE (Plus eposlt) BEER ............... case $3.00 A@#S A New Menu Your P STEAKS O CHICK; Seven Days a "A Dining A Scenic Sun Now Open f CREAM STYLE (Dozen $1.90) .... :!i ! In Our Lc Del Monte Fancy Corn. 20-oz. 16¢ Sunswoet Brand (3 for 95¢) ......................... Prune Juice... qt. 3 [ Mountai EDWARDS Luxury COFFEE L,bbys' G,ant S,o (/1.5) 9-.I_,. Tomato Juice .... 47,, Made by the exclusive Edwards  . =rc-- -..  ,   FormuIai Drip, regular or pu'-  Glenn-Aire, Fancy (Doz. 2.06)'Oi1"..,..i 1% 0:' ? iIII, II ,verized grinds. Enjoy Edwards. Grapefruit ..... 2/:[ .... O Valley Gold, Whole (6 for 1.65)  46¢ 91 ¢ Apricots 30-oz. can 2 ::: Due to present cone ..... I Will be limited for Freestone Elberta Halves 1 TANGY AND REFRESHING, 18-OZ. Libby's Peaches.. 1 ,0o RS possible LIBBY'S KRAUT JUICE ........................ 14¢ (6 for $2.05) !.i,,: 'cOmplete PURE GRAPE JUICE, QUART BOTTLE Monica, Italian (4 Cans 95¢) 29 ;D]I: line of but CHURCH'S GRAPE JUICE ................... 39¢ Prune Plums ..... 2 P0NE 657 SOUTI HAVEN, EASTERN (3 CANS $1.00) FANCY PIE CHERRIES ............ 19-oz. 35¢ Emerald Bay (6 Cans 85€) 2T'C UST HEAT AN. SERVE, 15:-o. Fancy Spinach ... FRANCO-AMERICAN SPAGHETTI .. 14¢ ....... NEW •WEST (4 Bottles 85¢) , APPLE JUICE ..... qt. 22¢ GARDENSIDE, 19-oz. (Doz. $1.70) Green Beans .... 2 cans 29¢ MOON BEAM (3 Cans 45¢) PUMPKIN. lye. 2/ can 16¢ ROSE-DALE (6 cans $;3) I 0MAr0ES 20-oz. can 23¢ ,s FORT HOWARD (6 Cans 8,5¢) CUrl ` BEETS . lg. 21/ can 15¢ ; WEGNER, FANCY (4 Cans 85¢) Apple Sauce .. 19-oz. can 22¢ V-8 Cocktail ...... 18-oz. 15¢ / PHILLIP'S, 12-OZ. (Doz. $1.50) Beans & Franks . 2 cans 25¢ HEINZ, 14-OZ BOTTLE (3 For 65¢) TOMATO CATSUP .... 22¢ HIGHWAY, Extra Standard (6 Cans 90¢) Sweet Peas .. 20.oz. can 16¢ QUAKER STATE, PIECES, STEMS Mushroom Pieces 8.oz. 49¢ SPECIAL LOW PRICE SPECIAL LOW PRICK CANNED TOHATOES Gardenside, Standard (24 Cans 4.75) 28-OZ. CAN 20¢ SOUD PACK SAUERKRAUT SPECIAL LOW PRICE BLENDED SWEET PEAS Sugar Belle, Fancy (6 Cans 1.10) 20-OZ. CAN 19¢ Columbia River, Crisp (6 (ans 57¢) 27-OZ.. C AN 10¢ Good Grade Beef PRIME RIB ROAST ............ lb. 55¢ Blade mr Arm Cut, Good Grade SHOULDER BEEF ROAST lb. 47¢ Graded Good SIRLOIN STEAK ................ lb. 55¢ CENTER CUTS Pr0RK CHDPS PEACH HALVES H i g h w lYsoY;llli°Ws" C I i n g, (3 Cans 65¢) 29-OZ. CAN Corned Beef, 1-Lb. LIBBY'S HASH ...... 31¢ Dennison's. 1-Lb. Can CHILI & BEANS .... 26¢ Lynden's, l-lb. Jar TWISTIES Noodles 13¢ Faultless, In Gravy MEAT BALLS. l-lb. 29¢ Stid d's Chicken TAMALES 7-oz. jar 25¢ Stripes, Heat & Serve RAVIOLIS l-lb. ca], 14¢ SPECIAL LOW PRICE TOMATO JUICE Sunny Dwn. Fancy (Case of 24 2.25) 18-OZ. CAN 10¢ Sweet, Sunkist, Medium NAVEL ORANGES .......... lb. 10¢ Sunkist. Juicy, Medium SUNKIST LEMONS .......... lb. 15¢ Yakima Netted Gems . * U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES ...... lb. 3½¢ Eviscerated, Grade A FRYERS OR ROASTERS .. lb. 67¢ N. Y. Dressed Leghorns FRICASSEE FOWL ............ lb. 37¢ Alaska Red King SALMON STEAKS .............. lb. 59¢ FILLET OF LING COD ...... lb. 39¢ Columbia Rivet" FRESII SMELT ................ 3 lbs. 29¢ T XAS GRAPEFRUIT Extra Large White Grapefruit $1 € Juicy, Thin Skinned .................. LB, Yakima Netted Gems U.S. NO. 1 POTATOES 50 lbs. 1.73 Oregon, Dry, Medium YELLOW ONIONS .......... lb. 4¢ s000000(l00fLWE00C00 PEARS Harper House, Pear Halves (6 Cans 2.05) 29-OZ. CAN 35¢ SPECIAL LOW PRICE APRICOT HALVES Highway, U npeeled Frutt (6 Cans 1.45) 29-OZ. CAN 25,¢ Highway, Local, Thick Meated HUBBARD SQUASH ........ lb. 7¢ California, Clip-Top FRESH CARROTS .................. 7 ½¢ Purity, 5-Oz. Can PACIFIC OYSTERS 39¢ Eastern Gulf, 7/-Oz. COVE OYSTERS .... 39¢ Libby's Sockeye - Tall Cans SALMON ........ l-lb. 53¢ Breaker's Whole, 1.Lb. BUTTER CLAMS .... 49¢ Queen Charlotte, 7-Oz. MINCED CLAMS .... 33¢ Jonesport White Pollack FISH FLAKES ........ 34¢ Heinz Cream Of PEA SOUP .... ll-oZ, Chicken-Noodle Campbell's SOUP / Boy-At-Dee, 8-Oz. Can SPAGHETTI Worchestershire Sauce, LEA & "PERRINS Golden Grain, 1-Lb. Jar Chicken & Noodles .. Moneta Brand, 11-0z. CHILI SAUCE. i (No. 4 in the M Scrapbook contest "B" stands for A kid that Iooke Drink plenty of We got our ros Oregon, Medium FANCY PARSNIPS ........... lb. 12 ½ ¢ I,----I I SPECIAL LOW PRICE PIMPLE PLL00 JAM Star Brand. A Real Amazing Value! 1-LB. JAR 25',¢ Beverly, Chunk or Regular Peanut Butter .. l-lb. 33¢ Duchess, Finest Ingreclients Salad Dressing .... pt. 35¢ Red Hill - 13-Oz. Tomato Catsup ........ 19¢ SLrawberry or Respberry, 1-Lb. Hunt's Preserves .... 49¢ Sunny Dawn. 46-oz. (Doz. $2.55) Tomato Juice .. 2, lye. 45¢ Fancy, No. 2 Can Libby's Beets ............ 14¢ Dinette 19-Oz. Can Mixed  egetables ... 17¢ You get more {or your money at SAFEWAY NO SALES TO DEALERS: PRICES START FRIDAY, MARCH 7, 1947, SUBJECT TO MARKET*CHANGES AND STOCK. lIi 1 SPECIAL LOW PRICE CREAlVl STYLE CORN SPECIAD Gardenside (15 G "= 3 cAN Country Home, Fancy ( Dozen 1.75) 20-OZ. CAN 15;¢ Marydalc. Fancy, 2{ Can  I Sweet Potatoes ........ ': Chili Sauce .... 11-'oZ. [ I Moneta Libby's PINEAPP Libby's fancy, Pineapple J.YL and Pineapple. limited qua' s an DON'T be the DON'T take tl DO get autom yourself a DO look us up Eddy B 120 Third Str, '¢ly ,help him f you wri eaUSiness Service.)