March 6, 1947 Shelton Mason County Journal | ![]() |
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6, 1947.
Saturday, March 7
A New Menu Designed for
Your Pleasure
Seven Days a Week - 7 a.m. to 9 p.m.
"A Dining Adventure In
Scenic Surroundings"
Now Open for Business
f l
,.. In Our Location on
00lnteJui(ce°r.95. €). qt. 33¢[
Mountain View
y,s G,ant S,zo 006-o001 he
,mate Jmce .... 47!00 S iton Lumber
n-Aire, Fancy (Doz. 2.05) 20'i!
'apefruit .... .2/001 . Company
y Gold, Whole (6 for 1.65) 2^/
)ricots 30-oz. can
stone Elberta Halves 2§ "0',
bby's Peaches ..
for $2.05)
ira, Italian (4 Cans 95¢) 29"0['
une Plums ..... 2@
raid Bay (6 Cans 85¢)
hey Spinach
DUe to present conaztions our services
Will be limited for some time, but as
SOon as possible we will handle a
complete line of building materials.
P.O. BOX 598
lay, U npeeled
(6 Caln$ 1.45)
19- OZ
Heinz Cream Of
PEA SOUP .... ll-oZ,
Campbell's SOUP
Boy-At-Dee, 8-Oz.
Worchestershire Sauce, 5-Or.
Golden Grain, 1-Lb. Jar
Chicken & Noodles
Moneta Brand, 11-Oz.
(No. 4 in the Mason County Creamery
Scrapbook contest for $60 in cash prizes.)
"B" stands for Beauty-r-you can be
A kid that looks as good as we.
Drink plenty of THIS MILK each day,
We got our rosy cheeks that way.
Truck Overturns,
2 In Hospital, 3rd
Jailed As Result
When their sheet metal works
truck from Aberdeen overturned
Thursday evening about one mile
this side of Union, Alvin Hurlbert
of Aberdeen, driver, was taken to
the Bremerton hospital suffering
from scalp lacerations and a back
injury. Eero Meirla, of Aberdeen,
and a passagencr in' the truck,
was lodged in the Mason county
jail charged with being drunk on
a public highway in a car, and
Ross McHenry of Union, whom
the two men had picked up near
the Webb cut-off, was taken to
the Shelton hospital suffering
from fractured ribs. The two jkb-
erdeen men have been working
at Aldcrbrook Inn near Union.
The truck failed to make a curve
and skidded on the highway, land-
ing right-side-up, across the lane
of travel, according to State Pa-
trolman Harold Leonard, who in-
vestigated the accident.
Patrolman Leonard also stated
that Hurlbert will be brought
back to Shelton as soon as he is
able to be removed from the hos-
pital for further questioning.
NSL Insurance
Liberalized By
New Legislation
Legislation signed by President
Truman February 21 further lib-
eralized National Service Life In-
surance for 10,000,000 World War
II veterans who permitted their
insurance to lapse after discharge,
Theodore Sowers, Veterans Ad-
ministration contact representa-
tive at Olympia, said today.
The new law granted General
Omar Bradley, veterans adminis-
trator, authority to determine N
SLI reinstatement conditions by
-administrative regulation.
General Bradley immediately
declared that veterans may rein-
state their "G.I.': insurance until
August 1, 1947 merely by paying
two monthly preimums provided
the veterans are m as good
health as at the time their poli-
cies lapsed.
The decision gives Washington
veterans alone another chance to
reinstate $1,000,000,000 worth of
lapsed NSLI without taking phys-
ical examinations to determine in-
surability, Sowers, commented. A
previous deadline for reinstating
NSLI by comparative health state-
mcnt expired February 1, 2947.
"The opportunity to reinstate
National Service Life Insurance
without physical examination vi-
tally affects many thousands of
veterans ad.their families in this
state," Sowers concluded. "We
urge each veteran to investigate
the advantages of his government
Full infDrmation or assistance
in applying for reinstatement of
NSLI may be obtained by writing
or visiting the VA contact office
at Thurston county court house,
or the VA regional office, Federal
Office Building, Seattle.
qr vv v v v'P'V'qr v v .v 'v v''qr-r .(P'-qfr VVVl
Mrs. Rosa Mann had the pleas-
ure of entertaining over the week
end Miss Elizabeth Juesckli of
Milwaukee, Wise., and her fiance,
Victor Sokolouski of Bremerton.
Miss Juesckli is a noted singer.
of Milwaukee. It is hoped that
Belfair may have the pleasure of
hearing her beautiful mezzo so-
prano vome ill the near future.
She is charmed with our coun-
try and hopes to make her home
One baby shower is a thrill but
a double baby shower is a sensa-
tion. Two young mothers-to-be
and 35 guests can verify that. The
shower was held last Wednesday
afternoon, February 26, at the
lovely home of Mrs. George Pope
honoring Mrs. Donald Beck and
Mrs. Harold Allen. It was given
by Mrs. George Pope and Mrs.
Dawn Eddy. The gifts were ex-
quisite and practical. Fortunate
indeed will be the little new ar-
rivals. Games were •played and
refreshments served.
Tantalum has been discovered
in quantity by prospectors near
Ross Lake/ Northwest Canada.
This hard metal With a high melt-
Shelton, Wash.
Editor Mason County Journal,
Shelton, Wash.
Dear Sir: I wish You would[
write an article in The Journal[
on humanity to animals.
It happens so often out here, t
cats and dogs are dropped from l
cars by people living in town,
who get tired of caring for their
pets, especially if they get sick.
This morning a sick pup was
left in the yard and the party
drove off quickly. We have dogs
of our own, healthy dogs, for we
love them and care for them.
I wonder if people who do things
like that ever stop to think not
only of the trouble they cause
others but that a dog croft exist
without help from we humans,
cats can take care. of themselves
at the expense of our game bird
and song birds, but not a dog,
especially a pup.
If people are tired of:their pets
and can't find a proper home for
them the .thing to do is have a
vet put them out of their misery.
Sincerely, .
,qr v ,v v v ,qr ,qr ,tcv ,qr v ,qr ,e 'v'vv v ,qr.v,qe,11 ,
Howard Seiners was elected last
Saturday for a three year term
to the board of directors of School
District 54.
Cards have been sent out to
everyone saying, and we quote,
"Don't miss the 'Baby Show! Com-
munity Club, March 7, 1947, 7:30
p.m Bring babies by special re-
quest only." This promises to be
interesting and of course the show
will be held at the school house.
The Red Cross drive is on, as you
know, and as there will be no
house-to-house canvass this year,
Grapeview is meeting this obliga-
tion through its various clubs. We
have been reminded to ask those
who have not contributed to the
Red Cross this year that there will
The extra curricular interest in
his pupils shown by Bruce
Schwarck, princii4al of Shelton
Junior High School, was express-
ed in an article written by him
entitled "Do Your Pupils Smoke?
Ours Do" and published in The
Clearing House, a national publi-
cation for junior and senior high
The dilemna of school teachers
Norman Bill Asks
Pilot Plants For
Wood Waste Uses
Washington, D.C., Feb. 27
Congressman Fred Norman today
introduced a bill to set up pilot
plants in the Northwest, to de-
velop new uses for wood and
wood waste, and improve present
forest products.
"This is a bib to create 'new
job' factories," Norman explained.
"This measure authoress the Sec-
retary of Agricluture, through the
Forest Service, to establish and
operate pilot plants in Washing-
ton, Oregon and Idaho to explore
new uses for wood, improve pres-
ent practice and to develop means
of utilizing wood by-products now
wasted. This may be done in co-
operation with colleges, private
industry or independently by the
Forest Service, but the bill con-
tains a safeguard against govern-
ment competition with private in-
dustry. "
"In plain words," Norman said,
"this means that the pilot plants
will be only used to discover new
wood products, and develop pres-
ent processes to a point where
industry can take over. This bill
will increase the value of the
state resources, and in that way
will provide both the workers and
operators with more income. It
will create two jobs where only
exists today.
°neI expect both tle Forest Ser-
vice and the forest industries, in-
be a booth at the Community Club eluding their employees, to sup-
meeting next Friday evening port this bill," Norman stated.
"It is certainly designed to help
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Palms enter- them all. I can envision a time
rained Olympia visitors on Febru-, ,, he- with low cost h, dr- eo*ri
ary 16th m honor of th birthday l o r new we ....
i p we , 0u prouuczs, m-
of their daughter, Patric a. Those rr.qd farm nrnchwfin, n Ch
enjoying the party were Mr. and J,',m'n"';'",'
Mrs. Win. G. Palms, Mrs. Marie] ''l"'indri "'-''o' r:2
Jones, Gary Jones and Patricm nrosneritv will bein for Wash
Palms, besides the host and host-. -" ¢ .... ." .... "
mgon ann ls sister smes
ess. Mr. and Mrs. Ira Palms spent ] . "
last Sunday in Olympia with Mr.[ anw
arm- ars'" wm."" G. Palms ann ................ vr .'= ...............
........ iede [ Mrs. Hathe F. Roundtree was
ann mrs. win. cnn r.
...... r" hi fo -l appointed adminmtratrix of the
'rea cnwlnn nu t s 0; aE]
........... Juanita Roundtreo estate and her
nlgn senool ms weeK ana nas Deeni h.. ,,,o + cgnn , , ..
Messrs. Les Rice, William Sore- son Saturaay.
ers and Wed Etherton, officers of JOSEPH MARSH ESTATE
our fire department, drove to Ar- Judge Wilson Saturday signed
lington, Wash., one day last week ! a decree of distribution in the Jo-
to look at some fire trucks which seph W. Marsh estate during Su-
were for sale. They were quite oerior Court.
satisfied with one. only to find out,-
later that it had been sold all the
time, so they are again on the
Carrel Bush was on the sick
with the flu for a few days
week but we're glad to say he's
up and around again.
Mrs. Frances Spooner went to
Tacoma to help celebrate her
grandson's birthday. This is Jerry
Campbell who visit out here quite
a lot.
Barbara Etherton is the latest
one reported as having the chicken
We always know it's turning
Spring when our summer campers
start coming out week ends. Last
week Mr. and Mrs. Pete Hansen
of Seattle spent Sunday at their
summer home here. Their place is
next to Merritt's.
Russel Stock and Mr. and Mrs
Russell Stock are really doing a
fine piece of landscaping around
their house and store. They arc
going to have a beautiful corner.
One of the notices in the news
box at the store sounds interest-
ing and we are printing it here in
its entirety. "Two of our friendly
neighbors from Alln admit 'the
first thing they read in The Jour-
nal is Grapeview and Allyn news
so we think Marvel Cleveland and
Winnie Peterson should hear of
themselves in Grapeview news oc-
casionally." Well, there you are
girls and if you have any news to
spare, we'd be so glad to have ih
provided, of course, that it is O.K.
ins point has attained an impor-
)RN tant place in chemistry, medicine wtth the AllYn reporter '
and electronics. Grapeview Women's Club met at
ome, Fancy Gardensifle , the home of Mrs. W. E. Reeves
last Friday. It was a beautiful
en 1.75) (15 ;a day and a lovely meeting,
'. CAN 3 C N We thotight we were bragging a
I)o's and Don'ts of Life lot whenwe toldyou lastweek
. l/ that :Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Lombard
! I have a new Gibson tractor. Well,
now it turns up that two more
folks hve new'Gibson tractors,
too, thd Buckingham's and the
Luther's. Folks are just too mod-
Marydalc, Fancy, 2 ,
Sweet Potatoes :o est. We said to Mrs. Luther "Why
doesn't someone tell us these
I!:Z: :e ; :CiS ry :itm ci; things," and Mrs. Maginnis piped
Chili Sauce 1 up and said, "We've got a new
tractor, too. It's not a Gibson, it's
Moneta "':" : ' a Garden-Aid,' and we, trying to
ON:T t ann sa v old bills, be funny asked if it was any re-
lation to lemonade and she said
Libby's P INEAP] take the chance of financi I loss. "No, but it's orange colored and
Libby's fancy, Pineapple -- it goes like this" and she raised
and Pineapple. limited her arms out in front like she was
* * * • * clutching a couple of handle bars
• and started across the room to
La _
demonstrate how her tractor works
and we feel quite sure that if we
hadn't stopped her she would have
plowed up Mrs. Reeves' beautiful
carpet into some very an-beautiful
Word comes fl'om College Sta-
tion, Texas. from Mrs..James
Bentley (Marion Lombardl that
she and Mr. Bentley are getting
along beautifully. Marion is so
happy about a real good fortune.
Several of the girls took examina-
tions for the office of secretary to
the commandant at the Govern-
ment Radio School which Mr.
Bentley attends under the G.I. Bill
and--yes, you guessed it, Marion
was chosen for the position and
she likes it very much.
John Simon, Lee Carlson mid
Hugo Glaser were appointed ap-
praisers of the John W. Wilson
estate, last Tuesday during spe-
cial session of Superior Court,
with Judge D. F, Wright presid-
DO get automobile and fire insurance and protect
yourself against these tragedies.
I}o look us up.
Eddy Business Service
Curio Shop
Phone Union 426
Something New
Something Different
From Old Mexico
Sport Jackets
For Ladies
Consider them for your
Spring outfit.
Embroic Braid
Brilliant Colors
Aztec Rings
So-called Aztec ring is
large, massive, tartling.
For men only.
A New Shipment of
120 Third Street ' Pflone 540
a junior high student, wrote this ad, which is entered in our contest.
him if you write us a letter or card telling how you like it. Thank you
mess Service.)
in preventing students from
smoking cigarettes was described
by the principal of the Shelton
school, who placed' part of the
i blame for the smoking problem
upon the vast advertising cam-
paigns of the tobacco companies.
"It pays to advertise and we
(the teachers) have the strongest
and best advertising agencies in
the world to combat our every
effort. There is far too much
money against us- and money
keeps driving its point home day
after day and night after night,
and on and on into the years un-
til our young folks are completely
indoctrinated with the idea that
to smoke is only natural," Mr.
Schwarck explained.
Mr. Schwarck concludes his ar-
ticle with a question to all school
officials asking' if the school pro-
gram can be so strengthened to
combat this billion-dollar adver-
tising enterprise that is breaking
down the health teaching in the
Body and
Fender Works
I Mile South On
Olympic Highway
Phone 218R-2X
We've Just Received
A New Shipment of
Table Model
You can bet it's not by acddem that
RPM Compounded Motor Oil keeps
your motor cleaner, #yes it longer
Kfe. Tbls oil's especially compounded
to end carbon trouble, prevent cor-
rosion, stick to hot spots that ordinary
oils leave bare and exposed to wear,
to fight oxidadoa and to elinnam
air-bubbles that would impair circu-
lation. Best of all, RPM Iotor Oil
rut-proofs as it lubricatel
C. C. Cole
122 South Third St.
Shelton - Phone 87
R¢place worn 95e up
spark plug cables
• . , increase engine effi.
cigney. Distributor clips,
rubber nipples lneluded.
Better Performance
Play safe , . . replace that
old, worn fuel pump today.
Long life, dependable.
They'll Last Longer
Replace that worn, frayed
fan belt now! Built for
iodm high speed enu
: .k ;i
fits All Car Heat.n,
Heater Hose
Long Life, Heavy brahl
hose has high resistance te
greaae, oil, anti.freeze.
Save You Money/
011 Filter
• Keeps Oil Cleaner
Pot sweeter running motors.
eeps oil free from foreign
Keeps Motor Oil Clean
Removes foreign matter
from oil, Saves oil and
costly repai bills.
Replace that Leay Hose !
.asy to install. Tough,
long-lasting, Withstands
anti-freeze and grease.
For Smootker PJdingl
Replace thoe worn shock
absorber and make the old
a rlde llke new agai
Dress Up tke Inside o/Your Car !
4.35 u .....
looking . . . long
gl Live bber.
thick felt base. reeps
out noise, fumes, cld,
ts front or bae
L. M. 00|tesfon¢ Store
I [| 1 IIIll I I