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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Rage 10 il it iv&apos; i Ii i I I I   I  I I I I ACTIVETTES TO MEET The Actlvettes will hold their regular meeting Thursday even!ng, March !3, at the lmme of Mrs. J. E, Bishop. /PON.MAON €O TOURI'AU i I i ¶ i i i i i i PARTY POSTPONED DONATIQNS SKED 1 A  J= II= Jib IB  AP'  atmmA Tim Progress Grange card party, FOR FIRE EQUIPMENT , :l:mO !1 Al'lIl:ffli g • 141r II • llS originally scheduled for Friday, U, he00iretruckhas,beenpaid00:or] II-ilHll t/b[00 ! I 'r,,h 7. has been postponed. Tbo by donation Zi'om ioeai residents, I i•l F I ill i:[ r W 1 I • II future date will be announced later, announced Ernest Worl, commer- ,€ .- .v i, .--,--.-- ,-- i,    v l  cial club president at the Monday  .... -----'-------- night meeting at Hoodsport school,  T... .........4 fiR APEVIF' TOyE. AN L "However." he continted, money JLAa k#.UIIIDU4U HONOI MIS. ]ECJ'J' , ,'( nd'-cai.i:y*dta'f0;'anotheryearuntll l)yli:t*l121l|'.)llJ last"weett honored the name ot ' CLE'"fR Rrl out. local fire district ean be organ - .,. ...... " ........ Nfrs. Sarah O. Eckert, local pion- ized aiad tax money will be avail-  nug:n[ oLne eimn' ver- err and outstanding citizen, When able to take care of the moisten- green taraen, umo s nnua L tea the members voted to name their dnce of the :fi're truck Also enough was tn.e snowng .l.)y vet's fee- Orthopedic. Auxiliary after Mrs. --]OR- *  ' . man o coiorec[ slides eL xower , " money is needed to build some Sozt ....  held Eckmt. 0fa garage to'keep the truck in" arrangements. Tne tea was., Mrs: Eckert, mother of Walter PAINTED and .... " at tne nome o mrs umuae mc- . • • So for tins season, the collec- ._ ...... ._ --'-. , • 99 O. Eckert, came to Grapewew m VARNISI[LE D tion committee would like to re- g!}; ''nmsay, u(euaY. t.. 1889 and resided there for about Surface md • mind those who .have not as yet u'ouowmg the presentatmn oz 53' years. The ladies of Grapeview WOODWORK. contributed, that they will be glad the slides, sandwiches, c'floe and regarded an invitation fi'om :Mrs. I to have thenl ge in touch with tea were served from a lace coy- Eckert as a rare honor. On these Calvin Wilson, :Arclfie Calahan, ered table decorated with pink occasions she would entertain her Gilbert oi" George Jack- and White carnations and blue iris nosegay's in' a' blanket el- Disasters such as happened feet bacdropped with candle- Hanson's grocery store abra and pihk tpers and flower .Blue Ox dance pavilion 'sprlnRled pastel ribbon streamers need not find us unprepared next in Sflnburst patterns, an affiliate with tle Orthopedic % , • . Thursday, Marc i'la1, Mave Woman's Club ,,O.ME,, .ELTOM00,00 IN IVASIIINGTON, I}. C. MO d Word has been received T;1 Meets n ay Washington, D. C.. that Miss Lou Hamilton, daughter of Hugh WAY 1"0 RELIEVE DiS %I'S. Purl J cmison was Ires tess Hamilton, formerly associated ##dCO R to the Shelton Woman's Club on with the McCleary Timber Corn- .,. Monday afternoon, March 8 at pony, is now a member of the ] :30 o'clock at her home on An- office staff of Homer R. Jones, ":' ,gleside. . UuitV.d .St:atd rhisentative,fr0m : " j.,,' The busineas ses.qi(m was con- the first district. Miss Hamilton, F T-his ducted by Mrs. r. A. Witsicrs, who lived in Shelton mtil 19+t0, D0ub e-DutyNosoDropsl:, following'which Ml's. hh'ank Wil-served f(,r t,vo anti a half years . lard, educational eimirmau, spoke with the Spars during th<, war. hriefly concerning tle house bills needing mlpport for better eduea- PORT TOWNS-N; COUPLE Yes, you ...aollief'-l' tional systems. MARRIED HERE THURSDAY t]'[ca-c-fihca'ch'noJno_J Those present answered roll call Alton C. Mos]ey and Jean Ad- by naming a youttl leader or group ares, both of Pert'Townsend, were  ,Lfi same. ning, February 27, by Justice "vV, VICK$ Mrs. C. E. Rmmcres, chairman A. Magoon. Of the afternoon's program, first i I introduced Reverend J. O. Bovee time. • It was announced by Herbert .Dickinson dung the course of the evening; that votin for the new fire district will take place at the Hoodsport. school house on April 5, during the hours between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m, Only those vot- 'ers living in the territory to be an- nexed may vote, aud it will take a two-fifths majority of those voting 1to pass the proposition. The Commercial Club now has a new secretary, Mrs. Herbert ma. MEETING SCIlEDULED The Shelton Girl Scout Council will meet Monday, March 10, at 2 o'clock in the LitUe House. Those who poured were Mrs. Rex' Crosses and Mi's. Arthur Hol- deR assisted by Mi's. Burton Kreidler'Mrs. I. V. Bailey and Mrs. F. R. Williams. Guests from Bremerton were MRS.' C: L. Wtllifims. Mrs. J. H. Bailey, Mrs. Fred Hicks and Mrs. C. Henry.' Other guests and mer0bers .pres- ent included the Msdmes Dolph Edmiston, C. C: Rice, G. C. Shackleford, Walter Eddy, S. C. ,Dickinson, who replaces Mrs. Ahna DeLed, F. A. Heintze, George Iill who movi/d recently to Taco- Fredericks, 3. R. 'Brain, Vernon " Wyatt,' •Blanche rHackett, J. S. Ahl, Jack Hgrris,' Lahra White, Albert Calqsdn, ,Donna .Bii'd, G. " rE Wlelahd,, Stanf0;d,Frlelin and C. W. enningson. . Also inc]uded .were Mrs. H. R. 'A. story... ..... SAVINGS ON tPENNEY'$  BLANKETS & BED,DING A., Warm and long-wearing! "St. Moritz blan- ket, 5 Ibs. a'll-wool. 5-year guarantee against moth damage! 12.90 .]F. Assorted colors, 4V Ibs. wool; .5-y.ear arant'ee 'against moth damage! 14.75 C, Chenille spread, olM white ground; mul- ticolor design; Double or twin! 8.90 .. Pillows, assorted feather and down filled; triped  ...... " 8.90 Cannon ,Bath Towels In sg.t pa=l 'P"q" !OrSkSllV COLONIAL BEDSPREADS, in rose and blue, with 5.90 white design, double bed size: .. i L, '0 COMIRTERS, Cotton and wool filled, gay Cotton 5 98 print covering in rose and blue. BOys  Buffalo PLAID JACKETS Sizes 10 to :Is. :tOO por clt wool, .@ CORDS AGAIN! FO r Btys In eeam and castor, sizes 6 to 16, 4.98 Men's PLAID SHIRTS 2.49 Men's SPORT SHIRTS Bright cotton plaids. All sizes. 2.49 Tavis, Mrs..R.W. Cady, Mrs, John StUy, ts, Mrs: A..E. Bard, Mi, s. Jbh 2axton, Mrs. 3am'es Hoffman, Mrs. D. R. Roesscl, Mrs. T. E 'Marsh, Mrs. Rtid01ph Sundstro'm, Mrs. M.'W. Newkirk, Mrs: H. E. Kla,utzen Mrs. George Pope: Mrs." Charles '.Beck, Mrs. Palmer Johnson, Mrs. GOrdon Ty- Tee, Mrs. G': W. JoneS, Mrs. C. A. McKnigltt and Mrs. G. 'M. Hill. LAKE ISABELI CLUB .CONVENES The Lake Isabella Club met with Mrs. Lydia Leggett on Wednes- day, Fabrury 26. ]leven mere- be'rE answered the roll call. The prize were'won by Marjory Ak- en. The next meeting will be held at the home of Helen Kcyzer's new home on Wedneslay; V[a''ch 112. DAyTQ .UR TO EET The Dayton community Club wfli 'meet Friday evening, March 7, at 8 oclocl¢ for its regular meeting. 'glL resideits of Dayton are requested to come out for an e'vening of fun. The ladies are asked to bring basket luncbes. A limit of $2 is placed on the hmches.. All proceeds frbm this Will go to the aid of the Dayton ¢-H Ch/bs. SERVICES TO CONTINUE Special services at the Calvary Pentecostal Church will continue throughout this Week with Rev. :i/pdrewh .s special 'speaker. Verynight is jubileen ni,:ht ex- cept Monday and Sattirday nights. Everyone is welcome to attend. RETURN ItOME ;Dr. and :Mrs. A. N. Parrett re- trned to Stielton Monday after vacationing for three weeks at a dude ranch in Arizona. The Par- retts extended their travels into Nogales, Mexico, also. SHELTON MUSIC LOVERS TO ATTEND CON, CERT Tickets Wen't on sale 'this week for the third annual Olympia con- cert of the Tacoma Philharmonic S,Tnphony Orchestra to be pre- sented this evening by the Fine Arts Guild of Olympia. The con- cert will take place n the Olym- pia high school atiditorium start- ttng at 8:30 p.m. Among the many Shelton peo- ple who will be attending the concert are Mrs. Charles Lewis, Mrs. Paul Schlosser, Mrs. Lillian N'orvald, Mrs. A. L. :Ferwerda, Mrs. Oliver Ashford and Mrs. C. I. Pritchard. HRISTIAN SERV, IE SOCIETY TO MEET The Woman's Society of Chris- tian Service will meet at the Me- tlmdist Church parlors on Wed- nesday, March 12, at 2 p,m. There will be a program. Mrs. Bernice Stewart will be soloist. Hostesses for the afternoon will be M2s. Dave Logan and Mrs. Paul Brock- mEm, V=F,W. ,UXILIARY T0 ;MEET 'FRIDAY ' 'ie ,V.F,r. ' Auxiliary will meet Friday, Match' 7, tot their regu- lar haetin at the MemOrial Hall. Tbe meeting:will start rat 8 o'clock and there wili be nbmjngton and eleqti0n of officers. 'Membe/s are urged to attend 'f_or p eletJpn.  C H AE-LO, B KNZEN W,,E DO, IJ G QCCURS 'R'U,B" '23 JuJttce M: U. Ztht;heo ,performed a aar, rtage ceremony" Sflnday, Febaary 23, .at his home for John F" Chase of Clark County and lorence C. Lorenzen )f San Fran- cisco. MARRIAGE APPLICATIONS O. W. Schwarz, 29, and Hazel lrginia ,Caell, 30, bth " of O!ympia, biqary 28 at Shelton. Clem Ellis "ShaW, 'l, 'ind Vtx/ian eo, 33, bth of Shelton, March 3' at Sheltoh. T,s T E. G/.FFORD JSTATE _ tL..y 3n ,special. eslon of superior" court,  3tage . F. 'Wright signed an order admitting .the will b,f lbelzt E. Giffqrd to pb.bat qhd 'aip6tnt'ed Gilbert T. Beand decutbr. ' ' O.E.S. TO INITIATE Th'e regul'hi-' m'eeting of the Or- der of Eastern Star is scheduled fdr 8 o'clock Saturday dvdnlg, M:arch 8, at tim Masonic Tenle. 'lerp will be an election and trfltiation of officers. REH EARSALS SLATED The Sheltoa Mi frt i]l meet for rehearsal' ,eghh 'M0fidy evening at the Sd ilgh':h0ol .aulria'Rt Z:80. ' :: ebralal ,in- vitUon ,i .eXtn, dea to all prsns Interested in chor work. guests witia stories of her exper- iences in the early days. The group, Which will be the Sarah O. Eckert Auxiliary will be hospital in Seattle. LDON LADIES ATTEND rOE .O'CLQCK LUNCIIEON :Mrs. Ann Webb and Mrs. Allie Abl were hostesses to a group of Eldon ladies Friday afternoon at the Webb home on the Hamma Hamma river. A one o'clock lunch- eon was served from tables cen- tered with purple violets. Those enjoying" the afternoon of luncheon and sewing were Mes- dames Ollie Dando, Addle Schauf- leT, Kate Ahl, Mizmle Hamilton. Mime Dlesen, Pat Diesen, SLella 2/orken, Frances Evans, Doris Case and children, Nancy and Larry, Eleanor' Pierce and daugh- ter: Janice, Beck, Babington, Mc- Kasson and the hostesses. The group will meet at the home qf Mrs. 'Acldic Sehanfler Friday, March 14. [RS. ALLISON WEDS OLYMPIA MAN Mrs. K. A. Allison of Madrona Lodge on Hood Canal was mar- ried to Leo F. Sebmidt of Olym- Lpla at a ceremony performed at the home of Mrs. Allison's bro- ther, J. A. Morrow, in Tuscon, Ariz., Thursday, February 20. Tbe couple will return to Ma- drona Lodge by March '15 and will be at home for their many local friends. WC.T.U. TO MEET The Shelton Woman's Christian Temperance Union will hold its regular monthly meeting Friday, March 7,' at the;, home of Mrs, A. ,L. Bell beginning with a one o'cl ck POtluck luncheon. All in- ter( ted women are cordially in- vited to this meeting. API>RAISERS APPOINTED ,Georg( A. Adam, R. F. Eddy and Walter A. Magoon were ap- pointed appraisers of tim George Barnard 'etate by Judge Wilson Sattrday in Superior Court. Potlatch C. A. PickeTing, the local post- master, takes this opportunity to announce t h a t begtuning on Thursday, Marcb 6, the office will ,0s6 Rt ,i. P.m. instead of at 5:00 Rs formerly. During ttc past two weeks Clar Mel hm has been undergoing sev- eral improvements and u com- plete re.decorating and cleaning in its foyer, dining room and kit- chen. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wallen plan to re-open the" inn to the public Marci "9. While the inn was having a temporary shut-down Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gray and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gray enjoyed a.brief, much needed vacation. Tbe former cou- ple az:e vacationing in Canada, tbe latter are visit!ng relatives and friends in southern Oregon. Mrs. Eva Simmons has return- ed to her Potlatch home to live fter h avirg lived several years n Ho0dsport. Sharing her .home witlf her are her sitter and bro- ther-in-In, w, Mr: and Mrs. Ward. Mrs. C. 2-, Picketing is still de- voting much 'time aml interest to he collecting of articles for For- elgn ,Rlif. She qnvites anyone wh0 has contrlbtiqns of cloth- ingl shoes, be.ddlng, etc., to leave them at t, he mcal post office and she_wlll attend to their mailing. trs. tat' aare a former Pot- latch Tesider, now living at Tllli- cu, spn several days visiting in: Hoddsport' the past week. On Thursday Mrs. Kaare was call- ing'on Potlatch friends. m Friday other former Pot- latch folks, Mr. and Mrs. Thor Jacobsen, also"of Tillicum, visited their daughter, Mrs. K. Simons and other old neighbors. When they returned home "hey took their little grandson, Kenny St- moss, with them "to stay a few day. Ben Hussman, of Spokane, is visiting at the hoe of his bro- ther, Henry Hussnan. \\; Mr. and Mrs. J. Reiman  were called to Toledo, Ore., on busi- ness last Friday. Other oldtimers of Potlatch who were calling on friends Sat- urday evening' 'were Mrs. Fred Elsenzimmer and" her son Ferdie of Anacortes. who spoke on "Youth Conserva- tion," emphasizing the ways we must conserve youth for a better America. The next speaker was Andrew Kruiswyck, county agri- cultural agent, who spoke on the four projects available to d-H youth; namely, dairying, poultry raising, gardening and forestry. Mrs. Ruth Sturdevant of the Home Extension Service gave the group an outline of the general program of 4-H Clubs as a Con- clusion to the program. Mrs. Purl Jemison, served re- freshments to the club members and their guests. One of the most interesting programs of the year was en- joyed by members and their guests of the Young Adults of the First Methodist Church meet- ing in the church parlors Sun- day evening, March 2. 'The group was led in a recrea- tional period by Mrs. William Lundquist. Charles :Funkhouser, president of the group, then call- c,d upon Horace Crary to give the devotions. A short business meet- ing followed with several an- nouncements made concerning We Need He NO, we do NOT have labor trouble. Our busine ssl! a family partnership in which all of us work together' The Help We Need Is Your In Rounding Up MILK BOTTLES ' New bottles are extremely scarce and cannot buy many. Therefore it is sary to keep the bottles in circulation. pay 1@ for quart bott!es and 5¢ for coming events. Rcv. Hardwick %V. Harsbman then introduced the speaker for the evening, Robert Weaver, who i was stationed in Iran and adja- cent country as an army officer during the recent war and was privileged to spend several days in the Holy Lands of Palestine. He took the group on an "eight- day trip" through the Holy Land pointing out the many interesting place recorded in the Bible. Mr. Weaver, during the period for questions, discussed the basic causes for the Internal strife am- ong theJews and the Moslems in Palestine today. FolloWing the address Mr. and Mrn. "Horace Crary, sponsor's of the group, served delicious re- freshments to the following mem- bers and their guests: Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Grunert, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fentiman. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Price. Mrs. Bone- brake from California, Virginia Ellis, Mrs. William Lundquist, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Heuston, Robert Horton. Mrs, HoWard Meyer, Wal- ter Elliott, Robert Miller. Miss Alice Gee. Miss Ruth Creasey, Miss Dorothy Hawthorne, Miss Florence Fentiman, Mr.'and Mrs. Horace Crary, Mr. and rMrS. Rob- Cr Weaver. Charles Funkhouser, Itarold Anderson, /Jruce Dietrick and Rev. and Mrs. Hardwick W. Harshman. MT. VIEW CLUB PLANS "KIDS NIGHT" FRIDAY The Mt. View Community Club is sponsoring another "ldds night" I'tday evening, March 7, at the skating rint All Mt. View kids are invited to come and to bring their Parents. There will be special entertain- ment for the youngtsers with a pie eating contest as the main fea- tUre, After tbc business meeting, there will also be entertainment for the adults and a pot-luck lunch will be served, Phone 215-J-2 and Our Truck Will Call and Pick Gratsingers' and Whether you use good or "cheap" paint the cost e o0 for labor xs the same. You cannot afford to wast g i labor on "cheap" paint, l Murphy A Pa/nt fo r Every Purse and pu?poe [ We recommend .these hlgh-grade paints, because 0I fine quality will potet and beautify your house b¢| and longer. And the total cost for the job is so :v, [ The regular meeting nights have behn changed to the first and third Friday nights .of each month. DAMAGE TRIAL MARCII 28 The trial in the damage case of Albert Lee Bell and William A. Iniel was set for Friday, March 28. little more. LAWTON LUMBER COMP00  , '. " ' ," " . ' r' , New . STEP OUT IN Connie C00ter Originals NEW SHIPMENT JUST IN THIS WEEK 321 Cota ALWAYS SOMETHING .]. NEW AND NICE ARRIVING HERE • . Crane's Apparel Phone228 1947. r I i , , "t , I husbandry. : :be needed., And the dry at least, to related arts Of course, t before such individual o time and m must get "tt oramunity The individ ,or expand a '!get ahead' ,! MPSON LOG