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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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red fl&apos;ODl V[iss Mal'y of Hugh issociated her Com- n" of the R. Jones, t ive, from Hamilton. ntil 1940, mlf years he war. ThurMay, WAY TO RELIEVE Head¢o00 Works Fast! UPLE Yes, you get quick stuffy distress o£ ISDAY tie Va-tro-nol in Jean Ad- more-it actually helps pro end, were colds from developing if ,. 'sday eve- Try it! Follow directionSr w v,cKs VA.'r00 Need He have labor trouble. Our business4! "ship in which all of us work together' e Need Is Your :n Rounding Up < BOTTLES ,re extremely scarce any. Therefore it is ae bottles in circulation. wt bottles and 5¢ for l/...pi! & / "'i' )Ur Truck Will Call and Pick Tae# gers and :::)o good " the cost le. You can not afford to waste paint. p -very Purse and Pu'rpoe ese high-grade paints, because I teqt and beautify your house !#[ he total cost forthe job is so !v UMBER COMP00 n and Joe Simpson, Proprietors RST sTREET - PHONE 5 [IS i00ASTER IN New Spring Hats ALWAYS SOMETHING NEW AND NICE ARRIVING HERE )arel Phone 228 • % % ]I:I i_. il FE IS A DEFINITE oppouity ,f the encourage- ,:. ment of a sheep-raising industry in;Mason Cotmty, for :li!l!l ]11[ feed from lowland pastures theyear round. , " .:-i some breeds of t.his important economic animal---the !]':i i Roey, the Shropshire, and the Hampshire--'are • idealIy ,suited, to local climatic conditions. Developed ' in Ergland, they thrive at se.a-level and get all their iIl! [I i': .. f ntrodpqedintoMasonCountyonasubstantial .......... scaae, they would make possible a long list of beneficial ,enterprises. New jobs would be created, in ,related fietds as well as,on the ranches devoted to sheep husbandry. Many ines of business would benefit; equipment and buildings would 'he :needed... transportation and shipping faoilities would have to be expanded. And:the development of sheep ranching on a large scale carries the opportunity, at least, to develop specialized textile weaving and other eelated arts and trades. Of course, there are important ablems to be considered before such expansion can ,ta, ke place. Someone  some individual or group of individuals  must decide to invest • ime and money in a flock, or the nucleus of a flock . . . mUstget "the bl,1 ,roll, ing."  beginning is essential for any community or business development. The individual ho starts ott to create a new business • or expand a present ,business  is motivated by a desire to "get ahead" economically, ,to build a future for himself. % q There is risk in such, a venture, of course. But ,the individual takes the risk. In doing ,so he not only creates ,someg for :himself, :but for'his ,community as well. As his venture prospers and gron, it provides eml)t0yment for other individuals. It stimulates buying power :and tkus hells other businesses-to ,prosper, and creates still more jobs. Everyone ' benefits, dec!y ,or indirectly. Every man and woman -.every worker, mercha, n% professional ma, teacher, eery municipal, county, state or civil service employee; every employer, large orsmall. All benefit because all, have-a, stake in the common welfare ,af he commnnit-. Mason Countyand M1 Amerieawas founded and built eon the fundamental principle that any man or woman Should have the right to workshould have the right to start a business of his own and to enjoy the fruits of his labor. &s a result, no other nation in the whole world can approach the industrial might of America. In no other nation has 'f.he standard of living risen so ,high for the individual willing to work forgt. This results from ,the American Way of Life, and is the ,pathway to an even greater =merica. WhY change it? The sponsors of this series of adveisement devoted to com- munity betterment are citizens of this community. They own homes here. Their children go to school here. hoy *have a dep sense of responsibility to the individual citizens and to changes which will affect the community. They are interested in devel- oping a healthy community following the American Way of Life, and thus keeping America and Mason County strong for the generations to come. The individual who starts or expands .a asfess requesskill, kn0wledge,:ambi- tion and enterprise. These ave essential, ,of eurse. But they are not enough! The individual must be assured of he proper bagmud for a :profitable venture. When this ,is present, men and women r6 given the inoentive to plan ahead and build new enterprises. W'hen it is n6t resent, men an4 women are reluc- tant to take the risks which are-iherenti any busness venture. That is only natural America---to ',her etemal credit  has always given men the freedom,of £ enterprise. Because of this simple fact, Amewiea has re€ed heights of greatness unknown in any other lad:; Amecans hae,ejoyed a standard of living unmatched by any other people. Such is the, American way  the American ideal. Applied with sinoery and,tom-age in the future, this same ideal wffi lead America--and Mason Coty  into ,an era of even greater mmi, se for every man, oman and child. ' One of a series of advertisements devoted to comm .mn'ty betterment. '!MPGON LOGGING COMPANY • RAYONIER INCORPORATED • LUMBERMEN'S MERCAIITI.LE • ROY KIMBEL ENT'ER'PRISES • GEO. M, GRISDA'LE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY • COMMERE. • AMERICAN EDE'RATION OF LABOR LOCAL UNIONS OF SHELTON •. SHELTON KIWANIS CLUB • WINE "INDUSTRY OF MASON COUNTY 8HELTON CHAMBER OF