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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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REAL ESTATE Ii&apos;Ol:I SALI: 5-room :euodern homo, }lillcre>I. Iufll-lns, oil circulator, electric range, autoIl]aI.ic 'ater hcat- ,,r. neon" cho(H, tore. Phone 7761L D2-20-.-3-,6 OIt-'BALE': iWO-id'eal"°baildnlg lots, partially cleared in city limits on it. Vzew. Water and /lghts avail- able. $750. Phone 15F11. or inqnlre Itoute 3, Box 157. O1-30-:.2-13 of land. Wood shed, garage, ,electrlc purn l) and drilled well. One mile Oil| s|d(.* Shelton on paved road. Phone 282J. • - Ml*30tfn icfgP; SALE: 250 ft. waterfront on Is- land Lake with |ncompieted eahtn, Phone 473J. Mclq 6--2.20 'OR SALE: niodct;ii-flve-room house with hasenient, oil furnace, nice view and walking distance from town. 427 Itarvard or call 9W. " E]-9tfn, I'OR" SALE :fivh:oSm-li-u'h7-in-65/fi: ptete. Inquire at 518 Park St. FlO-10tfn. ii i i ii1|| NEW ANGLESIDE tlOMES No G.I. Priority Required Skillfully desigled by quali- fied architects, large modern windows, beautiful lmrdwood floors, 40-gallon automatic electric water leater, oil floor furnace. Convenient utility room and carport, sunny kit- cherl overlooking patio. Largo warrobes, and ample storage lockers, Choice lots, all on busline. Better Home Builders Call Dick Kieburtz Phone ].60-J FOR SALE 4-roon'l nlodeFn llnW honle, plenty of built-in cul)bouvds, lurg' roonls; $3800 on terms; di,euunt for cash, 5-roonl llew]y l'enllJdqed house off South Hill, cemenl foundation; shower; close-in; $3500. 2-room semi-modern. $1650. 1( O Iot, eacll 59 x ]29, facing n two streets; city water and lights; in- clndlng feundation for a large imuse, $700.00. 2 lots on Mr. View, with cement foundation for llouse, including It;tuber and nails for framing; sub- fh)or laid. $1400.(9. L0w-cost has oa Capitol lIil], witll street and water and lights. 2 cleared lots, total MZo 100 by 139 ft., water and lights awdlable; llandy to storc; $450. Ou terms. M. C. ZINTHE() Itealt,n" Phone 157 wr,,,ql¢.,w, v v .|rip..r ,ql, q,..,,qa,,p.,,+l. 1,.t p V*lp..qlr ,i,.,tlr ,qlP,rl WANTED WANTED: u])right )LHano in good con- dJtioa. Wite stttlng l)rce I', Silva t+oute 3, Iox 233, Shelton. 2-27----3-13 !: WANTED: used briers, aboui 10,b0+i. 11lqulr() A. T, Waltun, l)llon£.  564R. 2-27---3-13 7+ WANTED: dead - St<i'ik, + prompt fre.. !( c,)urteous service, Phont, us collect, Ehna 1Fll. Graya Harbor Render- ing, Inc. 2-27tfn. rg aa. in rualtng c0ndtto, Rt, i!," " ..aox +.+,., ............ : .:._..' ....... .sm?_.-+.+,.++  WANTED; g+2rieral ]louse work Stiff caring for chih'lrefl in my homo. Ia- ; quire dourll+tl off Jet:. /32+20-+-3-5 WANt]? TO-]3UY: shingle l')taehiIl+. Wrll:o slating' conditiou and price. 1,t, E. llansen, Eell Reel€, Calif, 2-20-.-3-6 day a week. lnqu|re of Mrs. N( rby, L.[. wonlen'a wear dep(,, or i lone 527J afler 6 p,m. 2-29--3-6 culler at Oyster Bay. Call long dis- tance, Oyst Bay, collect, ask for Osear .and ell. 10-18-tfn %V.AT'R','BS' h'a +Eitiiff'iiil + Zhiif Apply Hool Shells, Cff- op:._ ....... ?' fed Myers and Hansen Mink Farm, + ol'mpia. Phone 4678 collect, 1-1tfn .+ *qK TD +;" XLbER', "-:MXP.LET':+'i+bP  PRICES. honest scale, short haul. Brame Mill, Lynch Road and Hi- way, four miles south of Shelton. ,+. 8-29tfn. iXi+'"T'(-Uy+- [f[:n-i;Qt-+ii:iil: z !r, Cook Plant Farm II0ute 3 Box 265 (Cole Road).':. 3-6+20 V[ANTIg]) : a single, ¢i]: L" + i'(;5 b} '; " " Ii] i';Nw'  will pay )'.mo)taMe tacit price, la- quire Joui,nal office, L3+6 --(J';rlcl,' ()F(hLi', IF'OR lUDS TO ) ) I [:RCllhIE NCIIOOL DIITItlCT o I)RIll),ERT¥ " N0tic¢ is b(!i'el)y given that sealed . bids will be accepted until March 22 ' 1.947 by the i:lerk of Sctiool" District ' No. 400 a1 tim address listed below for the purcbas() of the following de- :cribed school J)roperty belonging to cnool Ditrct No. 400 formerly known )s the Ul)l)cr Skukondsh school build- .' in'e, ginning at a point :1.2,42 rods , Ilorth of t]+J( "5 +)tr]l(aSts col'sol* Of NWI¢ ++ Of SW t,f Section 12, Township 21 . North lAtllg'e  Wet, £ un tl)cn :(: nOr0l ++ tJ.)ng' the +mat lille of 8ai(l (t'act III €)" rothi tt ncO II It nor[bwt,!iel'ly di+ " rl,'ction to It t)int on the Wolff lhle Of said NW el' *W!/l of SeciioIl 1.2. Township 21 North Rlnge 5 West. 'J2 ,+,, rod: North of the SW corner of said +,. XV!4 of SW of etlon ;12 Townshtp . 21 Nort t. Rangp 5 West, them:e, South "* along the west line of uald NW4 of ++, sW" of +Section' ]2 30 rods, thenct; fast 80 rods to the place ef heg.inning, ' containing I0 acres more' or less. [' Tile board ro:icreos ih(! rigl)t to re- i jevt any and )ll bids+ , IARTIN SMITH. :+ Star Route i, Box 79 :/; ..... ++_ 3-c,.t'.- m-- +'m TIIE FeLIX)WING POSITIONS .... IMMEDIATI!3L AVAILABLE g DRAI?TIMEN 7 RADIO OPERATORS RADAI& TECIINICIANS 1 *+ MODEL MAKER +" And many ogh+rs throuKli (mlislo)cn! Ill thu United tatcs Arrny Wlliclt offer+ 40,000 good jobs a 'monlh. ScJ'- vice with lhc LVni{ed St,ah's Army iS flday's [3'51 guarttlt(2u O[ [)el"ll]allc|lt, ),H)]'}IOyD('III oplN)l'tlllnIy hlr t¢]vilace- IHt!Ul, lint] roIh'0Fll('llt: l[H'(>[ne, ln\\;'elsti- gLllc tod¢ly at M*CZgH r|hlo li'loor IIOTEL OLYM PlAN O]ympia; Wash. ....... . , , , n .. IT'S NOT A HOME UNTIL IT'S PLTK,,. _U AIR LJl LI I [ ii i REAL ESTATE FOR SALE: 5-room modern home. built-ins, automatl(; water heater. electric range, oil circulator, excel- lent locatiou. 732 Stevens St. Phone 776R. D2-273-13 FOR SALE: 3:.]:o;n--hb-uo--a-iid--b'at]i_ Two lots size 60 x 100. Good loca- tion, $2500. Quick sale. L. C. Me-" Cowan, 2011 Stevens St, 2-27--3-6 FOR SALE: 80 acres, 10 "elcared, 4: room house, barn, farm implements. Inquire aft,or 5 p,m. week days, Rte. :1, Box 45, Shelton, Wn, $2-27--3-18 I IlIllll I I I I FOR SALE 4-Room Modern Home, close in with fruit trees and good gar- den tract. Also electric refrig- erator and oil cook stove. Cash $3450.00 6-H.oom Modern Home with large utility room'and cooler room, Excellent soil, own wa- ter pressure system, chicken house and yard. Property 200 by 200. Casl $5360. Terms, $5,600 witlt $2,000 down. $ * :1: 160 Acres, good soil and 5- room modern home, plastered. Gravity water system, 300 cords of wood in r and aider timber. Located about 10 miles south of Shelton,, $8500.00 HERB ANGLE Angle Bldg', .Phone 304 '--S-L-E.'*10 aCres land, 8--mi es on Arcadla rosd, near school, bus line could be sub-divided. Inquire W, I. Dan els, Rte. 3, Box 187. 2-'27---3-13 rOA-'SXL':"'fibuse FiIC-+Vl¢i.-S : inch table saw with dado beads and a horse motor. Phone 331J. B2-203-6 'fi+XL/g i'--i:F/{Et-N i fiil-90 ++x'i60 feel witlt slnan grocery store with hlnch rooln, also two modern llomes. Close to industrial distrlct, thriv- in conty seat town. Inquire Jour- na office. I€:3-6 FOR- SALE :'i "" li0ijs6"-y'j{'"(iar[ - df foi;d to buy in Hoodsport, Wash., at $2700, 4 roonm aad bath, furnished. S0e Mrs, M. J. Kilby Hoodsport, WaSh. 3-6-13 FOR SAiE" [aFkg+3=bedi=Soifi--hSuhe. - 233 So. 8th. :1-i. Keir. 2-27--3-6 and garage, $5500. On Mountain VieW. In¢ulro MJko Wicder, Star Route 1, Box 33B (neat" Roller Rink) 2-27--3-13 LJ t I FOR SALE 5-room modern hollse, newly painted and redecorated. 3 bedrooms, fireplace, School- bus at door. Telephone, 70 acres, 11 cleared, new fencing, new henhouse, other outbuild- ings air. 7 miles out Mat- lock Road. T. T. BERRY Star Route 2, Box 46 2-1327-3t FOR SALE 5-room modern home newly rebuilt, located close in $6200. 325 feet of waterfront includ- ing all tidelands, good beach with low bank. Also 13 acres of good land, large house and .o.utbuildings. Good fishing on bay. This is very desirable waterfront property. Priced at .................................... $8500. 177 ft, of waterfront and 3- room modern home, electric water system. Located near Allyn. Will make excellent year.round property $ $ $ New 3-room house nearly ready for occupancy, located close-in. $2350 cash---S2450 with  down and balance in monthly payments. Auto-park and trailer camp with over 2zfi blocks of prop- erty, which includes 17 rental houses and cabins, operating store and equipped service sta- tion. Well located on main hi- way. Will make an excellent investment for some operator. See it today, Plenty of prop- erty for expansion. 300 acres cattle ranch .ith 35 acres under cultivation. All machinery including new tree- tor. Tiffs will make an excel- leut investment for an opera- tor. Paying property. 2-room well built house located on water.front lot on Lake NehwatZel. Includes furniture for living, Has intoning" water irt house and electric lights. Will make a fine place for year-around llonlc or summer ' property. $2450 c.ash, HERBERT G. ANGLE Angle Bldg, Phone 304 +-- ..... =+-" ............ ---7-:---- LOST AND FOUND LOST: male Co(:ker-Spaniel, red .nlth very curly hail'. Reward. Phone S-I-G-N-S Window --- Highway TRUCK LETTERING A SPECIALTY Carl J. Arney Co. 219 N. Capitol Way Phone 5865 OLYMPIA, WASH I [ I| I I II I IN I I II Cook Pla,t Farm Annuals- Perennials- Potted Plants - egetable Plants - Bulbs - Cut Flowers H. W. Coo]<, Prop, Rt. 3, Bx. 265, Shelton, Wash. 2 Miles ()It Cole Rd. m J i ¢ , ...... Classified Service Stoves and Furnaces VACUUM CLE ANED Phone 236-RX Prompt Service ii Shelton FIX-IT-SHOP O Remodeling O Furniture Repair O Appliance Repair O Cabinets Built or Repaired, O Free Estimates O Pick-Up and Delivery CHARLES WARD • Route 3, Box 182-A Phone 462-JX PAPERHANGING Interior Decorating George W. Sawyer 105 Front Street II USED CARS FOR SALE: 1934 Chev. coach. $150 cash, 942 East Dearborn. M3-6-3 and house furnished, $3,000. Inquire Emmett L'aney, St. Rt. 1, Box :1.19, __Skoko>n!s!Ly!)oZ, ..... 3-6-0 FOR SALE: '39 Dodge two-door, ex- cellent condition, heater, radio, and extra lights. Can be seen at Olym= pia Plywood from 4:00 p,m. till 2:00 P.m. Edward Okonek, Grape- view,  -Wash. 2-20---3-6 lffO'RL'E- Dodge truck 6e'd" into tractorJ/ h.p. gas engine (Iron Horse). Singer sewing machine, treadle type, good condittan. May be seen after 5 o'clock or nn Hat- urday or Sunda. Phone 21FI, L2-20--3-6 They say In the long, long ago Men travelled through trees Using their feet and tails Now man is wise He travels with ease In cars from Olympic Motor Sales. 1942 Plymouth Sedan .... $1395 1941 Orosley @onvertible'$35 ,, 190 Chrysler *Sedan ..L..:$i{5 ''+" 1939 Olds Sedan, radio and heater. ........................... $1025 1938 Hudson Coacb, new paint, good motor .................... $825 1938 Ford Coupe .............. $595 1937 Hudson Coacl, clean ................................ $625 1937 Dodge Coach, runs good ................................ $595 1934 Nash Sedan, '38 motor. 1933 V-8 Coach, new motor. See us for fender and body work, also complete refinish- ins. OLYMPIC MOTOR SALES 1st & Mill Pltone 595 State st Waslflngton OFFICE OF SUPER¥ISOR OF HYDRAULICS Olympit, 1NOTICE {;IF WATER RIGIIT APPLICATION NO. 7635 TO WHOM IT MAYt CONCERN: Notice is hereby given that North Belfatr Community Water Company of Belfair, State of Washington, un- der date of February 13, 1947, filed with the State Super:¢isor of ttydrau- lies, Olympia, Washington, an appli.- cation for a permit to divert the pub- lie waters of an unnamed strdam tri- butary, of Union Rivet., in the amount of 0.15 second-foot, subject to exist- ing rights, from April 15 to October 1 of caeh year for tbe purpose oF irrigation and continuously for dom- estic supply; that the approximate p(dnt of diversion is located within NWA of SWV, oI Sectton 28, Town- ship 23 N.. lmge 1 W.W.M, in Ma- son County. A map showing the lo- cation and plan of said diversion and the place of the proposed use is on i i:i,00 '! :ii in, as he raay desire to make, withhl thn'ty (30) days after date of last pub- lieation, which date is March 8. 1947. Witness my hand and official seal t.hi8 24th day of February_, A, D. 1947, (SEAL) RODNEY RYKER, Slate Supervisor of Hydraulics, 3-6-13--2t. NO. 1893 , NOTICE TO (REBITORS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR TIIE COUNTY OF MASON IN PROBATE In tim Matter of the estate of Al- berta E, Glfford, Dece(ted. d Notice is hereby given that the un- erslgned has been appointed md lias qualified as Executor of the estate of AIberla E. Gifford. Dote/wed, that all persons tlaving elaima agsinst said de, ceased are hereby requb'ed to serve tlm same, duly verified, on said Gil- bert T. Belland or his att.ornoys of record at the address below stated and ftlo the same with tim Clerk of said Court, together with proof of such service within six months after the, date of first publication of this notice, or the same will he barred. Date c)f first publication February 271h, 1947. GHAERT T, BELLANI), I,X ,tutor ()/' said Estate. Address 4452 White ltenry Stuart Bldg., SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAI Classified Service IIAVE YOUR GARDEN PREPARED --ready for planting by the Ro- totiller method. Inquire Cook Plant Farm, Routo , Box 265 or Forrest Flowers. . 3-6-20 DNCING every Saturday at -I-a-he-ry Grange Hall. Good music, good time• W6-30tfn. FOR HIRE: farm tractor work. Aft modern, fast equipment, any place, any time, Located at Kamilche. M. M. Lytte, Rt. 1, Box 105. 2'-20--5-8 I RAY'S JEWELRY O Prompt Watch Repairing O 117 Cota Street Phone 633 O Exchange Your Old Alarm Clock O Westclox Alarm Clocks Now In Stock and many others. I I v Reliable, Expertly Prepared PRESCRIPTIONS On Medical Contracts, Old Age Assistance, or Direct to You Service PREPP'S Drug Store 2nd & Railroad Phone 89 Quick, Reliable, Expert RADIO REPAIRS Western Supply Co. 218 N. 1st ,lahone 126 Illll For UNION PAINTERS Call 221-J-5 H. G. ANDERSON Business Agent i I II .111 OIL CONVERSION UNITS 5 types to change your wood Or coal rgel for oil. Same units as used by factory mod- els. CALVIN WILSON CO. Hoodsport - Phone 10 or 17 [ *'1 "| THE GIFT BOX 2001 West 4th Olympia, Vrash. We invite you to visit our shop of Catholic religious supplies and gifts, 7/8-tfn I Batteries Rebuilt Guaranteed FAY AUTO REBUILD 518 Park Street 1-9 tfn [ I PLOWING - DISCING HARROWING Gardens - Acreage - Lawns TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS WORK GUARANTEED SATISFACTORY F. E. OGDEN Rt. 2, Box 18 -- Phone 14-W u ROBERSON & FONZO Heating & Plumbing Everything in Plumbing and Heating Supplies Estimates Given on ANY JOB Large or Small 222 S. 2nd Phone 685 OTICE OF CI.OSING Seattle. Wa.h. REGISTRATION BOOKS MAXWELL. SEERING & JONES Notice is hereby gh,cn that the reg. Attorneys for Estate, • istration books of Lilliwaup, Hoods- 4.i52 White Henry Stuart Bldg., [ Seattle, Wash, 2-27--3-6-13--31. J Port, and Skokomish precincts will be closed for origiual re'gistrations on Two-------- "----=--=- 1 powertul germictda sub-i ""d ater areh 22nd, 1947. for a erLodof two weeks, preceding the stances with effectively attack.[ pecial Election for annexing terrl- P • ot .ctlo ..... - pus-forming organisms lave been [ tory to Hods ort Firs Pr e - - trier No, 1, on April 5th, 1947 cliscovcrcd by chemists in wild[ SUSIE E. PAULEY, ginger, a common North Amori-I Audltor Of Maou Coultty ' can ploatt, . t and Registrar of ' Voil. +. 8-6-13-20---8t. Classified Ads S @vvvvvvvv v vv vvvvvvv v Classified :Service BURGESON RADIO REPAIRING ser- vice on all makes home and auto radios. Across from Junior High school, 1221 Franklin. Phono 112W. Pick up and delivery. Closed Sat- uraays, or leave work at Killmer Electric. n-7tfn. PRESCRIPTION SERVICE on medi- cal contracts, old age assistance, or direct with you on your doctor's order. Prepp's Drug Store, Second and Rallroau. 10-3tfn. WELL DRILLING: Work and mate- riai guaranteed. Vern Davidson, 903 Ellinor, Shelton. Phone 229W. 7-18tfn ELECTROLUX CLEANERS. SALES, Service and supplies. Free pickup and delivery, Jack Manley, only authorized fac- tory representative in Mason Coun- ty. Phone Hoodsport 2W2 or Shel- ton 664. 7-18tfn. EXPERT FITTING and alterations done, Mrs, M..McCann, 222 South Fourth St. Phone 489M. 2-27--3-13 FRUIT TREE + SPRAYING. Contact' E. C. Gunter or'Berna Evans, Phone 16J, Also aeeond growth wood for sale. Cut about four months. 1-2tfn I _ _ v .q.v. .w,.'qr  qrqrqsr'q Classified Service SEWING MACHINE REPAIRING also parts for all makes of. sewing machines. Phone 596J. B10-3tfn CUSTOM MEAT CUTTING and meat grinding. Have your locker meat cut by an experienced meat cutter. Beef, pork, veal and elk and deer in sea- son. Cut, wrapped and trimmings ground, 3c pound. Don Williams, 604 Dearborn. Phone 381M, 9-12tfn USED TIRES: passenger and truck recapping and repairing. Sam B. Smith. Co., egton and Cherry, Olympia. 'none T5. U. S. Tires and batteries. 11-15tfn." HEMSTITCHING: 10c yar. also but- tonholing. Mrs. Ellis Wells. 405 At. cadia Avenue• (Corner Arcadis and Boundary Streets.) 2-28-tfn IF YOU WANT CARPENTERS AND ELECTRICIANS contact C. L. Col- lins, Business Agent, 1612 Division. Phone 240W. 3-30tfn WATEII WELL DRILLING : Fox Drilling Company, Route 1, Roch- ester, phone 4S01 Rochester. 2-27--3-13 CURTAINS WASHED: panel 25e. ruf- fled 35c. Hillcrcst, Boundary :1912. It3-6-13 CONSTRUCTION WORK Fills and Basement Digging Roads Graveled TOP SOIL FOR LAWNS Prompt Sewice - H. ALLEN & SONS Union, Washington -Phone Union 354 NEW BEARING SERVICE WE HAVE ADDED A NEW LINE BORING BAR AND TOBIN ARP BEARING RESIZER TO OUR EQUIPMENT, Also Federal Mogul Bearings Cracked Cylinders and Block Repaired by K W COLD WELD METHOD -'--" MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP 407 South First Street, Shelton Phone 628 IF YOU ItAVE CAR TROUBLES COME IN AND SEE US Ignition, Carburetor and General Overhaul Fender Repairing and Painting TIRES AND BATTERIES FAY AUTO REBUILD 513 Park Street Phone 284-R ),., BODY AND FENDER WORK AUTO PAINTING --- UPHOLSTERING General Sheet Metal Work LON.G'S BODY SHOP Next to Bus Depot Phone 162 TITLE INSURANCE POLICIES -- ABSTRACTS OF TITLE Shelton.Bell Abstract & Title Co., Imc. 119 South Fourth (Bell Building) Phone 65 Charles R. Lewis, President Blanch B. Bell, Vice-President C. Nolan Mason, Secretary-Trea.qurer Agents for PUGET SOUND TITLE INSURANCE CO. OF SEATTLE KIMBEL OIL CO. RICHFIELD FUEL OIL • New Fuel Tanks (Any Capacity) For Immediate Delivery PHONE 645-W CHIMNEY AND FURNACE CLEANING Heating System REPAIRS And Service William Graham Phone Union 383 or Write Union, Wash. CLARK'S 2nd HAND STORE 201 E. Pine  Phone 40 WE BID/ AND SELL EVERYTHING DON'T READ THIS Unless Your Radio Needs Repair THEN CALL BURGESON RADIO SERVICE Phone 112-W 1221 Franklin Closed Saturday Or Leave Work at Ktllmer Electric t AUTO BODY REPAIR WELDING, PAINTING GLASS WORK OO EATON Body and Fender Works Third and Grove Streets PHONE 84 I MITCHELL'S AUTOMOTIVE MACHINE SHOP O ECIALIZING IN MOTOR REBLIILDING REBORING the Clean Way VALVE SEAT GRINDING WATER PUMP REBUILDING BRAKE DRUhI ,REFINISH- ING. O 407 S. First St. Phone 828 - Slelton L SHARPENIR Lawnmowers, Knives, -Assors and Garden Tools of all kind Bicycle Repairs Keys Made - Locks Repaired Sleyster's Fixit Shop' Third and Cotxt PHOIIE 243 CLASSIFIF-,D ADV]RTISING RATES 20 words or less (minimum charge) 3 weeks $1.00. 1 week 50¢. Lower rates for larger ads and more insertions. Reader notices, 3c per word. 75 minimum charge on each notice. Card of Thanks, $1.00; original poetry 50c per inch; classified display rates on request. Advertisement accepted over the telephone from phone sub- scribers. Cash should accompany all other erders or payment made within five (5) days of the first insertion to save expense of hill- ing. An extra charge of 10e will be made when billing is nec sary. PHONE 180 ,w qur v *1, qr v''IP'q- - = FOR SALE lye -'-ffALN--iakn d---c rb-CfieE ed- 5abe) sacques, caps, boottees and soakers. Assortment on hand or m'ders taken. Mrs. W. A. Brodt, 121 E. Cedar Street. Phone 582J. 10-24tfn PHONE 26 for home milk delivery. Mll-14tfn. GOOD USED FURNITURE 1 Walnut Dinette Set with buffet, table and 4 chairs .............................. $59.50 1 table, 4 chairs ............ $12.50 I Montag wood circulat- or ...................................... $39.50 1 Glenwood circulator .. $49.50 1 Kerosene Circulator .. $49.50 2 Davenport and chair sets .................................. $89.50 1-4/6 Box springs and matt- resscs ................................ $19.50 Olsen Furniture Co. 325 Railroad Ave, 5th and Railroad FOR SALE : thoroughbred female Thursday, G, vv lcOR SALE: used sho' good condition[ McC01 nmcy. FOR SALE: Easy was George Cardinal 225 1 phone 489W. '  "PERSONAL i-"})'igiai ,, Mills saleslady. Nicene fine wool. Also Jack  Box 82 Shclton for al house trailer 16 ft, Shelton for 'tppointme R. Bradley, two mile2 • shore Road. ffOR-SXLE -h--7u foot er, 619 Arcadia St{'ee F(3R SALE:-vetci -'61lV@ hay. Will trade' for __ Phone_ 9F12_._ FOR. SALE: 17 cowS, d(_ posing of ntixed lter ley, Star Route 1, 215R5. FOR SALE: tWO O'Y,i$,  ors, 8-inch burners,  & Fonzo Heating ana S, 2nd St., phone 68/ OR SALE :-- practicallY Walnut bedroom set box n'ing and matt tea wagon for sal.,. dr6sscr in good cona),t,, ;" ver587R.Fox scarf in'acttCm' NEINIE-HI LDERM AN,S FOR SXLE--tnhi6-and'f. three-quarter .'.{I ;CHATTERBOX pups, quarter Cocker. ArtJ| nty Post No. 1694 geterans of Foreign Wars : Regular Meeting "H" |a,Y,tMareh'..7. L. \\;8. ll.m. , Memorial Building i:0 Phone 6F14 0'Dll, Cmdr., J. I-I. Gray, Q.M. Adj. ,e 352J I o Mh00, i8 Box 199C. FOR SALE:-0ii-Fiam.e.. [ CAFE blower type with h'" version. $60. Wilbur  {Pd Rt. i, Box 134. Phon. '..- Railroad F:SLEi--kitchcn rs'I/ ' " SheRon d ater tank ih0  I Each one produces ,''t  II (-".. " FOR SALE'black pu[u,{lr "N /.' practically- flew. :Inull'., /I}  .... na!_offlc. --y': [,. FOR SALE : severat.%'7i,  I " . odd size pillow .sltl/: =" slightly faded7 Inqul FOR SA. ff""., r/,': motor. Also 6--: l._.eiI -/- --- lathe "al(]l--power ba+€,,m ' " L-.K FOR SALE. 7- yodng_ w ,, 2, Box 6k ' /tl tl FbR- SE %ftr,tYtn nt u 11 h cUbl ity. Gregg skiis, _m | [ | down sleeping bag[g I' 5:30 p.m. to {1:30 P"'W II" watt p0000ts, Co., 2i8 North Firs+ +" + .... F'00sherme. Gordon Sette Papers. 14 months plants. Wagoner 28 eca' old. Reasonable. Phone 554%2.6_30 FOR SALE: vegctabl First St. Phone 2 . or gas tank, two manholes, corn- nislllngs. Also regiS plete with two lengths Of hose, do+.Waunita Gra)s, "' ' " --T[AT Briggs and Stratton gas motor and pump unit, $250 cash. Ernest Palm- ell ]Ranch in Shelto or, Matlock. 2-6-20--3-6 .FOR_S.E.-+used- Ty! FO-R-+SALEi--one-Chevt:°fet-+t-l;adior' model and baby b a'] $300 cash. Oscar E. Nelson, Grape- war. Phone 313 ir,'. view. Wash. 2-27--3-13 have FOR SALE: gas hotwaterheaterand FOR SALE garded' +'; "e been a gas heater, Perfect condition. 322 plies. Wagcner Fe'j-.'si ' !11 €I_o S. 3rd Street. C2-27tfn. ffOI-"S..LE:-'loi--'of all "" HllS area for 1 .... as lunch cloths, sear.. ..... turc, floor lamp, t i+n BURr June Gift Shop, ° "Jl odds and cuds. ._...,|i'. T. D. Clark, St, Rt',t tween laih'oad ana/ STEELCRAFT 3 NEW 1947 MODELS ALL LESS THAN $3,900 DELIVERED IN TACOMA A HUSKY 26 ft. Sedan Cruiser with the LIFETIME STEEL FOR SALE : and pipe. $65. Box 17. MORR! HULL will take you anywhere on the Sound or Ocean, with all the comforts and safety usually found only in a larger and more expensive boat. Sleeps 4 per- sons in 2 separate statro0m. Large roomy galley, enclosed toilet. Powered with Chrysler Marine engine. IMN[EDIATE DELIVERY. Come in and have a demonstration. Inspect this sensationally low priced boat. PUGET MARINE CO. Open Sunday 8814 6th Ave., Tacoma PR9334 Next to Fox Island Ferry Slip Kitchen Cabinet FOR SALE: new lig o, drag saw. Inquire o BUILT N or pbono, 79700. i:i:00BOAR D "KITCHEN cabineo IB fixtures and chsto;+ M '  r " made to order. 'o ' ' Phene 217IL2 °r *" Bros. HI FOR SALE: bale( Lemke. St. Rt. MOTORS 1435. to oil. See the Boat Air Flow Burner Sam B. Smith Co., Cherry, Olympia. several r FOR SALE: .see show room for and ty with BRIGGS AND easy to h FOR SALE: SINKS Stainless Steel and Mica Tops $129,50 to $219.50 OLSEN FURNITURE 325 Railroad 5th and Railroad o .................. R RENT: BeautlfuIIy located on North Bay and stato highway 14A at Allyn ,Washlngton known as ayslde ts Management furn- ishes usual furniture and furnish- ings, hot .and cold. running water, refrlgeration, electric lights, oil burner and laundry facilities Apartment prices from $25 to $32.50, abms $15 and $17 50 W. A.Beax - ley, Manager. " " 3-8-tfn "I--EL-P-WAN--N-'E--: part tlnm house- work and care of children for fx'ce rent and compensation. Inquire RIt- _ner's,, Cafe. , ..... 1-16tfn. Frozen Food LOCKERS Now Available At MT. VIEW LOCKERS Open Week Days 7:30 a.m. To 6:30 p.m. H. F. BOYSEN, PHONE 62-R ,.. Trailers To 148. ,re to dro • ee s P FOR SALE: sturdy = ome of the finest = Good tires and box. _ EASONABLE PRICE h Order placed no FOR SALE: When the sprin fis whi 1100 pounds, r Phone 8F41. O. tltdap way. g Grapeview, Wash FORsx0000i-00i,00R :*,"--_ ypewri r Phone  "' lmlm FbR-SALE---Fo'Ie] ('. ,i:. -I r ==--- I lain nnd, table i : +ItILJIlrIlIIll yatet. + hears_ i   f''lUiIl, lure uo., 3.5 Rau ,l"+ kV'- ' : .... MPIC Railroad. _ " ' ; ,I;I IGHWAY furnaces, $179,50.. ' - Co., 325 Railroaa [':",,< Raih'oad.  Phone 21F13. I. liI| . view Wash +IIIl,rJl I F0'alte SALE: c-htsII.%P2 -+   II_' ! ha,. Rose b--:: Azaleas. Cook pla-llt'i . Box 265, Shelto; condition Inq,,+>-, V6 K s-X EEH i "*  blankets, place maw and other linenS.,.; hand or "orders t ON FARM Apparel, 1416 Su rm ,, crest, phone 799J...  water tank an 'offE boiler, $80 cash. "'' o U. S. approved f(0"hg I flocks. Only on o,#,.l, Feed COUW w+o. 6C000 Ist.  CONVERSI0 : Miscellaneous v v v.qw .qsrq',r  'q'w t," v " v.q.v..vp.v.v.qp. qr.qp FOR sPENCER FOUNDATIONS and supportS, P. oneho 799-J for appoint- merit or cart at 1416 Summit Drive. $9-26 V DISTRIBUTORS OF: Re- frigeration Equ!pment, Home freez- ers. loc£¢er ptants, milk coolers, etc., cold storage doors and insulatlon, ortable comers, Power meat saws, 'Cat Line' of Garden tractors. Kohl- er Power Plants. Prices right-- quick deliveries. MISKELLA RE- FRIGERATION & EQUIPMENT, Ph. 9890, Olympia, on the Highway at Mud Bay 'Y . P.O. Box 61%/ n NO. 1729 NOTICE TO CRIDITO|tS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF TItE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY In the Matter of the Estate of Alice L, Ahl. Deceased NOT/CE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the undct'sig.ned.has been appointed and has qUallIleU as executor of the Last Will- and Testament of the above uamed deceased and of the above entitled ?state; that all per- sons having ('tams against 8aid de- ceased are hereby required to serve the stone, duly verified, on said exe- cutor or ou Cltarles T, Wrlght, his attorney of record, at the address be- low stated, and file the same wilh the Clerk of said Court, together wi[h proof of such service, wHhin six (6) mouths after tne uate st first publi- cation of this notice or the same will be barred. Date of first publication March 6, I947 A. D, OSCAR AHL. Executor of said Estate, CHARLES T. WRIGHT, AttoL'ney for Estate, Anglo Building, Shclton, Mason County, Washinion. 3-6-13;20-.7--4t. $49.95 and $ Furnace CoV! Thermostati € $83.95 Fully AUtOr$ti( Floor Furnace,s' 10-In Burner - lCau¢ t ( , .+ ay O.e Flaf Premlurt )s,000/$,t0,000 ioc $.,000 ,PROR 80/20 C FIR , CURRENT S/X , I 1940 ,OR (Inserf Cify o OLS . , :2,+ ` • " --"'--:'[: |T N ' L]s+ime Membarsh --:: ."" TIAL SAVINGS ON O BODY & . PEARSON - Phone 654 Auto General Long's Bee Bus