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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 6, 1947     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 6, 1947
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Tfn ATJIE ..... Oun-j w io..ns TISIIG JDU eJ ........ =:v rerans of Foreign (minimUmweek 50€. loOIt (SALE: lUSCd slier: c&apos; ' " macy. , as .ll l.e ads and gt o I condit'on. 5IcCoakrrm wars FOR SALE: Easy : gular Meeting word. 75o George Cardinal 225 t.,_, . tch notice, phone 489W. ' . ,//"|laY March 7. ' 8' -i m , " origln •PERSONAL: -ol'ig'i]ll  . . r---  .i • • ' 'elasme Mnis saleslady. io£[ M It. Iine wool. A!so Jack [ emorial Building noneted sub-ever Box 82 Shetton for .. accompany ......................... l ' ' nent made FOR SALE' very wk.a7!eDDell, C- ....... ' ' ft  ' ,-uv, r'none b'l setho first house trailer, 16 ft, m . ._ " bill. Shclton for LppoDlt!le • .i. Gray c M *-1. ,f 10e will R. Bradley two miles [ Phone' ..xuj. is necea- shore Road. _._L- .....  oo,J '-OR--SXLE-o--7-eu. f0°lL_ • --" - . -- ;; 619 Arcadia Stre-"---..._..  F SALE:veich- icllV mmmm='=' -- -- hay. Will trade' for Y " , . _ Phone 9F12. -. |J ! ,)osing o f mixed ei': [V.IKE TB.rO TO | heted-baby Icy, Star Route 1,  ..--.*'t ,L££10 'J.O 1 nd soakers, 215R5. _-----' .01/1 A  e rders taken. -OR sAiE--(w(only- .....  I .alj IJf' i E.10.24tfnCedar ors, 8-inch burners, 6 |€1 .a  v. Mll-14tfn. FOR SALE :-- practically E € ............ Walnut bedroom se  .... box pring and nlattr tea wagox for sale ,0! ) dresser in good condiUI _ ver587R.FOx scarf practicallt IN E ILflERMAN'S E FOR S:LE- n hld-iid_f_ ..,_ pups, three-quarter  iJlPllDlr- quarter Cocker. Art,*""| '-ltt[:l,L2 Box 199C. . " _. Set with FOR SALE:-0iI-FI.nlter, " " ' CAF, E blower type with mou4 h. '?-* version. $60. WilbUr  Pd , -.. .... $59.50 Rt. 1, Box 134, Phone.a.l • naHroad . Shelton F-OR--SALE :--kitcbcn rs.'i .... $12.50 and water tank. ph0a i, at- Each one prCl, B [€{  } \\;XXZ. down sloe 1 .... $39.50 Flora, Route ... $49.50 - FOI-SALE .-sev-eiai -. $} odd size pillow Sli pair good qualitY,' slightly faded. InqU _ Hotel.__ FOR SALE: 5 h.p. d. motor. Also 6 6.. lathe and-- power i€ - je..- l .. $49.50 ir .... $89.50 nd matt- .... $19,50 bits• Inquire A. 2, Box 68. :e Co. Fbl- SALE : ligllts, ball hitch. VS. ity. Gregg ad 5:30 p.m. FOR SALE: new watt pair Co.. red female 14 months 554R. FOR SALE : T2-6-30 plants. Wagoner First St. Phone j62-gai_'Wiit 6i  tholes, corn- FOR SALE: as of hose, nislflngs. Also s motor and dog, Waunita h'nest Palm- ell Ranch in 2-6-20--3-6 ............. Foi SALE : used )let, model and lson, Grape- 2-27--3-13 war, Phone L. heater and ORSALE: ndition. 322 __plies, Wagoner C2-271fn. FOR SALE: lots , as lunch clotls, ture, floor lain .fW June Gift Shop, odds and ends. DELS FOR SALE: 5 30 X $3,900 T.D. Clark, St, CO2. tween Raih'oad m Cruiser FOR SALE: and pipe. $65. ] STEEL Box 17. anywhere OR SALE: new % with all drag saw. Inquire ty usually or phone, 797J. and more KITCHEN cabinets, 1 3s 4 per- fixtures, and made to order. ;ateXooms. " Phvne 217R2 or enclbsed Bros. Chrysler FOR SALE: baled 'all] IEDIATE Lemke, St. Rt. 2, 0 14F35. and have b N V E l----y- jR-I r ;pect this to oil. See the ne €. i ed boat. Air Flow Burner J¢t Sam B. Smith Co .....  Cherry, Olympia. '7 for auto lJarts an ,.^lt: PR9334 and Mill Streets va-= ......... '_..I, erry Slip i, gas en:g;ine. Smitha glen Way and tuy:!, Phone 77 V6----EI:E. V+ h.p:T pump with jet anu2 electric. Phone 5511, 148. L FOR SALE: sturdy 't'. Good tires and boy and FOR -SALE: ]0-year" j 1100 pounds. I-Iarnel; .50 Pllono 8F41. O. ' Grapcview, Wash FOR SALE :--o]e typewriter. Phone [TURE ebR-SALE: I )ad ture Co. 325 Ra lroad. ,,,,n,, OR- IT furnaces, Co,, 325 Raih.oad. located on FOR SALE: llKhway 14A Phone 21F13. H. Known a . view, Wash. ement furn ..... nd furnish- :FOR SALE: nlng water, nlals. Rose lights, oil Azaleas. . facilities, Box 265, 5to $32,50. FOR SALE: A. Beak • condition, 3-8-tfn gWELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL ................... _LL--. ................................................................................. " ....... . .... :Z...- ................. .:7' ..... LL ............ ': ". "= ..... L' .......  ..... --- ......... =--. SIDELJN, Eo,00S,LANTS - PANTORIUM HOISTS CITY CAGE F GOOD INSPIRATION high school tournaments to be PerhapS. 6nc  of" the big rcasozls ! played  in, the U, .of: W, ,pavilipn the girls bowling as fituer's Co,'- the next two weelcs. Schoyer is one of the )ffi-' ('isis who will {,all them in the A st.hnol tournament March ]3. 14 and 15. while Johnson will tool his xhistle ill tilt B slilllol lollrnanlenl |he follow- ing week. Both wore working th.e West Central di:trict tonrnament at Bremerton early this week, that's why they weren't on hand for Tuesday's Shelton-Olympia tiff and why the two Tacomas, Joe Salatino and George Wise, han- dled the whistles. Salatin0 and Wise, incidentally, should be familial' nantes to Shel- nor (.ntry in the femil]ine altt:y cir- (;nit are currently toppin K the field is Sponsor Roy Ritner's standing offer to U'eat the en- tire team to a steak dinner any time the 'lineup wins all three games of its weekly matches. Last week Roy pai(I off on the fonrth su(r]l occHrl'encc after his girls had climbed into tile league lead. The 3iris hadl't collected for theh" previous clean sweep victory so they brought their hus- bands aloug and Roy paid off both 'debts' in one fell swoop. The girls wh(, compose Roy[s team include Arlene Godden. Ju- lia McCaslin. Dorothy Willoul', ton- baseball fans of the past Jessica Hunter. and Vcra Bishop. dozen years, although they may COMI'LIMENT not have been recognized in the Some fans may not like the istriped garb of casaba arbiters, officiating they've witnessed tl)e for both were outstandhlg per- past two years in Sielton's home formers in both the old Timber prep basketball games f re m  and Northwest leagues. Dwight Scheyer and err John- son, the Bremerton pair who have worked practically every contest the Highclimbers have played in the Shelton gym for two stright seasons, but the fact remains that their work has been so well thought of that they've both ibsen ]sked to officiate in the state i • NEED A PLUMBER Phone 48 J. L. CATTO HARDWARE & Boatmen ATTENTION [Wie have been appointed distributor this area for the popular BURCHCRAFT BUILT IN ABERDEEN and i MORRISCRAFT BUILT IN BELLINGHAM 00I00,BOARD AND OUT000ARD HUIA00 MOTORS OPTmNAL Boat Trailers e have several models in stock at our Ysler show rooms These boats are fast : aworthy with no excess Weight, mak- ., aera easy to handle to and from the .. Trailers To Fit An. Boat , e-_nvite-You to drop into our show rooms and • ,e i ' Y , Some of the finest small craft manufactured at '21:AONABLE PRICES. VVeU.r. er placed now will assure you of a boat . ne spring fishing and boating season gets "'r Way. rebel Motors Wise never played for Shel- ton but was a familiar rival to J,ogger teams of that era with l/is .scintillating shortstop illay fqr Tac, olna entries in the two t.p-notch .former semJl)YO lea- gues. Salatino Is also more familiar as a [lianond foe to J0eal %ans, hilt tile husky ltal- ]andial,play's little with Log- gir 'teams. Bath played a lit- '+tle ,Ii'6fessiorlai bn]l since those :,good old diiys buf neith6r stuck ')vlth ,tile pi:os ver 3 long. Grttlng back to Seheyer and JohnsOn, however, the pair have really done a solid job of officiat- ing Shelton's prep games these past two years and no' visiting tea'm can honestly complain of the treatment they've received from them. SANDMAN BAGGED IIEVI They chalked up o11e for the bowling books last week at Paul Bdret's pin emporium which ought to be reported to Bob Rip- 'lej) or some oher collector of sports oddities. Chuck Manke provided the fod- der for the freak-aceident-of-the- year-in-sports championship when ,he fell out of the foul-linc-watch- er's "cuckoo nest" and knocked himself ouL. In ¢'ase you're aot familiar with tile setup at tile bowling alleys, an enclosed perch abont six feet above the alley level has recently been constructed where the foul-line boy sits and kcei). an eagle cyc ont for pins- men who might /ouch the foul- line as they deliver their balls. That's the assignment Chuck had for the Rayonier bowling lea- gue matches last week, but things were a little dull, no one seemed to be fouling, and Chuck fell asleep somewhere during the pro- ceedings. He also fell out of his perch and landed on No. 4 alley, much to the astonishment of the assembled kegelers, who little suspected they could have walked right down the alley and kicked the pins over for all Chuck would ]lave knov, tn. Chuck wasn't hurt badly but he was a pretty well shaken up and groggy yourigster for some- time aftelvard. ROUGH ON OUR BOYS Shelton basketball teams didn't have the stuff whet/ the collar got tight last weekend. Three clubs wearing Shelton spangles faced crucial contests and three times failed to come through. First the Highclimber B team kissed away its chance for the championship of its league Friday at Hoquiam when it suf- fered a humiliating' 63 to 30 thrashing, turning in an all- around sour performance. Then the ltighclimber vars- ity blew its chance to finish its conference season with more victories than losses for the first !time in Hlghelimber bas- i ketball history [y losing to Ho- qniam, 88 to J)], although it must be said In the Red a0. d Black's defexme that there wlks nothing to be ashamed" of In the btll Chet Dombroski,s boys turned in. " Lastly, the Morgan Lmber club hardly its best Saturday night while 'waving I goodbye to its cnance to take the. I 'Olympia city basketball league I second half title in the final I game of the schedule as the local 'lads absorbed a thorough plaster-I ijig from ne ammarano Hneup. I UMPIRING STYJLES An interesting'fact Jack SteW- Tailors Shellack ' ..... Pharmacists, o9-35, " In Titnlar Playoff Pantorium Tailors are 1947 champions of the city basketball Pastime 4 Games Cushman Gains On league. There ,,,as ,,.is room lot arg.- Up, Simpson Log Plywood In Triple ment on that p<>int after the tail- r] ors soundly shellacked McColkoy Back In 1st Four Bowling Trium pit Pharmacy, 59 to 35. Saturday night in the playoff between the CITY BOVLING LEAGUE COMMERCIAL LEA(A;:E two half-season crown winners. Pastime ................................ 38 25 C)lnlpio Plywood .............. 39 21 Right from tle opening tipoff Beckwith's .......................... 34 29 Lake Cushman ................ 34 26 there seemed little doubt of the L. M ....................................... 3:t 29 t,runert's Servicc ........... 30 30 outcome as Pantorium. with Del Simpson Log ...................... 31 32 Pantorium .......................... 30 30 Johnson and Warren W.ods hit- Active Club ...................... 30 33 '.Local 161 ............................ 29 31 ting the mesh with deadly scour- Associated eli, .... ................. 30 33 Kimbel Motors .................... 27 33 acy, ran up t 15 to 3 margin in Rccd Mill ............................ 27 .36 Melt Chevrolet .................... 27 33 the opening quarter, holding the Mason Laundry .......... : ....... 27 36 Morgan Lumber . ............... 24 36 pharmacists to nothing but foul Higll game- Bab Stewart, 234 ....... shots, and stretched it to 29 to 13 High totalBab Stewart. 583 High game--Joe Forrest, 220 at half time,  J-Iigh total--Bud Ferrier, 589 Past inle padded its city league Lake Cushman Resort bowled There was always the spectre of bowling lead FEiday .on an odd over Grunert's Chevron Service those famed McConkey second game victory over tailend Mason or a whitewash victory which lalf rallies, however, to kindle Laundry while second place Beck- gained a game for the second place hope in supporters of the drug- with Jewelry was drooping a sire- victm's on the lending Olympic gists, but this time it failed to ilar verdict to thc Lumlct'men's Plywood lineup in Commercial materialize and the champions Mercantile wtlich hoisted the vic- Le'lgue bowling play last week, outscored their victims in every tors onto the sec011d iung ' along The leaders won their match quarter, nloving th;lt hal/'tim(; a(l- wtth the. diamon'd'¢ealers. ' from Mell Chevrolet but fell afoul vantage to 43 to 23 at the thirl oK ,Bob Pearson's 214 second game Bab Stewart fired the accurate quarter and then pouring 1.6 tel- shots w!iicli pro0pcc¢t 'the L. !%I. and so had a, game of their lead lies through the tWine in the final victory leadiqg bth civjions o£ sleeved away as the resortment round, the individual sCqrng 'for the slammed home a triumph behind Del Johnson had 20 ,points at night, ith 327 ant'583 figures, the horrible bowling of th'eir ri- the 3d of the contest, of which while I astime got.big,games from vals in the first game and strong he netted 14 in the first half, while Bob Phillips kept the Ken Frclson nd Rp Alien at the stickwork by Fred Snclgrovc, champions in gear with t(in I:ight m0meIts for its viqtories af- Hank Durand and Joe Forrest in points in the second half, Woods ter Warien Wbods had 'led off the last pair, had ten for the game, a f, igure with a 212to give the launderers Pantorium Tilors also tallied a ,,the 0peter, . triple triumph during the eve- equaled by three McCoTfley play- SDipsn Log jumped back int 9 ning, smacking Kimbel Motors ors---Bill Somers Pat Smith and the first'division after a one-week down into sixth place as Bud Fer- Bill Vigor. The pharmacists played with- banishment on a whitewash tri-, rier and Bill Besch soaked the out relief, having only five men flmph over Active ClUb .which pins silly, The night's fourth in suit for the champ!onship strug- Fed Snelgrove paced with_timely match brought Local 16]. an odd glc, and they failed to play their assistance iP one ,game frQm Paul game verdict over tailend Morgan Fredson' haridsome 229 count. Lumber with Lee Friend hitting best ball by a wide margin. I The f0urh mitbh,returned Asso- the one-three pocket in the first The combined score, totalling  94 points, represents the biggest ciatedOfl to h,2' to 1 victor over two games while Roy Anderson point-production of any single Reed Mill on :Tiff Skelsej/'s scot- rescued the finale for the lumber game of the city league season ing, Mai'k Fi'e0son and Mary Car- dealers wiLh a 212 effort. The lineups: this year. The lileups: ter salvaging ,the middle fracas Pantoriu m (3) Kimhcl ((I) Pautoriun (59) M('Conkcy (35) for the h]illmen. h'andicap 1923 handicap 282 D.Jollnson 20 F Somcr 10 The lineups: S|DsoaI,og (3) A(It!v( Clnh (0) G.Lindberg 460 W,Pearson 402 Woods I0 F Lee 4 han0icap 13 I handicap 318 B.Besch 555 B.Earl 431 B.Phiilips 11 C Smith 10 Arons9 n 528] Bisho.p ]43 K.Latham 404 Frisken 400 D.P.hillips 1 G R.Viger 1 Petersen ,t8,41Willour 63 J.Stewart 48,1 Hunter 423 P'Johnson 7 G B,Viger ,10. Sne]grove 543iMqCaslin 435 BFerric,' 589 W.Earl 507 Subs: Pantorium --- Pttrsons 8, Funk 4821Pr!ce 467 [ Total 268,t Total 2445 Price 2. P.Fredson 573]Goklden 448 Local 161 (2) Morgan Lbr, (1) "Total 27441 Tqtal 2574 llandicap 216[ handicap 255 S th land MasonLdY.hanfliCp, (1;.).216 hnlicapPastime (,)27 Friend 536tB.Morgan 360 .-ar., u er ,Dittman • 404'Anderson 530 - shanks" 553 In Gavareki :o321A!le3i 52-7 Jaeobs0,, ,t26 White 457 D.V¢0ods 417 Staley 477 Oliver 396 C.Morgan 331 Dunbai' 420 Kopperman ,91 Westlund 459 MarvMorgan 462 Fem Major League 00.H.Woods 482 K.Fredson 548 Total 2221 Total 2140 W.Woods 5331Ferrier 468 Cushman (3) (}runert's (0) WOMEN'S MAJ(R LEAG,UE Total 2600 Total 2538 handicap 282 handicap 120 Smoke Shop ........................ 33 1,5 Reed MllI (1) Associated (2) C.Robinson 451, C.Bare 477 Shelton Transfer . ............... 31 17 handicap 225 handicap 135 L.Carlson 454[Dummy 504 Cammaranos ........................ 21 27 Carter 481 Daniels 513 Snelgrove 530 L.Struthcrs 385 Chatterbox Cafe ................. 11 37 Drummond 372 Noblett 4,60 Durand 442 H.Cole 357 High game ..... Mary Sutherland, Dummy 471 Skelsey 546 Forrest 527 C.Rank 483 201 Gustofson 4991 Holt .199 Total 2686 Total 2326 High total .... Mary Suthcrland, M.Fredson 5d2]Young 504 Moll Chev. (l) Plywood (2) 553 T0tal 2590] Total 2657 t handicap 420 haadicap 296 ". M. '2) ( Beckwlth's (1) Gerhardt 386 H.Ahlskog 386 Dtmdas 36:1 H.Behn 408 Eacl posting wliLewash tri- hfndictip t261' haudicap 185 .T0ney 398 Dumnly 471 umphs Smoke Shop and Sheltn Stewart: 583'Merrick 564 Fransfer "continued-their detain- I Giblet; 465i Deel' 461 R.Pearson 492 N,Daviscourt 381 alien of the women's ajor bow, l- n,Roberts 5451Dodds 516 A.McNeil 379 B.Dickie 504 ing league and spread the margin [Lindenlan 510 Earl 452 Total 2440 Total 2444 between upper and lower divisions }Lackey 462 Baytey 522 No'rI(E OF ELECTION four points wider in last vreel's t Total 2691 Total 2650 NOTICE IS lfEREBY GIVEN that play ...................... on Saturday, April 5. 1}}47, in tile Lucille Daniels again scored County of Mason. a special (d(('tlon heavily in helping the Smoke Blazers Beaten By w,11 h,,,d ,,1,. t,,,, ,u,.poso ,,,, .... ] hexing additional t,rvitory to TIoods- Shop hold its two-game lead over port Fire Protc.'c.tion Dlslrtet No. 1. the Transfer pursuers. Cammara- Rockey's 30 Points ,.,,v ,,°,.,ion.. of Li.iwanp nos were the victims this time. and Skokomish precincts will be al- = lowed to Pa/'ticll)at, Ill this election. Mary Sutherland was the Whole Unahle, to stop Dean Rockey,  The polls of said eleelion will be show as the Transfer girls pad- who scored 30 points, Shelton jan- ] open from 8 o'chcl¢ a,m. to 8 o'clock dled Chatterbox Care as she came for high suffered another basket- p,m. close to knocking over the sea- ball battering Friday at Olympia Dat,d this 4th day of March 19•17. SUSIE E. PAULEY, son's individual total mark with at the hands of the Washington County Auditor. 3-6--lt her 553, and her 201 single game junior high. -- ........................ added another notch in the ,long The game kept tbo records un ........  ...... row the girls have hung up this marred, Shelton's winless and year in the 200 class. The lineups: Olympia's lossless, for the season. _.dm_ =-a Smoke Shop (4) Cams (0)' Except for Rockey's uncanny eye handicap • 126 handicap 39 for the twine the two clubs were FredaFrdn 422 iDummy , 408 £airly evenly matched in the I.Dammann 4141E,Smith 412 Olympia Club's 46 to 21 triumph. L,Daniels 431 t.Edgley 393 Shel.ton goes co Hoquiam this M.Mifflin 415IDummy : 438 Friday, plays its final game of H:lperrier 469;I,Dodds 458 the season here March 14 with " Total 22771 Total 2148 Centralia, The lineups: Shelton Trfr. (4) Ghtterbox (0) Olympia (46) Shelton (21) handicap 129] handfcap ,288 Berschauer2 F Dale 5 P.Staley 423iV.Russell 420 Ellis 6 F J.Hunter A,Kopprmn 386[,D,Hilderman 262 Rockey 30 C Penningtn 8 MLindeman 425t:W.chirmei- 400 Partlow 1 G Warm0uth fftLSutherld 553},L.Cole 373 Willows 3 G Edgle: F.Fredson 4911Dummy 423 Subs: SheltoxGetty 4, David- Total , 24071 Total 2166 son 4, G. Hunter, White, Koch, Cleveland. Olympia Nelson 2, La:[ u Johnson 2. Loggers, ndry = . Hold Knot In SAVE TIME! ._,. .......................... '" ......... [. _', .' .... " , * Kemedy Kids Coml)cte • n'"IL'S,. Cl{an{pi0nsbil)s Ac.cdrding to v:oFd" fl'oni ,{3's M. E. t.ermody, Jr.. lrom Edna, on - ()n, Ca!lads. Peler :Ll](l t,:al o[ [(enncdy and ])l'. and Mrs. Ken- nody planned to leave that l)lace und:y for l:erl¢oh,y, Calif.. wllt•re thc I(cmcdy kid,4 will e;ter the U. S, National Figure Skating competition Mach 6, 7 and 8. While Lhey were in Edmonton they were royally entertained, ac- cording to the interesting feller Mr. and Mrs, M. E. Kennedy, Sr., received. Uifiveral Pump Pll;'E and, . F IFI INGS for Cor..Dlctc Installations Calvin Wilson Co. HOODSPORT - PHONE 10 Use the Journal Classifieds- - ....... J , - [ ..... • T MORGAN LUMBER CO. OFFICE QI,ARTLRS a y AT 1.1!24 (LYMPIC IIIGHWA PHONE 656 IIAULNG AND BUILDING SUPPLIES PHONE 196 For Your HEATER - CIRCULATOR - OIL STOVE - FURNACE WIg'I.,L FILL UP YOUR TANK PROMPTI,Y YV[TH BETTER IURNING. :MORE DEP, ENDAILE ASSOCIATED FUEL OiL leOt YOU We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANKS from 50 tn 1,000 gallcma for new oi! burner insLaIlations Frisken Oil Co. Mason County Distributor for Assoc!ated 0il Prolucts ...... [ L ± ] I  [ tlnle house- Lllen for free Inquire Rit- 1-161fn. t x S AL KERS :30 a.m. ,NE 62-R for appoint- Iron, it Drive. $9-26 FS--5--. -: Home freez- coolers, etc.° d Insulation. ' meat saws, actors. Kobl- rices right-- KELIaA RE- IQUIPMENT, the Highway 3ox 612/7 tfn ITOIIS RT OF TItE GTON FOR ;tats of Alice GIVEN that n appointed cute," of (he 2nt of tht and of the hat all per- nst said dc- L'ed to serve on said cx- lL(ld l'(ss : sa 11113 wJlh ogcthcr with thin six (6) first publi- he same will n arch 6, 1 Estate. Washin,t0n. ;-13=20-.7--4t. FOR SALE: lEn-i--.4 blankets, placo naU and other linenS.!e',  hpdr°lr. ;degntit ON FARMERS NEW-- ,ORS),ono 799'. "',.o/. --L-E} -isb- gKil°r | water tank and # boiler, $80 cash. "" *"J I Am ,m PoZtcV ' _Ollqa{. : ' + : Furnace C  ", ostati c0 'f'tIp SAVE MONEY Thorn ey One . .... , . FJaf Premium Each Six Monfhs and Gel-- $83.95 5,000/$10,000 BODILY INJUI LIABILITY .tic $5000 PRORERTy ;DAMAGE Fully Auton= ' 80/20 COLLISION Floor FurnaCe, FIRE & THEFT 10-In Burner - lca CURRENT S/X MONTHS RATES • 1940 ^, .. C| . . . ' OLS=Nm FURNI% - 'OR ,.so, f. or Co..,., TERR,,ORr - .nevro et Ford, Plymouth 325 Railr0, ' ' '40 Do - : ..... $22.30 ' ,^ , uge Vonf|ec 6, 41 Plymoufh . @Q 5th and 1aJlF , ' 41 R s" , , tF,u v 9 "-- - i¢ tpl.l 39, 40 Chrysler 6 Royal  m o ti. $1f v, "4t VeSoto i '4O, '4L '42 Merur  O.ou . UA,,"_'00 Lifeflme Membership Fee ef Inceptio, of Pol cy ' "rlA - " L SAVINSS ON OTHER MAKES AND YEAR MODELS, BODY & Auto Paintin General Long's ]PEARSON - Phone 654 OSCAR MLL 1st & Grove - Phone 777 art's return from an u n)pire school Men's Major Loop in Florida recently dsclostd to the Sideliner is that American , u . MEN'S MAJOR LEAGUE League and National League base-' Simpson Logging .............. 30 22 ball umpiring is of two distinctly Mason Laundry ....... : .......... 30 22 different styles, o. Morgan Lumber ................ 24 28 Attehding a school run by Fir 3rug .... ..........................  20 32 George' Barr, Jack was tutored High'game--Mark Freds0n, 211 iu the National League style and High total--J0e Holt, 583 in so doing he believes he has corrected a weakness he knew he Mason. Laundry and Simpson had in his own umpiring but which Log clung to their first place he didn t know how to remedy, grasp by each earning 3 to 1 vic- • Jakreised he 'asn't ('all- tortes in last wek's men's major Ing accurately, but league bowling play. ' learnipg the Natlomstl League The loggers taned'tailend Fir technique he thinks will over- Drug With IVl:ark Fredson Supply- come that. The National Lea- ing the pin-power at the proper gue style has the umpire be- places, the druggists taking their hind the plate sand slightly to only point on Warren Earl's clos- one side of the catcher instead ing tally-spree, while the' laun- of directly behind him, whJ l drers looked to Joe Holt's topto- the American League position. al for the night for their main By standing to the side slightly, supply of steam while cleaning to the inside of the batter, the MorganLumber. Phil Bayley's 200 umpire can follow the pitch level game got the lumber' dealers off better than if he .was directly be- in front but they couldn't hold the hind and looking over the catch- pace. The lineups: er, Jack explained. This results in a tendency to be a little in- accurate on outside pitches, the National League technique ad- mits, but figures that is better than being weak on low pitches. Anyway, it is interesting to realize there are different styles to such a taken-for-granted base- ball task as umpiring and that knowledge will be just one more detail .to make baseball games .the more obsorbing fo this sports fan. Perhaps the most valuable au- tograph' in the world is that of Henry Morgenthau, Jr,, whose signature has been on about 13, 619,000,000 pieces of American Mason Ldy. (3) Morgan Lbr (1) handicap 243[ handicap 126 Allen 541 K.Fredson 53[} Holt W.Woods 529 • Peterson 506 Bayley 524 D:Woods 4571 P.Fredson 517 I.H.Woods 524 Gustofson 49]. Total 2854 f Total 2716 Fir Drng (1) Simpson Log (3) handicap 204[ handicap o Lindeman 496 Stewart 564 Nobler 453] Merrick 518 Kopperman 508J Mackey 525 Dotson 405 A.Ferrier 489 Earl 5601M.Fredson 573 Total. 26261 Total 2669 The earth's store of uranium lore would be exhausted in less i than 100 years if uranium were curre,lcy with a face value of to replace coal completely as a about $64,956,000,000. source of energy. SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FER R ! • 5:,5 ,5:45 89¢ to 6:15 6:1 • 7:00 *7:00 7:30 7:30 8:15 8:10 8:45 8:45 9:25 9:30 10:00 0:00 10:45 10:35 11:15 11:15 11:50 12:00 1:30 P.M. 12:30 P.M. 1:15 1:00 1:45 1:45 2:15 2:30 3 ;00 3:00 I 3:45 3:30 /;:15 4:15 5:00 4:55 5:30 5:30 6:15 6:15 6:45 ?6:45 7.;30 *7:00 8:00 +7:30 *8:30 8:00 ?8:45 t8:45 79:15 *9:00 *9:30 '9:15 ,10:00 10:00 10:30 +10:30 11:15 "* "11:00 711:45  I'11:30 .11:45 * Daily Except Sunday ? Sunday Only $12:40 on Monday morning (Sunday night) BLAOK BALL LINE FIELDERS GLOVES $3.95 $11.75 CATCHERS MITTS FIRST BASE MITTS b b t $9.50 to $23.75 $6.65 to $17.o0 SPORTING GOODS DEPARTMENT Established 1895