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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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P_age 2 SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL i ii i -.. i |l vvwvv,v,rvv,¢,¢v,rvw-¢,vvvvvvvv OF THE 19-15 SESSION LAWS OF which said t) v.q t an hall visit and PUBUCAT[0N$ &apos;rl-IE STATE Ol WASHINGTON. vxamine all sh'k and injured Firemen. :DECLARING AN EMERGENCY and l)el'l'orat his other dllties as re- ANNOUNCING AND PROVIDING FOR THE IS- ,luiVed I)y hw,,. A maio,'ity of 1he • • • Board of TrHsleos slml[ (!(rest}tub  a Sharpe's Welding Service Open For Business AT 515 PARK STREET REPAIR AND CONSTRUCTION WORK Coml)lete Portable Welding and Cutting Equipment to go out on any Job. IMMEDIATE SERVICE AND GUARAN'PEED WORK NO JOB TOO SMALL Telephone Service Soon Available Now Open for Business In Our Location on Mountain View Shelton Lumber Company Due to present conmions our services will be limited for some time, bat as soon as possible we will handle a complete line of building materials. PHONE 657 P.O. BOX 508 v,rvv-e-rvv Si]ANCE OF EMERGENCY WAR- ST&TE I)F WASHINGTON ]ANTS IN THE SUM OF $]50.(10. (ltlorin|l. nnd no bus]m,ss shall be Office of Supervisor. of Ilydranlies h'ansarh,d when a I lira" iy is n,)l Olympia THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE l)rosent, and m) claims shall be al- CITY OF SHELT()N D() (}R1)AIN AS lowed whml a majm'ity of the l}nnr([ NOTICE 01" 'Aq'I,]R RIGIIT FOLLOWS: d(u,. not vote m [nvm" Ilwroof. AI'Iq,ICA'PION NO. 6882 SECTION I: Every firenmn, both SECTI()N IV: That an ,,morg(m,y paid fiF(.Ineu and vf,]unieer fil'Olllen, exl.ql.. thdl (q)Ltld eel ha%'(. I)t,Pll I'lqls- TO WHOM[ IT MAY CONCERN: [ ()f the City of Shelhm shale be ml- onably f(a'os(,(.n al ilw Iml*, el lira Notice in hereby given 'that Emil rolled onder the Relh,f and C(itnl)('a- adoplion (fl" Ihe 11t,15 lql.,'(,, l thnl JOll|lSn of Oly.lnpis. Stale of Wash- satJon t)rovJsions of Chapter 261 (If the CIao '(' I('y .VIIFI':IIII4 ]II l]lO .qlllll HI' lngion, uIlder }late of February 2. 1945 Session of the Slate .f n.[ to exv,.,d $15U.!t0 l., issued rm. l!l;16, filed wlth i.he State Supervisor or Washington, for lit(* pro'pose of }we- ])aymonl To ill(' 'Fr(m,qu]'c)' ()f }hi. Slnle t-ydratllies,. Olympia, Washlngton an riding protection for all such l'ir(,m,,n t)f WustlJngton a r('flHil'Cf] by aW. application for a permit to diver( the and their hmdliels from d('a(h i)r dis- " SECTI()N V: 'l'ht t is n(,ressa'y public  ier! of an unnamed spring ability arising from tile l),q'l'orHlanc( iha[ this orilinnni'<, tak(' ('fl('('l hn= lribtltar3 uf ])eel' Creek. in ihe flnlount of theh" duties as l'irelllOn: l)rw:ided ni(,d ltely f()r !lw inlmediah, i)l-OS(,V - of .01 s(¢cond-foot, snl)je(t to exlsl,lng vohlnteer ]ileHlhers of l]le Fir(, [)e- Yati()n of llw l)ublic h('nlth, )*'a('(, all(l }'ights, for t]le. l)Urllose of dou)(.'¢RJc l)artlnenl s!lali not exc(,d 25 fIrelll('ll sdi'oty, ill ())'dOl' It) ('Otll)Iv wi(h /he stlpply continuously; [hat tile appr()x- for efif!h 1.000 population or I'r'l('([()ll laws'of Ill*' Sial, ()f WasllinF'h ii. Jnh)lIA , ,l)ehlt ()f diversion is h)(!ated thereof, and provided further thai ill [nll'o(lll(qql ill l'f'glllat' ('OIIIllliesioll wHhin NW.t(,t of NF]{ of Section 36, no cae shall tile na,llllJershil) of tim Illl,ethlg this l:lih day of li'(,[)runry, Tuwnship 21 N., Itange 3 W, W.M.. Fire Deem'linen{ of lho City of She}- 1946. ill /gson CoUnty. A map showing the ton be. less titan 15 firemen, 1-'asscd in reguldr Comnlission meet- j) I!).t(L ]()catian and plan of said diversi()n SECTION II: That tim Ciiy of inv this 19th (y ()f lr(.bruary, and the place of tile proposed use is Shelton shall, on or before th;; 1st F. . TRAVIS. on file ill the office of the State So- day of March, 19,16, and on or bof,)re Mayor pervtsor of ttydraulics, Olympia, the 1st day Of March of each and itEGINALD SYKES Washington, iogether with such other every 'year thereafter, lmy to the Com)|Hssionor o[" ]'Jnall('( information Its is required hy law. Treasurer Qf the State of ashingh)n and A('counling ROY J. KIMBEL  t)erson, firll] er c,)rpi)ration SllCb anlounts Its may be due un(Ior Ci)nllllJsHiolltq" of lreo|s whose right will be injuriously af- said Chapter 26I of tile '19,t5 S(,ssion nnd Public Uiiliiies. fitted by ',aid application nmy file Laws of the State of Washington. wilh the State SUpervisor of IJ:ydraul- SECTION III: There is hereby ATTEST: its, Olympim Washington, such 0bJee- created and established a Eoard (if ALMA ]{. CATTO. lions or rep,esentatiOns, in writing, a, Trustees for the }drain}sir}lien of A( ng Cily Chq'k. he may des!re to make, within thirty said Chapter 261 of the 19,t5 Session (SEAL) (:10.) .[lays after date of last 1)ublicatlon. Laws of the Slate or Washinghm A1'PROVED: wlnclt dale • in l,'ebrUary 28, 1946. which said Board shall consist of the CHAS. R. LEWIS. Witness my hand and official seal Mayor and Chairman or the Board of Cily Alh,'wy 2/2S-lt this 6th day of Fibrnary, A. D, 1946. the City Commission of the City of Slate Supervisor of Hydraulics. Shelton, Washingh,n. and Lhe City R( NEY ItYKER Clerk. and one member of lira Fire NOTICE OF CAI, L FOR BIDS 2-21-28-21 De)artnmnt h) lie ele(:ted by the nwm- i bers of the City of Siu,lton Fire. I)e- partmenl, I)avjn'g a ter i (,f )no year Q_D.INANE NO. 415-18 and annually thereafter. Suci l:hm 'd AN ORDINANCE It]LATING TO of Trustees shall lmrform "their dutie; rile 'FIRE DEPA{TMENT OF as nrovided by law. The board THE CITY ely SHELTON, THE of Trustees shall have the power t, MEMBERS THEREOF, AND PRO- make' provisions h)r the employment VIDING FOR THE ENROLLMENT of a reguhu'ly licdnsed pra(:licing fF EVERY' FIREMAN IN' TI physician for examinath)n of menlb rs t:ITY OP SHELTON UNDER 'I'r of'the Fire Departnmnt making all ili- ltEIIEF AND COMPENSATION eaihm for m(,m)ershlp, at a fee of PROVISIONS 'OF CHAPTER 261 $3.00 1'(ir each fireman exam}natl, Toots Wrecker Service PHONE O NE war is over but another war has just begun for your Red Cross. The thousands of wounded veterans in hospitals still need its comfort and cheer.., ou returning servicemen look to the Red Cross fo a helping hand . . . and when disaster strikes at home- fire, flood, tornado- your Red Cross must be ready with aid for the victims. The war against human misery is never won. The Red Cross depends on yu for its existence  so give as much as you can  and give it today! This Space Donated to the Red Cross by Werberger Winery ,.J ...... I. L ...... NOTICE IS HIRI]ISY GIVEN that the City of Sllel.ton calls for bhls for, and will on Tuesday, tile 191h day of March, 1.9,16. at 9. o'('leck in lhe after- noon, a't tile (?ily COl 11 nliFS] OllCr.' ]OOIllS in the City Hall in Shelton. WIIshinflon, el)on bi(ts }'or, ()no 1 ]O ] cllbic yard l{cl'tls(! Collech)r or Load I)acker, lilt)lint tqt on [l |we 11111 Of larger (.tlasis, all i'(,ady I'()r ol)eralioll; cerlified check ()f 1(F: ef allh)llnl of bid /o ltcc()nlt)any (qLeJl bid. Dated 1his 5th (lay O1 Ma)'ch. ]946. ALMA K. CATTO. At'lin Cle)'k of the Cily of S}leltoll WashJngl on. 3-7-1.1-2t NOTICE ()F ('.ALL OF IIONI)S Nolh'e is h(q'el)y liven 1hal Public Utility District No. 1 of Mtlson Colul- ty, Washington. Ilas eh, cled to call for ])aynlent lind redcnli)tion ou April 10, 1946 all o1' its mtstanding reve- nue bonds known an lJtility Bonds, Series of 1935. daled March 1. 1935, ill the prilleipal slAIll oJ" $22.8,10 bear- 2:2/ bonds are "hereby notified to present said bonds for redemption and pay- nmnt on said 10th day ef April, 1946, at the office of 1he Treastn'er of Ma- s(m County, Washington, at Simlten, Washing'ton. All interest on said bonds will cease (m April 10. 1946. This notice iS given pllrstlant tO a resolution of the Calnl/lission of Ptlb ° lic Utility District No. 1. Mason Coun, ty, Washingtou, ])aied this 6th day of Marl'h, 19,16. OMER. L. DION l'(,asurer (')f MaHoII County, Washinglon, 3/7-14-21-28--4/4-51 ORDINANCE NO. ,116-19 AN ORDINANCE VACATING OAI: STREET IN THE CITY ()F'SIIEL- TON. WASHINGTON. THE CITY COMMISSION OF TItF, CITY OF SIiELTON DO ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS : SECTION I: That Oak Streel in Rced's Add}film to the City of She)- ton, Washington, be and the same hereby is vac, atcd as a public street or highway no h)ng'cr tiscd its sltch, and thai 1111, City of She]ton Ills no right, lille chlinl, e(Iniiy or eesenlent 1herein ftr any l)orl)os(' l)Ul.)l]c or oth- erwise. SECTION II: Tha! said Oak Street revert to the al)uttitll ownel' ill the lllaHn(!r provided hv ls.w. SECTION lII: This ordinance shall be iff full ['orce and el!eeL 30 days fronl and after its passage sad 1)u))lication according lo ]aw. Introduced hi regular Colnln ission meeting this 19t}1 day of Febrnlll'., 19,t6. Pa.sed in regular Colnlnission meel- ing this 2611 1" of Fehrua]y, 19¢6 lP. A TRAVIS. " .... " Mayor ]IEOINALD SYI.ES, t Ceolnlissloner I)f Finance and Acc0untlng ROY J, KIMBEL, Commtssf0ner of Streets and Publie Utilities. ATTIqST : ALMA K. CATT0, Acl'in City Cleric. (SEAL APPROVED AS TO FORM:: CHAS. R, LEWIS. City AIIorney. 3-7-46-1t NO. 1752 N(YrICE OF llEARING ON FINAL RI:4'ORT AND pI,IrITION FOR DIS'FR1BI1TION JN r HE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIIE STATE Olr WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In I'robate In the Matter "of the Estate of CHARLES L. CLIFFORD, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlmt Glenn V. Clifford. Adminisirator of the estate i)f Charl(s L. Clifford. de- ceased, has filed with the Clerk of the above entilhd court his final rc- port and pet}lion for distribution, alpong other things asking the court to settla and al)prove said report, dis- tribute the property to the persons the.reto (titled. I)nd to discharge tim said Administratm'. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that said final renort and petition for dis- tribution will be heard on Saturday, the 6th day of April 1946. at 10 o'clock in the forem)on, at thc court roOlfl Ill the court In)use In Sileltol3 Washington. I)ated this 2nd d'v of March, 1946, CLARE ENGELSON, CourtLy Clerk By ESTHER ]IOTES, Deputy. CI-IAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for aid estate. Bell Bldg., 19 So. Fourth Street, Shelton, Mason County, Washington. 3-7-14-21-28-41 NATIONAL FOREST TIMBER FOR SALE Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Box 187, Olympia, Washington; up to and not later than 2:00 p.m, 1Vfarch 25, 196, for all the live timber mark- ed or designated for cutting, and all merchantable dead timber lo- cated on an area embracing about 8 acres within Secs. 1 and 12, T 22N, R5W, W.Nf,, :lV[cTaggart Creek watershed, Olympic Nation- al Forest, Washington, estimated to be 370 N[ feet .B.ZC more or less, of Douglas fir and 55 ]I feet B.]V[., more or less, of western hemlock. No bid of ls than $3.80 per 1V[ feet for Douglas fir and $1.55 per IV[ feet for western hem- lock and other species will be con- sidered.,' Bids with rates in excess of those permissible under MPR No. 460 will be reduced to the allowable maximum in making the award. In addition to the prices, bid for stumpage, a cooperativ4 deposit of $0.1.5 per M feet,, B.M. for the total cut of timber under the terms of the agtleement, to be used by the Fores Service for paying the cost of slash disposal, will be required. $1,500,00 must accompany ea,ct bid, to be applied to the purchase price, refunded, or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to the condi- tions of sale. The right to reject anY and all bids reserved. Before bids are submitted full informa- tion concerning the timber, the conditiohs of sale, and the submis- sion of bids should be obtained from the District Ranger, Shelton, Washington, or thc Forest Super- visor, Olympia, Washington. 2-213-72t. NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE LANI) N()TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuos(hty, 111,' 2nd day of Al)ril, ]9-t6. ('OIlllllen('illM Ill ten o'c[o('k in tile fH.ell()Oll of ssid day, In Irent (,f tile nlain elllrance door to llle (2OlUlt3" CHIIFt }loose in the city of Sh(,Iton. f'.()llllI, ()r ]{asoI1. Stale of %V lS llg )n, )V Ill(' Cotlllty Audilor (if s I d ('o If'y, lh( folh)wing de- ,('l'il)('d Silt[(' lands, leKoiller with lira illllH'ovcIIIOlll s siitlaled thereon, will t),' sohl at p|l]di(! ZlllCtion [O Ille llil.qh'St bid(h!v }hare!or. to-wit: NC)TE=-=No one except citizens of tile U Ii ih-,d St ah,s. el" perso]lS who ]lava d('l'larcd lheh" illtention to 1)o- Collte Sllch. can pul'chase stale ]ands. API)LI('ATI(IN NO. 18857 NEU o" SE'} el" m,ction 36. lawn- ship 20 north r:mgc ,I west. W.M. ('oiltl]illillg 'i0 ll('I't*S. ]aol*e o1' less. ac- e¢)l'(lillg lO Ilia F )v(,rnlllent SllrVey thereof, aPt)raised at '$600.00. ]nf l)rovmncnts appraised at $2365.00. SIII).iect 1o ellstqn('nt for right of x'ay I'o1' Collnty Road hereto!ere graated und(,r npplicnlion N(-). 819. AI'I'I,ICA'I'[ON NO. 19068 NWI of NE!¼ of s(,ctlon 2, town- shi ) 22 norlh, i'ange  west. W.M. coat} llillg ,10 acres. Inoro Of lOSS. ac- ('()rd il'lg I(, lho governnlent Sllrvey |hereof, apprais(,d at $400.00. The above pr()per|y to I)e llSod only fl: honlesile or llolnesites. The pUl'- ('hascr nlLlSt agl'oe to fully protect wa- l.Ol'S]lcd i11"ol fl'oln coataminatioll, AI)I'I,I('ATION NO. 19()9 NEl:i of SE! of socti(,n 36, tewn- ship 20 norlh, range 5 west. W.M., eontainhlg 41} a('l'es, nlorc or less, ac- col'ding IO tile goverlnllent survey tllcreuf, appraised at $400.00. APPLI('ATION NO. 10073 SE!: NE!:; or section 36. township 20 norih, range 4 west, W.M'. eontain- in 40 I('I'OS. IIIOI'P er loss. according tO file KOVel'lnlleIit survey thereof, ap- praised at S.t00.00. Inlprowqnenti ap- praised tit $725.00, Iml)rivements con- sis1 of Ii 4 i'oola ho1Lqe, barn, well. and electric pulnl), l'en('ing and frnit 1 t'COS. Subjcl't to easel)lent for right of WaY for Co/Ill l." load her(lie!ore granied nlldel' aI)])]icalit)u No. 819. Said lands will be sold for not less 1.ban lhe appraised value above stated and upon the terms and conditions following : No1 less than ene-(enlh of lhe pur- chase pru.e nlust be paid at the time of sale. The purchaser, if he be not tllP owner of Ill(} improvements, nlust forthwith pay to tim officcr making the sale the full amount of the ap- praised vahm of the improvenents, as above staled. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must be paid annually tIlereafter with interest on all de- ferred imyments aL the rate of six per centunl per annum: ]Provided. That any purchaser may make full payment of principal, interest and statutory fees at any time and obtain "deed, Tim purchaser of land contain- ing timber or other valuable mater- ials is prohibited by law from 'cutting or removing any such timber or ma- terials without first obtaining con- sent of the Conunissloner of Public Lands. nntil the full amount of the purchase price has heen paid and deed Issued. All sales of state lands are made subject to tlle reservations of oils. gases, coal, ores, minerals and fossils uf every name kind and description, and tq the additional terms and con- ditions prescribed in section 3 of chapter 256 of the Laws of 1907. Said land will be sold subject to the terlns, conditions and reserva- tions (ff chapter 312 of the Session Laws of 1927, relating to easements for rights=of-way and the carrying of timber, stone, minerals and other products over tile same, (SEAL) OTTO A. CASE. Connnissioner of Public Lands. 2-28--3-7-14-21-28-5t NOTICE OF SALE OF STATE TIDE LANDS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That on Tuesday, the 2nd day of Ap,'il, ]9.16, conlmenclng at tcn o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the main entrance door to the.-County Court House In the city of Shelton, county of Mason, State of Washing- ton, by the County Auditor of said county, the following descrlbeu state tide lands, together with the improve- ments situated thereon, will be sold at public auction to the highest bid- der therefor, to-wit: o NO'rE:--No one except citizens of the United States. or persons who).. have declared their intention to be- conle such. can purchase state lands. AI'PLICATION NO. 11112 The tide lands of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of , adjacent to or abutting upon the east 5O feet of the west 170 feet of lot 1, section 30. iownship 22 north, range 2 west, W.M., with }'frontage at' (}.82 lineal chains. ll/ore or l('ss, appraised at $50.00 per (:hnin ()r $41.00. AI)I)I,ICATION N(). 11121 The lide holds (,f the second class, owned by the State of Washington, sihmte in front of. adjacent to or abutting upon the west 200 feet of lot 2, seetiou 20. township 22 north. range 2 west, W.IL, with a frontage of 3.03 lineal chains, more or less, ap- praised at $50.00 per chain, or $151.50. APPLICA'FION NO.' 11124 All tide hinds of the second class, owned by the State of Washington, situate in front of, adjacPnt to or abutting upon }he west 40.52 feet of the east 163.34 feet of lot 9, section 8, township 21 north, range 1 west. W.M.. with a frontage of 0.66 lineal chains, more or less. appraised at $50,00 per el}atn or $33.00. Said lands will be sold for not less than the appraised value above stated mid upon the terms and conditions fol- lowing: Not less than one-tenth of the put- chase price must be paid at the time of sale. The purcnaser, if h be not the owner of the Improvements, must forthwith pay to the officer making the sale the full am.ount of the ap- praised vahm or the nnprovements, as above stated. One-tenth of the pur- chase price must De. pid annually thereafter with interest on all deferred uayments at the rate of slxper cen- m per annum: rrOiudled, That any purchaser }nay m ak . z Payment o[ principal, interest an.a statutory fees at any time and' obtain. 9eed, The pr- chaser of lana containing timber br other valuable materials is prghlbited \\; by taw *ram cutting or removing any such timner or materlam wlthoutflrst obtaining consent of the Commissioner of Public Lands, until the full amount of the purohase price has been paid and deed issued, All sales of state lands are made subject to the reservations of oils, gases, coal, ores, mLneras and fossils of every name, kina an(/ aescri.ptlon, and to the additional terms ana eon- dittons prescribed in section 3 of chap- ter 256 of the Laws of 1907, Said land will be sold subject to the terms, conditions ana reser.vatlons of chapter 312of the Laws of 1927, relating to eements or mghts- of-way and the carrying of timber stone, minerals and other products over the same. (SEAL,) OTTO A. CASE. Commissioner of Public Lands. 2-28--3-7-14-21-28-5t NO. 1748 NOTICE OF IIEARING ON FINAL itEPORT AND PETITION FOR DISTRIBUTION IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. IN PRORATE In the Matter of the Estate of ROBERT E, EADS, Deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN That George R. Zads,. Administrator of the estate of Robert . aas, aeceased, l,as filed with the Clerk of the above entitled Court his Final Report and Petition for Ditributl0n, among other thigs asking te uourt to settle and approve said Final Report, distributo the property to the persons thereto entitled and to discharge said Admin- lslrator, NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN thaf the said Final Report and Petition for Distribution will be hears on Satur- day the 30th day of March, 1946 at the hour of l0 o'clock ill tl}e forenoon at the Court Room in tim Court House in Shelton, Washington. l^Dated, this 23rd daY of February, CLARE ENGELSEN*, Clerk of Mason County, Washington. (SEAL) CHAS. R. LEWIS. Attorney for ssid Estate :119 South 4th Street. Bell Bulldin.g Shelton, Mason County, WashhKt%n... 2-283-7-14-.1-4t GENERAL WELFARE CLUB The General Welfare Club will sponsor another public ca:rd and bingo party on aturday, March 9. at the Odd Fellows hall at 8 p.m. Thursday, Starting In S helton PLASTERING a.d CONTRACT]RR "A GOOD PLASTERING JOB HAS NO EQUAL" DON RUC0000R PLASTERING CONTRACTOR PHONE CASH FOR WRECKS Turn Your 01d Wrecked Vehicles Into CASH PERSHALL'S ASSOCIATED SER¥ICE 3 Miles South of "Shelton on O)ympic HARD-TO-GET MODEL A PART Carburetor -- Wiring -- Front and Rear Ends USED CARS -- NEW TRUCK Early Delivery Made on . . . W I L L JEEPS ALL STEEL • Station Wagons i =/' and 3-TON • Pickup • Trucksri" y , with Optional 4-wheel D S , • Passenger Cars Distributed in Mason County by BILL PEARSO Sales and Service Temporarily Located at the SHE LTON GARAGE FIRST AND (_A PHONE Announcement... We Are Introducing THE NEW CURL RESISTANT Preston Peac00[ The only ABSOLUTELY FREE STONE quality PEACH, free from stringiness, grown on tt¢ coast . . . The Mother Tree, grown by Gro v¢ Preston at Mud Bay, has been curl free and h# borne peaches for the past ten years, of a quallff compared to Hale, Elberta or Gold Medals. We have found, up to now, the local peac h# ARE NOT acceptable to canning or freezing plantS, beoause they cannot be run on the assembly li # like cast-of-the-mountain peaches. THE PREST 01 PEACH CAN BE RUN the same, and steamed a# t peeled easily. Our Ten-Acre Planting is Completed, and we a# offering 1,000 fine trees for safe. 5 to 6' 5 to 5½' 4 to 5' TREES -- $4.00 EACt[ TREES -- $3.00 EACtl TREES -- $2.00 EActl APPLES, PEARS, CHERRIES, E 0' ! For Sale at Our Nursery on the Highway at Mud Bay or SHELTON HAROWARE 0 M0bbs Plant Far[, Route 1, Box 387 Telephone 9871 March 7, 1946. DANI Every Satul DELIGHT P, ON LAKE I BERT RAU'S Featuring MADGE McC Eddie White, Kin Sponsored by Shelton ] Dancing 9 p.m. SHIP YOUR BY B FAST FREIGI WITH DOOR DELIVI o :attle Freight should be route( =orna Freight wa Btr. Skoo] :No. Time Scheduh Leaves Tacoma daily, exce Olympia an Arrives Shelton dai CLARENCE CARL SOUND] You're inv The New Plymout car in the low-pr: .and handsome, it's performance and Sl is outstanding sm ury wherever you rOomy interior. Pl out, too, in coml economy. It's new ; take our word for see for yourself th ments that make tt four years better 1 SOonest possible de] Order now with DIS: Als, I