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Newspaper Archive of
Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, March h- ii • tAng In Shelton tlNG and STUCCq tNTRACTING }D PLASTERING JOB AS NO EQUAL" | ItIUCKER CONTRACTOR PHONE 12 FOR WRECKS (our 01d Wrecked icles Into CASH &apos;ERSHALL'S IATED SER¥ICE th of'Shelton on Olympic Hiway -GET MODEL A PARTS -- Wiring -- Front and Rear Ends S -- NEW TRUCK Made on . . . JEEPS ALL STEEL • Station Wagons =/2 and 3-TON • Pickup Trucks • witk Optional 4-wheel DriVe ® Passenger Cars d in Mason County by PEARSO ;s and Service porarily Located at the ,TON GARAGE "A PHONE uncement ; Are Introducing ]W CURL RESISTANT ton Peac00l ,OLUTELY FREE STONE quallff #rein stringiness, grown on the le Mother Tree, grown by GrO vet d Bay, has been curl free and has for the past ten years, of a quality lale, Elberta or Gold Medals. id, up to now, the local peach@ =ptable to canning or freezing planffp annot be run on the assembly II e! -mountain peaches. THE PREST 01 3E RUN the same, and steamed and I Planting is Completed, and we a g 1,000 fine trees for safe. TREES -- $4.00 EACt TREES -- $3.00 EACI TREES --- $2.00 EACtl 'EARS, CHERRIES, ET 6 I L Our Nursery on the Highway at Mud Bay or ON HARDWARE e s Plant Fare[ 387 Telephone 9871 arsday, March 7, 1946.  ISiS I i r, r.zJ SHELTON-IISON COY JOURNAL DANCING Every Saturday Night DELIGHT PARK HALL ON LAKE ISABELLA BERT RAU'S ORCHESTRA Featuring MADGE McCARTY AT THE PIANO Eddie White, King of the Drums Sponsored by Shelton Eagles Aerie No. 2079 Dancing 9 p.m. to 1:30 a.m SHIP YOUR FREI6HT BY BOAT FAST FREIGHT SERVICE WITH DOOR DELIVERY IN SHELTON l:attle Freight should be routed via Str. Indian, Ferry Dock, =oraa Freight via sir. Skookum Chief, Milwaukee Dock, No. 2 Time Schedule as follows: Leaves Tacoma daily, except Sunday at 5 p. m. for Olympia and Shelton Arrives Shelton daily, except Sunday CLARENCE CARLANDER, President SOUND FREIGHT LINES v v vvvvv v,qv,qvqv v v v vv v v  v,qr v v,v LEGAL PUBLICATIONS v ,,, v v r v v ,v ,r v v..qv,v , v 'v'v,v - v v   NOTICE OP LEASING OF STATE LANDS TO ALL WHO] IT MAY CON- CERN: this is to c('rtify That tim following described lands, situated in Masou County, Washington, "will be offcrt'd for lease on Tucsday, tile 2nd day of April 1946. at tell o'clock a.m , in ['rl,nl of the Court House. of Mason County. aL public auction to the higli- (,st biddcr. Each bidder will Im required t(, deposit a certified check, certificate of deposit payable, to the County Aud- it(it', or cash, equal ill anlount to tile first year's rental of suet1 land in ac- cordance with his bid. togetllcr witil $2.(10. the statutory fee for issuing a lease. No miprovements shall be placed on State Lands except by written per- mission of the Comnllssioner. No lessee shall without the written conscnt of tbe Conuuissloner renulin In possession of tile land or lIlll)rove- ments after the expiration of the lease. AI'PLICATION NO. 2763 ('1'(, Lease) The tide hl.nds of the second class• siLuaLt! ill froni of. ad ]acenl tO 111" abutting up(,n the followhlg described uI)lands in township 23 north, range 3 west. W. M., Lot 8. section 39 h,t 5. section 20 and that portion of the tide hinds in front of hit 9, section 30, lying cast of the east line (,[ vacated State Oys- ter Reserve Plat No. 133 1)reduced Symptoms Of distress arising from stomach Uleeis dilo to excesl acid. sour stomach, poor digestion, hczU'tburn, pal, etc.. due tO excess acid relieved quicker than yqu 'would believe possible Utl]ess you've tried 'rEsI. Money baok if you're not ielieved quicker, more effectively, e& McCONKEY PHARMACY across the tide lands, with a total frontage of 50.76 lineal chains, more t,r less, Sui,j,,cl, however, to right (if way fin SIltcwn Oil Slate, l(JIL(I PI;IIS NIIs. 772, 273 Itlld 27't filed Dccelnber 15, 1930. TL'I'II1 ef IPIAS*': 5 yPII['N. hnllllal l{l!ntai : $][Jf/.lI(I. (.),Vail  'S OIl IIl( alJovc IllIId valLlod at • l[J(J0.00 lind IIIIISL bc paid 4ol ill cash Lill uay of sale. Lot:atcd on the westerly side of lh,od Canal at Lilliwaup, In nt, rth- easlern {as()ll Counl '. NIiTE: Ltsst!/, lUUSt llo a ('iiizeu of the United Statos or have decldred, in good faith, his inl, ention tO becolne such.--Chapter 50. Laws 1921, The above described lands will be leased, subject to all tile ternl8, con- ditions and reservations of tile stat- tltCS, llOW provided for the leasing of School and Granted lands. NOTE.--B.ccei its for deposits made W th appl cations to lcase nlay be used by applicant only, as cash oll date of leasing. Witness my hand and seal of office affix(,d this 23rd day of February, 1.946. (SEAL) OTTO A. CASE Commissioner of Public Lands o£ the State of W:silington. 2-28--3-7-14-21-28-5t NO. 1789 No'rICE TO CRI,;DITORS TO I'RESENT AND FILE CLAIMS IN TIlE SUPERIOR COURT OF TIlE STATE OF WASHINGTON leer MASON COUNTY. IN PROBATE In tile Matter of the Estate of ISAAC S, GOSSER, Deceased. NOTICE IS HIREBY GIVEN that tile undersigned Lawrence Gosser has been appointed and has qualified as Administrator of the estate of Isaac S, Gosscr, deceased, and that all per- sons having chtims against the said deceased or the said estate are here- 6 6 6 "i" ' , ,,li ¢ COLD PREPARATION,00 LIQUID, TABLETS, SALVE, NOSE DROPS Caution--Use Only as Directed hy required to sel;ve the same duly verifieu with the necessary voucners attached Ul)On the undersigned Ad- nllnistrator of the said estate or his attorney of record at the office of Clms. 1{, Lewis. 119 South 4th Street, Bcll Building, Shelton, Mason County, Wns lington, the same being ucslg- nated Its the place for tile transaction o1" the business of tile said estate, and file sucli chlinls, togcthe.r,.wtth proof of service., with the Clerk of tbe above entitled Court within six (6) months after the date of the first publication of this notice to-wit: February 28th, 1946. or all elainm not so served and filed sball be forever barred. LAWBENCE GOSSEB.. Administrator of the Estate of Isaac S. Gosser. deceased. CHAS. R. LEWIS, Attorney for said Estate 119 South 4th Street, Bell Building. Shelton, Mason County. Wasiflngton, 2-283-7-14-21-4t No. 1777. NO'I'ICIC 1'O CItEDIT()RS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON FOR MASON COUNTY. In the Matter of the Estate of WARREN H. STETSON. Deceaascd. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: that the undersigned, Florenee Kendall and (Ic(,rgia Loretta Seeley have been ap- 1)intcd Executors o£ the Estate of warren H. Stetson, deceased, and that all persons having claims against tile said estate are hereby required to serve tim same, duly verified upon the said Executors or upon their duly ap- pointed agent or attorney, J. W. ['rahan Suite 5 Govey Bldg,, Shelton, 'ashington, the same having been designated as the place for the trans- action of the business of said estate and file the samc with the Clerk of ahove entitled court together with proof of such service within six months after first publication of this notice, to. wit: February 21. 1946 or said claims will be forever barred. FLORENCE KENDALL GEORGIA LORETTA SEELEY Executors of said Estate. 5 W. GRAHAM, Attorney for Executors, Suite 5 Govey Bldg,, Shelton, Washington, 2-21-28--3-7-14-4t GIRL ARRIVES A baby girl arrived at the Shot- ton General Hospital March 5 for Mr. and Mrs, Louis Hensel. I] Display Now You're Invited to Come In and The New Plymouth is the stand-out car in the low-price ficld. Husky .and handsome, it's outstanding for performance and styling. And there is outstanding smartness and lux- ury wherever you look in the new roomy inlerior. Plymouth's a stand- out, too, in comfort, safety and economy. It's new all through: Don't take our word for it. Come in and see for yourself the' many improve- ments that make the New Plymouth four years better than before. For SOonest possible delivery, place your Order now with :..%x.x: .... "f<-....e iNt ........... ...... :.:.:+ x.:-:.z.: '.:i$!:?: See It ? i" l Plymouth -- Chrysler -- International Trucks DISPLAY ROOM AT 306 OLYMPIC HI GHWAY -- ON THE HILLCREST GRADE Also On Display Now- The 1946 Chrysler Royal International K-1 Pickup and K-2 Two-Ton Trucks Don Remsberg to Attend National Bakers Gathering Don Remsberg, partner in the Tendercrust Bakery, leaves Seat- tie by air Saturday evening to at- tend the five-day annual nation- al meeting of the American So- ciety of Bakers in Chicago next Monday through Friday, where problems of the bakery industry, such as the new flour, sugar and other shortages will be thorough- ly discussed, and classwork in new bakery methods and technique of- fered, "This isn't the usual kind of convention," Mr. Remsberg ex- plained, "for these classes are conducted as strictly as any school and students are flunked out if they fail to attend to busi- ness." Before returning to Shelton Mr. Remsberg plans to spend a couple of days with his mother in Kan- sas City. He is flying both ways, so will require only one day of the eight he will be gone for travel time. Shelton Woman's Father Succumbs Mrs. Lydia Leggett of Shelton was called to Walls Walla recent- ly by the death of her father, Wil- liam H. Warden, who died at the age of 95 years. In addition to Mrs. Leggett, he is survived by two other daughters, Mrs. Alice Barnes of Frewater, Oregon, and Mrs. Mary Watson of Touchet; three sons, Elmer, James and William Warden, all of Touchet; 17 grandchildren and 11 great- grandchildren. Mr. Warden was a pioneer of Walla Walla valley. Belfair Native Daughter, Mrs. Luark, Passes Eastern Star funeral services for Mr Margaret Luark, ;Mason County pioneer, who died at a Bremerton hospital last Sunday, were held yesterday in Bremer- ton. Born october 12, 1869, at BeN fair, she lived all her life in this vicinity. She was a member of Ballard-Cochran attxiliary of the American Legion in Seattle and Elinor Chapter of the Eastern Star. She is survived by three sons, Thomas J. Lewiston, and William Lewiston, both of Seattle, and Dale Luark o£ Silverdale; five daughters, Mrs, Marie Silverton East Bremerton; Mrs. Katherine Taylor, Seattle; Mrs, Alice Ste- phens, Auburn; Mrs. Emma Broadbent, Belfair, and Mrs. Ma- bel Honeycutt, Bremerton; 12 grandchildren and seven great grandchildren, Two sisters, Mrs. Aunie West and Mrs, Martha Grenier, both of Snohomish, and a brother, John McDonald of Manchester, survive also. $28,000 Insurance on Harstine Ferry Okehed The county commissioners this week approved a $28,000 Marine Insurance policy on the Harstine Ferry. THINGS,AS THEY :SEEM (Continued from page 1) improvements may lie elf coted before Fall. tl CTING on the theory that healthy people are good and satisfied workmen and with the fear of doctor's and hospital bills gone, better employees are cre- ated, the Journal is happy to Lan- nounce that all of its employees are now covered by contract with the Shelton General Hospital for full medical and surgical atten- tion. The hospital which was es- tablished here principaly to care for the men of the various woods and mill operations, has now in- creased its coverage to include employees of the smaller plants. The management of this newspa- per is offering the health protec- tion to all of its workers without charge to them. Other smaller Shelton and Mason county con- cerna with similar contracts for their employees include the Law- ton Lumber company, Terdercrust Bakery and the Linscott Manufac- turing company. It is hoped throughout the community that the plan may be increased so that entire family groups could be en- compassed. Hospital and medical authorities have been working on such a plan and hope to effect similar arrangements of other lo- calities. OLONEL Harry O. Compton, husband of the former Ruth Baumgardner of Shelton, now living in New York, where the former army officer is associated with the International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, was recently awarded the Legion of Merit at presentation ceremonies in Washington, D. C. The cita- tion accompanying award of the medal, noted that Colonel Comp- ton "was directly responsible for the formulation of policies and the administration of all civilian personnel, matters under the jur- isdiction of the Chief Signal officer of the Army. Col. Compton's tour of duty was characterized by a loyal devotion to duty and un- usual ability ia solving the many administrative problems of his office." That notice in itself, has no particular place or purpose in this column, but when the Comp- tons get hold of this issue of the Journal, I want them to get on the phone and tell the switch- board operator to connect them with Captain or Mrs. Jamcs 2,. Bull who reside tn tile santo apartnlent building. C a p t a i n Bull, formerly of the navy and Mrs. Bull arc old arid good friends of the editor, and I am sure that an acquaintance mtglt be nm- tually pleasant. Mrs, Bull is the former Rosette Kloeker of Port TownSend, and daughter of the late Oscar Kloeker, for many years as British and Norwegian consul at Port Townsend, a leg- endary figure in the upsound community. Page 3. ............... ..2..,2_...!.';__'.2. ...: ........ 22,...2:.2..__:.i, J. E. Webber, 8(}, Succumbs Friday Funeral serviees for John Ed- win Webber, 80, of Star Route l, were held Tuesday afternoon, March 5, starting at 2 o'clock from Witsiers Funeral Honle with the Reverend J. O. Bovee offic- iating. His death occurred Friday, March 1st at his borne. Ite was born Deember 18, I866 in On- tario, Canada. Hc leaves three sons. C. L. Web- ber of Shelton. A. L. of Haw- thorne. California, and A. P. of Dillard. Oregon; one brother, A. B. Webber of Turlock California: one sister, Mrs. Minnie Hotson or Ontario; and one grandson. Mr, Webbcr had I)cen a resident of Mason County for the past live years. S. W. SOLO CONTEST SCItEDULED MARCll 23 Preparations are being made now by 13 solo entries and two small ensembles who will represent Shelton high school at the first .of three Southwest Washington district musical contests to be held at Castle Rock March 23, Music Director Lynn Sherwood announced this wcck A regional contest in Seattle will follow the three district contests. PLUMBING and-- "l LOST 52 tbs.! WEAR SIZE 14 AGAIN" MRS. C. D. WELLS, FT, WORTH AI Pictured Hare You lose and have Eat meat. potatoes, aravy, hurter. The cxptrlellee o{ Mrl, "Wctls may or In;ty noL be differcnt tlian yours, t)lit wily not try tiic Ayds Plan? Look 1 nt theSO rcstllta. Irl clinical testa conducted b| medical doctors IllOle tluul 100 | persons lost 14 to 15 pounds | avcragt in  few weeks with 1 the Al'l) ltiiillllcl C$11111p I Rodocln Plan. J With this Aydfl Plan you don't cut out any thesis starchc, )otatoea. ,licat or butler, you i mpiy cut the*n down, It's ln*;fle nnd baster when you cn oy delicious (vitamin Iorti- tic(I] A\\;'DS ,ctore I:ac l niea . Abac- i t y n leSS. J0 (hiyu llulJFlly Of Ayda *rely $2,25. If not dvlightcd with resulte. MONEY BACK on the very ilrst boX. Phoae HEATING Service E. E. Roberson George Strandwold 528 Cedar  PHONE 181J I IN O.K. WELDING Treads fast to tire struc- tures The tire is held in a con- centric position with the matrix To produce a dense evenl); cured wear resisting Long lived tread. 24-HOUR SERVICE ON RECAPPING 0. K. TIRE SHOP Franz T. Rauscher Hillcrest III Cliff Wivell's CERTIFIED TEXACO SERVICE Representative In Mason County for Olympia Oil & Wood I 1 immm PRODUCTS COMPANY High Grade Fuel und Deisel Oils PROMPT SERVICE 1st and Franldln Phone 397 I I Heat. With for Greater Comfort Automatic Oil Heat means warm comfort at all times. You'll have carefree heat, too, if you turn your OH supply problems over to us. Just PHONE 196 or 292 We Have a SUPPLY of STORAGE TANIb from 50 to ],000 gallons for new oil burner installations Frisken Oil Co. Mason County Distributor for Associated Oil Products ANNOUNCING . . . Change of Management for the Forest Beach Tavern Two Miles North of Twanoh State Park  "r Open ]),very Night Yl r s  i Except Sunday BEER -- WlNE -- SANDWICHES DANCING No :Minor,s AIlo;cd