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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 7, 1946
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Dancing Every Saturday SOel00[ (V00NT00 JOURNAL Thursd SCHNEIDER S PRAIRIE Wally Lee and His Orchestra t ANNOUNCING A CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP The McKenzie.Morrison Dime Store Has Been Purchased by S. J. and MILDRED ROONEY and will be called ROONE¥'S DIME STORE 122 COTA STREET Wc will be pleased to meet and serve old patrons and new friends of the store ...... ,i,m, , ..... i i : .... A ,,MAN'S FAVORITES--, Sport Coats for... Comfort-Lovers ! You're pleasure-bound in solid comfort and sharp styling! Single breasted (:oats witia soSL-rolled lapels. Smart plain 15 25 colors and lively fancy patterns, i wear these sunny days ! Care pleats, brown, tan and bins shaders. .-!mvv Soft Weave Trousers Versatile, fitie quality slacks that are ideal for sporty combinations, all 'round wear. Checks and stripes, with, pleat,, 4 90 cuffs, slide fastener. 7.90 Our Star Attractions . . . WOMEN'S DICKEYS Playground Commando! BOYS JIMMIES $1.98 to $2.29 $1.50 a starring" ''ole Tale sheers trimmed Wtfite and TIle rough-and-tumble set really floes for these smart, sturdily made Jimmies! And you'll like them too, because. riley wash and wear so well, Neat ant comfo:table! LILLIAN WARRENr Society Edlto= PHONE 100 Shower Honors Recent Bride Mrs. G. O. Gnstafson and daughter, Zedna, were joint host- csses Friday evening" a miscelhm- eous bridal shower in the George Ashbaugh home for Mrs. Mac B, utledge whose marriage took place February 3. Guests present included Mrs. I-Ierbert Dickinson and Mrs. Gor- don Diekins(m of HoodsporL: Mrs. Mable Daniels, Mrs. Lucille Dan- isis, Mrs. J. H Rutledge and daughter, Delores, Mrs. Hansen and daughter, Diana, Mrs. Neva Stohr, Mrs. Bernice Rex, Mrs. Vivian Halbert, Mrs. Dean Arch- er, Mrs. l=ute Johnson of Central- is, Mrs. George Ashbaugh, Miss Vil'ginia NelSon, Miss Florence Cormier. Miss Mildred Daniels, Miss Olivia Ccderberg, Miss Pat- ricia Bausman and the hostesses and tile honor guest. A large, beautiftflly decorated cake and daffodils decarated the table. The bride received many lovely gifts. Activettes Sel{edule Regular Meeting The Aetivettes wllVmeet with Mrs. PauI Schneider this Thurs- day evening at 8 o'clock for their regular meeting. Mrs,. Schneid- er's address is 628 Bellvue, Gift Wrapping for Baby INFANTS' SHAWLS Josephine Grass! Weds Saturday Mi,qs .losephine Catherine Grassl daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Grassl of Shelton, bec.qme the bride of Darrell Sparks Sat- urday morning at 9 o'clock in the St. Edwards Catholic Church. The groom s the son of Mr. and Mrs. Murrell Sparks of First View, Colorado. The marriage was solemnized by Reverend Mark Wiechnmnn. Liltie' and greenery decorated the church. Mrs. A. E. Hillier played tim nuptial music. The bride wre a lovely goWn of white satin with a finger-tip veil and a corsage-bouquet of pink and :White carnations. Tile bridesmaid, Miss Lucille Allen, had a gown of yellow lace and a.corsage-bouquet of blue iris, The bride's motimr wore a brown street length dress. Leonard Heitstuman. cousin of the bride froi'n Johnson, Veashing- ton, was the best man. A wedding breakfast was served at the Grassl home for the wed- ding party. The dining set used behmged to Mr. Grassl's great grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks are mak- ing their home in Shelton where he is employed at the Olympic Plywood Company. At two o'clock a wedding dir/ner war served to Mr. and Mrs. SparkS, Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Allen and Lucille, Mr. and Mrs. Waiter, E. Alien and Joan, Mrs. • Martin Longan and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers, Dorotlay Mary Ann, Jimmy and Carrel, Mrs. Robert Blnns, Mrs. Glen Gardner, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heitstuman, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grassl, all of Shelton, Miss Lu- tills Heitstuman of Seattle, Leon- ard Heitstuman and Donald Heit- stuman of Johnson, Washington. Group Enjoys Olympia ice Sking Party The first of last week. a group of Shelton people enjoyed ice skating in Olympia, and those making the trip included Mr. and Mrs. I-Ienry Bacon, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Van Arsdale, Mr. and Mrs. George Cropper, Dr: and Mrs. Maurice Kinsey, Mr. and Mrs. Winston Scott, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Fa- gergren, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Fa- gergren, Mr.- and Mrs. Wilton Wilson, Miss Eleanor Norberg and Miss Ruth Garvey. Mrs. Robert Rose I Ionored at I)ilmer Mr. nnd Mrs. Earl Leggett en- tertained at their home recently with a birthday dinner for Mrs. Robert Rose, aunt of Mr. Leggett. Ttmir guests included Mr. and Mrs. Fred Rose, Mr. and Mrs. Robert losc and Billy and Jim r O Lcggett. Fll.. honored guests rc- oeived several nice gifts besides a large birthday cake. FOR BETTER Dancing go to the Evergreen / Old Olympia-Taooma Highway Every .Saturday Night Music by Al Walsh's Orchestra I Dancing 9 to 2 Tinwsday, March ? TWO FEATURES "IT ALL CAME TRUE" Humphrey Bogart, Ann Sheridan AND "BORN FOR TROUBLE" Van Jolmson, Faye Emerson j - .. Friday - Saturday March 8, 9 "BEDSIDE MANNER" John Crrol, Ruth Hussey Sunday - Monday - TueMay March 10, ]1, 12 "SPANISH MAIN" liaul ltenrled, Maureen O'llara ii i i Zednesday - Thursday Mm'ch :!3, 14 "PARIS UNDERGROUND" Conatanc Bennett, Gratis Fields Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. Km.lte Olafsm announce .the btrothal of their (laughl, er, lJorgney, to A(h'ian Adams, son of Mr, and Mrs. Per- cy Adams of Shelton, The bride-elect lratillaLe(i front the Irene .¢g. Ree(t l--lioh School ariel the Olympia Sec.retari-tl Bus- iness College. For the past two years she has been employed with the Pacific Telephone and Tele- graph Company. Mr. Adams llas served 'three years with the U. S. Navy and jtlst received his (liseharrgc in Febrnary. No definite date has been set for 'the wedding. Hood Canal P.-T.A. Studies Discussed "We aim in chikl tra, ining, not SO lnlleh for imtleciiate results. but consider nlore mtportant, what ore: technique will make of our clild in im future." said Mrs. Jeanette Bez'ffer in her tall: to the Hood Canal PTe-School Study group Feb. 26, which ]net m her own home at Hoodsport. She con- tinued with many illuminating re- marks on "Discipline," which was tllc subject for the evening. Group discussion followed witl other in- teresting points being brougl]t oUt by the eight ladies present. The. next meeting of the group is planned for Tuesday, March 26, at the home of Mrs. John Hunter. Leader of the discussion, Mrs. Dorcas Piekering, will speak on "Religion in the Home." All moth- era of pre-school children are in- vited. Mark this date on your .cal- endar. Mrs. Nancy Brown, pre-school chairman, is planning a St. Pat- rick's party at her Cushman home March 16, and pre-school members are invited to bring their children. Another pleasurable event in the near future, is the Easter egg hunt being planned by Mrs. Ann Karnopp of Potlatch, to take place April 21st. The meeting adjourned after a tasty supper of fresh raspberry sundaes, cookies and coffee served by the hostess, Mrs. Berger. Music Study Club Reports Meeting Mrs. Charles Lewis and Mrs. Auguste Goldschntid were host- esses to Shelton Music Study Club at. the £ormer's home on February 27. Guests of the eve- nig were Mrs, Robert Bampton, Mrs. Oliver Ashford and Mrs. Rolla Halbert and daughter, Jackie. During the business meeting Mrs. Donovan Pahner, inter-club chairman, presented an invitation from the Capitol City :Musk' Club to assist that group in acting as hostesses when tile Federated Mu- Sic Clubs meet in Olympia for their state convention early in :May. Mrs. Lewis, who had charge of the study program, presented a most interesting discussion Of "Tile uite." Tile described the two types of suites, namely tile , early or "classical" suite and the "modern" suite, pointing out that the basic pattern of the "class- ical" suite consists of four types of dances with contrasting slow and fast movements, whereas the frrodern suite is a collection of dif- erent pieces, but these pieces are not necessarily dance forms. Mrs. Lewis dentonStrated on the piano the types of dmces found in the "claSsical" suite. Three Bach selections were chogen to illustrate music from the classical suites. Miss Jackie ttalbert played, as a piano solo, the "Minuet" from the ',''rench Suite" by Bach; a trio composed of :Mrs. Robert Bamp- ton, violin, Mrs. Oliver Ashford, eelo, and Mrs. Bernhard Winieckt, piano, played two "Gavottes" from the "D Major Suite" by Bach; and Mrs. Bampton, accom- panied by Mrs. Winiecki, played ' "Air for " Bach s the G String. Recordings of Bach s attd Han- ders music were used to further illust,'ate the "classical' suite and recordings from Ravel's "Moth- er Goose Suite' and Prokofieff's "Lieutenant KiJe" demonstrated characteristics of the ,modern" suite, The hostesses srved delicious refreshments at the close of the program. Mr. and Mrs. Evans Entertain Monday . lvr. and Mrs. Gall Evans enter- tained last Monduy evening at home in Eldon for Mr. and Mrs. Joe McKieI and Mr. anql Mrs. Matt Van lanen of Hoodsport. The occasion was a birthday din- ner honoring Mr. McKiel and Mr. Van Lanes, both of whom had birthday anniversaries that week. Tle evening was spent playing cards and honors Went to Mrs. Berta McKiel. Hoodsport Camp Fire Girls Report Meeting The To-He-Ha Camp Fire Girls of Hoodsport are holding regular meetings under the guardianship of Miss Hamilton The last meet- ing ,being Wednesday, February 27. They studied the honor beads and disclosed what each one stood for and also what to do to earn them. After the business meeting they worked on the papierzmache fruit bowls they had started the week before. The girls have gone on several hikes and are getting specimens for their nature study boors. Officers of the To-He-Ha Group are Myra Whitaker. president: Llleilc Desohamps, secretary, Ra- chel Gray, scribe and Faith Gray, sergeant-at-arms. Otler mem- bers include Carolyn de Bard, Jac- queline Becker, Vivian Carroll, rbara Kammerer, Laura Lou Nancy Lockwood, Vera Magnuson, Dorothy . McGeatclw, Judy Pahner, Lois Robbins and Shirley Roe. RETURNS I,'ROM CALIFORNIA Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Gunn returned last week Thursday from a three months' trip to Glendale, California, whet tl]ey visited with Iris sisters, Music Concert Slated March 20 Another in the series of school band concerts has been scheduled for the new gymnasium March 20 at. eight o'clock, Music Director Lynn Sherwood announced yes- t.erdny, Choir singing, ntusical novelties, a sextette, and other features have been arranged and a fifty cbnt admission price set. Proceeds will go to the band uniform fund. Harstine Grange Sponsoring Parties The second in a series of card parties sponsored by the Harstine Grange will be held at the Har- stine school house on Saturday, March 9, at 8 o'clock. Pinochle and 500 will be played and there will be other games for those not playing cards. Prizes will be given and refreshments served. The first game in the series was held February 23. A good crowd attende(t and all had a nice time. Mr. and Mrs. Sparks Honored During Week Mr. and Mrs. Darrell D. Sparks have been honored several times since their marriage last week. A group of friends gave a party and bridal shower in their honor Sat- urday evening at the Kamilche Grange hall, and Mr. antl Mrs. Walter S. Allen entertained for tie newlyweds Monday evening. Following an enjoyable evening Saturday hmch was served at mid- night and the honored couple opened their many lovely gifts. Those taking part in the eve- ning's merriment were Mr. and Mrs. Homer McComb, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leman, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Evers, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Grassl, Mr. and Mrs. Will Griggs, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Heitstuman, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Rogers, Mary Ann, Jim and Carrel.- Mr. and Mrs. Walter S. Allen. Lucille Al- len, Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Allen and Joan Allen, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bimts, Charotett McDaniel, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hall, Mrs. Bertha O'Hatton, Earl Wiles, Mrs. Mar- tin Longan and Michael, Leonel Leman, Walter A. Charlson, Mrs. Mildred Scott. Alfred Martin, J. W. McKenzie, Lucille Heitstuman of Seattle. Leonard Heitstuman and Donald Heitstuman of John- son. Vqashing'ton. Monday evening Mr. and Mrs, Walter S. Allen entertained at their Little Skookum Bay home with a dllmer party for Mr. and Mrs. Sparks. Besides the honored couple the guests included Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Grassl, Mrs. Mar- tin Longan.and Michael. Miss Lu- cile Heitstuman, Leonard and Donald HeiLstuman and Lucille Allen. Grapeview Women's Club Adopt Child The monthly meeting of the Grapeview Women's Club was held on February 28 at the home of Mrs. It. Peterson, Present wer 9 Mrs. C. Bush, Mrs.'W. Eckert, Mrs. E. Housen, MrS. V. Johan- nor,, Mrs. P, Luther, Mrs. E. Mer- ritt,' Mrs. B, Mitchell. Mrs. F. Paynton, Mrs. H. Peterson, Miss Hattie Barker, Mrs. W, Reeves, Mrs. W. Spooner. Mrs. W. R, Spooner, Mrs. A, Stratford, Mrs. L. Wren, Mrs. C. Bacon. Mrs. J. Lombard and Mrs. IV. Mathews. Mrs, Reeves presided. During the business meeting discussion of the desperate need of food in Europe caused the members to vote in favor of "adopting" a, European child. The club thus becomes a Foster-Moth- er and will try to send $15 each month for the care of one child. This responsibility will continue for one year. $2.98 to $3.95 An ideal gift for a new Mama because sle may noL tlflnk of it herself, this lovely warm shawl raps baby without extra bulk. Junior. (or Jtmior Miss) will go for it] March :194 6. rN i _.| 2 Years For $3 race s 00ress oco[m vo;o,o,,+ ;i orld War II -& =I SEND ORDERS "1'O Women's and Children s | Musette Station RAINCOATS, DRESSES, ['emerton, Wash. 528 Franklin Street DANCE Every Saturday Night Victor Community Music by MILES ORCHESTRA D,NCING 9 TO 1 0rregon Field Grown Rose Bus 9 and up Aldercroft Nursery WALKER PARK W. S. CATTO 5glW $1.25 per gal. * $1.10 in 5-Gallon Quantities After the Show, Ball Game, Date or whenever you a Tasty Treat drop in for a Shake, Malt, Soda, a dish of Super-Creamed Ice Cream at Mrs. Frances Spooner 'spoke on "GernlanyToday." The faets and Ritner,s Ice Crea m figures she presenLed showed how complex the problem of de-nazi- fication is and how necessary for tbe peace of the world that .true democracy be established in that lllllllllllllllllllllmlllllllilllllll$1111111111tlmllllllllll country, fRAME IT Refreshments were served by Mrs. E. Merritt and Mrs. F. Payn- + ton. The next meeting will be on That Favorite or Picture Should Have a Frame Dunoyier's SERVICE Phone at Shelton Garage You Probably Can Find Exactly the Right One . . . by Looking over the La r g e Collection of FRAMES at ½ PRICE We Offer You as Long as They Miniature to 8 x/0 PLASTICS .......... $2.].0 8 x 10 Wooden OVERTON ORIGINALS .......... Miniature OVERTON ORIGINALS .................. 3 x4 to 8 x 10 ALL GLASS .................... 25c ASSORTED WALL and DESK In odd sizes, with and without Pictures in them .......... as low as i Andrews Studio • 119 RAILROAD PHONE 152 ++ 28 at the lmme of Mrs. O. - March Sund. Mr, and Mrs. Nutt Honored at Shower Mr. and Mrs. Stuart B. Nutt, _ who have just been married a ! couple of months, were compli- mented.with a wedding shower at It Buckley Saturday When his aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Edward ,_ Hulett entertained in their honor. Buckley guests included Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hemminer and children, Mr. and Mrs. William llllllllllllllllllllllli'llllllllllllillllllllllllillllllllllllllllllillllll Hemminger and children, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hemminger, and Pat Mojarity. From Tacoma were Mr. andMrs. Jack Frost, Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Heimberger, Mrs. Lor- i'alne Heimberger, Miss Margaret Heimberger, Mr. and Mrs. Doug- las Hemminger, Mr. and Mrs. Ri- chard Tobin. and Mr. and Mrs, James Olson of Shelton. Refreshments were served and tlm honored couple opened their many Lovely gifts. Mr. and Mrs. Nutt are making their home in Shelton. Bordeaux P.-T.A. Schedules Meeting The Bordeaux Parent-Teachers Association will meet at the Bor- deaux school house on Thursday, Marclt 1.1, at 8 p.m. The theme of the evening will be "Philosophy in -Relation to Functions of the School." A pan- el discussion is being arranged by Richard Hudson with four speak- era to present four different ideas on this subject. A round table discussion will follow with questions from the audience. It is hoped all inter- ested parents will present their questions at .this time. Refreshments will be served by Mrs. Hedge's fourth grade moth- ers with Mrs, Ernest Boysen in charge. MARRIED SATURDAY James W. Smith of Shelton and Ganevieve P. Smith of Aberdeen were married Saturday morning by Justice W. A. Magoon. We Do t 'ELECTRICAL CLOC Also Electric Razors, roas, Washing Macl )cai appliance. We prts for Washing M A Small Shipme ble Stands for NEED LAMPs? ' +(ET G.E, MAZDAS HERE ELI( EQ1 Title Inw $1MP!