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Shelton Mason County Journal
Shelton, Washington
March 7, 1946     Shelton Mason County Journal
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March 7, 1946
Newspaper Archive of Shelton Mason County Journal produced by SmallTownPapers, Inc.
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Thursday, 's Dress S . 'omen's and Children's S, DRESSES, SWEATE$ Franklin Street iNCE S DIGEST 9 , ](etrs FOr e9 "fo Veteran.u el World War II SEND ORDERS '10 ARL HAWKINS Manette Station Dremerton, Wash. Dunoyier's :-HOUR SERVICE Phone W. S. C. S. Slate Wednesday Meeting The 'omen's Society for Chris- Clan Service will meet in the par- lors of. the Metbodist Church on Wednesday, March 13. The mem- bers of Circle No. 2 will nerve the h]ncheon at ] o'cloek to all n3embers i](i their Friends. Mrs. H. }V. Harghman wili lead tile devotions qnd Mrs. V. A. Brodt will have charge of the, ]L-otq'f/m. an el)ell discus.qio]l and an import:uit qnestion. Mixed Chorus Will Paet,2ce Monday Eve The Shelton Mi×ed Chorus will meet Mondayat 7:30 p.m. in the Senior higil music room. A social hour will follow. All members and those inter- estcd in joining are urged to at- tend Monday's turnout as mere- 620 bership will be closed in the next two weeks. Eight part harmony has been chosen for study. Saturday 00T;o.h+ :tandatShelton G=rage Membet:s atrioaSk3d to bring lllslllb m[mmmmm. " some contriout the social i hour. Community Hall] -'---+ ........ :-= 'l ' MILES ORCHESTRA We On • Any- 9 To Do thing ELECTRICAL CLOCKS A SPECIAL'rY on Field Grown Also Electric Razors, Vacuum Cleaners, rpns., Washing Machines, or any elec- e Bushes PltLafppliance' We have replacement" + m or Washing Machines. " 9 and up croft Nursery /ALKER PARK ATTO 591W ! '. % A Small Shipment is here of e Stands for Heat Lamps .... $7.95 NEED LAMPs? GET G.E. MAZDAS HERE NEW' ELECTRIC IN-' " ' STALLATIONS MADE | ELIOT ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT CO. Title Insurance Bldg. Phone 645 Annual Financial Report of GM Scouts Compiled The Girl Seotlt Council of Shel- ton has compiled th('h' aurlual fi- nancial tel)err, eOVel'ing th(, period frolrl January iS. 1945, to .ira> nary 15 19-16. All oil hoLor for the Little }-i(use 15l ]low on order and will be purehared when they -ire .tvailable. with the idea that the I,ittle House e, an be used more of ion and leo better advantage. Balanee on hand Jatuiary 15, 1945. wan $191A9: Ileceipts from money - rinsing activities totaled $417.20, the largest being $353A6 frorri the annual Tag Sale and do- nations, thus making a total of $608.69 available during the year. Disbursements totaling $348.52 were made during the year, the ]argent amounts being $108.51 for the purchase of Girl Scout equip- ment, $50.00 for the Juliette Lowe World Friendship Fund. and $47.38 for programs, including rallies and loans to troop leaders, in addition to other small expend- iture,. Balance on hand January 15. 1946. totaled $250.17. A check for $27.50 was received from the Shelton Educational As- sociation which w::m turned in af- ter the above figures were com- pleted and will be applied toward the summer camping' program as requested by the Educatimlal As- sociation, according to Vera Mc- I{enzie, treasurer of the Girl Scout Council, ENJOYS VISIT FROM FRIENDS Justice W. A. Magoon enjoyed a visit Tuesday with Mrs. Lloyd Fosdick of Aberdeen. con from a tabh:, beautiful with daffodils and yellow candles. She was nssisted by her daughter, Mrs. Martha Hawley. Mrn. Roy Eells led the devo- tions. A businens meeting follow- e(t at which plans were discussed for a dinner to be held in the near futnre. The program was in charge of Mrs. A. 15. Bell She read a very interesting article called, "In God We Trust or Chris- tian Foundation of Our Govern- merit" by Ida B. Y. Smith. Mrs. Wiley reviewed a timely article by Sam Morris on "Liquor and Its Interest" Barbara Hawley Has Birthday Party Mrm H. E. Hawley entertained for the 12th birthday anniversary of her daughter, Barbara, at their Baynhore home February 23. Games and refreshments were enjoyed and the honor guest re- ceived many lovely gifts. Those present included Sack Linsey, Mary Austin, Robert An- SHELTON-MASON COUNTY JOURNAL, Shelton W. C. T.U. Baptist Women Circle Vocation Series Reports'Meeting Entertain Husbands 1T a., ,, N The Shelton Woman's Chris- Tim ,.>men's Oirc,o o, the.a,- 00n00er.a. ow tian Temperance IJ'niml held its list Church entertained their huS- reglllar, monthly meeting on Fri- bands at their evening meeting At High School (lay, March I at the home of last Wednenday. About 50 mere- Mrs. Lewis %Vilcy. Mrs, V¢iley bers and guests turned out for the S1)eaker's from industry, ROY- served a+ delicions dessert lunch- ,pvening. ernment, agrimflture and business circles have I)ecn Invited to dis- Guest speaker of the evening ws Dr. Elmer Paulson of Sontb ll=s v+)c•ational fields before stu- dents of Irene S. Reed high Tacoma, who was a. missionary in school iu n, series of meetings on South America for five and a lm]f vocational subjects this sen]ester years. Accompanied by :Mrs. Ar- which were started last week. thur Jolmson at tbe piano, lie sank two solos following his talk. Mrs. Status of the vocation, rates of Walters also sang several selec- pay, working conditions, person- lions. She was aceompmfled by al'qualirieations, futnre trends, Mrs. Frank Swanson. Reverend Ji and training rcquiced are topics O. Bovee gave the scripture read- eovercd by the speakers on their fields• ins and prayer. Mrs. Roy Eells ws.s in charge William E. Stevenson, chief Re- of the program and Mrs. Martin countant for the Simpson Logging Hart was in charge of the re- Company, opened the series last freshments, week, discussing business office __ practice as a prospective field of vocatiomd cl'toice. S. B. Ander- Pi Alphas Attend son, manager of the J. C, Penne,l Seattle Meeting store, followed with a review or Instead of their regular Sun- the merchandising field. day evening meeting, the Pi AI- Sixteen vocational areas will be phas of the First Methodist covered in the series which will Church, attended the last service be ltcld at wtrious intervals over of the New Life Mission in Seat- a nine-week period. Some of the tle at the First Methodist Church fields to be covered include en- there Sunday evening, March 3. ]gincering, teaching, government Leaving Shelton at 3:30 in the ] serviee, agriculture, forestry, and afternoon those attcnding had a nursing. The series was arranged dinner party at Crawford's Sea I b: Charles Runacres and Cliff Wi- derson and Edward Linsey, all of Food before the church service, veil of the Kiwanis Club vocation- Allyn: Ronald and Rodney Rhinos, Tlmse enjoying the evening "fl education committee, cooperat- Ella Mae Noble, Joan Hadsell. were: Vera and Ruth Rowe, Pat. ins with Grant Packard, student Roberta Gillum, Jimmy Hawley Boseman, Dorothy Turner, Geral- counselor at the high school, in and Miss Barbara, all of Shelton. "dine Waite, Margaret Underwood, s:electing speakers and topics. WELFARE MEETING The General Welfare Club will hold a regular meeting on March 7 at the Odd Fellow's Hall start- ins at 8 o'clock in the evening. I I I ] I I I Free Butter!! Every 15 Minutes--9:30 p.m. to 1:30 a.m. Shelton Valley Dance $1.25 per gal. * 0 in 5-Gallon Quantities I Game, Date or whenever you in for a Shake, Malt, Soda, med Ice Cream at SATURDAY, MARCH 9 Music by ROMANE'S RANGERS Admission 75¢, tax included SPONSORED BY SHELTON VALLEY GRANGE ;Ice Cream IIIII!11111111111 kME 00vorite Photo WAGES" TAXES" MARKETS. BUSINESS ES at PRICE +-' @ll ,u as Long as They .0 PLASTICS .......... $2.10 to 7ERTON ORIGINALS .......... tON ORIGINALS .................. LL GLASS .................... 25c I T Trees Mean Payrolls gALL and DESK with andwithout 10€ aem .......... as low as rews Studio DAD PHONE 152 i1111111111111 Illlllllllllllllllillllllllllili A tree standing on the mountainside does not create any direct payroll until it is felled and starts its way to the mills. The more products manufac- tured from this tree and the greatest utilization of its wood create the most payrolls. Payrolls are the life blood of business activity in any community. The money that 15ayrolls repre- sent is the medium of exchange by which individ- uals with their labor, knowledge or skill can best secure other goods and services. The processing of timber by this Company has created local payrolls for over fifty years. €'" f ,. [ SIMPSON LOGGING COMPANY Alice Gee, Walter Elliott. Burt El- lis and Reverend and Mrs. H. Sr. Burton-Gaines Rites Harshman. Held Here Saturday Against a background of ferns Juveniles, D.H. ,md hnekleberry, Miss Beverly Meeting Saturday Gaines, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I George Gaines of Kelso, Wash, Juveniles of the Degree of Hen- became the bride of Darwin . or will meet on Saturday, March Burton, S.S.:lV[. L. 3/c, United 9 at 12 o'clock for a potluck States Navy, son of Mr. and Mrs. hmcheon in the Odd Fellow's Hall. Tracy E Burton of Vancouver, in A Saint Patrick's Party will fol- a quiet ceremony Saturday after- noon, March 2, at the First Meth- low the meeting, odist ChurclL The Reverend Hard- wick W. Harshman read the sin- Kiwanis Club Meeting gtc ring serviee at the altar of Now in Memorial Hall the church. The Shelton Kiwanis Club. The bride chose for her wed- dins a turquoise suit with black forced to change meeting place accessories and wore a corsage of by the recent opening of the For- pink carnations and gardenias. ty and Eight club, held a first The bride's only attendant, Miss meeting amid new surromadings Fairy Burton, sister of the groom, ---the Memorial Hall and the mem- bers were delighted with a most wore a light blue suit with black accessories and a cm'sage of yel- excellently prepared and served low rose bnds. Lyte Capeile of luncheon provided by ladies of the Portland, Ore.. was best man. Auxiliary of the Veterans of For- eign Wars this Tuesday noon. The bride i: a graduate of the The next meeting will be held a Kclso high school wllile the groom the same place, received his education i;l the Van- .......................... I eouvcr school system. Mr. Burton SEATTLE VISITORS HERE , has been in the Seabees for the Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Hawley and pant two years and will report to son, Jimmy, spent last weekend his ship in Seattle soon for re- in Seattle• On their return. :Mr. assignment. and Mrs. Robert Hawley and ba- After a short wedding trip to by returned with them for  easide, Ore., the young couple week's visit here. Robert Hawley plan to make theh + home in Van- is a nephew of H. E. Hawley's eouver. and has recently been discharged from tim Navy. lMrs. Sykes Home. After BILL AUSTIN VISITS HERE 4 Months in Hospital + Ray (Bill) Austin of Seattle If you have noticed new elas- visited at the Max Hanlon home ticity in the step of Reggie Sykes, last weekend. Saturday night, it is not becanse of the approach l-JiLl, Max and P2c. C',ydc At,cy of the p;'ij)g seas0n+ but because of Bremerton spent Saturday eve- the Sykes home was brightened ning in Olympm with George last Sunday by the return of Mrs. Warren. Sykes from a Seattle hospital where she ha, been for the past PUBLIC CARD PARTY four months. • The Mother's Auxiliary of the Belfair Boy Scout Troop No. 513 Marl(ham Attends N'tl will nponsor a Pinochle and "500" card party Friday evening, March Merchandisers Exhibits 8 s'farting at 7:30 at the Belfair Frank Markham, proprietor of school. There will be refreshments and the public is cordially invited. Markham's Variety Store, re- ............................. turned last week from a three- HOME LOANS * Convenient Terms Reasonable Rates * NO DELAY Mason County Savings & Loan Association Title Insurance Bldg. SAVE TIME ! SAVE TIRES! TAKE A FERRY --BREMERTON - SEATTLE L. Seattle Lv. Bremerton 12:30 A.M. 12:15 A.M. 1:30 12:55 4:00 2:45 ? 5:45 6:00 6:15 6:30 6:45 :f7:00 7:15 7:30 7:5 8:00 8:15 8:30 8:45 9:00 9:15 9:30 9:45 10:00 10:15 10:30 10:45 11:00 11:15 11:30 11:45 12:00 1215 P.M. 12:30 P.M 12:45 1:00 1:1"3 1:30 + 1:45 2:00 2:15 2:30 2:45 3:00 3:15 3:30 3:45 4:00 4:15 4:40 4:45 5:00 5:15 5:30 6:00 6:00 6:30 6:30 7:15 7:15 7:45 7:50 8:40 8:30 9:30 9:00 10:20 10:00 11:30 11:10 Except Sunday BLACK BALL LINE I m I I IIll week business and pleasure trip on which he attend the national merchandisers exhibits at St. Lotfis and visited his old )lome at TuLsa, Olda., where he was in public office for 25 years prior to coming tO the Northwe(t+ He had been court clerk in TulSa im- mediately before coming here. Townsend Club No. 3 Meeting Saturday Eve Townsend Club No. 3 of Shelton will hold a special meeting on Saturday, March 9 at 408 Cota Street. All Townsend Club mem- ber's and friends are asked to be there at 8 o'clock. There will also be refreshments and entertainment. Eagles Auxiliary Will Meet Monday The Eagles Auxiliary will meet Monday evening, March 11 at 8 o'clock mtd the ladies will be in charge of the potluck supper. A good attendance in expected as plans will be discussed on the trip to Bremerton, Monday, March 18 for an all day meeting. Another social at Delight Park is being, planned for Thursday, March 14 at 8 o'clock for all Ea- gles and the auxiliary members. A potluck supper will be served + at this social. FROM PORTLAND Mrs. Genieve Marl( of Portland was the week end guest at the Imme of :Mr. and Mrs. Domvan Palmer, Mrs. Pal.mer and :Mrs. Mark are sisters. DAU(IHTERS OF 1 IONEERS Mason County .Chapter No. 14, Daughters of Pioneers, will meet on Thursday, March 7, at the home of Mrs. Warren Earl 'at+ 2 o'clock, All members are urged to attend to work on the scrap book. ATTENDING UNIVERSITY Bill Miller returned to the Uni- versity at Seattle this week to continue his studies which he in- terrupted to enlist in the Army. He is a member of the There Chi Fraternity. Cartes Home From Trip By Air to California Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Gatto re- turned to Shelton last week after enjoying thoroughly a ten-day va- cation trip to visit their daughter, Lorraine, a;d her family, at San AnsImo, Calif, Flying both wa's, they were able to spend practically the flail ten days witl heir two grand- sons and Mr. and Mrs, George Benoit. During their absence, the Catto Hardware store' was oper- ated by Mr. and Mrs. Jack Catto, Jr.,. and young Jack will continue "to be associated with his father in the business. i Measles Fail +to Mar McConkey Vacation Mr. and Mrs. Roy McConkey and son, Joe, returned to Shelton last week after a three-week va- cation trip which, while upset by a ease ef measles little Jde de- veloped the first day out, was nev- ertieless nmch enjoyed and which brought the family home from Soda Springs, Ariz,, witlt enviable coats of tan. Little Joe's measles forced the McConkey's to spend an unsched- uled six days in Flagstaff, Ariz•, but the rest of the vacation their first in six years, was ac- cording to plan and included con- ;iderable horseback riding. JACK MOFFETT DANCING LESSONS TAP, TOE, BALLET, BALLROOM and all STYLES Every Wednesday to 6 p.m. Shelton Eagles Hall Phone Union 385 Hot Cross _ ',:: i ' BHN8 ALL DURING LENT at Tendercrust Bakery II I II ] • I III WHAT IS IT That Will Thaw out frozen pipes Quickly defrost your refrigerator De-flea your dog Warr up a cold motor Dry fngernail polish or your hair ftst Relieve pain Dry phoographic films in a hurry Loosen o)d putty and paint • % % Keep your chickens and pigs warm Speedily dry a freshly glued joint, a coat of wet paint, 'or a plaster patch Heat your kitchen or bathroom in a jiffy OUND LIKE A RIDDLE? It isn't, it's really just an inexpensive but very handy -- SYLVANIA R-40 only 41.78 INFRA- IED HEAT LAMP , --AT-- ill Killmer Electric Company 409 Rallroad Phone 208 I I I I I ]11 OPENING IN A FEW DAYS IN OUR NEW LOCATION --at-- 4TH AND COTA Taylor RADIOELECTRIC Sales and Bervice PHONE 128 L • ABOUT OUR ECONOMICAL Mortgage Loans 1. Loans made to buy, build, repair or re- finance a home. 2. Monthly, payments. 3, Low interest rate 4. Friendly cooperation with buyers• 5. Debt-free ownership years sooner. O, W. DRAHAM K. L. PARTLOW V, BRIDENSTINE Directors HAZEL WALMER CARLTON I, SEARS FRED He LIV£ H. C. BRODIE Thurston County Federal Savings and Loan Association Telephone 7551 Security Building Olympia, Wash..